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6 Thursday, February I, 1962 SENTINEL Potomac By Cissy Morgan, Sentinel Correspondent ’ H 1 ■ l r: ''^jj ■ zWEf *..rfi*iiv!?Sa4 Miss Massey Ilona Massey to Speak At Potomac P-TA Mr*. Donald Dawson, former ly the movie actress, Ilona Mas sey, will be the featured guest speaker at the Potomac P-TA meeting, February 6, 8 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Potomac School. Mrs. Dawson’s subject will pertain to the advantages of the American school children in comparison with the school children of her native Hungary. The president of the P-TA group, Ted Lingo, has invited all community members to at tend and is encouraging fifth and sixth grade students of the school to accompany their par ents. Nichols Entertain Marie and Jack Nichols In vited friends to their Congres sional Parkway home on Janu ary 27 for an evening of good drink, good food and good mu sic. The "6:30 p.m. on” party was flavored with a touch of gourmet cooking when the buf fet was served and the featured item was dolmathes, which translated, means greek meat balls. They consist of ground lamb, rice, green onion tops, mint leaves and melted butter, mixed together, wrapped in grape leaves and served with a lemon sauce. Dancing preceded and fol lowed the buffet, and during the course of the party Jane and Rum Maddox gave a beau tifully accomplished exhibition of “old fashioned’’ ball room dancing, their answer to the “Twist” Others having fun at the party included Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paine, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Haug, Sarah and Frank Mackenzie. Hester and A1 Holmes, Dr. and Mrs. Jack Haz ard and Faye and Jim Buchan an. Response The following is a letter that was written to Dorothy McCar dle of the Washington Post, in response to her recent article "British Advance on the Hunt Country.” "The hounds in full cry. a crisp sunny day, a fox stream ing across an open field and a fine, fit, mount are a combina tion that is hard to match in any language, any country or I might inject, any state. Even a foot-sore bystander will testi fy that fox hunting is an unfor gettable experience. We all enjoyed your article in this morning's “Post” en titled "British Advance on the Hunt Country,” particularly be cause we ourselves follow the chase and have a number of. fine British folk in our Hunt. Though fox hunting is an old | and established sport, It has j certainly been revived in the! Formal Wear C9L complete • Tuxedos * Full ress Cutaways KDjH FORMAL WEAR ,<J KENTAL * nd SALE ’ qHj ACCESSORIES Iwlarry alaiTs I® Rockville Center P PO. 2-6726 h headlines by Mrs. Kennedy’s de- ' cided interest. I have enjoyed several wonderful hunts with the Virginia packs which you mention in your article, but wonder why you hestitate to list the old and very fine pack of hounds in Potomac, Md„ along with the ones on the other side of the River. We enjoy excellent hunt country, both near Potomac, Md., and up country in the scenic Seneca, Md., area. Our pack of hounds have been champions along the Eastern coast for many years, we hunt three days a week and have a membership of approxi mately 150 persons who actual ly pursue the sport actively. Lady Duncombe might like to know something of our hunt, also as it is considerably near er Washington and does include a number of her fellow country men. Tally ho!” The Annual Masters’ Ball The Annual Masters’ Ball, when Masters of Fox Hounds from the nationwide gather at the St. Regis Hotel, New York City, was held January 26. MFH William Carroll and Mrs. Car rol represented the Potomac Hunt as did hunt members Mr. and Mrs. J. C. K. Shipp, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Halting and Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Semmes. Myer Davis and his orchestra accom panied the gentlemen in their "evening scarlets” and their ladies. The group made it a real weekend when they decided to stay on and see “Subways Are For Sleeping,” a current broad way hit. Sandra Haug Wins Medal Sandra Haug, daughter of the Otto Haugs, has started the 1962 swimming season with a gold medal to her credit. Sandra won the prize by placing first in the freestyle division, for girls fourteen and under, at the invitational tournament held at American University, Jan. 26. Sandra, a member of the A.A.U. has several other medals 7YOU CAN’T BE TOO { CAREFUL WHEN IT ■ I COMES TO YOUR V FAMILY'S HEALTH V 71 KNOW.