Thund.y, August 2, 19*2 SENTINEL
4 Area Youths Spend 5 Days
In Wrestling Camp in Penna
Elizabeth C. Kile
WA. 6-1454
Tom King, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Garrison King, and three
other boys from Gaithersburg |
High School. Jim Brice. Bob j
Helds and Bill McCenny, left
on Sunday for Russ Houk's j
Wrestling Camp near Maple i
Lake, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. oßb
Fields took the boys up and Mr. j
and Mrs. King will leave to- 1
morrow to bring them home, j
Torn won the championship in
the 154-pound class at the High
School Area Wrestling Matches
held in the Spring.
St. Paul Methodist Church
will hold their All-Church Pic
nic on August 4 at the Laytons
ville Elementary School grounds
followed by a vesper service.
Mt. Tabor will hold their picnic
on Aug. 8 at the same place.
Holy Communion will be ob
served at both Churches on
Aug. 5.
Mrs. Grace Fraley is now at
home after being a patient in
—■ ", 1 |
• •
• •
j Have you, i
: or has someone j
j you know, j
: just moved to a ;
: new home? :
• •
• •
J Your Welcome Wagon J
l Hostess will call with •
• gifts and friendly •
• greetings from the com* £
; munity. J
\ EX. 3-7556 j
• •
K 7 *!afJsj TS W •
Agricultural Liming Materials
Phone: Thurmont • CRestview 1-4311 Frederick MO. 2-11 SI
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(Belby House Under New Management)
I] kiddie 1 A pizzeria ■
AH Hie Steamed Crabs $75
You can eat far
|! Th'* I* Hie Only Rathskeller in Rockville
We Will Be Featuring: Crabs Beer I
Pina Spaghetti and Fish Fry Specials
In Our Large Modern DINING ROOM
We Feature Compete FAMILY DINNERS S i
[ft Uaiii*>s DINING ROOM: 8:00 A.M. to Midnight ■ft
nOUrSe RATHSKELLAR: 4:00 P.M. to Midnight
I I All Air Conditioned Dial 762-9722 M
| Montgomery General Hospital
' for several weeks.
51 r. and Mrs. .lay Tetlow
are the liappy parents of a
baby girl, Mary Sue, born
! July 16 at Montgomery Gen
eral Hospital.
Robert Lord, son of Rev. and
| Mrs. David Lord, fell from a
seesaw after a swim at Kram
j ers pool on Thursday and broke
i his arm.
The Laytonsville Lions Club
met for their regular dinner
meeting at St. Paul Methodist
Church on Thursday evening.
Jack Griffith, zone chairman,
was the speaker and presented
the program of work for the!
coming year. A report of the j
Bloodmobile Chairman Harrison j
King was made to the Club and
they have asked that thanks be
extended to all workers and
donors at the Bloodmobile.
John A. Wightman, long-time,
resident of the Goshen area, j
died on July 21. Mr. Wightman
leaves a daughter, Mrs. Margar
et Maylon and a son with whom
he lived, Clifton Wightman. He
also had four grandchildren.
Services were held at the Bar
ber Funeral Home on Tuesday
with interment at the Goshen
Miss Georgina Mangiaarchi of
Santiago, Chile, who was in the
United States under the Inter
national Farm Youth program
was a gust of the George Lech
lider family last week.
Mrs. Richard Stup enter
tained at luncheon on Wednes- •
day. Her guests were Mrs.
Beda Burdette, Mrs. Eva
Beall, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Jacobs, Mrs. Mary G. Ward,
Mrs. Bradley Hawkins, Mrs.
Edward Watkins and her
daughter Cora Lee.
The Laytonsville Junior and
Senior and Wodfield Junior-
Senior Girls 4-H Clubs partici
pated in the‘“4H Colorama” held
at the Agricultural Center on
j July 25. The girls modeled the
I clothes they had made in the
■ sewing classes. Those who re
ceived ribbons were Paula,
Kathy and Janet Steers, each
blue ribbons; Jane Ann Griffith,
Red; Signe Gathes, blue; Deb
bie McMillion, red; Esther King,
blue; Diane Warfield, Red;
Brenda Stup. blue. Several of
the younger girls exhibited their
equipped sewing boxes and arti
cles in llie ABC Sewing Unit
and ribbons were awarded as
follows: Roxie Stup. blue; Jan
ice Yinger. blue; Margo King,
red; and Susan Williams, red.
