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Legal Advertisement Harold C. Smith Harold C. Smith, Jr. Attorneys At Law Rockville, Md. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND Sitting as a Court of Equity No 25262 Equity GEORGIA R. LAWSON Boyds, Montgomery County, Maryland Plaintiff vs VIVIAN TILMAN and STEPHEN TILMAN, her husband and JAMES B. WILLIAMS, JR. Addresses unknown, it being no* known whether they are living or dead or whether, if living, they are residents or non-residents and if they be dead, their unknown spouses, divisees, heirs at law, and next of kin. Defendants Order of Publication The object of this suit is to quiet title to: Part of a tract of land called “Farewell.” Beginning at a stone on the side of the Clarksburg road and at the end of the line between James E. Williams and Williapt N. Thompson and running with the road on the line of the conveyance by Sarah E. Nich oils, et al, to William N. Thompson, S. 89 %° W. 9 13/20 perches to the West bank of Ten Mile Creek, then up the creek on the west bank thereof, N. 4V E. 4 8/10 .perches then N. 89 E. 9 13/20 perches to the line be tween said Williams and Thompson, it being one of the compromise lines between Camden R. Nicholls and Davis Richardson, then with said line to the beginning, contain ing Yt, acres, more or less. The Bill states in'substance that the Plaintiff, Georgia R. Lawson, claims absolute owner ship of the above described property by reason of virtue of adverse possession. That the Defendants appear to be vested with fee simple title to said land by virtue of a deed from Wil liam N. Thompson and Julia A. Thompson, his wife to James E. Williams, dated March 28, 1884 and recorded May 13, 1884, in Liber EBP 32, at Folio 202, one of the Land Records of Mont gomery County, Maryland, and by virtue of being the heirs at law and next of kin of the grantees in said Deed: that no action has been taken by the named Defendants hereto nor any other persons to enter upon or recover said land for more than twenty (20) years and that the Plaintiffs and their prede cessors in title have been in actual peaceable possession of said land and premises under claim of right by reason of open notorious, hostile and adverse possession and occupation of said land and premises for more than twenty (20) years. The Bill prays the Court to pass a decree declaring that your Orators have absolute own ership and the right to dispose of the land and premises here in before described, and that the Defendants, their heirs and as signs or personal representa- , tives be enjoined from asserting any claim of ownership or Interest in said land or any part thereof by an action at law or otherwise. It is thereupon, this 9th day of March, 1962, ORDERED by the Circuit Court for Montgom ery County, Maryland, Sitting as a Court of Equity, that the Plaintiff cause a copy of this Order to be inserted in some newspaper published in Mont gomery County, Maryland, once a week in each of four succes sive weeks before the 9th day of April, 1962, giving notice to all the named Defendants, their heirs, devisees and personal representatives to file their ini tial pleading on or before the 11th day of May, 1962, to show cause if any they have, why a decree should not be passed as prayed. CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk of the Circuit Court For Montgomery County Maryland True Copy—Test: CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk 4t-1003-4-5 IRVINO A. I.RVIXR . , Solicitor for Tru.lw, JIMS (irorilo Avrnoo Whoßlon. Maryland OKIU.K MSI IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY At a Court of Equity No. 25157 Equity la the Matter of PAUL LUKER MATHER JR nd NANCY JUNE MATHER, hit wife to HUGH B. CARPER. JR., tnd E. SPENCER FITZGERALD Trutteet ORDERED, thlt 20th day of March. A.D., 1962. by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, at a Court of Equity, that the tale made by Hugh B. , Carper. Jr. and E. Spencer Fitzgerald. Trutteet to Delano Dlitrlct Corporation and reported In the above entitled cauae. be ratified and confirmed unleat rauae , to the contrary thereof be thown on or before the 16th day of April next; pro vided a copy of thfa order tie Interted la ... tome ncutpaper publiahad In taid Mont gomery County, once a week fer three tuccettlve weeka before the tald 16th day of April, 1962 The report atatet the amount of the tale to lie *7.