SENTINEL' SSKtF'mE Thursday, September 20, 1462 B8 Pupils Rate High in IQ, Study Shows A majority of public school pupils in Montgomery County are well above the national average in general intelligence and in several specific fields their actual achievements are superior to those of students with com parative ratings, the Board of Education was told this week. These findings were reported in a summary submitted to the board by Maxwell E. Burdette, director of research, based on a more detailed report prepared by Dr. W. Owen Scott, super visor of testing, on the 1961-62 standardized testing program throughout the school system. The tests were conducted in the third, fifth, sixth, eighth and tenth grades under an an nual program that varies from grade to grade only at the high school level. According to the survey re sults. the percentage of county; pupils having high IQ ratings is well above the national average. I Correspondingly, the percentage | of those with below average in-; telligence was far below the na- \ tional figure. In the top field of those with IQ’s attaining a mark of 130 or more, the county" representation amounted to 22.5 per cent in comparison to the national aver age of 5 per cent. In the group between 115 and 129—still well above average—the county total was 31.2 per cent compared to the overall figure of 13 per cent. In 24 comparisons of these gifted pupils with children of the same general status, county students were ahead of the na tional average in all but three cases. In two of these, they equalled the national percent age, while in the third they dropped behind by a matter of three months. Specifically, arithmetic fun damentals in the third grade and reading comprehension in the sixth grade were equal to the national level, while fifth grade students were rated three months behind the aver age In arithmetic fundamen tals. The report pointed out that the lack of arithmetic funda mentals in the fifth grade was remedied In the sixth grade, where the county achievement of above-average students was more than a grade higher than similar groups elsewhere. In the same 24 comparisons Involving county pupils of aver age ability, they again rated well above the national figure, and again had three exceptions. Generally, the county’s average student is from one to nine months ahead of the average student elsewhere. In subjects where it was not possible to match county students with those of equal age, grade and ability, the gen eral scores of county pupils were well ahead of the na tional norm, the report said. Along with the summary of Dr. Scott’s findings, board mem bers were given an extensive description of the testing pro gram and its results in full de tail. During a discussion of the re port at Tuesday’s meeting, Board Member Harold Briemey er suggested that an extensive study of the outline be made by school officials. “It just might be that where we appear to be strong, we aren’t that good,” he observed. “And where we appear to be weak, it would be nice to know that we re not that bad.” Spectrum (Continued from Page 1) turnout in years is predicted for Nov. 6. Tawes seems a shoo in, Brewster is practically in, Goldstein is a cinch for comp troller. It’s still a race between Steers and Sickles for Con gressman-at-Large. But that’s the only thing to enliven the statewide campaign. Let’s hope enough interest is generated in the local cam paign to turn out the voters. The local Republicans seem to be working harder and more enthusiastically than the local Democrats, although few key Republicans are excited about their candidate for governor, Frank Small. We still think the Republi cans have a fine chance, after eight long Democratic years, of placing two, maybe three OOP slaluarts on the County Coun cil. And two or three, maybe four, in the House of Delegates. And we’re sure the Republi cans sense this. That’s why they're working. Of course, the Democrats are working, too, but they don’t seem to have the same enthusiasm as the GOP workers. An impression only but it could be a straw in the wind. * * * A growing number of Hume Non-College Type Pupils Concern of School Board Is Montgomery County’s “blue chip” school system neglecting the non-academically inclined high school stu dent in favor of those who go on to college? This was the question of con cern to School Board members as they met this week to con sider present and future trends in industrial and technical edu-j cation here. Although the “mood of the county” may be predominantly academic, as one educator put it, Board members like Robert E. Morrow questioned whether this fact doesn’t handicap the youngster who has neither in terest nor ability to go to col lege. “In a ram in unity like this,” said Morrow, “the very low income student who needs the specialized training vocational education can give him doesn’t really have a chance. “We have not found the an swer in the industrial arts courses we offer in our com prehensive high schools, and