-THAT* '<r WHY WE HAVE LYNN'S PHARMACY Delicious Norris Candy VFi_ Bßj Gaithersburg - Washington Grove High School Holds Mid-Semester Ball The annual Mid-Semester Ball, held at the Gaithers burg High School on Friday evening, chose Marian Ha gen as Queen. The Queen was crowned by Key Club President Gamer Duvall. Beverly Federline, Stevie Scott and Mary Hubble were honored as princess and escorted to the dance floor by officers of the Key Club, Larry Bitely, Tom Slater and Gilbert Frey. A faculty member, James Schweitzer, acted as master of ceremonies. L 1 l-Wl A M I/m , /“Xl, . U i J A Former Key Club presidents, Ray Williams, home from De pauw University, and Frank Cornelius, Amherst, were among those present. Chaperons for the dance were Mr. and Mrs. James Schweitzer, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Shugarts, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Koppe, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Helm, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knode. • • • Gary Walker has passed the Board of Review for Eagle Scout. The award will be made at a special troop ceremony at and trophys she has won pre viously. I’ve Heard That . . . Cindy Shreve invited her friends to her home on Ormond dr. to celebrate her seventh birthday, Jan. 27 . . . Claudia Kurrus celebrated her seventh on January 20 with a two to four party at her home on Counselman Road . . . It was a semi-formal dance for Greg Marsh on January 27, when he added another year to his teen calendar . . . The Kelso Shipes motored to Richmond for the weekend to celebrate her birthday on Jan uary 27, with an old friend . . . The John Alexanders went on a furniture hunt to North Car olina last weekend. The Juniors Take Over Members of the Junior Poto mac Hunt had their day on Jan uary 27 when sixty fox hunters met at The Kennels for the monthly junior hunt. Acting MFH, Valentine Wilson an nounced the following junior staff members: Cherry Barr, Master; Leßoy Trunnell, Whip; Donna Halting, Whip; Arthur Imirie, Whip, and Brad Smith, Field Master. Mrs. Godfrey Kauffman and Dr. Jack Kneipp were substitut ing senior whips for Mr. Wilson who was filling for MFH Car roll and regular whip Mrs. Car roll, who were in New York. The hunt left the Kennels at 1:00 p.m. and hunted the Clag gett Jones, Lawrence Mills, Murray Preston and Boyer prop, erty, before “Going Home” was blown at sun down. The only unfortunate Incident occurred when Ingrid Haug’s pony toppled a jump and fell, rolling on his young mistress. designers and builders of 'Hr!/? _Z fine furniture cabinets M (jwbnt CHAPTERS AvQiMh n “ prtt- c ift. ~3£~z.z::"\2 OUR KENSINGTON FACTORY SHOWROOM: 3836 Plyars Mill Rd.. Kensmaton. Md. OFFERS YOU... A COMPLETE KITCHEN REMODELING SERVICE Custom-Matched 1 iS... 111 r/l ■fr—arat— ])\ —.. GAS speed, gas convenience, gas efflcl * momrn \ mey, plus wonderful new low-tempera / Pure gas cooking with new architectural styling. Every homemaker knowi Chamber! quality, a byword la fourmrt-eeekJag equipment ainre 1910. Now hero ia the lineal achievement •( Chamberi erahaman—a complete kitchen ‘'package'* al applianeaa (or budget or enatem kitrbena. No miamatchm, no mlaflta. no “off" colon . . , with one call to order, one call for aorvieo! Only Chamberi and Custom Craften oiler as many combinations to fit Into your kitchen plans nactly. 4 MW PHONt _ FREE F.STIV4TFS FRFF KITCHFY TIFSIGNINC, SFRI ICK 949-0525 3836 Plytrs Mill Read. Kensington, Md. OPPOSITE EIMHOUSI ERIE PARKING < By Sylvia Tate Horan ■ McCathran Hall during Boy Scout Week. • • • Mrs. Norman C. Healy is now associated with the Kay Bowl ing Real Estate office. * * * The Campfire Girls’ Horizon Club held their installation of i new officers last evening at j Owen Hall. Beth O'Neil is the new president; Patty Kitterman, vice president: Jean Dorsey, re cording secretary: Pam Wayne, corresponding secretary: and Judy Gartner, treasurer for the first four months, Marilyn Gor man and Jane Seamons for the remaining periods. The program was planned around the Campfire Girls’ his tory. Each girl presented a part of the Bluebird and Camp fire program. Many parents and friends attended. On Saturday, the Horizon Club will hold a clothing drive for the Montgomery County Children's Clothing Center. The Center especially needs chil dren’s coats, jackets and over shoes. If you have clothing to contribute, please call Beth O’Neil at WA. 6-3257 or Cece Whittier at WA. 6-2013. • * • The new book list at the Li brary includes: “America’s Rise to Power,” Dulles: "Seven Gothic Tales,” Dinesen; “The Dynasty,” Knickerbocker; “True Tales of the South at War,” Poe; “The Last Plantagenets,” Costin; “My Life in Court,” Niz er; the new Emily Kimbrough book, and a volume on Puppet Plays and Playwriting. Material for the specialist, sometimes not at hand at the ■ library, can be obtained easily I ——— ' I REUPHOLSTER SOFA OB 2 CHAIRS SLIP COVERS t terlal. am aprtnaa and - • Lorae aeleetlnn of mnter- v fllllna where nrceaasr)- m ... 