Newspaper Page Text
Classified Advertising Deadlines—Tues. Edition, Sat.,l2 Noon; Thurs. Edition, Tues., 4 p.m.; Sat. Edition, Thurs., 4 p.m. Ratos: 5 linos or loss IP W ! fd , $210; T . ues - aßd Thurs - 5315 : Tues., Thurs., Sat., $4.00 —3O cents for additional 5 words in one issue; 45 cents. 2 consecutive issues; 40 cents. 3 consecutive issues. Ad takers will help. GA. 4*7700. SERVICES 1 Storm Window Time LET US REPLACE THAT BROKEN GLASS. ROCKVILLE GLASS ISO E. MIDDLE STREET ROCKVILLE PO. 2-3800 TF-4532-31 PAINTING— Paper Hanging. Private Homes, also Commer cial work. 25 yrs. experience. Call S. H. LYNN, GA. 4-5772. FAST DEPENDABLE RADIO AND T. V. SERVICE—for Rock ville, Gaithersburg, Kensington, Wheaton Areas. Call JOHN K. MYRICK, GA. 4-9693. 3t-10-21 LANDSCAPING Trees; all kinds of nursery products; also trash removed. Firewood, $lB per cord, delivered. J. & S. LANDSCAPING, PO. 2-2777. 6MO-26 SHEET METAL—Roofing, New & Repair. Guttering & Spouting, Roof Painting. Heating and ad ditional Heat Line. Free esti mates. E. W. BUTT, PO. 2-2206. RONNIES REPAIR SERVICE —Washing & Sewing Machines; Vacuums, Irons Toasters; Lawn Mowers. Free Estimates—Free Pick Up and Delivery. Call WAlker 4-4108 or 924-5361. VETERANS SHEET METAL CO.—Oil and gas hot air fur naces. Roofing, new and re pair. Guttering and spouting; roof painting. Humirlifierr for hot air furnaces. Additional heat lines. Free estimates. Call PO. 2-2896 or PO. 2-3917. CARTERS Upholstering Co. Upholstering & Slip Covers. Free estimates. Pick Up & De livery; Cushions refilled; Tuft ing a Specialty. PO. 2-5747. tf-8974 STRUCTURAL STEEL Auto parts, beams, pipe, angles, plates, small motors, odds and ends of metal for machinists and tool makers. Visit our yard in Rockville on the new 240 by-pass. Montgomery Iron and Metal Works. PO. 2-3924. LANDSCAPING Specializing in lawns, trimming, planting shrubbery & grading. Also have good manure for sale. Call Troy Cox at WA. 6-2676 after 6 p.m. Anytime Sat. or Sun. tf-8850 FLAGSTONE PATIOS Steps, Walks, all kinds of Cement work; retaining walls, water proofing cellar floors and walls; terracotta pipes; drainage from downspouts & lawns. Repair Swimming Pools,' F. Mafcuccio, : PO. 2-3588. tf-2970) CRUSHED STONE Repair those drives, lanes and parking areas now; all sizes of crushed stone delivered: estimates cheerfully given. Call Rockville Crushed Stone. Inc. PO. 2-9307. CIDER MILL AT LANDING ROAD FARM NEAR ILCHES TER will be open on Friday, Sept. 22 and will run every Fri day until further notice. Locat ed on Landing Rd. % mi. east of Ilchester Rd. 4.2 mi. east of intersection of route 29 and Montgomery Rd. Bbls. and kegs for sale. Bring apples 8 a m. to 4 p.m. H. B. Davis, Tel. RI. 7- 4203. tf-7927 WASHING MACHINE ft DRY ER REPAIR SERVICE, Eves. & Weekends. If I repair Ma chine there will be no Service Charge. Call MR. BROWN, UN. 4-3582. 3t-10-24 ELECTRICIAN Wiring, Re pairs, Service Calls, etc. Li censed and Bonded. CHARLES SCHWAB, WH. 6-6489. HOME IMPROVEMENTS 2 ATTENTION HOME OWNERS We can give you Ist class work at reasonable prices, also FHA financing, rec. rms., patios, walks, garage & encL porches is our specialty. 6ARCO BUILDERS 11301 Georgia Ave., Wheaton Cali anytime LQ. 5-8737 tf-7123-31 ALL TYPES OF HOME IM PROVEMENT Carpentry & Repairs; incl. Dormers; Rec- Rooms; Attics; Porches, Gar ages; Additions; Interior & ex terior Painting; wall & floor til ing; Roof nig. “Specialty Fall- Out Shelters.” Free estimate & personally supervised. Call Floyd Keener, WH. 2-9114 or WH. 6-7120. tf-6398 ADDITIONS Carports, Porches, Rec. Rooms, Kitchens & Home Repairs. 5 year pay plan. Licensed FHA approved Contractor. Call WH. 6-0582. GENERAL CONTRACTING on all types Home Improvements Lowest Estimates in Mont gomery County—Prompt Free Estimates. Call WI. 8-3938 or PO. 2-4148. tf.30313t YOUR LOCAL CONTRACTOR SPECIALIZING IN Recreation Rooms, Porches and Addi tion* F.H.A. or Bank Financing. B & B CONTRACTORS, INC. OF ROCKVILLE FREE EST. HA. 7-7434 '24 hr*.) TF-343-3t PORCHES ADDITIONS RECREATION ROOMS FHA Financing Available Minnesota Contracting Co. “We do all kinds ot const ruction work" WH. 2-7469 HE. 4-9327 Tr-wam INSTRUCTIONS MOTHER ENROLL YOUR DAUGHTER NOW In the little Miss & Teen Finishing School & Modeling Classes in Wheaton; in order for her to be trained in time for our big Christmas Fashion Show. Small weekly rates. FE. 7-1158. 