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SENTINEL OOTOTY M *UX 14 Thursday, February 9, 1961 Legal AdvtrFsement BOARD OF EDUCATION OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD. Notice to Contractors Lump sum bids will be re ceived by the Board of Educa tion at its Construction Office, located in the single story building on the West side of Jefferson Street, in Rockville, Montgomery County, Maryland, until 4:00 F.M., EST THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 38, 1961 for furnishing an Office Trailer to the Board of Education Con struction Field Division. Specification may be obtained from the Construction Division, Board of Education, Rockville, Montgomery County, Maryland, on or after Thursday, February 9, 1961. No bid may be with drawn within thirty 130 1 days after the actual date of the opening thereof. Delivery of the trailer must be made within thirty (30) con secutive calendar days after the award of contract and to a point within Montgomery County within a radius of ten (10) miles from Rockville, Mary land. Payment in full will be made upon delivery and acceptance by the Owner. The conditions contained in this “Notice to Contractors,” by their issuance, become a part of the contract requirements. The Board of Education re serves the right to waive any informalities in or reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION JAMES H. SHELDON Director of Construction lt-24-2-9 H. .1. ( 1111/.1l h H. 4. KOOK Its (*(W Keating Street Hlllereet Height,. Md. OBItKK MSI IN THE CIRCUIT COURT KOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY As h Court of Equity No. 21797 Equity In the Matter of the Heed of Trunl from LEONARD FENTRESS and DELORIS FENTRESS, hla wife to JOHN .1. McBURNEY HERMAN C. ORUNG Truateea ORDERED, thi* 7th day of February'* A.D.. 1961. by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, a, a Court of Equity, that the Auditor 1 ! Report filed In the above entitled came, be ratified and confirmed, unleaa cause to the con trary thereof be shown on or before the 6th day of March next; provided a copy of this order lie inserted In some news paper published in said Montgomery County, once a week for three successive weeks before the said 61 h day of March. 1961. the Inst publication to be at least one week prior to the day on or before which objections mav be filed CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk of the Circuit Court For Montgomery County True Copy—Teat: CLAYTON K. WATKINS rl?rk St-16-2-29 FAIRBANKS, HKK.NKV * MrAI I.IFFK Jefferson and Monroe streets Rockville, Md. • -.„* nT,c K TO CREDITOR* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans Court for Montgomery Countv mf* , 1 ? B , ue<i Letters Testamentary to Philip M. Fairbanks In the Estate of HOVAI. 11. KINNEY late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claima against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 10th day of August next; they may otherwise by law from " of said Estate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this Ist day of February, 1961. PHILIP M. FAIRBANKS Jefferson A Monroe Streets Rockville, Md. Executor t-U-3-16 ;j You NEVER Have to ]■ ;! Wait at Williams ;• Barber Shop ; ' 1 MONTGOMWY AV* '; 1 ! Op*n *:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.rn. ! ’ ] > Friday until 7:00 p.m. < ; JRecMiie POpior 2-mo! ; HICKMAN'S /TTl\ PROMPT - COURTEOUS DEPENDABLE Phones: PO. 2-2700 PO. 2-2424 - 2-9877 Formal Wear COMPLETE IJm • Tuxedos • Full Dress • Cutaways ■Lylfl formal wear %-l* RtNTAL and SALE m ACCESSORIES Vlarr> alan’s Rockville Center PO. 2-6726 Legal Advertisement 1 Frederick Stohlm&n arid J. Fendall Coughlan Solicitors 8802 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring Md. Trustees’ Sale Of Valuable Improved Real Es tate in Montgomery County, Maryland. