OCR Interpretation

Montgomery County sentinel. [volume] (Rockville, Md.) 1855-1974, August 05, 1961, SATURDAY ISSUE, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016209/1961-08-05/ed-1/seq-3/

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FREDERIC D. VECHERY, CPA, 407 Sherbrook drive Silver
Spring, has been elected president of the Benjamin Franklin
University Alumni Association. The association has a mem
bership of over 1,000 accountants, principally in the National
Capital area. Mrs. Ethel S. Brimmer, CPA, 9805 Parkwood
drive, Bethesda, was named a vice-president of the group.
Is Published
The Department of Tidewater
Fisheries has announced the
publication of a book, “Cruis
ing Guide for Maryland Wat
This 48-page book, with a wat
erproof cover and stainless steel
rustproof staples, was written
especially for small boat use,
and contains a complete marine
atlas of 20 charts in four colors
of Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay,
its tributaries and ocean front,
to the scale of 1:80,000.
These charts are exact repro
ductions of the navigational
charts of the U. S. Coast and
Geodetic Survey, but for the
first time they have been plac
ed in book form of a size small
enough for an outboard runa
bout. The book, when folded,
measures 14 by 10 inches- and
the charts measure 20 by 14
inches, each covering an area
of 22 miles in length and 15
miles in width.
On the charts are shown the
location of marine facilities and
launching ramps, and on the
land area the highways with
•route numbers have been print
id. A major feature of the
•charts is the fact that over 200
courses and distances have been
laid upon them so that the boat
man does not have to bother
with charting a course himself.
Price of the book is $5.15. It
is available from the Board of
Natural Resources, State Office
Building, Annapolis.
Two Area Men
Attend Conclave
Of Toastmasters
Two area Toastmasters Club
members represented local
'clubs at the recent 30th annual
convention of Toastmasters In
ternational in Seattle, Wash.
Quentin R. Verdier, 3811 Den
field ave., Kensington- and Rob
ert A. Bradley, 710 Justin way,
Silver Spring, represented Dis
trict 36. Verdier is district lieu
tenant governor and Bradley is
district secretary.
Incoming president of the or
ganization is Herman E. Hoche
of Minneapolis, formerly of Sil
ver Spring.
Society to Hear
Robert Clark
The Potomac Chrysanthe
mum Society will hold its regu
lar monthly meeting Wednes
day. August 16, at 8 p.m. in the
Perpetual Building, 7401 Wis
’consin ave., Bethesda.
Robert Clark will be the prin
-cipal speaker. The title of his
talk will be, “Virginia Secrets
-•Exposed.” Visitors are welcome.
Information concerning the
•Potomac Chrysanthemum So
"ciety can be obtained from Mrs.
"Howard B. Campbell 8504 Ray
bum rd., Bethesda 14. (OL. 6-
Sherwood Valley
Schedules Show
At Colesville
Leon Kahn, prominent area
builder, will publicly present
eight luxury model homes at
Sherwood Valley late this
Built in the woodland area
adjoining Indian Springs Coun
try Club near Colesville, Mary
land, each home is placed on a
naturally landscaped one-half
acre or larger site.
Among the eight custom de
sign quality homes being read
ied for showing are two colon
ials, three ramblers and three
split-level models ranging from
$30,000 to $45,000.
These three, four and five
bedroom homes will incorporate
innumerable quality features
and craftsmanship throughout.
A choice of many custom design
plans will be available to choose
from at the opening.
Sherwood Valley model homes
located back of the Indian
Springs Country Club can be
reached by driving out the Glen
mont-Colesville rd., turning lefrt
at Colesville and continuing
one-quarter of a mile to the
New School Students to
Register August 21-24
Elementary school students
who have just moved into the
county or to a new school dis
trict within the county should
register for the next school
year August 21-23, the Board of
Education announced this week.
Students should report to the
school nearest their home be
tween 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. on
those days. Pupils transferring
from elementary to junior high
school are not required to regis
National Capital
Real Estate Gets
Board Approval
National Capital Real Estate
Corporation, 7927 Wisconsin
ave., Bethesda, has been accept
ed by the Montgomery County
Board of Realtors, it was an
nounced this week by Allan J.
