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—-Thunday, July 11. I*4o $ ENTINEL COVOTY^MD. A6 Potomac Country Gardeners Meet for Luiwh By Cissy Morgan Sentinel Correspondent The Potomac Country Gardeners assembled last week at Hobby Hill where Anita Bogley was hostess to the group at a purely all play and no work party. Luncheon was served around the pool and the hard working gals of the gardens lollygagged in the sun for an afternoon, sans tools. The Country Gardeners now have 23 members. President of the club is Lutie Semmes. Bet ty Murphy is vice president and Anita Bogley serves as secre tary. Lorraine Tipton is the work party chairman and the members meet monthly at dif ferent member’s homes to do special garden projects. Dur ing the summer months spe cial meetings are called to keep abreast of the garden work. Guests of members at the Country Gardener's luncheon last week included Mary Cath erine Dowd, Phyllis Grady, Edith Peterson, Margaret Mar vin, Dotty Knutti, Jane Hanson and Ceci Lankier. * * • July 17 was the “work party"; day for Potomac Hunt Club members and a group of 30 plus gathered at the clubhouse | to put in a day's work. Some painted and white washed while other built jumps, and cut paths. Even the little ones were put to work. Taffy and Tommo Kneipp delved into the ! white wash so vigorously they 1 resembled ghosts. The Semmes’ children were swinging brushes too. Food was brought in by the Ladies Committee and sup per was served at the club. Bet ty Noyes, Joyce Kramm, Lor raid* Tipton, Lyn Carroll Anita Bogley and Janet Kneipp repre sented the Ladies Committee. The Doctors, Jack Kneipp, Au gust Kramm, Fred Hartsock, John Sanders and William Kil lay, were giving their services with the panelling. The Mea ner* Mike McConihe, Stuart Tip ton, Percy Niepold, Godfrey Kauffman, Harry Gib and Tick Semmes, Gene Martin, Bill Car roll, Bill Shipp and Hal Poole pitched in with the carpentry and path cutting. Others there to help were Col. and Mrs. Mar ion Smoak, Col Rollo Paine. Col. and Comtesse Bertrand deNad illac. Dome . Shipp, Sara Lee Greenhalgh, Dorothy and Vir ginia Poole and Elsie Bias. From all reports there was a great deal accomplished. 000. Vacationers are coming and going. The George DeFran ceaux family are home from their European tour; Sam Bog ley and daughter Syl returned Sunday evening from Europe; the Warren Stieners have re turned from a week on the Eastern Shore, at Wades’ Point; the Kelso Shipes have returned from New Port, R. 1., where Poolesville Mrs. Mossburg Honored On Eighty-Fir st Birthday * By Cnthe C. Linthicuni Diamond 9-3332 Mrs. Esther Moss burg was honored on the 81st anniversary of her birth at a dinner given at the home of her brother, Z. M. Compher, Poolesville, Sunday, ' July 10. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Cooley and Carolyn, Greenbelt; Mr. and Mrs. William Cooley and ' Cynthia, Langley Park; Mr . Edward Phillips, Washington; Mrs. Mary Frye and Mrs. Ma mie Frye, Buckeystown; Mrs. Edna Reed, Rockville; Mrs. An drew Baughman. Taney town; Mrs. Howard Spurrier, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Williams, Poolesville; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Compher. Frederick Junction; William Beall. Bethesda; Miss Mae Hil i debrand and Elmer Painter, \ Barpestown. Following opening ' of the gifts later in the day re \ freshments were served includ r ln ga large birthday cake. