Gaithersburg - Washington Grove
By Sylvia Tate Horan
Patrols Attend Ball Game
Fifty patrol members from
our two elementary schools re
ceived recognition for the won
derful task they are performing
as crossing guards and other
duties. Wearing their identify
ing belts and badges, the sixth
grade boys and girls journeyed
to Washington to see the Sen
ators play the Orioles Saturday.
Gaithersburg Elementary's
patrol has been under the direc
tion of Mrs. Gladys Best for
the past eight years. The offi
cers for this year are Captain
Sharon Roberts, Lt. Nettie Heff
ner and Cpls. Frances Bowman
and Brenda Bogston.
Washington Grove’s 20 patrol
members are led by Captain
Caroline Cram, Lt. Stanley Al
len, and Sgt. Kathy Stanton.
The sixth grade teacher. Ed
ward Crane, is in charge of the j
Additional chaperons for the
trip were Mrs. Milton Walker
and Ray Smith for Gaithers
burg Elementary, and Sidney
Lewis, William S. Kolb and
Richard Dean from Washington
* .* *
Miss Phyllis Jean Hundley,
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. James
Hundley of Rosemont, left Sat
urday morning for Turkey to
marry Christopher Webster
Keenan, stationed there with
the Air Force. The bride-to-be’s
parents and her aunt and uncle,
Mr. and Mrs. John Hundley of
Gas City, Ind., accompanied her
to New York, where she left by
plane. Miss Hundley’s grand*
mother, Mrs. Frank Hundley of
Summerville, Ind., remained
here at home with the rest of
the family.
• • •
Mrs. Georgia Wernz, grand
chief of Pythian Sisters for the
State of Maryland, made her
Grand Visitation last Thursday
evening to Forest Gak Temple
No. 18.
• • •
The Little League will have
Its first game next Friday at
the Junior High School. James
Wilson, baseball commissioner,
says the league is looking for
an umpire and would like to
hear from anyone interested in
taking the Job. The Little
League is sponsored by Kiwanis
and is comprised of approxi
mately 130 boys.
• • •
Jack Selby of the Center Mar
ket, is the proud father of a
third son, Scott Andrew, who
arrived April 19th.
* * *
Gaithersburg High's Band,
under the direction of Miss
Freida Price, travelled by bus
to Winchester Friday to march
in the Apple Blossom Parade.
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Edward Cram, Washington
Grove Elementary School teach
er, has been appointed superin
tendent of Church School at As
cension Chapel for the next
* * *
The Lions Club’s annual va
riety show will be held at the
High School May 12th and 13th
at 8:15 p.m. Tickets are avail
able from any Lions Club mem
ber. “Spoofing Television” is the
presentation in which Lions and
their wives will satirize various
TV . programs. The high school
principal, Bill Hall, is general
chairman. Jim Hane is directing
the show.
• • *
The Junior Bowling League,
sponsored by Kiwanis. will fin
ish its season with a dinner to
be held at the Rockville Meth-
I odist Church May 13th. The din
| ner will be prepared by Gaith
jersburg Ki-Wlves and served
to the young bowlers by Girl
Scouts of Troop 587.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Don Sikes an
nounce the arrival of a baby
sister, Linda Louise, for their
almost two-year-old daughter,
* * *
The annua] Senior High
Choral Conceit will be present
ed tonight at 8 at the High
School gymnasium, under the
direction of Bill Earl. Admis
sion is 50 cents, and the varied
program should appeal to every
one. Three outstanding selec
tions by the combined choral
groups will be "Salutation” by
Gaines, “Linda Rose” from the
Broadway musical, “The Music
Man,” and “The Lord Bless You
and Keep You” by Peter Lptkin.
The Stardusters, the school
dance band, will also partici
* • •
Wakika Campfire Gills de
lighted the members of Rest
haven Home with favors they
recently made. Campfire Lead
ers Mrs. John Blood and Mrs.
John Allison attended an over
night training session last week
end at Prince William Forest
Park, near Quantico, Va.
• • •
Don't forget that the Blood
mobile will be at St. Martin’s
on Monday, May 15 from 3 to
7:45 p.m. This year the
churches are cooperating with
the Lions Club to increase the
• * •
The Washington Grove Wom
an’s Club holds its monthly
card party at the clubhouse at
1 o’clock this afternoon.