3t-10-24 INSTRUCTIONS 5 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATION train now Earn up to 54.50 hr. In America's fast est growing Industry . . . here and ov erseas. Contractors coast to coast seek ing trained heavy equip’t. operators. Learn Bulldozer. Grader. Shovel, Drag Line, Clam Shell, Front End Loader, etc. Training incl. 4 WKS. ACTUAL EXPER. on heavy equipt. at our field training center, PLUS nationwide employ, guid ance. LEARN NOW! Write Dept. 312, TRAINING SERVICES, 941 N. High land St., Arlington 1, Va. HELP WANTED—MALE 15 NEED MORE MONEY? If you art unemployed, or the in | coma from your present job is in* ; sufficient apply 9525 GEORGIA AVE. or Phono JU. 5-8110 BOYS (white) for all day work Saturday. Good pay. Call 949- 1709 bet. 7 & 9 p.m. tf CRANE OPERATOR—Exp. & sober; this is a 52-week a year job; no layoff; age 25-50. 'Call LO. 5-5175. 3MO-19 OFFICE AND STOCK CLERK Apply in person Womack Industries Inc., 131 Congression al Lane. Rockville, Md. 3MO-19 AUTO MECHANIC—GM exper ience; good working conditions, company benefits include paid vacation, group hospitalization, etc. Apply to Guy Merry, Service Mgr., Miller - Fields Buick, Inc., 300 N. Washington St., Rockville, Md., GA. 4-6363. COLLECTOR Part time. Sat. or eves, for Rockville and Whea ton area, car necessary. Call 565-1970 bet. 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. GUARDS $4290-5365 (Msx. in 6 yrs.) No lay-offs--steady work—secure future. State of Md. examination now scheduled for Custodial Officer I. Applicants must be 22 yrs. of age, s'B" tall (without shoes* and in good physical condition. High School grad OR elementary school and 4 yr. steady paid employment re quired. For applications and information contact Comm, of Personnel, 301 W. Pres ton St., Balto 1. Md. UTILITY MAN—For work in Concrete plant, Apply M. J. GROVE LIME CO. Boyds, Md. ELECTRONICS TECHNICIANS If you are a Technical School Graduate i and have at least 1 yaai industrial experience as a Technician: I have a position for you in Suburban Md. to $6,000 per year. CALL MR. BROWN NATIONAL PERSONNEL CENTER 2446 Reedie Dr., Wheaton LO. 5-3714 SHORT ORDER COOK—night work; full time or part time. Apply 12 noon to 2 p.m., or 9 p.m. to 12 midnight, ref. req. TAGGART’S TAVERN, 202 Commerce Lane, Rockville, Md. SALESMAN—SaIary and Com mission. Apply at Singer Sew ing Machine Co., Congressional Shopping Center, Rockville, Md. tf-3646-3t 2 MEN NEEDED as franohized ELECTROLUX Represent atives. Opportunity for advancement of management quickly. Will consider re tired worker. FOR INTERVIEW CALL JU.S-1350 Bto 11 a.m. 81-10/31 HELP WANTED—FEMALE 16 TYPIST-CLERK other types of clerical duties, typing essen- 1 tial. Company benefits, 5 day j week. Call Mr. Ponns for ap pointment. LA. 6-2215. 3MO-19 SALES CLERK * BRANCH STORE KENSINGTON AREA Excellent opportunity for someone in Kensington, Md. area. Experi ence not necessary. Guaranteed salary. Vacation with pay, free insurance and other employee benefits. Apply ELITE LAUNDRY 10534 CONN. AVENUE KENSINGTON, MARYLAND OR 2119 14th STREET, N.W. 3t-79.10-10/19 SECRETARY to Sales Manager. Must be exp. In shorthand, dictaphone, letters, proposal, filing, IBM. elec. A record system; 40 hr. week 8:30 to 5:15. Company Benefit*. AMERICAN RESEARCH & MFG. CORP. HA. 7-7116 31-404-10/19 EXPERIENCED WOMAN or couple. G.H.W., some cooking. Lovely apartment furnished, but can live-fn or out. Two in fam ily, located bet. Olney & Sandy Spring. Ref. req. Call WH. 2- 7190. 3t-10-19 NURSES - Registered; also li censed practical nurses; all shifts Apply Nursing Office, Suburban Hospital, 8600 Old Georgetown rd.. Bethesda, Md. SECY. exp. $75; Recept.-Tpst, $75; (2) Clerk-Tpsts. SSO-565; Bkkng. Mach. Optr., $65; Full and P.T. PBX. $1.50 hr.; Alter ation woman, $lO day. ROCK VILLK PERSONNEL SERV ICE, PO. 2-9416. 2t-10-21 i ; HELP WANTED—FEMALE 16 NURSES Immediate per. employment with the State of Maryland for Registered Nurses ■ currently recorded under Md. State law. ' Salary: $4040-5365 <Max. In 6 yrs.). Exam, held every Thurs. at 8:30 A.M. [ at the office of the Comm, of Personnel, RM. 511. 