Newspaper Page Text
Classified Ads From Page A6 BEAL ESTATE SALE 45 UPPER MONTGOMERY COUNTY j.) FRAME OLDER STORE. 2 hedrms. & bath above, on _t4 acre. $14,500. 2.) 2 BEDROOM single older home in good repair condition on Vi acre. $9,250. S.) OLDER FRAME HOUSE in town, 3 hedrm. Capi; Cod, redecorated. I $15,950. MANOVILL REALTY CORP. Wl. 8-9224 lt-4511-9-20 R.I.P. in an improved two site lot, reasonably priced, Park lawn. Phone GA 4-8735 or write Box 612. Rockville, Md. TF 6822 SEE SUBURBAN FIRST ROCKVILLE Set on lg. lot. Lovely home feature 4 bedrms., 2 bathi, rec. room, fireplace, today's kit. screened porch, covered patio, air cond. In top cond., only $22,500. WHEATON All brick home, conv. to schools and shopping. Features 3 1 bedrms. (I very lg.), Ig. dining area, fully equipt. kit., full bsmt. only S7OO dn„ 516.950. WOODFIELD Set on lovely 'h acre overlooking the rolling country side. This lovely brick rambler fea tures 3 bedrms., sep. dn. rm„ Ig. kit., full daylight bsm't. $19,500. IETHESDA —Truly outstanding home Antique brick rambler with carport, features 3 bedrms, 3 baths, rec. room, modern fully equipped kit., professional gardens. $31,950. 4 Offices to Serve You Rockville Office 706 Rockville Pike Open 9-9 PO. 2-3140 SUBURBAN PROPERTIES MANAGEMENT lt-1593-9/20 DAMASCUS —3 bedroom Brick Rambler, 5 years old, living room with fireplace, dining; room, kitchen, 2 baths, full * bsmnt., Breezeway, garage, nr. I Schools. Phone CL. 3-2965. lt-9/20 ROCKVILLE —West End - 322 Beall Ave.; 3 bedroom Cape Cod, treed lot, full bsmnt.. dishwash er, disposal, firepl., storm win dows, other extras. Nr. Schools, i Churches, Stores. Immed. occu pancy. FHA appraised $16,500.! Owner. Ph. PO. 2-2029. lt-9/20 - "■ REAL ESTATE RENT 46 OFFICE SPACE Brosius Building, Rockville, Md. Phone PO. 2-3460. TF SENECA Large home on acre. 3 Bedrooms. I*4 baths, 2 car garage, large glassed in porch. 135 feet water frontage, boat an chorage. Kent $175,00 mo. POOLESVILLE 210 acre farm for rent—Barns and out buildings, good for horses. $l5O per mo. ROMER & CO. 430 N. Frederick Ave., Gaithersburg. Md. Wl. 8-9092 WA. 6-2233 lt-3322-9/6 3 BEDROOM RAMBLER full basement, close to schools and shopping. $145 per mo. available immed. ROGER H. SPENCER CO.. INC. GA. 4-5151, eves. GA. 4-5982. lt-9/20 LARGE GARAGE at Ashton, Md., 30 ft x 35 ft. Loft over head. Can store 3 large cars or 6 small ones. Plenty room for accessories or other articles. Easy entry night or day. Hard macadam floor, dean and dry. Overhead doors. 301 SP. 4-5123. HEAL ESTATE—WANTED 47 HOUSE WANTED in Rockville, SIO,OOO to $13,000. Phone KEN McGREW, Real Estate, 948-9433. _______ lt-9/20 Rental specialist for ao years, WE NEED HOUSES!! ANY HOUSE • ANY SIZE Bethesda-Chevy Chase or near N.W. Area. LET US LIST FOURS. MALORA R. CHRISTMAN, INC. 4906 Wise. Ave., N.W. WO. 6-2923 TF3296 | WANT TO LEASE house with outbuildings on small farm if necessary, for Landscaping Con tractor, in Montgomery County. ■ Reasonable. Phone 926-0199. ALL CASH sell direct to Pur chaser. No agents fee—Prompt free appraisal. Call EDWARD W, ROSE. GA. 4-9111. Bt-9 27 ROOMS FOR RENT 8 LGE. FURNISHED Knotty Pine Room, adjoining bath, private entrance. Avail, immed. Phone WA. 6-1022 after 4 p.m. & week end. lt-9/20 EMS.; APTS. A HSES. WANTED 49 DO YOU KNOW middle-aged couple (or lady living alone) in j either one-story house or apart ment who would like extra in come by providing room and board to my elderly mother? : Pay SBO-SIOO monthly; want Cheerful, comfortable quarters and plain home cooking; in , good health and needs no care, j Phone, days. 638-2584; eves. & Sun., 363-4567. lt-9-20 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 65 2 