(110.00 tubjert to a firit trust in the amount of $16.782.71. CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk of the Clrcu't Court For Montgomery County a*. True^Copy—Teat: CLAYTON K. WATKINS Oerk Uima-A* Legal Advertisement Law Offices Conroy and Williams 7901 Norfolk Ave. Bethesda, Md. Trustees’ Sale Of Valuable, Improved Beal Es tate, located in Montgomery County, Md.. Improved by premises known as 210 Dale Drive, Silver Spring, Md. By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust from Joseph S. Paw towski and Florine A. Pawtovv ski, his wife, to the undersigned Trustees dated the sth day of March 1959 and recorded among the Land Records of Montgomery County, Md., in Liber 2579 Folio 579 and at the request of the parties secured thereby, default having occur red in the terms and conditions thereof, the undersigned Trus tees named in said Deed of Trust will sell at public auction in front of the Court House door, in the Town of Rockville, Md., on TUESDAY. APRIL 10, 1962 AT 9:30 A.M. all that property in said Deed of Trust described as follows: Lot numbered Sixteen (16) in Block lettered “J” Section numbered Five (5) in the sub division known as “Sligo Park Hills" as per plat recorded in Plat Book 36, Plat No. 2477 among the Land Records of Montgomery County, Mary land. Subject to building restric tion line and all covenants of record. The property is improved by a brick Cape Cod dwelling with seven rooms, including four bedrooms; also a built in garage, full basement, rec reation room and two baths. TERMS OF SALE A cash deposit of $1,000.00 will be required at the time of sale. The balance in cash, with interest at 3ix per centum per annum from the date of sale to the date of payment, payable within two days after final rati fication of sale. Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter be assumed by the purchaser. Title examination, conveyancing, State and Federal revenue stamps, transfer tax, and all other costs incident to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Compliance with terms of sale shall be made within two days after final ratification of sale or deposit shall be forfeit ed and the property resold at the risk and cost of the default ant purchaser. GEO. L. BOSWELL WILLIAM B. WHEELER Trustees CONROY & WILLIAMS By: JOHN J. KELLIHER Attorney for Noteholder 4M647-4-5 CHARLES A. FRIEDMAN 877 N. ( alvrrt Mrrrt Baltimore. Md. NOTICK TO C RKDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans' Court for Montgomery County has issued Letter* of Administration c.t.a. to L. H. Phelps, Jr. in the Estate of DAIJJK FRANCES NELSON late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 30th day of Sep tember next; they 1 may otherwise by law tie excluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 27th day of March, 1962. L. H PHELPS, JR. !S6 Bramble Lane Riverside, Conn. Administrator c.t.a. St-05fS-5-3 JACKSON BRODSKY PHII.IP MHINHF.KG Uaslilntfton Building Washington 5, 11. C. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters of Administration c.t.a. to Fiances P~ Jones in the Estate of MM KR DOM.LAM JONES a k a. DOI OI.AK MM I K JONES DOLOLAS JONES MM KR JONES late of Montgomery County dereased All persons having Claims againat the de ceased are hereby warned to present the . same on or before the 23rd day of Sep tember next; they may otherwise by taw te excluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment Given under my hand thls 20th day of I March. 1962. FRANCES P JONES •401 Manchester Road Silver Spring. Maryland Administratrix c.t.a. 6t-1026-4-2S F RANK A. TYLER. JR. Fire Department Building Rockville. Maryland WII-LIAM E. CAREY. JR. IMI Bowen Building Washington S. D. C. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IK HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters of Administration to Anne L. Crimes in the Estate of WEMTON B. OKI MEN late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims againat the tie .eased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the J6th day of Sep tember next; they may otherwise by law .e excluded from all benefit of said Estate All persons indebted to *aid Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand thie ISth of Msrch. 1#62. ANNE L. GRIME* N2IO Dorest Avenue Kenwood. Chevy Chase. Maryland Administratrix 6t-1655-4-19 BRADSHAW A THOMAS 415 Kit Building Silver Spring, Maryland NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters of Administration c.t.a. to J. Douglas Bradshaw in the Estate of FLORENCE D. C. ALBIN late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 23rd day of Sep tember next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from *ll benefit of seid Estate All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment. (liven under my hand this 20th day of March, 1962 .1 DOUGLAS BRADSHAW 4,13 Eig Building Kllvet spring, Md Administrator e.t.a 64-1026-4-26 Legal Advertisement Piper & Marbury Solicitors 900 First National Bank Bldg. Baltimore 2, Md. Substitute Trustees’ Sale Of Valuable, Improved, Fee “Glenmont Village”, Silver Spring, Md., and being im proved by premises 2508 Sheraton St. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a ; certain Deed of Trust from ; Boyd H. Price and Stella M. ; Price, his wife, to Samuel E. Bogley and Frank S. Hight, Trustees, dated the 6th day of April, 1961, and recorded in Liber C.K.W. No. 2838, Folio 636 among the Land Records of Montgomery County, Md., the ; holder of the Indebtedness se cured by this Deed of Trust hav ing appointed Wm. Holland Wilmer, 11, and Charles T. Al bert, Substitute Trustees, by in strument duly executed, ac knowledged and recorded among the Land Records of the County aforesaid, default hav ing occurred under the terms thereof, and at the request of the parties secured thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustees will offer for sale at public auc tion at the promises on TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1962 AT 1:30 P.M. all that property in said Deed of Trust described as follows: Lot numbered Ten (10), Block numbered Eight (8) in the subdivision known as “Glen mont Village” as per plat re corded in Plat Book 34, Plat No. 2297, among the Land Rec ords of Montgomery County, Md. For a more complete de scription of the property see the Deed of Trust described above, i The improvements consist of an attractive one and one-half story, frame dwelling contain ing four bedrooms, living room, kitchen and a bath. There is a full basement and forced hot air heat, gas fired. The property will be sold sub ject to conditions, restrictions and agreements affecting same, if any. TERMS: A cash deposit of SBOO.OO will be required by pur chaser at time and place of sale; balance in cash upon final ratification of sale by the Cir cuit Court for Montgomery County. Interest to be paid on unpaid purchase price from date of sale to date of settle ment. Taxes, water rents, and all other liens or charges, public or otherwise, including special paving taxes, if any, and front foot benefit charges of Wash ington Suburban Sanitary Com mission, if any, will be adjusted to day of sale. County transfer taxes, if any, to be paid by pur chaser. WM. HOLLAND WILMER, II and , CHARLES T. ALBERT, Substitute Trustees JUDGE CHARLES WEEB Auctioneer 4t-1648-4-5 JOSKPH A. LYNOTT, JH 484 K. .Mont(om*r> 4 \ .nu. Rnrkvlllf, Man land NOTICK TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphan! Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters Testamentary to Evelyn K. Hale in the Estate of LUCILLE (LVOV) D. KOMHMCK late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the tame on or before the 23rd day of Sep -1 tember next; they may otherwise by law lie excluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 14th day at March, 1982. 1 EVELYN K. HALE 1223 Simmons Drive Rockville. Maryland Executrix 6t.1027-4-26 OKOROK V. PARKHI RST 1714 Munsey Building Kaltlmorr 7, Maryland NOTICE TO CREDITOR* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the I Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters Testamentary to Jutea E Smucker. Jr., and Georgs V. Parkhurst in the Estate of LAI HA O. SMUCKER ! lata of Montgomery County deceased All j persons having Claims againat the de ceased are hereby warned to present the : same on or before the 23rd day of Sep trmbai next; they may other-wise by law . be excluded from all benefit of said Kstltl. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested tn make immediate 1 payment. I Given under our hands this 26th day I of March, 1962. , _ „ JULES E SMUCKER, J*. 2801 Woodley Road. N.W. Washington , D. C and GEORGE V. PARKHURST 1214 Munsey Building Baltimore 3, Maryland Executors 61-1022-4-26 NOTICE TO CREDITOR* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has issued Utters Testamentary to William V. Bouie In the Estate of ROBERT DOVVE DABBV . lata of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de , ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or bsrfore the 23rd day of Sep tember ne\i they may otherwise by lew I I be excluded from all benufit of said I Estate. All petsoUa lnd-hsed t* said , 1 Estate ate laqoested to malt# immediatu , nay ment, . Given undei my hand thi 20th day of March. 1962. WILLIAM V. BOtUC 2<)B 6. Montgomery Avenue Rockville, Maryland Executor St-IWI-4-JS 4. LI .OVD NILE* Attorney 8718 Georgia Asrnue miser Dprlag. Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE 1* HEREBY GIVEN, that Ihe Subscriber of Montgomery County, has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Montgomery County, In Maryland, Let ters of Administration on the peisonil Estate of JOHN BIXIONE* late of Montgomery County deceased. All persona having Clalma againat the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with vouchers thereof, legally authenticated to the subscriber on or before the 6th day of September next: they may otherwUe by law be excluded from all benefit of laid Estate. All persons Indebted to said Estate are re quested to make Immediate payment. Given under my hend this 28th day of February In the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-two. MARY JANE BIXIONES Administratrix 2516 Coles'die-Keltavule Rd. lIIVB Spring, Md. 84-1846-4-1$ Legal Advertisement f Assignee’s Sale Of Valuable Real Estate AT 9061-9063 MANCHESTER ROAD, SILVER SPRING, MARYLAND By virtue of the power of sale to them, contained in one cer tain mortgage from Elsie Eliza beth Michael to Baltimore Colo nial Mutual Savings and Loan Association, Inc., a body corp orate, dated June 16, 1961, and recorded on June 16, 1961, in Liber 2861, folio 141, among the Land Records of Montgomery County, Maryland, and the said mortgage having been assigned to J. Lloyd Niles and Howard Larcombe, attorney at law, lor the purpose of foreclosure, the covenants contained therein having been breached, the undersigned will sell at public auction in front of the premises, namely, 9061-9063 Manchester Road, Silver Spring, Montgom ery County, Maryland, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1962 AT 8:00 P.M. the property described in said mortgage, as follows; Part of that 4.438 acre parcel of land known as Lot Num bered and Lettered 17A, in Block Numbered One (1), in the subdivision known as “James H, Cissell's Addition to Silver Spring,” as per plat recorded in Plat Book 3, Plat No. 209, among the Land Records of Montgomery Coun ty, Maryland, described as fol lows: Beginning for the same at a point in the Northeast line of Manchester Road, as shown on Plat Book 32, Plat No. 2045, said point being also the Northwest corner of Parcel A, Manchester Gardens, as shown on Plat Book 44, Plat No. 3286; thence running with the Meridian of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commis sion with said northeast line of Manchester Road (1) along the line of a curve to the left, a radius of 650 feet a distance of 1.75 feet chord North 28 degrees 35 minutes 55 seconds West 100.65 feet to intersect the northwest line of an ease ment 10 feet wide granted the Montgomery County Board of Education by Georgia Ave nue Properties, Inc., in Liber 1823, folio 294; thence leaving said northeast line of Man chester Road and running with said northwest line of the said easement through the said 4.438 acre parcel of which the parcel herein de scribed is a part (2) North 60 degrees 12 min utes 00 seconds East 170.64 feet to intersect the northeast line of said 4.438 acre parcel; thence running with said northeast line (3) South 38 degrees 3 min utes 20 seconds East 66.56 feet to a stone found; thence (4) South 17 degrees 3 min utes 30 seconds East 52.90 feet to intersect the northerly line of the aforesaid Parcel A in Manchester Gardens; thence running with said northerly line (5) South 65 degrees 50 min utes 30 seconds West 171.47 feet to the place of beginning. Containing 19,124 square feet. The property now known as Lot 4, Block “E,” Sligo Park Hills, Section 7, Plat Book 66, Plat No. 6069. The said property is improved by a modern apartment type building, said apartment type building being three-stories in height, with a partial basement and slag roof, containing de luxe type apartments with air, conditioning, including an aqua tower in the rear of said build ing. Said building contains locker facilities and facilities for washing and drying clothes in the basement. There is off street parking in the front and side of said building. The afore said structure contains nine <9i two-bedroom units with a rental ( average from $127.50 to $134.50 I per month, and eleven (11) one bedroom units with a rental average of from $112.50 to $120.