Potomac Wedding News Miss Mary Jo Ruddick and Mr. Henri Pierre Blanc will be married February 11, 1961, in Si. Mary's Chapel of the Wash ington Cathedral. Miss Ruddick is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Rud dick of Spring Knoll dr. Mr. Blanc from New York City and is the assistant man ager of the Waldorf Astoria. He attended school in France and Italy and graduated from Cor nell University. Miss Mary C. Wilhelm of Ar lington, Va., will be maid of honor at the 3:30 p.m. wedding ceremony, and Mrs. Robert Col lier of Washington will be the bridesmaid. The ushers include the Messrs. Thomas McCarthy of Washington and Martin Blum of New York. Mr. John Dußois of New York will be the groomsman. Miss Ruddick was honored at a linen shower on February 11, given by her neighbor, Mrs. Robert Martin. The 11:00 in the morning “brunch shower” was attended by her Potomac friends. Following the wedding recep tion at the F Street Club the couple will leave for the Vir gin Islands. They will reside in. New York City where Miss Ruddick has just been appoint ed to the staff of the Ladies Home Journal. The Pains Are Hosts Col. and Mrs. Rolla Pain chose February 3 to invite 30 of their friends to a dinner party at “Holly House,” their Glen Road home. February 3, the day of the third consecutive snowstorm in as many weeks, was not a good night for traveling. This stopped the majority of the guests, but for the undaunted few who walked, the party was a roaring success. Bill and Sara Lee Greenhalgh received the distinc- SAVE ON DAVIS TIRES i and WIZARD BATTERIES AT YOUR FRIENDLY . . Damascus, Md. CL 3-221* MT. AIRY 22 rr s gas^-^s^) No Money Down ... . . ... At Little At All Automatic! c.OO Per Guaranteed Rustproof go*”hi ZtVic Coated Steel Cabinet Plot Normal Inttallation PLUS ALL THESE: • SMOOTH. EVEN DRYING • SUPER-SIZE LINT TRAP • PAST DRIES IN LESS THAN • FULLY AUTOMATIC. JUST ONE-HALF HOUR PUSH ONE BUTTON • SAFE LOW HEAT • FULL FACTORY • FULL OPENING DOOR • FULL FACTORY WARRANTY • REGULAR HEAT. AIR FLUFF. WASH-N-WEAR HEAT CONTROLS A Does More ;l Costs Less ' Only gas dries clothes so fast —yet costs so little to run. !; Toss away your clothespins and let your automatic gas dryer take the work out of washday. "WATKINS; 400 E. Montgomery Ave., Rockville, Md. PO. 2-2101 By Cissy Morgan, Sentinel Correspondent tion of having traveled the most distance, and by wheels. Mrs. Stuart Tipton started out ad orned in dinner clothes, only to turn back and don her ski pants. She made it on foot as did the across the road neighbors of the Pains, the Harry Semmes and the David Semmes. The David Bells hiked up from their home to complete the party. Henderson Graduates Mr. Kenneth‘Henderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hender son of Fenway rd., graduated from the University of Florida last week with a B.S. degree in Agricultural Economics. Mr. Henderson is continuing in graduate school at the univer sity. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, sr., flew to Gainesville to be pres ent at the ceremony. Their son was also presented with the Outstanding Leadership award In ROTC service. Pony Club Activities The newly organized Seneca Valley Pony Club is meeting February 12, 2 p.m., at the Jesse Smith farm on Reddick rd. The club will meet weekly on Sundays at the Smith’s and all children in the Seneca-Pooles ville area are invited to partici pate in the activities. The mem bership now totals 32. Children interested in becom ing members may call Smith Crummitt of Boyds or Joan Phyffe of Poolesville, for infor mation. The Potomac Pony Club has scheduled three junior lecture meetings for F'ebruary 12, 19 and 26 at 4 p.m. They will be held at District Commissioner 4% Dividends ANNUM Paid Quarterly ★ Savings Insured by U. S. Govt. Agency ★ Metropolitans FEDERAL SAVINGS and Loan Association 7712 Wisconsin Avenue Bethesda 14, Maryland Oi. 6-8100 Stretch Harting’s home on River rd. The lectures will in clude discussions on tack, the care and cleaning; veterinary care and stable management. Parents are invited to accom pany their children. Fire! The Potomac Paddock could have been a has-been last Sun day when a fire, caused by an electric water heater, broke out in the basement. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meadows, owners of The Paddock, discovered smoke pouring from the basement and called the R.V.F.D. Mr. Mead ows also called for help from Bill Schumacher, of Mitch and Bill fame, and the two doused the fire before the fire depart ment arrived. Heat from the water heater had ignited some loose hay on the basement floor. Florida Bound Mrs. William Murphy and Mrs. Raymond Norton, sr., left for the Murphy Florida resi dence on February 7. Mr. Nor ton will be in the South for a month and Mrs. Murphy is stay ing until May 1. Mr. Norton plans to leave via automobile on February 14 and Dr. Murphy will fly down to join the party on February 16. Mr. and Mrs. Leßoy Trunnell and Mr. and Mrs. William Gor don are leaving this weekend for Florida vacations, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kacy have ar rived in Key West and will not return until March 1. be Happy to gift wrap your Valentine purchases, i JKjZfiL tA /jllll You ma y char 9 a "y *yp* of mar * y^ ENE T R 10 C to soda fountain. Make your appli chocolates in a beautiful gift box. When you #t| *■ give or receive Whitman's you know it's the 2-Pounds —54.50 •Va Pound 51.19 Mm POUND GOLD CRAFT /A cream., nougat, and .olid piece.. In }] \\ I CHERRY HEART bc ’ III—) lull .11 CANDY ! A'SxZ CUPBOARD HEARTS JL no Pound 14-Ounces a B ; Sleeping Dogs $1.98 ! A delightful assortment of Beautifully boxed assort- J TBvfl _, ,~, delicious candy in a beau- ment of milk and dark PIUSn Kitty $1.98 j tiful heart box. chocolate covered centers. \ ~ „„. „, ..! February Art Calendar Joyce Linthicuni R. A. L. Reporter. PO. 2-9269 ART SHOP GALLERY, 8209 Georgia ave., Silver Spring. Mon., Thurs., Fri.; 9:30-9. Tues.. Wed., Sat.: 9:30-6. Group show through February. Various media. Israeli artists. Wrobel (France), Clapera (Spain). CAFE EXPRESSO, ‘O’ st., n.w., Georgetown. Three-man show through February 20. Oils. Elaine Cafritz, E. R. Hoo ver, Roger Long. CITIZENS BANK, Carroll & Laurel ave., Takoma Park. Group show. Various media. Takoma Park Art Association members. COLOR CENTER, 22 E. Mont gomery ave., Rockville. Daily until 6. Fridays until 9. One man show through March 2. Various media. Phyllis Grady. COLOR CENTER, opposite Fire House, Sandy Spring. Group" show. One day only, TV and Radio REPAIR also AUTO RADIO Repair FCC LICENSED PERSONNEL TO SERVICE TWO-WAY 1! MOBILE RADIO !; COMMUNICATIONS EXPERT WORKMANSHIP DIXON LAB, Inc. 118 N. Frederick GAITHERSBURG, MD. Wl. 8-9015 Sun., February 19, 3-6. Various media. Montgomery County ) Adult Extension Service mem • bers’ exhibit. FRANCISCO’S RESTAU [ RANT, 4711 Montgomery la., ' Bethesda. Two • man show through February. Dr. H. W. Chalkley, Ruth Williams. ; KENSINGTON BANK, 10402 Montgomery ave., Kensington. ’ One-man show through Febru ary 24. Water Colors. Robert , Johnstone. ROCKVILLE ART GAL LERY, Civic Center, Rockville. \ Sundays 3-7. Wed., Fri.: 3-5. Three-man show through Feb ruary. Various media. Ralph , deßurgos, Gustav Trois, Wil liam F. Walter. ROCKVILLE CIVIC CEN ’ TER, Old Baltimore rd., Rock | ville. (Ist fir. Mansion). Group show. Oils. R.A.L. members. ROTH’S SILVER SPRING * , ROAD STONE FREE STATE MASONRY MORTAR READY MIXED CONCRETE MASONS LIME Agricultural Liming Materials M. J. GROVE LIME COMPANY Phone: Thurmont • ClUstvlaw 1-4381. F rod trick • MO. 2-1181 Boyds, Maryland • Phono Diamond 9-2148 or WAvorly 4-1280 i THEATRE, 8242 Georgia ave., ’ Silver Spring. One-man show through February. Prints, Ma rie Skora. TAKOMA PARK LIBRARY, 101 Philadelphia ave., Takoma Park. One day only. Sunday, March 5. 1-6. Takoma Park Art Association Winter Sculp ture & Ceramic Show. Judge: Robert Risk. VIERS MILL RECREATION CENTER, Ivy Glen rd. off Gar rett Park rd. One day only, Sunday, February 12, 5-7. Mont gomery County Art Association Members Show. Judge: George Hamilton. VILLA ROSA RESTAU RANT, 810 Roeder rd., Silver Spring. One-man show through February. Oils. Kitty Mullin. Everyone with “cabin fever” brought on by the snow—get out to the Sandy Spring Color Center exhibit, Sunday, Febru- SENTINEL S?? ME m R d Y Thursday, February 9, .941 ary 19th. ... Tea will be served from 3-6 and over 20 works of various media by the graduat ing students of the Montgom ery County Adult Education program will be on display. . .. SHUTS Electrical Service, Inc. 304 Stonestreet Avenue PO. 2-2185 Phones: OL. 2-9156 i COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL We are pleased to announce the election of Mr. Henry O. Lampe and Mr. Ernest C. Thoresen as Asst. Vice Presidents Birely & Company Mambar Philadalphia-Baltlmore Stock Exchange Associate Member Boston Stock Exchange, Pittsburgh Stock Exchange Direct Wire to LEE HIGGINSON CORPORATION Member of New York Stock Exchange 1700 K Street N.W. Washington 0, D. C. District 7-9244 The winners, judging by: Mr. Mervin S. Dameron, Mary Jane Lynch and Carolyn Schauffler, will be on exhibit the following week. 15