Roxie Stup represented Mont
gomery County in the Gener
al Foods Class at the District
Demonstration Day held at the
Hereford Jr.-Sr. High School in
Parkton, Md. Baltimore Coun
ty on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Warfield
of Whitehall, Michigan are vis
iting in the area this week.
Mrs. Harold Atkinson enter
tained two table at bridge on
Tuesday. The prizes were won
by Miss Mary White and Miss
Alverda Cook.
Dickie Evans. Jane Ann Grif-!
fith. Gary Moeller and Margar
et Daily will attend the AAA j
Safety Patrol Camp at Benson,
Md. from August 15 to 20.
The Montgomery County 4-H j
Baby Beef Club met at the!
home of Joan and Randy Biles I
on Wednesday evening. Their
main discussion was the Fair
and the Baby Beef Sale to bej
held at the Fair on August 24. 1
They wish to remind the areaj
folk that this would be a good |
chance to stock their freezers '
with the best beef available.
Miss Janet Brung of Washing
ton. D. C. was the guest of |
Miss Roberta Grimes overnight |
on Wednesday. They attended
the Shady Grove Music Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green
and their children Ray and Rita
have returned from several days
in Atlantic City.
Miss Marilyn Haekett has re
turned from her visit in Tenn.
and Texas.
Miss Pamela Hill of New
ark, N. Y. is visiting tier aunt
and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Sher
wood Haekett. Mr. and Mrs.
George Haekett of Taunton
Mass, were also weekend
guests of the Hacketts.
Mi’s. E. C. Magdeburger has
returned to her home after a
few days visit with her son
Paul and his family who are
vacationing at Beachhaven, N.J.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Griffith,
3rd, of Woodfield, Mr. and Mrs.
James Gai’rett, Grandby Woods
and Mr. and Mrs. Basil Waters,
Jr. of Muncaster rd. are on the
Steering Committee for the An
nual Lawn Fete of Ascension
Chapee, Gaithersburg. The af
fair will be held on August 3.
All. ax-e invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stevenson 1
and family are vacationing at
Shore Acres, N. J.
Mrs. William Shearman, of
Rockville entertained the Lay
tonsville Bridge Club at her
home on Thursday. High Score
was won by Mrs. Tom Bailey,
Consolation, Mrs. Margaret
White, Guest, Mrs. Frank Wil
j son and Bingo, Mrs. Virginia
| Hammond.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stang
! ai - e vacationing in Florida.
Miss Sheny Barger accom
panied the Mt. Tabor M.Y.F.
group to Mill Creek, West Va.
CL 3-2286 MT. AIRY 22
Damascus, Md.
ip -" j Hi ■Mm
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■nLvi f m ■ Jp*
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I ( HU
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**'•" fw
Milne, jr., left, Kensington area chairman of
the Residential Unit of the United Givers
Fund, and Mrs. Joshua D. Ensor, center,
county-wide residential chairman, go over a
list of rerent additions to the record collec
tion at the Montgomery County Mental
last weekend.
The Kile Farm was the
scene of a picnic of the United
Presbyterian Womens Associ
ation of Wallace Meinorical
United Presbyterian Church,
of West Hyattsville on July
21. It was a family affair and
about 150 attended.
St. Bartholomews Episcopal
Church is planning to sponsor
both a Boy Scout Troop and
Cub Scout Pack in the near
Misses Barbara Allnutt, Haz
el Lechlider. Janet Spates and
JoAnn Weaver spent the week
end at the beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rich
ards and their son Murphy
spent part of last week at
Jamestown. Williamsburg and
Camp Pickett, Va.
Mrs. Peter Gait and her son
David spent last week in
Kearney, N. J. as the guests of
her father and mother-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Galt.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sell and
their baby daughter, Lynn Sheri
of Doylestown, Pa. spent last
week with his parents and
helped with the work on their
new house.