- 00 per month; said premises are designated as 9061-9063 Man Chester Road, Silver Spring, Montgomery County, Maryland. l TERMS OF SALE All cash. (Purchaser to ar-j range financing prior to ratifi-1 cation of sale by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland). A deposit of Ten ; Thousand Dollars ($10,000,000) will be required at (he (ime of sale. State, County taxes, front foot benefit charges, and special assessments, if any, are to he adjusted to the date of sale. Rentals, likewise, are to be ad justed to the data of sale. Con veyancing, recording, notary fees, State, County and Federal transfer and stamp taxes to be at the cost of the purchaser. Terms of sale are to be com plied with within tan (10) days after the final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court; other wise the property will be resold at the risk and cost of the de faulting purchaser. J. LLOYD NILES HOWARD LARCOMBE Assignees for the purpose of foreclosure. Perpetual Building, Silver Spring, Maryland JUniper 8-9664 4t-1034-4-12 f Legal Advertisement Sheriff’s Sale Of Valuable Personal Property STATE OF MARYLAND, Montgomery Count, to wit: By virtue of Distraint for Rem issued by G. Gregg Evern gam, Attorney, for Weaver Brothers, Inc., landlord, and to me as Sheriff of Said County directed at the suit of Weaver Brothers, Inc. vs. Larry N. Yeatman, I have this 28th day of February, 1962, seized and taken into execution all the right and title, claim, interest and estate both at law and in equity of the said Larry N. Yeatman of, in, to and about the following described property, to wit: I—2 cushion couch I—arm chair 1— arm swivel chair 2 end tables 2—table lamps I—round coffee table I—Muntz Console T.V. 21” I—Metal plastic top dining table w/5 chairs I—Glass front china closet I—set of dishes I—Double bookcase bed I—dresser 1— chest of drawers 2 dresser lamps 3 x 48” pink scatter rugs I—Elec. Westclock I—metal magazine rack I—ironing board I—box containing hand Iron, pillows, etc. I—G.E. Elec. Toaster I—Lot of pots & pans I—Kitchen wall clock I hereby give notice that I will sell all the right, title, claim, interest and estate both at law and in equity of the said Larry N. Yeatman of, in, to and about the above described prop erty to the highest bidders for cash at 1701 East-West High way, Apt. 311, Silver Spring, Maryland, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1962, AT 10:30 A.M. Terms of Sale: CASH LUKE J. BENNETT, JR. Sheriff Montgomery County, Maryland 2M102-4-12 HARDY, BRANVAN AND NIEMANN •517 (iforgl* Avenue *ll vw Spring, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITOR* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphan*’ Court for Montgomery County ha* Issued Letters Testamentary to Leonard T. Kardv In the Estate of HANNA MATILDA VAN DINE a.k.a. HANNAH MATILDA VAN DINK Persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 6th day of October next; they may otherwise by law be ex cluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 3rd day of April, 1962. LEONARD T. KARDY 9517 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, Md. Executor 61-3007-5-10 M. J. CUFF P. O. Box 627 540 Hamilton Street West Hyattftville, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITOR* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters Testamentary to John L. Wicker in the Estate of TONE A. WIKKKR a.k.a. ION* ELIZABETH WIEKER late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 16th day of Sep tember next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persona Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 13th day of March, 1962. JOHN L. WIEKER 5833 Opceola Court Washington 16, I>. C. Executor 6t-1656-4-19 PUBLIC SALE Please take notice, that pursuant to the provisions of Article 63, Section 43, Annotated Code of Maryland, 1957 Ed., by reason of default In the payment of repair and/or storage charges, HUGH C. McPHILLIPS, trading as Me- Phillips Esso Service Station, on the 28BD DAY OF APRIL, 1962, AT 11:00 A.M., KMT., at 11290 VIKKH MILL ROAD, WHEATON, MARYLAND, will offer for sale to the highest bidder the following de scribed automobile: 1955 Ford Two-door Sedan, Serial No. A6CG111954, last registered in the name of James Emory Ward, 3404 Forest Glen Road, Silver Spring, Maryland. TERMS OF SALE will be all cash at ihe time of sale. Automobile may be seen prior to sale at location of sale. John F. McAuliffe, Attorney 260 East Jefferson Street Rockville, Maryland 31-1092*4-19 PUBLIC SALE Due to discontinuing housekeeping, I, the undersigned, will sell at Public Auction at the farm known as The Cooley Farm, off Route #97 on Grlgg Road on: SATURDAY, APRIL 7,1962 AT 11:00 O'CLOCK A.M. the following: Household Furniture, some Antique Furniture A Dishes: A kitchen cabinet; 4 kitchen tables & 6 chairs; Gas Tappan Ranger; one old safe; 19 Cubic ft. deep freeze-Cold spot; Ice Box; wood heater; Air-Tite Stove; 2 kerosene oil burners; metal cabinet; 10 piece dining room suite; 3 rock ing chairs; 1 china closet; 2 living room suites; stands; side board; hall rack; 2 single beds; one lot chairs, dropleaf desk; 2 wardrobes; raclio