to believe so would be a fallacy,” Morrow said. Board member Clifford K. Beck cited a comparison of the number of high schoolers who specialize in industrial or home arts before graduation with a greater number “not prepared for immediate usefulness" who ! don’t go to college. We’re not discharging our | full responsibility until we’ve : worked out a program so that each student is adequately prepared for either college or a job after high school." Beck said. “We've only scratched the surface so far, with a tre mendous area still left for definite programs.” Another board member, Lucy Keker, expressed concern that industrial arts students “get short shrift” from counsellors, compared with college prepara tory students. “Students planning to go on; to college and their parents are usually more aggressive, pushing for grades and getting more all - around c-o-u-n-s e1 - ing than the others,” she said. “I think we should push to see that the others get their fair share of counselling time.” Considerable discussion cen tered on a staff recommenda tion against establishing a high- : type technical, vocational and industrial arts high school in the county. The educators’ opposition was in contrast to strong backing for such a special training center from last year’s county wide Curriculum Study Com mittee. Board member Paul C. Howard questioned “what mitigates against such a school here,” and was told by supervisory services director William Feddeman that it would prove “a terrific monu ment In Montgomery County —a monument that we would never fill.” Both Feddeman and Mont gomery Junior College dean TB Association Needs Helpers The Montgomery County Tu berculosis and Heart Association appealed to county groups and individuals this week to make their services available in the preparation of Christmas seals for mail distribution. “Clubs and organizations with an hour or two either at their regular meetings or by coming to Christmas Seal headquarters can get the job done,” accord ing to Mrs. Joseph O. Dean, women’s volunteer chairman for the group. “Many tell us there is great satisfaction in terms of community help.” Democrats are privately ex pressing disappointment over Hume's alliance with Gov. Tawes. And it doesn’t help much to have both men remain strangely silent on the details of their agreement, or deal. Tuesday's unofficial report that the agreement on slot machines boils down to Tawes acquiesc ence that the Southern Mary land slots have got to eventu ally go, is not too reassuring. 1 What does that mean? One thing it means right off the bat is that Tawes’ votes won’t be too narrowed too much in Southern Maryland as a result 1 of the long term position he’s ‘ taken. And the bit about “have got to eventually go” could be dragged out for quite a few years. Meanwhile, Mr. Small's poli tically-motivated stand that the slots are purely a matter of local option the same one Tawes has always espoused— won’t gain him a great deal of respect over the rest of the state from the many who think the slots are a corroding influence and reflect discredit upon the entire state. Mr. Hume has been the only politician in Maryland history, so far as we know, to take a courageous, forthright stand on the pernicious devices that should be outlawed. Now he seems to have watered down his position quite a bit. Oh, WelL . . .’’ Donald Deyo said they doubted the county’s ability to provide | enough students to fill a special vocational-technical school, and cled the “stigma” attached by both parents and students to at tending one. Feddeman said establishment | of such a specialized center j would be “a grave mistake now, ■ though it may have a place in the future.” The School Board took its j staff report on industrial edu-: cation curriculum under consid- j eration. Legal Advertisement Betts, Clogg & Murdock Attorneys at Law 22 W. Jefferson Street Rockville, Md. Attorney’s Sale Of valuable, improved property located in the subdivision known as “Section One, New : Birmingham Manor”, Mont gomery County, Maryland. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage from Norman Lome Elliott and Edith Elliott, his wife, to Carl W. Snider, Jr. and Ruth R. Snider, his wife, dated the 2nd day of February, 1961, and recorded among the Land Records of Montgomery County, Maryland, in Liber 2820, at folio 290, et seq.. default hav ing occurred under the terms thereof, the undersigned, attor ney to sell named in the mort- 1 gage, will offer for sale at pub- 1 lie auction in front of the Court house door at Rockville, Mary land, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1962 At the Hour of 10:00 o’clock A.M. ; all that property In said mort gage described as follows: “Lot Numbered One (1), in Block Lettered “B”, in the subdivision known as “Sec tion One, New Birmingham Manor”, as per plat thereof recorded among the Plat Rec ords of said County in Plat Book No. 33, at plat 2117.” This property is Improved by | a modem brick rambler, con