Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, January 10, 1963 SENTINEL I A12 Legal Advertisement Toning amendment DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTION AND LICENSES MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD. Rockville, Md. A public hearing on the fol lowing application for Zoning I Amendment will be held in the! '* Auditorium of the County Of fice Building, Rockville, Mary land, on FRIDAY, FEB. 15, 1963 AT 8:00 O’CLOCK P.M., or as soon thereafter as it can be heard. NUMBER C-903: C. Edward Nicholson, Attorney for owner, Harry and Tillie Bonnett, Appli cant, for the reclassification from the R-A Zone to the R-R Zone of the Bonnett Property located on the West Side of Layhill Road, 300 feet south of Atwood Road, Layhill, Mary land, consisting of 14.8751 acres in the 13th Election District, as more particularly described in the application on file for pub lic inspection In the Office of the Director, Department of In spection and Licenses. E. W. BUCKLIN, Director Department of Inspection and Licenses lt-4197-1-10 Car Auction By virtue of Article 63, sec- 1 tion 43 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Ed.) the un dersigned will sell for towing and storage or/and lawful charges 1957 Ford Tudor Sedan, Serial Number C 7 8TU6097, owned by Mrs. R. M. Bartow, 1981 Agler Road, Columbus, Ohio. Sale will be held at George A. Plane, T/A Shady Grove Gulf Service Station, at Fields and Shady Grove Road, Gaithersburg, Maryland, on SATURDAY, JAN. 19, 1968 AT 10:00 A.M. O’CLOCK TERMS OF SALE—Cash. Auctioneer—Brake Fraley. 2t-4181-l-17 r. if. srsastCM DM runnl Stmt HjrstUvlll*. Md. OBDKR NISI IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY A* a Court of Equity No. 26108 Equity RAUL M. NUSSBAUM Asslfne* WILTON HILLS, INC. SIDNEY A. LEVY MIRIAM A. LEVY, hll wlft ORDERED, thli 21st day of Decem ber, A.D., 1982. by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, aa a Court of Equity, that the aala made by Paul M. Nuaabaum. Assignee to John R. Colston and Chrlatel D. Colston, his wef and ro porttd In the above entitled cauae, ha ratified and confirmed, unleu cauae to the contrary thereof be ahown on or be fore the 21st day of January next: pro vided a copy of thla order be inserted In some newspaper published in said Montgomery County, once a week for thru successive week before the said Jttat day of January. 1963. Teh report states the amount of the sale be SIS,OOO. CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clark of the Circuit Court For Montgomery County Trot Copy—-Test: CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clark 3t-4157-I-10 ZONING AMENDMENT DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTION AND LICENSES MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD. Rockville, Md. A public hearing on the fol lowing application for Zoning Amendment will be held In the Auditorium of the County Of fice Building, Rockville, Mary land, on THURSDAY, FEB. 14, 1968 AT 8:00 O’CLOCK P.M., or as soon thereafter as it can be heard. NUMBER C-954: John D. Bowman, Attorney for Charles G. Mobley, et al, Applicant, for the reclassification from the R-R Zone to the 1-1 Zone of property located at 5215 Ran dolph Road, Rockville, consist ing of approximately 5.5807 acres In the 4th Election Dis trict. as more particularly de scribed in the application on file for public Inspection In the Office of the Director, Depart ment of Inspection and Li censes. E. W. BUCKLIN, Director Department of Inspection and Licenses lt-4198-1-10 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans' Court for Montgomery County has la*u*d Letter* Testamentary to William V. Bouir In the Estate of ELLA R. PLUMMER late of Montgomery Oountv deceased. All pereona having Claima against the de eeaaed are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 11th day of Julv next: they may otherwiae by law be ex cluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment. Given under hla hand this Bth dav of January, 3963 WILLIAM V. BOUIC 208 E. Montgomery Ave Rockville, Md. Executor 6t-4186-2-14 P. M. NUSSBAUM 4SiB Famtrut StreU Hrattsvllle. Md. ORDER NISI IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY Aa a Court of Equity No 26107 Equity RAUL M. NUSSBAUM Aaslgnee MILTON HILLS, INC. SIDNEY A. LEVY MIRIAM A. LEVY, hla wifa ORDERED, this 21 at day of Decem ber, A.D., 1962, by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, aa a Court of Equity, that the aale made by Paul M. Nuaabaum. Assignee to Marvin Brown and Chrlatel D. Colston, his wife and re be ratified and confirmed, unless cauae to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 21st day of January next; provided a copy of thla order be Insert ed In aome newspaper published In aald Montgomery County, once e week for three euecesalve weeks before the said 23 st day of January. 