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Thomp son, Comus. celebrated their 22nd wedding anniversary Wed nesday, July 20. Mrs. Clifton Anderson and I Mrs. Carmye Norwood enter f tained "members of the Wom an’s Society of Christian Serv ice of the Hyattstown Method ist Church at their home in Hv attstown, Thursday night. Mrs. Perry Hipkins was co-hostess. The ladies made tentative plans for their annual picnic supper scheduled for Saturday, August 13. Their next meeting will be held at the home of Mis. Jesse Rippeon, near Hyattstown, Thursday, August 11. This is a change in date due to the Hy attstown Firemens Carnival held the first week in August. Members of the Ladies Auxil iary of Upper Montgomery County Volunteer Fire Com pany held their regular meeting Tuesday night at the Beallsville fire house. The main subject j under discussion was the car- I nival being held this week. On they were visiting her sister; Mrs. Virginia Rogers is back from her San Francisco trip where she accompanied son, Roy, to his new Naval Station; and the Tom Powmall family are home from a week at Ocean City. • • • Families on the go this week I include the Cliff Little tribe who are in New York City; the Hal ter Cunningham family and Fred Hughes’ family who are, in New York to witness the Po- j tomac Pony Club team that is participating in the National Pony Club Rally, Beulah Bry ant is also in New York for I this affair; Ellie McConihe and j Tish Atwood have reached Den j ver, Colo.; the Thomas Taimi ; family are vacationing in Ver -1 mont; Victor Beauchamp is in Akron, Ohio, to see the Nation al Open Golf Tournament, and the Preston King family is off for three weeks at Ocean City, | Md. • * • Mr. and Mrs. William Gordon of South Glen rd. have an nounced the arrival of a new son, born July 17 at the Wash ington Hospital Center. There has been no official announce ment of the baby's name yet but with five brothers and sis ters at home there certainly will be a quantity of sugges tions. The baby was born at 9 a.m. and weighed nine pounds and six ounces. . . . JoAnne and John Alexander are new Potomac residents and live on Burbank dr. The Alex anders have three children, Mi chele, a tenth grade student, Sharon in the seventh grade and Jeff in the fifth grade. Mr. Alexander is an attorney and they formerly resided in Silver Spring. O 0 0 Happy Bogley celebrated her 12th birthday on July 11 by in viting eight friends to a supper and slumber party. Swimming and games dominated the night 1 and day activities, with very little slumber in between. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McFar- I land are in in town from their Tucson, Ariz., home and have been visiting friends and for s mer neighbors. The McFar lands are staying at the Wind -1 sor Park Hotel and will be here ■ until July 25. n Wednesday night the members / attended a meeting of the Mo’-t --t gomery County Ladies Auxili-1 . aries at Peter Pan Inn. ’> Miss Eleanor Phelps, near j 5 Bcyds, was hostess to the Nee- * r dlecraft Club, Tuesday. 1 Mrs. M. G. Miska who spent the past week with her sisters, ’ Miss Phelps and Mrs. Lathrop ’ E. Smith, left vVednesday for her home In Chapel Hill, N. C. y yjß y I * JH ' Thun., Frl., 1 Sot. July 21, 22, & 22 , CLIFF ROBERTSON-GIA SCALA t in BATTLE OP THE CORAL SEA 7:1 S, 9:SS plus " LOU COSTELLO in THE 30 FOOT BRIDE OF CANDY ROCK CIS Shows: Saturday—l:4S continuous Sun., Man., & Tue. July 24, 21, ft 24 i. I VICTOR MATURE - RITA GAM GABRIELE FERZETTI i HANNIBAL I i Shows: Sunday—l:l S, 5:1 S. 7:11, CIS . Weekdays—7;Jo, C2S Wad., Thun,, FH„ Sat., : j Sun., Man., ft Taos. July 27. 28, 27, 10. SI. ft j 1, * 2 JACK LEMMON SHIRLEY MACLAINE FRED MACMURRAY f ' in THE APARTMENT Shows: Wookdaya—7:ls, 7:25 t Saturday—4:oo, 0:10, 10:20 -1 Sunday—3:oo, 5:10, 7:20. 