OCR Interpretation

Montgomery County sentinel. [volume] (Rockville, Md.) 1855-1974, October 19, 1961, THURSDAY ISSUE, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016209/1961-10-19/ed-1/seq-6/

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Thursday, Octrhrr 19, 1941 SENTINEL
WAC Veterans
Plan Silver Tea;
To Benefit School
A Silver Tea sponsored by the
D. C. Chapter #l6 of the Wom
en's Army Corps Veterans As
sociation will be held on Octo
ber 22, between the hours of 3
and 5 at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph 3. Duffle, 8920 Fair
view rd.. Silver Spring, for the
benefit of St. Maurice Day
School, located at Villa Mercy
in Bethesda
This school is dedicated to the
training of all children without
regard to race or creed who are
unable to achieve in a regular
school program but who can
benefit by a more simplified
curriculum under the direction
of specially* trained teachers.
They instruct the child afflict
ed with cerebral palsy; the
child who is brain-damaged, or
who is thought to exhibit symp
toms of this condition; the child
emotionally disturbed but cap
able of participating in an aca
demic program; and, the child
handicapped because of pro
longed or chronic illness who
has failed to progress in the
normal school situation.
The Most Reverend Archbish
op Patrick A. O’Boyle, other
members of the clergy, and
Governor J. Millard Tawes of
Maryland are among the many
distinguished Patrons.
Official hostesses will be—
President Violette P. Duffle, Ist
vice president Olivia Lewis, of
Maryland. 2nd vice president
Mary Moreland. treasurer,
Mary Ball, Secretaries Norma
Solman and Lillian Ball, all of
D. G, Chaplain Verda Patter
son and Sgt. at Arms Edna B.
Hunter of Virginia.
Arthur Murray's Special
22nd Anniversary Offer
22 FOR 22
The Greatest Value
In Dance Instruction
We've Ever Offered!
Adds up t 0...
I Ono-holf hours
1 Fun filled partial
Fun 4IHH
Arthur Murray School of Dancing it 22 yacri old
♦hi* month. From o tingle studio in Washington
established in 1939 wo now comprise fiva modern
studios throughout the Greater Washington araa
whara thousands of paopla enjoy the world's finest
dance instruction. To make our birthday calabration
the greatest aver, we have arranged for you to
receive this special gat acquainted offer.
Now you can Item to dance the Arthur Murray way,
the easy way, the new way, the quick way and fun
way at a low, low rat* navar before offered. Take
advantage of our birthday offer now. Yas, with
this fabulous birthday offer you can loam to dance
th* Arthur Murray way for less than th* price of an
evening's entertainment. This offer is limited to
New Students only. All applcants must b* over 21.
License*: Ethel Filter*
Washington: EX. 3-9100 Silver Spring: JU. 1-4100
Arlington: JA. 7-6600 Bethasda: OL. 6-1611
Alexendrie, V*.: Kl. 8-4443
Club to Hear
Mark Evans
"Albert Schweitzer" as seen
! by Mark Evans, will be the sub
ject of a talk at the Woman’s
;Club of Chevy Chase when the
Literature Section meets on Oc
tober 20, at 2 o'clock. Mr. Ev
ans spent two weeks last win
ker in Schweitzer’s hospital set
tlement in Equatorial Africa.
Mr. Evans is vice president
iof Metromedia, Inc., corporate
owners of Television Channel
|5. He is a director of the Wash
ington Rotary Club; a director
of USO Goodwill Industries;
| vice president and part owner
!of Graphic Arts Printing Com
pany; and serves on the advis
ory board of the Cherry Blos
isom Festival Committee.
Tea hostesses for the meet
ing are Mrs. Maurice S. White
j and Mrs. Joseph H, Curry. The
chairman is Mrs. Dean Din
| woodey.
Local Majorettes Top
Week With SIOO Prize
Brentwood majo re 11 e s cli
maxed a busy week at the re
| cent Kensington Fire Preven
j tlon Week parade, by winning
first place.
In a total of five parades
leading up to the Kensington
event, the Brentwood majorettes
brought home three first place
trophies, an honorable mention
and the SIOO check award at
Kensington. This SIOO will be
used as a starter for the 28
Brentwood majorettes, many
Montgomery County residents,
to enter in the majorette Na
tional championships to be
held next year In Wisconsin.
mTZ***^. ...
■ Mfcti aJ
PLAY THERAPY used in treating youngsters with emotional
disorders is demonstrated by Dr. George W. Sprehn, director
of the Community Psychiatric Clinic, Bethesda, with two of
his own children- Observing is Mrs. William O. Cooley, jr„
president of the Suburban Woman’s Club of Montgomery
County. Her organization is hoping to raise enough funds
through its Luncheon-Fashion Show on October 25 to equip
two new group therapy rooms for the teen age program at
the clinic. For reservations, $5 each, contact Mrs. Irving XL
Day, jr., OL. 2-3588. The 12:45 luncheon will take place at
Kenwood Country Club, and fashions will be by Garfinckels.
—Leet XI ei brook Photo
Sisterhood Opens
Rummage Store
The annual fail and winter
rummage store operated by the
Sisterhood of Montgomery
County Jewish Community, Inc.,
Chevy Chase, has been opened
at 3114 Eleventh st., N.W.,
Washington, D. C. New items
are being added daily, and the
store will remain open through
December 1 for the convenience
of early holiday shoppers.
