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..,W> ■HHHHHR^MR^MBi /jJHB j^K dR ■[ '' A& n f v * Drawing oi the W inners Mr*. Helen Derryberry, president of the Montgomery County League of Women Vot ers pulls a list of new voters, at random, out of a thick sheaf of lists containing the names of 6200 new voters to seleet a prize winner in the Montgomery County Senti nel’s “New Voters Registration Sweep stakes.” She is flanked by other members of Poolesville Lions Club Halloween Party Oct. 31 By Cathe C. Linthicum Diamond 9-3332 The night of Oct. 31 has been set for the annual Halloween party given by the Monocacy Lions Club at St. Mary's Pavil ion in Bamesville beginning at 7:30 p.m. This was decided and commitee chairmen named at the Oct. 8 meeting which was held at the Beallsville Fire House. Dr. Gertrude Justison. princi pal of the Monocacy Elementary School at Bamesville, spoke be fore the Lions and their guests. Her subject was the new con cepts desgined for the study of mathematics in both elementary and high schols. The new ap proach to the subject has been under consideration and study by prominent educators for a numbers of years and is spon sored by the Ford Foundation. Dr. Justison gave an interesting and informative presentation of the subject and replied to many questions from the floor. Report was given of visitation made on Oct. 6, when Lions, their families and guests were afternoon guests of PEPCO at its Dickerson power plant. Lion Bert McDonald, superin tendent at the plant, was host, and he and other members of the staff expalined the opera tions of the plant. The club will again sponsor the Boy Scouts. The Misses Esther and Janet Beitzel. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Randall Beitzel, Polesville, recently drove to Frostburg where they spent the weekend with their sister, Florence, who Is a senior at Frostburg State Teachers College. They also visited relatives in Accident and Mountain Lake Park and attend ed a folk festival in Springs. Pa. The October meeting of the Monocacy Garden Club was held at the home of Mrs. Will'am Poole in Sellman. Mrs. Julian J. Chisolm. 11, Beallsvil'e was co-hostess. Mrs. Poole, who is vice president, conducted the meeting in the absence of the president, Mrs, Leon Loeb of Wellcome Farms. Urbar.a. who Is still in Europe. J. Morton Franklin, a Horticulture Con sultant who graduated from Oregon State, taught at New Mexico Agricultural College and has done advanced work in Idaho University and Cornell, spoke on “The Diseases of Deciduous Trees.” Many perti nent questions were asked and answered following the lecture. The Presbyterian Manse in MCCONNELL 8c CO. • * INCORPORATED is pleased to announce an INVESTMENT SEMINAR A COURSE FOR EXPERIENCED INVESTORS, wi i discussions of I security analysis, market trends, portfolio selection, technical indicators and the McDonnell Growth Stock selection technique. GUY MASON RECREATION CENTER WISCONSIN AVENUE & CALVERT ST., N.W. Tuesdays—Oct. 23, 30, Nov. 6 8:30-10 P.M. Lecturer: Jerome W. Golomb For Information & Reservations Phone Mrs. Hickey, EX. 3-7242 McT)onnell & Co. * * INCORFORATK9 Member* .V. V. Stock Exchange and Other Leading Exchange* 921 WASHINGTON BUILDING, WASHINGTON, D.C. • New York • Asburr Park • Boston • Chlcaao • Denver • Detroit e Honolulu a Los Ar.gales e Newark • Oakland n San Francisco • San Jose a Toms niuar e Pari,. Franca the committee which supervised the draw ing. front left. Richard Coopennan, Rockville public relations man; Ross Roberts, member of the Boekville City Council and president of the Rockville Chamber of Commerce, and Don Kendall, chairman of the Republican State Central Committee. Indian Guide Patches Given Bovs and Dads Sixty-five pairs of boys and dads were presented patches in ceremonies marking the com pletion of three years in the Indian Guides program held recently at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase VMCA. Henry VV. L. Frieke 111 and his son, Mark, charter members of the Apachies. the first Indian Guide tribe in this area, pre sented the patches. Poolesville has a new resident. The Rev. and Mrs. Timothy W. T. Lee are receiving congratula tions on the arrival of their first-born, a son. Jonathan Hyunsil, on Monday. October 1. at Frederick Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Lee is the former Kay Gal let of Dallas. Tex. Members of both political parties from the upper part of the county attended the evening