YOUNG POLLED HERE FORD COWS with 5 mo. heifer j calves at side, re-bred to calve next April. All registered AHA and APHA. Only S3OO each. Al so one good registered yearling bull $250. Accredited herd. Phone OL. 2-3954. lt-9/20 HORSE & PONT’ SALE—-Reg. & Grade at THE EYLER STA BLES, Thurmont, Md. Rt. U.S. 15. Oct. 6th Sat. at 12:00 noon. All consignments catalogued, closing date Sept. 29th. Oct. 10th Wed. at 12:00 noon Stand ardbred Sale (Trotters & Pacers). All consignments cata logued, closing date Sept. 30th. 2t-9/20 SHEEP Cheviot rams, ewes, lambs. From prize winning flock. Ardnave Farm, 11400 Riv-; er Road. AX. 9-9391. It 9,201 ‘ DOGS. FETS, KENNELS 7 DOBERMAN PINSCHER pups, .r? weeks old. male & female. AKC- registered. Champion and International champion background. Deposit holds. WH. 6 ' 6j9a - lt-9/20 GIVE-AWAYS 7£ 2 PUPPIES ll weeks old, Cocker & Toy Collie, 1 white & brown trim. Phone PO. 2-9314, can be seen after 5:30 p.m. at 1207 Parrish Dr., Rockville, Md. - lt-9/20 SPECIAL NOTICES 75 DR MONROE STOKVIS OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED CONTACT LENSES CENTRAL CHARGE 107 N. Washington St. Rockville, Md. PO. 2-5109 I WILL NOT BE RESPONSE RLE for any debts other than those incurred by me. Rufus H. Kelly, 11716 Lytle Street, Wheaton, Md. 3t-9-20 DRIVERS LICENSE RESTORER if you need SR 22 or JR II CALL US 427-7050 AUTO RISK INSURANCE AGENCY INC. It -9 /‘JO INVESTMENTS 79 WELL-SECURED $9,000 FIRST MORTGAGE on Residence Property near Gaithersburg. 6% Interest. Monthly payments S9O. Phone MYERS, PO. 2-3940. 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 80 COUNTRY STORE & DWELLING HOWARD CO., MD. 7 room Living Quarters with bath and Oil Furnace. Vi acre land. Store portion has been used for lawn mow er and small motor service end parts shop. Zoned Commercial. Also 24 x 30 ft. garage. Price $21,000. Will sell stock for additional cost if de- I sired. ! H. P. BURDETTE & SON REALTOR Mt. Airy, Md. PHONE 123 Eve. & Sun. Ph. MR. BROWN 592 or MR. PRYOR 42 M -l:.'.'.t-!i .',O COMING EVENTS 85 1 SEPT. 22 Sat. Annual Fall Supper. Country Ham & Fried Chicken at Hyattston Fire Hall, beg. 4 P.M. Adults $1.50, Chil dren $.75. Benefit Hyattstown Christian Church. 4t-9-20 SEPT. 22 Fried Chicken * Ham Dinner, featuring Corn Pudding. St. Luke's Episcopal Church Hall. Brighton, Md. 4-8 p.m. Adults $1.50, Children $.75. —Bake Sale. 3t-9/20 SEPT. 22—3:00 P.M. COUNTRY HAM AND BAKED CHICKEN, FAMILY STYLE DINNER. New Market Fire Hall. Benefit New Market Methodist Church. Adults $1.50, children .75. SEPT. 22 OLE FASHIONED SATURDAY AUCTION SALE— -10:30 a.m. at the Boyds Presby terian Church Grounds. Delic ious lunch will be served, lt-9/20 SEPT. 23—2 p.m. on— SMOR GASBORD at 926 Wayne Ave., Silver Spring, Md. opp. Silver Spring Armory. Sponsored by the Women of the Moose. Roast Turkey, Ham, Shrimp & Maca roni Salad, Potato Salad, baked Macaroni & Cheese, Baked Beans, Deviled Eggs, Pickled Beets, Dilly Beans, Dressing & Gravy, Celery & Carrot Sticks, Olives & Pickles, Fruited Jello, Rolls, Coffee or Milk. Donations Adults $1.50, Children under 12, $-75. 2t-9/20 SEPT. 26, WEDNESDAY Chicken Bar-B-Que. 5:30 to 8 o’clock. Potomac Church Parish House, So. Glen Road, Potomac. Country Supper menu. Pony rides. $1.50 for adults; SI.OO for children under 14. lt-9/20 SEPT. 28 & 20— RUMMAGE i SALE Grace Methodist Church. Gaithersburg, Md. Household articles & clothing. : Fri. 1-8 p.m.; Sat. 9 a.m. - noon. ] _ __ 2t-9/27 SEPT. 29- Annual Supper—Oy ster, Fried Chicken, Country Ham. 3 P.M. Browningsville Hall. 4t-9/27 SEPT. 20—LUNCH SERVED at ANTIQUE AUCTION at SNY DER’S BUCK LODGE FARMS, on Route 117, nr. Boyds, 12 mi. west of Rockville, by the Ladies of McDonald Chapel. 