Mr. and Mis. Russell Halter
man and son Randy spent last
week in Criders, Va. with Mr.
and Mis. Grant Lantz and his
mother Mrs. Susie Halterman
in Mathias, W. Va.
Mrs. Thomas Howes, Jr. gave
a buffet birthday supper and
party for her mother, Mrs. Ro
bert Eldridge on Wednesday eve
ning. There were 37 guests.
The barn on the farm known
as the old Hai-ry Howard Farm,
naw owned by Hany Scaggs
and Fred Hollins and rented to
Bobby Whirley. was struck by
lightning during the severe
storm on July 21 and burned
to the ground. Fortuneatly it
wat empty at the time.
The home which belonged to
25 Year'* Experience
Re-Roofing A Specialty
Insured Workmen
Shumaker Bros. Roofing Co.
FREE ESTIMATES • Dial Wi. 8-9095
Foot Notes ...
All you pay for is the price of the shoe, which
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Our years of professional foot and shoe experi
ence costs you nothing. *• Laugkimg Mteur*
Open Thursdays til * P.M. M
I OL. *-*722 ™
Health Center, with Center director Robert
.Million. Residential unit chairmen for this
year’s UGF campaign toured the center and
learned of its offerings for troubled adults
who enjoy semi-weekly visits there, listening
to music, reading, and mixing socially with
others. —Sentinel photo by Ed Mends
Miss Lizzie Allnutt and recent
ly owned by Ed. Mayne has been
sold to C. E. Cooley.
Ci’aig, Allen and Tommy Bog
ley ai’e visiting their grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bog
ley. They will leave here soon
to go to San Diego, Cal. where
they will make their home.
Wednesday evening there
was a serious accident when
two cars collided on Rt 108
near Hipsley Mill rd. Five
persons were taken to the hos
pital: Mrs. Olive Patrick, Olive
Jean Hardy, Linda Layton,
Patricia Ann Hardy and Mel
vin Lee Jackson. Two other
Hardy children were not in
Mi’s. Charles Hobbs of Glen
wood and Mrs. Howard Davis
of Bethesda spent the night
with their sister Mrs. Margaret
White on Wednesday. Mrs.
Green Griffith entertained at
cards for them that evening.
Mrs. Hobbs has rented her home
in Glenwood 'and will be house
mother this fall at Charlotte
Hall Academy, Charlotte Hall,
The Womens Society of Chris
tian Service of Wesley Grove
Methodist Church held their
meeting Wednesday at the Hall.
Mrs. James W. Hawkins and
Mrs. Bradley Hawkins were the
hostesses. Final plans were
made fore the Chicken an Ham
supper, an Annual Event, which
will be served August 18 in the
Hall. Keep this date in mind.
Mr. and Mrs. Anson DeWitt
and their children Cynthia and
David are spending the week in
Suffex, N. J.
Miss Sharon Hawkins of
Woodfield and Miss Mary Ann
Linthicum of Cedar Grove spent
last week at the University of
Maryland at a Choral Work
shop. Mrs. James Hawkins,
Mrs. Floyd Grimes, Mrs. Guy
Linthicum and Jimmy Hawkins
13 Contracts
In 2 Counties
Thirteen contracts, totaling
$631,704 for construction of
storm drains, water mains, sew
ers and house connections have
been awarded by the Washing
ton Suburban Sanitary Com
Five contracts in Montgomery
County went to:
Bright-Shepherd, Tuxe da ,
1 $27,923 for storm drainage con
-1 struction in Bethesda.
DiMeglio Construction Co.,
Hyattsville, $26,908 for water
mains in Lakeview, Ashleigh,
Kendal and Smithfield subdivi
sions, Seven Locks.
Ventreca & Sons, $23,533 for
j sewers and sewer house con
j nections in Burning Tree Man
j or.
F. O. Day Co. Inc., Rockville,
. $17,630 for storm drainage con
struction in Gaithersburg.
C & S Construction Co., $7,846
I for water mains, sewers and
I house connections in Bannock
burn Heights and Chevy Chase.
The other eight contracts
were for Prince Georges Coun
ty Construction.
went over on Friday evening
for the closing program and the
girls returned home with them.