301 W. Preston St.. Balto 3, j Md. or file application for Nov. exam, to be hold in Prince Georges County. CAKE DECORATOR Experience preferred, but not necessary. We will teach you the finer points in CAKE DECORATING and guarantee you steady employment. APPLY MANAGER. FEDERAL BAKE SHOP WHEATON PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER BAKERS Experience preferred, but not necessary. We will train you. Full or part time work. No nights. Sunda\s or Holidays. Pleasant working conditions. APPLY MANAGER. FEDERAL BAKE SHOP WHEATON ILAZA SHOPPING CENTER 3t-3i3-10-24 HELP WANTED—(MoIa-Femalc) IT EASY TO LEARN lightwork (earn $35-SSO per wk. spare time). Car necessary. Write W. T. Rawleigh, Dept. MDJ-101- 1180, Chester, Pennsylvania. ENGINEERS & DRAFTSMEN OFFICE PERSONNEL WHEATON EMPLOYMENT SERVICE LO. 5-5174 TF 440 MN PART TIME CONSULTANTS Aggressive Real Estate Company is In terested in hiring several persons ‘Wom en or Men? who enjoy Public Relations. • EARN WHILE YOU LEARN’’ For those who qualify, we offer a well rounded Real Estate course, free of cost. You must be personable and have a de sire to learn. Call for appointments MR. MOORE—LO. 5-0800 A DEALERSHIP in nationally advertised products available in Montgomery County. Good in come and high earnings poten tial. Permanent. Thorough training provided. Car requir ed. Age no barrier. Male or Female. Write today for per sonal interview: G.R.C., P.O. Box 5071, Richmond, Virginia. SOCIAL WORKER Immediate ’vac. with State Dept, of Wel fare for the position of “Case Worker’’.* Require* Bachelor’* degree and driver’s j license. Salary: $4040-5052. (Max. in 6 yrs.). For applications contact the Comm, of Personnel. 301 W. Preston St., Balto 1, Md. IMMEDIATELY. INTERESTED IN ROUTE SALEH. We can use full or part time dealers in Rockville. Na tionally advertised products. Should have car. Year around income. Bonus Plan.No Lay-offs. Ages 22 to 70. Write Wat kins Products, Inc., P.O. Box 5071, Dept. 5-3, Richmond, Vir ginia. 2t-10-19 th COTTAGE SUPERVISORS $6960-8703 (M,x. in 6 yrt.) Immediate placement for several couples (with no dependent children* interested in the training and care of boys and able to live on the grounds of a Maryland State training school in Baltimore or Prince Georges Co Man must be H.S. grad. Women must have completed Bth grade. All applicants must be over 25 yrs. of age. For applications and in formation. contact Comm, of Personnel, 301 W. Preston St., Balto 1, Md. TAG ft TITLE CLERKS (4), I is7s-SIOO. Call WHEATON EM PLOYMENT SERVICE, LO. 5- 5174. 3MO-19 JANITOR ft MAID Montgom ery General Hospital, must be able to read and write; be in good health and dependable, 5 day 40 hr. week, attractive sal arly. Call 924-4201, and ask for Mrs. Tinkham. 3MO-24 COOK WANTED Man or Woman. Hrs. 7 to 3:30; off Sat urday & Sunday. Salary open. County Building Cafeteria, Rockville, Md. 3t-10-24 EARN SSMIO&fIM EXTRA money In your spare time, show beau, boxes of Xmas Cards to your friends & neigh bors. 20- SI.OO boxes sent to I your home for SIO.OO & you ree. j a Bonus of a FREE BOX. If not compl. satisfd., keep Bonus box and return Boxes for your re fund. You make a big 100% PROFIT. Don’t delay, send $lO check or Money Order to EAST COAST DISTRIBUTORS, P.O. B. 653, Rockville, Md. 3t-10-24 ACCOUNTING CLERK Rockville RECEPTIONIST RockvilU CREDIT INVESTIGATOR RockvilU ALTERATION WOMAN RockvilU TV A RADIO (2) REPAIRMEN—S. S. HERRINGTON EMPLOYMENT SERVICE GA. 4-6324 tr HELP WANTED—DOMESTIC J RELIABLE WOMAN for GHW and ironing, Wed. & Fri. CaU after 4:30 p.m. WA. 6-2369. Gaithersburg, Md. 3MO-19 RELIABLE WOMAN—General House Work and Ironing, 1 day week. Cali WA. 6-3949. Gaith ersburg, Md. 3010-24 G.H.W. ft IRONING—2 days a week, ref. req., must have own transportation. 9540 River Rd., 1 mi. from Potomac Shopping Center. Call 365-5892. 3t-10-24 CHILD CARE 20 MOTHER will care for child in her home, five days a week, fenced yard, Rockville. Phone GA. 4-7959 2t-10-12 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 35 BLACKBOARDS for home, $1.85, up. At Rockville Station ery, Inc., in the Rockville Shop ping Center, PO. 2-6115. lt-9-7 THE BARGAIN BOX 232 L Montgomery. Rockville Turn old things Into sold things: Be It a bike, a rake or a rocking chair, clothing, lewelry. bric-a-bac. Consignment* taken Wed., Friday and Saturday PO. 2-2242 Dally 10 til S p.m. DESKS—USED—Wood, execu tive. Rockville Stationery, Inc., in the Rockville Shopping Cen ter, PO, 2-6115. lt-10-14 FIREWOOD Well - seasoned oak; delivered. E. L. GERMAN, EV. 4-6800 or JU. 7-8994. CHINA CLOSET Mahogany, glass front; excellent condition; SSO. Call EV. 4-9225. 