2t-9/27 OCT. 4th, THURSDAY Ep , worth Methodist Church, Gaith ersburg, Md. Ham Luncheon, hot vegetables, home made pie. ;11 a.m. 'til. SI.OO. 3t-10/4 OCT. 6 Turkey Supper, 1-8 p.m. New Liberty Grove Methodist Church, Burtonsville, Md. Fam. style service. Hot Veg. & Desert. $1.50 & $.75. Variety Store & Bake Table. Sponsored by Adult Fellowship. 3t-10/4 OCT. 13 -- Annual Turkey Din ner, Benefit Damascus Vol. Fire : Dept., at the Fire House. Adults $1.50, Children 75c. Fam. Style, J 2-8 P.M. BMO-11 OCT. 13—Turkey supper, start , ing at 2:00 p.m. Neelsville Pres- I byterian Church, 6 mi. north of Gaithersburg on Rte. 355. f TERMITES "I * CD * ♦nn * ee ° ® u 9** # I Pest Control i J 10562 METROPOLITAN AVE. Q/l Qll 09 * Kensington, Maryland W-1100 j COMING EVENTS 85 OCT. 13—Turkey & Oyster Sup per. Hyattstown Firemen’s Hall. Beginning at 4 p.m. Benefit of Hyattstown Methodist Church. OCTOBER 20, Saturday, 4-8 p.m. St. Martin's Turkey Supper, country style, at the Ag Center in Gaithersburg. Adults, $1.75. Children under 12, 75c. Cakes, Candies, Country Store. 6t-10/18 OCT. 27th Annual turkey and ham dinner. Bazaar. Family style dinner. Grace Methodist Church, Gaithersburg, Md. Chil dren ,75c, adults $1.75. Take out dinners. Time 2 to 8 p.m. _ lt-9/13 OCT. 27 Bazaar & Dinner at Oak Chapel Methodist Church, Layhill & Argyle Club Rds. 4-8 p.m. Turkey or Ham. home made Pie. Adults $1.50, Children $-75. 6t-10/25 NOV. 3rd— ANNUAL BAZAAR & Turkey Dinner, with hot veg etables. home made rolls, at Epworth Methodist Church, Gaithersburg, Md. beg. at 2 p.m. ’til. Adults $1.50, Children $.75. Desert extra. 6t-11/l NOV. 3rd Fried Oyster & Country Ham Supper with hot veg. and rolls. Boyds Presbyter ian Church, Boyds, Md. Ice cream & cake for sale and Country Store. 7t-11/l AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 88 1048 CHEVROLET, 2-dr„ good cond., radio, not run much last few years by widow owner. $125 cash. Call Homer eves. 588-0845. lt-9/20 FORD . FALCON - THUNDERBIRD ROGER L. HOWRIGAN Representing STEUART MOTOR CO. (ith A New York Ave., N.W. NA. 8-3000 after 6 p.m. GA. 4-6613 tf-6613-3t-E.O.W. 1957 CHEVY BEL AIR CON VERTIBLE— automatic trans., p.s., white-wall tires. Black. Heater and radio. Top and 4 tires near new. Extra snow tires. $950.00. PO. 2-4485. TF 5844 1054 DESOTO—4 dr. Firedome V-8. in excel, running cond., ful ly power equipped, R & H, auto, trails., approx. $250. Phone GA. 4-9109 after 6 p.m. or weekend. lt-9/20 NO DOWN PAYMENT | ’35 CADILLAC MO per mo. i ’SB FORD. 2-dr. RNH 835 per mo. I '53 CHEVROLET. 2 dr *lO per mo. ’34 FORD 4-dr. str’ght stick sl3 per mo. MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM LOW TERMS * PEOPLES MOTORS 11157 Georgia Ave.—Wheaton, Md. 949-4322 lt-2234-9/20 1960 CHEVROLET Impala Con vertible, R & H, powerglide, power steering, white with black top. Perfect shape. Phone WA. 6-9518. lt-9/20 ENJOY TRAVELING A CAMP ING in 1961 VOLKSWAGEN Camper, has table, bed, closets, water tank, 12,000 miles. Best offer. Phone WH. 6-7141. lt-9/20 1954 CHEVROLET 4 dr„ pow er brakes, powerglide, power steer., R & H., good rubber, A-l condition, $325 or best offer. Call GA. 4-9307. lt-9/20 LARK 1960, maroon, 4- door, radio, heater, tires and paint like new; SBSO. Call 946- 6238 after 6 p.m. lt-9-20 TRAILERS 8 TRUCKS FQB SALE 90 1958 FORD FIOO, Panel, $695. Phone 949-0663. tf TRAILER—II ft. x 8 ft.; 2 bed rooms. See on Drew Pearson Farm, River Rd. beyond Poto mac. Phone WA. 6-2420. 