OCR Interpretation

Montgomery County sentinel. [volume] (Rockville, Md.) 1855-1974, September 20, 1962, Sports, Image 13

Image and text provided by University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016209/1962-09-20/ed-1/seq-13/

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Mrs. L. L. Kudasill, Jr.
Nancy Raddiff
Recently Married
Miss Nancy Radcliff, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Sterling
Radcliff, Takoma Park, became
the bride of the Reverend Le
Roy Unsworth Rudasill, Jr„ son
of Mr. and Mrs. Rudasill. Sr.,
Maryland Park, Md.
The bride attended Southern
Seminary and Junior College.
Her husband is a graduate of
Maryland University and South
ern Baptist Theological Semin
The Reverend John A. Holt
performed the double ring cer
emony at the University of
Maryland Chapel on Aug. 25.
The 7:30 p.m. cei'emony was
performed before a candlelit al
tar decorated with white glad
Given In marriage by her fa
ther, the bride wore a gown of
silk organza with a moulded
bodice and a portrait neckline
enhanced with appliqued re-ern-,
broidered Alencon lace which
sparkled with sequins and tiny
seed pearls. The low bow in the
back was placed on a full skirt
which ended in a chapel train.
A sparkling crown of seed
pearls held her veil of illusion.
She carried a bouquet of white
chrysanthemums, c a r n a tions,
and pompoms, surrounding a
corsage of delicate pink sweet
heart roses.
Mrs. William Edwards. Co
lumbia, S. C., was the matron
of honor. Her street length
dress was aqua silk organza and
she wore matching accessories.
She carried a bouquet of white
gladioli with aqua sprayed cen
ters to match her dress. The
three bridesmaids and two jun
ior bridesmaids wore gowns
matching that of the matron of
The bridesmaids were Miss
Linda Lange, York, Pa., Miss
Jean Brown, Washington, and
Miss Sharon Doyle, Takoma
Park. The junior bridesmaids
were Miss Violet Rudasill. sis
ter of the groom and Miss Mary
Ann Yates, Alexandria, the
bride’s cousin. Miss Gail Yates
was her cousin’s flower girl.
She was dressed in white and
carried a miniature bouquet to
match that of the bride.
The Reverend John Finney
Williams, Nashville, served as
best man. The ushers included
Sterling Radcliff, brother of the
bride, and the groom’s brother
William Rudasill, Charles Sauls,
Maryland Park, Jerry Barring
er, Washington and Benton
Mull, Silver Spring.
Immediately following the
ceremony a reception was held
In the Second Baptist Church
social hall, College Park. They
will live in Silver Spring.
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Mrs. Joseph A. Fargo
Alice Hottel Wed
To Joseph Fargo
Mr. and Mrs. Durus C. Hottel,
Brookeville, announce the recent
wedding of their daughter, Alice
Evelyn, to Joseph A. Fargo, son I
of Mr. and Mrs. Aziz Fargo of
Bagdad, Iraq.
The Reverend Grover Wins
low officiated at the 7:30 p.m.
service, held at the Washing
ton Sanitarium Chapel, Takoma
Given in mairiage by her fa
ther, the bride wore a full length j
gown of white organza over
taffeta, featuring an appliqued
lace bodice and skirt. Her veil
, was of finger tip illusion and
Belgian lace. She carried a
bouquet of white lilacs and j
seven white cymbidium orchids
with lilac streamers.
Mrs. Daniel Boone Childs was
her sister’s matron of honor. The
bridesmaids were Mrs. James
|H. Conner, Mrs. Gordon Given,
Mrs. Frank Shores, and Mi's.
! Jerry Little. The Misses Susan
j Childs and Peggy Sue Conner,
were flower girls. Master Rich
ard Lee Keister carried the
Mr. Farid A. Fargo, brother
of the groom was the best man.
The ushers included Mr. Behan
Arshat, head usher, and the
Mssrs. Walter Herrell. Gerald
Harris. Morres Katreeb and
Romie Gainer.
