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RMHS Band ! Donors Listed By ‘Boosters' The following is a list of con tributors to the SSOOO fund! sought by Richard Montgomery High School Band Boosters to buy needed new uniforms for the band. Tp donors were: RMHS Sen ior Class, $150; Rockmont Mo tor. $65; Corson & Gruman. $25; A. G. Watkin, Inc., sls; Rock ville Laundry, $10; Wire Hard ware, $lO. Contributions should be sent to: Treasurer, RMHS Band Boosters, 2005 Rockland Ave., j Rockville, Md. Other contributors were: Ralph Engelmeier, George Moore, Gordon Davis, L. B. Or bach, Dr. Geo. Kavanaugh, Lois Cook, Albert Chakan, Frank Barron, Mrs. Cleves, Genaro j Mansell, Thomas Thiele, W. B. i Clark. Murray Martz, W. F. Robertson. John M. Myers, J. P. Thompson. Also: C. J. Wilson, Stron j Bock. John Burke. Thaddeus Stepek, H. R. Sleeman, Louise T. Brown. Edward B. McGet-' trick, Mrs. Viola Schneider, Leopold J. Miller, Curtis A. Rischel. Maj. M. J. Peters, C. M.' Billingsley, A. McLellan, H. L. Nicholson, L. W. Blankenbaker, Virginia R. Reid, Michael A. Wiencek. Also: John G. Whelan, D. L. Hight, Selma Hottinger, Wini fred Reid, Lynn McCulley, RMHS Senior Clas of 1962, Ber tha Karlinsky, Virginia Umben hauer, H. Walter Starkloff Mary Wyckoff, Steve Kritsings. Emanuel Gordon, Gordon Dun ning, Dorothy Gull, Hugh Gil len, Mrs. Wm. Burke, Dave Bit terman. Also: Ken Baines, A. R. Bridgford, C. W. Botsford, Iris Canto, Gladys E. Johnson, Gla dys L. Miller, Evelyn D. Tee van, Wm. J. Long, Corson & Gruman, Michael Marchu, Em manuel B. Walter, Barbara N. Kelly. Also: Bettie L. Bauman, Rockville Laundry, Martha B. Davis, Whitelay J. Mcßride, Hot, Wire Hardware, Ginger Rockmont Motor Co., Jean El- Pool, Mrs. Simon, D. Hunter, J. J. Tarallo, Grace Beers, Ralph John, Drs. R. W. Sears and W. G. Franklin. Also: Helen M. Bishop, Mr. Inc., W. Downs, Mrs. Knowlden, Harold E. Beane, Marguerite J. & Mrs. Hudson, A. G. Watkins, Hartman. Jl gem/ne Tm/£SS£Ep# { / Barbecue \ TANTALIZING AROMA . . . Golden-Brown, Fresh Porlc oozing with Spicy, Hickory-Smoked Goodness ... A Sauce that's "Finger-Lickin' " good—This is what the Artistry of Genuine Tennessee Pit Barbecuing means to you. One taste of a Litttle Pig's Barbecue and you'll delight in the difference between real barbcued barbe cues and other so-called barbecues! eeaoaeeeeeeaeeeeeeeoeaeoeeeeuaeeeeeeeeaeeeeew e e e e I You’re Invited! I • • j Grand Opening j : Saturday, November 24, 1962 j : 8:00-12:00 P.M. : • • VALUABLE g CLIP IT OUT! BRING IT IN! I FREE Barbecue Sandwich § ysy Wilt purchase of one, or more. Barbecue sandwiches (§j Up) during Grand Opening Day! You must present this (£■, j YA Coupon In order to take advantage of this offer. ■ v Little Pigs Barbecue INTERSECTION W. Montgomery Ave. & S. Adams St. RoekviHe, Md. Unicnie Stop Sign Plan Is Tried In Twinbrook Installation of stop signs on Atlantic Ave. at its inter section with Wainwright Ave. in Twinbrook, an experiment undertaken at the request of several neighborhood resi dents, has created a unique traffic-control pattern on within Rockville officials are anxious to reserve driver reaction. Inasmuch as Wainwright Rockville’s Band Growth Is Described Eight years ago Frank R. Troy, Jr. appeared before Rock ville’s Mayor and Council and j proposed the formation of a i municipal concert band. He sug- j gested band appearances at city j special events and the schedul- 1 l ing of a concert series. The Mayor and Council approvel Troy’s proposal, and thereby, expanded the music j program under the city’s de-1 j partment of recreation. The growth of the Rockville Concert Band is illustrated by a 1 roster of 75 members of which 40 are active musicians. This is i particularly impressive in that the group began with four members. The present member ship includes businessmen, gov ernment employees, teachers, housewives, and professional musicians. Dates of the 1962-63 concert series at the Rockville Civic Center Auditorium Include December 16, January 13, Feb ruary 3, March 24, and April 21. Concerts begin at 8 p.m. and are one hour in length; admis sion is free. Each concert will feature unusual and reputed guest artists. Two years ego the Rock ville Municipal Jazz Band was formed from members of the concert band. This group has been active in performing for city sponsored social functions. A recent successful engagement was the Rockville Antique and Classic Car Show banquet. Last month another group was formed in hopes of bring ing Rockville a future sym phonette. This stringed instru ment group practices prior to band rehearsals on Tuesday eve nings each week. All citizens of Rockville interested in becoming a member of the Concert Band, The Jazz