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A8 —Thunday, December 22. .9*o SENTINEL Xmas Church Services The Christmas Church serv ices in Potomac will be as fol lows: Potomac Church Family Christmas Eve Candlelight Serv ice at 8 p.m. St Francis—Family service of Carols and Lessons at 6 p.m. The midnight service will begin at 11:30 p.m. Our Lady of Mercy—Midnight Mass, 12. On Christmas Day there will be a 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. service at the Potomac Church. At St. Francis a 10 a.m. Holy Com munion is scheduled. Our Lady of Mercy will have masses scheduled for 7:30, 9, 10:30 and 1 2 in the morning. St. Francis Christmas Pageant The third grade classes at St Francis produced a Christmas Pageant, directed by Betty Noyes, on December 17. The well known story of the birth of Christ was told by the class, portraying angels, shepherds, and all of the original cast. Bumpsy Adams narrated the story while her fellow thespians carried out their parts on the stage. The highlight of the show were a live donkey, donated by Betty Wheeler, and a baby lamb, lent by the Bill Redding family, that appeared in the manger scene. Following the Pageant the Junior choirs of St. Francis and the Potomac Church led mem bers of the community in Christ mas Caroling around a bon fire in the St Francis yard. They’re Home The College and Prep School Clan have reached the home fires, and most of them gath ered at the Hunt Club on De cember 17 for a grand old re union dance. An orchestra was on hand to keep things swing ing and apnong the crowd in vited Were the following: Tricla and Syl Bogley, Judy Tipton, Mary Christianson, Bob Greer, Carol Strictrott, Cindy Holland, Judy Hougen, Tommy Butz, Joyce and George Sharp, Daryl Rekemeyer, Diane McAllister, Faith Bullis, Carol and Johnny Hazard, Virginia Poole, Bob Marvin, Dennis Grady, Frank Holland, Donny DeFranceaux, Dick Johnson. John O’Hara, Sonny and Billy McCrossln, Mike Kidder, Leith McLean, Nancy Whitmore, Don Fresh, Bob Rosbe, John Coakley. Jeff Fort, Debby Kreeger, Teddy Kay, Gary Poole, Ruffin Mad dox, Bonnie Barr, Tommy Hayes, Bryan Johnson, Diane Counselman, Bobby and Vemon Briggs, Mike McConnie, Charles Wilson, Howie Noyes, Godfrey Kauffman, Peggy Thomas, Sue Hammond, Patty Brite, Bonnie West Marilyn Twisa and Sally Mcßryde. The party was a huge success. Christmas spirit was flowing and the ballroom floor was Jammed until the last dance at 1 a.m. Party Delayed Mr. and Mr. Frank Harris, er. had planned a reception for their son, Frank jr. and his new bride, Judith. The Harris’ sent out invitations for December 11, and when the snow storm struck they knew their plans were doomed. They had made arrangements for their guests to park in the meadow and be transported to their home via a Jitney bus. The Harris home in ~ OOLUE,YOU'RE SICK! YOU NEED SICK ROOM SUPPLIES FROM LYNN'S PHARMACY THAT’S WHERE MOMMIE BUYS! Elastic Hose, jj Knee Caps and Anklets Potomac By Cissy Morgan, Sentinel Correspondent "The Glen,” was not even ap proachable, much less parkable, and after taking a general con sensus of convenient dates for a rescheduling they found that they would have to wait until after January L There is a happy ending to their plans, however, practically in that all the food prepared has been frozen, so when the day arrives the hard work la already accomplished. The Junior Harris’ were mar ried August 26 in Charlotte, N. C., and are living in Alex ander, Va. Mrs. Harris was the former Judith Walker, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Walker of Charlotte. The couple met while attending Duke Jni versity. I’ve Heard . . . Mrs. C Craig McMullen, Claire Harting’s mother from St. Petersburg, Fla., arrived early for the Christmas holidays and drove by herself, making the trip In two days. That, Famley Syrian, Trippe Harting’s championship pony is being retired from One Day Events by Trippe. Trippe’s long legs and the ponie’s short ones, are beginning to tangle. That, Bud Downs has been house bound with the flu for the past week, and is still fenced In. That, Alice and Richmond Keech, the James Douglass,’ possibly the Joe Raffertys, and the Pat Monroes are Southern bound for Christmas. The for mer three couples are going to Florida