Sr MTIkl n I MONTBOMEHT CNTI Nt L COUNTY. MD. Thursday, August 2,1962 B4 Legal Advertisement Law Office BETTS, CLOGG & MURDOCK Rockville, Maryland IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD. Sitting as a Court of Equity Equity No. 24836 Ex Parte In the Matter of FAMILY SAVINGS AND HOME LOAN ASSOCIATION, INC. Notice To Intervene WHEREAS on the 10th day of January, 1962 a certain How ard Stewart and others, being depositors in the Christmas Club Fund of Family Savings and Home Loan Association filed a Petition for Declaratory Relief, o'n behalf of themselves and all others similarly sit uated, wherein they requested that the Court find they are creditors of the said Association and as such should be given preference in the distribution of the assets of said Association over all other depositors, share holders, members and stockhold ers thereof; and WHEREAS the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Mary land by its Order dated July 9, 1962 directed the undersigned to give notice as hereinafter set forth. NOW THEREFORE notice is hereby given to all depositors, shareholders, members and stockholders of the Family Sav ings and Home Loan Associa tion, Inc., of the filing of the aforesaid Petition for Declara tory Relief seeking a preference on behalf of “Christmas Club” members and depositors in Fam ily Savings and Home Loan As sociation over all other deposi tors, shareholders, members and stockholders thereof; and They are further hereby noti fied that in accordance with the aforesaid Order of the Cir cuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland they may in tervene in the above entitled cause on or before the 17th day of September, 1962, after which date the said Court will pro ceed to hear and determine the rights of all depositors of Fam ily Savings and Home Loan As sociation, Inc. in the distribution pf any assets of said Associa tion. SAUL I. STERN Receiver of Family Savings and Home Loan Association, Inc. By DAVID E. BETTS His Attorney 4t-4695-8-16 Notice of Public Hearing Notice is hereby given that the Mayor and Council of Gai thersburg will hold a public hearing on application for Zon ing Map Amendment of Robert E. Shreffler Et Al, on THURSDAY, AUGUST 9,1962 AT 8:00 P.M. in the Office of Mayor and Council at the Civic Center 31 South Summit Avenue, Gaith ersburg, Maryland. The application requests re classification from R-90 to C-l on Lots through 24. inclusive, of Realty Park Subdivision, lo cated at 301, 303, 305, 307 and 309 North Frederick Avenue, (between Maryland and Mont gomery Avenues). More par ticularly described on the appli cation on file for public inspec -1 tion in the Office of Mayor and ' Council. MILDRED ADELMAN Acting Town Clerk 2t-465482 AItrIII It J. HIM.AMI * IKRDINAMI J. MACK 308 ilrffmon Huildlni Rockville. Md. NOTICK TO CRK 111 TORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans' Court for Montgomery County has Issued Letters Testamentary to Addie E. Retaking in the Estate of OTTO A. BLINKING late of Montgomery Count} deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 27th day of Jan uary next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all !>enefit of said Es tate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pey ment. Given under my hand this 18th day of • July, 1962. ADDIE E. REINKING Executrix of the Estate of Otto A. Reinking, deceased 5213 Worthington Drive , Westgate, Md. Washington 18, D. C. . 6t-4692-B*3o EDWARD A. WAMiMANN • 1913 Amherst Road . West H>attsvllle. Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans' Court for Montgomery County haa issued Letters Testamentary to Ed ward A. Waldmann in the Estate of FANNIE 11. KORIN MIN late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 29th day of De cember next; they may otherwise by law .be excluded from all benefit of said .Estate. AH persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. . Given under my hand this 26th day •f June. 1962 EDWARD A WALDMANN 1913 Amherst Road West Hyattsville, Md. , Executor 6t-1405-8-2 STANLEY R. JACOBS *3424 Wisconsin Avenue BH hr Mia. Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters of Administration to Stanley R. Jacobs in the Estate of CELEST KRCKLLK MKRKKLO late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the •same on or before the 29th day of De ,cember next; they may otherwise by law .be excluded from all benefit of said .Estate. All persons indebted to said .Estate are requested to make immediate .payment. . Given under my hand this 26th day jot June, 1962. STANLEY R. JACOBS *' 7424 Wisconsin A\enue , Bethesdn. Md. • Administrator 61-1407-8-2 Legal Advertisement Schwartzbach and Wortman Solicitors 419 Eig Building, Silver Spring, Md. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND Sitting as a Court of Equity Equity No. 25637 MARK EISNER, JR. 8201 16th Street Apartment 702 Silver Spring, Md. Plaintiff vs. WILLIAM F. COPENHAVER Falls Road Rockville, Md. and RUFUS G. MORRISON and His unknown heirs, personal representatives, and assigns, and CHARLES T. SPERO, and His unknown heirs, personal representatives, and assigns, Defendants Order of Publication The object of this proceeding is to obtain Specific Perform ance of a contract for the sale of real estate. The Bill of Com plaint states in substance as fol lows: That in 1890 one Rufus G. Morrison was the record own er of a tract of land called “Heart of Constant Friendship” and "Token of Love,” which tract embraces the subdivision of “Autrey Heights” as per plat A-57, containing twenty (20) acres, more or less; that thereafter on October 30, 1893, said Rufus G. Morrison exe cuted a mortgage to a certain Charles T. Spero to secure the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00.), said mortgage be ing duly recorded on October 30, 1893, in Liber JA4I, Folio 82, and said mortgage has never been released of record; that thereafter, in the year 1901, said land was sold for taxes due for the year 1900, to one Thomas Dawson, the report of said sale being duly recorded in Miscellaneous Petitions No. 368 at Page 248 on May 13, 1901; that thereafter, said prop erty not having been redeemed from said tax sale, the land was conveyed by deed to said Thomas Dawson, by deed dated and duly recorded on June 23, 1903, in Liber TD26, Folio 334; that thereafter, said Thomas Dawson, and Mary A. Dawson, his wife, conveyed by deed Lots 4,5, 6,7, and 8. in Block 2, and other property in Autrey Heights Subdivision to their successors in interest, and through various mesne convey ance titles to said tract of land was vested in one Joseph H. Bradley, by deed dated May 8, 1915, and duly recorded on June 4, 1915, in Liber 250, Folio 309; 'that said Rufus G. Morrison, unmarried, conveyed by deed dated May 19, 1894, Lot 9, in Block 2 of Autrey Heights Subdivision to his successor in interest and through a mesne conveyance title to said tract of land was vested in the said Jo seph H. Bradley by deed dated and duly recorded on August 14. 1915, in Liber 252, Folio 65; that thereafter said tract of Lots 4,5, 6,7, 8 and 9, in Block 2, in Autrey Heights Sub division was conveyed by deed to the successor in interest of said Joseph H. Bradley, and through various means convey ance titles to said tract of land vested by deed in your petition er, Mark Eisner, Jr., said land being described as Lots 4,5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 in Block 2 of Autrey Heights Subdivision, and being further described by metes and bounds as containing 37,903 square feet, more or less, said deed dated May 31, 1962, and duly recorded on June 18, 1962, in Liber 2976, Folio 160. > The Bill further states that by contract of sale dated June 25, 1962, and accepted by your petitioner, Mark Eisner, Jr., on June 25. 1962, the plaintiff agreed to sell and the defend ant, William F. Copenhaver, agreed to buy a certain parcel of land described as Lots 4,5, 6,7, 8 and 9, in Block 2 in Aut rey Heights Subdivision and be ing further described therein, by metes and bounds, as con taining 37,903 square feet, more or less, as per Plat filed here with and marked Plaintiff's Ex hibit No. 2, that the sale price of said property is One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00), which the defendant agreed to pay at time of settlement; the contract of sale further pro vided that the property was to be conveyed to the defendant by a good and sufficient deed, title to be good and merchantable and unencumbered; that the plaintiff herein offered a good and sufficient deed to said property to the defendant, WIL LIAM F. COPENHAVER, who refused to perform his part of the Contract, alleging that the deed offered to him is not a good and sufficient deed; that it will not convey to him a good and merchantable title, clear and unencumbered, because the title of the plaintiff, MARK EISNER, JR., comes through the Tax Deed herein before re cited and further that it is en cumbered by the mortgage hereinbefore mentioned. The Bill further sets forth that the plaintiff having per formed all the requirements on his part to be performed, and Legal Advertisement ! the defendant, WILLIAM F. COPENHAVER, having failed and refused to perform such agreement according to the terms thereof, request that the agreement be specifically en forced and the defendant, WIL LIAM F. COPENHAVER, be decreed to comply with the j terms of the contract and ac cept a deed from the plaintiff. IT IS THEREUPON ORDER ED this 3rd day of July, 1962, by the Circuit Court for Mont gomery County, Maryland, Sit ting as a Court of Equity, that the plaintiff shall, by causing a copy of this Order to be insert ed in some newspaper published in Montgomery County, Mary land, once a week in each of four (4) successive weeks be fore the 6th day of August, 1962, give notice to Rufus G. Morrison and Charles T. Spero, and their unknown heirs, per sonal representatives, and as signs, and to William F. Copen haver, of the object and sub stance of this Bill of