taining four bedrooms, two full baths and all modern improve ments, and with an attached carport. TERMS OF SALE A cash deposit of $1,000.00 will be required at the time of sale, the balance to be payable in cash within ten days after ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court, with interest on said balance from the date of the sale to the date of settle ment. The property will be offered for sale subject to a prior en cumbrance of record, the terms and conditions of which will be announced at the time of the sale. All adjustments will be made as of the day of sale, including front foot benefit charges of the Washington Suburban Sani tary Commission, which will be adjusted for the current year to the day of sale and there after assumed by the purchaser. All costs of conveyancing, in cluding Federal revenue stamps, are to be paid by the purchaser. T. HAMMOND WELSH, JR. Attorney to Sell Named in Mortgage. 4t-4681-10-ll Notice CITY OF ROCKVILLE. MD. Bid No. 1063 Sealed proposals addressed to the City of Rockville. Maryland for: Two (2) 21a Ton Dump Trucks. One (11 Vi Ton Pick-up Truck and One (1) Police Cruiser will be received at the City of Rockville Purchasing Office, Room 224, City Hall. 11l South Perry Street, Rockville, Maryland, until 2:00 P.M. (E.D.S.T.) WEDNESDAY, OCT. 10. 1962 and will be publicly opened in the Mayor and Council Cham bers, Room 240, City Hall. Specifications are on file in the Purehashing Office, Room 224. City Hall, 111 South Perry Street, Rockville. Maryland. Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Bond or Certified Check for five per cent (5%) of the amount of the proposal made payable to the City of Rockville, Maryland. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive technical informalities as may best serve the interests of the City. JOHN T. RICKETTS Purchasing Agent JAMES B. MURPHY, Esq. 72# 15th Street, \.W. Washington, D. C. ARTHI’K J. HIIJ.AVn 108 Jrffenon Balldlnt Rockville, Md. NOTICE TO I REDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphan*' Court for Montgomery County ha* issued Letter* Testamentary to Franklin P. Holcomb in the Etate of BEATRICE C. HOLCOMB late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 21*t day of Match next: they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Estate I All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pavment. Given under my hand this mil day of J September, 1962. FRANKLIN P HOLCOMB 5117 Watson Sheet. N.W. Washington, D. C. i Executor at-dSM-ld-ai Legal Advertisement ! Kyle & Jorgenson, Solicitors IN THE CIRCUIT COURT ; FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND Equity No. 25676 NAOMA LEACH LENHEIM Plaintiff vs. LEWIS ELLIS LENHEIM Defendant Order of Publication The object of this suit is to procure a divorce a mensa et thoro by the plaintiff from the defendant. The Bill of Complaint in sub stance states: That the plaintiff and defendant were lawfully married by a minister of the Gospel in Wood County, West Virginia, on June 16, 1954; that no children have been born as a result of the marriage; that the parties to this action have one adopted child. Lew Edmond Lenheim, a male infant, born on the 20th day of December 1956, and adopted in Wood County, West Virginia; that al though the plaintiff has always been a faithful, affectionate and chaste wife, the defendant, on or about the 29th day of April 1962. without just cause or rea son deliberately abandoned and deserted the plaintiff; that said abandonment is deliberate and final and the separation of the parties is beyond any reasonable expectation of reconciliation and has been uninterrupted and con tinuous since on or about April 29, 1962; that the plaintiff is a resident of Montgomery County, Maryland, and has resided in county and state for more than one year immediately preceding the filing of this suit, and the defendant is an adult citizen of the United States and a resident of Montgomery County, Mary land; that the defendant is the owner in his own right of cer tain persona] property and cred its located within the state of Maryland including a bank account and securities at the Citizens Bank of Takoma Park :in an amount unkown to the plaintiff. The defendant is em ployed by Columbia Union Con ference Association, Takoma Park, Maryland, and is in receipt ot an income from his employ ment and other sources of ap proximately $8,000.00 per year; | the plaintiff does not have sufficient means wherewith' to support herself and child or to defray the costs and expenses ■of this proceeding; and that the ■ defendant is now absent from the state of Maryland and can j no f be served with process with iin the state. The plaintiff is informed and believes and there fore avers that the defendant is presently in the District of Columbia and refuses to come into the state of Maryland. | The Bill of Complaint then 1 prays that the plaintiff. Naoma Leach Lenheim, be divorce a mensa et thoro from the defen dant, Lewis Ellis