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' i: x <jjl , Bk,, v w* ■ yflk^A4m\LW *, 'i ■^mm-maum •JP *s%; „ ■ ‘ ! ''t„ '* v - | i *, % '" : ’j M .JaP V iggif I y HHHSpi 11hHh > 1 I fIMNpSHMIR HI HHH Mi ahfedfcl ' ~ h£ ~..f- 3S .*<.. A Jtv^.iw* HHI THE 75TH BIRTHDAY' of St. Paul s Methodist Church, Kensington, was observed Sunday evening with a party for members and friends. Above, church leaders join hands to eut the huge cake. From left to right are Harry Wilson, representing Youth of the Church; W. R. Williamson, Ministry of Mu- News of the Churches By KOKO WITTEN BURG Christmas programs, which have been in full swing in area churches for the past week, will continue through the weekend and culminate with solemn worship on Christmas Day. Among the churches observ ing the birth of Christ are the following: Christ Episcopal Church, S. Washington st., Rockville—Fes tival Choral Eucharist, Christ mas Eve, 11:30 p.m.; Holy Com munion, Christmas Day, 8 a.m.; Family Service. Choral Euchar ist, Christmas Day, 11 a.m. Rockville Methodist Church, 112 W. Montgomery ave., Rock ville—Candlelight Carol Serv ice, Christmas Eve, 11 p.m.: Family Worship, “The Magic of Christmas,” 10:30 a.m., Christ mas Day. Lutheran Church of the Cross, 624 Great Falls rd., Rock ville—Children’s Service, carols and recitations, Christmas Eve, 7 p.m.; Festival Service, Christ mas Day, 11 a.m. St. Stephens Lutheran Church, 11915 Colesville rd., Sil ver Spring—Candlelight Holy Communion, Christmas Eve, 11 pm.; Holy Communion, Christ mas Day, 10 a.m.; Church School and Junior Choir Christ mas Program, December 28, at 7:30 p.m. First Baptist Church, Wayne ave. and Fenton st„ Silver Spring—Christmas program by college atudents, Sunday at 7:30 pf.m. Caroling in the commu nity and refreshments will fol low. Faith United Church, 2208 Rockland ave., Rockville— Christmas Service, 11 a.m., Sun day. Lutheran Church of the Re deemer, Damascus—Holy Com tnunion, Christmas Day, 10 a.m. Rockville Presbyterian Church, 215 W. Montgomery ave., Rockville Candlelight Service, Christmas Eve., 7:45 p.m.; Worship service, Christ mas Day, 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. Rockville Christian Church, W. Jefferson and S. Adams sts. -Candlelight Service, Christ mas Eve., 8 p.m.; Christmas worship, Sunday at 10 a.m. Twinbrook Baptist Church, 1001 Twinbrook pkwy., Rock ville- Caroling in the commu nity, Youth Department, Christ mas Eve. 5:30 p.m.; Church School, special Christmas pro gram. Sunday at 9:45 a.m.; Christmas Morning Worship Service, 11 a.m., Sunday. St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, Redland Christmas Worship Service, "Our Lord and King,” 11 a.m. Sunday. American Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima, BameaviUe—Christ mas Eve, 4:45 p.m., lighting of the outside Creche, the Shrine, the Angel’s Grotto and the church grounds; 5 p.m., record ing of Handel’s "Messiah” from the tower; 7 p.m., Christmas carols from the tower; 11:30 p.m., carols in candlelight by ITS A *0 ISSI&rACT |-'W|- ' aaSsKfel-t ±ll2—mmSS* Is There a Species of Fish Should s Live Rabbit Be Catches Birds. Naturalists say this is a Yes, a large European cat- cruel and unjustified practice U „ln„j CTT ITRT hut mra* because the ears of a rabbit fish called SILLRLS but m . gengitlve and that the commonly known as WELS praper way to lift them ig t) y catches and eats large birds grasping the loose skin above swimming on the surface, the shoulders. THE 4. L. KINO FLOOR COMPANY . . . RETAIL and CONTRACT SERVICE ... All our work is GUARANTEED to please you and your BUDGET . . . CREDIT TERMS are so convenient . . . Have that SHINY NEW FLOOR Installed NOW . . . PHONE HA. 7-722 T . . . 