Complaint and warning them to file their initial pleadings on or before the 7th day of September, 1962, and to show cause, if any they have, why a decree should not be passed as asked. CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk, Circuit Court For Montgomery County, Maryland True Copy—Test: CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk 4t-4621-8-2 Notice of Hearing Notice is hereby given that the Town Council o' Poolesville, Maryland, will conduct e Pub lic Hearing in the Poolesville Town Hall on WEDNESDAY, AUG. 22, 1962 At 8:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as may be heard, on a Resolution intro duced in the Town Council in accordance with Article 23 A. Section 19 of the Annotated Code bf Maryland, that the ex isting boundaries of Poolesville be extended to include an area lying to the south of the Town of Poolesville, in the Potomac Valley Section in the Poolesville Election District, the same be ing parts of Norbern Farms and the Charles H. Jamison Tract, containing 3175 acres, more or less, as proposed in a Petition j duly presented to the Council! by at least 25% of the regis-1 tered voters residing therein and the owners of 25% of the! assessed valuation thereof and that said area and the persons residing therein shall become subject to all the laws, ordi nances, and regulations of said Town. A more detailed descrip tion of the area proposed to be Annexed Is available in the of fice of the Town Council, Pooles ville, Maryland. TOWN COUNCIL OF POOLESVILLE, MARYLAND By: BILLY R. BLISS President 4M439-8-2 JACOB S. LEVIN 7980 New Hampshire Avenue Langley Park. Md. NOTICE TO CREDITOR* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans* Court for Montgomery County haa issued Letters of Administration to G. Randolph Carter In the Estate of LILLIAN CARTER late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 13th day of Jan uary next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from ail benefit of said Es tate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pay ment. Given under my hand this 30th dav or July, 1962 C. RANDOLPH CARTER 8624 Flower Avenue Takoma Park, Md. Administrator 6t-1339-8-16 NOTICE TO CREDITOR* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County ha issued Letters Testamentary to John E. Ryan in the Estate of VIRGIE V. WARD late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 33th day of Jan uary next- they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Es tate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate pay ment. Given under my hand this 10th day of July, 1962. JOHN E. RYAN 224 Great Falls Road Rockville, Md. Executor 6t-1341 -8-16 CONROY * WILLIAMS 3420 Hamilton Street West Hyattsville. Md. ORDER NISI IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY As a Court of Equity No. 25052 Equity JOHN M. CONROY ROBERT K. WILLIAMS, JR. Trustees Plaintiffs vs. JOSPEH S. DEVEREUX, INC. A Maryland Corporation Defendant ORDERED, this 17th day of July. A.D., 1962, by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, as a Court of Equity, that the Auditor’s Report filed In the above entitled cause, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the con trary thereof be shown on or before the 33th day of August next: provided a copy of this order be inserted In some newspaper published in said Montgomery County, once a week for three successive weeks before the said 13th day of August. 1962; the last publication to be at least one week prior to the day on or before which objections may be filed. CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk of the Circuit. Court For Montgomery County True Copy—Test: CLAYTON K. WATKINS • Clerk St-4638-8-2 JO V. MORGAN, JR. 794 t Wisconsin Avenue Hethesda 14, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans' Court for Montgomery County has Issued letters Testamentary to Elizabeth B. Weaver In the Estate of B. WOODRUFF WEAVER late of Montgomery’ County deceased. AH persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 6th day of Jan uary next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Es tate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pay ment. Given under my hand this 27th day of June, 1962. ELIZABETH B WEAVER 5323 Alhei marie Street I Washington 16, D. C. Executrix -i420-- Legal Advertisement Law Offices Brodsky and Cuddy 10730 Connecticut Ave. Kensington, Md. Trustee’s Sale Of Valuable Improved Property In Montgomery County, Mary land. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust from Don ald Forrest Brown and Mary M. Brown, his wife, to E., M. Bros and John M. Conroy, trustees, dated December 3, 1953 and re corded December 4, 1953, in Li ber 1866 at folio 470, among the Land Records of Montgomery County, Maryland, and at the request of the party secured thereby, default having been made in the indebtedness secur ed by said Deed of Trust, the undersigned substitute trustee under appointment dated June 20,1962 and recorded among the Land Records of Montgomery County, will offer the property described in said Deed of Trust for sale at public auction in front of the premises on WEDNESDAY, AUG. 15, 1962, AT 3:00 O’CLOCK P.M. The property described in said Deed of Trust is as follows: Lot numbered TWENTY EIGHT • (28) in Block num bered FORTY FOUR (44), in a subdivision known as “CON NECTICUT AVENUE ES TATES,” as per plat recorded in Plat Book 38, Plat 2645, one of the Land Reocrds of Montgomery County, Mary land. Said property is improved by a one-story, detached, frame and shingle dwelling, containing 5 rooms, one bath, full basement, breezeway and carport and be ing known as 12221 Valleywood Drive, Wheaton. Maryland. TERMS This property is sold subject to covenants, restrictions and agreements affecting same, if any. The terms will be all cash. A deposit of $500.00, will be re quired at the time of the sale; balance upon ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland. Taxes, Front Foot benefit charge and Special Assessment, if any, to be adjusted to date of sale. Balance of sales price to bear interest at 6% per annum. Conveyancing, recording fees, notary fees, examination of title, State and Federal Revenue Stamps and County Transfer tax, if any, to be at the cost of the purchaser or purchasers. Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission charges to be ad justed for the current year to the date of sale and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. The terms of sale to be com plied with within five days af ter final ratification thereof by the Circuit Court for Montgom ery County, Maryland. Other wise, the property will be resold at the risk and cost of the de faulting purchaser. PAUL Q. CUDDY, Substitute Trustee 3t-4651-8-9 STANTON C. PEELLE. JB. 7?S I.Mh Stmt. N.W. Washington. I). C. NOTICE TO < HERITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans' Court tor Montgomery County has Issued Letters Testamentary to Stanton C. Peelle. Jr., and The American Security and Truat Company in the Es tate of ALBERT W. WALKER late of Montgomery County deceased. Atl persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 'JOth dav of Jan uary next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from al! benefit of said Estate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. > Given under our hands this 17th day of July. 196a. STANTON C. PEELLE. JR. 725 15th Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUST COMPANY 15th and Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Washington, D. C. Executors 6t-4635-8-23 MILLER AND MILLER 200 Monroe street Rockville, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans' Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters Testamentary to Stephen J. O'Reilly. Jr. In the Estate of STEPHEN .1. O'REILLY, SR. late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 27th day of Jan uary next; they mav otherwise bv law be excluded from all benefit of said Es tate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pay ment. Given under my hand this 24th day of July, 1962. STEPHEN J. O'REILLY, JR. 8006 Custer Road Bethesda, Md. Executor 6t-4694-8-30 FAIRBANKS. HEINEY A MrACLIE'PE 260 East Jetferson Street Rockville, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans' Couit for Montgomerv County has Issued Letters of Administration to Ann C. Chamberland In the Estate of HENRI LOWS CHAMBERLAND late of Montgomery County deceased. All personi having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 6th day of Jan uaiy next; they may otherwise by law he excluded from all henefit of said Es tate. All persons Indebted to said Eatale are requested to make immediate pay ment. Given under my hand thli 27th day of June, 1962. ANN C. CHAMBERLAND 32902 Bluhlll Road Sliver Spring. Md. Administratrix Bt-1422-t-9 miller a miller By: 11. RICHARD PARK SOW Monroe Street Rockville, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans' Court for Montgomerv Countv haa Issued Letter* of Administration to G. Richard Park In the Estate of RONALD B. BIGGS late of Montgomery County deceased All Persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 13th day of Jan uary next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from ell benefit of said Es tate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate pay ment. Give under my hand this 3rd dav of July. 1962 G RICHARD PARK 300 Monroe Street Rockville, Md. AdnUnistratac 9t 1344-816 Legal Advertisement Law Offices Samuel S. D. Marsh Perpetual Building Bethesda, Md. Trustees’ Sale Of Valuable, Improved Real Es tate located In Montgomery County, Maryland, improved b y substantially completed premises known as 6002 Beech Avenue, Bethesda, Md. By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust from Winmar Build ers, Incorporated, to John C. Walker, 111 and Jay Fitzgerald, Trustees, dated the 23rd day of May, 1961, and recorded among the Land Records of Montgom ery County, Maryland, in Liber 2848, folio 304, and at the re