3MO-19 APPLES, PUMPKINS, SWEET ClDEß—Apples $1.89 Bu. and up; homemade sausage; hun dreds of Pumpkins. Open 7 days a week. EMERSON’S CASH MARKET, Travilah Rd., PO. 2-9757. 4MO-26TH. UPHOLSTERING Wide Choice of Fabrics Seats Rebuilt—Springs Retied Foam Rubber Furniture Custom Made to Order All Work Guaranteed Easy Credit Terms Free Estimates in the Home JU. 9-3443—WH. 2-7292 after 6 NEWBY UPHOLSTERING CO. 8408 Ge. Ave., Silver Spring tf-a57-th PHILCO WASHER; fam. size Gas Stove; Thor elec. Ironer; all in excellent condition, used very little. CaU LO. 5-2820. 3t 10-24 CHICKEN HOUSE-12x24, slop ing roof, 7% ft. to 6 ft. with 9 windows. Call after 6 p.m. PO. 2-2648. 31-1024 EARLY AM. FURNITURE— Solid Cherry Dropleaf Table, custom made Hutch, orig. pur chased from the Craft Shop; ex cel. cond. CaU GA. 4-8681 any time. MAPLE SETTEE with cover, S2O. Call PI. 9-3571, lt-10-19 FURS —Sheared Beaver Coat, full length, beautiful shading SIOO or best offer, Black Broad- I tail jacket, $25. CaU 949-0993. st-10-24 MOUTON LAMB Fur coat, full length, size 14, excellent con dition, cost $250, sell $35; young girl’s white figure skates, like new, size 4, $4. CaU PO. 2-4754. FURNACE—Forced air, 75,000 B.t.u. Natural Gas, good work ing condition, $25. CaU WH. 6- 7317. lt-10-17 BULLDOZER lnternational T.D.-6; top running shape; rea sonable. CaU PO. 2-3919. 3MO-19 PERSONALIZED STATION ERY FOR XMAS Order in plenty of time at ROCKVILLE STATIONERY, INC., PO. 2- 6115. lt-10-12 IMPRINTED XMAS CARDS Order now; 1-day service for cards in stock, plus 25 cata logues to choose from 10% OFF IN OCTOBER—at the ROCK VILLE STATIONERY, INC., in the Rockville Shopping Center, PO. 2-6115. lt-10-12 — MISCELLANEOUS WAHTID 36 BUILDERS ft CONTRACTORS kfi Damascus Area. Do you need j a place to empty vour fill dirt? Call GA 4-7700, Mrs. Folk. NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES 40c per 100 lbs. •Iso WE WANT YOUR JUNK IRON and RAGS MONTGOMERY IRON & METAL COMPANY PO 2-3924 300 Hungerford Drive ROCKVILLE HAVE GUNS WILL SELL! We buy. sell and trade New and Used Guns. WiU buy one gun or complete collections, incl. antiques for CASH. Rock ville Trading Post, 117 N. Washington st.. PO. 2-3946. RENTALS 37 CHAIN SAWS—SkiU saws, til lers. mixers, aerators, post dig gers. concrete grinders, elec, hammers, sanders, pumps, gen erators. steamers, bulldozers, loaders etc. Rental Tool & Equipment Co. JU. 9-6881. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 35 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 3S FLOOR SAMPLES SALE All Brand New and Fully Guaranteed 1—25 H.P. Outboard Motor Rag. s4l9.oo—Now $299.0 I—ls H.P. Outboard Motor Rag. $326.00—N0w $257.1t 1—23" T.V. Comolo Mahogany Rag. $219.95—N0w $199.11 I—Starao Coniola AM FM Radio. Walnut... .Rag. $309.95 —Now $299.11 I—Starao Coniola AM FM Radio. Walnut... .Rag. $219.18 —Now $177.81 I—Starao Coniola AM FM Radio, Mahog Rag. $209.95 —Now $167.88 I—Wringar Waihar I Rag. sl39.oo—Now $127.88 MONTGOMERY WARD 2003 Vairi Mill Rd., Twinbrook Shopping Cantar, Rockvilla, M 6 9t-§072-10-21 REAL ESTATE—SALE 45 W’HEATON Brick semidet.; 6 rms. & bath; full din. rm., bsmt., rec. rm., anchor fenced; nice loc. FHA or VA. $14,950. Owner wUI come to terms if really interest. WH. 6-0837. MR. ft MRS. G. I.—Here is a House appraised by V. A. at $10,500 which you can buy with no money down, $75 per mo. all charges. 2 bedrms, Bath, Bsmnt. Call SAMUEL E. BOGLEY, INC., Rockville Office, PO. 2- 6151 eves. J. C. Smith, OL. 4- 2084. MT. AIRY, MD. 4 acres of land improved with 5 room house, bath, in Mant. Airy. S9OOO. 7 room dwelling with bath, on large lot close to churches, stores, schools. S6OOO. 19 acres, 6 rm. dwelling, necessary out bldgs. I mile off Rt. 40. $13,000. H. P. BURDETTE & SON REALTOR MT. AIRY, MD. PH. 13.3 Eve. & Sun. Ph. Mr. Pryor 42M WHEATON—3 bedroom, ram bler; $395 down, no settlement charges. Move in immed. ST. 3: 3676, eves, and Sun. WH. 2-1873. 3t-10-24 WHEATON Brick Colonial. 