103 N. STONESTREET AVENUE . , . J. L. KING FLOOR COMPANY . . . Sic; William Burnett, President of the Men's Club; Charles F. Kirkley, minister; Mrs. Carl Seiler, WSCS president; John J. Price, representing members who have belonged more than 50 years; and Robert Warren, Sunday School Superintendent. the Shrine Choir; 12 midnight, procession and solemn midnight Mass. Christmas Day—Family Mass at 8 a.m., Parish Mass, 11 a.m. Epworth Methodist Church, Gaithersburg—Candlelight Com munion Service, Christmas Eve, 11 p.m. Chancel, Youth, and 1 Junior Choirs, directed by Mrs.! j Albert Erxleben. Christmas Day j —Church School, 9:30 a.m.; i | Worship service, 11 a.m., "Glory j Personified,” fourth in a series, j I “Delivered.” The Rev. Malcolm j F. Wright, pastor. > Crusader Lutheran Church, Rockville—Children’s service, | j 6:30 p.m., Christmas Eve; Holy j ! Communion, 11 p.m., Christmas j Eve. Worship services 9:30 and j j 11 a.m., Sunday. First Baptist Church, Gaith I ersburg Candlelight service. 17:30 p.m., Christmas EVe. ■ Christmas story in scripture and song. • * • St. Stephen’s Day will be ob served by the St. Stephen’s Lu theran Church of Silver Spring with Name Day Holy Commun ion on December 26 at 4 p.m. The Rev. E. L. Stark, minister, will officiate. * • * The First Baptist Church of Silver Spring will be host to the D. C. Baptist Convention at Its annual Evangelistic Conference on January 2 and 3. • * • New Year’s Eve program at I the Twinbrook Baptist' Church *in Rockville will include inspira tional program from 9-10 p.m.; refreshments from 10-11:15 p.m.; and Watch Night service, including Lord’s Supper, 11:15- 12 midnight. • * • New officers of the Meth odist Men’s Club of the Rock ville Methodist Church include Jim Sadler, president; Lovick . Daniel, vice president; Norman Pennington, secretary; Roy Saunders, treasurer, and Gerald Sheldon, reporter. ♦ • • The Epithany Season at the St Lukes Lutheran Church, 1 Redland, will be observed with 1 a series of five sermons by the Rev. William H. Mercer. Topics will be ‘The Work of Evil 1 Angels,” January 1; ‘The Work ' of Good Angels,” January 8; “We Are All Blood Relatives," 1 January 1; “What Hell Is Like.” January 22; and “What Heaven - Is Like,” January 29. !• * • The Rockville Methodist , Church will observe Holy Com munion and Student Recogni f tion Sunday on January 1 at 9:30 and 11 a.m. worship serv ! ices. • * • i Young people of the Rockville ;! Methodist Church presented a ); Christmas pageant Sunday eve r nlng under the direction of Mrs. Jean Holmes. Participating were the Sunbeam and Junior Choirs directed by Mrs. A. King, and the Youth Choir, directed by Mrs. Ivan Fitzwater. Characters in the Bethlehem scene included Elizabeth David son, Howard Morrison, Mary Ames Tyler, Robert Bosley, Lovick Daniel, Charles Wood, Jr., Mike Price, Bobby Daniel and Charles Woodward, 111. Those in the modern scene were William Rlnes, the Lilje gren family, Betty White, Patsy Peele, Ray Collins, Donna Low er, Joe Brant, Kathleen Gordon, Terry Reitz and Priscilla Ax tell. Assisting Mrs. Holmes were Gerald Sheldon, Mrs. Grace Mampel, Mrs. Betsy Sndth and Mrs. Jean Hudson. • * * The steadfast light of the Christ, Truth, will be empha sized at Christian Science serv ices Sunday. The Christmas story will be read from Mat thew 2. • • • Rabbi Oscar Groner, assistant National Director of the B’nai B'rith Hillel Foundations, will speak at the Friday evening i services of the Montgomery County Jewish Center in Chevy Chase tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. College students home for the holidays are