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SENTINEL Thursday, January 10, 1963 A11 Legal Advertisement Everngam & Tomes 8700 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, Md. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND Sitting as a Court of Equity Equity No. 26252 LILLIAN S. POWERS also known of record as LILLIAN DEWEY POWERS; also known of record as LILLIAN S. DEWEY POWERS; also known of record as DEWEY POWERS 699 So. Florida Avenue Tarpon Springs, Fla. Plaintiff vs. WILLIAM B. CATTELL ANNE E. GLICK and GEORGE C. GLICK her husband VIRGIE SHUHARD GRACE R. JAMES and ELLIS C. JAMES, her husband HELEN BARCLAY BLAND and J. R. BLAND, her husband RUTH B. SHEAN and GERALD M. SHEAN her husband LYDIA C. RITNER and H. G. RITNER, her husband WILLIAM BARCLAY also known of record as WILLIAM E. BARCLAY and MILDRED V. BARCLAY his wife ROBERT B. BARCLAY If any there be and their re spective Heirs at Law, Devisees, unknown heirs, executors, administrators, grantees, assigns or successors Addresses unknown and the Heirs at Law and De visees, unknown heirs, ex ecutors, administrators, grantees, assigns or succes sors of FANNIE B. CATTELL also known of record as F- B. CATTELL NETTIE BARCLAY CHESTER BARCLAY ELIZABETH M. WOODS also known of record as LIZZIE M. WOODS other than the above named parties of any there be Addresses unknown and all persons having or Claiming to have an interest In the property described as Lot 2, Block “E,” in a sub division known as “BLAIR,” as per plat recorded in Plat Book 3, at Plat 229, one of the Land Records for Mont gomery County, Maryland, In Thirteenth Election Dis trict, Montgomery County, Maryland and GRAY PROPERTIES. INC. a Delaware Corporation the Heirs at Law, and De visees, unknown heirs, ex ecutors, administrators, grantees, assigns or succes sors of FANNIE B. CATTELL also known of record as F. B. CATTELL NETTIE BARCLAY CHESTER BARCLAY ELIZABETH M. WOODS also known of record as T.T77TF M. WOODS other than those persons named hereinbefore, if any there be Addresses unknown and all persons having or claiming to have an interest In the property described as Lot 31, Block “E," in a Subdivision known as “BLAIR” as per plat record ed in Plat Book 3, at Plat 229, one of the Land Rec ords for Montgomery Coun ty, Maryland, in Thirteenth Election District, Montgom ery County, Maryland. Order of Publication The object of this proceed ing* is to secure the fore closure of all rights of redemp tion in all the following pro perties located in the County of Montgomery, State of Mary land, to the plaintiff in this proceedings, which properties are described on the Collector's Tax Rolls as Thirteenth Election Dis trict, Montgomery County, j Maryland, Lot 2, Block “E,” In a subdivision known as “Blair,” as per plat recorded In Plat Book 3, at Plat 229, one of the Land Records for Montgomery County, Mnry land Assessed In the name of F. B. Cattell, and Thirteenth Election Dis trict, Montgomery County, Marvland, Lot 31, Block ”E,” in a subdivision known as “Blair,” as per plat recorded in Plat Book 3, at Plat 229, one of the Land Records for Montgomery County, Mary land Assessed in the name of F. B. Cattell. The Bill states among other things that the amounts neces sary for redemption have not been paid although more than a year and a day from the date of said sales has expired. It is thereupon this 21st day of December in the year, 1962, by the Circuit Court for Mont gomery County, ORDERED that notice be given by the insertion of a copy of this Order in some news paper, having a general circula tion in said Montgomery Coun ty, once a week for four succes- Legal Advertisement sive weeks, before the 21st day of January, 1963, warning all persons interested in said pro perties to be and appear in said Court by the 25th day of Feb ruary, 1963, and redeem the properties above described and answer the Bill or thereafter a final decree will be rendered foreclosing all rights of re demption In the property and vesting in the plaintiff a title free and clear of all encum brances. CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk of the Circuit Court For Montgomery County True Copy—Test: CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk 4t-4135-l-17 Law Offices Conroy and Williams 7901 Norfolk Av* Bethesda, Md. Trustees’ Sale Of Valuable, Improved Beal Es tate, located in Montgomery County, Maryland, Improved by premises known M 3914 Washington Street, Kensing ton, Maryland. By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust from William W. Ad dison to the undersigned Trus tees dated the 21st day of Feb ruary, 1962 and recorded among the Land Records of Montgom ery County. Maryland in Liber 2939 Folio 352 and At the re quest of the parties secured thereby, default having oc curred