3 bedrooms, sop. dining room, wonderful recreation room. ONLY $15,500. “SEEING IS BELIEVING’* Anchor fenced corner lot, close to St. Catherine & Public School. Call for appointment W. J. NICHOLAS LO 5-0800 31-800-10-34 REAL ESTATE—RENT 46 GAITHERSBURG Office; 1, 2- or 3-room suite, all util. turn, incl. janitor services. Avail. Nov. Ist, 1961. Clarence E. Becraft, 112 N. Frederick Ave., Gaithers burg, WA. 6-0738. 3MO-17 GAITHERSBURG Unfur nished 4 bedroom brick home on corner lot, $135 per mo. Kay Bowling Realtor. WI. 8-9250 or WA. 6-2500. 3MO-19 SHARE Ist FLOOR AIR. COND. OFFICE--Wheaton Tri angle, SSO per month. Phone 565-1970 bet. 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. tf HOUSR—4 rooms & Bath, on hard road, E. of Damascus. No children. $65 per mo. Call CL. 3- 2541. lt-10-19 HOUSE—S Rooms & Bath, on hard road. E. of Damascus, $75 per mo. Call CL. 3-2541. lt-10-19 ATTRACTIVE STORE Silver Spring—7ox2s In parking-hopplng renter; low rental. Call MR. ROSE, EX. 3-8274 or EM. 2 6440 (ever). 3t-827-10-24 ATTRACTIVE OFFICES 1- 18 X 10 1— 12 x 10 Adjacent, connecting In Prestige Bank Buligifik vie. Pmey Rd. A Flower Ave., Silver Spring. LOW RENTALS. OftLL MR.. ROSE. EX 3-8274 or EM 2-6410 7600 GEORGIA AVE, N.W Custom suite to your specifica tions. New air-cond. bldge. with off-street parking. Aavil Nov. 1. Phone Mr. Mack, WALKER & DUNLOP, INC. ST. 3-5050. __3U1024 ROCKLAND AREA 3 Bed room Rambler, unfurnished, no bsmnt., nice fenced yard. Vacant $l2O. Call Mr. Parks. SUBUR BAN PROPERTIES MANAGE MENT, INC. PO. 2-3140 eves. JU. 5-0968. lt-10-19 NR. GAITHERSBURG Furn. Apt. Liv. Rm., Bedrm., kitch. w/ gas range & refrig., priv. bath & entrance. Heat, light & hot wat er furn. $97.50. No children. Call WA. 6-1137. lt-10-19 CEDAR GROVE, unfurnished 5 rooms, 2 bedrms, bath, liv, rm., kitch., closed in porch, hot wat er heat, $75 per mo. Cali WA. 6-2165. _ lt-10-19 FURNISHED HOUSE, 2 mi. from Gaithersburg- Liv. rm., Din. rm., Kitch., 2 bedrms. (1 sml.), & bath. No objection to one child: ref. req. Call WA. 6- 1315 after 4 p.m. ■ ” BEAL ESTATE—WANTED 47 HOMES, FARMS, Lots & Acre age—We buy, sell, rent or trade. For quick action, call KEN McGREW Real Estate Office. PO. 2-9633 or WA. 6-2829. tf-8142-3t BUDNEY PAYS ALL CASH tor your home: free appraisal; quick settlement; no commis sion. Call LO. 5-2750 or LO. 5 1299, tf-4496 BOOMS 808 KENT 48 ROCKVILLE ROOM FOR RENT—Furnished, kitchen priv ileges; on bus route. Write Box 272 D. Rockville. Md. 31-10-19 ■OATS M MARK 25 MOTOR -Very good. 14’ Runabout, real nice. Champ Trailer, like new. All for $450. Gall PO. 2-9453. 31-10-24 AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE M> FORD - FALCON - THUNDERBIRD ROGER L. HOWRIGAN Representing STEUART MOTOR CO. 6th A New York Ave.. N.W. NA. 8-3000 After 6 p.m. OA. 4-5613 tf-6613-3t | AUTOMOIILES 808 SALK 40 ; 1956 FORD—Convertible; R&H, , Fordomatic, T-Blrd engine; ex ; cel. cond.; $650. Call after 6 . p.m. or Sunday, PO. 2-9342. E 3MO-19 I DODGE 1952 t PLYMOUTH 1954 MERCURY 1953 FORD 1954 ALL MECHANICALLY GOOD . NO MONEY DOWN ON APPROVED CREDIT ROCKVILLE FORD 332 Commerce Lane Rockville GA. 4-5000 , 1947 PLYMOUTH—good condi* tion, $l5O. Call PO. 2-5092. t lt-10-19 LIVESTOCK FOB SALE 45 ONE REGISTERED Polled Hereford yearling bull, sired by grandson of National Cham pion; one registered polled Hereford bull calf, 6 mo., very good; two reg. P.H. heifers, breeding age; three feeder steers; all from accredited herd; priced right. Call OL. 2-3954. DOGS, PETS, KENNELS 47 CAT—beautiful black female, spaked, 3 yrs. old, excellent mouser, wants farm to live on; , also ideal house pet. Call after 6 p.m. OL. 2-1038. 3MO-21 GERMAN SHEPHERD Pup pies; AKC registered; $35 each before shots. Call WA. 6-1485. GIVE-AWAYS 70 LOVING HOMES for assorted beautiful Cats & Kittens, males, females, all have shots, some ■ are altered. Colors: Orange smoked mixed. Call MT. AIRY 8-M. lt-10-19 SPECIAL NOTICES 75 HOME OWNERS LOANS Second Trust, Secured by Equity Bank Rates Pay Oft Prasant Inadaquata Sec ondary Financing SI,OOO to $5,000 Available Immediate Action EQUITY HOME LOAN COMPANY 8007 Norfolk Avenue Bethesda, Md. OL 6-6373 tr-7932 DR. MONROE STOKVIS OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED CONTACT LENSES 107 N. Washington St. Rockville, Md. PO. 2-5109 COMING EVENTS 85 OCT. 19-26-21 GOOD AS NEW SALE; sponsored by St. Paul’s Catholic Church, Damascus. To be held at the Church Hall, Main Street, Rt. 108. Hrs.: Thurs. & Fri. Noon to 9 p.m.; Sat., 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Clothing, Household Furnishing, Toys & Misc. 7t-10-19ea.t. OCT. 19- LUNCHEON. Oakdale Emory Methodist Church, Ol ney, Md., 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., $!