2t-9/20 1951 G.M.C. Pick-up Truck, \'t ton, $l5O. Phone WH. 6-4843. Card of Thanks The family of the late Char lie D. King of Laytonsville, Md., would like to thank their friends and relatives, Doctors and Nurs es for all the many acts of kind ness and expressions of sympa thy shown them during Mr. King’s recent illness and death. Maryland Bought Mrs. Henry Obre, the fonner Barbara Guggenheim, has an ; nounced the purchase of Merry i land Farm, one Maryland’s foremost throughbred breeding and training sites. Merryiand is located in Hyde, Md. NEED A !AXIf DIAL 949-3330 for WHEATON BELL Serving Whearon, Kensington, Glenmont & Veirs Mill. Place a time coll. You never miss a plane or o train if you call . . . 949-3330 5 Damascus Women’s Club Formed, i6l Attend j ELIZABETH C. KILE I WA. 6-1454 ( A Republican Womens Club f was formed at a dinner meeting * | held at the Damascus Methodist 1 Church on Sept. 11. It is to be ! known as the Herbert Hoover Women’s Republican Club, and * will be for Damascus and the ’ surrounding area. Forrest Snyder, one of the j supervisors of elections, and j Jerry Cook were the dinner | hosts. It was well attended with 61 present. The speaker of the , gathering was Rep. Charles , Me C. Mathias. Others who ad- j dressed the gathering were , Mary A. Hepburn, president of , j the Maryland Federation of Re- | publican Women; Mary John , son of the 6th Congressional ] District, chairman of the Federa- i tion; Eileen Stathes, member of • the Board of Directors of the 1 State Federation; and Margery i Gorham of the same Board. The j following officers were elected: ] President: Annie Laurie Day; V. Pres. Carol Steele; Secretary, ] Bessie May Harris; and Trea- j surer, Alice Wilson, The By-law Committee will meet at the < home of Mrs. Harris on Sept. 17 < and the next general meeting 1 will be on Sept. 21 at the home ■ of Eleanor Saylor. j Mr. and Mrs. Jalmar L. An- ] derson have moved to the for- r mer Parker Watkins home. The i Andersons come to this area ] from the Cabin John neighbor- \ hood. They have two sons, one attends Montgomery Jr. College i 1 and the other Massanutten Mill- j tary Academy, Woodstock, Va. t Mr. Anderson is with the U. S. ' Government. \ j Raymond Watkins a long time < resident of the area died Sept, j < 12. He was the husband of Pearl i Watkins and father of Lois V. | Bolger, Janice Lewis, Margaret t Bishop and Thomas Watkins. ] The funeral was at The Barber ] Funeral Home, Laytonsville, on Friday with interment in Kemp town. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard King are the happy parents of a baby girl, Lissa Ann, born at Montgo mery General Hospital on Sept. 10. The Lutheran Church of the i Redeemer will celebrate “Youth | Sunday” this Sunday at 11 a.m. j in the Damascus Elementary, School. Members of the Luther,. League will participate in vari-; ] ous parts of the service. The ( Luther League will attend the ] Frederick District Luther Lea- [ j Legal Advertisement j JAMES W. HAVE V. O. Bov 246 . (•RitlierhliurK, Md. NOTICE TO ( REDITOKS ( NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that th* ' Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County * has issued Letters Testamentary to \ Betty Elizabeth Jones in the Estate of If Altlt Y SYLVESTER JONES J late of Montgomery County deceased. All , persona having Claims against the de- ! ceased are hereby warned to present the ; J same on or before the 21st day of March next: they may otherwise by law' be ; ' excluded from all benefit of said Estate, j < All persons indebted to said Estate are ' requested to make immediate* payment. ( Given under my hand this 17th day of September, 1962. BETTY ELIZABETH JONES | 25016 Woodfield Road Damascus, Md. ! Executrix ot-4855-10-25 JOSEPH W. POWERS, JR. 8485 Fenton Street Silver KpriiiK. Md. NOTIC E TO C REOITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County i has issued Letters Testamentary to Luia Scrase in the Estate of ROSS SC RASE late of Montgomery County deceased. All . parsons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 21st day of March next; they may otherwise by law be , excluded from all benefit of said Estate. AH persons Indebted to said Estate are j requested to make immediate payment. 