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BET*" 1 ■ ■ JHjik. agi v - .£• BBwfe-jtotr jßsi[ j Hf 1 j|p ■■•* v 'ln |||f- ffefiß ftk 0* m W ¥ ;: <hf... B -■ HOSTS AND THE LADIES —Mr. and Mrs. Betts pose with a few of the women who attended the outing either as members or with their lawyer husbands. (L-R) Mrs. John C. Mason of Bethesda, Mrs. Betts, Mrs. 4H|Hr ’ JL j&4,M 1/ Jt namSp ' 'jarnT 4 ..., '’tr Jr aD zi*. 5 jf Bb-■ _ v . vv . w *■ 4B Jp B i W'** ■ ~ ~y jffi l|j &: . 1 *WI 'M LAWYERS LOAF—Members of the Montgom ery County Bar Association go in for all forms of relaxation and activity during a re cent afternoon off from filing briefs, pre paring arguments and other legal matters. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Betts at their home on Falls rd. for an out By Cathe C. Liiithlcum DI. 9-3332 Kay Louise, three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth E. Wise, Rockville, was christened Sunday morning, September 17, at Pooleville Me morial Methodist Church. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Fyffe, jr., were godparents. Approximately 68 guests attended a luncheon given later at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fyffe, sr., Poolesville. Rev. James E. Morgan offi ciated at the christening service at the beginging of the morn ing service. Other children chris tened were Verona Elizabeth Ewald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ewald, and Gary Allen Wadsworth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wadsworth. Verona’s godfather was T. Butts. There will be another christening serv ice October 8. * * * Announcement has been made of the program schedule planned by the Montgomery Count v Historical Society for Saturday. October 7. in Pooles ville in commemoration of the Battle of Ball's Bluff which was fought on October 21, 1861. on a hill across from White’s Ferry on the south bank of the Poto mac River, near Leesburg, Va. There were more than 20.000 soldiers quartered in tent cities between Poolesville and White’s Ferry at this time. The events planned for the day include the regular business meeting of the society at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church at 11 a.m., followed at 12:30 by lunch eon for members at Parish Hall. The Fellowship Committee of St. Peter’s will prepare and serve the meal. The group will meet again at 1.30 in the church to hear Rog er Cohen, jr., guest speaker, whose subject will be ‘‘The Civil War in Montgomery County.” The dedication of a Civil War Centennial Marker has been set for 2:30 p.m. at the Willard and White’s Ferry rds. This cere mony is open to the public as well as the remainder of the day's events. A walking tour of Poolesville will be conducted at 3 p.m. All of the homes and churches SENTINFL S?? me m r d v 7 Tuesday, Sapt. 24, 1941 Edward B. Layne, Miss Gail Copenhaver, Mi’s. Richard B. Latham and Mrs. John McAuliffe, all of Bethesda. Mr. Betts is standing in the rear. Poolesville 'which were erected before 1861 and which include’s St. Peter's, the Presbyterian Church and Town Hall, which was at one | time a Northern Methodist Church, will be identified by placards. On a drive to White’s i Ferry may be seen the house to which the body of General Ba ker, former Senator from Ore gon, was removed after his death on the battlefield at Ball's Bluff. This property which was the home of Captain and Mrs. See the New '62 Fords at Hill & Sanders—Wheaton Washington Area’s Oldest FORD Dealer Register at Hill & Sanders on Ford Announcement Day, Friday, September 29 TO WIN A NEW 1962 FALCON! HILL & SANDERS, inc. Washington Area’s Oldest FORD Dealer 11250 Veirs Mill Rd.. Wheaton. Md. f V* Block from Wheaton Plata) LO. 5-4060 ing which included swimming, softtmli, plen ty of good food, and just loafing. Above, George Eggers of Siluver Spring sits by the pool that was filled for anyone hardy enough to brave the brisk breeze which cooled the afternoon. I Parkins and family for many : years was recently purchased j by Drew Pearson. At 3 p.m. an exhibit of relics dating back 100 years to Civil ! War days and loaned by people in the community will go on dis play in the new Presbyterian Sunday School. * • * The chilrren and Mr. and Mrs. | Maynard C. Luhn, jr., Pooles ville, celebrated their birthdays ! (Continued on Page 