Zoning Requests
Up By One-Third
Sentinel Reporter
Eight applications for high-rise apartments were
among 96 zoning requests filed before Friday’s semi-annual
Total number of zoning re
quests increased by almost
onethird over the 74 applica
tions filed before the previous
deadline. Some of them were
holdovers from the spring,
possibly anticipating a change
of policy by the new council
which took office Tuesday.
More than one-third of the
applications were submitted on
the last day prescribed by law
for filing such requests. Hear
ings will start after the first of
the year.
Largest of the high-rise tracts i
to be considered is one planned
by Lawrence L. Levin on 109.6
acres on MacArthur Blvd. op
posite the David Taylor Model
Basin. The area is now zoned
“agricultural residential.’’
Levin requested either R-H
(high risei or R-20 rezoning.
The latter would permit 20
apartment units per acre. Op
position to high rise apartments j
there is expected in view of last '
week's denial by the old council I
of a similar request on MacAr
thur Blvd. near Cabin John.
Another large tract of 25.8
acres was requested for high J
rise apartments by Community
Builders on the west side of j
Wisconsin Avenue, south of
Dorset Avenue, Bethesda. The
land is presently zoned for
single family homes.
Developer Isreal Bimblich,
who has several apartment de
velopments in Montgomery 1
County, filed for two more, both
in Kensington. One would be
located on the north side of
Knowles Avenue between Sum
mit and Howard Avenues on 4.4
acres, and the other on 17,000
sq. ft. at Warfield Street and
Brainard Avenue.
Among his present high-rise
projects are the Kensington
House, a nine-story edifice on
Kensington Parkway, the Dau
ville, Sherwood and Wedge
A complete list of the zoning
applications follows:
Lawrence L. Levin, 109.69 acres of
Bowles Tract, MacArthur Blvd. opposite
David Taylor Model Basin, R-A to R-H
or R-20!
John H. Beers for Seabrook Construc
tion Co., Inc., 9.8 sq. ft. at 8706 First
St . N.W.. Silver Spring. R-60 to C-O.
Samuel Gendleman, 21,533 sq. ft. at
4605 Stanford St.. Bethesda. R-60 to
C-2 or C-l.
Wheeler. Moore & Korpeck, for Coles- !
ville-El is worth Investment Co., 5,001 sq.
ft. at 8803 Colesville Rd., Silver Spring.
R-60 to C-O
Wheeler, Moore & Korpeck. for Clif
ton brook, 10.5 acres at northeast corner
of Colesville Road and Cedar Lane, R-R
to C-l.
Wheeler. Moore & Korpeck. for Willco
Developers. Inc., 29.054 sq. ft. at south
east comer of Warner Sti-eet and Free
man Place. Kensington, R-60 to C-0.
Wheeler. Moore & Korpeck, for Mont
gomery County Airpark, Inc.. 70.3 acres
at intersection of State Routes 124 and
115, Gaithersburg. R-R to 1-1 or 1-2.
Wheler. Moore & Korpeck, for Mont
gomery County Airpark. Inc.. 16.8 acres
northeast of intersection of State Routes
124 and 115, Gaithersburg. R-R to 1-1.
Curtis M. Dellinger. 31.229.7 square
feet. MacArthur Blvd., near Brookmont,
C-l to R-30 or R-20
Fairbanks, Heeney Jr McAuliffe. for
Stanley E. Kappe, one acre on Tra
If priced separately ' ) Nj(® 1
you’d pay 16.93! 1
/ B * )
■ 1.25 weekly 111
Top value for your money! This
sturdy little transistor portable
runs on a single 9-volt battery ■
. . . has a true-tone 2" speaker, '
ferrite rod antenna, more top '#*
Leather Case 1.00
® a,t * r J TTiw You a/so 9 et the extra bonus of
Total Value 16.93 IJ7 S4H Gfoen Stampt
BtV T xL ms
4*|,# _ f B ■
villah Road, Hunting Hill, Rockville. R-R
to C-2.
John D. Bowman, for Charles G.
Mobley, 5.5 acres at 5215 Randolph
Road, hockville, R-R to I-l.
Thompson Co. Realtors, for Convales
cent Hospitals, Inc., 41,333 sq. ft. at
804-810 Wayne Ave., Silver Spring. R-60
to C-0.
Jack Coopersmith. 4.77 acres on Mon
trose Road. Bethesda “Wheel of For
tune" R-R to C-2 or C-1.
Arthur J. Williams. 28.260.6 sq. ft. at
38(X)-38U6 Knowles Avenue. Kensington,
R-60 to R-10.
Randolph Hills. Inc , five acres in that i
sulKlivision. R-60 to 1-1.
Richard E. Snyder, about 47 acres on '
River Road opposite Congressional Coun- j
try Club. R-A to R-R
William H. Clark, for Charles S.
Failer. About six acres on east side of
railroawd between Brookvllie-Tenleytown
: Road and proposed extension of Lyttons- '
j ville Road, T-l to R-H.