1 Given under my hand this 18th day of September, 1962. LULA SCRASE 138 Ames Road Silver Spring, Md. Executrix 6t-4684-10-25 You've Always Wanted To Ride ... NOW - SAVE MONEY! Take Advantage of Our Late Summer—Early Fall Offer! ! HORSEBACK RIDING AT REDUCED RATES ! (Special Group Rates far women during school hours) I SPECIAL FREE OFFERS EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 30* * LESSONS: * TRAIL RIDING 2 Extrd FREE Hour Lessons for ]j I Extre FREE Ride for Every 5 Every 10-Lesion Series Pur- ]| Treil Rides Purchased between chased between ebove dates. above dates. SPECIAL RATES FOR SCOUT TROOPS FREE TRIAL LESSONS BY APPOINTMENT HORSES BOARDED AT REASONABLE RATES SATURDAY AFTERNOONS BEGINNING SEPT. 15Hi: • Our Half-a-Dey Riding Program for Children—l:3o to 4:30 P.M. on Saturday Afternoons. • Cross-Country Rides for Advanced Riders (Adults & Children) on Saturday Afternoons. Weathervane Riding Academy COLESVILLE RD. at SPENCERVILLE RD. SILVER SPRING Dial 924-3691 (Stable) • 384-6831 (kerna) Mrs. Dorothy L. Viera—Owner & Instructor Potomac 1 i Gay Party Draws Throng i Of Over 1000 ( By Cissy Finley , The recent party hosted by George and Ada deFranceaux i at their River rd. estate, Sans t Souci, will certainly go down in f the annals of Potomac history as an outstanding fete of ’62. It is impossible to estimate the number that attended the Sept. 6, coekail and buffet af fair, but the total was at least 1000. Cars packed the two large fields in front of the house, and River rd. was well jammed on both sides for a goodly distance. Partygoers arrived from the entire Metropolitan area. Poto mac friends were out in full force, of course, and rubbing elbows with their city cousins who were there in great num bers. The spacious side and back ( lawn, was partially canopied, to ( facilitate guests in case of rain, j The wide open spaces, however, , were aglow with Japanese lan- ( terns, and spot lights, and ( guests mingled from the lighted f pool to the tents below. Sidney and his trio accom- ] panied the chit-chat that was , flowing fluently. Waiters were j just as busy passing roast beef as the bar tenders were filling ) orders. Ham, turkey, and all the , trimmings that go with them, , i gue Rally at St. Luke’s Church, , Feagaville from 4:30 to 7:30. < The Senior Choir will rehearse ; Wed. at 8 p.m. at the home of t Mrs. Hubert Ylnger, Sr. in i Woodfield. t Many of the young people of the community are now return- 1 ing to college, William C. Harris s to Clemson, Clemson, S. C.; < Thomas Lowe to Duke; John Newell, Parson College, Iowa; j Sandra Newell, Univ. of Iowa; 1 Susan Freienmuth, Ohio Wes- f leyan; Susan Petrie, Susque hanna Univ.; Kenneth Petrie 1 to V.M.I. and Pamela Dame to < Frostburg State Teachers Col- 1 lege. St, Anne’s Episcopal Church 1 starts their “I>oyalty Week- I end" with a catered dinner on Friday evening, and ends with 1 a service of Thanksgiving * and tlie making of tile years ! pledges on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Frear are the happy parents of a daughter born Sept. 12 at Suburban Hos pital. The First Baptist Church has secured Rev. Roger I. Berg hauser as interim pastor who started last Sunday. The Church had a picnic and swimming party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Watkins in Cedar j Grove last Saturday. A picnic supper “in the gar