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust from Aus tin M. Febrey, divorced and un remarried, dated August 22nd, 1958 and duly recorded in Liber 2496 at folio 248, one of the Land Records of Montgomery County, Maryland, default hav ing occurred in the covenants of said deed of trust, and at the request of the holder of the note secured thereby, the un dersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction in front of the premises, on TUESDAY, MARCH 7th, 1961 AT 3 O’CLOCK P. M. the property described in said deed of trust as being the Southerly one-half in depth by ! the full width of Lot numbered Sixty-one <6l), being aSO foot front on Maplewood Street (now Turner Street i by a depth' of 101.91 feet in a subdivision 1 known as “Harry M. Martin’s Second Addition to Chevy Chase", as per plat recorded in Plat Book 1 at plat 66 among i the Land Records of Montgom ery County, Maryland, together with the improvements and all | of the estate, right, title, inter est and claim, either at law or I in equity, of the said Austin M. ! Febrey, his successors in title in and to said land and prem j ises. This property is improved by a one and one-half story brick and stone dwelling, five rooms, two and one-half baths, cellar, recreation room, composition roof, detached one-car garage, hot water heat, and all modern improvements, and is known as premises 3413 Turner Street, Chevy Chase, Maryland. TERMS OF SALE All cash, a deposit of $1,000.00 cash or by certified check, will be required at the time of sale; balance upon ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland. State and County taxes to be adjusted to day of sale, front foot benefit charges to be ad justed to day of sale, and bal ance due thereon to be assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Conveyancing, recording, No tary fees, State and Federal revenue stamps to be at the cost of purchaser. The terms of sale are to be complied with within five (5) days after the final ratification of sale by said 'Court, otherwise property will be resold at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser. • JOSEPH ZEGOWITZ, JR. GEORGE H. BEUCHERT, JR. Surviving Trustees 4t-9-3-2 Notice to Contractors Sealed Proposals will be re ceived in the Montgomery Coun ty Purchasing Office, County Office Building, Rockville, Md., until MARCH 2, 1961 8:00 P.M. for the construction of the County Suburban Building, Be thesda, Md., at which time the proposals will be opened and publicly read in the Council Healing Room, County Office Building, Rockville, Md. Plans and Specifications may be picked up at the Purchasing Office, Room 605, County Office Building, Rockville, Md., on or after February 9, 1961, for a deposit of $35.00 per set which will be refundable up to two (2) sets provided they are returned In good condition within five days after the opening of bids. PURCHASING OFFICE FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND lt-23-2-9 Soon You Will Be Looking For 4 Cool Spot You can find it right in your own homo . . . whoro tho tomperaturo will ba uniform tho yaar ‘round. CHRYSLER AIR TEMP Air Condition.™ aran’t jut plain air conditionari . . . thay aro tha world’s finast. You’ll find thorn installed in tho finest homos all across America. In a faw weeks prices will go up. Right now you can air condition every room in your house for as little as $995.95. Lot us give you tho full story. Tho facts on why WASHING MACHINE and DRYERS (Chrysler Repairs and Service Regardless of Condition Alr c-d.ti.aer • m Coast to Coait. Only O entitles you to the following services. WASHING DRYERS MACHINES • Clean * Oil * Check Operation • • Vacuum Ctam. a oil * ftaat Opara- T ;, hHn tion * Tighten Belts * Cheek Gas and Electrical Connections. WE REPAIR ALL HOME APPLIANCES SMALL APPLIANCE REPAIRS Large: Washers, Dryers, Dishwashers, Refrigerators, We Install a Freezers, Air Conditioners, Furnaces, etc. Complete New J Small: Irons, Mixers, Toasters, Coffee Melcers, Fryers, Beetrle Cord Vacuum Cleaners, Roasters, Fens, Lamps. FACTORY TRAINED SERVICEMEN All Work Unconditionally Guaranteed/ Quick, Courteous Service! ♦ DAYS - WH. 2-4398 NIGHTS A HOLIDAYS - WH. 2-6104 GLENMONT SERVICE. INC. 1234 S Georgia Avenue In The Arcade ... Glenment Shop. Ctr. ' legal Advertisement Notice of Hearing Notice is hereby given that j the County Council will conduct a public hearing in the Hearing Room, County Office Building (on 7th floor), Rockville, Mary land, AT 2:00 P.M. