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The first P-TA meeting of the new school year was held at the 1 Germantown Elementary School Monday evening, September 18, with President Roy Bedell pre siding. After a brief business session the time was devoted to getting acquainted with the teachers and parents. Teachers were introduced and the par- , ents Introduced themselves. A i social hour followed with re freshments served by the exec utive committee and the facul ty. • • * ; A Hat Sale party will be held i at Trinity Methodist Church on Monday, October 2, from 7-9 p.m. for the benefit of the bul letin board fund of the church. There will be a wide display of , women’s fall and winter hats, . all different, and all selling at | one low price. , • • • The Afternoon Circle of ; Neelsviile Presbyterian Church ; met Thursday afternoon, Sept ember 21, at the home of Mrs. , Elmer E. Collins, with 13 mem bers and two guests present. The topic on Christian Family Worship was presented by Mrs. C. Staley Weller. The Rev. Al bert W. Lenz led the Bible study in St John’s Gospel. It was an nounced that the annual turkey supper sponsored by the women of the church, will be held Sat urday, October 14, beginning at 2pm . . . i Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Slater spent the weekend of Septem ber 9th camping at Bay Mead ows on Skyline Drive. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lee and son, Kenny, and friend, Tommy Cleveland, all of Glen Hills. • • • Hazel Whitaker has resumed her studies at George Washing ton University where she is a senior. Howard Griffith and Bill Sangrey have left for the Uni versity of Maryland, whsrt they are both sophomores. • • • Lucy Whitworth observed her birthday September 22 with a i ATTENTION INSURANCE MEIN This Is your opportunity to own stock in one of the largest 1 property and casualty brokerage agencies in this area. An i opportunity to be a part of the firm. Your renewals pro i tected. If you are now a licensed Maryland fire and , casualty agent or broker and are NOT satisfied with your income or have other reasons for disappointment in your present set-up, THIS IS FOB YOU. Build your income to $25,000 or more per year in a very 1 few years. Use our exclusive saleable homeowners and 1 i auto policies and our tested sales techniques. Work in this area and BEALLY get into this business the right way , and make your time pay off BIG for yourself and family. Don’t waste another day. Take advantage of your great future in Montgomery County and associate yourself with • growing progressive agency second to none. 1 | For A Confidential Interview, Call or Write: GEORGE F. HARRIS, President GEORGE F. HARRIS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 12845 Georgia Avenue, Wheaton, Maryland Phone WHitehall 8-0770 PERFECT ■ COMFORT.^! hot LTn WATER National-US' "101" Series GAS BOILER Here is a completely new, factory u- UA MONTY ■ambled automatic gae-fired heating mwPIEI unit with a built-in tankless water liAUfU beater deeigntd to aaaure ample water UWffll PAY ON YOUR structed for high performance and _ . _ , durability—your aaaurance of low coet GAS BILL beating comfort plus continuous hot Wt SILL, INSTALL AND SERVICE ft GAS doi mere—coitt leu. GAS it the fird choice of 96% of the new hornet in ♦hie area. GAS it the cleaned, mod cere- Qld free, meef economical automatic heat you mAwnTmN can Sava. \tMTURAL AS THOMAS C. KEYS PLUMBING • DRAIN SERVICE • HEATING Faucets Repaired Gas Hot Water Heaters Installed 701 SOUTH STONESTREET AVE. PO. 2-4124 Germantown By Deborah H. Lenz, WAverly 6-0692 festive dinner at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William A Whit worth, with whom she makes her home. Lucy is a private sec retary in the BetheSda office of the Rand Company. • • • Mrs. Julia W. Millikin of San Francisco, Calif., arrived September 19 to spend ten days at the home of her father, Jul ian B. Waters, sr. On the way East Mrs. Millikin enrolled her daughter, Lynn, in Oregon State College at Corvallis, for her freshman year. • • • Saturday, September 14, Mrs. Eugene Waters entertained sev eral members of her family: Mr. and Mrs. David C. Waters and baby daughter, Beth, of Pleas antville, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert E. Berry and children, Mich ael, Mark