den” was enjoyed by members 1 of the Family Community Gar den Club and their families at ' the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Roger j Burdette on Sept. 7. Final plans were made for the Club's first flower show which is being held today and tomorrow at the High (School at the same time as the Community Fair. Don’t forget to attend the Community Fair at the High School Sept. 20 and 21. BELBY HOUSE EDDIES RATHSKELLER S PIZZA! Enjoy Delicious Complete A]/l/ Family Dinners In Our \ s A Upstairs Dining Room 736 Rockville Pike. Rockville 762-9722 were abundant on several delec tably ladened buffet tables. Mrs. deFranceaux chose a gold "cocktail” dress for the party, with matching acces sories. Mr. de Franceaux, in “black tie”, matched the tastes of many of the other gentlemen , who arrived. i ; Names are too numerous to mention, but for those who were ; there, it was a most memorable i fete. i The. Potomac Church an- 1 nual chicken barbeque is set for Sept. 26, from 5:30-8:30 1 p.m. at tlie parislt house on i S. Glen rd. Not only is tlie : dinner a gourmet’s delight, i but to witness the procedure ( of preparing the birds is a < well worthwhile experience, i Pony rides and games will be ! available for the children, and 1 cochairmen, Midge Galliher < and Anita Bogley, have ad vised that the tickets are $1.50 ' for adults and $1 for children 1 under 14. Ann, Patty and Judy Tipton ' are home from their week's ex- 1 cursion to San Francisco, via of ; Fla., to visit former neighbor Virginia Rogers. The girls, and ' their father, left last weekend, destination Cal., for the girls, for their Dad, his annual fish ing trip in Alaska. Judy left the Potomac area this week for Wellesley, where she will enter her senior year. Tish Atwood and Starr Mor- : row leave this week for Spain ; where they will both study at the University of Madrid. Tish, j a Goucher graduate, will be 1 working toward her Masters in Spanish. She has been employed ■ at the Library of Congress in the Hispanic Affairs branch. Starr will be a sophomore at ' the University. Harriett Brockbank Is back in her Glen rd. home following a stay at the Naval Hospital re covering from a severely broken arm. Harriett had a fall while 1 jumping her pony and broke her arm in three places, as well ' as dislocating her elbow. ' Mr. and Mrs. Austin Kiplinger 1 were recent hosts to about 100 1 of their friends at a cocktail ' and buffet party at their home, I “Montevideo,” near Poolesville. i Potomac and Poolesville guests gathered for the 5-8 party. Howie Noyes has left Potomac to enter William and Mary. Also Gary Poole has returned for his senior year at the Williamsburg, Va., college. Mr. and Mrs. Garvin Tank ersley have returned from their trip to enter daughter, Kristie Miller, In Pembroke, for her freshman year. Prior to her college entry, Kristie was employed for the summer on the staff of the Montgo mery County Sentinel. Lynn Galliher has entered nursing school in Wilmington, Del., while her twin sister Kathy, will enroll in Montgo mery Jr. College. Frank Ketcham was Ihe sur prised recipient of a birthday party on Sept. 18, given by his wife, Jane. The Roger Eisingers honored polo player Bob Ber, at a sur prise picnic, Sept. 16. Bob has MILLER “1.1. F.” kills weevils & fertilizes all in one easy spreading! Give your forage double protection this Fall. Actual ; farmer experience has proven conclusively that Miller j *T* “I I F.” controls the destructive alfalfa weevil and ; irtirln spittlebug ... and produces a sturdy crop, too. Only ; IIIS6C lICIUC Miller fertilizer is intimately blended with either powerful J imnrnmioffifl Dieldrin or Heptachlor to protect your crop now ... and ; I 