Newspaper Page Text
Classified Advertising rK*words)" T S2 S 1 0 Ed il° n ‘ IS cmH 2 conLiuJlv *-. a " d T i H /*- 5315: W ’ "“"•• *•-. 54.00 _3O c.n* for additional 5 word* in on. istuo; 45 cents, 2 consecutive inu l; 60 cenh, 3 consacutlv !**„,*. Ad tokor* will h.ip. GA. 4-7700. J —CLASSIFIED INDEX services l home improvements t instructions • SUMMER CAMPS % HELP WANTED MALE 15 HELP WANTED FEMALE 15 HELP WANTED (Mai**-Female) 17 HELP WANTED DOMESTIC 18 HELP WANTED FARM 19 CHILD CARE 70 SITUATION WANTED MALE 31 SITUATION WANTED FEMA'.E 22 PERSON Al 30 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 35 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 36 RENTAL 37 BEACH PROPERTY 43 LOTS, FARMS, ACREAGE 44 REAL ESTATE SALE 45 REAL ESTATE RENT 46 REAL ESTATE WANTED 47 ROOMS FOR RENT 48 ROOMS; APTS.: HOMES WANTED 40 BOATS 50 LIVESTOCK rOR SALE H 5 LIVESTOCK WANTED 66 DOCS. PETS. KENNELS 67 give-aways .. 70 SPECIAL NOTICEB 75 CATERING 77 INVESTMENTS .......79 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 80 LOST A FOUND 81 COMING EVENTS 85 REAL ESTATE LOANS 86 AUTO REPAIRS 87 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 88 AUTOMOBILES WANTED 89 TRAILERS & TRUCKS FOR SALE 90 Situations Wanted, Child Care and ads placed by people who ara moving must be paid in advance. Sentinel Classified Montgomery County's Exclusive Market Place Call Today GA. 4-7700 ■ '■ SERVICES 1 D. & K. AUTO SERVICE INC. COMPLETE AUTO REPAIRS & SERVICE Specializing in Chrysler Products & Pontiacs Phone 762-9119 15900 FREDERICK RD. RT. 355 Rockville, Md. FREE PICK UP SERVICE EXPERT ALTERATIONS reasonably priced, , Rockville area. Call Eva Pelnik at 762- 9247. 3t-2-27 WANTED INSIDE JOBS large and small at practically cost prices —o that we may keep our men working during the cold month*. FREE ESTIMATES S. & B. CONTRACTORS, Inc. of Rockville. Md. HA. 7-7434 tf-343-3t | PLASTERING REPAIRS Patching, new ceilings & parti tions, all types of acoustic plas ter ceilings, sprayed on or trow el finished. All wrk. guaranteed. For estimts. Call D. EAST —OL. 2-5608. tf!8079-3t Maryland safe AND LOCK CO. 24 HOUR SERVICE OUR SERVICES ARE BONDED 205 E. Montgomery Avo„ Rockville PO. 2-5402 OL. 2-7783 • tf-778-3t TAX RETURNS PREPARED BY TELEPHONE—or personal interview, as you wish; year round bookkeeping services also available. JU. 8-2311. tf-231-M.N. BUSY BEE ANSWERING SERVICE Specializing In Secretarial and Wake Up Service 24 HOUR SERVICE PO. 2-5400 207 E. Montgomery Ave., Rockville tf-779-3t INCOME TAX RETURNS PRE PARED by graduate accoun tant, both individual and busi ness; will pick-up & deliver; reasonable rates. E. T. BECK, 3316 Floral Street, Wheaton, Md. JU. 7-5484. 3t-2-21 HOME IMPROVEMENTS 2 BASEMENT WATERPROOFING No Digging—Free Ejtimete*—Term, We alto specialize in Masonry Rejuvenation Dryburgh, Gen. Contractor 829-8253 tf-825-3t COMPLETE HOME REMODEI.- ing—Additions, porches, brick & concrete work, carpentry. Free estimate, F.H.A. terms. MINNE SOTA CONTRACTING CO. WH. 2-7469 or HE. 4-9327. Call anytime. tf-8638-3t roofingoTall kinds GUTTER WORK HOME IMPROVEMENTS TREK KST. 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE R. L. McELFISH Wl. 8-9154 DAY or NIGHT -915-3/31S. instructions s dog training classes Woodward & Lothrop, Wheaton Plaza, 7 weeks, $10; starting Sun., March 18, 3:30 p.m.; dogs must be 6 mo. or over; trainers, 12 yrs. & over. Call Montgom ery County Humane Society. 