quest of the party secured thereby, default having oc curred in the terms and condi tions thereof, the undersigned Trustees named in said Deed of Trust will sell at public auction in front of the premises on TUESDAY, AUGUST 7,1962 At 2:00 P.M. (D.S.T.) all the property in said Deed of Trust described as follows: Lot numbered Fifteen (15) in Block lettered “K” in the Subdivision known as “AL TA VISTA TERRACE”, Mont gomery County, Maryland, as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 31 at plat 1979, one of the Land Records of said Montgomery County, Mary land. Subject to restrictive cove nants and building restriction lines of record. The property is improved by a substantially completed, detached, two-story brick, single-family dwelling, having a total of 7 rooms including 4 bedrooms, living room, din ing room and kitchen, with 2’a baths and full basement. Said property is in the pro cess of construction and the following items have not been completed: installation of heating plant and kitchen cabinets. TERMS OF SALE A cash deposit of ten per cent of the purchase price will be required at the time of sale. The balance in cash, with in terest at six per centum per annum from the date of sale to the date of settlement payable j within five days after final ratification of sale. Adjustments on all taxes \ (other than the county transfer I taxi, public charges and special or regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter be assumed by I the purchaser. Title examina tion, conveyancing, State and Federal revenue stamps, county transfer tax, and all other costs incident to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. • Compliance with terms of sale shall be made within five days after final ratification of sale or deposit shall be for feited and the property resold at the risk and cost of the de faultant purchaser. JOHN C. WALKER, 111 JAY FITZGERALD Trustees 4M435-8-2 CONROY A WILLIAMS 34211 Hamilton Street Hyattsville. Mil. ORDER NISI IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY As a Court of Equity No. 25389 Equity i In the Matter of the Deed of Trust from JOSEPH S. DEVEREUX, INC. A Maryland Corporation to JOHN M. CONROY and ROBERT K. WILLIAMS, JR. Trustees ORDERED, this 24th day of July. A.D., 1962. by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, aa a Court of Equity, that the Auditor's Report filed in the above entitled cause, Ire ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the con trary thereof be shown on or liefore the 20th day of August next; provided a copy of this order be inserted in some news paper published In said Montgomery County, once a week for three successive weeks before the said 20th day of August. 1962. the last publication to be at least one week prior to the day on or before which objections mav be filed. CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk of the Circuit Court For Montgomerv County True Copy—Teat: CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk St -4658-8-9 STANTON C. PEELLE. JR. 72S Isth Street. N.W. Wash ins lon. I). C. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. ,hat the subscribers of the District of Columbia, and Maryland, respectively, have >b‘.ahv?d from the Orphans' Court of Montgomerv County, in Maryland. Ancillary Letters Testamentary on the Personal Estate of AI.ETHEA BRYAN HOPKINS late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons, resident and non-resident. I having Claims against the said deceased ! are hereby warned to exhibit and file the same. In said Court, with vouch.:* there l of, on or before the 20th day of January next: they may otherwise bv law be ex cluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persona Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pavment. Given under our hands thi* 17th day of July. 1962. ARTHUR G. NICHOLS, JR. 725 15th Street. N.W. Washington. D. C. AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUST COMPANY 15th and Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Washington. D. C. Ancillary Executor* *l-4636-8-23 SAMUEL S. D. MARSH. ESQ. 0 Perpetual Building Bethesda 14. Md. ORDER NISI IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY A* a Court of Equity No. 25366 Equity In the Matter of a Deed of Trust from ROBERT R HIBBEN and MARGARET E. HIBBEN, his wif# to THOMAS S. BAUER Substitute Trustee ORDERED, thi* 24th day of July. A.D.. 1962, by the Circuit Court for Montgomery- County, as a Court of Equity, that the Auditor'* Report filed In the above entitled cause, tie ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the con trary thereof be shown on or before the 20th day of August next; provided a copy of this order be inserted In some news paper published In said Montgomery County, once a week for three aucceaslve weeks before the said 20th day of August, 1962, the last publication to be at least one week prior to the day on or before which objections may he filed. CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk of the Circuit Court For Montgomery County True Copy—Teat: CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk Bt-4657-8-9 Legal Advertisement Law Offices Samuel S. D. Marsh Perpetual Building Bethesda, Maryland Trustee’s Sale Of Valuable, Improved Beal Es tate, located In Montgomery County, Maryland, improved by premises known as 325 Broad wood Drive, Rockville. Maryland. By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust from Vaden W. Wag oner, Jr. and Rose Ann Wagon er, his wife, to William F. Berg mann and Edward B. Wise, Trustees, dated the sth day of November, 1959, and recorded January 14, 1960, in Liber 2695, folio 55, of the Land Records of Montgomery County, Maryland, and at the request of the par ties secured thereby, default having occurred in the terms and conditions thereof, the un dersigned, as the surviving Trustee, will sell at public auc tion in front of the premises on TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1962 AT 2:00 P.M., D.S.T., all of the property in said Deed of Trust described as follows: Lot numbered Thirty-Two (32) in Block numbered Fif ty-five (55), in the subdivision known as “GEERAERT’S AD DITION TO TWIN-BROOK,” as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 43 at plat 3184, one of the Land Records of Montgomery County, Mary land. The property is improved by a detached, asbestos shingle, single-family dwelling, with composition shingle roof, having a total of 4 rooms and 1 bath. TERMS OF SALE A cash deposit of ten percent of the purchase price will be re quired at the time of sale. The balance in cash, with interest at six per centum per annum from the date of sale to the date of settlement payable within ten days after final ratification of sale. Adjustments on all taxes (other than the county transfer tax), public charges and spec ial or regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter be assumed by the purchaser. Title examina tion, conveyancing, State and Federal revenue stamps, county transfer tax, and all other costs incident to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Compliance with terms of sale shall be made within ten days after final ratification of sale or deposit shall be forfeited and the property resold at the risk and cost of the defaultant purchaser. WILLIAM F. BERGMANN Surviving Trustee 4t-4630-8/9 D. A. DELAjSHMCTT 119 Forest Avenue Rockville. Md. NOTICE TO CREDITOR* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters of Administration to Mildred Virginia Watkins in the Estate of I. DORSET WATKINS late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 6th day of Jan uary next: they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Es tate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pay ment. Given under my hand this 27th day of June. 1962. MILDRED VIRGINIA WATKINS RFD 3 Mt. Airy. Md. Administratrix 6t-1421-8-9 JOHN J. MITCHELL • l‘M Baltimore Avenue Rlverdale, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITOR* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Coiirt for Montgomery County has issued Letters of Administration to John J. Mitchell in the Estate of *ARAH E. BRANDE* late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de feased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 13th day of Jan uary next: they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Es tate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pay ment. Given under my hand this 10th day of July, 1962. JOHN J. MITCHELL 6124 Baltimore Avenue Riverdale. Md. Administrator 6t-1340-8-16 CONROY A WILLIAMS 3420 Hamilton Street West Hyattsville, Md. ORDER MSI IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY As a Court of Equity No. 25053 Equity In the Matter of the Deed of Trust from JOSPEH S. DEVEREUX, INC. A Maryland Corporation to JOHN M. CONROY and ROBERT K. WILLIAMS. JR. Trustees ORDERED, this 17th day of July. A.D . 1962. by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, as a Cburt of Equity, that the Auditor's Report filed in the above entitled cause, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the con trary thereof be shown on or before the 33th day of August next: provided a copy of this order be inserted in some newspaper published in said Montgomery Cbunty. once a week for three successive weeks before the said 33th day of August. 