7:20 l' ____________________ Clarksburg Optimist Club Launches Drive for New Members By Woody Burkett WAverly 6-1461 The Optimist Club of Clarksburg met at Melody Inn on July 11, at 7 p.m. President Ralph Martz presided. Rev. W. Lome Burton gave the invocation. After the business meeting President Martz presented Past Presi dent J. Russell King with a Past President pin. He congratulated him on a job well done. Mr. King served in many ] positions in the club during the 1 past seven years. He took an active part in the Boys’ Pro- ’ gram. Mr. Martz appointed Ar nold S. Price as chairman of the Membership Committee. He , stated that a drive will be In- l stituted to increase the member- J ship of the club. He said that membership in a Service Club ; was an honor and a privilege and urged each member to J bring a prospect to the next meeting. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Martz, Mr. and Mrs. Russell King, and son, John. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold i Price and daughter, Virginia, ( Mr. and Mrs. George Mallet < Prevost. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. i Rose, Mr. Cyrus Finley, Rev. i Lome Burton, Mr. Bill Murphy, tand Mr. Ken Smith. Capt. Pre vost lead the members in recit ing the Optimist Club Creed. ' The next meeting will be held at Melody Inn on July 25, at 7 ! p.m. * * * A Stanley Party under the ‘ hostess-ship of the Clarksburg WSCS, was held at the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Warfield July 12. There were many guests and it was quite ! a successful party. * • • Members of the Clarksburg Methodist Church held a fellow ship covered dish supper at King’s Park July 13. The at tendance was large, even though the weather was threat ening. • • • A picnic for the Clarksburg Methodist Youth Fellowship was held on July 10, at B. W. Burkett’s farm. .Those attend ing enjoyed swimming and a cook-out till the rains came and made it a cook-in. Anyway, we had fun and fellowship and that is one of the purposes of the organization. * • • Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Mill er and daughter, Nancy, recent ly spent three weeks at Ohat chee, Ala., visiting relatives and friends. Nancy stayed for a longer visit when her parents returned home. * • • Johnny Studdiford is spend I i \\\ ROCKVILLE | l DRIVE-IN ) j THEATRE i | Rockville, Md. POplor 2-4184 Gate Open 7:00 P.M. Week BeqißMlnq Thursday, July 21 Lost 2 Days—Thurs. A Fri. WALT DISNEY’s THE SIGN OF ZORRO SMILEY GETS A GUN end Cartoon Carnival! Saturday Only! DONALD O'CONNOR FRANCIS IN THE NAVY TENSION AT TABLE ROCK Sunday thru Wednesday PtRLBERG SEATON 1 Pr-uhifiP.H *! wcmucoior I Pekin plus GLENN FORD TORPEDO RUN g. d. ARMSTRONG me. PROMPT SCRVICI .. OILIVERY AUTOMATIC ■ A 1 OILIVERY ■ W 1 ■ an° Mm M METER tiivici Call CLarwattr 3-2378 SPring 4-7878 11l ll Sundayt and Holidayt 24-HR. BURNER SERVICE Call WA. 6-2211 ing some time with Mr. and Mrs. L. C Bowlby at Caldwell N. J. He will also visit other relatives in Brooklyn, N. Y., while he is away. • • • A combination Bible School and Sunday School picnic will be held Sunday, July 24, by the Clarksburg Baptist Church. Those planning to attend are asked to bring their picnic lurtches with them when they come for the morning services. They will leave from the church to travel to the picnic site. * • • The Bible School Commence ment of the Clarksburg Baptist Church will be held at the church July 24 at the time train ing union and services usually are being conducted. * • Last Sunday, July 10, the James Lawrence home was turned into one tremendous family reunion. It was the first