11) Damascus By Elizabeth C. Kile \VA. 6-1454 The first meeting of Cedar Grove P-TA will be held at the school at 8 p.m. October 1. * * The Brotherhood of the First Baptist Church of Damascus jwill meet at the home of Lee Sellers on Ridge rd. September 26, Tuesday, at 8 p.m. Plans will be made for Layman’s Sunday October 8, when the men of the j church will have charge of the service. World Wide Commun ! ion will be observed Sunday, Oc tober 1. The Wednesday night j Prayer fleeting will be held at the home of James Hitch at 7:45 I p.m. The study will be on the j Book of Revelation. At 9 o’clock at the same place and day the i choir will practice. All are in j vited to these services. Thursday evening the building commit tee will meet to review the bids I for the new church building. * • * The Damascus Auxiliary of the Women's Board of Mont gomery General Hospital are de sirous of obtaining paperback books when people are through reading them. If you have any of these to donate please call | Mrs. Sherwood Hackett at CL. j 3-2502 who will make arrange ments to get them. * * * The Womens Society of Chris tian Service W Damascus Meth odist Church will hold an auc tion at the educational building October 7 at 10 a.m. Lunch will also be served by this group on the day of sale. Mr. Albert Tab ler will be the auctioneer. Mrs. Raymond Snapp is chairman and Mrs. Arthur Henley is co chairman of the event. * * * Plan to have your dinner on Satruday, October 14 at Damas cus High School. There will be a turkey dinner for the benefit of the Damascus Volunteer Fire Department. Dinner will be served from 2 to 8 p.m. They de serve your support. • * • The antique auto show spon sored by the American Legion i appears to have been a success and was enjoyed by many. * * * Damascus Citizens Associa tion will hold its meeting Wed nesday, September 27 at 8 p.m. at the American Legion Hall. The program will be “Civil De fense,’’ with appropriate speak- I ers and discussions on the sub ject. Principal speaker will be John -R. Bryan, -jr., Regional Training and Educational Offi cer for the District of Colum bia and six adjacent states, who also represents the Department of Defense, and Office of Civil ian Defense. A representative from the Montgomery County Offfice of Civilian Defense, as well as the localy Civilian De fense Officer, B. D. Gladhill, will participate in the program. It is planned to have an up-to-date report on the Damascus Master Zoning plan. * * # Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wood field flew to New York and from there to Puerto Rico and other points for a week’s holi day. They were guests of the Ford Motom Company as win ner of the award for the high Dick Davis Oldsmobiie PROUDLY ANNOUNCES „ The Addition To Its Staff Of G. O. "PAT 1 BULLOCK 405?%% • "7 ; ' ' ' - ■H Wmtepz- '/ '.|A - '* ' v '' . / : Afr i*-- $/ssfy ' ■■ VaSts/'. I wHSt'S S'. '* / M; < %,y ", ffe ' Ki. , *'' % Ai S.rvico Manager. Ha comei to ui from Richmond, Virginia, whero he has been associated for a number of years with Cadillac and Oldsmobiie dealers. He hat been in the automotive business for the past 30 years, and is a graduate of the Carter Carburetor School, St. Louis, Mo., General Motors Training Center, Fairfax, Virginia and Factory Training Schools of Detroit, Mich. We feel that Mr. Bullock is well qualified to help you with all your automotive problems, regardless of what they might be. Mr. Bullock wishes to extend to each and every one of you his personal invitation to let him serve you. Won't you join us in welcoming him to Rockville and drop by to talk over your auto motive problems with him? Dick Davis Oldsmobiie / \ GuartiTa ri \ 111 Congressional Lone Rockville - HA. 7-7100 lest average sales in his zone. * * * j The Junior Choir of the Lu j theran Church of the Redeemer j will rehearse on Saturday, Sep -1 tember 30 at the home of the di j rector, Mrs, Robert Sell on Gue rd. The Junior Confirmation class will leave from the Sells at 10:45 for a pincic-planning session at Mar-Lu Ridge. They will return by 4 p.m. The Lu theran Church of the Redeemer will celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion on World Wide Communion Sunday, Oc tober 1 at 11 a.m. At this serv ice the new Communion Serv ice will be dedicated. At 9:45 a.m. on October 1, the first