OCR Interpretation

Montgomery County sentinel. [volume] (Rockville, Md.) 1855-1974, May 04, 1961, THURSDAY EDITION, Image 10

Image and text provided by University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016209/1961-05-04/ed-1/seq-10/

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Thursday, May 4. 1441 SENTINEL
Maryland News
From United Press
judge here has ruled no con-;
tempt of court was involved in
a television program concerning |
the trial of Melvin Davis Rees,
jr.. sentenced to life imprison
ment for the kidnap-slaynig of
a Virginia mother and daughter.
Nine of the trial jurors re-,
enacted deliberations on the TV
show the night before Rees was
scheduled for sentencing.
Subsequently, defense attor
neys won a delay In sentencing
on grounds the defendant’s
rights might have been violated.
BALTIMORE The voles are
being counted in the proxy
fight here for control of the $6
billion Alleghany Corporation.
The two factions vying for con
trol both are claiming victory,
but neutral stock experts say
the results will be close
BALTIMORE A 76-year-old
retired Army officer was found
Cheek Pool for
Winter Damage
Before Filling It
NEW YORK (UPl)—Proper
steps taken before the first
water is run into home swim
ming pools will assure trouble
free summer enjoyment of
clear, sparkling water.
First step is to remove pro
tective winter covers from pool
and equipment and sweep inside
of pool and surrounding areas
clean of debris and dirt. Then
inspect pool to determine If any
cracking of walls or floor has
occurred or if painting or re
finishing is needed. Examine all
exposed valves, controls and
pipes for deterioration.
If all is proper, turn on water
to fill pool. Again examine all
exposed valves, controls and
pipes for leakage. Dried gaskets
may solve minor seepages that
will stop by themselves as they
absorb water and expand. If
not, tightening with a wrench
or replacing packing will be
If any major leaks are found,
turn off the water and call’ for
professional help.
While the pool is filling check
filtration equipment for oper
ational readiness. Follow manu
facturer’s recommendations for
oiling and cleaning necessary
prior to putting your pool filter
into operation.
Most modern filters are of
the diatomite type, and proper
precoating of filter elements
will assure efficient operation
and cle&r water.
This is accomplished by cir
culating a slurry, or mixture, of
diatomite and water into the
filter to provide a coating about
1/16 of an inch thick on the
Depending upon the fre
quency with which the pool is
used, the temperature and the
efficiency of chlorination, most
filters require cleaning at three
to 10-day intervals. Filter cycles
can be extended by proper care
of the pool.
Savings Grow Faster
When They |
3 ; Now at the Notional Bank of Maryland your Cj
0 !: savings aarn interest monthly, grow faster ~ . K
Q Interest is credited and compounded quarterly at {3
g 3 per cent per annum, and ~ . Remember .. . nj
n you have the extra added protection of bank jg
3 insured savings. 5!
One-Stop Banking 3
g Auto Loans Save-By-Mail Drive-in Service S
jj Special Checking Acounts • No Minimum Balance H
S 945 Pershing Drive JU. 5-8300 |
shot to death here, an apparent
suicide, police said. The victim
was William Fields.
His body was found in the
bedroom of his home. He had
been shot in the head with a
.45 caliber pistol. Fields’ wife
said he underwent surgery re
cently and had visited a hospi
tal this week.
Tawes has appointed Paul Dorf,
former Baltimore Traffic Court
magistrate, state senator repre
senting the city’s fifth district.
Dorf lost his city post when
the Traffic Court was replaced
this week by Baltimore’s new
Municipal Court. He replaces
State Senator Aaron A. Baer,
who was appointed to the new
TOWSON —Baltimore County
Council has passed unanimous
ly a much-revised “dog control’’
bill. The measure prohibits dogs
from running about on their
own in the county. The legisla
tion was passed as county law
makers opened their annual
legislative session.
BALTIMORE —A spokesman
says some 38.000 Baltimoreans
received more under the city
free food program last month
than in any previous month in
the three-year-old program’s his
Administrator Edward Vogel
man says almost a half mil
lion pounds of food was distrib
uted in the city. This included
flour, cornmeal, dried milk,
eggs, pork and several other
Transit Authority expert has
accepted the post of director of
engineering and development
for the new National Capital
Transportation Agency.
Stanley Forsythe has taken
the job at a cut in pay, calling
it the greatest challenge of a
lifetime. He will direct the de