* • *
Wendy Lee Kirk was born at
Suburban Hospital on April 25
to Mr. and Mrs. Garland Kirk.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Tate of
Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., are
visiting relatives in town.
• • *
Mrs. Ralph Offutt, Gaithers-1
burg chairman for the Woman’s J
Suburban Democratic Club auc
tion, is busy collecting for the
event. If you have household
Items, jewelry, appliances or
bric-a-brac to contribute, tele
phone Mrs. Offutt at WA. 6-
0303 or WA. 6-0295. The auction
is held at the James H. Mann
farm on Montevideo rd., hear
Seneca, at 11 a.m. on May 13.
• • •
Miss Daisy Magruder was
honored on her 80th birthday by
a surprise supper last Sunday
at the home of Mrs. Dorothy
Ferguson. Mrs. Merle Ferguson
was co-hostess. Miss Daisy’s
many pieces and nephews came
from near and far to bring the
guest of honor many lovely
* • *
Mrs. Warren Tydings’ home
was the scene of the reception
held by the Gaithersburg Wom
an’s Club for the new Young
Women’s Club of Gaithersburg
on the evening of April 25. The
senior group presented an orig
inal dramatic sketch.
• * *
Mrs. Leonard Hoyle, Mrs.
John McNaughton, Mrs. A.
Gwynn Kirkman, Mrs. Warren
Richardson and Mrs. Warren
Tydings attended the recent
meeting of the Maryland Feder
ation of Women's Clubs in Bal
.• * *
The Gaithersburg Homemak
ers Club will meet at Epworth
Methodis Church May 10 at 11
o’clock for a covered dish lunch
eon. Hostesses are Mrs. Clyde
Fletvher, Mrs. Charles Orme,
Mrs. William Schwab, Mrs. Wil
liam Radcliff, Mrs. Frank
Hackel and Mrs. Leslie Mulli
* * *
The Washington Grove-Gaith
ersburg Auxiliary' of the Wom
an’s Board of the Montgomery
General Hospital held its fifth
annual benefit card party at
Parklawn last Friday evening.
• • *
One hundred high school stu
dents will attend the “Young
America Concert” presented by
Mrs. Herbert May at the De
partment of State auditorium
on the evening of May 9.
Brothers Join Cast
little boys, Kevin and Brian Cor
coran, will be in the cast of
Walt Disney's first live-action
.musical, ‘Babes in Toyiand,”
which will star Tommy Sands
and Ray Bolger.
Kevin played in “Old Yeller,”
“Pollyanna” and “Swiss Fam
ily Robinson.”
Thursday, May 4, 1961
I/O Chun Ming
Silver Spring
Pair ‘Adopts’
Chinese Boy
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Painter,
2209 Areola ave., Silver Spring,
have “adopted” a five-year-old
Chinese boy in Hong Kong.
The Painters adopted Lo
Chun Ming through Foster
Parents’ Plan, Inc., of New
York City. They have promised
to contribute sls a month to
ward the child’s support for at
least a year.
Foster Parents’ Plan, which
has rehabilitated more than
76,000 children on a personal
basis since its founding in 1937,
is now helping more than 22,000
youngsters in Greece, Italy,
Korea, France, Viet Nam, Hong
Kong and the Philippines.
“We are indeed grateful to
Mr. and Mrs. Painter for giving
Lo Chun Ming this wonderful
gift of hope and help,” said Miss
Gloria C. Matthews, executive
director of the plan.
Information concerning the
plan can be obtained from
Foster Parents’ Plan, 352 Park
Avenue South, New York City.
Adult Leaders
Of Cub Scouts
To Meet Mav 4
May 4 meeting of the adult
leaders of the Montgomery
County Cub Scouts will be held
at Marvin Memorial Church.
Four Corners, beginning at 8
Robert Young, superintendent
[ of the Exhibit and Education Di
j vision of the Maryland Game
| and Fish Commission, will be
one of the featured speakers.
Other speakers, who will discuss
conservation, will be from the
Izaak Walton League.
June theme is “Treasuxe
Trove, U. S. A.”
" ” "trammc wist J "|!
twins Mwp arai
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