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2 Thursday, F.bru.ry 9, I9M SENTINEL SSSTE , j?' • John McElroy, writing in one of the county papers last week, proclaimed that Blair Lee was “ineffectual” at An napolis because “he has gone so far out of his way to incur the wrath of the Governor.” He did add that Lee "at times indicates an understand ing of the situation" —for which I am humbly grateful. Perhaps I should note at this point that John writes a “Republican” column and is, in fact, a member of the Re publican State Central Com mittee. A nice fellow, but slightly biased. The comical part was that he had devoted most of his column to denouncing Gover nor Tawes for “vacillation” and other high crimes and misdemeanors. So presumably I am wrong if I go along with such a per son and “ineffectual” if I do not. Things are getting tough er every day. I doubt that the relations be tween J. Millard Tawes and me are of great importance to the world, but I will tell you anyway. I think that Mr. Tawes ear nestly wants to be a good gov ernor but labors under the handicap of poor advice from some of his political and per sonal cronies. He knows much more about the intricacies of state gov ernment than did his free wheeling predecessor, but he lacks McKeldin’s ability to project a favorable image. For instance, Tawes has achieved the image of a dyed-in-the wood conservative, although I note that his last two budgets have been remarkably liberal In important areas that re ceive little publicity. I do not know what Tawes thinks of me and perhaps it is just as well. In any event, we get along on a basis of mutual respect that falls somewhat short of warmth. He dumped me out of a pos sible appointment to the Leg islative Council in 1959 be cause I ittt bucked certain proposals Iwt Wire close td his heart, but I would remind Mr. McElroy that I have sur vived as a membfr of the Ways and Means Committee and the Rules Committee and as chairman of the Education Committee. So I can’t be completely ineffectual. I have made it a policy to support Mr. Tawes when I thought he was right and to oppose him when I thought he was wrong. And, John boy, I’ve got news for you that is exactly what I intend to keep on doing. It may keep me from be coming a member of the palace guard, but I won’t have any trouble sleeping at nights. Having gotten that off my chest, we will now get back to the business at hand. Urban Renewal Perhaps the most far reaching local bills we will be handling this year will be urban renewal enabling acts, one for the Montgom ery County Council and one for the Mayor and Council of Rockville, pursuant to the constitutional amend ment that was ratified by the voters last November. The drafts, which are neces sarily long and complicated, The most eloquent words would not suffice to honor him whose whole life proved that the truest eloquence is simple sincerity. February 12 Is Abraham Lincoln's Birthday Montgomery County National Bank btobttihod 1114 ttVwea ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND ACCOUNTS FOplor MOM "A growing child with growing living! account if ht.dod for luccoti ond hoppino..." SAFI DIFOSIT BOXIS AVAILAILI Via QUatl national MaMk is Haitigomry iiwntv Inside Annapolis By BLAIR LEE, HI Chairman, Montgomery County Delegation are already in hand, and the bills will be going in the hop per in the near future. They have already been scrutinized by the folks down at the Housing and Home Finance Agency. Park Tax Rate Already in the hopper is a bill (H. B. 147) authorizing the County Council to in crease the Park and Planning Commission’s Met r o p olitan District tax rate by two cents per SIOO of assessed value. The present rate is 12 cents, and the proceeds are used for buying, developing and main taining parks. The Commission originally asked for a 3-cent boost, but we nipped one penny off