Following the reception which
took place at the church, the
; couple left for a Southern wed
ding trip including, Virginia
Beach. Myrtle Beach, the Great
i Smokev Mts., and Durham, N. C.
The bride is presently em
ployed at the National Institute
of Health. Mr. Fargo, is a gradu-
I ate of Maryland University with
a Masters in Business Adminis
tration and Education. He is now
1 working on his Doctorate in
Business Administration, at the
The couple will live in Tako
ma Park.
Foxmans to Live Here
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Fox
man, DDS, have moved into
| their home at 8510 16th st., Sil
ver Spring, with their children,
Sheri. 4. and Jill, one month.
Dr. Foxman has opened offices
for the general practice of den
tistry at 1536 Rockville pike,
1 Rockville.
I. mi?:
Mrs. Robert Louis Arnold
Woodside Church
Place of Wedding
For Miss Birdsell
Miss Marcia Ann Birdsell,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Birdsell and Robert Lou
is Arnold, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Arnold of North Olm
stead, Ohio, were recently mar
ried at the Woodside Methodist
Church, Silver Spring.
The Reverend Dr., E. William
Hall performed the August 18
candlelight double ring service.
The bride was given in mar
riage by her father. She wore
a floor length white organdy
and satin gown, and her elbow
length, bouffant veil descended
from a pill box hat. She carried
an old fashioned bouquet of
white roses with a gold orchid
in the center.
The bridal attendants, Miss
Ann Wells, Silver Spring, the
maid of honor, and brides
maids, Miss Ellen Beatty and
Mrs. Lawrence Norrisware gold
taffeta gowns with bell shaped
skirts and matching accessories.
Miss Wells carried a spray of
flame red gladioli and the other
1 attendants carried sprays of
■ white gladioli.
Mr. Arthur Sheppard served
as the best man. The grooms
were the .Mssrs. Harry Uher,
John O'Brien and Warner
Following the reception
which was held at the DAR
chapter house in Washington,
the couple left for a wedding
trip to Virginia Beach.
The bride, a graduate o f
Montgomery Blair High School
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„ ,i\ sHi
Mrs. Walter J. Wise, Jr.
Miss Jenkins
Wed in Georgia
Miss Thelma Hall Jenkins,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jef
ferson M. Jenkins, Rockville,
and Lt. Walter Wise, Jr„ USMC,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Wise, Sr.
Orangeburg, S. C., were married
in a double ring ceremony. Sept.
1, at the First Baptist Church
of Atlanta. Ga. The Reverend
Roy O. McClain officiated.
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore gown of
white silk taffeta. The bodice
had a scooped neckline and long
tapered sleeves. The full skirt
swept into a chapel train which
descended from a self-rose and
half-bow in the back. She wore
a string of pearls to accentuate
the regal simplicity of the gown.
Her elbow length veil was at
tached to a crown of seed pearls.
She carried a cascade bouquet
of white carnations and sweet
heart roses.
Mrs. O. Blount McCall, Carl
isle, S. C., the bride’s sister, was
matron of honor. The brides
maids were Miss Libby Wise,
sister of the groom. Miss Mary
Ann Townsend. Chattanooga,
Tenn., and Miss Sue Grey, Ashe
boro, N. C. Miss Phyliss Ann
McCall, the bride’s neice, was
the flower girl.
Mr. Wise served as his son’s
best man. The ushers included
' and Ohio University, is teach
ing at the Albert Einstein High
: School. Mr. Arnold is also a
graduate of Ohio University
where he was a member of
Tau Kappa Epsilon.
The couple will live in Silver
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Brown
Miss Rothenbach Married
To Thomas W. Brown
The Alaivin Memorial Meth
odist Church was the scene of
the recent wedding of Miss
Suzanne Rothenbach, daughter
of Mrs.. Mabel Rothenbach, Sil
ver Spring, and Thomas Brown,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Brown, Hyattsville. The Rever
end Clifford Harrison perform
ed the double ring ceremony
before an altar decorated with
flowers and candelabra.