time in 11 years all of Mrs. Lawrence’s family had been to gether. Her mother, Mrs. Rob ert H. Burgess of Saltville, Va., is the leader of the clan. There are 14 children, including two sets of twins, 43 grandchildren, and three great grandchildren. The following were present: Mrs. Louis Pogge, Neola, Iowa; Mrs. John Puskar, Cleveland, O. Mrs. Norman Worley, Bal timore; Mrs. Garland Worley, Saltville, Va.; Mrs. Joe Keesee, Gaithersburg; Mrs. Pauline Royse, Rockville; Mrs. Robert Griffith, Silver Spring; Mrs. Monroe Porter, Mrs. Jack Rheo, and Mrs. Harry Chapman from Rock Falls, 111.; Mr. Robert Burgess, jr., Saltville, Va.; and Charles and Berkley Burgess of Rockville. There were 95 per sons present. Mrs. John Wolfe and son, John, returned recently from a visit with friends and relatives in Columbus, 0. VILLA I THEATRE ROCKVILLE, MO. PO. 2-4371 MATINEES DAILY DOORS OPEN 12:S0 SHOW STARTS 1 P.M. THURS., FRI.. SAT. JULY 21, 22. 23 Walt Diinay't TOBY TYLER • Ite Gary Coep.r THE HANGING TREE plus P.ttorton-Johsnnien Fight Films Extra Added Attraction Saturday Matinaa Only Ona Hour of Your Favorite Cartoon. SUN., MON. JULY 24. 25 Marjorie Mornmg.tar Robert Mitehum Deborah K.rr in HEAVEN KNOWS MR, ALLISON Every Night Is Talent Night Come and Join the Fgn—-A.k Manager for Detail.; el.e Join Our Search for Talent Show. ■ TUES„ WiD. JULY 24. 27 INDISCREET alio JET PILOT I COMING—THURS.. FRI., SAT. JULY 2R, 29. 30 WHO WAS THAT LADY MAN OF* THE WEST Come Check... Compare... Save at A&P! scoFFon...5 c OFFon... IjPlp tTde 0 foods Hk&drit y 0N WVE |ARS personal Size ivory soap 31" UrfH—taW; LARGE SIZE taPflrKIC 10c Off ON BIANT SIZE PUDDINGS Mf ' Clea - a 5 59 ‘ " MAJESTIC spcciaii Sweet Pickles 1“ 29* 11 PKGS. 3QI OVIN.IAKED _ - Heinz Beans SS 4 * 57* ISP ANN PAGE VALUES! HEINI Stuffed Olives i-~ Ketchup 2 '££ 49* Mint Jelly 12-01. jar Sandwich Spread Boz jar _ . . * TR4,W “ French Dressing s-oz. Baby Foods !()•'” 95 6•*" 85 Salad Mustard 6-oz. jar I Salad Dressing s-oz. jar HE,N2 KOSHER 2 5-m. aQe Hot Doer Relish svi-oz. jar Dill Pickles i*r <33 I— Elhow Macaronl 111111 DRY SLEACH „ „ I Q-T Instant Frosting *sr 15* Beads 0’ Bleach P g 35 c Cocoa Marsh 35* a tT 59* FOR LAUNDRY NeSCafe INSTANT COFFEE *1 “ Df y Tr 49 Burry’s HA SomT Y X 39* Liquid Trend 49* Peca " Sandies ~ * f 9 * Lii|uiu i renu instant *-. ob* It SALE ON REGULAR SIZE - ■_ COPFEE Sweetheart Soap 4 b * r * 30 Pillsbury Flour e., 1 REGULAR SIZE San Giorgio Spaghetti £ 21* Blu-White Flakes 3>* 25* San Giorgio "JSS" 25* ““5... . . or. Bondwire Paper Cups 2.■ 27* Blu-White Flakes *• 25 B#ldw# „ Pipir PlatM 2 2 7* Lestaire X 49* Colgate Tooth Paste X 53* makes ceeahing easiek , _, e ~_. Nine Lives Cat Food 2L: 27* Lestoil tot. 37 bi 65 Dog Yummies “v,” 10* £ 17* FOR CLEANING P °^ ELAIN a . , _ _ 1 ■ Bab-o 2 cl., 29 2L” 45 MODESS Spanish Rice 19* “Sit*" 2's‘T 97® FOR IAIIES _ Swift’s Meats i" 25 c , IAIY FOODS CHOPPED i STRAINED V ChftCk tH© flflVOl*! ff Beech-Nut 6 - 85° 110 iam 95® cheek the price! Lj wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ■ It A Super Suds ft e “ v 3G_LB2. Ajax Cleanser famous since 1859 2 r * , ‘ v Palmolive Soap'ir’4 - 39* M/W/l ) Palmolive Soap £? 2 27 e ft ** Octagon Laundry Soap 2 21* ty '"******' Vel DETERGENT '• 27* 7Qe \\\ HI F*r rtn price He* raqular paelaq* of b® boi # ill >' ® U ’ ® w " h** l * alu< I* mor. Cashmare Bouquet Soap 4", 39“ HU* Cashmere Beaquat Soap 2 t 27* \ ou Fab MT “ S 33* tT 79* my Vel Liquid Detergent Er 37* °" lv Ad ■>' t 33* f 85* /IOC Florient spray m *-X) Twinbrook Shopping Center Veirs Mill Road. Rockville. Md. Open 9 am. to 9 p.m. Monday thru Saturday