424-5717. lt-2-27 te ig 13, HELP WANTED—MAL* IS | WIREMEN Permanent position open with C.E.I. ’or experienced electronic Wiromon. Many Company Benefits inel. Profit sharing & 100% educational aesist • nee program. Cell OLiver 4-8860 for interview COMMUNICATION ELECTRONICS. INC. 4900 HAMPDEN LANE BETHESDA, MD. An equal opportunity Employer 3t-886-2-27 SR. DRAFTSMAN Exp. in prep, of isometric & perspective [ draw., elect, pkg. exp. helpful;' Elect. Draftsman, familiar w/1 nrint. circuits & pkg. of elec i tronic comp.; Elect. Assemblers, j exp. w/prototype & assembly of j space craft scientific instrumen- \ tation; assembly of elect, comp, etc. & ass~c. hdw. to military specs. WHEATON EMPLOY MENT SERVICE, LO. 5-5175. SALESMAN Local Fuel Oil Company, good salary & Com pany Benefits. Write Box 272 G.C., Rockville, Md. 2t-2-21 EXECUTIVES AND PROFESSIONAL MEN OVER FORTY Seeking New Employment? Try non-profit, cooperative FORTY PLUS OF WASHINGTON, INC. 810 18th St., N.W., Wash. 6, D. C. ME. 8-2125 SERVICE STATION ATTEND ANT—AppIy MITCH & BILL’S ESSO, 10127 River rd., Rockville, Md. Phone AX. 9-9228. 3t-2-24 CAB DRIVERS Highest paid commission in State of Mary i land, paid vacation. See John [ Hickman at Hickman’s Esso, N. Washington Street, Rockville, Md. 3t-2-27 ALLSTATE offer* UNIQUE INSURANCE SALES POSITION An Attractive Salary (not a drew) plus incentive commission offers an outstanding income, 3 weeks home office program, prior to extensive field training, broad comprahensiva employee benefits incl. P.S., pd. vacation ft illness allowance. Those quali fied have exceptional opportu nity to advance to Management. If you are age 23-35, married, some college, with Sales or Pub lic contact experience, please call MR. LOFTIN, Personnel Mgr. ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO. LO. 5-1652 2t-165-2-27 MAN—To work in cafeteria; 5 days a week, Mon. through Fri., pd. holidays; day work; must be reliable & neat. HAYNES LITHOGRAPH. Call HA. 7-7500, ext. 59. lt-2-24 HELP WANTED—FEMALE 16 H LADIES for telephone sales, • full & part-time, from our of fice at WINX Radio Station; top commission & bonus. Phone 762-3263. 3t-3-l TYPISTS STENOS. MACH. OPERATORS Rockville Montgomery County Top Pay No Fee Be a Kelly Girl and be envied WORK THE HOURS AND DAYS YOU WISH NEAR YOUR HOME. WORK ON INTERESTING AS SIGNMENTS WHILE THE CHIL DREN ARE AT SCHOOL. Misa Baynes will be available for interview*. 10:30 to 3:30 p.m., ’ Tuesday. March Ist. at the l Colonial Manor Motel Rockville Pike Public transportation passes the door ' Kelly Girl Serv.; EX. 3-5779 504 Sheraton Bldg. 711 14th N.W. ' 3t-577-2-27 RECEPTIONIST-TYPIST Ex cel. position for neat, personable yng. lady with pleasant tele, manner; expert typing req.; age 25-35 yrs.; 5-day week, 8:30-5; SBO. Call JU. 8-8054. lt-2-24 ASSEMBLERS Permanent petition open with C.E.I. for experienced electronic Assem , blert. Wiring ft toldering oxp. nec. Exp. in Atsembly of printed circuit boards desirable. Many Company benefits incl. profit sharing ft educe ' tionel assistance program. : Cell OLiver 4-8860 for interview COMMUNICATION ELECTRONICS, INC. 4900 HAMPDEN I-ANE BETHESDA, MD. An equal opportunity Employer REG. NURSE —at once, for su pervisor in nursing home, Ol : ney, Md. Could live-in, good sal '. ary. MRS. THOMASON, SPring t 4-2371. tf-237-4t.M.N. , ... ■- ■ ~, - .. ■ O'NEILL { ASSOCIATES INC. * LICENSED AGENCY” SECRETARIAL DIVISION Secretaries, Clerk Typists. Girl Fridays, Many interesting positions available now. excellent salaries and benefits. r - MTG. CO, BETH., S. S. kD. C. TEMPORARY k FULL TIME REGISTER WITH US NOW 8002 WISCONSIN AVE. [ Bethesde, Md. OL 6-7044 - Open 'til 9 P.M. Thurs. Set. 9 'til I 1 tf-704-3t j INTELLIGENT High School ? Student for Babysitting, Sat. & ,! Sun., No Night, Richard Mont ’ gomery area, start about March , Ist. For 'interview call Mrs. 7 1 Rose, GA. 4-5256. 