• 4MO-19 ea.t. OCT 21 —CARD PARTY—B p.m. Laytonsville Fire House Hall, SI.OO per person. Prize and Re freshments. 3t-10-21 ea.t. ; OCT. 21—Saturday, 3 to 8 p.m. key Dinner at the Ag Center in That famous St. Martin’s Tur- Gaithersburg. Adults, $1.75; Children, 7*c. Country Store. Homemade Cakes, Pies, and Candies. 7MO-21 ea.t. OCT. 21—3-8 p.m. St. John’s Episcopal Church, Olney, Md., will hold their annual Fried Oyster & Country Ham Dinner with vegetable and homemade t rolls, served family style. Cake Table, Fancy Articles & Door Prize. 3MO-19TH OCT. 21—Sat. Turkey Dinner, 1 4 to 8 p.m. Oak Chapel Metb- J odist Church, Layhill, Md. i Adults $1.50, Children 75c. Bake 1 Sale and Bazzar. st-10-19 th. 1 OCT. 28- 3:00 to 9:00 p.m. The ' Bamesville Turkey Dinner at the Bamesville Pavilion on the grounds of St. Mary’s Church, Bamesville, Md., Route 109. All food served country style on the table. Adults, $1.75 and Chil dren, 75c. Bring your appetite —This is a Bargain. 13t-10-28ea.t. OCT. 28—Sat. Ham & Oyster Dinner. Mt. Carmel Church, Sunshine, Md. on Rt. 97. From 3-8 p.m. Adults $1.50, Children 75c. llt-10-28 ea.t. ] OCT. 28 Sat., Auction, 10:30 i a.m.; former Methodist Church Hall, Clarksburg. Md.; sponsor- j ed by Clarksburg Methodist ( Building Fund and Community < Association; Bake Sale & Lunch ' served by WSCS. st-10-28 ea.t. , OUT. 28 Halloween Dance! 9-12 at Burtonsville Fire Dept. Sponsored by Norman Post No. 68 American Legion. OCT. 28—Sat. Turkey & liam Dinner and Bazaar from 3 to 8 p.m., at Grace Methodist Church. Gaithersburg, Md. Fam. Style, Adults, $1.50; children, 75c. Dessert extra. 15-10-28 ea.t. OCT. 28- Sat. 3 p.m. Turkey & Ham Supper, Calvary Methodist Church, Mt. Airy, Md. Adults, $1.50; Children 75c. Benefit AFB Class. 2MO-26 th NOV. B—RUMMAGE SALE, St. Paul’s Methodist Church, Lay tonsville, Md. Friday eve., 6 to 9 p.m. llt-11-2 ea.t. NOV. 4—Sat. Oyster, Country Ham & Fried Chicken Salad Supper at Orndorff Hall, Brookeville, Md. Starts 2 p.m. Given by Salem Methodist Church. 4t-11-2 Jh. NOV. 4 Annual Bazaar & Tur key Dinner. Sponsored by Ep worth Methodist Church) Gaith ersburg, beg. at 2 p.m. ’til. Adults. $1.50, Children, 73c. NOV. 4 Turkey Dinner “Fam ily Style” to be served at the Hunting Hill Methodist Church, Fellowship Hall, Rt. 28, 3 mi. VV. Rockville. 3-8 p.m. 4t-11-2 th. NOV- 4 Sat. 4 p.m. Turkey & Oyster Supper, Dickerson Methodist Church, Dickerson. Md. 141-10-28 ea.t COMING IVINTS SI NOV. 4—Annual TurKey Dinner at the Damascus Methodist Church; sponsored by WSCS, Start 2 p.m. Also Bake Sale by WSG. llt-11-4 ea. t NOV. 11—Sat. Annual Turkey Supper. Salem Methodist Church, Celar Grove, beg."at 8 pm. 12t-ll.fl ea.t. NOV. 11—Fried Oysters & Ham Supper, Family Style, hot veg., homemade rolls. Montgomery Church, Claggettsville, Md. Beg. 2 p.m. , st-11-9 th. NOV. 11 —Sat. Annual Turkey & Country Ham Supper, St. Paul Methodist Church, Lay tonsville, Md. Bazaar and baked goods. Adults $1.50, Children 75c. Sponsored by WSCS. NOV. 11—Sat. Fried Oyster & Country Ham Supper, hot veg., salad, hot rolls, At Boyds Pres byterlan Church Hall, Boyds, Md. Ice Cream and Cake for Sale. 4-8 p.m. Adults, $1.50; Children, 75c. Bt. 11-11 ea.t. NOV. 11—TURKEY SUPPER— -4-8 p.m. New Liberty Grove Methodist Church, Burtonsville, Maryland. Family style service. Hot vegetables and dessert. $1.50 ana 75 cents. Variety Store and Bake Table. Sponsored by Women’s Society of Christian Service. Ut-11-11 ea.t. NOV. 18—St. Paul’s Smorgas bord & Bazaar at Damascus High School; 3-8 p.m. Variety Menu features many delicious items. $1.75 & 75c. Benefit Church Building Fund St. Paul’s Church, Damascus. 