invited. Rabbi T. H Porath, spiritual leader, will conduct the services. Pastor’s Study A reporter in describing the recent catastrophe in Mu nich said, “It reminded one of the end of the World.” People stepped out of the street-car and were immediately consum ed by the burning mass. Around the globe people were in a state of shock. .Why did such an incident call attention to the end of the world? The Bible says, ‘The Lord Jesus shall be re vealed from Heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power; . . Further more, all evil-doers “shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: ...” Do you see the likeness. For the child of God the ending is quite different. In stead of firey vengeance it is everlasting joy in the presence of the Lord. For spiritual counsel contact: THE PASTOR’S STUDY % The Mennonite Church Gaithersburg, Maryland PRE-CHRISTMAS SPECIAL % i Save i on Rug Cleaning 1 • When you bring thorn in and coil T <dL for them. JR DAILY 8:30-5 • SATURDAY t-l2:30 1 *E3dh CARPET COP SEZ: JO jT K is wall to wall carpet your V • PR,OIE AND JOY7 U ‘ # • ur * Kerpet Kr System of denning L g k developed by BIftELOW SANFORD #p mK completely mothproof* your cerpet 4V g *( it cleent right in your own homo. OK Andrewt end Boyor will do tho job BK to your comploto letitfection in o mm o jf mottor of hour*. Wffl % . . . Cigarotro Burnt Repaired 0 ■ W Wr .. • Alto Furniture Cleaned / T L °* 4 * 8104 ]| JL n't) ANDREWS Mrmitrf of Xatlobfti ELSJand BOYER 4% ■Rb Ifistltt.lO Of Rug i IPBBH' 1-- J 10S40 Metropolitan Avo.. Koniinqton, Md. t • v 4K£‘ > "388 Ll Suburban Has Christmas Tea For Employes Celebrating its 17th anniver sary, Suburban Hospital held its Christmas Tea for employes De cember 13 in Carter Hall. Among guests were several members of the nursing staff who were present at the time the community hospital first opened its doors in 1943. Carter Hall was decorated in Christmas motif for the occa sion, and Santa Claus was in cluded among the guests. A program was presented by the employes. Several children whose mothers are on the nurs ing staff also performed. Group singing of Christmas carols was enjoyed. The Rev. J. Hillman Hollister, chaplain of Suburban Hospital, delivered a Christmas message, and prounounced the benediction. Mrs. Amelia Carter, adminis trator of the community hos pital, greeted the guests. Car roll Morgan, president of Subur ban Hospital Association, spoke of the development of Suburban Hospital, and traced its growth from a 100-bed hospital in 1943 to the present 300-bed structure that is now completing a second modern wing. Mr. Morgan said that while several floors of this new de velopment will be opened im mediately to fill a need, dedica tion ceremonies will be held January 8. He invited all em ployes and their families to at tend this important ceremony. Takoma School Concert Tonight Takoma Park Junior High School tonight will hold its post poned annual Winter Holiday Music Festival, originally sched uled for December 13. Participating will be the school chorus and orchestra. The program will be held in the auditorium at 8 o’clock. A short business meeting of the P-TA will precede the concert. There is no admission charge for the concert. ‘Anns and Man’ Tryouts Are Set Try-outs will be held Decem ber 27 and 29 for Cedar Lane Stage’s next production, G. B. Shaw’s "Arms and the Man,” according to Mrs. Paul Burley, president of Cedar Lane Stage. Th# try-outs will be held at 8. p.m. at the Unitarian Church of Montgomery County, 9601 Cedar la., Bethesda. Three women and four men are called for in the east. Pro duction is scheduled for the mid dle of February with Lucy