Wesley Grove Methodist
Church held their annual Sun
day School picnic at Braddock
Heights on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lycurgus Grif
fith, 3rd are spending this week
on a fishing trip in Vermont.
His parents of Gaithersburg,
are with them.
Three Whealonites
Attend Convention
Attorney Charles E. Bowen,
president of the Wheaton Ki
wanis Club and Kiwanis dele
gates Carl R. Eby and Dr. Ash
by Wade Smith attended the
j 17th annual convention of the
Kiwanis International in Den
j ver, Colo., recently.
Merle H. Tucker of Gallup,
| N. M., was elected president of
the organization.
I Damascus
Kids Stage
Elizabeth C. Kile
WA 6-1454
Several enterprising young
ladies of the community after
hearing of the “Popeye and
Romper Room” TV programs
about backyard Carnivals for
the benefit of the fund drive
for Muscular Dystrophy made
plans and held their Carnival
on Monday at the Firemen’s
Carnival Grounds. Reba Mer
son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry B. Merson was the Chair
man. Marcia Gue, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gue had
charge of the Advertising and
Mary Beth Jones, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Jones was
the Vice Chairman. Their plans
originally designed for the Mer
son backgi-ound snowballed to
the extent that the affair had
to be moved to the Carnival
Grounds. Mr. Brake loaned
them his ponies for pony rides.
The Jerry and Bethany Cook
Damascus Band played and
many donations were given. The
girls showed much originality
in the games they planned and
in the names which they used
to describe them.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mul
linix are the happy parents
of a baby boy born at Mont
gomery General Hospital on
July 22. He weighed in at
8 lbs. 10 oz.
Mrs. Antonio Almario is re
cuperating at home after being
a patient in Moxttgomery Gen
eral Hospital.
The Damascus Methodist
Church Choir will give its Sum
mer Concert at the Church on
August 12 at 8 p.m. The Mis
sion Study Group of the Wo
mens Society of Christian Serv
ice will meet at the home of
Mrs. Edna Brandenburg with
Mrs. Gertrude Runyon as co
hostess on August 8 at 10:30
Don’t forget to attend the
hearing on August 16, 8 p.m.
at the County Building in Rock
ville on Zoning No. C 826 for the
property owned by James C.
Dulin and promoted for a shop
ping center by Jerry Cook. Mr.
Dulin has retained Julian Berla,
architect, designer and engin
eer; Mathew Witenstein, mark
et research counsellor; Wallace
Agnew of Walker and Dunlop,
leases and management, and
Robert McCloskey, attorney real
estate titles.
Jesse Beci'aft a long time res
ident of the area died at his
home in Claggettsville on July
24. Mr. Becraft Is survived by
his wife Bessie May Becraft and
a daughter, Mrs. Robert L.
Etchison. Services were held at
the Olin Molesworth Funeral
Home on Saturday with inter
ment in the Montgomery Meth
odist Church Cemetery at Clag
Raymond Snapp was a patient
in Montgomery General Hos
pital last week.
Sir. and Sirs. Preston H.
Holly have moved to their
new home 25701 Ridge rd. The
Holly's come to our neighbor
hood from Aiken, S. C. Sir.
Holly is with A.E.C.
Dr. and Mrs. James Kerr are
vacationing this week in New
The Lutheran Church of the
Redeemer will hold a Congrega
tional Picnic for members and
friends on August 4 from 12:30
to 7 p.m. at the home of Hubert
Yinger, Sr. in Woodfield. Each
family is to bring its own food
and utensils. Games will be
available for children.
Troop No. 445 Boy Scouts
have had lots of activity this
past week when 13 boys, Gord
on Hanson, Richard Hessler,
Ronald McNab, Bert Magin Tim
Martin, Charles McClellan, For
rest Neal, Steven Neal, Allan
Payne, Ronald Poole, Mark
Proett, Lanning Ray and James
Saylor, spent the week at Camp
Wilson at Dunston Hall, Lorton,
Va. This camp specializes in
working m Merit Badges. The
five boys from this Troop who
three weeks ago left for Camp
Philmont, Cimarron, New Mex
ico, returned on Thursday eve
ning. Those boys were Pat
Anamosa. Chris Van Petten,
Dwight Monnier, John Bassett
and David Slayton.