Lenheim: that the plaintiff be required custody of the infant child, Lew Edmond Lenheim, pendente lite and per manently; that the plaintiff be awarded alimony and mainten ance for the minor child of the parties hereto pendente lite and permanently, and reasonable at torneys’ fees; that a warrant of attachment against the goods, chattels and credits of the defen dant be granted and issued herein pursant to law; that the property and credits of the de fendant within the state of Maryland be sequestered and that a suitable person be ap pointed receiver thereof; that the plaintiff may have such other and relief as the nature of her case may require. The Plaintiff has filed a Peti tion for Writ of Sequestration and Injunction, which petition in substance alleges that the de fendant, Lewis Ellis Lenheim, is temporarily residing beyond the confines of the State of Maryland, and it appears that service upon him can be had only by publication as provided for by law; that said defendant is possessed of certain personal property and credits located and situated in Montgomery County, Maryland, said property being more particularly described in the Bill of Complaint filed here in; that petitioner is advised that the defendant has removed certain of his personal property of a value in excess of $10,000.00 from the jurisdiction of this Court; that irreparable harm, damage, and injury will follow and be done to the petitioner unless defendant is enjoined from removing the remain der of his personal pro perty as aforesaid from the jurisdiction of this Court; that defendant is employed and Is in receipt of an income from his employment and other sources of approximately Eight Thous and Dollars ($8,000.00) a year; that petitioner is possessed of no property or income with which to support herself and child or to defray the costs and expenses of this proceeding; and that defendant refused to make provision for petitioner’s maintenance; and that petitioner is advised that this Court must lay hands upon the property of the defendant within the State of Maryland before it will have i jurisdiction to issue an order f Legal Advertisement for alimony pendente lite, sup port and maintenance for the i child of the parties, and counsel ; fees. The Petition for Writ of Se questration and Injunction then prays that this Court issue a writ to sequester such personal property and credits belonging to the defendant as may be found within its jurisdiction and appoint a sequestrator to hold ! the same and apply the same j and the income thereof to such j of the above purposes as this Court may direct; that in the alternative this Court appoint a trustee or receiver to take and hold said personal property and manage the same and apply the same and the income, rents, iss ues, and profits, to such of the above purposes as this Court may direct; that this Court issue an ex parte injunction and an interlocutory injunction re straining the defendant, and his agents, servants, employees, and attorneys from removing his said personal property from the jurisdiction of this Court; and that petitioner have such other and further relief as is just. On the 23rd day of August, 1962, the Circuit Court for Mont gomery County, Maryland, upon consideration of the Petition for Writ of Sequestration and Injunction and affidavits filed by the plaintiff, ordered that personal property and credits of the defendant within the jur isdiction of this Court both tangible and intangible be se questrated; and that Frank A. Tyler, Jr., be appointed seques trator and receiver herein of the personal property and credits of the defendant within the juris diction of this Court both tangi ble and intangible, and of the rents, profits, dividends, issues and income therefrom, together with any property which the de fendant may hereafter have or accquire within the jurisdiction of this Court, and said seques trator and receiver was directed to take possession of said proper ty and hold the same and to col lect, receive, and hold the rents, issues, profits and income there from, until further order of this Court with respect to the pro ceedings herein, and that said sequestrator and receiver shall have the usual powers and duties of sequestrators and re ceivers in such cases; provided, however, that prior to taking possession of any of said pro perty of defendant herein, said sequestrator and receiver shall file with the Clerk of this Court a bond in the penal sum of sl,- 000.00 for the faithful discharge of his duties as sequestrator and receiver herein. It is, thereupon, this I7th day of September, 1962, by the Cir cuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland, sitting as a Court of Equity. ORDERED that the plaintiff shall, by causing a copy of this Order to be inserted in some newspaper printed and pub lished in said County, once a week in each of four successive weeks before the 15th day of October, 1962, or by causing a copy of this Order to be person ally served on the