and for Women
Thursday, 20. .962 S ENTINEL Ma
Club News
Kl-Wlves of Silver Spring:
The annual fall fashion show
and champagne luncheon is set
for 11:30 a.m., Oct. 3. at the
Washington Country Club.
“Fashions with a light touch,”
is the theme this year, and
clothes from Casual Corner will
be shown.
Reservations may be made by
calling Mrs. Russell Wolford,
Randolph 64619, after 6 p.m.
Tickets are $4.50 each. Sept. 30,
is the deadline.
Mont. Co. TB and Heart Asso.
“Heart of the Home” classes
sponsored by this organization
began Sept. 18, and a follow-up
class will be held Sept. 25. In
terested persons may register by
calling 949-3377. The course is
designed to help homemakers
with heart diseases, and will be
held at the Washington Sani
tarium, Takoma Park.
Captain Kangaroo Coming To
The Falls Church Junior Wo
man’s Club is sponsoring “Fun
with Music,” a children’s con
cert, on Oct. 13, at Constitution
Hall. The afternoon concert will
also feature the National Gal
lery of Art Orchestra. Perform
ances will be at 2 and 4 p.m.
Tickets may be purchased thru
Worship Together at the
i|Sj/S| Church or Synagogue of your
Rlvortidu Assembly of God, Inc.
Putor A. B. Mark*
*521 78th St., Cabin John. Maryland
Phona: EMpir* 5-5054
Time of Service:
Sunday School—9:4s A.M.
Morning—Worship—ll:oo A.M.
Evening Worahlp 8:00 PM.
Tueaday—Prayer—B.oo P.M.
Wednesday Morning Prayer—B A.M.
Thursday Evening Worship—* P.M.
iockvill* Assembly of God
Ilev. L. A. Hubbard
•IT Vlers Mill Road. Rockville, Md.
Phone: PO. 3-3061
Phone: PO. 2-6614
Sunday School 10:00 A.M.
Morning Worship 11:00 A.M.
Youth Meeting 6:30 P.M.
Evangelistic Service 7:30 P.M.
Thursday—Prayer A Praise 7:30 P.M.
Congressional Heights Baptist
Rev. Kenneth J- Joner
11845 Seven Locks Road. Rockville
Phone: PO. 2-5460
Time of Service:
Sunday School 9:45 A.M.
Morning Worship—ll:oo A.M.
Training Union 6:30 P.M.
Evening Worship—7:3o P.M.
Haiplno Baptist Chaptl
(Mission or Montrose Baptist)
Rev. Don L. Mentch
GA. 4-9370 WH. 6-6598
Meeting Twlnbrook Elem. School
Sunday School 9:45 A.M.
Morning Worship 11:00 A.M.
Evening Service 7 P.M.
Kensington Baptist
Dr. Thomas L. Painter
10100 Connecticut Ave., Kensington
Phone: WH. 2-2443
Time of Service:
Church School—9:4s A.M.
Worship Service—ll:oo A.M.
Training Union—6:ls P.M.
Evening Worship—7:3o P.M.
Metropolitan Baptist Tomplo
Robert E. Fleming
Newport Junior High School
Newport Mill Rd., Kensington '
Phone 949-3778
Time of Service:
Morning Worship—ll:oo A.M.
Sunday School—10:00 A.M.
Evening Service—7 00 P.M.
First Baptist of Silver Spring
Wayne Avenue and Fenton Street
Dr. Walter Pope Blnns, Interim Pastor
JU 5-5454
Sunday School 9:30 A.M.
Morning Worship 11:00 A M.
Training Union 0:15 P.M.
Evening Worship 7:30 P.M.
Church Family Night—Wednesday
6:00-8:30 P.M.
including Prayer Meeting 8:00 P.M.
First Church of Whootoo
Rev. B. Ross Morrison
LO. 5-3585
10914 Georgia Ave.
Morning Service 8:45 A 11:00 A M.
Evening Service 7:30 P.M.