in the terms and condi tions thereof, the undersigned Trustees named in said Deed of > Trust will sell at public auction on TUESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1963 AT 9:30 A.M. in front of the Courthouse door in the Town of Rockville, Md. All that property in said Deed of Trust described as follows: Lot numbered Forty-tw6 (42) in Block numbered Thir teen (13) in a subdivision known as “KENSINGTON PARK” as per plat recorded in Plat Book B, Plat No. 4 among the Land Records of Montgomery County, Mary land. Subject to building restriction line and all covenants of record. The property is improved by a one story frame dwelling with four rooms, one bath, two bedrooms and full basement. TERMS OF SALE A cash deposit of $1,000.00 will be required at the time of sale. The balance in cash, with interest at six per centum per annum from the date of sale to the date of payment, pay able within two days after final ratification of sale. Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale And thereafter be assumed by the purchaser. Title examination, conveyancing, State and Fed eral revenue stamps, transfer tax, and all other co*t incident to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser Compliance with terms of I sale shall be made within two days after final ratification of sale or deposit shall be for feited and the property resold at the risk and cost of the de faultant purchaser. WILLIAM F. BERGMANN CHARLES J. MURPHY Trustees CONROY & WILLIAMS Attorney for Noteholder 4t-4167-l-24 notice to mr.niTOß* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that th* OiphAnt' Court for Montgomery County ha* i**uod Letter* TentamentAry to j William F. Goddard in the Kstat* of Rfr.Gl NA l. GODDARD late of Montgomery County deceased. All persona having Claim* against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the •ame on or before the 14th day of June next: they may otherwise by law be ex- , eluded from all benefit of aeid Kstate. All person* indebted to said Kttatft rre requested to make immediate .iky.i.eit. Given under my hand thia 11th day of December, IWJ WILLIAM F. GODDARD 'AU King Williams Driv4 oiney. M 4. Executor t-4121-1-17 JDIIS E. OX LET 74 *. Ferry afreet ttm* lii llle. Md ro i itfr imoß* I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the j Orphans Court for Montgomery County ha* issued Letter* of Administration to i Dalton E. Fraley In the Estate of ORtO; X. frit A LET | late of Montgomery Count> deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 7th day of June next: they may otherwise by law be ex cluded from all btnKit of said Estate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand thia 28th day of November, 1982. DALTON t FRALEY Route 1 Her wood, Md. Administrator dt-4100-1-10 RAMI fr.L K D. MARSH. EAR. .MMI Perpetual Bethesda 14. Md ORDER MAI IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY As a Court of Equity No. 26229 Equity In the Matter of a Deed of Trust from JOHN JOSEPH WHITE and ZANIB F. WHtTE, his wife to DONALD A ROdENBLATT and - i ARTHUR POMRONIO ! Trustee* ORDERED, thi* 28th day of Decern r her. A.D., 1962, by the Circuit Court for 1 j Mor.tgomei y Count). as a Court of l i Equity, that the sale made by Donald A. Rosen Watt and Arthur Pompom*. - j Trustees, to The Bank for Savings in the City of New York, and repoittd ih the above entitled cause, be ratified and eon ; firmed, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 28th t day of January next: provided a copy of . this order he Ihserted in some newspaper published ih aald Montgomery County, once a week for three auccessive week* oefore the said 28th day of January, - 19*3. / The report slates the amount of the sale to i>e 814.750,00, i* CLAYTON K WATKINS Clerk of the Circuit Court hnr Montgomery County 1- True Copy'- TP*t: , CLAYTON K. WATKINS >• Clerk lt-4178-1-17 Legal Advertisement Law Offices Samuel S. D. Marsh Perpetual Building Bethesda, Maryland Trustees’ Sale Of Valuable, Improved Beal Es tate, located in Montgomery County, Maryland, Improved by premises known as 29*3 Kinga w e 11 Drive, Sliver Spring, Maryland. By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust from Howard L. Cun-' ningham and Miriam S. Cun ningham, his wife, to Wilbur L. Meigs and John M. Conroy, Trustees, dated the 20th day of July, 1955, and recorded among the Land Records of Montgom ery County, Maryland, in Liber 2089, Folio 109, and at the re quest of the party secured thereby, default having occur red in the terms and conditions thereof, the undersigned, as sub stitute Trustee for the Trustees named in said Deed of Trust, will sell at public auction in front of the premises on TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1963 AT 1:30 P.M., E.S.T. all the property in said Deed