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1961 on a proposal to improve Burn ing Tree Road in Burning Village and Marywood Subdivi sions in the Seventh Election District (as shown on plans available for public inspection at Rockville Offices of the De partment of Public Works), by constructing bituminous road way 20 feet wide on a stabilized roadbed 34 feet wide, with sodded ditches on each side, along Burning Tree Road from Boxford Way to Marywood Road, necessary storm drainage facilities, driveway entrances where requested by property owners. The estimated cost of proposed improvements is $7,250.00. This is to be known as front foot benefit Project No. 1088-X. J. C. KORDELLA Director Department of Public Works 2t-l 7-2-16 Notice of Hearing The Board of Zoning Appeals foi the Town of Gaithersburg, Maryland, will hold a public hearing on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1961 AT 8:00 P.M. at the Gaithersburg Civic Cen ter, 31 South Summit Avenue, ! Gaithersburg, Maryland, to con sider Petition Number A-61-1 foi a special exception filed by the Shell Oil Co. requesting that a gasoline service station be per mitted on a parcel of land on South Summit Avenue at the B & O Railroad tracks that is presently 2oned C-l. All interested parties are in vited to be present. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS WILLIAM A. BARTZ Secretary 2t-5-2-16 ; i * SAMI KL H. MIONKK BKVKKIA ANNK DAVIS 8248 Georgia A venae Silver Spring. Md. NOTICK TO < KKIHTOKS NOTICE IS HfcREBY GIVEN, that the ! Orphans' Court for Montgomery County I has Issued Letters of Administration, r.t.a. to Mary Cook Hackman and Beverly Anne Davis In the Estate of ROHE E. GAMBLE late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 10th day of August next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all lieneflt of said Estate. AH persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under our hands this Ist day of February, 1961. MARY COOK HACKMAN 3104 North Inglewood Arlington. Va. BEVERLY ANNE DAVIS 6710 Western Avenue Chevy Chase. 15, Md Administratratries 6t-12-3-16 I ' CHARLES H. Bt'RTON 1921 Eye Street. XAV. Washington 6, I>. C . NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters Testamentary to Frank L. Jackson In the Estate of BUSY L. JACKSON late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or Itefore the 10th day of August next: they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this Ist day of ! February. 1961. FRANK L. JACKSON Eleven O’clock Road Weston, Conn. Executor 01-13-3-16 H. A LOIRE Mr FALL Fire Department Building Rorkvlllr. Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters Tsetamentary to Lois Opal Vipond in the Estate of JOS IE E. VIPOND late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 10th day of August next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 7th day of February, 1961. 10218 Colesvilie Road Silver Spring. Md. Executrix 6t-14-3-16 [ Over $300,000 . . . (Continued from Page 1) tures. The damage cost, he add ed, “is bound to be heavy.” All of the $300,000 snow-re moval cannot be viewed as “extra”* expense, Kordella said, since a portion of it can be charged to salaries and other ex penditures arising from normal road repair and maintenance. “Our men would be working eight hours a day whether it snowed or not,” he said, and their pay during the regular work week would be considered a routine expenditure. Overtime Expensive However, the “normal” cost has been skyrocketed by the numerous overtime. hours spent by public works employes frequently called to work throughout the night in the wake of storms that arrived with almost monotonous regu larity for four weeks. Of the total public works budget for the full 12 months of the year, Kordella said, about $900,000 is allocated to normal road maintenance and repair. The funds expended since the season’s first snow in mid-De cember represent more than one-third of the full yeai's total, I without taking into account the expected heavy cost of repair- i irig roads hit by storm damage. ! Other Co'ts Soar Nor does the governmental cost reflect the