The Lewisdale 4-H Girls Club
won several ribbons and one
Championship at the ’’4-H Color
rama” held at the Agricultural
Center on July 25, when they
modeled clothes made by them
selves. The following were the
SR-22 w JR-11
,4 /2/D£? W7TH /OF” on £-Z TEAMS
JR-irssr sr-22
To Discuss
Manager Plan
Gaithersburg’s Mayor and
Council will bring up for dis
cussion the mattei' of hiring a
town manager at the regular
monthly meeting of the town’s
governing body August 6.
Mai-yor Merton Duvall said
today the council will discuss,
among other things, public ad
vertising for applicants to fill
the job set up in Gaithersburg’s
recently approved 1962-63 budg
et, as well as the title under
which he will operate. It has
not been decided, Duvall said,
whether the successful appli
cant will be known as town
manager, town administrator,
or by some other title which
will cover the scope of duties
The Mayor said he contem
plates “no difficulty” in filling
the post. Funds budgeted as
salary for the balance of the
fiscal year amount to $6500.
Duvall said four applications
have been received from experi
enced persons, despite the fact
no announcement has been
made calling for applicants.
One of these was withdrawn re
cently when the applicant ac
cepted a similar job at LaPlata,
Md., Duvall added.
ribbon winners: Champion on
her Apron, Peggy Gladhill;
Joanne Watkins, Blue; Brenda
Day, Red; Sandra Beall, Red;
Fairy King, Red; Joyce King,
Red; Judy Glaze, Red and Deb
bie Hurley, White.
Mrs. Charles Adams and
children of Seaford, Delaware
have been visiting in the com
munity while the Rev. Mr.
Adams was teaching at the
Md. Baptist Assembly which
was held last week at Hood
College. Mr. Adains was the
former Pastor of Upper Sen
eca Baptist Church.
James R. Kautz, 3rd, a stu
dent at Midwest Baptist Theo
logical Seminary at Kansas
City, the grandson of James R.
Kautz, was the guest preacher
at the First Baptist Church of
Damascus on July 29.
Rev. Mr. Andrew Keady and
family are vacationing at
Ocean City for two weeks.
Miss Ruth Beall, a teacher in
the Methodist School in San
Jose, Costa Rica is home for a
short visit
Mr. and Mrs. Lindy Beall,
Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Gladhill and
their son Maurice attended the
Summer Conference of the
Maryland Association of Sail
and Water Conservation District
at Easton, Md. July 25 and 26.
The priclpal speaker was Don
A. Williams, Administrator of
the U. S. Soil Conservation
Service. On Thursday they
were entertained with a tour of
interesting places on the East
ern Shore the interesting things
they were shown were the irri
gation of orchards at Skipton,
water drainage on farms at Ox
ford, dairying at the Morman
Church farm, Oxford Steer feed
ing setup at the EssKay farm
south of Oxford, Wye Oak
Church, Mill and Dam, The
Third Haven Meeting House
and many other very interest
ing places. This year Talbott
County is celebrating its Ter
centenary and many places of
interest are being shown.
The Damascus Rotary Club
met at the Firehouse for their
regular dinner meeting on
Thursday evening. The Ladies
Auxiliary of the Fire Depart
ment who usually serve the din
ner were taking part in the Mt.
Airy Firemen's Parade. Th®
President, Dr. Charles Bikle ar
ranged to have a cold dinner
served instead. The speaker of
the evenings was Dr. I. E. Wal
len of the Oceanographic Divi
sion of Biology and Medicine at
the A.E.C. who will move next
month with his family to Ar
lington, Va. He has accepted
the position of Assistant Direc
tor of Oceanograph with the
Museum of Natural Science at
the Smithsonian Institution. Dr.
Wallen last year went to Paki
stan as a teacher at the Sum
mer Institute at Abbottabad and
was a representative of the Asia
Foundation, he showed slides of
the country with emphasis on
the primitive methods of life
and sanitation. Next week the
winners of the Bicycle Derby
held at the time of the Fire
mens Carnival will be the
guests of the Rotary Club at
their regular meeting.