of Trust described as follows: Lot numbered Seventeen (17), in Block lettered “D,” in the subdivision known as “Kingswell Subdivision,” as per plat thereof duly record ed among the Land Records of Montgomery County, State of Maryland, in Plat Book No. 40, Plat No. 2841. Subject to minimum building i restriction lines. The property is improved by a one-story, detached, brick, sin gle-family dwelling, having a to tal of 6 rooms, IVi baths and full basement. TERMS OF SALE A cash deposit of Fifteen Hun dred Dollars ($1,500) will be re quired at the time of sale. The balance in cash, with interest at six per centum per annum from the date of sale to the date of settlement payable within ten days after final ratification of sale. Adjustments on all taxes, pub lic charges and special or regu | lar Assessments will be made as of the date of sale and thereaf ter be assumed by the purchas er. Title examination, convey ancing, State and Federal reve nue stamps, transfer taxes, and ail other costs incident to settle ment are to be paid by the pur chaser. Compliance with terms of sale shall be made within ten days after final ratification of sale or deposit shall be forfeited and the property resold at the risk and cost of the defaultant pur chaser. THOMAS S. BAUER Substitute Trustee 4t-4136-1/17 ■AROI.n C. SMITH. JR. 108 ( ommrrir I Jin* f. n. Bo* S.VM) Rockville. Mil. NOTIC E TO < RfrIDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that thp Orphans' Court for Montgomery County has issued Letter* Testamentary to Harold C. Smith. Esq. and Howard E. Wroten in the Estate of THEODORA FARLEY lata of Montgomery County, deceased. All persons having Claims against the deceased are hereby warned to present the aarne on or before the sth day of July next; they may otheiwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Es tate. All persons indebted to said Es tate are requested to make Immediate payment. Given under our handa thia 28th day 1 of December. 1962. HOWARD E WROTEN 4611 Old Frederick Road Baltimore, Maryland Executor Harold c. smith 168 Commerce Lane Rockville. Maryland Executor 6t-4172-2/7 R. Kim IX BROW N 760 F. Jefferson street Rockville, Md. NOTH K TO ( Rfr.DITOR* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans' Court for Montgomery ' County has Issued Letters of Adminis tration to Beulah F. Down* in the Es tate Of ALMA LOIR BEAN DOFF late of Montgomery County, deceased, j All persons hi' in* Claims against the ; deceased are hereby warned to present J the same on or before the sth day of July next; they may otherwise by law' ’ be excluded from all benefit of said Es tate. All persons indebted to said Es tate ai* requested to make immediate pi\ ment. Giien under my hand this 20th day of December. 1962. BEULAH F. DOWNS 1805 Avene! Road Silver Spring Md. Administratrix Administratrix 6t-4108-2/7 ► ; , ANDERSON A i.imhhi M 77 West Jefferson Mtrrei Koekitlle, Md I NOTH fr; TO RMMTON* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that i the Orplians’ Court for Montgomery \ County ha* issued Letters of Adminis tration. C.T.A. to Judsun C. Thompson ; in the Estate of ► Lucy l. Thompson late of Montgomery County, deceased f All peroona having Claims against the deceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the Mh day of July next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from 8)1 benefit of *aid Ei ) tata. All persons indebted to said Es tate are requested to make immediate pa> ment Given ifidbr my hand this 26th day Of December, 1962. JUbftON C. THOMPSON £>ute 1, ndy Spring. Md Admlalstratoi, C.T.A, -4170-2/7 JOE M. WILLIAM r. Rfr.LLY M*i I Perilling Drive Silver Spring, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITOR* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the r Orphans’ Court for Montgomery county f has issued Letters Testamentary to j Belva L. Spidel and Richard H. Nice , laidea in the Estate of t ROBERT HII.H HOOKER ftp I DEL * late of Montgomery County deceased. All . persons having Claims against the de y ceased are hereby warned to present the 1 aarne on or before the 14th day of June f next, they may otherwise by law be ex r eluded from all benefit of said Estate. , AH persons Indebted to said Estate ar# s requef.teu to make immediate payment. Given under our hand* this sth day of December. 1982 p BELVA L. API DEL TTOB Dunlop Street Chei.v Chns* Md. E'N utor RICHARD H NICOLAI DEB 9508 CAM* Drug Kensington, Md. 7 Executor ft-4117-l-l7 Legal Advertisement R. Eldon Dick, Sol. 8020 New Hampshire Ave. Langley Park, Maryland Trustees’ Sale Of Valuable Improved Property located la Takoma Park, Montgomery County, Md. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust from John W. Steen and Dorothy E. Steen to the undersigned Trustees , dated July 31, 1959, and record- j ed among the Land Records of j Montgomery County, Maryland ] on August 6, 1959, In Liber No. , 2632, at Folio 439. and at the ] request of the party secured , thereby, default having occur* , red under the terms thereof, , the undersigned Trustees to sell , named in said Deed of Trust , will offer for sale at public auction outside the main front , j door of the Court House of \ Rockville, Maryland, on JANUARY 31, 1963 i AT 11:00 A.M, all of the property In said Deed < of Trust described as follows: I Lot numbered Two (2) in the subdivision of land known as and called “Harry W. Mil ler's Addition to Takoma Park,” as per plat thereof duly recorded among the ; Land Records of Montgomery , County, Maryland in Plat , Book 3, at Plat 464. This property is Improved j, with a four-unit brick apart- ■ ment house and is known as 8207 Flower Avenue, Takoma Park, Maryland. TERMS OF SALE |, A cash deposit of $1,000.00 will be required at the time of ; : sale, the balance payable within five (5) days after the ratifica tion of the sale by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland. Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or | regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale And S thereafter be assumed by the purchaser. Conveyancing, r*- j cording, notary fees, State and Federal Stamp Taxes, to be ( paid by the purchaser. The • , terms of the sale are to be com- \ plied with within five days after , the final ratification of sale by ' the Court; otherwise the de- , posit shall be forfeited and the , property resold at the risk and cost of the defaultant purchaser, j The property will be sold sub- j ject to a prior encumbrance, the terms and conditions of which will be announced at the time of sale. F. E. ELLROD B. H. McCENEY Trustees 4t-4153-l-17 JAMKR W. MANE ■•x * Gaithersburg, Md. NOTICE TO < RfrlDlTOßft NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. tht th* I Orphan!' Court for Montgomery County j ' ha, ls,u*d Letter* Te,t*ment#ry to Leatha M. Neide in the Estate of SAMUEL SPENCER NEIDE | I late of Montgomery County deoeaaed. All ! persona having Claim* against the rle- | ceased are hereby warned to present the ! , | same on or before the 7th day of June .! next; they may otherwise by law be e\- I ; eluded from all benefit of said Estate. | All person* indebted to aald Estate are 1 requested to make immediate payment, j Given under my hand thia 4th day of December. 1962 - LEATHA M. NEIDE 199 South Summit Avenue r Gaithersburg, Md. Executrix 9t-4098-l-l0 frAIR BANKA. NELNET AND MfALXIFFK 760 K. Jefferson Rockville. Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that th* , Orphan*' Court for Montgomery county - ha, Issued Letter* of Administration to Albert V Brugger In the Estate of GEORGIA BACH BHI GGER a.k.a. GEORGIA VIRGINIA Kill GOER ! and GEORGIA V. BRUGGER late of Montgomery County det-eased. All person, having Claims against the de- j ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 14th day of June next: they may otherwla* by law he ex cluded fiom ail benefit of aaid Estate. All person, indebted to said Eatata are requested to make Immediate payment. Given under my hand thia sth day of - December. 1962 ALBERT T BRUGGER 4814 Fort Sumner Drive Bethesda. Md, Administrator <l-4139-1-17 ■ m ■ WILLIAM V. ROC 1C f Rockville, Md. v NOTICE TO CREDITOR* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that th* - Orphan,' Court for Montgomery County e has Issued Letters of Administration e.t.a. to Henry T. Badger In the Estate f of ESTEI.I.A ADAM* ANTHER a.k.a. STELLA SIMMS SNYDER late of Montgomery County deceased. All persona having Claims agsinst the de feased aie hsrfby warned to present the 7 earn* on oi before the 14th day of June next: they may otherwise by law be ex cluded from all benefit of laid Estate. Ail persona Indebted to said Kstat* ate recur,ted to make immediate payment. Given under hit hand thia 11th day of December, 1962. t HENRY T. BADGER V 1350* Sherwood Forest Drive Silver Spring Md it Administrator t.t.a. *t-4125-l-17 JAMB* HEART MURDOCH tt Waal Mltrna ttrees t Rack rill*. Md. * NOTICE totreditora f NOTICE I* HEREBY GIVEN, that th* v ' Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has Issued Letters of Administration to - Edith W. Masters in th* Estate of 4 NANCY W. MAATERA lata of Montgomery Oaunty d*r*ased All f pArsont hgvmg Citunk Against th* 1- reaaed are hereby warned to present the same on Or h*foi> the 14th day of June next; they may oth*rwiee by Isrw he ex rluled from all benefit of sell Estate. All persona lr deb ted to said Estate era 7 requested to make immediate payment. Given under my band thia lit* day f December, 1962. EDITH W. MASTERS ■tag Williams Laae Chevy Chase 15, Md Administratrix St-41 M-1-1T , V NOTICE TO CREDITOR* p NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that th* - Orphans' Court for Montgomery County has Issued Letters Testamentary to Mary Klizabelli Grant York and John L. York 1 in the Estate of At Rtfc PETTIT YORK e late of Montgomery County deceased. All e persons having Claim) against the de - ceased are hereby warned to present the tame on or before th* 21st day of June * next; they may otherwla* by law be ex cluded from all benefit of said Estate. f All persona Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given und*r our handa thia 17th day of December 1962 MARY ELIZABETH GRANT YORK and JOHN L. YORK SrAA 16th Street Silver Spring, MS. 7 Executors <l-4142-1-24 Legal Advertisement $15,740,000 MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND General Obligation Bonds $12,100,000 SCHOOL BONDS, SERIES O $3,500,000 GENERAL IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES I $140,000 ROCKVILLE FIRE AREA BONDS SEALED BIDS will be re ceived by the County Council for Montgomery County, Mary land, at the County Office Building (7th floor) in Rock ville, Maryland, until 11:00 O’CLOCK A.M. (E.S.T.) on TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1963 at which time said bids will be opened for the purchase of the above bonds, being three sep arate series, all dated February 1, 1963, all maturing on Febru ary 1 in the years and amount* below stated, and all bearing interest payabe semiannually on the first days of August and February until maturity, divid ed as follows: $12,100,000 SCHOOL BONDS, SERIES O These bonds are issued under the provisions of Chapter 9, Laws of Montgomery County (1955), Chapter 9, Laws of Montgomery County (19G0) and Chapter 4, Laws of Montgom ery County (1961), and mature in the principal amount of $485,000 in each of the years 1964 to 1985, Inclusive, $480,000 in each of the years 1986 and 1987, and $470,000 in the year 1988. The proceeds of the sale of these bonds will be used for the purpose of financing school improvements in the County. $3,500,000 GENERAL IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1 These bonds are issued under the provisions of Chapter 9 of the Laws of Montgomery Coun ty (1955), Chapter 5 of the Laws of Montgomery County (1958), Chapter 10 of the Laws of Montgomery County (I 960), Chapter 11 of the Laws of Mont gomery County (1960) and Chapter 3 of the Laws of Montgomery County (1962), and mature in the principal amount of $140,000 in each of the years 1964 to 1988, Inclusive. The proceeds of the sale of these bonds will be used for the purpose of financing the con struction of road improve ments, public buildings and an incinerator in the County. 3140,000 ROCKVILLE FIRE AREA BONDS These bonds are issued under the provisions of Chapter 9, Laws of Montgomery County (1955) and Chapter 12, Laws of Montgomery County (1962), and mature in the principal amount of $5,000 in each of the year* 1964 to 1985, inclusive, and SIO,OOO In each of the year* 1986 to 1988, inclusive. The pro ceeds of the sale of these bonds will be used for the purpose of financing certain fire-fighting facility improvements in the Rockville Fir* Area in the County. The principal and Interest of these bonds will be payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the time of payment at the principal trust office in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York, of The Chase Man hattan Bank, or, at the option of the holder, at the banking of fice of Suburban Trust Com pany at Silver Spring, Mary land. The bonds will be issued in coupon form in the denomina tion of SI,OOO each; provided, however, that the successful bidder for the bonds may speci fy, in a designation delivered to the Director of Finance at or prior to 11:00 o’clock A.M. (E.S.T.) on January 16, 1963, that the principal amounts of all of the bonds shall be of the denomination of $5,000 each. In the event of timely receipt of such designation from the suc cessful bidder, all of the above decribed bonds will be of the denomination of $5,000 each and will thereafter not be exchange able for bonds of the denomi nation of SI,OOO each. All of the bonds will be sub ject to registration as to prin cipal only on books kept for that purpose by the Director of Finance, County Offioe Build ing, Rockville, Maryland. Bidders are requested to sub mit their bids in a sealed enve lope marked “Proposal for Bonds” addressed to Mr. Alex K. Hancock, Director of Fi nance, County Offioe Building, Rockville, Maryland, such pro posal to bt accompanied by a certified, cashier’s, or treas urer’s check upon an incorpor ated bank or trust company, payable to the order of Mont gomery County, Maryland, for Three Hundred Fifteen Thou sand Dollars ($315,000). The check of the successful bidder will be collected and the pro ceeds thereof retained by the County to be applied In part payment for the bonds, and no interest will be allowed upon the amount thereof, but In the event the successful bidder shall fail to comply with the terms of his bid, the proceeds of such check shall be retained as and for full liquidated damage*. The checks of the unsuccessful Legal Advertisement bidder will be returned prompt ly- The County Council will not consider and will reject any bid for the purchase of less than al] of the above-deoribed bonds. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Bidders must bid at least par for the bonds and must specify the rate or rates of interest to be paid thereon, not exceeding five per centum (5%) per an num, in multiples of one-quar ter (14) or one-tenth (1/10) of one per centum (1%). Bidders may not specify more than one rate of interest for bonds ma turing on any single date. The award, if made, will be made promptly after the bid* are opened to the bidder offer ing th# lowest net interest cost to the County, such Interest cost to be determined by com puting the total interest to maturity on all of the bonds and deducting therefrom the premium bid, if any, provided, however, that if two or more bidders offer to purchase said bonds at the same lowest rate of interest, then such award will be made to the bidder offer ing the highest premium. Upon payment of the amount of the successful bid or bids, together with accrued interest, less the deposit theretofore mad*, the bonds will be deliver ed as soon *8 practicable, upon due notice and at the expense of the County, to the purchas ers at the County Office Build ing in Rockville, Maryland, or, at the purchaser’s request, at the principal trust office of The Chase Manhattan Bank, in New York City. Delivery elsewhere will be made at the expense of the purchaser. These bonds will constitute an irrevocable pledge of the full faith and credit of Mont gomery County. * The issuance of these bonds will be subject to legal approval by Messrs. Smith, Somerville A Case, of Baltimore, Maryland, and copies of their opinion will be delivered upon request, with out charge, to the successful bidder for the bonds. The certi fied text of said approving legal opinion will be printed on each bond. There will also be fur nished the usual closing papers, including a certificate stating that there i* no litigation pend ing affecting the validity of the bonds. Further information concern ing this sale of bonds, together with the financial Rtatement of Montgomery County, and other data in reference thereto, will be supplied to prospective bid der* upon request made to th* undersigned at the County Of fice Building, Rockville, Mary land. ALEX K. HANCOCK, Director of Finance 2t-4164-l/10 Notice To Stockholders THE BANK OF DAMASCUS DAMASCUS, MD. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of The Bank of Damascus, Damascus, Mary land, for the election of direct ors and the transaction of any other business that may come before the meeting, will be held at the office of said bank on Tuesday, the 15th day of Janu ary, 1963. Polls open from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. WALTER C. BROWN Cashier 3t-4100-1/10 P. M. NI'SSBAI'M 4326 IsrrMut Street H.vattaville. M 4. ORDKB NISI IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY As a Court of Equity No 26103 Equity PAUL M. NUSSBAUM Assignee v, WILTON HILL*. INC. SIDNEY A. LEVY MIRIAM A. LEVY, hi* wife ORDERED, this 21,t <lay of Deeem her, A.D., 1662, by Uie Circuit Court for Montgomery County, a, a Court of Equity, that the ,aie made by Paul M. j Nu„haum to Ihomaa A Palm and re ported in the above entitled cause, he ratified and confirmed, unlesa caus* to the contrary thereof be shown on er before the 21ft day of January next: provided a copy of thia order be Inserted In ome : newspaper published In aald Montgomery County, once a week for three aucces- i alvt weeks before the aald 21st day of January. 1963. Th* report state* th* amount of the sal* to be *12,200. CLAYTON K WATKINS Clerk of the Circuit Court For Montgomery County True Copy —Teat: CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk *l-4156-1-10 EDWARD 1,. FOSTER 911 Thayer Avenue Stiver Serin*. Md. NOTICE TO CREDITOR* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that th* Orphans' Onurt for Montgomery County ha, issued Letters Testamentary to Margaret Hohlt* In the Estet* of MARGARET B. GROOMES late of Montgomery County, dnc*a*d All person* having Claim, against the rieceaned er# hereby warned lo present th# asm* *n nr before th# sth day #f July next ; they may otherwla* by law he excluded from all benefit of aald Es tate. All persons indebted to aald Es tate er* requested to make Immediate payment. Given under my hand this 21,t <ay of December, 1962 MARGARET G. HOBBS Oiney. Mary and Exeuetrlx *t-41<g-!