coffee hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Baum at their Der wod home on Applewood Lane on Friday night honoring Gil bert Gude, Republican candidate for the State Senate. Following a speech by Mr. Gude, a ques tion and answer period reveal ed the main issues in the com ing election relate to taxes and schools. The Garvin Tankersleys held a Barnwarming at A1 Marach Ranch on Peach Tree Road. Sell man. Sunday, at which time they entertained for Miss Louise Gore. Republican candidate for the House of Delegates. A display of refinished furni ture and a number of informal demonstrations will be held in the dining hall building of the Agricultural Center in Gaithers burg during on Open House on Thursday. October 25. from 12 noon until 4 p.m., and 7 p.m. to 9p.m. The public is invited. C. W. Roberts, Beallsville. has been a surgical patient at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. Reminder: The Marching Unit of the Junior Auxiliary of Upper Montgomery County Vol unteer Fire Department will hold a covered dish supper at the Beallsville Fire House on Wednesday, beginning at 6 p.m. The school P-TA’s from Poolesville, Monocacy Elemen tary in Bamesville and Edward U. Taylor Elementary’ in Boyds have arranged to have eight candidates from the Montgom ery County School Board speak at a meeting at Poolesville school on Tuesday night. The public is invited. Mrs. Edna Hawpe, Mrs. Thel ma CoineT and George Houston, Jr., all of Washington, visited Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kimmer ling, Poolesville. on Sunday. With full coverage elsewhere in the papers .this column sim ply observes that Poolesville voted against annexation on Saturday. October 6. Marriage Licenses Marriage licenses have been issued at the Montgomery County Courthouse re cently to: Margaret fl Leaman. Germantown Hunter F. Staley. Boyds. Claudia Ruth Perkins. Bethesda: BUI} Wayne Warren. Bethesda. Bonita Louise Burge. Bethesda: Lee Carroll Bledsoe. Bethesda Gwendolyn Martin Baldwin. Kensing ton: Richard Walter Allen. Silver Spring. Patricia Ann Minister. Betheada; Arnold Lewis Smith. Falls Church. Va. Cheryl Sue Duis. Arlington. Va : John Henry Sammons. Rockville. Mar} Anne Jovee. Silver Spring: John Ryan. Silver Spring. Joyce Paula Martin. Wheaton: Thomas Patrick Friend. Silver Spring. Jean C. Da>mude. Silver Spring; Ray mond F. Jones. Norftkk. Va. Juanita Rose Whiptv. Kensington: Perry Leroy Horsman. jr.. Kensington. Pamela Roberson Takorr.a Park; Rob ert Viands jr.. Takoma Park. Sharon Cohen. Silver Spring; Robert S Chabon, Silver Spring. Imogene Louise Newton. Takoma Park, Kenneth Russell Hragett, Takoma Park Hope Schumacher. Bethesda; Robert James Hawkins. Bethesda Eva Lucille Grabis. Wheat oh; John Edward Obloy, Rockville. WERE READY TO DEAL WHOLESALE PRICES '62-Valiant 2 Door '6l Ford Convertible '6O Plymouth 4 Door '59 Ford Sta. Wagon '57 Chevrolet 2 Door MARYLAND MOTORS GA. 4-5400 Montgomery County’s Most Beautiful Theatre VILLA Rockville. Md. PO. 2-9371 Moo. thru Fri. Show (tarts at 4:00 P.M. Sot. at 12 & Son. at 1:00. NOW THRU SAT. No School Thun. - Fri. Continuoui from 1:00 PANIC IN THE YEAR ZERO PRISONER OP THE IRON MASK KIDDIE MAT. SAT. MA & PA KETTLE ON OLD MacDONALD'S FARM Son. thro Wad.. Oct. 21-24 CARY ©RANT DORIS DAY THAT TOUCH OF MINK la Color plui THE SERGEANT WAS A LADY Comieq Soon TARZAN GOES TO INDIA 77 Students Qualify After ’Merit’ Exams Seventy-seven county students are among about 11.000 high school seniors throughout the United States cited today as semi-finalists in the 1962-63 National Merit Scholarship Competition. Their qualification represents - a major step toward winning four-year merit scholarships to colleges of their choice. All turned in outstanding perform ances on a qualifying test last March, according to the an ; nouncement from the National j Merit Scholarship Corp. Ahead of them is a second rig -1 orous examination, the three hour scholastic aptitude test of , the College Entrance Examina- j tion Board, to be given in test- , ing centers throughout the coun- j, i try Dec. 1. Seventy of the county's semi i finalists attend public high schools. Four high schools— Bethesda-Chevy Chase, Walter i Johnson, Montgomery Blair and Wheaton—provided the bulk of the successful students. John M. Stalnaker. president of the non-profit scholarship 1 corporation which, with about 130 business firms, foundations, unions and professional associa tions and individuals, sponsors the annual competition, de- ; scribed the semi-finalists as “representative of the best of a ] new’ generation of young people i who are increasingly conscious 1 iVotr's The Time To ■■■■■■■ vTTI WIJH Stock Your Freezer WswSß&WbSw BEL A|R BEL-AIR BEL-AIR „ „ .. Premium Quality Premium Quality Premium Quality j .. . * Cm&Lo o M Roc*oli. ID-ox. Toroip Grooot, 10-o. My Limas. 