Hackner, vice president and gen
eral manager.
The firm has also joined Mul
tiple Listing Service. Herbert
M. Holtz is broker for the firm.
An exhibit of the paintings of
Elaine Cafritz, prominent local
artist, is currently on display
at the firm’s main office. Mrs.
Cafritz, who received her art
training in New York City- won
second prize in the Montgomery
County Spring Art Festival and
has exhibited paintings in Bal
timore and Washington.
Big Government
estimated 76 pel cent of all en
gineers and scientists employed
by the U. S. electronics indus
try are supported by govern
ment funds, while the remain
ing 24 per cent are engaged in
commercially supported aetivi
i ties, according to the Electronic
Industries Assn.
SENTINEL cSunty^md!
Saturday, August 5, 1961
Fire Chiefs
Set Picnic
August 20
The Maryland Fire Chiefs’ As
sociation will hold its fourth
annual Firemen’s Family Pic
nic at Gwynn Oak Park on Sun
day, August 20.
This popular event was at
tended last year by representa
tives of 96 volunteer fire com
panies from seven states.
A mammoth firemen’s par
ade, starting at 2 p.m. sharp,
will include some of the oldest
and most modern fire equip
ment in the state. Ambulances,
rescue squads, floats, bands,
clowns, majorette groups and
military marching groups will
Fifty-five trophies will be
awarded, among them one to a
young woman selected as Mary
land Fire Chiefs’ Beauty Queen
for 1961-62 from a bevy of can
didates from 31 fire companies
and auxiliaries.
Fire companies with or with
out their equipment have been
invited to join in the program.
Special rates have been obtain
ed for the firemen and their
families at the park, and the
entire seating of the large lake
side groves has been reserved
for the visiting firemen.
Seaboard Land
Officers Are
Seaboard Land Company,
most of whose stockholders are
residents of the Washington
area, re-elected all of its pres
ent officers at their recent di
rectors meeting.
Officers re-elected were Mel
vin A. Robinson, president;
Louis G. Meltzer, vice president;
Earl M. Foreman, secretary;
Harold J. Bobys, treasurer;
Howard Bernstein, assistant sec
retary; and Daniel Melnick, as
sistan treasurer.
Seaboard Land Company,
established in 1959, deals prin
cipally in land acquisitions, in
vestment' property and develop
ment. Its headquarters are lo
cated at 912 Thayer ave.. Silver
Spring, Md. E. Zachary Miller
is general manager.
Pocket Money
number of people in the United
States will rise by 33 million by
1970 when total spending will
hit $762 billion a year, up from
$503 billion in 1960, the Bureau
of Advertising predicts.
The average family will have
SB,IOO a year after taxes, in
terms of 1960 buying power—2o
per cent more than in 1960, the
bureau said.
New junior and senior high
school students may register at
their nearest school any day,
Monday through Friday, from
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Transfer stu
dents should bring report cards
from previous schools so that
their schedules may be planned
in advance.
Permanent grade placement
for any transfer student, how
ever, is not made until the prin
cipal has received a transcript
of the student’s record directly
from the previous school.
PO. 2-9371
Continuous From 1 F.M.
Now Showing Through
Wednesday, Aug. 9
lit Run Washington Area
Wild Deg ef the North
2 Dlsaay Features
Then. * Frl. • Set., Aag. 10-12
2 Hot Heeded Natures
In Color
Science Showcase Smash Success
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COME TO LOOK, LISTEN AND LEARN Part of the estimated 35,000 area
residents who turned out for Montgomery County’s first Science Industry
Showcase sponsored by the Silver Spring Board of Trade and the County at
the Silver Spring Armory this past weekend. The three-day exhibit featured
full-sized and scale models of some of the nation’s most advanced tech
Science-Industry Showcase
Scores All-Around Success
Last weekend's smash-success
Montgomery County Science in
dustry Showcase, which at
tracted close to 35,000 area resi
dents, will be repeated next
year on a “bigger and better”
scale, officials connected with
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Crosby, “Miss Silver Spring” cuts the ribbon
for the opening of the county’s first Science
Industry Showcase at the Silver Spring
Armory. Last weekend’s successful three
day exhibit of modern scientific develop
ments will, be repeated next year, ori an even
larger scale than this year’s. Also participat
Trx It’s the ALL HEW
j&etxw/ \
easier\ *■ n
QplMk may!) My * r *
W i y No nood far you to ipond hours
..J, _ L (f|(^ —m day drawing wnfer the herd way.