console; chests of drawers; 3 double beds; 3 dressers, dining table; vanity & stool, mir ror;; baby bpd; 2 bedroom suites; cot; lot of kitchen uten sils A dishes; lot of linens; misc. items too numerous to mention. Also 2 riding horses, bridles, saddles. Not responsible for accidents on day of sale. TERMS OF SALE: CASH -Nothing removed until paid for. MRU. W. V. RALLIKGKR, Owner Auctioneers; Brake R. Fraley, Deiwood, Md. Eli wood B. Fraley Legal Advertisement Mortgagee’s Sale Of Real Estate By virtue of the power and authority contained in acer tain mortgage from William S. McMillan and Eleanor B. McMil lan, his wife, to The Citizens Building and Loan Association of Montgomery County, Inc., dated November 23, 1953, and recorded among the Land Rec ords of Montgomery County in liber 1863, folio 580, the un dersigned, one of the attorneys named in said mortgage for the purpose, will, on MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1962 At 2:00 o’clock P.M. offer for sale at public auction on or near the mortgaged premises all of the property conveyed by said mortgage, be ing Lot Two (2) in Block Fifty- Seven (57) in a subdivision of land in said County known as and called “B. F. Gilbert’s Ad dition to Takoma Park” as per plat recorded among the Land Records of said County in Plat Book A, Plat 29. Property is improved by a one story brick dwelling with five rooms, one bath, half base ment, being premises 8412 Flower Avenue, Takoma Park, Maryland. TERMS OF SALE; Cash, of which a deposit of $1,000.00 will be required on day of sale. Bal ance upon ratification of sale. Taxes and insurance to be ad justed to dale of ratification of sale. Conveyancing and all revenue stamps at cost of pur chaser. WILLIAM F. PRETTYMAN or CHARLES W. PRETTYMAN South Perry Street Rockville, Md. 4M084-4-26 n.ARK F. KINO 78110 Itlilxr Bund Damanm*. Md. NOTICE TO CREDITOR* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans' Court for Montgomery County has issued Letter* Testamentary to Carl E. Moyer in the Estate of VIOLA L. GILLIKS late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or liefore the 6th day of October next; they may otherwise by law he ex cluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 3rd day of April, 1962. CARL E. MOYER 24910 Wood field Road Damascus. Md. Executor •t-1005-5-10 JAMES F. FITZGERALD 300 ( itlrens Savings Building Silver Spring, 3ld. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters of Administration to Jessie Lee Housley in the Estate of JAMES CLIFTON HOCKLEY a.k.a. CLIFF HOI NLEY a.k.a. JAMES C. HOCKLEY late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 6th day of October next; they may otherwise by law be ex cluded from ail benefit of said Estate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 3rd day of April, 1962. JESSIE LEE HOUSLEY 804 Burlington Avenue Silver Spring. Md. Administratrix 6t-1094-5-l0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has Issued Letters of Administration c.t.a. to Ernest C. Tucker in the Estate of ALFRED *. NOVAK persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before Ihe 6th day of October next: they may otherwise by law be ex cluded from all benefit of said Estate. All poisons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 3rd day of April. 1962 ERNEST C. TUCKER 914 Dennis Avenue Silver Spring. Md. Administrator c.t.a. 61-1096-5-10 Legal Advertisement Notice Beer and Light Wine License I Notice is hereby given that application has been made by: Arthur B. Perry Roland B. Roberson 1 Shirley Roberson 1 On behalf of Twinbrook Deli j catessen, Incorporated, for a Beer and Light Wine License, r Class A, Off Sale, for the premises known as Twinbrook ’ Delicatessen, which premises | are located at: 2208 Viers Mill Road Twinbrook Shopping Center Rockville, Maryland , A hearing on this application I will be held in the Council Hear . ing Room, County Office Build . ing, Rockville, Maryland, on: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1962 AT 9:3ft A.M. Any person desiring to be heard on said application should • appear at the time and place I fixed for said heating. BOARD OF LICENSE COMMISSIONERS FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY | By: E. W. BUCKLIN Secretary 261105-4-12 I NOTICE TO CREDITOR* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County , has igaued Let tern Testamentary to Roy HcrU In tlie Estate of PEARL FENNELL HERTZ ixMiong having Claims against the ie ■ crated are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 6th day of October next; they may otherwise by law tie ex cluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 3rd day of 1 April, 3062. ROY HERTZ 4612 8. Chelsea Lane Bethesda. Md. Executor 61-1098-5-10 Charter No. 3187 Reserve District No. 5 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE Montgomery County National Bank OF ROCKVILLE IN THE STATE OF MARYLAND at the close of business on March 26, 1962 PUBLISHED IN RESPONSE TO CALL MADE BY COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY, UNDER SECTION 5211, U. S. REVISED STATUTES ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection $ 2,799,606.68 United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 5,655,053.75 Obligations of States and political subdivisions .... 