3t-2-27 [ HILP WANTIP—PIMALI 16 I N-U-R-S-E-S R.N. for Ige. Nursing Home, local Ref S4OO mo. L.P.N. Also R.N.'a..partime. local Ref *273 mo. # CALL FOP APPT. EV. 4-6040 WAITRESS experienced. Ap ply Cavalier Restaurant, 2005 , Vlers Mill Rd.. Rockville, Md. |! 3t-2-27 j: JOB OPPORTUNITY SUBURBAN LOCATIONS | PROOF READERS SSOOO No Re-Write I RECEPTIONIST S3OO | Type 40 WPM. 1 CLERK-TYP $338 Varied Clerical Duties j SECRETARY $339 Very Little Exp. Slow Shtd RECPT.-TYPIST $350 Knowl. of Bkkg. Helpful ! ACCTG. CLEK. Sal. Open Mature Perlon-Type 40 WPM. I CASHIER & SALES S3OO Wheaton Location NATIONAL PERSONNEL CENTER REEDIE DR. AT VIERS MILL RD. LO. 5-3714 THURS. CALL 622-2347 3t-446-2/27 HELP WANTED—(MoIe-Femole) 17 , SECRETARY _ shthd. nec. SBS: Bank Teller exp. $75; Clk. Tpsts. $65: Address Man electr. open; PBX Optr. $65; Ofce. Clk. S6O. Rockville Personnel Serv ice, PO. 2-9416. 2t-2-24 SCYS. 1 41 —S.S. -Rock. -Beth. INS. REPRESENTATIVES—Rock. BKKPRS.—Rock CLK-TPSTS. —Beth.-S. S. NURSE RECEPT.—Beth. HERRINGTON EMPLOYMENT SERVICE GA. 4-6324 •f-ea.t.M.N. SECRETARIES—Jr. & Sr., legal & Eng.; air line hostess; collec tors; recept. for travel agey; file , clrks.; clrk. tpsts.; food super visors; chef; 3 bkkprs. manual 1 & mach. WHEATON EMPLOY- I MENT SERVICE, LO. 5-5175. | tf-440-4t-MN 1 HELP WANTED—DOMESTIC 18 1 YOUNG WOMAN —for L.H.W. and Babysitting, 2 days a week. Phone 384-9287 Vicinity Fair land & Rt. 29. 3t-2 27 HOUSEKEEPER permanent, capable, responsible woman, livein, generous time off. Call EM. 5-5234 after 6 p.m. 3t-2-27 WANTED—Responsible woman for week-ends; live-in; GHW. ' Call AX, 9-9462. 3t-3-l j CHILD CAPE 20 i ' \ WILL CARE for children in my \ home. Phone 424-6815. 3t-2-24 ; WILL CARE for 2 children in < my home while mother works, 1 fenced yard, hot lunches, play mates. Call Barbara, 424-9571. 3t -2-24 I SITUATION WANTED—FEMALE 22 ! A PERSONABLE YG. WOMAN < —w/bookkeeping and secretarial' ] experience available for Rock- ■ ville area, part time employ-1 1 ment. 2 eves. & all day Satur- ] ! day. Call after 5 p.m. WH. 6- 0763. 3t-2-24 j PRACTICAL NURSE—Colored; good refs.; 12 yrs. exper. in j I nursing homes. Call WA. 6-1791. lt-2-24 i: PERSONALS 30 DIVINE SCIENCE Private Study in Healing Principal, Personal Counseling Write end I Will Contect You BEATRICE DODGE D.S.G. BOX #272 SENTINEL ROCKVILLE, MD. 21 S 2-24 GREATEST HEALTH CLUB OFFER EVER MADE ONLY $1 AN HOUR FOR USE OF GYM MEN'S DAY—FRIDAY ONLY NO CONTRACTS FIGURITE, INC. 6852 New Hampshire Ave. 1 Takoma Park JU. 7-8010 31-801-2 27 MISCELLANEOUS FOB SALE 35 CIXK'K Antique pendulum, well type; clothes rack, with mirror & chest, very heavy; re ducing machine, with elec, motor, best offer. Call GA. 4- 5062 after 5:30 p.m.; wkds.. Sat. & Sun. anytime after 1:30 p.m. PIANOS ORGANS SPECIAL INVENTORY TURNOVER SALE NEW USED FLOOR MODELS MANY MAKES AND STYLES SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS PIANO 4 ORGAN FOUNDATION , 2 LOCATIONS ' 7215 Wise Ave., Hetheda. OL. 6-14 VI ' PIANO Steinway Grand. Call ; PO. 2-9072. lt-2-24 , PlANO—Upright; Apex Ironer; ’ other misc. Household Items; ’ also 1949 Plymouth 2-dr. Sedan 1 in good running condition. Call 301-DI. 9-5240. 3t-3-l THE BARGAIN BOX 232 E Montgomery. Rockville Turn old things Into sold thing,! Be ! It a bike, a lake or a rocking chair, j clothing lewclry. brlc-a-bac. • Consignment taken Friday ■ and Saturday PO 2-2242 Daily 10 til S p.m. GAS RANGE Welbilt 36” good condition. S3O or best of fer. Call WH. 6-6955. 2t-2-24 KOREAN LESPEDEZA SIB.OO a hundred. H. C. Smith, t PO. 2-2400 or 349-5132. 