said defen dant, Lewis Ellis Lenheim, one month before the 16th day of November, 1962, give notice to the defendant of the object and substance of this Bill, Petition for Writ of Sequestration and Injuotion, and Court Order dated August 23,1962, and warn him to file initial pleadings on or before the 16th day of No vember, 1962, to answer the premises and show cause, if any he has, why a Decree ought not to be passed as prayed in the I Bill of Complaint. CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk of the Circuit Court For Montgomery County Maryland True Copy-Test: CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk 4t-4863-10-ll SAMVEL S. D. MARSH. ESQ. MM Poprtusl Rulldlas BpthMds 14, Md. ORDER MSI IN TIIE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY As a Court of Equity No. 25361 Equity In the Matter of a Deed of Trust from EARL I-. HUFFMAN and VIRGINIA Z. HUFFMAN, his wife to ANTHONY G DENICE and ARTHUR POMPONIO Trustee! ORDERED, this 18th day of Septem ber. A.D.. 1962. by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, as a Court of Equity, that the Auditor’s Report filed In the above entitled cause, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the con trary thereof be shown on or before the 15th day of October next; provided a copy of this order be inserted in some newspaper published In said Montgomery ; County, once a week for three successive weeks before the said 15th day of Octo ber. 1962. the last publication to he at least one week prior to the day on or I before which objections may be filed. CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk of the Circuit Court For Montgomery County True Copy—Test: I CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk St-4859-10-4 E. HAROLD PATTERSON 4850 East-West Highway Bethesda, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has Issued Letters Testamentary to Harold Montee, 424 North West Drive, Silver Spring, Md.. In the Estate of JOYCE DOMIN'V MONTEE late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 21st day of March next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate pavment. Given under my hand this 18th dav of i September. 1962. HAROLD MONTEE 424 North West Drive Silver Spring, Md. 1 Executor *t-4SST-10-28 Legal Advertisement Notice of Public Hearing Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 780, Laws of Maryland, 1959, THE MARYLAND-NA TIONAL CAPITAL PARK AND PLANNING COMMISSION hereby gives notice that it will hold a public hearing on pro posed amendments to the Master Plan of Streets and Highways for the Wheaton Business Dis trict and Vicinity, being also proposed amendments to the General Plan for the Physical Development of the Maryland- Washington Metropolitan and Regional Districts, AT 2:00 P.M. ON WEDNESDAY, OC’T. 31. 1962 in the Meeting Room of the Commission's Regional Head quarters Building 8787 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, Maryland The said proposed amend ments to the Master Plan of Streets and Highways for the Wheaton Business District and Vicinity consist of the following: 1. An extension of Douglas Avenue northerly from Windham Lane to Wheaton Plaza, and a change of width for all of said Doug las Avenue from seventy feet to eighty feet. 2. The elimination of the proposed extension of St. Margarets Way between McComas Avenue and Wheaton Plaza. The purpose of the said hear ing is to afford an opportunity for all interested persons to ex press their views concerning the said proposed amendments be fore adoption by the Commiss sion. THE MARYLAND-NATION AL CAPITAL PARK AND PLANNING COMMISSION Attest: Jesse F. Nicholson Secretary-Treasurer By: HERBERT W. WELLS chairman lt-4677-9/20 No +: ce to Contractors Sealed Bids will be received until 10:30 A.M. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 3,1962 at Room 605, County Office Building. Rockville, for con struction (designated as MCPW Project No. 1216) of street im provement along Dickens Ave nue in WILDWOOD ESTATES, Bethesda. Principal work will approxi mate 6750 c. y. Excavation, 1200 L. F. Reinforced Concrete Pipe, various sizes 10 inch to 36 inch, and 7 inlets and miscellaneous work; 4300 s. y. Bituminous Pav ing, 2800 1. f. Concrete Gutter, 1250 c. y. Sidewalk, 3800 s. y. Sodding. Bidding documents may be obtained at the office of Thomas G. Oyster and Associates, Inc., 2419 Reedie Drive, Wheaton, Maryland, for the sum of $5.00 (not refundable). Bid Bond of at least five percent (5 %) of Bid shall be required. JOSEPH C. KORDELLA Director of Public Works For Montgomery County lt-4678-9/20 Notice of Adoption of Ordinance Notice is hereby given that the County Council for Mont gomery County, ’Maryland, has adopted Ordinance No. 4-161 which amends Chapter 19, Montgomery County Code 1960 relating to creation of Board of Trustees for Police Relief and Retirement Fund as follows: By adding a new Section 19-26, entitled, “Board of Trustees— established; composition; pow ers and duties,” as more