111 give you a greater yield next spring. Miller “J.1.F.” must ; fortlli7or be applied in the Fall, while the alfalfa is dormant and J 1611111261 before the adult weevil lays its eggs. Important: “1.1. F.” with Dieldrin or Heptachlor * R®® delivery should be applied after last cutting in fall. Hepta- • Convenient bulk chlor should be applied before November 15. For loading facilities specific timing in your area, consult your local , . . . agricultural authority. Do not use treated fields for * LOW-COS! spreader service grazing until after first cutting in spring. • Free technical advice > MILLER CHEMICAL & FERTILIZER CORP. Subsidiary of ALCO CHEMICAL CORP. FREDERICK, MD. PHONE 663-3622 or 663-6234 OR SEE YOUR MILLER DEALER Bowling Gets Publicity Post In UGF Drive Charles B. Bowling, jr., Beth esda-Chevy Chase bank official and an active supporter of com munity affairs for a number of years, has been appointed public relations chairman in Montgo mery County for the annual United Givers Fund campaign. In his new capacity he will be in charge of the preparation and distribution of publicity de signed to bolster support of the county’s role in the fund-raising drive, which opens officially Oct. 1. With the overall goal of the Greater Washington area set at $8,043,000, Montgomery County has been assignd a share of $200,000. Serving with Bowling on the county committee will be Gor- i don Whitt and Norman Lang, both with the Washington Gas & Light Co., chairman and vice chairman. respectively, of the speakers’ bureau; Mrs. Marjorie Miller, of Kensington, chairman of the volunteer training com mittee; Anthony S. Versis, of , Versis Foods, Inc., chairman of , report meetings, and Francis H. ' Markosky, of Silver Spring, in ' charge of plans for the sched- , uled kickoff meeting. Funds from the campaign, . scheduled to continue through Nov. 20, will support some 143 health, welfare and recreation agencies serving Washington and suburban Maryland and Virginia through the ensuing year. An assistant vice president of the National Bank of Bethesda- Chevy Chase, Bowling Is cur- Firemen to Convene The Kensington Volunteer Fire Department will be host to the annual convention of the Montgomery County Association of Volunteer Fireman to be Sept. 28 and 29 at Kensington’s Company 21 station, Viers Mill and Gaynor rds. been coaching the junior team during the polo season, and they presented him with a token of their appreciation at the picnic. The first Fall meeting of the Potomac Women’s Repub lican Club will be held Sept. 27, 10 am. In tlie Potomac Church parish house. The Board of Education candidates will he the topic of discus sion. Miss Louise Gore, GOP candidate for the House of Delegates, will be a guest. Easily Removes those Tough Stop inHEmSutxit 17 P a 9 es Other Methods Fail to Get P f °m Sawtrs, Kitchen Sink Drains, Root EMy -4VJ and Floor Draim, Etc. ROID-ROOIER ZMTf * NO CHARGE IF WE FAIL! ******nm*/tfiJrKM 9 all work guaranteed Phono anytime WH. 6-7500 SENTINEL 5555T55 Thursday, September 20, 1962 Chai'les F. Bowling, Jr. rently the vice president of the Maryland State Junior Chamber of Commerce, immediate past prseident of the Silver Spring Jaycees and a former member ship chairman for the Bethesda- Chevy Chase Chamber of Com merce. ! BBpa^^H^NNUA^RATE^ PAID QUARTERLY Savings received by 20th EARN FROM Ist Metropolitan FEDE RAL SAVINGS and Loan Association SAVINGS INSURED UP TO *IO,OOO by an agency of the U.S. Government. ; •. i Metropolitan Federal Savings ! and Loan Association ! 7712 Wisconsin Ava. ■ lethesda 14, Maryland i l Please oppn my account In the • l amount of * I l l ■ (Check er M. O. enclosed) i Name • i Addran > ! City I ! Stat I A7