and the Monroes will be in puerto Rico. That, the John Adams party slated for December 11 carried on In spite of the blizzard. John spent the entire evening shuttling guests from road to house and never did get to his own party. ' Let e rejoice, lor ooee again Chtfetmas K | hm, to lift oar beam with Ite inspiring promise of peace on earth. ..good win toward all men. DAMASCUS MOTOR CO. \ SALES SERVICE I Owners Operator* V H. Dash Warfield, Sr. H. Dssts Warfield, Jr. | CLsarwatsr 1-21 El Damascus. Md. jl Montgomery County'* Oldoit Chevrolet Dealer AH Best Wish VY I Kte’d like to chime in with f Ikf | many thenhe end 1 M wiehee toe holiday jtaJe. \ f | rrJ®V* { vafoe to highly. J. L KING CO. 1 Incorpor.l.d X lOS N.,,,, A-,. R.clcvlll. 1 That, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Taimi gave their third annual Christmas Glug party at their home on Burbank dr. t Decem ber 18. Ninety guests arrived during the course of the eve ning. That, Pat Rasbury, of Con cord, celebrated her 14th birth day on December 16 with a dance party at her home. That, Godfrey Kauffmans have moved into their new home adjacent to their former Piney Meetinghouse Farm. The new owners of the old farm, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Mathiasen, have ex perienced their first snow bound in Potomac and from all reports weathered the storm like na tives. General Approval Given WSSC 1961 Budget Proposal The Washington Suburban Santitary Commission’s propos ed $4.1 million budget for 1961 met with generally favorable reaction from the public last week during a public hearing on the finance program. Endorsement of the budget, which Includes provisions for a three-cent increase in the sewer use charge for suburban Mary land subscribers, came from the Allied Civic Group of Silver Spring, the Prince Georges County Civic Federation and the com m 1 ssion’s own financial advisory committee. A letter opposing the sewer rate proposal was received from the Citizens Association of Mt. Rainier. The commission will take final action on the budget before the end of next week. What stronger breastplate than a heart,attainted f Germantown By Deborah H. Lenz WAverly 6-0692 A great many changes of plans and appointments were caused by last week’s unexpect ed heavy snowfall. Life outside the home almost ceased to exist for a few days. Gradually, how ever, our communities are dig ging out of their temporary im prisonment, and getting back to normal civilization. Students are finding their way home for the holidays. Last Wednesday Ted Lenz ar rived from Mount Hermon School, Mount Hermon, Mass. Vemon Martens of Georgetown University arrived Thursday. On Friday Kristin Westfall came from Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa., and from Shep herd College In Shepherdstown, W Va., Michael Morris, Thomas Bowman and Bea Leather-man. Others are arriving this week. Mrs. E. J. Martens, who FOR LAST-MINUTE SHOPPERS FOR YOU. YOUR FAMILY AND YOUR FRIENDS! STORES OPEN LATE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE | FREE 3bN Fruit Cake U NEW E-Level HEARING AID I CLAXTON * TINY AS A PEANUT A wh.„ yb uy ,h. TONEMASTER COLE PORTABLE g Phantom-Earette X Nationally (or 94.50 j! ur it- ~ _ , ■ . , . , A 1# plus tax W JM J * Waar this tiny, powerful Tonemaiter behind either Weight 4 4 5 !•* (ban Vi 01. No outside receiver button. a tiny tube to g S /T <! § y carry found to tho Soo end try it today. PRICE 07 5 I * mS&BSu! I P couroH j] I □ Send on M O P P I C S g |f | O Sond consultant to advise mo about hoering loti. 1 * y ■fK M Jf" mmmmmm Sy J Nemo Phono No ! 4 UlSuTmachines co. 3 2 ! ... U I # Solo* A Service • AIIMoRm A I "J’^J jj |OL 4-8043 I rr If A. and A. HEARING CENTER \ | 7801 Old Georgetown Rd. Bethesda, Md. { I S,,v#r Sprinq - JU - 5 ' 2727 Frederiek-MO. 2-4966 | EkkHkVl.j LLE \1 ”/S l RS * f \r,r" 1 J | Cameras \ PHOTO CENTERI ,PI " 9 | 5 Ml N. WASHINGTON ST. f A £ Rockville Shopping Center PO. 2-2746 The INAL Christmas SI ft that \jfi I] ffk] fj\ I f| f \ Keeps oa Siring .. . RSYAL* 11 II I ife IK- I l\ \ TYPEWRITER at a reel low price! }jj \J (J l.l'l ftl? Jl M i Check Our Prices Before You Buy! a j mmmm mmamam mmmmmm ■■■■■ * | .0. t .ik,.. 