in the series of the Pastor’s Class es for Adult or prospective members will be held. Identi cal session will be held Tues day evenings at 7:30 at the par sonage. Members of the com munity are invited to attend either service to learn more of the teaching, history and wor ship of the Lutheran Church. The first meeting of the Luther League will be held Sunday, Oc tober 1. This is a youth organi zation for young people in the Bth grade or above. It will meet at the parsonage at 7 p.m. Tl)e Senior Confirmation Class will have its first session, Monday, October 2, at 6:45 p.m. at the parsonage. The Stewardship and Evangelism Committee will meet at 8 p.m. Monday, October 2, at the home of Kenneth Dame on Bethesda Church rd. • * * Roger Day and son, Curtis were guests of Ed Fry at the Chestertown Rotary Club held at the Tally Ho Restaurant in Chestertown. Curtis spoke and showed slides of his recent trip to Europe on the Prize Winning Dairy Judging team. Mrs. Day was the guest of Mrs. Fry at their farm near Chestertown. * * * The Washington West Dis | trict Executive Committee of | the Womens Society of Chris i tian Service met at the home of ! Mrs. Everett Jones Thursday, September 14. Plans were made for the District’s work in the coming year and arrangements were made for the Fall Zone Meetings. The co-hostesses were Mrs. Lewis Reed, Gaithersburg; Mrs. Edward Mantz, Mrs. Ernest Webb, Mrs. Kathleen Nash, of Frederick; Miss Elizabeth Me , Culloch of Colesville, and Mrs. R. R. Brandenburg and Mrs. Pollie Molesworthy of Mt. i Mrs’ Floyd Burns entertained in celebration of her husband’s birthday at a crab feast. The following were guests; Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Crown. Mr. and ; Mrs. Charles Tschiffeiy, Mr. and ! Mrs. Frank Leishear, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. James Burns, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schram. * * • Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Sla cum and daughters, Ann and Margaret, spent the weekend with relatives at Orange, Va. * • * Claude Hurley, Guy Watkins and Dr. Howard Taylor were in Canada last week on a fishing 1 trip. S9BBNI 40 SMNOONL*. ' JKO MiaHßßi -r* *Z h)•’ : .**■*’ HITTING A LONG ONE —A spirited softbail game gave lawyer Bruce Goldberg a chance to get off a long drive, as Stedman Pres Dr. Harold Morton of Oak Drive has recently returned from a three-week trip to Europe. He attended week-long scientific conferences in Municli and Salsburg. Following these meetings he visited the Interna tional Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, and laboratories at Utrecht, Amsterdam and Paris. His trip wound up with a two day visit to the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea, birthplace and boyhood home of his maternal grandfather. * * * Mrs. Mollie Gladhill enter-1' tained at lunchoon Thursday. 1 : Am "Atm LEON B. BORTMCK end FRANK R. NICHOLS t C oriliatfij invite Moil So See and S)rii>e The Beautiful New 1962 Fords and Ford Falcons on Friday, September 29th! 1962 Gdoxie 500 Hardtop 1962 Falcon Squire Waqen COURTESY INTEGRITY Falcon WRSI Thunderbird FORD TRUCK HEADQUARTERS Rockville Motor Co. INC. 332 Commerce Lane Rockville, Md. GA. 4-5000 cott, jr., watches it head out over the infield from his catcher’s position.- Photos by Ed Mervis. Her guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Allen Callicutt and Lee Al len of Mt. Rainier, Md. ♦ •** Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Fetzer had as guests for several days, Mrs. Marvin Thomas and her daughter of Farham, Va. * * * Mrs. Edward Beall of Lewis dr. is confined to her home by illness. * * * The Damascus Rotary Club met Thursday evening at the | fire house for their regular I meeting. They entertained the j Damascus team of the Mont gomery Pony Baseball League and their manager, Leonard j Mullinix for dinner. After din ner they showed a film on the World Series Games of 1960. The Damascus Club sponsors two teams, the other is a "Little League" team. * • * Dr. and Mrs. McKendree Boy er attended the Medical and Chirurgical meeting for the State of Maryland held at the Commander Hotel in Ocean City recently. Dr. Boyer is vice chair man of the Counsel of the State Society and Mrs. Boyer attend ed as a delegate from the Mont gomery County Medical Auxil iary.