sign and engineering of the pro
posed multi-million dollar tran
sit program for the Maryland-
Virginia. District of Columbia
BALTIMORE—Unions of Bal
timore's Fire Department are
complaining that used uniforms
are being issued to firemen by
the department. They made
their complaint to the Fire
Board. The unions accompan
ied their complaint with a cam
paign for salary increases .
• W* m*k loam on any housa in a
2 mot any location. Saa our 3 *
• badroom, Jafferion for at low •
• at $1450. Gat frao brochure of a
2 homes. So* or coll *
1 Re H. BEST I
2 HA. 7-7300 or OL. 2-7743 l
• Horn* Builders for 25 Yoars •
• •
Media Man Uses TV
To Sell Self to Wife
United Pres* International
There is a suburban house on
Long Island Sound with two
Jaguars usually parked in the
One has a license plate,
“HISN,” and the other “HERN”.
That is, about as gooey, I
guess as high-class togetherness
can get.
“Togetherness” has taken
quite a beating in the last few
years. Actually, it's not a bad
commodity. It’s a lot better than
’ j
You cantSEEfhe You cant SMELL the I
difference in Gasolines... difference...
♦ '•
wa JS Bp
jflp aB? Ww mSKUL. W fEa Kit
Jm < iL
Jm .j* 'S ip i™
v i j it rftorr xl But, Mister you can FEEL
You wouldnt WSE the the difference with
difference... PHILLIPS 66 GASOLINES!
f . mi.
• • .
Now at G. D. Armstrong Company stations you have your f Dll 11 I I
choice of two super-smooth, super-powerful gasolines: \ iIIILLIrO f
Sixty-Six or Flite-Fuel. You’ll feel a difference in ease I
of starting, in acceleration, in engine smoothness at all I
speeds. And you’ll feel good about the wonderful mileage I m V m
you get with Phillips 66 Gasolines. Fill up today and feel J
the difference!
* *
A friend was telling us the
other d*y about a commuter in
Scarsdale who became so en
grossed in his work, to the ex
clusion of his family, that he
and his wife parted.
It was not a bitter separation,
but it appeared to be a pretty
final one. He moved into the
city and took a small hotel
room. His wife and their two
young daughters remained in
the Scarsdale home and he took
care of their expenses.
The man was miserable. He
wanted to go home again. His
wife was not agreeable. When
he telephoned, she refused to
talk with him.
Now this man was employed
on Madison Ave.'and he had a
better than average understand
ing of the communications me
dia. Also, he never underesti
mated the power of children-.
He knew that every morning
his two small girls, while get
ting ready for school, watched
the Dave Garroway show on
television. Part of the show, in
those days, involved panning
the cameras in on a crowd mass
ed on the sidewalk looking
through a big window into the
studio at the monkey and other
So every morning for a week,
the man took his place with the
crowd on the sidewalk. He did
not shave. His clothes were
rumpled. He looked just as he
And out in Scarsdale every
morning that week, his children
saw their father on television.
They called to their mother and
she came and took a look, too.
The fifth day she phoned him
to come home.
, There is something about
small girls that is irresistible.
I know one who went with
her dad and mother and her bro
ther to a wedding last summer.
It was a beautiful June day and
the bride’s parents had the re
ception in their backyard.
When the bride went upstairs
to change to her going-away
outfit, one of her uncles came
around giving all the guests a
handful of rice. He gave some
to the little girl.
As the newlyweds ran out to
their car, the rice was shower
ed on them. The little girl threw
hers with glee. Then she turn
ed to her mother.
“Why are we throwing the
rice at them?” she asked.
“If it hits them, they will
have children,” the mother re
“You mean they only hit you
and daddy with two pieces?”
she said.
Yes, she’s quite a little girl.
She’s ours.
Writing Two Scripts
Simon has been signed by pro
ducers Stuart Millar and Law
rence Turman to write two pic
tures for their company.
Simon started immediately on
the screenplay of "Unarmed in
New Products
(Continued from Page A9)
Rochester, N. Y„ will reveal to
the photographer light balance
and shadow detail as it would
appear in the final print of
transparency. A two-inch diam
eter filter, the viewer swings
out of a ease which serves as
a handle for easy use.
* *
Keystone Camera Co., Boston,
has introduced a new look in
the Bmm home movie projector
field with their KlO6 Com
mander, a fully automatic, self
threading zoom projector with
a new, low silhouette. The Com
mander includes a swing-away
film editor . and previewer
mounted on the projector
chassis and a splicer.

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