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■■mfIAPITOT. Comment HT Charles "Mac” Mathias I * Cnurfmmtn. Sts District, Maryland During the past week I have : begun to circulate a question naire addressed to all of the people of the Sixth Congres sional District on matters of vital interest to all ‘ us. If this poll is to be successful I j need your assistance. ( The 87th congress is now in the Second Session and, as your Representative. I would like to have your opinions on some of the important matters that the I Congress may have to consider, j The legislative decisions I must make in the coming months will have an important i effect on you and on the whole; Nation. You have entrusted to me the responsibility to make; those decisions and I want to j do so in the best interests of | all of our District and our coun try. Accordingly, your views are important. I realize that the questions asked in the questionnaire may not cover all of the issues that will come before the Congress and certainly some of these questions cannot be confined to yes or no answers. Neverthe less. by completing and return ing this questionnaire you will will provide me with helpful information and, above all. you will give meaning to our repre LIST with; and buy your property FROM A MONTGOMERY COUNTY REALTOR IS IT THE RIGHT TIME, THE RIGHT PLACE, THE RIGHT PRICE? YOUR REALTOR KNOWS THE ANSWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS AND TO A WHOLE LOT MORE! SEE HIM BEFORE YOU MAKE ANOTHER MOVE. ÜBpP I—-——--— mmm mmm ' - ■■^^^ ==ie!a=g==B . — 11 j 1 Itrsvn AREA’S FINEST LISTINGS (J Builders of QUALITY HOMES fßpJlM6o\ ■ rm M V REALTOR J TO BUY—TO SELL—TO BUILD 3 MONTGOMERY COUNTY OFFICES 1545 ROCKVILLE PIKE, ROCKVILLE HA. 7-4500 4926 DEL RAY AVE., BETHESDA OL. 6-6700 0227 FENTON ST., SILVER SPRING JU. 7-7700 GLEN HILLS I With Room To Ploy In HOUSES Y.r Own Bock Yard RESIDENTIAL LOTS ACREAGE YOU BUY A | YOU GET A LU I MARVIN SIMMONS lUftltor l/Y /l "MSy Our Serxire* Py Ytt* f \fS # •// , L K. oL. Jlmith Real Estate Exchangers REALTY CO 200 Hwigarford Dr., Rockville 706 E. MONTGOMERY AVE. ROCKVILLE PO. 2-4500 ftA 4 ' 77 " SOO ACRES— POOLESVILLE—Farm leasing for $550 per mo. May be told in two parcels; one 265 acres. Lge. Pre-Civil-War Stone House, 2 baths, 0.H.W.H., mod. tenant house. 30 Cow Dairy Barn, Washington Milk Permit, or 325 acres, Mid Victorian 10 roem Frame House, semi modern. Two specious Barns, also 50 Cow Dairy Barn with Washington Milk Permit. 2 mile road frontage. Either or both at S4OO per acre. Terms. II ACRES—WHITE BRICK COLONIAL, large mod. kit., liv. rm., din. rm„ 3 bedrm., bath, full attic and basement. Large barn, 20 cow stantions. Equip for Baltimore milk market. New Marretta Silo, to ml. herd road frontage. 55 mi. D. C. $22,500. Terms—ssooo. CHARLES H. JAMISON REALTOR Poolcsvillc, Md. Wl. 8-9223 Dl. 9-3262 sentative form of government. The response to this question- i naire will, I hope, be heavy. ( For this reason it will be im- ] possible for me to reply individ- i ually. The questionnaires are being i circulated to you by direct mail i if you are already on my mail- i ing list. If not, I would be glad < to have you write to me at 133 < House Office Building, Washing- i ton 23, D. C., and I will send you a questionnaire blank by return mail. i The results of the poll will be tabulated week by week as an swers are received. These re sults will be published in this column from time to time but of equal importance will be a continuing guide to me in rep resenting you in the Congress of the United States. Customers See Shot Customers of the National Bank of Bethesda-Chevy Chase viewed the launching of Astro naut John H. Glenn, jr., from a battery of television sets placed in the bank's lobby. Custmers opening or adding to their sav ings accounts were given a min iature Mercury-Redstone space capsule coin bank as a memen to of the occasion. Wanted Notices Are Out For Maryland Rockfish “Wanted—Dead or Alive” notices are out all over the Chesapeake Bay region for that well-known Bay resident, the rockfish, known to scientists under the Latin alias of Roccus saxatilis. A reward is offered for information about certain of these finny characters. The Natural Resources Insti tute, University of Maryland, and the U. S. Bureau of Com- < mercial Fisheries have placed \ \ oval yellow tags on more than i i 1700 rockfish in hopes that j i those who catch them will turn I j in the tag along with a note giv- i ing date, place and method of ( capture. A $1 reward is offer- i ed to those lucky ones who turn ; in both tag and information. j< According to Dr. Romeo J. : Mansueti of the Institute's 1 Chesapeake Biological Labora- i tory at Solomons