par ticularly set forth in the pro posed ordinance to establish a Board of Trustees for the Police Relief and Retirement Fund. The effective date of this or dinance will be October 10, 1962. Copies of this ordinance are available in the office of the \ Clerk to the County Council, County Office Building, Rock ville, Maryland. HOWARD LEE COOK. JR. Clerk to the County Council For Montgomery County Maryland 1M864-9-20 EMMA B. WALDROP H7OO (iroriria Avi*niif Silver Spring, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters Testamentary to Louise C. Riggan in the Estate of ZKLIA ELIZABETH CM ASK late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 21st day of March next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under her hand this 18th day of September. 1962. LOUISE C. RIGGAN 1003 University Boulevard E. Silver Spring, Md. Executrix 6t-4683-10-25 HAROLD C. SMITH, JR. P. O. Box 509 Rockville, Md. NOTIC E TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters of Administration to Hester H. Moxiev in the Estate of JAMES EUGENE MOXLEY late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 21st day of March next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 11th day of September. 1962. HESTER H. MOXLEY Derwood, Md. Administratrix tt-4854-10-25 Legal Advertisement J. Hodge Smith 22 So. Perry Street Rockville, Md. POplar 2-6121. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD. No. 25226 Equity MARY CATHERINE ATHEY Plaintiff vs. JOSEPH ATHEY Defendant Order of Publication The object of this suit is to ; procure a divorce a vinculo martimonii upon the complaint of Mary Catherine Athey against Joseph Athey. The bill states that the plain tiff is an adult resident of Mont gomery County, Maryland, for more than one year; that she married the defendant in Lauel, Maryland, on December 22, 1956; that no children have been born of the marriage; that the defendant deserted and abandoned the plaintiff in Oc tober of 1959; that the aban donment is deliberate and final and the separation of the par ties beyond hope of reconcilia tion. It is thereupon this 13th day of September, 1962, Ordered by the Circuit Court for Montgom ery County, Maryland, that the plaintiff by causing a copy of this order to be inserted in some newspaper published in Montgomery County once a week in each of four successive weeks before the 15th day of October, 1962, give notice to the said defendant of the object and substance of this bill, warning him to file his initial pleading on or before the 16th day of November, 1962, to show cause, if any he has why a de cree ought not to be passed as prayed. 11 CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk of the Circuit Court For Montgomery County Maryland True Copy—Test; CLAYTON K. WATKINS | Clerk 4t-4861-10-ll EVERXGAM * TOMES Solicitors 870 ft Georgia Avenue Silver Spring. Md. ORDER NISI IN THE CIRCUIT COURT i FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY As a Court of Equity i No. 25451 Equity , In the Matter of the Deed of Trust to FRANK E. MARSAI.EK and ■ SAMUEL R. GILLMAN Trustees to , GREGORY BASILIKO and ; NORMA JEAN BASILIKO. his wife ORDERED, this 18th dav of Septem ber. A.D.. 1962, by the Circuit Court for 1 Montgomery County, as a Court of Equity, that the sale made bv Frank VV. Marsalek and Samuel R. Giliman. Trus tees to Samuel R. Dweck and reported I j in the above entitled cause, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the eon , tar.v thereof he shown on or before the j 15th day of October next: provided a 1 ! ropy of this order be inserted in some I newspaper published in said Montgomery County, once a week for three successive • week before the said 15th day of Octo ber. 1962. 1 The report stales the amount of the sale to lie xt.ofK3.oll, subject to a First Deed of Trust for $16,953.76. CLAYTON K. WATKINS . Clerk of the Circuit Court For Montgomery County ; True Copy—Test: | CLAYTON K. WATKINS 1 | Clerk St -4858-10-4 I WARD H. m-.HMANN 314 Washington Building Washington 5. D. C. NOTICE TO < REDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the I Orphans Court, for Montgomery County : has issued Letters of Administration to George B. Veirs in the Estate of MARY F. VEIRS late of Montgomery Countv deceased AH persons having Claims against the de- | 1 ceased are hereby warned to present the i same on or before the 21st day of March . next: they may otherwise bv law be excluded from all benefit of said Estate. | All persons indebted to said Estate are 1 requested to make Immediate pavment | Given under my hand this 18th dav of I September. 1962. GEORGE B. VEIRS 13500 Glen Mill Road Rockville, Md. Administrator St-4682-10-25 DONAHUE A F.HRMANTRAUT By JOSEPH St HAP t 6875 New Hampshire Atenne Takoma Park. Aid NOTICE TO CREDITORS : NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the J Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County i has issued Letters Testamentarv to Stephen Lester Jennings in the Estate of RALPH D. JENNINGS late of Montgomery Countv deceased All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 21st day of March next; they may otherwise bv law be excluded from ail benefit of said Estate , All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pavment 1 Given under my hand this 18th day of ! September. 