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Country Charm Features w Tour of Potomac Homes ' Doors of seven of Montgom ery County’s most interesting homes—including two of Civil ■ War vintage— will swing wide for the annual Potomac Coun try House Tour April 30 and *May 1. * The two-day event also in- \ * eludes luncheon and a style i show at St. Francis Chapel in I Potomac where shoppers will 1 also find fresh-from-the-oven j breads and .other delicacies on ■ sale in the country kitchen. Tea will be served at Monte video. historic home of Mr. and i Mrs. Austin Kiplinger on Sene ga rd. Rich in history, the house served as a stopping place for Col. John Mosbv (The Grey Ghost l during the Civil War. '■ The house was originally built in the early 182 Q’s for John Parke Custis Peter, great-grand son of Martha Washington. It was designed by William Thorn ton. architect of the original Capitol. Also steeped in Civil War his tory is the remodeled farm house of Mr. and Mrs. James j A. Finigan, jr.. on Deakins la. i Many original features remain j in this charming house. Plants ; will be sold in the nearby smoke \ house both days of the tour I Hungerford Library To Honor Mrs. Howes The Hungerford Elementary !: School P-TA will dedicate its school library in memory of the ■ t late Mrs. Grace Beall Howes, J i former principal of Montrose Elementary School, on March 7 1 at 8:30 p.m. A scroll, depicting highlights; of the late principal’s life, and a charcoal portrait of her by - Faye Saylor, third grade teacher at Hungerford Element- i ary, will be presented to Mrs. Clayton J. Gehman. principal. The dedication speaker will be Mrs. Eleanor Chadwick, for- i i New Church Schedules Services for March 26 The new Sligo Baptist Church ! oil Dennis avenue and Huntley j road. Silver Spring, will hold Its j firfit full schedule of services on March 26 unjder 'the pastor- j ate of the Rev. Robert T.' Hughes, superintendent of mis-! sions. for the Seneca Baptist Association of Montgomery j County. To launch the new church, a special week of revival meet- j ings will be conducted by the Rev. Robert D. Crowley, pastor | of the Montrose Baptist Church. Rockville, March 26-31. Blood Schedule Is Set By Archdiocesan Council A “Gift of Life” program of! blood donations to the blood; bank is being sponsored in Montgomery County by the 1 Archdiocesan Council of Cath olic Women. Placed strategically for eveiy! parish in the county, the blood 1 bank will appear at the follow ing centers from 3-7:43 p.m.: ! March 6. at the American, Red Cross. 20 2 0 East-West j hwy., for the Holy Redeemer] parish; March 13, Bet hesda House. 1 6030 Wisconsin ave., for Little Flower and Our Lady of Lourdes parishes: March 13, Rockville Civic I Center, for St. Jude's. St. Mary’s, St. Mary’s of Barnes- 1 Are You On A Hot Spot? * i ' ' FAMILY'JI’cXPENSfJ Catting mora to run tha house? Expense craaping up each month? Thara't ona good solution. Sara whara your monay works juit at hard 01 you do. Sava whara interest at tha rata of 3% par annum is compounded semi - annually and added to your account avery i months like clockwork. Insured safety, of course. Montgomery County National Bank Established 1114 HOCKVIUS, MAtyLAND ACCOUNTS POpler 2-3991 INSURED „ A ( |,;|d with a growing savings account it koadtd for succtss and happinan* SAFE DEPOSIT IOXES AVAILAILE Tha Oldtit National Bank in Montgomery County The rustic country retreat of! columnist Drew Pearson will also be open to the public. Set j high above the Potomac, the house affords a panoramic view of the river. A valuable collection of an tique dolls and hand puppets plus two antique doll houses furnished to the most minute detail will be the attraction at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Munroe on Bronson dr. A kitchen with male appeal, including an indoor barbeque and brick oven, highlights the house of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph i P. Kreeger on Congressional : pkwy. Lemonade will be served tour goers in the beautifully land scaped gardens of the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Granville Cur ry on Bealls Mountain. The house itself is filled with many family treasures. For contemporary tastes, there's the streamlined home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tager. jr.. that has been designed to meet the growing needs of a large family. The house, with pool and tennis court, is set on two acres designed by landscape architect Boris Timchenko. Mrs. A. G. Keyser. jr., and (Continued on Page 13) mer teacher for eight years at Montrose. Mrs. Walter Scheib er, a trustee of the school, will moderate. The benediction will be offered by the Rev. Jacob Gamble. First Baptist Church of Rockville, where Mrs. Howes was active. Following the ceremony a re ception will be