B.T.F. 6:15 P.M. tf
the Talbert Ticket Agency, Wil
lard Hotel. Prices range from
.75 to $3.00. All proceeds will go
to children’s charitable organi
Chevy Chase Republican Club
September 25, is the date set
for introducing major Md. GOP
candidates to Montgomery Co.
voters. A reception, to be held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Baker, Kenwood, will
honor Frank Small, Jr., Edward
Miller, Newton Steers and Char
les Mathias, the gentlemen run
ning for the key positions of the
Republican party. The 7-9 p.m.
party is expected to draw a
crowd of 500.
Kensington AALW
This group meets tonight,
7:30 p.m., for a dinner meeting
at Parklawn Mansion, Wheaton,
Md. George Stevens will speak
on speed reeding and compre
hension techniques.
The Olney Republican Women’s
Olney Inn was the place for
the Club’s first meeting of the
season at noon on Sept. 11.
Sohool board candidates, Wm. I
Saunders and Wm. E. Coyle,
discussed their election plat
forms, followed by a question
and answer period.
Parents Without Partners, Inc.
Officers and directors for the
new season will be installed
Sept. 22, at a dinner dance to be
' held in the Cameo Room of the
First Baptist of Gaithersburg
Rev. B. Frank Foster
West Diamond Ave.. Gaithersburg
WA. 6-0530
Time of Service:
Sunday School—9:4s A.M.
Morning Worship—ll:oo A.M.
Training Union—6:4s P.M.
Evening Church Service—B:oo P.M.
Wednesday Prayer Service 7:30 P.M.
North Goto Baptist (Southern)
Rev. Wesley Johnson
Harmony Hills Elementary School,
Lydia St., Silver Spring
Phone WH. 6-5954
Time of Service:
Sunday School—9:4s A.M.
Morning Worship—ll:oo A.M.
Evening—Training Union—6:oo P.M.
Evening Worship—7:ls P.M.
Vlers Mills
Pastor Cecil C. Anderson
12221 Vlers Mill Road
Phone WH. 2-7377
Time of Service:
Morning—Family Worship—B:3o A.M.
Bible School—9:4s A.M.
Morning Worship—ll:oo A.M.
Evening—Training Union—6:oo P.M.
Evening Worsh!p-7:00 P.M.
Temple Hill
William Benjamin Adams, Minister
9400 Wisconsin Ave., Bethesda
OL. 2-9400
Sunday School 10:00 A.M.
Morning Worship 11:00 A.M.
Coffee Hour 12 Noon
First Baptist Church
of Bockville, Md.
Rev. Jacob H. Gamble PO. 2-4924
195 Washington St.
on Court House Square
Ist Worship Service 8:45 A.M.
Sunday School 9:45 A.M.
2nd Worship Sendee 11:00 A.M.
Training Union 6:15 P.M.
Evening Worship 7:30 P.M.
Wednesday 8:00 P.M.
Twlnbrook Baptist
Rev. John W. Laney
1001 Twlnbrook Pkwy.
GA. 4-6524
If no answer Call GA. 4-5343
Sunday Church School, 9:45 A.M.
Morning Worship, 11:00 A.M.
Youth Fellowship 7:00 P.M.
Upper Seneca Baptist
Cedar Grova
Rev. C. Norman Ehrlich
Box 87. Germantown WA. 6-0086
Sunday School 9:45 A.M.
Morning Worship 11:00 A.M.
Training Union 7:00 P.M.
Evening Worship 8:00 P.M.
Wed. Prayer Meeting 8:00 P.M.
Mt. Zion Baptist
C. A. Brubaker, Pastor
Old Georgetown Rd. A Grosvenor La.
Sunday School—9:4s A.M.
Worship Service—ll:oo A.M. A
7:45 P.M.
Training Union—6:4s P.M.
Georgia Ava. Baptist
Rev. La Fon Campbell
12525 Georgia Ave.
Silver Spring
Sunday School 9:45 a m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
Training Union 6:00 p.m.
Evening Service 7:00 p.m.
Sligo Baptist Churcb
(a mission of the Montrose Baptist
1610 Dennis Avenue
Silver Spring. Maryland
Phone 565-0440
Pastor: Rev. George Gibson
Morning Worship—B:3o A 11:00 A.M.
Sunday School 9:45 A.M.
Training Union 6:30 P.M.
Evening Service 7:30 P.M.
Wednesday 7:00 P.M..
Sunbeans, R.A.'s,
7:45 P.M.