The bride, given in marriage
by her uncle, Mi’. John Gable,
wore a bouquet taffeta sheath
gown with a detachable train.
The gown featured a scooped
neckline and three-quarter
length sleeves. Her fingertip
the Mssrs. O. Blount Ale Call,
George Rast, and Michael Wise.
A reeption was held at the
church following the ceremony.
The bride is a graduate of
Agnes Scott College, where she
received her A.B. in English. Lt.
Wise received his B.S. in indus
trial management from Georgia
Tech where he was a member
of Tau Kappa Epsilon frantem
The couple will live in Quan
tico, Va.
veil descended from a headpiece
of seed pearls and cut stone.
Aliss Helen Marie Galling,
Washington, was the maid of
honor, The bridesmaids were
Miss Kay Harding, Hyattsville,
and Miss Patricia Sheehan, Sil
ver Spring. The bridal attend
ants wore identical sheath
gowns of lilac taffeta with de
tachable overskirts. They car
ried different colored rose bou
Richard Brown, Lt., USAF,
served as his brother’s best
man. The ushers included the
Alssrs. John S. Gable, Jr., Sil
ver Spring, Terrence Bailey,
Philadelphia, and John Heister,
Silver Spring.
A reception followed the cere
mony and was held in the
Church social hall. The bride’s
mother received guests with the
wedding party and chose a light
pink silk sheath for the oc
casion. The groom’s mother
wore a light blue silk dress and
both mothers wore corsages of
pink sweetheart roses.
The bride, a graduate o f
Montgomery Blair High School,
is an assistant to a Washington
dentist. Mr. Brown, also a Mont
SENTINEL SffiTS: Thur,daY - $aptemhar ”• ,,6?
Miss Meyer, Mr. Paul, Wed;
To Live In Philadelphia
Air. and Mrs. Charles Freder
ick Alever, Olney, announce the
marriage of their daughter, Jan
ice Louise, to Gerald Thomas
Paul, son of Airs. Dorothy Paul,
New Kensington, Pa.
The wedding took place at the
Resurrection Lutheran Church,
Kensington, with the Reverend
Ross Forcey officiating at the
Aug. 18, 2 p.m., double ring
The bride was given in marri
age by her father. She wore a
silk organza gown with a fitted
bodice and a Sabrina neckline
of Alencon lace. The bouffant
skirt had appliques of matching
lace and a chapel train. Her
bouffant veil of silk illusion fell
from a crown headpiece. She
carried a cascade of white
chrysanthemums, and lily of the
gomerv Blair graduate, attend
ed Bullis Prep and is presently
a student at the University of
Alaryland. He is a member of
the University football team
and plays the varsity half-back
position. He is also on the Uni
versity baseball team, and was
voted All-American in 1962.
The couple will make their
home in West Hyattsville.
September 20th, 21st & 22nd
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valley surrounding a white ore
The bride’s sister, Marilyn,
was her maid of honor. She was
gowned in pale blue taffeta and
wore a matching crown of or
ganza which descended into a
short veil. She carried a bouquet
of yellow and white chrysan
The bridesmaids, Alias Char
lotte Alyer, another sister, and
Miss Catherine Thomson, Olney,
wore identical outfits to the
maid of honor’s. They also car
ried identical bouquets.
Grant E. McLaughlin, Johns
town. Pa., served as the best
man. The ushers included Mr.
Charles W. Bash, New Kensing
ton, Pa. and Sterling King,
Damascus. Md.
A reception following the cere
mony was held at the home of
the bride, after which the couple
left for a wedding trip to Deep
Creek Lake, Md.
The bride is a graduate of
Sherwood High School and
Wittenberg University, Spring
field, Ohio. Mr. Paul graduated
from Grove City College, Pa.,
and will attend graduate school
at Temple University this Fall.
The couple will reside in

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