William G. Clark, for Capital Area ;
! Realty Investment Corp., 7.105 sq. ft. at
9552 Georgia Ave.. Silver Spring, R-60
: to C O
Sixt' -Seventh Avenue Corp.. eight
ae es iit 1207 Univc.’sitv F’vd. West. R
-90 to R-20.
David I Betts, for Robert S. M (Idle
mass. 55.5 acres on Buck Lodge Road
near Boyds. R-R to 1-1.
R. Roliert Linowes for Nathan Metz.
3.6 acres north of Ceor.’ia Avenue and
Layhill Road. R-90 to C D o- C-l.
R. Robert Linowcs. for Glenmont Hill
Joint Venture. . i. 9a- cs northwest of
Georgia Avenue and Layhill Road. R-90
to R-20 or R-30.
R. Robert Linowes, for Warts. Inc.,
i 50 acres at Tuckerman Lane and Bells I
Mill Road. R-R to R-150.
R. Robert Linowes. for Alvin T. I
: Brown. 41.26 acres at Tuckerman Lane I
and Bells Mill Road R-R to R-150.
R. Robert Linowes, for Robert L. Mc-
Kcever Jr.. 33.9 acres at Halpine Road
between Viers Mill Road and Roc’ ville
, Pike, Rockville. R-R to R-20 or R-30.
R. Robert. Linowes. for Exland. Inc.,
| 2.5 acres in Kensington Heights. Whea
! ton. R-R to R-20 or R-30.
R. Robert Linowes, for Hillandale
Medical Corp.. two acres on north side
. of Elton Road. Hillandale. R-90 to C-0.
R. Robert Linowes. for H. Deets War
field. one a n re on east s ; , e of Route 355
near Miles Comerr R-R to 1-1.
R. Robert Linowes, for Gien Ernie.
Inc.. 6.7 acres north of intersection of ‘
, Georgia Avenue and Glenmont-Colesville
Road, R-90 to R-20 or R-30.
R. Robert Linowes. for Donald C.
1 Bradley. 5.4 acres on Glenmont-Oob*s
ville Road east of Georgia Avenue. R-90
to C-l.
R. Robert Linowes. for Bhwen Cn..
26 acres at Bells Mill Road and Windsor
Drive. Rockville. R-R to R-150.
James R. Miller Jr., for Daniel C.
Totson. 10 acres near Rockville Pike and
j Montrose Road. R-90 to C-2.
James R. Miller J.. for Hazel A Man
nar. one acre on River Road near Falls
Road. Potomac. R-R to C-l.
James R. Miller Jr., for Louis Cotier.
| 6.1 acres east of proposed route M-8
adjacent to County Dump. 1-1 to 1-2.
; James R. Miller Jr., for heirs of Jane
> Rivers. 2.1 acres between River Road
and West bard Avenue, R-60 to C-2 or
James R. Miller Jr., for Terrace De
velopment Corp.. Inc.. 1.6 acres south
of Sumner. Subdivision. R-60 to R-10.
James R. Miller Jr., fur Terrace De
velopment Cl. Inc., 1.4 acres south of
Sumner Subdivision. R-60 t * R-10.
(Continued on Page A6i
To Consider
The Laytonsville Town Coun
: cil will meet in executive ses
| sion Tuesday at the home of
Mayor Washington White to de
cide on its position on the pro
posed annexation of land south
west of tile present boundaries.
Mayor White said that the
council would also announce at
that time when the next public
1 council meeting would take
place to discuss the matter fur
’! ther.
More than 50 persons attend
. ed a recent meeting in the ele-
aw a ;
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'* ' v # - gig ■ 4 - C ■ t x 'fx'y
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HI i&M B—B
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B j- np* I
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Jujitsu At The 6 Y’
Dan Carroll is sent flying by Ann Ford
with a jujitsu hold she has learned from
instructor Joseph Ciiiang, kneeling, at the
Silver Spring YMCA where the sport is
taught. Some 9117 county residents took
part in the “Y” activities during the past
Delegation Will Hold
Three More Hearings
Legislative needs of the
County Council and the county
attorney’s office will be heard
by new county lawmakers at a
; hearing Dec. 17 at 8 p.m. in the
County Council Hearing Room,
Persons wishing to speak \
should notify State Sen. Gilbert
Gude in writing at his home ad- I
dress, 5411 Duvall Drive, West
. moreland Hills.
The hearing is one of five
scheduled by the legislative dele
gation to Annapolis, James R.
Miller Jr., delegation chairman,
pointed out.
I mentary school to voice their
| opinions on annexation. Most i
of those who spoke were in
favor of the action. One pro
posal would incorporate about
’ 90 additional acres into the
• town.
• | Some property owners favor
ing annexation are known to
. do so because they fear having
■ their land rezoned to “open
: space’’ zoning—now being push
•l ed by county planners- which
■ would reduce the value of their
• land.
Annexation by Laytonsville
■ could remove this threat, they
1 feel.
I year. Tlie “Y,” supported by United Givers
i Fund, offers a variety of Instruction in
sports and activities ranging from Polyne
i sian dancing to wrestling, for women and
girls as well as men and boys.