r rn Myers OLYMPIAN pumps do the fob
easier . . . batter. You get mere water per
dollar thee with any ether |et pump. Twelve greet
models to give you a pump tallerud far yeur farm
i. / end budget. Sea the All-New OLYMPIAN pump today.
qjlSdfpuV. [MyiTB See us for details on the complete lino of
‘jj ) 24 Hour Sorvico • Radio Dispotchod Trucks
Rump Repairs a Specialty • Sorvico Contracts Available
jj D. WeUe & Son, Jnc. i|
Phone OLiver 6-3110
I the presentation said this week.
Larger facilities possibly
an outdoor extension at Silver
Spring Armory, where it was
held for three days last week—
will be sought, the spokesman
said, in an attempt to accom
lng in the ceremony are Eugene Wasielewskl
(left), associate director of the Goddard
Space Flight Center and a leader In the field
of aircraft equipment design and testing;
John R. Graff, president of the Silver Spring
Board of Trade, and County Council Presi
dent William F. Hickey.
nological achievements, including the Navy’s Transit IV-A satellite, a Mercury
space capsule, the first nuclear-powered merchant vessel and an atomic
power plant. A score of exhibitors, most of them active in the fields of
space, electronics or medical research, participated in the show.
modate many exhibitors who
had to be turned away this year
, for lack of space.
Nineteen private area firms
specializing in technological de
velopments, as well as 11 gov
ernment installations in the
county, participated in the
Exhibits included a full-sized
model of the Mercury space
capsule and another of the na
tion’s first triple-headed
nuclear powered satellite sent
into orbit at Canaveral last
Adults and youngsters alike
swarmed through the Armory
during the showing many of
the youngsters startling their
elders with their grasp of the
complicated scientific develop
ments on display.
Praise for the event was
voiced at the meeting of the
County Council this week,
where several Council members
expressed interest in the de
velopment of a permanent ex
hibit of major landmarks and
industries here.
Councilwoman Stella B. Wer
ner asked why the county did
not have such an exhibit—“per
haps just a film presentation
of some sort showing various
county landmarks” since both
the county’s Revenue Authority
and the Park and Planning
Commission both have devel
oped displays.
Se said, for instance, “it
would have been nice to have
had a little booth or something”
dealing with Montgomery
County at the recent meeting
of the World Council of Local
Governments attended by rep
Get set this winter with an
Call us today for a
free estimate in .43* .-O .
your home, Vrd \ NO MONEY
absolutely no DOWN PAY
rt,ligion QN y OUR <
A’ GAS coiti 1... to buy, lull to install, loti
Zjp/ fa me. Sot it and forgot it . . . GAS it
fho cloonott, mott corofroo, moit oconom
itol, automatic hoot you eon hovo. GAS
V. NATURAL OAM J 11 *"• * ,r *' ‘l** l ** of 95 7. of now homot
in thit oroo.
Phone POplor 2-2900
resentatlves of many foreign
nations. l
Silver Spring businessmen in
dicated the science showcase
was a major factor in the suc
cess of their “Shop Silver
Spring Days” during the three
day promotion, described as the
most intensive in the program's
14 years.
It worked both ways, show
case officials said, with persons
coming into the area for the
sale spending time at the Ar
mory and others headed for the
science show deciding to shop
while in Silver Spring.
Sorry, No Dancing
Please ...
do coma la aad
an|oy our now HI-FI
< M MUSIC while you
\ 111 thop in air condi
(/U m■ Monad comfort.
IrekgiH DrU6SI
PO. 2-9338
214 K. Montgomery Ave.

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