numerous other expenses to which taxpayers j have been subjected in the form ; o.f abnormally high heating j | bills, auto repairs and other j I “extra” expenditures associated i i with unusually cold weather. The Washington Gas Light | Cc. reported last week that its : output of gas—utilized for heat i ing in most area homes —was 32 per cent above normal in Jan uary, while area dispensers of fuel oil noted an increase of more than 25 per cent. Legal Advertisement ZOIHIG AMENDMENT DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTION & LICENSES MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD. Rockville, Md. A public hearing on the fol lowing application for Zoning I Amendment will be held in the Auditorium of the County Of fice Building, Rockville, Mary land, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1961 AT 8 O’CLOCK P.M.. or as soon thereafter as it can be heard. NUMBER C-575, Dorothy M. Murphy, Agent and Applicant for Mr. and Mrs. William Han nigan, for the reclassification from the R-90 Zone to the R-20 Zone part of a tract called “Yorkshire”, located at Boetler Road, Silver Spring, Maryland in the sth Election District, con taining 1.848 acres of land more or less, as more particularly described in the application on file for public inspection in the Office of the Director, Dept, of Inspection and Licenses. E. W. BUCKLIN, Director Department of Inspection and Licenses lt-21-2-9 MILI.WARD C. TAFT 6840 Lantern Avenue Takontt Park. Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphan*’ Court for Montgomery County ha* issued Letters Testamentary to Mill ward C. Taft in the Estate of GEORGE WASHINGTON DAVIS late of Montgomery County deceased. AH persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 10th day of August next: they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 7th day of February, 1961. MILLWARD C. TAFT 6840 Eastern Avenue Takoma Park, Md. Executor 01-15-3-16 The Annual Stockholders Meeting of the Bank of Da mascus was held January 17. All of the Directors were re elected. The members of the Board of Directors are: Dr. M. McKendree Boyer, George W. Boyer, Delaney F. Brown, D. Pearl Brown, Raymond G. Brown, Donald A. DeLash- mutt, Garner W. Duvall, Ed win D. Fry, Upton Gladhill, Herbert S. Hyatt, John L. King, Alvie A. Moxley. R. Alba Thompson, Jerry T. Williams, Bradley M. Woodfield and Hen ry H. Woodfield. The officers are: President, Herbert S. Hy att; Chairman of the Board, Al vie A. Moxley; Vice Presidents, Delaney F. Brown and Bradley M. Woodfield; Cashier, Walter C. Brown; Asst. Cashier. Miss Susie G. Poole; and Attorney, Donald A. DeLaShmutt. a * a Mr. Dean Keeler and Mr. Clif ford Burdette have returned to Randolph Macon College after a short vacation at home be tween semesters. a a Danny and Jack King, stu dents at University of Mary land. and Miss Sandra King of Towson State Teai ’ s College j have been home l _ tween se mesters. * a a Miss Betty Wilson and Dickie Doolin have returned to Frost burg State Teachers College af ter a few dp'-s at home. * a a Mr. Thomas White son of Mr. j and Mrs. E. Lloyd White, has entered Hastings College in Ne-; braska for the second semester. a a The Bapist Sunday School Convention will meat in the Universitv Baptist Church. Bal timore. Md.. on February 13 and j 14. with such outstanding lead ers as Dr. Ramsey Pollard. President of the Southern Con vention; Dr. Ell’s Bush. Family Life Department of the Sunday School Board of Nashville, Tenn.: Dr. Roy Gresham. Exec- , utive Secretary of the Maryland j Baptist Convention, and Dr. W. L. Ilowse. Director of Education of the Baptist Sunday School Board. Mr. Gilbert Henshaw of the First Baptist Church of Da mascus believes these sessions will be interesting not only to Baptists, but to anyone who j can atteend. The meetings are open to all. There will be con ferences for leaders of all age groups from Cradle Roll to Ad ults. also for officers of Sunday HAVE TOUR SEPTiC TANKS CLEANED and SERVICED BY A REGISTERED PLUMBER Call Carlton Mills PLUMBING - HKAI ING Gaithersburg Md. PO. 2-4224 • WA. 6-0311 Air Contprr Sonic* /X mone y '* s ®f®ly insured at MARYLAND DISTRICT y4|MH IQ/ yySUiUUjI — up to $20,000 per account! And you get a big 4!