and James E. j Sykes of the U. S. Bureau, the 1 purpose of this study is to as sess “the annual population (of I rockfish t available to the winter 1 commercial fishery of upper j Chesapeake Bay and to learn more about local movements and large-scale migrations of these over-win ter ing rockfish.” Mansueti and Skyes are urging all fishermen to coop erate in this important phase of research on the Bay's most popular finfish. Many commercial fishermen have been mailed detailed in structions on identifying the tags and how to return them, with the correct information, for the $1 reward. In some cases fishermen will be contact ed directly by the biologists. SAMUEL E. BOGLEY, INC. f NEW AIR COND. APTS. W. DIAMOND AVE. GAITHERSBURG, MD. Now leasing from March I, 1962, occup. 2 BEDRMS. From 599.50 Spacious, large, beautifully equipped kit. with disposals and table space. Exceptionally large closets, dining al coves. Radiant baseboard heat, individual thermostat control. I BEDRM. From $89.50 RENTAL INCLUDES ALL UTILITIES EXCEPT ELECTRICITY Ample parking Shopping facilities Close to Schools For additional details call PO. 2-6151 (itißLjjm Samuel E. Bogley, Inc. hBBpI Realtors 332 E. Montgomery Avt., Rockville SUBURBANS BEST ROCKVILLLE Lovely Brick Home featuring 13 x 17 Liv. Rm., 11 x 9 sep. Din. Rm., *pa cioua Kitch., lge. Util. Tim.. I V% Bath*. 3 Bedrm. 08x10, 13x16. 9x13), walk in nonets. I4?e. well landscaped lot in one of Rockville’* lovelier section!. Home in top condition. Priced to compete at f1H.800.00, F.H.A. DAMASCUS It is a rare occasion that a home- such as this is for Sale Lovely 3 Bedrm. Country Home on full acre lot. Interior completely remodeled, inch most modern Kitch. w/oountertop Range A built-in Breakfast nook. lge. f*ep. Din. Rm.. Liv. Rm. with flrpp! . mod. Bath. lge. front Porch, exterior of Alum. Siding. 2 car Garage detached. See Sugarloaf Mountain from your Backyard. SIt,3M.M ROCKVILLE All brick rambler with 3 large bedrms. I*4 baths. Rec. rm. 4th bedrm. In basement. Large M*p. dining rm. The family will enjoy this largo back yard with its large trees and white board fencing. FHA appraised. SIB,OOO. Owner will help purchaser with settlement costs. SUBURBAN 706 ROCKVILLE PIKE j*. PO, 2-3140 •(Mica "ALWAYS CHECK WITH PECK" Because rm sell more homes We need, more Homes. Sold Over 2 Homes Per Day in 1961. SILVER SPRING OWNER ANXIOUS TO SELL- - 4 bedroom, 2V4 bath, centrally air conditioned. Trade now. SHERWOOD FOREST. PICTURE BOOK RAMBLER— Recreation room with cosy fireplace. 4 lovely bedrooms, 2'k balhl. ■rick rambler, with twin earporl. ROCKCREST, NO NEED TO QUALIFY— Assume high loan. Brick Cape Cod on lovely wooded lot. Excellent buy. $13,800. ROCKVILLE. A PIECE OF MIND -3 bedroom rambler. Large fenced lot. private parking. Only gtf.SOO. ROCKVILLE, GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY— To assume large trust without qualifying. 3 bedroom brick rambler. Only g17,>80. Call for information concerning our guarantor TRADI PLAN HUGH T. PECK. INC. 11256 Georgia Avo. LO. 5-2990 Dr. Eugene Cronin, director j of the Natural Resources Insti- | tute, says, “This is the most In- j tensive effort ever made to j understand the wintering rock in Maryland. This species Is the most important of the commer cial fish of this State and the most sought after sports species. It is especially urgent that j every tag taken be turned in as I soon as possible so that scien- j tists and fishermen alike can gain full value from this study.” Flag Presented To Girl Scouts An American flag which has flown over the Nation’s Capitol has been presented to Girl Scout Troop 554 of Glenmont in cere monies at Glenmont Recreation Center. Presentation was made by the Naval Gun Factory Auxil iary, Veterans of Foreign Wars, represented by Mrs. Mary Pe trzala. Miss Elene Kavakos ac cepted for the troop. Mrs. Mary Barnes and Mrs. Frances Widmayer are leaders of the troop. m wt P HI J1 w MASONIC LEADER —Joseph C. Richmond, 4822 Morgan dr., Chevy Chase, is the grand high priest for the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the District of Columbia. Richmond is with the enameled metals section of the National Bureau of Standards.— Harris & Ewing Photo Easter Seal Drive Discussion Planned A discussion of the 1962 Easter Seal Campaign by Donal L. Chamberlin, chairman, will feature a March 1 meeting of the board of trustees of the Montgomery County Society for Crippled Children. OPEN HOUSE Laytonsvllle New Brick Rambler, foyer entrance, 3 large bedrooms, baths, Fireplace In living room. Dining room, deluxe Kit. complete with Washer-dryer. Basement, carport, tool shed. K acre lot with panoramic view of the countryside. Open Saturdays and Sundays, other days by ap pointment. Directions: Out Georgia Avenue (It. 971 to Olney, left on route IOS to Warfield rd . near Laytonsvllle, or out route 35S to Galthereburg, right on route 124 to Warfield rd. "Tony” Taylor on premises. OPEN 1 to DARK O. D. Field, Inc. REALTORS WI. 8-2473 Gaithersburg WA. 6-2620 Wllllllli | ll BWill CONNECTICUT CREST BUILDERS CLOSEOUT S2OO DOWN G.l. MIN. DOWN P.H.A. 10% DOWN TO ALL CONVENTIONAL OPEN DAILY 12 to 9 3 BEDROOM . 