1962. STEPHEN LESTER JENNINGS 5717 Bradley Boulevard Bethesda, Md. Executor 6t-4836-10-25 ; Maryland U. Opens Classes begin next Monday • at the University of Maryland, attended by an all-time enroll ! men t ol nearly 17,000 students j representing an increase of ( eight per rent over last year. I I SAVE ON YOUR CLASSIFIED AD i i in The Sentinel by Using This Form. Send It to Ui et 215 E. Mont gomery Are., Rockville; Enclose SI.BO Cesh, Check or Money Order ■ j end Seve! Pleese Insert the Following 20-Word Classified Advertisement in | ; The MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL : : ■ i |: 1 ;; ; I | | Tht Above Ad Will Appear Under Classification i (Please remember to enclose check or cash in order to take ad* J j J vantage of this convenient savings.) Note: For each additional word add S cents to cost. ! NAME ! i i J ADDRESS | TELEPHONE NUMBER Legal Advertisement James L. Wharton Solicitor N. Perry Street Rockville, Md. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD. Equity No. 25890 In Re: VALERIE HILDA GARCIA Order of Publication The object of this petition is to change the name of Valerie Hilda Garcia. The petition recites that the petitioner is a resident of Chevy Chase. Maryland, and that she wishes to change her name from Valerie Hilda Garcia to Valerie Hilda Regardie because j she wishes to resume her maiden name. It is thereupon ordered by the Circuit Court for Montgom ery County this 11th day of Sep- I tember, 1962, that the petitioner cause a copy of this order, with the object and substance of the petition, to be inserted in some County newspaper, once a week for three successive weeks, be [ fore the 15th day October, 1962, giving notice to whom it may concern to file their initial pleading on or before the sth day of November, 1962, to show cause, if any there may be, why a decree should not be passed •! as prayed. ‘ j CLAYTON K. WATKINS - j Clerk i! True Copy—Test: i CLAYTON K. WATKINS II Clerk 3t-4862-10-4 > l _ T . t! Notice ; BOARD OF EDUCATION t MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD. NOTICE OF INTENTION I TO PURCHASE LAND 1 The Board of Education of ’ Montgomery County, Maryland, • hereby gives notice of its intent* s ion to purchase Ten and Nine Thousand Eighty Seven Ten Thousandths (10.9087) acres of land from the owners, Virginia K. Casey Vlsnich and George Visnieh, for the sum of Seventy Four Thousand Dollars ($74,* 000.00). This land, lying west of 1 Maryland Route 355 and south • of Rosemont Drive in Gaithers burg Election District. Is needed for a future elementary school site. No other comparable site is available. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION GARDNER B. JORDAN Director of Site Acquisition BUTTS. CLOGG. A MURDOCK Solicitor* Rockville, Md. r . ORDER MSI r IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY ! I As a Court of Eouity No. 25823 Equity 1 In the Matter of Foreclosure •of the Mortgage from p JOHN L. HARDEN and * JACQUELINE L. HARDEN, his wife r to y HYATTSVtt.LE BUILDING e ASSOCIATION ' Dated the 10th of March. 1961 and recorded in Liber 2830. at folio 484 ? ORDERED, this 12th day of Septem* I her. A.D.. 1962. by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, as a Court of Equity, that the sale made by T. Ham mond Welsh. Jr.. Attorney named in the mortgage, to Hvattsville Building Asso ciation, a Maryland corporation, and re . ported in the above entitled cause, be * ratified and confirmed unless cause to - the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 15th day of October next; provided a copy of this order he inserted in some newspaper published in said Montgomery County, once a week for p three successive week before the said y 15th day of October, 1962. 5 The report states the amount of thd sale to be $23,000.00. CLAYTON K. WATKINS II Clerk of the Circuit Court - For Montgomery County P True Copy—Test: I CLAYTON K. WATKINS p Clerk 3t.-4870-10-4 p R. EDWIN BROWN R. E. Brown Building f Rockville, Maryland NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters Testamentary 5 to Virginia E. Dajhoff in the Estate of ROBERT T. DAYHOFF late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 2nd day of March next: they may otherwise by law he excluded from all benefit of said v Estate. All persons indebted to said 0 Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 22nd day II of August, 1962. VIRGINIA E. DAYHOFF e Dickerson, Maryland It Executrix 6t-4819-10-4 e Public Auction LORD'S ACRE SALE 5 Sat., Sept. 29—11 to 3 METHODIST CHURCH POOLESVILLE Live Stock. Canned Goods, Baked ’ | Goods, Plants, Fancy Items. - | Pony Ridas & Apple Bobbing S 1 lor the Kids. f LUNCH FREE COFFEE