; —Ed Mervis Photo
\ One was held Monday on re
-1 apportionment and redistrict
j ing; one is set for tonight on
\ (m (is) Q
A. Bunny fur cuffed, jewel trimmed pearlized slippers In I
their own carrying case. Sizes S-M-L ... 1.98.
B. For her Lunch Money -Link chain pendant purse allow- j
ance holder ... 1.00.
C. Soft bunny fur hat and muff set ... 1.98
D. Umbrella with plastic case personalized with her name.
Complete . . . 2.98.
E. Wallet with her very own Birthatone. 32-Vue picture
case,... 1.00.
F. “Mr. Wormy” autograph pillow ... 1.98.
G. Lacquered musical Jewel box. Two sizes ~. 3.50 or 5.98.
Opposite County Courthouse—2B E. Montgomery Ave.
Montgomery Co.’s Most Complete Children’s Dept. Store
Washington Suburban Sanitary
Commission legislation, another
for tomorrow night on Park
and Planning Commission legis
lation and a final one on Dec.
12 dealing with miscellaneous
legislative proposals.
The General Assembly is
, scheduled to convene Jan. 2 for
i a 90-day session.
Council Ax
(Continued from Page One)
operation in the red for some I
time and it is known commis- :
sion officials hoped to rid them- ]
selves of this burden. i
James J. Lynch, treasurer of
the WSSC, said after the meet- 1
ing that the WSSC has been
aware that some recommenda
tions were coming from Briggs. \
He said the WSSCs function in .
the refuse collection and dis- ,
posal field “has been left open
in the budget because of the
uncertaintiy of just such a rec
“We (the WSSC) will more
than likely be meeting with
the Council on this nuttier be
fore we hold our budget hear
ings,” he said.
Acting on another major
recommendation, the Council ‘
moved to tighten the personnel
strings by freezing 113 fulltime
county positions because most
have been unfilled during this
first half of the budget year.
Approval of Briggs’ recom
mendation on these positions
Immediately places unexpended
appropriations for these sala- 1
ries into reserves.
“The placing of these funds
in reserve does not mean that
needed personnel will not or
cannot be secured,” Briggs said
in his comments to the Council.
“Since most of these posi
tions iiave been vacant since
they were authorized and
departments have been oper
ating for five months with
these positions vacant, it is
reasonable to require re-justi
fication for these positions
before they may be filled,” he
Approval of a recommenda
tion calling for deferral of a
county computer systems cen-
From Our Fabuleui
... . Collection of Jowolry
for added glamor to complete your coitumo
W Mark Daniels
I mmmmm “™“
Kaylor Is Elected
Joseph F. Kaylor. director of
the Maryland Department of
Forests and Parks, was elected
president at the first annual
meeting of the newly formed
Association of State Park Direc
tors held at the Illinois State
Park Lodge recently.
ter for further study brought
sharp reaction from an official
of the company now under con
tract to supply the system.
An official of National flash
Register Co., who asked that
lie not be Identified, pointed
out that “both parties we
and county representatives
have signed a contract In good
He said his company already
has made plans to assign a sys
tems man to the County’s of
fices “to begin working with de
partmental officials.” The sys
tem is to be delivered Feb. 1,
He said the contract price,
which includes the salary of the
resident engineer, amounts to
$6,700 a month or almost $90,000
a year. The electronic device
would be used to handle pay
roll, library, accounting and
other bookkeeping procedures.
Briggs recommended de
ferral of the Installation
until the scope and applica
tion of such a system can be
He pointed out that both the
school system and the WSSC
have computers. “The question
as to the need for three com
puter systems, each operating
on a limited basis, should be
thoroughly examined.” he said.
He also suggested that steps
be undertaken to retain expert
non-manufacturer assistance If
ThurtcDy, December 6,1962
approvel is given to the center.
Other Briggs recommenda
tions and Council action:
• Deferral of a suggestion
that the county market $15,740,-
000 in authorized bonds to await
a Monday meeting with the
county’s bonding agents. The
agents are to advise the Coun
cil on the legality of transfer
ring some of these bonds to
other projects.
Included in the total amount
are sll million in Board of Edu
cation bonds, $2.3 million in
road bonds, $1.7 million in In
cinerator bonds (Councilman
Indicated this amount may be
better used elsewhere in the
light of the stop order on the
incinerator project), $600,000
for capital projects other than
roads, and $140,000 for the
Rockville Fire Department.
• Authorized a mid-year re
view of the county's current op
erating budget, ostensibly to
educate the new council mem
bers on budgetary procedures.
1 • Deferred until next week
selection of an auditing firm.
| Briggs suggested the selection
“at the earliest possible date.”
• Heard County Manager Ma
son Butcher explain that
another recommendation, re
submission for Council study of
all capital projects authorized
but not yet under contract, is
! standard procedure.
: • Approved continuation of
1 planning on all capital projects
■ currently in the design stage.
’ (The Council can kill any of
! these easily by fallng to make
■ the necessary construction alio
i cation.)
• Adopted a budget calendar
' to cover the mid year review.