2/ 2 BATH RAMBLER 3 BEDROOM, 2'/z BATH SPLIT DIRECTIONS: Out Viers Mill Rd past Wheaton to Bushey Drive, right on 4 Bushey to Elby, left to model borne WE LIKE ••TRADES'* | MANOVILL WH. *-* B7 REALTY CORF. If no aniwer LO. 4-8440 THIS SPACE AVAILABLE TO A MONTGOMERY COUNTY REALTOR CALL GA. 4-7700 The meeting, according to Society President J. Ingram Medley, will be held at 8 p.m. at Columbia Country Club. The campaign, which begins March 15, supports the Society’s ■ Easter Seal Treatment Center in Rockville. COUNTYSaturday, frbfM'Y M. I’M Reapportionment Hearings Attended by County Groups Representatives of seven Montgomery County organ izations have appeared at hearings in Annapolis on a re apportionment proposal to divide Montgomery and other large counties into legislative districts to give fair repre sentation in the Maryland General Assembly. The representatives attended hearings of the judiciary committee of the State Senate and the House of Dele- gates. Division of larger counties has won support of the Mary land and Montgomery County Committees for Fair Repre sentation. Attending the hearings were: Phillip Thorson, president of the Montgomery Committee for Fair Representation: Julius Hoke, president of the County Civic Federation; Mrs. Ann Brown, acting chairman of the i Democratic State Central Com ! mittpe; James R. Miller, jr., spokesman for the Republican State Central Committee; Fred erick Eschbach, chairman of the County Education Associ ation; Mrs. Andrew Kamarack, executive committee member of the Western Suburban Demo cratic Club; and Joe Eis, presi dent of the County Council of P-TAs. • i Thorson told the legislators i he was appearing before the fourth worst apportioned Legis i lature In the nation. He said i only Florida, Nevada and Del i aware have given less attention ■ to providing fair representation. Montgomery County, he said, KAY BOWLING DAMASCUS—3-badrm., 2-bath split laval, firapl. in liv. rm., din. rm.. deluxe kit., family rm. offica or 4th badroom on lower walk-out level, 3rd bath roughed in, 2,-w. basboard heat. $22,500. Another 3-bedrm., I '/a -bath split laval on nearly an acre of woodod land. $23,500. CLARKSBURG—2-bedrm., I'/i-bath brick rambler, firtpl. in Igt. Ilv rm., din. rm., modern kit., Iga util, rm. 2-car garage pony shad, 2 acres of land, beautiful viaw. $25,000. Additional land available. OLNEY AREA—Nearly 3 acres of sylvan baauty with stream acraii tha back and $-rm. cottage with bath. Naads some work, but where can you find such a beautiful setting for $16,500? WASHINGTON GROVE—2-story older homo in good, sound condition with lots of possibilities for the imaginative person. Double recep tion room, liv. rm. with firopl., Igo. din. rm.. Igo. kit., glass-enclosed porch, util, rm.; 3 bedrms. and bath on 2nd floor port bsmt., Iga. corner lot, $15,500. CLARKSBURG—3-bedrm. brick rambler, firopl. in Igo. Ilv. rm., Igo. mod. kit., tiled bath, full basamant. Nearly % acra land. $20,500. KAY BOWLING, Realtor 207 N. Frederick Ave., Gaithersburg WI. 8-9250 or 301— WA. 6-2500 Oxley Realty Co. * INCORPORATED * § SALES RENTALS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CUSTOM BUILDING MORTGAGES INSURANCE 24 SOUTH PERRY ST. Rockville, Maryland MEMBER: MULTIPLE LISTING SYSTEM PO. 2-2334 . - SOUTHLAWN INDUSTRIAL PARK APPROXIMATELY ! 30,500 SQUARE FEET CITY WATER, SEWER A FAVID ROAD i Surrounded by Development KEN DRUSKIN $ CO. REALTOR 11200 VIERS MILL RD., WHEATON LO. 5-2005 i adds about 15,000 people each year, as many as the entire population of some of the small counties. An Eastern Shore delegate contended that feven if most of the legislators are representing only a small portion of the peo ple, they could still legislate for all the people of Maryland. He asked for an example of dis criminatory legislation. .Hoke cited the Congressional redistricting bill passed by the Legislature and suspended by petitions signed by people of the State. The measure, Hoke said, leaves the undersized Eastern Shore Congressional District untouched and now will go on the ballot in next fall's general election. > Training Program Leonard J. Stone, Rockville representative for Nationwide Insurance, attended a training program conducted by the com pany this week in Annapolis. 5