and Susan, of Wil liamsburg, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. William Christie and son, Bill, of Gaithersburg. Lee Woody of Baltimore was also a guest. • * * J. Thomas Kelley of Darnes town has returned home from Washington Hospital Center. He is somewhat improved. • • • Girl Scout Troop 87, under the leadership of Mrs. Edward Hamrich and Mrs. Richard Sprowls is now meeting regu larly again each Thursday aft ernoon after school. This year the meetings are being held in the cottage on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Gibbs. • * • A new outdoor bulletin board has been installed on the grounds of the Neelsviile Church, a project carried out by the Men's Fellowship of the church. * • • The P-TA of Cedar Grove Ele mentary School will meet Mon day, October 2, at 8 p.m. for the all-purpose room for its first fall session. Mrs. Dorothy Wal len Is president. ’ • • • The first fall session of the Damestown school will begin at 8 p.m. Monday, October 9. This will be a "back to school” night, when the parents will have an opportunity to meet the teach ers. • • • Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Deeble of Devon, England, were recent guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Henry W. Setzer. During their visit the Setzers enter tained U. S. Senator Wayne Morse at an early morning breakfast. Both Mr. Deeble and Senator Morse are interested in cattle. • • * The Men’s Fellowship of Neelsviile Church met Monday evening, September 18, with Francis Foster in charge. A stand was taken \o back up the church’s building program, doing whatever is necessary to get it started. It was decided that the groap will purchase new window shades for the church school room. • • • Mrs. Lawrence F. Hawkins is a patient at Washington Hos pital Center undergoing tests. Speedy get-well wishes are ex tended. • * • Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur D. Wat kins, sr., have been a traveling pair for the past few weeks. They motored to Sebring, Fla., where they stayed for a week in a new home which they re cently built there. They expect to spend occasional vacation trips there for the present time, and probably move there perma nently eventually. On this trip they were accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. Louise Bartgis of Rockville. After their return from Florida, Mrs. Watkins and sister, Mrs. Maye Sadtler, spent a week at the Watkins' cottage in Gainesboro, Va. Mr. Watkins joined them for the weekend and other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis of Gaithers burg. • • * Two new families have re cently moved to Meadowbrook Estates, and we take this oc casion to welcome them to the community. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Blunt come to the area from El mira, N. Y., after a two-month trailer stay in Frederick. Mr. Blunt is a stereotyper for the Washington Dally News. There are two sons in the Blunt fam ily, Edward 12, and David 8. READING IMPROVEMENT . . . tested, practical instruction which will greatly increase your reading comprehension and speed. Popular with government officials, business and professional people, housewives, clerical workers, lunior and senior high school and college students. Class meets once e week , Small groups uSTOHwrite, phone or visit for bulletin L** Manahan, Director American Institute 1406 G St. N.W., Washington 5, D. C. approved member Telephone ST. 3-2086 ■ ■■■■••..•.■w.ww a . a w. a ... a .. S ai ai i waa i aaaaviailavi| Send Reading Improvement Information lvi Name Address Phone .■ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ,„ w aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | READ 3 TO 10 TIMES FASTER People everywhere are talking about the remarkable Evelyn Wood READING DYNAMICS course. Mem bers of Congress, business and professional people, students, housewives praise the course for the amaz ing increase it has given them in reading speed. Average students learn to read 3 to 10 times faster. ■ If you must read great amounts of business or aca demic material... if you want to be better informed ... or gain the enjoyment that comes with improved reading... enroll now for the Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics course. Classes start the last week of Sep tember. One 214-hour class per week, 12 weeks. Classes are small to assure individual attention. For more information about this exciting new way to increase reading speed, mail the coupon below. Evalyn Wood Reading Dynamics Instltuta of Montgomery County, Inc. C/a 711 - 14th St., N.W., Washington 5, D. C. Phono: RE 7-8122 a ' mont address cirr state - SENTINEL COUNTY, M MIX 4 Tuesday, Sapt. 26, 1761 Mr. Blunt’s special interests In clude hunting and fishing. Re cent guests at their home were Mr. Blunt’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Blunt of Elmira. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Dou ville, long-time residents of Bal timore, come to Germantown from a two-year stay in Adel phi, Md. Mr. Douville is Central Office Chief of the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. In Monrovia. The Douvilles have three children, Barbara 18, Ter ry 8, and Wade 5. Barbara is remaining in Baltimore with an aunt in order to complete her high school education at Parke ville Senior High. She has earned a scholarship to Towson State Teachers College and is enrolled to enter there next year. A local resident was featured on a national television program last Thursday when “Portfolio," a CBS program presented "The World of Mammals” with Dr. Henry W. Setzer, jr., guiding the viewer orv a tour through the Smithsonian Institute’s divi sion of mammals. Dr. Setzer is curator of this department. An other guest on the program was | Kermit Roosevelt, whose grand father, Theodore Roosevelt, was responsible for many of the | specimens displayed in the In stitution's mammal division. Dr. Setzer will leave October Ist for another trip to Africa in search of mammal specimens. Gary Ranck of the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, a zoolo gist, who has been staying as a recent guest of the Setzers, will leave with Dr. Setzer and plans to stay in Africa for a year. Dr. Setzer will return the latter part of December. * * * Rev. and Mrs. Daniel C. Man son and daughters, Phyllis and Adah, have moved into the beau tiful new manse recently built by Darnestown Presbyterian Church adjacent the old manse. For the present the old building will be used for church school purposes. • • • We are sorry to learn that on Tuesday of last week, Sp/4 Don ald E. Kirby had an accident during a regular routine para chute jump at For Campbell, Ky. Caught in an updraft, the parachute tangled and “Donnie” suffered an injured knee, ankle, and a back injury. He is in the U. S. Army Hospital, Ward AB, Fort Campbell. We wish him a speedy recovery. Only 4 Days Left During Town & Country's Inventory Clearance All Merchandise Reduced to a New Low ( Low Price to Reduce Our Stock Before Inventory LOW! LOW! PRICES nSS • FRIGIDAIRE • PHILCO • KELVINATOR • KITCHENAID • RCA VICTOR • RCA WHIRLPOOL • SPEED QUEEN • SMALL APPLIANCES WE MUST CLEAR OUR INVENTORY BY 30 SEPTEMBER. All BRANDS CARRY FULL GUARANTEE. NO EXTRAS - INCLUDES SERVICE. A Few 1960 Models and All Floor Models At Even Lower Prices! *>y "NO gMMICIiS" A ■>n ** i A AfltV i Television Buys At Uw Uw frkes ‘ Most , yjf A Hew In Cartons. Some *t#wWmcwiue •* (i m ALL ROADS LEAD TO f,oor M<K,e,J- * ftW * nJL-w* Vroynsi Country Eitric- Good Trade Ins. All RECONDITIONED TV SETS „„„ *45.00 Guaranteed To Be In Some With New Picture Tube. Limited Quantity. Working Condition. Eaty Terms No Down Payment on Approved Credit. j>/pK mark xviii, | /Alr X IVEO7 Serin mV~\ Brilliant stereo realism at a low-budget price! AMg value In Re JiJksJ Contemporary cabinet of fine Mahogany wood venears and a •miiinwr tec ted hardwoods. HE ROST BEAUTIFUL TOWS TXT EVER HAPPENED TO RIISICI QUALITY COMPONINTS SSSftcTvirtSß SffSVSSKS MARK XV,., jVEMB.r,.. XV. tVIH S.ri., £* A"? 1 " St, "° SZ*,L n u?m.°'t'VuZ S?ds ,^.h m °Tu l '! U *S0 O u , M ,# S. r .”S: ry, WA\ D*nih Modem consol, of rich This eharminf Early Anwricaa I wMrl A. walnut veneers and selactad console of Maple finish ve- I lb hardwoods. Mors (sr your neers and stlacted hardwoods i !l T r, >169.95 “,;r,“95 tSST£TS£Z IK7ufs ® Tb ** "* sou* realism. HEAR TOTAL SOUND STEREO FOR YOURSELF AT Ho Extra Charge for Delivery and Service , TOWN & COUNTRY APPLIANCES GAS A ELECTRIC—SERVICE FOREMOST 300 E. MONTGOMERY AVENUE ROCKVILLE. MARYLAND POplar 24T06 • SALES and SERVICE • GArden 4-1140 Cod POplor 2-3905