1962: the last publication to be at least one week prior to the day on or before which objections may lie filed. CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk of the Circuit Court For Montgomery County True Copy—Test: CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk at-4639-8-2 JAMES HENRY MURDOCK 12 West Jefferson Street Rockville, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITOR* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that th# Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has issued letters Testamentary to The Riggs National Bank of Washington. D. C., and H. Cecil Kilpatrick in the Estate of HARRY HODGES SEMMES late of Montgomery’ County deceased. AH persons having Claima against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 29th day of De cember next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from, all benefit of said Estate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under our hands this 26th day of June, 3962. THE RIGGS NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON. D. C. 35th and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington. D. C. H CECIL KILPATRICK 912 American Security Budding Washington 5, D. C. Executor* [ Legal Advertisement Frank A. Tyler, Jr., Solicitor Fire Department Building ’ Rockville, Md. Attorney’s Sale Of valuable Improved real es tate located in Derwood, Montgomery County, Mary land Equity No. 25702 Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in a certain mortgage from William H. Taylor and Freeda L. Taylor, his wife, to Jay G. DeMuth, dated the 9th day of February, 1956 and recorded among the Land Records for Montgomery County, Maryland, on the 9th day of February, 1956 in Liber 2169 at folio 345, default having occurred under the terms thereof, Frank A. Ty ler, Jr., attorney named In the mortgage, at the request of the party secured thereby, will of fer for sale at public auction on TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1962 At 10:00 o’clock A.M. (E.D.S.T.) in front of the Court House door in the Town of Rockville in Montgomery County, Mary land, all the land and property conveyed by said mortgage, the same being part of Lot One (1) in Section Two (2) of the sub division known as “Derwood”, as per Plat Book A, plat 37, one of the Land Records for Mont gomery County, Maryland, and being all and the same land as conveyed by Jay G. DeMuth to William H. Taylor and Freeda L. Taylor, his wife, by deed dated the 9th day of February, 1956, and duly recorded among the aforesaid Land Records on the 9th day of February, 1956, in Liber 2169 at folio 343, and being all of the land and im provements thereon as de scribed in the aforesaid mort gage. The above described property is improved by a two story frame dwelling containing three bedrooms, kitchen, dining room and living room, with part base ment, hot air oil-fired furnace, and is located at the intersection of Jefferson Street and Mary land Avenue in the Village of Derwood, Montgomery County, Maryland, as shown on the aforesaid plat. TERMS OF SALE: All cash. A deposit of $500.00 will be re quired at the time of sale, bal ance within five days after rat ification of the sale by the Cir cuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland. Adjustment of taxes to be made as of the date of sale. All conveyancing, recording, revenue stamps and title charges to be at the cost of the purchaser or purchasers. FRANK A. TYLER, JR. Attorney 4t-4653-8-16 CONROY * WILLIAMS 34*!0 Hamilton Street Hyattsville. Md. ORDER NTS! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY As a Court of Equity No. 25409 Equity In the Matter of the Deed of Trust from FREDERICK R. BURGER and ANTOINETTE C. BURGER, his wife to SIDNEY HANTMAN and S. DOROTHY SILLS Trustees ORDERED, this 24th day of July, A.D., 1962, by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, as a Court of Equity, that the Auditor’s Report filed in the above entitled cause, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the con trary thereof be shown on or before the 20th day of August next: provided a copy of this order be inserted in some news paper published In said Montgomery County, once a week for three successive weeks before the said 20th day of August, 1962, the last publication to be at least one week prior to the day on or before which objections may be filed. CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk of the Circuit Court For Montgomery County True Copy—Test: CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk 3t-4655-8-9 ROBERT G. TOBIN. JR. Room 411. Eli Building Silver Spring, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITOR* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans' Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters of Administration to Robert G. Tobin, Jr. in the Estate of GERTRUDE ELIZA PETERSEN late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de feased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 6th day of Jan uary next: they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Es tate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pay ment. Given under my hand this 27th day of June, 3962. ROBERT G. TOBIN, JR. Haviland Mill Road Route 3 Box 133 AA Brookeville, Md. Administrator 6t-3423-8-9 NYLEN, GILMORE tc SIMPSON 1305 University Boulevard, East Hyattsville, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters Testamentary to Carl A. Hams and Emily Ewin in the Estate of EDNA THOUR HARRIS late of Montgomery County deceased. All pei sons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 29th day of De cember