7t 11-16TH NOV. 18—Sat. Beg. at 4 p.m. Turkey & Oyster Supper Long Corner Community Hall. Bene fit Howard Chapel WSCS. Adults, $1.50; Children, 75c. NOV. 18—Sat. 2:30 on. Turkey Supper, Mount Tabor Church Half, Etchison, Md. State Route 108. SMI-16 th. Legal Advertisement Sealed Bids The Board of Education of Montgomery County will re ceive sealed bids for the furnish ing of the below listed items until the dates and times shown. The bids will be publicly opened in the office of the Director of Procurement at the Educational Services Center, 50 North Wash ington Street, Rockville, Mary land. Specifications may be ob tained at the office of the Direc tor of Procurement. Bid #56-61 —Roofing for Ger mantown and Poolesville Ele mentaries, October 27,1961 until 3:00 P.M. EDST. Bid #57-61 Frozen Fish, October 30, 1961 until 3:00 P.M. EST. lt-1776-10-19 DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTION AND LICENSES MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD. Rockville, Maryland Notice Of Hearing Change Rock Creek Watershed Sectional Plan Amendment NUMBER C-689: Please take notice that the public hearing scheduled for November 6, 1961 on the application of the MNCPPC for a sectional plan amendment covering the Rock- Creek Watershed has been post poned until further notice. E. W. BUCKLIN Director Department of Inspection and Licenses lt-1774-10-19 JOSEPH S. CULL INS, 4R~ 37M Rhode I. land Are. Mt. Rainier. Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tht the Orphan*’ Court tor Montgomery County ha* issued Letter* Testamentary to Paul P. Cook and Lawrence C. Cook in the Estate of FALX COOK late of Montgomery Covnty deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 22nd day of March next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefits of said Estate. All persons indebted to saJd Eat ate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under our hands this 15th day of September, 1961.. PAUL P. COOK me. 3, Box .1056 Bainbndge Island, Washington Co-Executor LAWRENCE C COOK 2126 Griffith Road Kails Church, Va. Co-Executor ot-9J 4-10-26 M.MKH MEN R V MI KIHM K tt W>*t Jefferson t. ftoekvlllft, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITOR* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has issued Letter* Testamentary to Lil lian Marie Little in the Estate of MAXNAKKE LITTLE late of Montgomery County deceased. All , Persons hiving Claim* against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 20th day of April next: they may otherwise by Jaw be ex cluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand thia 11th day of . October, J 961. LILLIAN MARIE LITTLE 13221 Foxden Drive Rockville Md. Executrix ot-1707-11 -23 ARTHUR B. TARANTINO*" 4*ol l.n,ilruni I .a or Chav, ( bur IS Md. NOTICK TO < KKDITORX , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Uut the ! Oiphn’ Court for Montgomery County . ha iiiiued Letter! TegUmentiry to Nor wood D. Guthrie In the Entate of FLORENCE IUI GUTHRIE I lte of Montgomery County de<eiu,ed. All i pernong hgvlng Claim* again*! the de- r cea*ed are hereby warned to preaent the i ame on or before Ike 20th day of April i next; they may othrwi*e by law be ex- r eluded from all benefit of aaid Eatate. > All peraon* Indebted to aald Eatate are r requeated to make immediate payment. Given under my hand thl* 11th day of < October, 1961, NORWOOD D GUTHRIE 7212 Exeter Road Bctheada 14, Md. Executor 61-1769-11-21 . W. V. PRETTYMAN H. Perry St. Rockville, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphan*’ Court for Montgomery County J ha* iaaued Letter* of Admlnlalratiori to '] Catherine S. Bi ble In the Eatate of * ROGER SHAM late of Montgomery County dreeated. All perron* having Claim* again*! the h deeeaaed are hereby warned to preaent p the same on or before the 30th day of r April next; they may otherwl*e by law • be excluded from all benefit of aald n Eatate, All prreona indented to aald < Eatate are raquaated to make Immediate A payment | rt Given under my hand thia 11th day of October, 1961. 0 CATHERINE S. BRIDE Adminialretrix .Vil Baltimore Road Rocky Ilia. Md. M-17M-U-28 5 SENTINEL OOUNTY^MIL i. Thuridiy, October 19, 1941 t Tenpin t Trail i (Continued from Page 9) , tie with Silver Spring Sports r for first place. Standings beyond this are : 3) Blue Ridge Sports, 4) Ag news Inn, 5) Good & Ruff _ Crab House, and 6) Charcoal I House. Francisco’s had three i 600 shooters with Jon Hyde, Buddy Engleman and Tommy ‘ Thompson each hitting. , In the CAMRA Tenpin ■ League #2 at Congressional, ; Suburban Properties leads by two games over Hollywood Electric. Bob Sharon owns . high series with 662. Lee : Schroeder and Bill Brem are league leaders with averages of 185. Bill holds high game of ; 252. High for the ladies