/7 ROARKE J. SHEEHAN tt H. Jefferson Street Rockville. Md. NOTICE TO CREDITOR* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that th* Orphans' Court for Montgomery County ha lued letters Tejtsmcntary to Rich ard D Kearney m the Estate of DAY ID Rif HARD KEARNEY late of Montgomery County deweted. All person* having Clalmt against the de ceased are hereby warned to preterit the aeme on or before the 7th day of June next; they may otherwlae by law he ex cluded from all benefit of aaid Estate. All person. Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment Given under my hand thia 291 h day of November, 1962 RICHARD D KEARNEY 1316 4th Street, S W. V. aahmgton 24, D. Executor -4191-1-10 Legal Advertisement Conroy and Williams 7901 Norfolk Avenue Bethesda, Md. Trustees’ Sale Of Valnable Improved Real Es tate, located la Montgomery County, Maryland, improved by premises known as 82M Wahly Drive, Bethesda, Mary land, 6261 Wahly Drive, Be thesda, Maryland and 6262 Wahly Drive, Bethseda, Mary land. By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust from West Bethesda Park, Inc., a Maryland Corpora tion to the undersigned Trus tees dated the 10th day of May, 1960 and recorded among the Land Records of Montgomery County, Maryland in Liber 2733 folio 464 and at the request of the parties secured thereby, de fault having occurred in the terms and conditions thereof, the undersigned Trustees nam ed In said Deed of Trust will sell at public auction on TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1968 AT 6:30 A.M., in front of the Court House door in the Town of Rockville, Maryland facing on E. Montgomery Street, part of the property in said Deed of Trust described as follows: Lots numbered Eleven (11) Twelve (12) and Thirteen (13) in Block lettered “A” in the sub division known as “WEST BE THESDA PARK” as per plat re corded in Plat Book #66, Plat #5949 among the Land Records of Montgomery County, Mary land. Subject to building restriction line and all covenanta of record. Each property Is improved by a two story brick and frame dwelling with basement. The property will be sold in the following manner, namely: Each of the above lots will be offered for sale individually and separate bids will be taken for each; then all of the properties will be offered as an entirety and the same will be sold to the bidder, or bidders, offering the highest aggregate sum therefor. < TERMS OF SALE In case the bids for individual lota aggregate the highest sum a cash deposit of $1,000.00 for each lot will be required at the time of sale. In case th* bid for the property as an entirety is the highest a cash deposit of $3,000.00 will be required at the time of sale. The balance of the i bid in either event, in cash, with , Interest at six (6%) percent per annum from the date of sale to the date of payment ahall be payable within two (2 days aft er the final ratification of the sale. Adjustment# on all taxes, pub lic charges and special or regu lar assessments will be made as of the date of sale and thereaft er be assumed by the purchas er. Title examination, convey ancing, State and Federal reve nue stamps, transfer tax, and all other costs Incident to settle men are to be paid by the pur chaser. Compliance wih terms of sale shall be made within two (2) days after final ratification of sale or deposit shall be forfeited and the property resold at the risk and cost of the defaultant purchaser. Each property will be sold subject to a prior en cumbrance the terms and con ditions of which will be an nounced at the time of sale. SOLOMON GROSSBERG ISADORE BRILL Trustees By: JOHN M. CONROY Attorney for Noteholder 4U159-1/17 RARNARII T. WELSH X?. W. Jefferson Street Rorkvllle, 316. NOTICE TO CREDITOR* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that th# OrpiitnF Court for Montgomery County halt inued Letters of Administration to Barnard T. Welh in the Catate of CsEORGfA MITt Hfr LL BKJVNEIt latfc of Montgomery County deceased. All , persona having Ciaimn againut the <ie , ceaaad ate hereby warned to preaent the aarne on or before the 14th day of Juna I next; they may otherwiae by law he ex . eluded fiom all benefit of said Eatate. i All peraona indebted to said Estate are . requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand thia sth day of December, I#2. i BARNARD T. WALSH 22 W. Jefferson Street Rockville, Mil. Administrator <l-4119-1-17 O. RICHARD FARR Monroe fttrnet Rockville, Md. , NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE I % HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has Issued I*ettera of Administration to John r. Marshall In the Estate of NAXCV I. MARSHALL late of Montgomery County daeeased. Al! persona having Claims against the