10-ox.. Succotash. 10-ox. Y 0I - Chopped ColtarOs, 10-ox.. Foot A Carrots, 10-ex. ForMook Lima*. 10-ox.. Poaches, 12-ox., ... . Conl ' ' o_O1 ' Whole Loaf Rate. 10-ox. French Friot, Roq. or SyrWS'..- ££S'’j& l": Sliced Strawbemat. 10 •<-. Mnckoy Tem, 10 Loof Spinach. 12-ex., Gropofnrit Joke, t ax, MIX or MATCH EM MIX or MATCH ’EM MIX or MATCH ’EM 4 ,cr 89 c 5 ** *1 6 f ° r *1 Another Bi S FREEZER VALVE! |jp|jNL FIRJER S HORMEL HAMS FRESH CABBAGE m 3 l $ 2 39 S c PARK'S SAUSAGE “Sgr & 49 c White Potatoes SAFEWAY O C t AQc LI VERS AU SAGE " UT 2 * 89 c | Red Delicious Apples 229 c smokie links ££ 59* Fresh Broccoli —t-* 25 c Bartlett Pears 229 c These prices ere close of business Saturday, October ■■■■■■RRRHRRRHRRRBRRH oro subject to daily market changes. Wo reserve the right to limit quantities. ! of the importance of intellec tual achievement.” In past years, 97 per cent of semi-finalists have become final ists. Nearly 6000 students have received dose to Sl4 million in direct financial aid from NMSC and other sponsors. Complete listing of county semi-finalists follows: Bethesda-Chevy Chase—Stev en M. Auerbach: Robert W. Ber liner, Gregory V. Dropkin, Kar en G. Fleisehman, Paul B. John son. Michael B. Kaplan, Joel A. Klein. Mark A. Lawshe. Jennifer Leaning, Emily S. Lusher. Mau rice L. Oifen. Leslie A. Picker ing. Geraldine G. Sell, Van D. Smith. Diogo Teixeira. Ernesta D. Victor, William K. Wang, Charles A. Weber and Lenore E. Weissler. Georgetown Prep Neil H. O'Donnell and Anthony F. Poole. Richard Montgomery —Steven R. Ockrassa. Robert E. Peary Brian VV. Peckham. Walter Johnson Leon G. Barnhart. Peter W. Beall. Ken neth A. Cohen. Judith S. Dubes ter. Susan P. English. Roger W. - - ‘The Red Shoes” “The Red Shoes.” a play with appeal for boys and girls ages six through 12 will open Adven ture Theater's 11th year of pro duction November 3 at Leland Junior High School in Bethesda. Friedman. Mary Lynn Hendrix, ; Paul W. H. Highby. Carole John : son. Robert B. Mcßride. Char lotte Misegades, John E. Nor . man. Linda L. Offutt. Christine A. Payden. Carl D. Pope. Mich r rile J. Rich. Shea O. Rutstein. ' Elizabeth Schmehl. Leda D. , Schubert. Roger D. Traub and | j William T. Wickner. Friend* School Jeremy H. Mott. Sherwood —Miller N. Hudson. Mark A. Lindley and Charles V’. .! Packer. The Bullis School— Richard E. . [ Goodwin. Good Counsel Terence L. Babcock. William S. Kut a. . James R. Swandic. Montgomery Blair— Susan C. Baker. A1 le n R. Chauvenet, | Charles Cockerill, Sheldon H. | Gottlieb. Freda S. Kantor, Ste phen R. Luber. Richard Mar , gulies, Phyllis A. Mudrick. Don ald N. Owens. Mary’ A. Podolak, James L. Schultz. Allen R. Sny der and Phyllis Teitelbaum. North wood— Robert F. Benja min, Stephen B. Maurer. Donald A. Phillips and Charles Rosen ber. Wheaton —Steven F. Daniel. Gale E. Fitzpatrick. Richard A. Harrison. Paul J. McNickle, Alan L. Meyrowitz, Judith A Starks. Earle A. Thompson and Robert L. Wilson. SENTINEL o; ’° k " '• CAP Unit Back After Training Members of the Western Cadet Sairadron o fthe Civil Air Patrol headquartered in Bethes da are back in school after an active week of CAP training i conducted during the summer | months. Activities included summer encampment at Charleston Air Force Base, field trips to God dard Space Agency and Nation al Air-port, parades in Gaithers burg. Rockville. Da m a scus. Iha^nougl^ j| RUN-AWAY Jj • Property foxes hove increased S3O Million under t years of All-Democratic rale. • Your present tax rate is the highest in county history. • 14°o tax increase this year . . . greatest I -year hike in recent history. By Authority Gilbert W. Kwh. Ttw. 1 Welfare Aide Cla>s A Social Welfare Aide train ing class will be held at tire Montgomery County Red Cross Chapter House. 2020 East-West Hwy., Stiver Spring. November 12 through 20. from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Further informa , tion may be obtained by calling JU. 8-2515. • Greenbelt and Kensington. A number of the cadet mem bers received orientation flights in conjunction with other CAP groups in the area. A9