held at the school at 332 West Edmonston dr. Special guests will be Mrs. Howes’ husband, members of her family, and Robert Yater, former Montrose P-TA presi dent. ! The new church is being spon sored by the Montrose church in cooperation with the Ashton ! Baptist Church, the Seneca As isociation, the Baptist Conven tion of Maryland, and the Southern Baptist Convention. Sunday School classes will be : conducted at 9:45 a.m.; Sunday ’ worship services at 11 a.m.; and Sunday evening worship at 7:30 p.m. Information about the group I may be obtained from the Rev. Hughes at WH. 2-1758. who will lead the work of the new church until June 1. Iville, St. Peter’s of Olney, St. Martin’s o’f Gaithersburg, and ! St. Rose of Klopper; March 20. at St. Andrew’s, j Kemp Mill rd., for St. Berna- I dette’s, St. Camillus, St. Oath ; erine Laboure, St. John Bap i tis-t, St. Michael's, St. John Evangelist, and St. Andrew's; March 27, at St. Jane De - Chanta4 Church, for St. Bar ; tholomew’s, Holy Cross, and ! Our Lady of Mercy. P. G. BURDETTE Custom Home Building Cleorwoter 3-234 S •> 2355 OAMASCUS M 0 KtJ|- ■ j f I E *-I | 1 || j Wm - r I | wmm i i SPK..KER John M. Bailey, new chairman of the Democratic National Committee, made his first local political speech Monday at the luncheon sponsored by the Woman’s Suburban Democratic Club at Kenwood Country Club. Listening to his remarks stressing the importance of women’s clubs Most Powerful Computer i Is Accepted by Defense LARC. the ultra-high-speed calculator, the fastest and most powerful computer available to the Department of Defense, has successfully completed accept ance tests at the Applied Mathe matics Laboratory. David Tay lor Model Basin for Navy's Bu reau of Ships. Capable of storing 3 million 12 digit numbers or 3 million I computer words on high-sneed magnetic drums, and 30.000 words or numbers in ultra high-speed core storage, this computer can perform 250,000 multiplications, additions, sub tractions, or comparisons per second. LARC will be used In carry ing bjwt calculations involved-th the wlution of naval problems in the fields of engineering, re search. management data analy sis. and operations research. Mathematicians at the Ap plied Mathematics Laboratory have been utilizing high-speed Aspen Hill P-TA j Schedules Play “Teahouse of the August Moon’’ will be produced by the Kensington Players under the auspices of the Aspen Hill Ele mentary School P-TA March 11 at 8:30 p.m. Tickets for the play’ to be pre sented at the school may be ob tained by calling Mrs. Richard A. Finkelstein, ways and means j committee chairman, at WH. 6- 6731. Tickets may also be pur-j chased at the door. Reward yourself with Maryland’s most ME! BOURBON ®,[ SPECIAL OFFER! Eight 12-oz., 22-Kt. Gold Trim Glasses Plus Brass Caddy. $6.00 Value—Only You sove $2.50. Mod chock or M.O. to $0.50 Kentucky Gentlemen, Box 7194, Bolto. 18, Md. Saitoa Piirttflinj Co„ Bordeiowa, Kentucky are Mrs. James H. Mann (left), club presi dent: Mrs. Margaret Price, National Commit tee Vice Chairman in charge of women’s activities, and Mrs. Alice Hostetler, mem ber of the Montgomery County Democratic State Central Committee. computer devices for the past nine years in solving naval en- j gineering problems in the de sign of nuclear reactors for ships such as Nautilus and Sea Wolf, in the calculation of fall out patterns, propeller charac teristics, in the analysis of col lapse pressures of submarine hulls, in the calculation of; phased material requirements in shipbuilding programs and in j many other applications. Three-dimensional mathemat ical models of nuclear reactors will be constructed In the: LARC. enabling the design en gineer to study and compare varying designs in a highly compressed period of time. Other problems being consid-. ered for solution on the LARCj system include: The development of a digital method for spectrum analysis of ocean wave patterns. Calculations related to the de sign of large arrays of trans ducers and the analysis of mag- Young GOP Pick Robert C. Birely Robert C. Birely of Ashton,! Md., has been elected Treasurer of the University of Maryland Young Republican Club. A freshman at the University, he is also active in the Univer sity’s Society for Advancement of Management and Squadron j A, 13th National Society of the Pershing Rifles, as Well as be ing a member of the Montgom ery County Young Republican Club. i netic fields for minesweeping i operations. LARC's over-all capacity is approximately 100.000 times greater than that of the world’s first computer, the Mark I. built for the Bureau of Ships at Har ; vard University just 16 years ago. LARC. a solid state computer, is unique in its ability to col lapse time. Problems which been considered impossible to solve because of the length of | time required and the high cost