11 SHOE per MART | Burroughs, Cl.ry A Victor Addin, M.cUnefc Ale. H.edqu.rt.r. A j 101 NO. WASHINGTON STREET V tor tho Ttmpo Duplicator •.. Duplicator & Mimaoqraph Suppliot. { * S J a j ROCKVILLE WARDDELL Office Machines Co. ! i Store Hours: 9:30 to 9, Men. thru Sot. REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES 4 j BOYS ’ * MEN’S J S23S GEORGIA AYE. I 17EI ROCKVILLE PIKE lpStHpr f AIK 5 1 Wa. 9R SUver Sprint. Md. JU. 9-1200 f Acres* tram F. J. Not HA 7-4700 A LvQIMCI v(l|lj if 47 fO I #7O y tr A A £ j? a a MEN'S ittMtTitiinitißfSißfOißiinnfßmnimmnnnßmiimufi j Tie & Sock Sets *1.981 ~ 1 i Beits I| ; j TltltJ tflG 6vf t] 1 Handkerchief Sets *I.OO | make your choice j | Bow JTies J9| Rockville 11 Shoe Shine Kits *1.50 - *7.951 JEWELERS I ] MEN’S. WOMEN’S & CHILDREN'S Rockville Shopping | | SlippCfS G.oJ S.I.CIe, 99 54.95 makes her home with her son, Dr. Vemon L. Martens, has re turned to Germantown after an extended trip to the West Coast. After visiting her sister and brother-in-law in St. Louis, Mo., she drove west with them, vis iting relatives and seeing the country all along the way. Mr. Eugene H. Waters was honored last Tuesday when he was awarded a 50-year pin and life membership in the Masonic Pentalpha Lodge. EMFA Robert D. Young, serv ing in the U. S. Navy, Nuclear Submarine Base, New London, Conn., visited for 10 days in Germantown recently, staying with Mr. and Mrs. Ray M. Smith, and for a few days with Roy Briggs and “Bo” (Horace) Wear. The truck driven by Roy Briggs in which they were rid ing turned over near Wight mans’ meadow on Saturday night, December 10, and all three boys were Injured and taken to hospitals. Roy suffered a bruised knee and was dis charged after treatment at Sub prban Hospital. “Bo” had a deep forehead cut and remained at Suburban until the following Tuesday. Bob, after one night at the U. S. Naval Hospital, Be thesda, was discharged. He suf fered forehead cuts. Turning to a nappler subject, a small, new arrival has been welcomed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Windsor, in the person of five-month-old Barbara Ann, whom the Wind sors are adopting through the Welfare Board In Rockville. A happier pair of parents could not be found, and they report that Barbara Ann, “a little doll,” is all they dreamed of. She en tered their home on Friday, De cember 9, the very day she was five months old. The Youth Group of the Damestown Presbyterian Church held its Christmas Party last Sunday evening, De cember 18. Originally scheduled for the previous week, the party was postponed because of the snowstorm. An exchange of gifts was held, and a special offering taken for some char itable Christmas project. Last evening, December 21, at the Germantown Baptist Church, was held the Church School Christmas program. A play “Cindy Copes with Christ mas,” was presented as well as recitations and carol singing. The pastor, the Rev. Jerry Col lins, gave the message. On Christmas morning the worship service will be held at 6 a.m. at the Baptist Church, tills taking the place of the reg ular morning worship. No church school will be held. As previously announced, the 4-H Club will go caroling to morrow evening, after which the club’s Christmas party will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Dorsey. The Christmas Eve Candle (Continued on Page B7) SMI FEATURING YACU-MAGIC RECORD CLEANER i \ brv.h */ r nozzle Reduce* eurface noises, and increases life of records! iQgzm RECORD SAVER IN EVERY MODEL Lets you (ret records on and off without fingerprints! WOOD CABINETS THROUGHOUT LINE Gives you decorator beauty to enhance any decor! THE MOUNT VERNON • Six speakers (two 12” and two 5Vi", mounted co axially, plus two 3 Vi” tweeters) • Vacu-Magic • Resonance • Simulcast AM-FM Tuner THE CANTERBURY • 60 watt music power • Six speakers (two 12* and two 5Vi", mounted co axially, plus two 3Vi* tweeters) • Vacu-Magic • Resonance THE SHOREHAM • 12 watt music power • 4 speakers (two 10" and two 3Vi", mounted co axially) • Customized changer and tone arm THE DEVONSHIRE • 12 watt music power • 4speakers (two 8", two4”) • Record Saver • AH wood cabinet IN ROCKVILLE BURROUGHS BROTHERS 243 E. Montgomery Avo. PO. 2-3511 IN OLNEY OLNEY ELECTRIC Olnoy, Maryland WH. 6-6606 IN GAITHERSBURG GAITHERSBURG APPLIANCE 42S N. Frederick Are. WA. 6-2666