/ 2 % AflrjHl L M IMClinrrv current dividend paid twice yearly! In addition, aKjII f lOMJKtU MARYLAND DISTRICT gives beautiful free gifts to lUßnfW^ innnnH those who open a new account or add to their present X lf| IjaMilli account. Come in—or mail your Check—and select 151 ■III the gift °f your choice. Money in by the 20th earns from the first. WUKKCNT RATE Valuable Prizes for YOU! per annum FREE FREE FREE * FREE With S2OO Account, a With $5,000 Account Ze- With $1,500 Account New With $ 1,000 Account Ad beautiful Health-O-Meter nith Portable It" TV. Corningware Electric Per- miral Clock-Radio or Star- Bathroom Scale. colator or Electric Skillet. lite Electric Clock. FREE CUP S MAIL J With $2,500 Account New Polaroid Land Camera or GE Au- J □ In my mm. jointly with J tomatic Electric Blanket, Double Bed Site, Single Control. I postage paid both ways All accounts subject to association rules 1 regulations and remain in force for I year. i Gentlemen- I enclose $ PI ■ MARYLAND DISTRICT Z I| Savings & Loan Association 1 print name * I | 2521 UNIVERSITY BLVD.. WEST ; eHy lon . .... , tat . SILVER SPRING, MARYLAND • LOckwood 5-2323 I , , I Open Daily 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. • Thursday Eve. 4 P.M. to 8 P.M. ; gitt ..l.ct.on S2I SOUTH CONKLING ST.. BALTIMORE 24. MD. • .ddress 1 SIB PATAPSCO AVI., BALTIMORE 25. MD. ' -’i'.’.'l*-' Dan lascus 'g s^) By Elizabeth Kile WA. 6-1454 Schools. Extension Departments and Daily Vacation Bible Schools. • * * We are sorry to report that Mrs. Elizabeth Young was a patient in Frederick Memorial Hospital the past week. * * * The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer will hold its first Congregational meeting immed iately following the 11 a.m. ser vice on February 12, at the Da mascus Elementary School. The first Church Council of the Con gregation will be elected. Len ten services will begin on Feb ruary 15, Ash Wednesday, at 7:30 p.m. in the Damascus Ele mentary School. The Lenten series of sermons will be a “Pil grimage to the Cross.” The Sac rament of Holy Communion will be celebrated on Ash Wed nesday. Lenten sendees will continue each Wednesday eve ning until Easter at the same time and place. The Senior Choir will hold rehearsals fol lowing these services during Lent. * a a The Damascus Chamber of Commerce will meet on Febru ary 10 at 8 p.m. at Tom and Rays restaurant. • * • Mr. Herbert Hyatt represent ed the Maryland Bankers Asso ?. 6. BIiRDETTfc Custom Home Building CLeorwotet 3-2345 or 2355 DAMASCUS MD WAIT! -NOT YET DIAL DRUGS * • OPENING SOON * • 310 HUNGERFORD DRIVE Mid Town Shopping Center Next Door to Safeway Rockville Md. ciation at the luncheon of the Older 4-H Youth Advisory Group meeting held in connection with the recent Annual Convention of the Maryland Farm Bureau, which met in the Caswell Room of the Lord Baltimore Hotel. Mr. Hyatt is the Chairman of the Bankers Association Agri cultural Committee. * * The County Council of Home makers’ Clubs met Wednesday, January 25, at the Friendship i|r W ( <L ° STRAIGHT TO A V f LADY’S HEAR! If you want to be sure of making For we feel as sentimental about a hit, let us send your Valentine, our flowers as you do about her. Just tell us for whom you are aim- Whether you select a stunning cor ing: daughter, wife, sweetheart, sage or a dozen roses, we’ll take mother, and we’ll arrange a flower pride in filling your order with our remembrance that can’t miss. freshest and loveliest. PHONE JU. 8-1300 jfj&M and just say Charge It 8201 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring 1 Four Honored (Continued from Page 1) j lected in this contest as the | m6st able English students of ! the nation’s 1961 graduating class and deserving of scholar ship assistance. Of winners and runners-up in the first two years of the com petition, more than 99 percent were accepted by their choice of colleges and more than 80 percent of those who applied for scholarships or other help received some. Methodist Church. Mrs. Gloria Jones, Assistant Home Demon stration Agent, was the guest speaker.