Prayer meeting and
I Bible study
Bethesda Club
Sets Fall Plans
The Junior Dance Group of
the Woman s Club of Bethesda
will start the Fall session on
Sept. 24 and 25 at the Club
house. Mr. Reid Gills, assisted
by Mrs. William Robinson, will
Classes for seventh grade be
ginners, teen beginners and ad
vanced students will be avail
able in waltz, fox trot cha cha.
jitterbug and polka steps.
For more information call
Mrs. Wallace Valender, WH. 6-
The Invulnerables, couples
bridge group of the Bethesda
Club, is also starting their Fall
session. They will meet tomor
row, 8 p.m., at the Clubhouse.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Patterson
are hosts.
Presidential Arms. The Wash
ington area chapter was
organized in May. Further Infor
mation may be obtained by
writing to Parents Without
Partners, Inc., 4503 S. 31st. St.,
Arl. Va., or call St. 3-3438, dur
ing business hours.
Woman's Suburban Democratic
Today, from 24 p.m., the club
will hold their annual member
ship tea and fashion show at
the home of Mrs. Harold Tager,
Jr., Bethesda. Mrs. Willard
Wirtz and Mrs. Edward Day,
wives of the President’s Cabinet
members will be included among
the list of distinguished tea
“pourers.” Fashions will be by
Bethesda designer Francine
Shacter, and Modelled by club
American Shriao of Our
Lady of Fatima
Rev. Martin W. Hyland
BamesvlUe, Md. Phone DI. 9-3700
Sunday Masses 8:00 A.M.;
11:00 A.M.: 1:00 P.M.
Shrine of St. Jude
12701 Vlers Mill Rd.. Rockville
Rev. Francis J. Lauriola, Pastor
Sunday Masses: 6:30. 7:15, 8:15,
9:30, 10:40, 11:50, 1:00 P.M.
Daily Masses: 6:30, 7:00, 11:30 A.M.
Saturday Maaaes: 7 and 9 A.M.
Christian Science Services
W. Rockville Jr. HI School
651 Falls Rd. Phone PO. 2-4702
Sunday 10:00 A.M.
Wednesday Evening—B:oo P.M.
(let * 3rd)
Christian Church
Georgia Ave.
13501 Georgia Ave.. Wheaton
Rev. David L. Watterworth
Phone 942-6220
Bockville Christian
Rev. William M. Hule
PO. 2-9361
Church School—9:4s A.M
Worship Senlce—ll:oo A.M.
Hyottstown Christian Church
Hyattatown, Md.
Rev. J. Arthur Mott WH. 6-2660
Sunday School 10:00 A.M.
Worship A Communion 11:00 A.M.
Church of Christ
Bockvillo Church of Christ
E. H. Enior. Minister
Meeting Richard Montg. High School
Rockville PO. 2-2902
Bible Study 10:n0 A.M.
Morning Worship 11:00 A.M.
Sunday Eve. Worahlo 7:00 P.M.
Mid-Week Studv Hr.. Wed.. 7:30 P.M.
Wheaton Church of Christ
Unlv. Blvd. W at East Ave.
Kenneth A. Meade. Minister
Phone 942-2237
Bible School 10 A.M.
Worship A Lord's Supper. 11:00 A.M.
Evening Worship 7:00 P.M.
Mid-Week Bible Study—Wed. 8 P.M.
Andersoo, Ind.
First Church of God
Rev Harvey B. Edge
1005 Maple Ave.
Rockville. Marvland
PO 2-9034 PO 2*4236
Time of Service
Sunday School 9:30 A.M.
Morning Worship 11:00 A.M.
Youth Fellowship 6:30 P.M.
Evangelistic 7:45 P.M.
Sandy Spring Mooting
Richard B. Thomas. Jr., Clerk
WA. 4-4783
Sunday School 10:30 A.M.
Morning Sert-lce 11:00 A.M.
Rabbi—George Vida
Wheaton Woods School
Parklawn Dr.. Rockville
WH 2-7070
Frl. Night Worship 8:30 P.M.
Set. Youth Group 9:00 A.M.
Set Worship 9:30 A.M.