Col lins directing. Mm * •aK• •; *• ” : * ''Nl&Mraf ® r V 'W ' U “j S $ ] jlfjjl <: ', - - \ ]|f A CHRISTMAS PAGEANT at the Rockville Methodist Church last Sunday, included Terry Reitz, left, as a fireman, one of the “modem shepherds,” and Ray Collins, a pilot, a modern wise man. Over 300 persons attended the religious play depicted by the young people of the church. Weber Will Head Special Program C. Swan Weber, vice presi dent of Westinghouse Electric Corporation, has been named general chairman of “Engineers, Scientists and Architects Day,” which is to be jointly sponsored February 23 by the D. C. Coun cil of Engineers and Architects and the Washington Academy of Sciences. Mr. Weber’s office is located at 1625 K st„ n.w., and he lives at 1007 McCeney ave., Silver Spring. 1 We Cordially Invite You To Enjoy Christmas With Us | THE AMERICAN SHRINE OF OUR | LADY OF FATIMA BARNESVILLE, MD. ROUTE 109 y 14 Miloi From Rt. 240 3 Miloi From Rt. 25) | CHRISTMAS EVE g 11:30 P.M.-—CAROLS IN CANDLELIGHT; THE CHOIR g 12:00 M. —PROCESSION AND SOLEMN MIDNIGHT MASS. CHRISTMAS DAY V 8:00 A.M.—FAMILY CHRISTMAS MASS WITH CON GREGATIONAL SINGING OF CAROLS. g 11:00 A.M CHRISTMAS MASS WITH CONGREGA * TIONAL SINGING OF CAROLS. 2 “A Happy Christmas To All, And To All A Good Night" SlfcMftMkftfcfcftftlifcftliMftNMlMtMillMtMUlMtMilllia'kUMMil' | OJANT FOOD Family % I | ' A He pointed out that observ ance of the day purposely will be concentrated In a single event—a luncheon at which an engineer, an architect and a scientist, all professionals, all below the age of 35, are to be honored with significant Na tional Capital Awards. Science teachers citations will also be presented to 12 outstanding ele mentary and high school teach ers. SENTINEL ■gEßßra*"** °* c,mW ” ,wo Thomas Marlow Taken by Death Thomas Clark Marlow died at Washington Sanitarium and Hospital Monday, December 12, following an operation. A native of Montgomery County, he was a son of the late E. Pinkney and Emma Clark Marlow. Mr. Marlow is survived by a brother, Julius B. Marlow, f V # t Churches LUTHERAN CHURCH rockville FI of th. PRESBYTERIAN CROSS CHURCH u REV. JAMES CURTIS FAHL 424 r*ot Mb M. Minister *°* kvllto 8:30 and 11 A.M.* Worship—ll:oo A.M. Morning Worship Sunday School 9:45 A.M. 9:45 A.M. Church School MV. RALPH C. KRUOIR, Pastor . Nurierv p^asd MISSOURI SYNOD ROCKVILLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Cor. S. Adams & W. Jefferson REV. R. KEITH BELL, Minister 8:30 end 11:00 am. Worship; 9:45 a.m. Church School “Nursery Provided 10 a.m. Worship on Christmas Day (No Sunday School) Christ Episcopal Church PRINCE GEORGE'S PARISH <founded me) las a Wuthlngton St , Roekvlllu Th Rev. Raymond P. Black. 5.8. T., Raetor OFFICE Phone—PO. 3-2191 RECTORY Phono—PO. 3-3*84 CHRISTMAS EVE—Frutlve Choral Euehartrt—ll :S0 .a. CHRISTMAS DAY—Holy Communion —§i#o a.m. FAMILY SERVICE—ChoraI Kurharlet—ll:oo a.m. S Crusader Lutheran Church Vein Mill Road and Rroodwood Dr. Rockville, Maryland RIV. PAUL R. MILHIIM. Pester Sunday School and Church 9:30 and II a.m. Nursery facilities at bath services VISITORS WILCOMR 1 ■ 1 J --' ' 1 - ■ 1 ■ ’ ■' 1 111 ■■ * 11,1 MOUNT CALVARY N. Honor Lena, Rockvilla, Md. Rav. Hanry 9. Davis Worship 11:45 and 4 P.M. 9:00 A.M CHRISTMAS MORNING Wo with to thunk th# Contributor! to our now building fund, and tako thi* opportunity to with you oil a Marry Chriitmoi and God's Bioiiing throughout tha Now Your. Briggs Chaney rd.; a sister, Mrs. S. C. McCeney, 400 North west dr„ Silver Spring, and five nieces. Funeral services were held Friday, December 16, in St John’s Catholic Church, Forest Glen. Burial followed in the church cemetery. B3