3t-2-27 i BWING-A-MATIC Baby Swing, : like new $10; Mesh Net Play - pen, like new sl2: Mattress for i Baby Crib, like new $8: 2 Girl’s ~ Coats, size 9 & 12, reas. Call r 1424-6815. 3t-2-27 1 MISCELLANEOUS WANTIP 3ft WANTED RAW FURS Raliabla Buyars-S6th year In busi ness. Shipments or parsonal deliv eries solicited. KEYSTONE HIDE COMPANY LANCASTER, PA. ; St-2/24 e.t, i BUILDERS * CONTRACTORS | in Damascus Area. Do you need | a place to empty vour fill dirt? Call GA. 4-7700, Mrs. Folk. LOTS, FARMS. ACREAGE 44 FREDERICK COUNTY SPECIAL VALUES 32 ACRES- Part Woods A Stream. Barn. Sheds. 5 i-oom Home, Bath, Oil Heat Furnace, Hard Road. $14,500.00 104 ACRES —Good Farm, along hard toad, 2 Barns, all good buildings, good 7 room Home. Price Incl. all growing oiops. Milk Tank & Equipment. Poss. April. $35,000.00 Call mt after 6 P.M. J. AUSTIN YOUNKINS Associate Horman Real Estate MO. 3-3063 6t-1129-/8 REAL ESTATE SALE 45 Lot Owners Get the Best for Less We finance and build the complete house ready for occupancy. Any house plan. No shell or packaged homes. BEST BUILDERS, INC. 1545 ROCKVILLE PIKE ROCKVILLE, MD. HA. 7-7300 WH. £-7790 HOME BUILDERS FOR 27 YEARS ASK FOR R. H. BEST __ _ 3t-tf WHEATON Open—3 bedim, split on court. Patio w/fibre glass roof, rec. rm., aircond., mod. tiled kitch. w/range hood, Ige. fenced yard w/trees. Ex cellent cond. $22,500. Assume Ige. 4 '/a Vc GI, or will FHA. Owner. WH. 6-3490. 3t-2-24 ROCKVILLE 4 BEDROOM ALL BRICK CAPE COD Beaulful Ret*. Rm. Enclosed Porch 2 FULL BATHS SIB,OOO S9OO FHA ROGER N. SPENCER CO., INC. GA. 4-5151 :tt-8510-2/24 MEADOWBROOK ESTATES— 3-bedrm. stone front, brk. ram ber; acre lot; carport; stone firepl. in liv. rm., IV 2 baths; walking distance to AEC; good financing; $23,000.00. ARNOLD S. PRICE, Broker, 788 S. Fred- ; erick Ave., Gaithersburg, Md.; WI. 8-9077 or WA. 6-1522. l y! REAL ESTATE—RENT 46 WASHINGTON GROVE—Conv. N.I.H. & A.E.C., unfurn. charm ing English style house in pic turesque wyoded community, 2 bedrms., l'/ 2 baths, sml. den, firpl. in livrm., tennis, lake swimming, $l3O per mo., avail April Ist. Cal) 926-1664. 3t-2-27 j HOUSE consisting of 5 rooms with bath, basement, central heating plartt, nr. Poolesville, Md. Call H. C. Smith, PO. 2- 2400 or 349-5132; $75 per month. 3t 2-27 10 ACRES Lge. 3-bedroom brick home, Poolesville area; $155 per mo. 1-ACRE, 3-bedroom rambler, Olney area. ROMER & CO., Realtors. Call WI. 8-9092. FURN. SEMI IIET BRICK 906 S. Highland, Arlington, Va.; 2 bedrms.; conv. schools, shop, entr., trans.; rec. rm., gas heat, laundry, washer; $135 per mo. Call EM. 5-2488. 3t 3 1 UNFURN. APT. Highland, Md., Rt. 216, opp. Mt. Zion Meth. Church; newly decorated; lge. liv. rm., din. rm. & kitch.; 2nd fl. bedrm. & bath; complete ly prlv.; heat & light furn.; $75 per mo. SP. 4-4721 or JU. 5- 8430. lt-2-24 REAL ESTATE—WANTED 47 WANTED Old house and small lot, zoned R-l in Bethesda-Ken ! sington-Rockville area. Call NA. 8-' )538. 3t-2-27 ROOMS FOR RENT 41 WHEATON Glenmont area; 2 furnished rooms, semi-priv. bath; priv. parking; bus stop at corner; $12.50 per week each; gentlemen only; avail. March Ist. Phone, Mon.-Fri., PO. 2- 5000, ext. 477; eves., WH. 2-7292. DOGS, PITS, KENNELS *7 EXTRA LGE. HOLSTEIN First calf. Mrs. Keith Cornelius, 600 Gaither Rd., Gaithersburg, Md. Phone WA. 6-0963. lt-2-24 SPECIAL NOTICES 71 DANCE!—Every Sat. Night at ;at HELEN’S STEAK HOUSE, PL> mi. Southeast of Frederick on Rt. .355 (Formerly Rose Ma rino’s). Music by “Harry Port ner & his Vibra Tones.” Steaks & Italian Spaghetti our special ties. tf-3255-Th&S LOST AND FOUND Sl^ STRAYED OR STOLEN- Male Norwegian Elkhound, answers to the name of “Duke,” grey &. black, Vicinity Ednor, Md. Thurs., Feb. 15th. Reward. Call WA, 4-9831. 