Christ Lutheran
Rev. Otto C. Schuetze
OL. 2-6343
8011 Old Georgetown Rd.
Morning Service 8:30. 11:00 A.M.
Supervised Nursery ....
Sunday School and
Bible Class 9:45 A.M.
New Y.W.C.A. Directress
Plans Program Increase
Woman's Editor
The recently appointed direc
tor of Montgomery County’s Y.
W.C.A. is Miss Dorthea McDow
ell, a lady with national and
international experience in Y.W.
Prior to her August 15 ap
pointment by the Association’s
personnel directors Miss Mc-
Dowell had held a position simi
lar to this one in Bucks County,
Pa., for seven years, and prior
to that she worked in Lebanon
and Syria for seven years “on
loan” to the World’s Y.W.C.A.,
as a national staff member.
"Coming back to the Wash
ington area was like coming
home,” she said. Miss McDowell,
was bom in Merrill, Wise., and
came to the Metropolitan area
as a child. She is a graduate of
McKinley High School, and
American University where she
received her BA degree. She
also holds a MA degree from
the University of North Caro
lina. She considers this part of
the country "home” and is pres
ently living in Silver Spring.
Since taking up her new posi
tion the directress has lost no
time in going into action. Her
past month’s activities include
reviewing previously planned
programs and appointing new
staff members. She has been
working with two projects that
she felt needed expansion and
increased attention. One, an
adult program, headed by staff
member Mrs. Patricia Bowie,
Lutheran Church of tha Cross
Missouri Synud
Rev. Ralph C Kruger
624 Great Falls Road
Rockville, Maryland
Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Worship Service 11:00 a.m.
(with nursery'
Crusader Lutheran Church
Rev. Paul R. Mllheim
Veirs Mill Road and Broad wood Drive
Sunday School and Church
8:30. 9:45 and 11:00 A.M.
Fre Methodist Church
Pastor Warren H. Ranck
First St. A Grandin Ave., Rockville
Phone PO. 2-2827
Time of Service:
Sunday School—10:00 A.M.
Worship Service—ll:os A.M.
Evening—Worship Service—7:4s P.M.
Wednesday Prayer Service—7:4s P.M.
Hughes Methodist
Rev. A. Odell Osteen
10700 Georgia Ave.. Wheaton
Phone LO. 5-8772
Time of Service:
Sunday School—9:3o A.M.
Morning Worship—9:3o A.M.
Sunday School—11:00 A.M.
Worship—ll:oo A.M.
Evening—Youth Meetings—6:oo P.M.
Soint Mark's (Twlnbrook)
Rev. Ronald A. Mlllian
GA. 4-7768
Meeting In Meadow Hall Elementary
10:00 a.m. Worship Service end
Church School
Oomestown (United)
Rev. Daniel C. Manson
Rt. 28, Darnestown. Md.
Phone 948-9127
Time of Service:
Church School—9:4s A.M.
Worship Service—ll:oo A.M.
Evening—Youth Fellowship 6:30 P.M.
Jet. Routes 355 A 118
Rev. Albert W. Lens
WA. 6-0692
Church School 9:45 A.M.
Worship 11:00 A.M.
St. Andrews
Rev. J. Wiley Prugh
Llnthlcum A Farragut Ave*.
Church School 9:45 A.M.
Worship 11:00 A.M.
Youth Fellowship Call for Info.
215 W. Montgomery Ave.
Rev. James C. Fahl PO. 2-9068
Church School 9:30 A.M.
Worship Service 9:30. 11:00 A.M.
Youth Groups 6:00 A 7:00 P.M.
Botbosdo Congregational Church
10010 Fernwood Rd.
*t Democracy Blvd.
Rev Grover Rieger EM 5-0968
Worship Church School Nursery
10:30 a.m. 1 1
and another a teenage program
under the leadership of Mrs.
Lillian Howell.
"The Y.W.C.A. symbol is a
triangle and it stands for three
sides of life, body, mind and
spirit Our program is designed
to help each person develop her
self according to her own poten
tialities, and to fit into today’s
world.” Miss McDowell was re
ferring to both adult and teen
programs when she said this.
