People We J(now Dinner By Kathleen Leary Woman’s Editor The Helen Berger Chapter of the Institute For Cancer Re search believes in combining social activity with work, and their festive “Ode to America” dinner party Saturday night was a perfect example. To the spectator it was a "fun” evening, beginning with a cocktail reception in the Of ficer's Club of Walter Reed Army Medical Center. A dinner featuring stuffed Rocky Moun tain capon foiled, and the cli max of the benefit was a variety program of singing and dancing acts. Back stage, however, many hours of work led up to the event. Mrs. Harry L. Berman, general chair-man, laid plans and carried them out with a committee including Mrs. Wil liam B. Hammer and Mrs. Edith M. Ayers, tickets; Mrs. Paul Varoutsos, publicity; Mrs. O. H. Stephens, telephone; Mrs. Ed ward Nicklas, decorations; Mrs. Stephen Mourat, gifts; Mrs. Her bert Bergson, reception; Miss Dorothy Leavitt and Mrs. John B. Coates, program book. Saturday night, the work ail but finished, committee mem bers put on their party pretties and joined in the crowd of about 150 for the fun. Mrs. Leonard Hill, chapter president, introduced Major General Clinton S. Lyter, Com manding General of Walter Reed, who made a few remarks, and then Colonel Robert Shira, master of ceremonies for the evening. The Americana entertainment included songs by Miss Eleanor Bowman and Edward Jackson, soloists from the Howard Uni versity Chorus; Hawaiian dances by Jiggs and Susan Etheridge of Silver Spring; a magic act by the Honorable Kenneth J. Gray, Representative from Illinois; Latin American dances by Paul and Mickey Aebersold of Chevy Chase, and Ellen Berman; and folk songs by Florence and Susie Miller. Socially and financially the benefit was the success usually enjoyed by the Helen Berger Chapter. During the 10 years of Its existence, the yomen have raised over $73,000 lor the In stitute For Cancer Research of Philadelphia. The means have been many, but the public is most familiar with the annual apron sales. Another main source of income is the sale of rummage. Organized in August, 1952, the chapter is named for Mrs. Raoul Berger, its founder who succumbed to cancer herself in 1958. The hardworking member ship of 227 maintain no office space and operate with little ex pense. .Service is donated. Busi ness firms and area citizens co operate. Moral as well as fi nancial support of the scientists engaged in solving the cancer problem are the fruits of their efforts. ELECTROLOGIST PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL (In Privacy) Mrs. Ruth Speigel 707 Korwin Rd., Silver Spring, Md. JU. 9-4534 JU. 9-5825 tfor Women of Distinction! f SPRING I "All Popularßrand Permanents":*;ii I lor tinfad. bleached or regular hair r | K f MONDAY 1) for a limited time only jei.oo thri I were $22.50 NOW I® satcrday Includes: Style Cut, Cream Shampoo Hair Styling, Cream Rinse HOURS: v JL ■ ■■■—.— Mon.-Tues.-Set. V j f 427-7177 ’ A j | W x Oeacu^Oi xk&ru mB ~ P LOCATED IN’ THE l*l E. MONTGOMERY AS E. CONAUWAIONAL PLAZA on RO< K\ 11.1.E riht. VVTdQfcJfV SHOPPING CENTEX ROCKVILLE, MD. NHWSJ/ Aids Cancer Program I SILVER SPUING residents attending the “Ode to America” benefit of The Helen Berger Chapter, Institute for Cancer Research, in cluded (from felt), Mrs. J. Lloyd Niles, Mrs. - ;Tp wjj-, | l^ygj m laSab. W LI fw M PV A -X .. " m v i| ’) V' ; ‘ • ’ • A * • W M ; fl f I ■ I ■ f ,fl 1 ■ ■ , s ■ ■ inra GOING OVER THE PROGRAM before the din ner begins are (from left) Mrs. Pauf G Aebersold of Chevy Chase, Colonel Robert Shira, master of ceremonies; Mrs. Paul Varoutsos of Chevy Chase, 3rd vice president 1 m BTIPt ; f y y, * 4 j§L 1 ' . -r '■’w® Bfcte jj*- HLv $ " % *' IHi jm f %- TjM M Mk§ /■ ) 'x I 5k I* dj gra)' i I ; Bkjit&i.""' HAWAIIAN DANCERS Susan and Jiggs Eth eridge of Silver Spring (right), chat during the 7 to 8 o'clock reception preceding the dinner with Mrs. Harry L. Beman, general SENTINEL 5 Thursday, April 5. 1962 New ’.Fresh! an d V s% H So Becoming-. .. B I l I I to B accessories -K '• of any tff 9& f\ A A Montgomery Hills' : M phone 589-4208 ■M | DREAMS feslm EM iMill only Fashion Shop \ / j 9322 GEORGIA AVE. SILVER SPRING. MO. MONTGOMER' COUNTY. MD Lee P. Smith, Mr. Smith and Mr. Niles. The Saturday night dinner took place in the Office’r Club of Walter Reed Army Medical Center. —Ed Mervis Photo of the Helen Berger Chapter; and Dr. Aeber sold, who danced with his wife during the entertainment following dinner. —Ed Mervis Photo; and Mrs. Leonard Hill, president of the Helen Berger Chapter. —Ed Mervis Photo | SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY TENDER | | PORK LOIN ROAST I . 29 e ib. 33 e Sliced Bacon 2 P t. 79 c | | SUPER-RISHT 17 Ineb Cutl SUPER.RISHI QUALITY | I Rib Beef Steaks a. 69 c Boneless Chuck roast * 65 e I | J EXTRA FANCY QUALITY U. S. NO. 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