3t-2-27 COMING EVENTS 85 FEB. 24—FIREMEN’S SUPPER —4-8 p.m. Country sausage, waffles, pancakes, creamed chicken. Adultss 1.00; Children 75c. Bake sale by St. Luke’s Indies, Sandy Spring. Fire , House, Rt. 108, Sandy Spring, i 1 Md. 31-2-24-ca.L REAL ESTATE LOANS 16 ' MARCH 3 DANCE, at Bur tonsville Fire Dept., sponsored by Norman Price Post #6B American Legion; 9-12 midnight. MARCH *—Annual Silver Tea & Bake Sale. Christ Episcopal Church Rectory, 107 S. Wash ! ington St., Rockville, Md., 2- 4:30 p.m. 3-6 ea.t. MARCH 17 Fried Oysters & I Ctry. Ham Dinner. St. Paul Methodist Church, Laytonsville, Md. 3-8 p.m. Adults $1.50; Chil dren 75c. Bake Table. MARCH 17 Turkey Supper served fam. style at the Boyd’s Presbyterian Church, Boyds, Md. Also Bake Sale. 4-8 p.m. Adults $1.50, Children 75c. MARCH 17 Ham & Oyster i Dinner, “Dessert incl.” The I Hunting Hill Methodist Church, ' Rt. 28 3 mi. W. Rock., 3-8 p.m. Adults $1.50, Children 75c. 6t-3-15-S i REAL ESTATE LOANS B 6 SECOND TRUST LOANS TO PROPERTY OWNERS SIOOO to S7OOO Up To 7 Yaan To Rtpay | EQUITY HOME LOAN CO. OL. 0-6373 TF7952-ea.t. L^wyau. 7 YWJR BUIS! With INSUREO 2nd Trust Loans *I,OOO to SS,OOO up to 5 Yean to Ray Cut Your Monthly Paymante in Halt or Evan Leu! BANK RATES • 7-DAY SERVICE Fret Consultation o Any Area Sttrona ecuritu HOME MORTGAGE Md. 8700 Georgia Ave. JU 9-5210 Va. 941 N. Highland StJA 5-6240 tf-624-3t AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 88 '59 FORD CONV. Vg, full power, new top. Excel, cond. 26,000 miles. $1695. '6l CORVAIR GREENBRIER BUS. Priced to sell, 17,000 mi. You should see this one. 'SB FORD, 9 PASS. WAGON. Full power. Real claan. $1295. ’SB HILLMAN, vary clean, good trans : portetion. $695. WATERS MOTORS 6 N. Frederick St. Gaithersburg 301 WA. 6-0166 3t-885-3/l Legal Advertisement Law Offices Everngam & Tomes " v Perpetual Building 8700 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, Md. Trustees’ Sale Of Valuable, Improved Real Estate, located in Montgom ery County, Maryland, im proved by premises known a s 10022 Tenbrook Drive, Silver Spring. By virtue of the power and authority contained in the Deed of Trust from Pete C. Kalavrit inos and Angelina Kalavritinos, his wife, to Leo M. Bernstein, Marin L. Zucsse and Walter Miller, Trustees, dated Febru ary 11, 1959, and recorded ! among the Land Records for Montgomery County, Maryland, i in Liber 2563 at folio 25, and : ; at the request of the parties , secured thereby, default having occurred in the terms and con l ditions thereof, the undersigned . | Trustees named in the ' said . Deed of Trust will sell at pub ■ lie auction at the premises on WED., MARCH 21, 1962 M At 2:15 o’clock P.M. all that property in said Deed of Trust described: i Lot numbered Twelve (12) in Block numbered Two (2) in the subdivision known as “Argyle Club Estates", as per Plat recorded in Plat i Book 28, Plat No. 1744, among the Land Records of Montgomery County, Mary land. 1 The property is improved by ! a one story detached brick dwelling, containing six rooms, one bath, basement and garage. TERMS OF SALE: A cash • (or certified check) deposit of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) will be required at the time of ’ i sale. The balance in cash, with interest at aix per centum per annum from date of sale to | date of payment payable with ’ in ten days after fined ratifi ' cation of sale. • Adjustments on all taxes, t public charges and special or ■ regular assessments including ' front foot benefit charges, will