The adult program now under
her immediate scrutiny includes
the YW-Wives Club and a pro
gram entitled “Ladies Day Out”
The YW-Wives club is designed
for young wives to meet with
the purpose in mind of self and
community development inter
ests. There are presently three
clubs in the area and three more
are being planned. The “Ladies
Day Out” is a project that will
include a morning and after
noon of scheduled educational
The classess offerred are I
selected through popular de
mand. For both adult programs
nursery service will be available.
The teen program, called the
Y-Teens, is designed to meet
the desires of girls in the sev
enth grade thru senior high.
The meetings include speakers
and demonstrations on subjects
chosen by the girls, again by
popular demand. There are also
teen dances sponsored by the
Association. On Sept. 22, there
is a 7:30-10:30 p.m., dance plan
ned for eigth and ninth grade
students, to be held at the War
ner Memorial Presbyterian
Church, Kensington.
“Our major long range plan
is to have our own headquarters
in Montgomery County. A build
ing fund has been started, but
while we feel the need for these
headquarters,, we still feel that
our program activities are more
important. The Y.W.C.A. is more
than a building, it is a fellow
ship for women and girls work
ing together to spread Christian
ideals of brotherhood,” Miss Mc-
Dowell expressed.
She went on to say that, "one
thing at which I am definitely
aiming is to broaden the hori
zon for every person who joins
our organization, regardless of
race, creed or nationality. Every
one is welcome to join and we
need more sustaining member
ships to help obtain our objec
The membership for adults is
$2 per year and for teens under
17 years, .75. The association
is inter-faith, international and
The Y.W.C.A. activities are
usually held in County owned
buildings or churches. The Asso
™ homemakers
Right in yow own artel
FrTnof Bentflfs - All Office SVWs
■ 1343 H ST.. VW^TI
FA. 3-4430
Bmbw: Electric institute of Washlnstou
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Fuse Popper!
Do year efedrisM fuses keep Mamin, or year circuit*
breakers keep tripping? Bbtse “Skimpy Wiring.” the
electrical delinquent who plagues every mmdequatrh
wired home! Rid your home of weak, aadersimd “Skimpy
Wiring” ... enjoy life in a home with ftril copper-wired
HOUSEPOWER! Cal us fer the facts.
ropier 2-im • SALES md SEEVICE • GArden 4-SI 40
■ §9E T ■ ■
Dorothea McDowell, the recently-appointed
directoress of the Montgomery County
YWCA, is pictured adjusting the veil of a
Druze doll designed by a former student in
y : :
Mlkh Betty Lou Leishear
Miss Leishear
To Marry
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Leish
ear. Lewisdale, announce the
engagement of their daughter.
Betty Lou, to James P. Kerr,
111, son of Dr. James P. Kerr,
Jr., of Damascus and Mrs.
Elaine Kerr of Philadelphia.
Miss Leishear is a 1961 grad
uate of Damascus High School
and is presently employed at
the Atomic Energy Commission.
Mr. Kerr, a student at Strayer
School of Business, Washington,
is also a Damascus graduate.
No date has been set for the
ciation has also rented a swim
ming pool in Takoma Park and
offers swimming instructions
for teens and adults.
Apart from her professional
work. Miss McDowell is an en
thusiastic artist, a member of
the Quota Club and a member
of the A.A.U.W. She is also act
ive in M.E.E.T., which stands
for Middle East Exhibits and
Training. It is an organization
designed primarily to help wo
men in the middle eastern coun
tries to import their handicrafts.
‘While I was working in the
Middle East I developed a voca
tional training school for girls,
and they need some place to
sell their handicrafts,” she ex
Beirut, Lebanon. Prior to her county appoint
ment, Miss McDowell was active in develop
ing vocational schools in Lebanon and Syria.
—Ed Mervis Photo
Home on the Range
By Hope Frank
(Home Economist Washington Gas Light Co.)
There are many tasty egg
plant recipes, but the usual
choice is fried eggplant (dipped
in batter) which of course is
the favorite of many. Why not
try one of the other interesting
ways to cook this beautiful
The Eggplant Broiler Snack
is an easy luncheon meal: the
Savory Stuffed Eggplant is a
favored European entree: the
Ratatouille is a delightful blend
of fresh vegetables: the Casse
role might easily prove to be a
hit with your family.