next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Estate. AH peraons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under our hands this 26th day of June. 3962. CARL A. HARRIS 10618 Burbank Drive Potomac. Md. EMILY EWEN 15901 Coleaville Road Silver Spring, Md. Executora 6t-1404-8-2 HAYNES. FITZGERALD. WANNER. HALLSLIP A RAFFERTY 8003 Woodmont Avenue Bethesda. Maryland NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that th* Orphans' Court for Montgomay County haa issued Letters of Adminis tration to John Jackson in the Estate of LEOLA MOORE late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the deceased are hereby warned to present th* same on or before the 29th day of December next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immedi ate payment. Given under my hand this 26th day of June, 3962. JOHN JACKSON Oaklyn Drive. RD#3 Bet heeds. Md. Administrator 6t-1403-8-2 Legal Advertisement Ritterpusch, Ellrod & Gingell Solicitors 11153 Viers Mill Road Wheaton, Md. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND Sitting in Equity Equity No. 25552 MILTON A. SMITH 7304 Connecticut Avenue Chevy Chase, Md. Plaintiff vs. CALVIN E. MURPHY c/o Howard L. Murphy Good Hope Road and Briggs Chaney Road Silver Spring, Md. JESSE B. SMITH and FANNIE H. SMITH, his wife 6 East 2nd Street Frederick, Md. EARL EDWARD DUVALL and REBECCA E. DUVALL His wife 14394 Columbia Road Burtonsville, Md. EUGENE L. DUVALL and ELSIE L. DUVALL, his wife 14812 Columbia Road Burtonsville, Md. SAVINGS INSTITUTION OF SANDY SPRING, MD. Sandy Spring, Md. A Corporation Serve: Resident Agent And to any or all persons having or claiming to have any interest in any one or more of the hereinafter de scribed parcels of real es tate Defendants Order of Publication The object of this proceeding is to secure the foreclosure of all rights of redemption in the following properties situated and located in Montgomery County, Maryland, sold by the Collector of Taxes for the Coun ty of Montgomery and the State of Maryland to the Plaintiff in this proceeding: Fifth Election District, Colesville, Part of Janet Lee Lot, containing .416 acre and improvements, assessed at $1,020.00 to Calvin E. Mur phy; said property is recorded in the name of Calvin E. Mur phy, in Liber 2524 at folio 233, one of the Land Records of Montgomery County, Md. Thirteenth Election Dis trict, Forest Glen Investment Company, Lot 18, Block 12, “Forest Glen Investment Company,” containing 6,309 sq. feet, assessed at $550.00 to Jesse B. and F. H. Smith; said property is recorded in the names of Jesse B. Smith and Fannie H. Smith, his wife, in Liber 2195 at folio 430. Fifth Election District, Colesville, Parcel of Land called “Resurvey on White marsh” containing 1.66 acres and improvements, assessed at $13,680.00 to Earl E. and R. E. Duvall; which property was conveyed to Earl Edward Duvall and Rebecca E. Duvall, his wife, by deed recorded in Liber 1336 at folio 384, and mortgaged to Savings Institu tion of Sandy Spring, Mary land, by instrument recorded in Liber 1574 at folio 556, and further mortgaged to Eugene L. Duvall and Elsie L Duvall, his wife, by instrument re corded in Liber 1574 at folio 559. The bill states, among other things, that the amounts neces sary for redemption have not ; been paid, although more than a year and a day from the date of sale has expired. It is thereupon, this 18th day of July, 1962, by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland, ORDERED, that notice of this proceeding be given by the insertion of a copy of this Order in some newspaper having a general circulation in Montgom ery County, Maryland, once a week for four successive weeks, before the 27th day of August, 1962, warning all persons hav ing or claiming to have any in terest in any of the aforesaid properties to be and appear in this Court by the 28th day of September, 1962, and redeem their respective properties, and answer the Bill of Complaint, or thereafter a final decree will be rendered foreclosing all rights of redemption in the properties, and vesting in the Plaintiff a title, free and clear of all encumbrances. CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk, Circuit Court For Montgomery County Maryland True Copy—Test: CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk 4t-4664-8-16 1. HODGE SMITH 11 Bouth Perry Street Rockville, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that tha subscriber of Polk County, Florida, haa obtained from the Orphans' Court of Montgomery County, in Maryland. Ancil lary Letters Testamentary on the Per sonal Estate of SAMUEL T. HICKMAN late of Poik County. Florida, deceased. All persons, resident and non-resident, having Claims against the said deceased are hereby warned to exhibit and fila the same, in said Court, with voucher* thereof, on or before the 27th day of January next: they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 38th day of July. 1962. JOHN E HICKMAN 827 Glendaie Street Lakeland. Fla. Ancillary Executor 61-4693-8-30