be made as of the date of sale i and thereafter to be assumed ; by the purchaser. Title exam > ination, conveyancing, State and Federal Revenue stamps ■ and all other costs incident to ) settlement are to be paid by 1 the purchaser. Compliance with the tenris of sale shall be made within ten [ day* after final ratification of ; sale or deposit shall be for ' feited and the property resold '• at the risk and costs of the de j faulting purchaser. LEO M. BERNSTEIN MARIN L ZCESSK WALTER MILLER ; 1 Trustees 4t-1582-3-17 1 Legal Advertisement Law Offices of Betts, Clogg & Murdock 22 West Jefferson Street Rockville, Md. Mortgagee’s Sale Of Valuable Improved Farm Property near Beallsvllle, Mtl. By virtue of power o sale contained in a certain mortgage from Sam Clammer and Kathe- ' rine F. Clammer, his wife and George E. Fuller and Barbara E. Fuller, his wife to Sidney S. Sherby and Jane E. Sherby, his wife, dated the 2nd day of De cember, 1957 and recorded among the Land Records of Montgomery County, Md., in Liber 2409 at Folio 305, at the ' request of the mortgagees, de ! fault having occurred In the | terms and conditions there of, the undersigned attorney \ named in said mortgage for the . purpose, will sell at public auc , tion at the Court House door in ■ Rockville, Md., on MONDAY, MARCH 8,1962 AT 3:00 P.M. all of that property described in said mortgage in four par cels, containing in the aggre gate 635 acres, more or less. The first parcel being all that land described in a deed from Forest C. Beacock and wife to Harry Sherby dated October 1, 1942, recorded among the said Land Records in Liber 889 at Folio 407, containing 87 acres, 26 square perches, more or less; the second parcel being the land described in a deed from Wil liam P. Hunter et ux to Harry Sherby et ux dated October 15, 1943, recorded in Liber 921 at Folio 306, containing 9.27 acres of land, more or less; the third parcel being described in a deed from George Lawrence Jones and wife to Harry Sherby and wife dated October 15, 1943, re corded in Liber 921 at Folio 306, containing 26.5 acres of land, more or less; the fourth parcel being that land described in a deed from William G. Brewer, widower, dated August 22, 1942, recorded in Liber 886, at Folio 208, containing 512 acres of ' land, more or less. This prop erty, formerly known as “The 1 Brewer Farm” and later known \ as the "Sherby Farm,” lies : north of the village of Bealls ville on the road to Dickerson. ‘ Said property is improved ! with a main dwelling house be- ' ing of frame construction con- ‘ taining five bedrooms, three 1 bathrooms, living room, dining 1 room and modern kitchen; 1 stone guest house; three car ga rage; concrete block cattle 1 barn with silo and feed shed; 1 frame horse barn; steer barn; pheasant house; poultry house; tack room; machinery garage and tool shop; frame wagon shed and corn house; miscel laneous other outbuildings in the vicinity of the main dwell-1 ing house, and three tenant 1 houses located on said property i with various barns and out buildings all of said improve ments in good or excellent con- j 1 dition. 