Proceeds from the rummage
store are used for capital im
provements to the Jewish Cen
GAS DRYER wk Broils Meat on
1 Plfil] Both Sides at ones! I
: $k —" ~ 1. Tumble-dry, with heat fjg l "
I / *• Tumb, ;r Kh vlSWj
ff exclutive no-tumble mumim
stf s*s= sSSSSS | cycle* for delicate m IjSp-W Greet I
wLW" ,n '* /Ml
fll|lt§i i "" I J. Air-dry, no tumbling
j || i •*** 4. Heat-dry, no tumbling • Seob bi jeicet or \
... I RACK* /fai ■Wissait fits in oven.
W . nQ cylinder fit Pi— © U/ \ Spit turns automatically
Mv\ qulcvw n'° dr JJU) e?DU with thermostatic control C^^f g ’ bn>Wn '
m , * , 4-bar chrom*P jmmt -fries, grills, keep* food and plate* mg! Self-basting.
jy Super-capacity cylinder for tumble dry'nQ- warm...or converts to sth burner. "" I
perfect, wrinkle-free drying "° " -J
.JV Exclusive 5-way venting for VC?V *UNBR-WITH-A-gRAIN
easiest installation * makeß ever y pot and pan
yr% LJAMCV nAU/kl ay ±/' automatic! Poods can’t
bdf Musical chime signals end Nw MwNET 1/UfVn bum or boil over I
of pre-eet drying time J V MO N^f
5 YEAR WARRANTY j - It/f- V c°" r % 1
Parts repaired or replaced at Norge’s * Ivon Loss with o Smoil Deposit __ llk _
option during warranty period-Customer • er ■ sig Trade-in! SOLD, SERVICED AND GUARANTEED 1Y YOUR NORGE QUALITY DEALER!
to pay labor charges after first year. * m j
• ONLY GAS DRIES CLOTHES SO FAST (w X hnnr kJ A . A / 6. I ... I
EST YET GENTLEST DRYING ACTION POSSIBLE. SAFE buriwr ht control Ut, you dial Sh. t.mp.r.tur. you want. Food, won’t burn
FOR EVEN THE MOST DELICATE FABRICS. ft!.?.•' b “"’" '* i,h * b " i "’" oe-v P-t, |
(fCll*®) A. G. WA T KIN S INC I
iieniiiinniliy.saii i■■ ■■■'■ • ffl
Watkins' Host Picnic,
Club Flower Show
The Ashton home of Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Watkins was the
scene Sunday afternoon of a
flower show and picnic given by
the Office of the Secretary of
Defense Garden Club.
Dr. Betty Bradford Bloom,
noted horticultural authority,
was among the judges.
The club president is Dr. Le
roy Mantell, and Miss Jean
Bronson is vice president.
Slip On Your Sarong
So Youve Always Wanted to Go to a Luau
Here’s a chance to attend one of those authentic Ha
waiian Luaus—so popular nowadays with local party
| hostesses.
Reservations will be accepted through Friday for the
Saturday night, October 21, Hawaiian Luau sponsored by
the Junior Woman's Club of ■
Silver Spring. The big public j
celebration will be held at the <
IWheaton Plaza community ,
room, located below the escala- j
tors at the shopping center.
Dinner will be served at 7:30
All the charm of the land of ‘
sugar and pineapples will be j :
captured by the clubwomen who
j are re-creating Hawaii's eight j
: Islands for the party setting.; <
Guests will enter a thatched 1 <
Democratic Club Starts Study Talks
A series of four morning
study groups on local and state
political affairs will open Octo
ber 19, when the Woman's Sub
j urban Democratic Club pre
! sents a talk by Mrs. Phillip
Thorson. She will discuss the
i history, names and issues of the
Democratic party in Maryland
’at 10:30 a.m. at the home of
| Mrs. Darius Phillips. 3711 Brad
| ley la., Chevy Chase.
Subsequent Thursday morn
Rose Plaza
Under New Management
Sunday, October 22nd —1 p.m. to 9 p.m.
/ill You Can tot ... . A
Come end Bring Your Friends Located in the
254 N. Washington Street Rockville. Md.
424-4774 • Ralph C. and Francis L. Rasa
hut flanked by seven-foot Tiki
Gods, and be greeted by host
esses presenting traditional
floral leis.
The help-yourself dinner will
be eaten at tables only 16 inches
from the floor, with guests
seated on mats. Gene Donati
Presentations will cater.
Although many planning to
attend have made their own
costumes for the occasion
jing meetings in the Fall educa
tion program will include a talk
on the charter movement in
; Montgomery County by Xlrs.
i Stella Werner. County Council
member, on October 26; a dis
cussion by Mrs. Warren J. Vin
ton on the role of the Democrat
ic Party in county land use and
planning on November 2, and
finally, on November 9, a talk
on re-apportionment by Royce
Hanson, professor of govern
ment at American University.
sarongs, mau maus and lava
lavas—or plan to wear authen
tic costumes from Hawaii, infor- j
mal casual wear will also be -
acceptable. There will be prizes
for the most authentic male and j
female costumes.
In addition to door prizes,
entertainment will feature selec
tions by a male chorus and a
soloist." “Miss Silver Spring"
has also been invited to make
an appearance.
Located on an island all their
own, the orchestra of Thomas
jj arrangements Jffl|
| fresh or
dried materials
11441 Georgia Avsnua
Wheaton-Silver Spring—LO. 5-4444 IP
L. Phillips, jr.. will provide
music for dancing from 9 to 12
! o’clock.
Even the Luau tickets have
been specially designed in the
state colors, red and white. For
reservations contact Xlrs. Rob
ert L. Guy, WH. 2-6657, or Xlrs.
i Ward Wilkie and Mrs. Donald
. iCrumpler, co-chairmen.
Sometime during the eve
ning, the name will be an
nounced of the lucky winner of
• a Westinghouse stereo hi
: fidelity radio and phonograph.

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