976,748.53 Corporate stocks (including $21,000.00 stock of Federal Reserve bank) 21,000.00 Loans and discounts (including $558.67 overdrafts) 3,816,450.27 Bank premises owned $218,382.27, furniture and fixtures $47,980.32 266,362.59 Other assets 300.00 TOTAL ASSETS $13,535,521.82 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations $ 4,796,443.59 Time and savings deposits of individuals, partner ships, and corporations 3,428,555.25 Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) 165,113.68 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 4,135,709.37 Certified and officers’ checks, etc 1,291.34 TOTAL DEPOSITS $12,275,113.23 Total demand deposits 9,098,557.98 Total time and savings deposits 3,428,555.25 TOTAL LIABILITIES $12,527,113.23 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital Stock: Common stock, total par $350,000 $ 350,000.00 Surplus 350,000.00 Undivided profits 293,408.59 Reserves (and retirement account for preferred stock) 15,000.00 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $ 1,008,408.59 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $13,535,521.82 MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes $ 2,540,000.00 I, T. S. MASON, JR., Cashier, of the above-named bank do hereby declare that this report of condition is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. T. S. MASON, JR. Cashier We, the undersigned directors attest the correctness of this report of condition and declare that it has been examined by us and to the best of our knowledge and belief is true and correct. JOHN E. ELGIN BRADLEY C. KARN J. VINSON PETER Directors lt-1083-4-5 LARGE HOG SALE On the Barnhart Farm off Route 108 between Da mascus and ifitchison Corner, 2 miles East of Damascus in Montgomery County, Md. on SATURDAY, APRIL 7,1962 AT 12:30 P.M. TO* WIT: 430 HEAD HOGS 430 10 Sows with pigs by their side at sale time. 30 Sows due to farrow from 30 - 60 days later. 40 Giles bred to farrow in late April and May. SHOATS 50 head in 180-220 pound range. 75 head from 120 - 160 pounds each. 75 head from 100 -120 pounds each. 50 head from 80 • 100 pounds each. 50 head from 50 -80 pounds each. 50 head from weaned pigs up to 50 pounds each. 2 full grown Black Poland China boars. All above hogs are healthy stock, thrifty and mostly Black Poland China. Will be sold in large and small as sorted lots. You have bought here before, we invite you again. TERMS—CASH. ERNEST BAK.NIIAItT & SON EMMERT R. BOWLUB and ROBERT MULLKNDORF. Auctioneers MELVIN H. WEBSEL, Clerk Lunch by Ladies of St. Bartholemew Church SENTINEL’ Thursday, April S, 1962 Legal Advertisement Sealed Bids The Board of Education of Montgomery County will re ceive sealed bids for the below listed items until the date and i time shown. The bids will be , publicly opened in the office of : the Director of Procurement at ; the Board of Education 850 N. i Washington Street, Rockville, Maryland. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the . Director of Procurement. Bid #ls-62, General Shop i Equipment, Thursday, April 19, . 1962, until 3:00 P.M. EST. Bid #l7-62, Graphic Art Equipment, Tuesday, April 17, ! 1962, until 3:00 P.M. EST. Bid #lB-62, Physical Testing , Equipment, Wednesday, April ] 18, 1962 until 3:00 P.M. EST. lt-1107-4-5 CUSTER a SEF.G.MII.I.KR 436 X. Frederick Avenue GalthrrNburK, Maryland NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters Testamentary to ! Alfred VV. Fraley and Douglas M. Fraley in the Estate of ALFRED LLOYD FRALEY late of Montgomery County deceased. All • persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 23rd day of Sep tember next: they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons Indebted to said i Estate are requested to make immediate ■ payment. Given under our hand this 20th day of March, 1962. ALFRED W. FRALEY #1 Shady Grove Road Gaithersburg, Md. Executor DOUGLAS M. FRALEY 907 Zett* Avenue Gaithersburg. Md. Executor 6t-1024-4-26 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. MD. 11