1 Said property will be sold 1 subject to a certain mortgage |' held by Prudential Life Insur- 1 ance Company the exact balance and terms of which will be an nounced at the time of the sale. : TERMS OF SALE 1 A cash deposit of S2OOO will ' be required at the time of sale, i , The balance shall be payable in I cash, with interest at 67e per i annum, from the date of sale ; to the date of payment, payable • within 5 days after ratification I of said sale. I All costs of conveyancing, in . eluding State and Federal Rev i enue stamps, examination of the j title and preparation of papers i shall be paid by the purchaser, including transfer tax if any. State and County taxes shall be adjusted to the date of rati fication of sale and paid by the purchaser thereafter, MANUEL WEINBERG Attorney or Assignee ; ( Named in Mortgage Frederick, Maryland 1 1 BETTS, CLOGG & MURDOCK By: DAVID E. BETTS J 22 West Jefferson Street Attorneys for Attorney Rockville, Maryland ( Named In Mortgage 41-1525-3-3 I | SAVE ON YOUR CLASSIFIED AD j in The Sentinel by Using This Form. Send It to Us at 215 E. Montgomery Ave. Rockville; Enclose SI.BO Cash, Check or Money Order and Save! Three Issues Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, for $3.60. [ Pleat* Insert the Following 25-Word Classified Advertisement in } The MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL l i i - i —■ , i. ~i. ■— ■ —l l I l l . 1— " I ■■ ■ ii.i ■■ ■ ■ " —— ■ —i i . I l I l i■—■■■■■—■ : I I I I I I I ] The Above Ad Will Appear Under Classification RUN AD □ TUESDAY Q THURSDAY Q SATURDAY (Pleat* remember to oncloso chock or cash in order to toko edventog* ot this convenient iovinqi) Note: For each additional 5 words or less I over 251 add 30 cents to cost. (45c for 2 issues —6O c 3 issues) NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER S E N TIN E k Legal Advertisement Law Offices Everngam & Tomes Perpetual Building 8700 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, Md. Trustees’ Sale Of Valuable, Improv i Real Estate, located In Montgom ery County, Maryland, Im proved by premises known as 10020 Tenbrook Drive, Stiver Spring. By virtue of the power and authority contained in the Deed of Trust from Robert Shaw, unmarried, to Leo M. Bern stein, Marin L. Zuesse and Walter Miller, Trustees, dated August 11, 1959, and recorded among the Land Records for Montgomery County, Maryland, in Liber CI<W 2639, at folio 5, and at the request of the par ties secured thereby, default having occurred in the terms and conditions thereof, the un dersigned Trustees named in the said Deed of Trust will sell at public auction at the premises on WED., MARCH 21, 1962 At 2:00 o’clock P.M. all that property in said Deed of Trust described: Lot numbered Eleven (11) in Block numbered Two (2) in a subdivision known as "Argyle Club Estates”, as per Plat recorded in Plat Book 28 at Plat 1744, among the Land Records of Mont gomery County, Maryland. The property Is improved by a one story detached brick dwelling, containing six rooms, one and one-half baths and basement. TERMS OF SALE: A cash (or certified check) deposit of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) will be required at the time of sale. The balance in cash, with interest at six per centum per annum from date of sale to date of payment payable within ten days after final ratification of sale. Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments including front foot benefit charges, will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter to be assumed by the purchaser. Title exam ination, conveyancing, State and Federal Revenue stamps and all other costs incident to settlement are to bo paid by the purchaser. Compliance with the terms of sale shall be made within ten days after final ratification of sale or deposit shall be for feited and the property resold at the risk and costs of the de faulting purchaser.' LEO M. BERNSTEIN MARIN L. ZUESSE WALTER MILLER Trustees 4t-1583-3-17 Sealed Bids Scaled Bids will be received by the Montgomery County Purchasing Office, Room 605, County Office Building, Rock ville, Md., for the purchase of the following: Printing County Manager's Annual Report— March 5,1962, 3:00 P.M. Modification of Generator March 1,1962, 3:00 P.M. For further information con tact the Purchasing Office, PO. 2-2121 Ext. 284. Montgomery County Purchasing Office It-1584 2-24 Car Auction Due to default of contract, the holder of the Chattel Mort gage listed, William R. Ford, 724 Maplewood ave., Takoma Park 12, Md., will sell at Public Auction on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1962 AT 9:00 A.M. at 721 Maplewood Ave., Takoma Park, Md., the following describ ed automobile to-wit: 1953 Tudor Mercury Automo bile, serial number 53ME91173M , titled in the name of Thomas Alvin O'Malley, whose last known address is 6827 Red Top rd., Takoma Park 12, Prince Georges Co., Md. St-1563-3>24 1 WSSC Awards 7 Contracts Seven contracts, totaling $79, 927 for construction of storm drains, water mains, sewers and house connection were awarded I by the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission last week. Among them were three con tracts for work in Montgomery County, awarded to: M & L Construction Co., Hyattsville, $11,710 for waiter mains, sewers and house con nections in Foxhall. Ventresea & Sons, Inc., $7029 I for storm drains in Stratton I Woods. Taylor Construction Co., Be thesda, $4345 for water mains and sewers in Glen Echo. Legal Advertisement ' Notice of Public Hearings Notice is hereby given that the County Council will conduct a public hearing In the Hearing I Room (on 7th Floor), County Office Building, Rockville, Maryland, at 2:30 P.M. / TUESDAY, MARCH 6,1962 on a proposal to Improve Poto mac Avenue in B. F. Gilberts Addition to Takoma Park In the Thirteenth Election District (as shown on plans available for • public inspection at Rockville Offices of the Department of Public Works) by constructing bituminous roadway 26 feet wide with concrete curb and gutter and sod along Potomac Avenue between Takoma Avenue and Plney Branch Road, necessary storm drainage facilities, drive way and walkway entrances where requested by property owners. The estimated cost of proposed improvements Is $39,- 599.00. This is to be known as front foot benefit Project No. 1303. J. C. KORDELLA Director Department of Public Works 2M564-2-24 Notice of Public Hearing The Planning Commission of the Town of Gaithersburg, will hold a Public Hearing on MARCH 8,1962 AT 8:00 P.M. .in the Civic Center, In Gaithers burg, on the question of zoning for the area recently annexed to the Town of Gaithersburg, and known as the Wilson Farm and Nee-Skipper Tract, both parcels located at Route 355, Brown Station Road. Additional infor mation is available at the Town Office during business hours. MARY B. WARD, Chairman 3U385-3-8 Notice of Public Hearings Notice is hereby given that the County Council will conduct a public hearing in the Hearing Room (on 7th floor), County Office Building, Rockville, Maryland, at 2:00 P.M. TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1962 on a proposal to improve Stan ley Lane in Wolf Acres In the sth Election District (as shown on plans available for public in spection at Rockville Offices of the Department of Public Works) by constructing bitumi nous roadway 20 feet wide on a stabilized roadbed 34 feet wide with sodded ditches on each side along Stanley Lane be tween Bregman Road and An drew Drive, necessary culverts and drains, driveway and walk way entrances where requested by property owners. The esti ■ mated cost of proposed improve ments is $11,543.00. This is to | be known as front foot benefit j project No. 1224. J. C. KORDELLA Director Department of Public Works 2M565-2-21 7