3-year luwranrre. UP ml—plain mad norm. UP HOFFMANN RfUMSHIXO. CABINICTMAKINU. ANTIQtE RESTORING. CORNU KS. DRAPERIES. NO JOB TtH> SMALL OR TOO LAR(,E. EASV CREDIT TERMS. 2447 IBth Street. N.W. CO. 5-7300 ,by the staff. Their sources are many. * * Don S. Benson is at Ft. Gor don, where he is receiving his basic training. * * • The Women’s Society of Christian Service of Epworth Church will hold a covered dish supper on Saturday at five o’clock. Epworth people are urged to come and bring a cov ered dish. Beverage, rolls and dessert will be provided. Adults, one dollar; children fifty cents. * * • Karen Christie, Charles Lefe bure, Marianne Hershey, and Sue Farmer have been home ; for a mid-term holiday. • • * Mrs. Douglas Diamond and the Community Chorus sur prised Don Doughty on Thurs day night with a birthday party. • * * Lt. Col. Jack Shattuck of Bos sier City, La., spent a week with his brother and sister-in law, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Shat tuck in Washington Grove. * * * The Gaithersburg Girls’ Club and the Laytonsville Junior and Senior Girls’ Club Joined in a skating party on Tuesday eve ning at Dalamar. * * * Leßoy Preudhomme, Wash ington Grove, has been named art director of the Darby Print ing Company of Washington. . * . Jim Burdette is chairman for the Jaycees Valentine Dance to be held on February 17 at the Agricultural Center. Tickets are available from any Jaycee and they will be on sale at the door. Bill Earl’s Nightingales will play. * • • The third grade students j from Washington Grove School, I with their teachers, Mrs. Tracy I and Mrs. Straiter, visited the j fire station, a bank and two farms in Gaithersburg as part of their study of the community last week. • * * William Haenszel returned last week from a two months’ trip in Europe and Asia for N.I.H. and World Health Or i ganization. He attended the All | India Cancer Conference In Bombay and served the W.H.O. as consultant in Agra, Madras, Vellore, and Hyderabad. On the way home, he stopped at Geneva for conferences. • • • The monthly card party for members and friends of the Washington Grove Woman’s Club will be held today at the home of Miss Zoe Wadsworth. * • Mrs. Donald McCathran was honored on Saturday evening with a surprise baby shower at the home of Mrs. Mary Moses. Mrs. Mary Hockman and Mrs. Carl Franck assisted the host ess. * • A group of young people from Ascension Chapel attend ed the Washington Cathedral Youth Service on Sunday eve ning. Dr. David Mace was the preacher, and the service was conducted mainly by young peo- j pie. • • • The Businessmen’s Associa-! tion holds their Board of Direc-! tors meeting today at the Wash- j ingtonian. • * • Mrs. Robert Stevenson, Hut- 1 ton st., entertained at bridge on Wednesday evening. * * Mr. and Mrs. Jesse James are occupying the Ben Hall house in Washington Grove. Re cent word from the Halls is that they will be remaining in I Lebanon another year. * * * Mrs. Lola Work was received into membership at the Wash ington Grove Methodist Church last Sunday. * * * Miss Connie Field has been appointed local chairman for the World Day of Prayer Com mittee. The service will be held on March 9 at Asbury Home. * * The Washington Grove Home makers’ Club held their regu lar meeting last week at the Washington Grove Methodist j Church. Mr. Robert Ward and Mrs. Bryan Alnutt were co-hos tesses. An interesting program on furniture was presented by a representative from Pilgrim ; House. * • • Mrs. Hamilton Geisbert, Rose i mont, is home after her recent hospitalization. LET’S ALL HELP.. Please dispose of bottles, cans and trash in a trash container... Don’t be a litter-bug. "11 k* \ \ mm Hr ft V k -y SMU IyMBA - KSf K'LJ* M&iCdJfP mfßiL jKsffim INTERNATIONAL DELEGATE— Barbara Katzenberger (left) of Troop 1016 of Sherwood High School, congratulates Irene Dunn of Troop 363 of St. Peter’s School in Olney on her selection as Olney-Sandy Spring area delegate to the Girl Scout International Weekend last week at Camp Rockwood in Maryland. Barbara was selected as alternate. GD ARMSTRONG PROMPT si r- li||>i DELIVERY ■ BA VI J ■ FOR * uro ;.„c CLEANER DELIVERY fill Whealthier 1 m. ■ V JJV HEAT SERVICE I Call CLearwater 3-2378 IMS SPring 4-7878 ■—■■ ■ Nights, Sundays and Holidays 1 WiW 24-HR. burner service Call WA. 6-2211