can be programmed on the LARC. Captain J. A. Obermeyer, the Commanding Officer and Direc tor. David Taylor Model Basin, i and ir Harry Polachek, Tech inieal Director. Applied Mathe ■ matics Laboratory, are extreme ly pleased with the excellent performance of LARC which opens new vistas in naval en gineering research. This machine was manufac tured by the Sperry Rand Cor poration. HAVE YOUR SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED and SERVICED BY A REGISTERED PLUMBER Coll Carlton Mills PLUMBING - HEATING Gaither jburq Md. PO. 2-4224 • WA. 6-0311 Air Compressor Servlet m A V aR. J 1 a™ a m y ill ijjl f) m \ X. ur Three 28-Page Books Compare’6l Cars... Packed with Easy -to - Understand Photos, Facts, Figures kconowiy nkwsi Never before have there been eo many claims and counter- Rambler beats all othtr compact can competing in claims about new automobile* a* there are today. How _ nM - Tftata f(lf * . can you separate fact from fiction? Which car* actually Puf# 0,1 Eeonom Tr, • ,, ,0f * eeond ** ! offer the beat feature*? Which are really lowest priced? I*W with 26.86 M.P.G. averaging mora than 40 Which give beat performance, economy? * M.P.H. in nation’s toughest, fairest economy run You’ll find the answer* to these and hundred* more fNASCAR sanctioned). fUmbler American Custom question* in the 1961 Automotive X-Ray Books just off A W ' th over '? nve ,al(es ,irst 6 P laces in the press. These book* pull no punches. They name names, L ° , eeps B ° f ~rs* show prices, comparison photos side by aide. Three com- P Hu* ° plete books—one for each of the popular-priced fields— 3m 6 n free at your Rambler dealer’s. " ABL Supply Limited—Get Your 1961 Automotive X-Rays Today! BECRAFT & BEAN MOTOR CO. CRANSON RAMBLER. INC. 126 North Frpdtrick Av#., Goithtnburg, Md. 4932 Bt+hotdt Avo., Bothosdo, Md. Sanitary Commission Plans Tour for Bond Rating Agents Representatives of major bond rating agencies and inves tors will tour key Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission facilities on March 2 and 3. The tours have been ar-l ranged by the W’SSC’s Public! Information Office and Treas urer’s Department to familiar-1 | ize the financial people with 1 the operations of the Commis-; j sion. Facilities to be visited each! day include the Commission's Parkway Sewage Treatment Plant, the Patuxent River Water Filtration Plant, and the new Potomac River Water Fil | tration Plant under construe-! ! tion in Western Montgomery : County. Scheduled to take the tour on 1 March 2 are: Russell Hawkes, Standard and Poore’s Corp.; Leonard S, Allen, assistant vice [ president of the Chemical Bank \Hf|irSA \IStA F4CT ; How Much is a “Point” When is the Longest In Market Reports? ' e * r ™ About ninety-nine percent of In the United States stock the people say June 21st; how market reports, one point us- ever, this is only the approxi ually means one dollar a share. mate date Under our present >pu . , , . . calendar, the longest day may The value of a point however either June 21st or 22nd> varies according to the com- depending on the summer and modity in question. winter solstices. THE J. L. KING FLOOR COMPANY . . . RETAIL and CONTRACT SERVICE ... All our work is GUARANTEED to please you and your BUDGET . . . CREDIT TERMS are so convenient . . . Have that SHINY NEW FLOOR installed NOW . . . PHONE HA. 7-7227 ... 108 N. STONESTREET AVENUE . . . J. L. KING FLOOR COMPANY. {************. SPEClALS Thurs. - Fri. ■ s3ta*********** #fcl(HW y l j * ! COUPON ! Sirloin Cubo or Club 5 j co. lh oi:! STEAK STEAKS L J far good until closing on , t ! Saturday. March 4. 89 O pound ; J : * White Rose Fancy Land O' Lakos Croon j tuna butter cabbage i l 3 cans M*®® 73 C apound 5 C a pound YOTOMACT^^D^j Super Market Potomac, Md. Phono AX. 9-9300 Free Delivery SENTINEL St T Thur.d.y, March 2. 19*1 of New York Trust Co.: Dana B. Seudder. vice president, First National City Bank of New York; and Lincoln E. Caffall. vice president of Wainwright and Ramsey, New York munici pal bond consultants. Participants in the March 3 tour will be: Berger Egenes, municipal bond department of Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith, Inc.; J. Donald Zim merman. Phelps, Fenn and Co.; R. George LeVind, vice presi dent of Blyth and Co.; and ;[ You NEVER Have to j| Wait at ;< W illiams ; i; Barber Shop j; 11 224 I. MONTGOMERY AVE. < J | Opn 8:00 .m. to 6:00 p.m. \ ’ i Tridoy until 7:00 p.m. 1 [ 'Rockville POplar 2-YltO! Thomas Livingston, securities department of The travelers Insurance Co.; and Robert Boy tana. representing Glore, For gan and Co. Save money NOWI pH I ■ ON A FAMOUS ®GAS HOT; WATER Only go* it ae tat, Thrifty and Dependable. Li Gw l> Three Times Pester No money dew* As Lew As Misw 'S.r,r* qos Ml. cCt pEWM| toi> Het Weter Heelers PO. 2-2900 Smell Jebs * Specialty 3