be fore introducing the bill. Comes now the Allied Civic Group with a recommendation that another penny be lopped off. The Commission has also asked that the Metropolitan District be extended to include Montgomery Would Receive $1.4 Million .Under Proposal Montgomery County would receive $1,428,292 in State aid under the program recommend ed by the Committee on Taxa tion and Fiscal Matters. The calculation was made by John S. Shriver, director of the Fiscal Research Bureau, at the request of Gov. J. Millard Tawes. The proposal of the commit tee, bpwn as the James Com mittee, is designed to provide additional money to local gov rujp: i titan fomr for f HRJ JiPi ' SB m alii Slit, fit jjaHußK . WELL FED The registered beagle puppy pictured above in a demonstration staged by the Southern States Coopera tive, Inc., at Gaithersburg will be given to a lucky purchaser of Red Ranger Dog Food, the commodity he's plugging in a display designed to illustrate the economy of Red Ranger Each purchaser of 25 pounds, or more, of the dog food will be given a chance on the puppy, to be awarded in a drawing staged at the conclu sion of the food demonstra tion. all of the Potomac, Rockville, Olney and Colesville election districts. We have asked them to re-study this proposal to see if they cannot come up with boundaries that are less arbitrary and more function ally related to the areas of an ticipated development, Junior College Bills The James-Lee bills to sanc tion a system of two-year community colleges In Mary land and to provide for State aid for their operation and construction have had a good reception from educational leaders. Dr. Pullen, the State Super intendent of Schools, and Tay lor Whittier, the county Su perintendent, visited us in Annapolis last week. They expressed general approval of the bills with minor amend ments which are quite accept able to the sponsors. The Governor’s office con tinues to maintain a discreet silence. ernments, leaving to the 23 counties and Baltimore City full freedom to use their allotment in accordance with their great est need. This could include a reduction in the property tax rate, if the local government should see fit. If Montgomery County should decide to use all the money thus received for teachers’ salaries, which would be possible under the James Committee Plan, it would amount to $402 per teacher. The money Montgomery County would receive under the program is equivalent to 11.1 cents on its present tax base. Stated in other terms, the coun ty would have to raise its prop try tax by 11.1 cents to yield an amount equal to that offered in the James Committee recom mendation. FUEL OIL BURNER SERVICE COAL QUALITY FUELS PROMPT DELIVERY Serving Montgomery Frederick - Howard Prince Georges Radio Controlled Trucks E. C. KEYS & SON •404 Oeergia Avenue Silver Spring JUniper 9-1771 FREE! *5 SERVICE CERTIFICATE We’re willing to pay to show you we know how to repair your TV or Radio! If the three persons listed below will phone we will send them a FREE $5 Service Cer tificate good for 90 days. This offer good thru Feb. 16. No strings! For reasonable, guaranteed TV or Radio repair work by conscientious technicians call us. LUCKY WINNERS Jet. R. Mhy 5908 Holland Rd. Daniel A. Pool* 5709 Ridgeway Ave. Thai. S. Stan till 430 Blandford Rd. ALPHA RADIO and TELEVISION SERVICE "Your Pint Name In Service” 132 E. Montgomery Ave. Rockville GA. 4-9466 '• "'-WSW' ’ . j# fIH / A DRAMATIC MOMENT in the Rockville Little Theater’s production of “The Spider’s Web” by Agatha Christie, features, from left, Ray Maryman, Bernard Domsky, Caro lyn Hardin, and Bill Miller, and, of course, Player Schedule Season’s Second The Kensington Players will stage their second production of the season John Patrick’s “The Teahouse of the August The Best FRYING CHICKEN in Town! CD YCDC - - - P, r i. c# * to . bring you U.S Inspected and LJ I If CLI U.S. Grade A Chickens. Others may ed vnl Vltbß ■ #AB\ E OW vertise chickens at lower prices but you LEGS , 49‘ Bologna Sta 2S, 98‘ 55&53Z&5 BREASTS . *. 