are: high average, Ogal Smith, 153; high series, Ogal Smith, 489; high game. Alice Kirk, 210. Sub urban Properties holds the high ; game of 1139 including a lian , dicap of 113 and the following members’ scores: Knoblett, 169; Sharon, 231; Rinehart, 210; Seinta, 216; McKee, 200. They also hold high team series of 3171. Legal Advertisement Notice of Public Hearing Notice is hereby given that the County Council for Mont gomery County, Maryland will hold a public hearing on TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 7, 1961 AT 2 P.M. in the County Council hearing room, County Office Building, Rockville, on a proposal to amend Chapter 86 titled “Fire Prevention Code" of the Mont gomery County Code, 1960. Th# proposed amendments are to sections 8616 (a), 86-64 (a), 86- 83, and 86-85 (a). The amendments propose re spectively: (1) To add provisions authorizing the fire marshal to order removal of obstructions from corridors, halls and load ing platforms to allow access to buildings in case of emergency and to authorize him to order the removal of vehicle#, debris, snow and other matter from pri vate vehicular driveways and pedestrian sidewalks to allow ingress and egress by fire de partments and emergency vehi cles. (2) To add provisions to require protection against stat ic sparks during the filling of tank trucks which contain va pors from liquids designated Class I and II under the exist ing ordinance. (3) Add a provi sion that waste material ac cumulated by clearing land for development, and trash and debris accumulated during th# construction, alteration or demo lition of building may be burned under conditions provided in the existing ordinance. (4) Elimi nating redundant language as to the locking of exit doors in places of assembly. Copies of this proposal are available in the office of the Clerk to the County Council. HOWARD LEE COOK, JR. Clerk to the County Council For Montgomery County, Maryland lt-1775-10-19 A. W. SPATES MMter Hat 4b:i Rw-kvlll*, Md. ORDER .MSI IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY As a Court of Equity No. L'4696 Equity FARMERS A MECHANICS-CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK v. FRANK C KHUEN OOKIO.NNE KHUEN. hit wild ORDERED, this 17th dy of Ortobw, A.1).. 1963, by the Circuit. Court for Montuomer.v County, at a Court of Equi ty. that the tale made by L. Pearce Bowlua, attorney named in mortgage, to Dale Inveatment Company and reported In the above entitled eauae, be ratified and confirmed, unleaa eauae to the con trary thereof be ahown on yr before the 1:1th day of November next; provided a ropy of thia order be ineerted In some newspaper published In laid Montgomery County, once a week for three turceative weeks before the said 13lh day of No vember, 1961. The report states the amount of the sale to be SIXOOO.OO. CLAYTON K WATKINS Clerk of the Circuit Court For Montgomery County True Copy-Test: CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk 31-1771-11-2 JOHN E. OXI.KT 24 M, Perry Ml. Rockville, Md NOTH K TO ( KLIHTOK* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that tht Oiphsns* Court for Montgomery County ha* Issued Letters of Admintsration C. f.A. to John E. Poole in the Estate of LACK A E. POOIX late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons hVlng Claims against the de ceased are heieby warned to present the same on m before the 20th day of April next; they may otherwise by law be ex cluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand thia 17th day of October. 1961 JOHN E. POOLE Administrator, C.T.A. Box 462. Rockville, Md. t- Jl7O-11-23 4* DAVID A. SCOTT " 6k05 ( aiiirrva Mlwt Silver Spring, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that tht Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County ha* Issued letters of Administration to Anna H. Baker in Estate of CHARLES H. RAKER s.k.s. CHARLES HALTER MAKER late of Montgomery County deceased All person* having (Maims against the de feased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 20th day of April next: they may otherwise by law be ex chided from all benefit of said Estate. All person* Indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment. Chen under my hand this 10th day of October, 1961 ANNA It BAKER Admrnrsliatrtx 10407 Muir IMact Kensington, Md. 0M706-11-23 13