1 large eggplant, 2 eggs, beat
en, \ cup buttered crumbs,
4 slices bacon, % teaspoon
salt, 2 large tomatoes, 8
slices cheese.
Peel eggplant and cut in 8
slices. Dip in egg; then in
crumbs. Place slices on greased
broiler pan and sprinkle with
salt. Broil 5” from flame for
about 5 minutes on each side or
until tender and golden. Place
a slice of tomato, then a slice
of cheese on each piece of egg
plant. Partially cook bacon, and
cut each strip into 4 pieces.
Place 2 bacon pieces on top of
each stack. Broil until cheese
is melted and the bacon is brown
and crisp. Eight servings. Note:
For an easy luncheon meal,
serve eggplant broiler snack
with crispy buttered toast and
a colorful green salad.
1 or 2 small eggplants, 4
strips bacon, 2 tablespoons
bacon fat. 1 medium onion,
chopped, Dash pepper, 1 can
(7-oz.) minced clams, % cup
ripe olive chunks, % cup
fine dry bread crumbs, U
teaspoon salt.
Cook the eggplant in boil
ing salted water 15 minu
tes. Meanwhile, dice and fry
four strips of bacon, drain. In
2 tablespoons of the bacon
drippings, saute the chopped
onion until golden brown. Cut
parboiled eggplant in half
lengthwise and hollow out cen
ter,, leaving a shell H-inch thick.
Dice centers of eggplant and add
to onion along with the can of
minced clams and liquor, the
olives, crumbs, and bacon. Sea
son to taste with salt and pep
per. Brush eggplant with
drippings from bacon, and set
in shallow baking pan. Heap
high with filling. Top with
buttered crumbs. Bake in 375
Edwards shoeoueiity h m earn <•
A 'eon' *>e elonnOet Just come in
™*f look them over closely . Tocttlm
tor pre-schoolers end
EOwerdt Oeoutors tor the school set.
You'll notice me duality right m
- .!Aj£ You'll like me ttyllng. Then V
K?lf W> how we fit them. As - I^H
I Tkj Snot ton Cmimw
< a
Nief's Bootery S
K Chev > Ch4S - Md . OL. 2-9607
degree F. oven for 30 minutes.
Serves 4.
1 egg plant, 3 sliced tomatoes
or 1 No. 2 can, drained, 1
medium onion, chopped, 14
green peper or 2 tb. chopped
Salt, pepper, oregano and
basil to taste, % cup melted
butter, lb cup bread crumbs,
cup grated cheese.
Wash egg plant Cut in lb
inch slices. Remove skin. Egg
plant slices may be dipped in
flour, salt and pepper mixture
before arranging in casserole.
If using fresh tomatoes, remove
skin, then cut in lb -inch slices.
Arrange alternate layers of egg
plant, tomatoes and chopped
onion. Sprinkle each layer with
seasonings. Drizzle with melted
margarine. Cover. Bake at 375
degrees F. until tender. . . .
about 30 to 45 minutes. Remove
cover for last 15 minutes.
1 small eggplant, peeled and
cut into large cubes, 3 toma
toes. peeled and cut into
medium dice, lb green pep
per, sliced, 2 zucchini
squash, cut into 1-2 inch
slices. 1 onion, chopped, 1
garlic clove, crushed, 1 tea
spoon salt, lb teaspoon pep
per, 2lb tablespoons olive
oil, 14 cup water.
Combine all ingredients in a
heavy saucepan. Cover, bring to
a boil, and simmer over a very
low flame for 20 minutes or un
til all vegetables are barely ten
der note: if a heavy aluminum
saucepan, with lid, is used, the
water may be completely omit
Zonta President
In Greece
Mrs. Marie Hams, Zonta
Club president of the Bethesda-
Silver Spring area, is represent
ing the U .S. at the Internation
al Trade Fair being held now
in Thesalonica. Greece, as ex
hibit sales officer.
A commerce department em
ployee, Mrs. Harris, is the first
woman ever appointed for this
position from the U. S. Over
100 companies in the U. S. are
participating as part of the ex
port expansion program.
Mrs. Harris plans to visit
other European countries fol
lowing the close of the Trad*
Fair on September 25. She re
cently attended the Zonta Inter
national convention in New
Orleans, La.