Band, or The Sym phonette are encouraged to con tact the Department of Recrea tion, GA. 4-8000. comes to a dead end at Atlan tic, the new system permits its eastbound motorists to enter ' Atlantic without making a stop, even though they must turn right or left, while motorists j going north or south on Atlan- j tic are required to come to a 1 halt at the intersection, while traveling on one of Twinbrook’s I principal through streets. City Manager Walter Scheiber , conceded the arrangement “vio-' lates accepted principles,” but ■ said it was authorized purely I on an experimental basis at the specific request of a small group of neighborhood resi-: dents. He said they also asked for the installation of stop signs at several other intersections in the area, but city officials agreed to put the first plan on trial as a “feeler” before con sidering the other proposals. Surprisingly, Scheiber said, he has received relatively few complaints to date. One of them, coming from a visitor from another section of the county who was fined for pass ing one of the Atlantic Avenue stop signs, labeled the arrange ment as a “deliberate trap.” the city manager said. TURKEYS tv ary Safaway "Superb" Turkey provides generous portions I &&**-**“ of white meat, thick thighs, meaty drumsticks. Enjoy the I jauAapp!■A &:?■' rmlm *** •• • fresh OYSTERS SAFEWAY'S FAMOUS stanoard select $4.09 “MANOR HOUSE" < <C I 1, ~- ,i ” * '-■ *■ • U.S. inspected a U.S. Grade A— n OVER 18 lbs. Safeway or Briggs Regular or Hot op I “manor house" Tc SAUSA6E MEAT 35 | 10 to 18 lbs. lb. M “MANOR HOUSE" 5Qc HORMEI HAMS Under 10 lbs., lb. & ~ 3 lb. $2*39 | g lb- $3,89 I *|Q fc - s£.9o SWIFT'S PREMIUM serves 9-12 I serves is-20 ' serves jo-w BUTTERBALL Ocean Spray * Whole or Strained • Great with Turkey! j statu*. *lO i 6 ibi. ovr Cranberry Same l'^39* •>. >. 43 e t>. 39* Gather These Values *■stai u.s. 7T7Z and Lucerne Butter At 72* [stuffed turkeys „■ ** 1 Mince Meat “r 55* crisp pascal dtfSgajft Tomato Juice & 4 *1 PCI COY Pumpkin L *,b r , 2'£‘ 29* ' M large ' J M ff / J ms. Wright's skylark Mm .talks Mm POUND CAKE Grecian Bread BULK NUTS WLtwy $ * * 39 4 j 2 99 SUCEO Nb -10* > 53 c ~ 1 2>c >oaf 1 y FRESH B6L-AM Premium Quality LUCERNE FROZEN J? ANB .! R ? I I S PUMPKIN - EGG NOG "" * IVc I APPLE PIES s, 79c Spiced Peaches 'wHHnl 39* YOU * CHOra! Sweet Potatoes 2 £ 49* 39 C $| .49 White Onions Apple Rings SU 29* 4 =4Yf 1 Yfl Apple Cider 39* IHIP Vjr*™*^"** - i ill Mm H BK MAmMA/MAm A Mm ml stißßi / 1: m iwl er- 9”! < y ■ JLB BF EBm^ 'aar M mk i.„ mt JHWMWMMMMg 1 Cl - A Ihl hrß l 1 ■ Hb. - eK| Or B ■ . ... . ■ ■'''ST'’/-. : -1 mag, BE v j,. - WB r iYB 6 ' 1 ’ ' 4 UGF Nears Its Goal Tlic faces of these three key United Giv ers Fund officials were wreathed In smiles as reports indicated the UGF campaign goal W'ould be reached. Hearing the good news are, from left, E. K. Morris, dubbed Twinbrook is one of the I denser residential areas in the | city, highly populated by chil dren, and is heavily traveled by motorists driving between Veirs 1 Mill Road and Rockville Pike. “Mr. UGF” since he was the first president of the fund. Mrs. Pat Ensor, Olney, Mont gomery County residential chairman, and Warren D. Haley, county campaign chair man. | Because of the density, city ; | officials imposed 15-mile-an- 1 | hour speed limits on several of I i 1 its streets two years ago. 1 In view of the novelty of the ! Atlantic Avenue • Wainwright Avenue control patterns, Schei- I ber said city officials are eager to receive comments from i affected motorists. MONTGOMERY . COUNTY, MD. SENTINEL WadnxcUy, Nov. 21, 1962 Negro Housing Suit Injunction Issued by Judge Baltimore Federal Court Judge Roszel C. Thomsen last week barred two Montgomery County developers from selling a house involved in a breach of contract suit filed by a Negro school principal. Judge Thomsen ordered the house in Seven Locks Meadow held off the market until December 1. The judge, In order ing a temporary Injunction, said he will rule by that date whether the contract is “suffi ciently definite” to warrant a requested injunction reserving tlie house until the suit Is tried. The suit was brought by Roland E. Barnes, principal of the Travtlah Elementary School, against developer Abraham 8. Sind, Chevy Chase, and Israel Cohen, Beth esda. Barnes contends they refused to sell hint a house because he Is a Negro. Barnes has sued to force the i developers to sell him a house ! and lot equivalent to the one he signed an alleged sales contract for a year ago. The original house has been sold and Barnes i seeks another plus $30,000 dam i ages. 7r>. . , A SUPER GrXANTT discoupvt canter —☆ S# £<> x & , x/y ' • I SUPER GIANT I 4*cx>urvtcan-tor 7 *i 5