de - rested are hereby warned to present th# ’ same on or befote the 14th day of June next; they may otherwise by law be ex cluded from all benefit of said Estate, a AH persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make tminedtata payment. Given under my hand this sth day #f ' December, IM2. JOtfN F. MARSHALL 2*04 Daniel Road ’ Chevy Chase. Md. Administrator dt >4115-1-17 OBAIUJM W. WOODWARD, JK. Fir# llmsfkwat Dulldiag Rockville, Md. NOTfftV TO CREDITOR* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans' (!ourt for Montgomery County has issued I setter* Testamentary to Mary D. Hoaklnaon and Stella G, | Hoakinson in th# Estate of LLLt7 R. ROftK IN AON late of Montgomery County, deceased. All persons having Claims against th# deceased ar# hereby warned to preaent the same on or btfdrt to# sth day of > July next; they may otherw)*# by law f be excluded from all benefit of said Es ■ tafe. All poisons indebted to said Es tate are requested to make Immediate f payment. Given under our hands this 'JSih da 1 of December, Iftßk. marv d. hoakinson AIELIaA G MOSKPvSON font#*' ij|e. Maryland I Exbcutricsa ft-4170-J/7 Legal Advertisement Conroy and Williams 7901 Norfolk Ave. Bethesda, Md. Trustees’ Sale Of Valnable, Improved Beal Estate, located In Montgom ery County, Maryland, im proved by premises known as 9932 Fleming Avenue, Bethes da, Maryland. By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust from Roblaw Develop ment Corp., a Maryland Corp oration to the undersigned Trustees dated the 9th day of October 1961 and recorded among the Land Records of Montgomery County, Maryland in Liber 2909 Folio 9 and at the request of the parties secured thereby, default having occur red in terms and condition* thereof, the undersigned Trus tees named in said Deed of Trust will sell at public auction on TUESDAY. JANUARY 29, 1963 AT 16:00 A.M., in front of the Court House door in the Town of Rockville, Maryland facing on E. Mont gomery Street all that property in said Deed of Trust described as follows: Lot numbered Eighteen (18) in Block numbered Seven (7) in the subdivision known as “NORTH BETHESDA GROVE” as per plat recorded in Plat Book #3l, Plat #1961 among the Land Rec ords of Montgomery County, Maryland. Subject to building restriction line and all covenants of rec ord. The property la improved by a one-story brick and frame dwelling with basement. TERMS OF SALE A cash deposit of $1,000.00 will be required at the time of sal*. The balance in oaah, with interest at six per centum per annum from the date of sale to the date of payment, payable within two days after final ratification of sale. Adjustment* on all taxes, public charges and epedal or regular assessments will be made as of the date of aale and thereafter be assumed by the purchaser. Title examination, conveyancing, State and Fed end revenue stamps, transfer tax, and all other cost* incident to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Compliance with terms of sale shall be made within two day* after final ratification of sale or deposit shall be forfeited and th# property resold at the risk and cost of the defaultant purchaser. The property will be sold subject to a prior en cumbrance, th# terms and con ditions of which shall be an nounced at the time of sale. JOHN M. CONROY VICTOR A. DELEON Trustees By: Robert K. Williams, Jr. Attorney for Noteholder 4t4166-l/24 Sheriff’s Sale Of Valuable Personal Property STATE OF MARYLAND Montgomery County, to wit: By vitue of Distraints for Rent issued by Mrs. P. D. Ford, landlord, and to me as Sheriff of said County directed at the suits of Mrs. P. D. Ford vs. Leo Laton* I have this 28th dsy of November, 1962, and this 19th dsy of December, 1962, seized and taken into execution all the right and title, claim, interest and estate both at law and In equity of the said Leo Latona of, in. to and about the follow ing described property, to wit: I—Four-Section couch I—Coffee table I—Hassock I—Floor lamp 1-Zenith 21" T.V. I—Wall Mirror I—Four-tier metal bookcase 1— Platform rocker 1-9x12 mg. I—Dinette Set w/4 charls I—Wood table w/2 chairs 1--Chlna cabinet I—Book case I—Table lamp I—Serving cart I—Toaster I—Electric wall dock 1— Single bed 2 Small night stand* I—Double night stand* I—Double bookcase bed I—Dresser w/mirror I—Chest of drawers 1— Table Radio 2 Dressing table lamps I—Tele-tone radio I—Zenith Record Player I hereby give notice that I will sell all the right, title, claim, interest and estate both at law and in equity of the said Leo Latona of, in, to and about the above described property to th# highest bidders for cash at 8208 Houston Court, Apartment #5, Takoma Park, Maryland, on FRIDAY. JANUARY 11, 1963 AT 16:36 A.M, Terms of Sale: CASH. RALPH VV. OFFUTT Sheriff Montgomery County, Md. 2t-4174-l/10