69* Wilson's Certified Mb. CCc Th * V always find it at'slway* , You r tl! WINGS h 29* ®3COH Grade A Sliced pkg. 33 !*gLlarlH OU h * V * nt b ** n ’ hoppiß9 *"* “* NECKS & Shrimp ~ 59 c n. — ICECREAM MSHEW "“" Vanilla. Checolata. %-gel. AQC Special 8-oz. |M S srjs?_” OV Rk 9 . jg Jelly Roll tt'SSHZ £* Bieeiiile Mrs. Wright’s, Sweet £ -a. Me DISCUIVa Milk or Buttermilk .... ■ pkgs. t \ Belter - - £ 74* Green Beans SsTiS.. l'Sr*l rlfer — ' —■■■ Sliced Beals 7 *1 VJbg'jM Sweet Cern I '.£ *1 lAsk Potted Meat Hygrada 2 cans 29 Petted Meat Hygrade 3 3 *r 29*' 7B • FROZEN FOODS • FLORIDA MIX or MATCH ’EM AninrrmiiT liKArtrKUIT VVVWVVVSAAVVVMIWIAAnAAnAAAAMAiVWArWVWVV JltcQ Up those £ jWrty Fruit Plac uu ** 24-ox. gu morning appetites with rsi n :.7:;; b * rry - fr • livelytasting, rich 1 ■ Fruit Pies Apricot _ pi. 55c in Vitamin ”C" grape- fp Grape Juice '** 6 $1 fruit What better way f or trap* Juice £-£, 3'£■ 95c IST Parch FlHcts !pij.' 30c Dotvcan Seeded, Six# 72 ®mnm II , RED ROMi APPLIS [rHaß "iTiTfiLYfl Big Bag! _ jmj a A fal Big Value! dP% Famous for J O HW* Baking! w ~ the corpse on the carpet. The thriller will be presented tomorrow and Saturday eve nings at 8:30 p.m. at the Rockville Civic Auditorium. Production is by Jean Holmes. Moon”—in the Kensington Ele mentary School, Warner and Detrick sts. February 24-26 at 8:30 p.m. Meg Gleason is director for the play which stars Paul Lan daiche, Bob Tron, Wayne Bobst and Gloria Welsh. Others in the cast are Bill Pavis, Dick Frye, Nate Bassen, Herb Adams, Galt Duane, Suzanne Bernard and Bernard Miller. Hiro Omata and Eiko Mitoma are technical advisors and Chuck Showalter is in charge of production. Shure Named Honorary Easter Seal Chairman Circuit Judge Ralph G. Shure has been named honorary chairman for the annual Montgomery County Easter Seal campaign, scheduled to open on March 2. Judge Shure’s acceptance of the post was announced by J. Ingram Medley, president of the board of the Society for Crippled Children and Adults, which sponsors the an nual drive. Proceeds of the cam paign are devoted to support of the Easter Seal Treatment Cen ter, maintained by the society in Rockville. Besides being active in the Montgomery County Bar Asso ciation, Judge Shure has taken a prominent part in a wide va riety of civic and welfare en deavors in the county. “While Judge Shure has long been concerned with helping the handicapped, this is his first active association with the Eas ter Seal Society,” said Medley. ‘The society feels very fortu nate in having enlisted his help.” Medley also announced the appointment of the following chairmen to supervise a variety of activities related to the drive: Mrs. Curtis Walker, Bethesda, mail campaign; Mrs. Gordon Rosenberger, Rockville, school campaign; Mrs. Grace Palmer, Chevy Chase, posting; Mrs. Robert E. Moran, Potomac, spe cial events; George E. Thomas, Bethesda, publicity, and William Prescott, Chevy Chase, business division. Beall Proposes Peace Officers Memorial Day U. S. Sen. J. Glenn Beall of Maryland has introduced in the Senate a joint resolution desig nating May 15 of each year as Peace Officers Memorial Day. Senator Beall said his resolu tion would give due honor to federal, State and municipal peace officers killed or disabled in the line of duty. By designating a given day, he said, the resolution will en able people of the United States to observe the day with appro -1 priate ceremonies. Dental Auxiliaries To Have Joint Meeting [ The Woman’s Auxiliary of , the Southern Maryland Dental . Society will hold a joint lunch eon with the D. C. Auxiliary , at noon on February 14 at i Gusti’s Blair Mansion Inn, Sil : ver Spring. A fashion show will highlight the program.