1963. The report states the amount of the Bate to be $12,700.00. above a prior en cumbrance of 836,439.13 Including In tercet CLAYTON K WATKINS Clerk of the Circuit Court For Montgomery County True Copy—Teat: CLAYTON K. WATKINS Claris ft-4136-l-U Legal Advertisement Law Offices Brodsky and Cuddy 10730 Connecticut Avenue Kensington, Md. Trustees’ Sale Of Valuable Improved Property in Montgomery County, Md. Under and by virtue of the ; power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust from Carl F. Catlin and Roma W. Catlin, his wife, to James G. ( Hollis and Jackson Brodsky, , trustees, dated December 18, ( 1961, and recorded December , 20, 1961, in Liber 2921, Folio 6, ; one of the Land Records of Montgomery County, Maryland, ' and at the request of the party secured thereby, default having ( been made in the indebtedness ( secured by said Deed of Trust, j the undersigned trustees will offer for sale ait public auction, 1 on the premises, of said prop | erty: 1301 University Boule vard, Silver Spring, Maryland, on WED., JANUARY SO, 1963 At 3:00 P.M, The property described in said Deed of Trust is as fol- ’ ; lows: Being part of the land con- ‘ 1 veyed from Maude Gertrude I Culver et vir to Polly Trum- 1 i bull by Deed dated July 6, ‘ 1921 and recorded among the j Land Records of Montgom ery, Maryland, in Liber 308 at Folio 116, and being more particularly described as fol lows: BEGINNING for the same at a stone at the end of the sixth on North 29“ IT 55* East 471.15 foot line of a deed from Polly Trumbull to - the Maryland-National Capi tal Park and Planning Com mission dated November 8, 1951, recorded In Liber 1599 ] at folio 29 and running I thence with the northerly line of the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning 1 Commission property ( (1) North 57* 56’ 25" West i 386.00 feet to a point on the * Westerly line of the Polly 1 Trumbull tract, thence with •aid westerly Hne (2) North 29“ 18’ 30" East f 358.35 feet to a point at the 1 Southwest comer of the Parkland Pool Association, * Inc. property as recorded in Liber 2474 at folio 188, thence ' running with the southerly line of said property (3) South 60“ 42’ 30" East £ 385.54 feet to a point on the t Easterly line of the Polly r Trumbull tract, thence with t the easterly Hne (4) South 29“ 18* 30* West t 377 feet to the point of begin- a ning, containing 3.2543 acres of land more or less. TO GETHER with a twenty foot wide Right of Way for In gress and egress as described - in the Deed to the Maryland- National Capital Park and Planning Commission, re - corded in Liber 1599 at folio I 28. | SUBJECT to a Right of Way for ingress and egress granted to the Parkland Pool 1 Association, Inc. as described j In Liber 2474 at folio 188. J Said property 1s improved by 1 a one and one-half story brick 1 and frame dwelling, containing three bedrooms, one bath, with plumbing roughed In for a seo- ( ond bath, a porch and a base- t merit. Tills said property la presently the subject of a spe- i oial exception granted by the Montgomery County Board of \ Appeals and a variance, the ( same having been granted In 1 Board of Appeals Case Nos. ! 1204 and 1205. This said spe- i rial exception Is for purposes 1 of constructing and operating * a nursing home, but the same 1 will expire If not utilized by < March 12, 1963, and the trustee : [ makes no affirmative represen- 1 j tation as to the assignability ! of the special exception and the 1 variance. TERMS OF SALE This property is sold subject , to a first Deed of Trust, the exact terms of which will be i announced at the time of the ; sale, covenants, restrictions and ; agreements affecting same, if any. The terms will be all ' cash. A deposit of $2,500.00 ( will be required at the time of the sale; balance upon ratifica tion of sale by the Circuit i Court for Montgomery County, Maryland. Taxes, Front Foot Benefit Charges and Special Assessment, if any, to be ad justed to the date of sale. Bal ance of sale* price to bear In terest at 6% per annum. Con veyancing, recording fees, no tary fees, examination of title, State and Federal Revenue Stamps and County Transfer ; tax, if any, to be at the cost t of the purchaser or purchasers, i Washington Suburban Sanitary j Commission chages to be ad r justed for the current year to the date of sale and assumed J thereafter by the purchaser. In i terest on the prior trust to be borne by purchaser from date -of sale. The terms of sale to be com : plied with within five days after final ratification thereof j by the Circuit Court for Mont , gomejy County, Maryland. Legal Advertisement Otherwise, the property will be resold at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser. JAMES G. HOLLIS, Trustee JACKSON BRODSKY, Trustee 4t-4202-1/30 ! Sheriff’s Sale Of Valuable Personal Property STATE OF MARYLAND, Montgomery County, to wit: By virtue of Writ of Fieri Facias issued by the Circuit Court for Montgomery, and to me as Sheriff of said County, directed at the suit of William W. Buckley vs. William S. Brown I have this 23rd day of November, 1962, seized and taken Into execution all the right and title, claim, interest and estate both at law and in equity of the said William S. Brown of, in, to and about the following described property, to wit: 1—1953 Chevrolet Truck Serial No. W 530-010353 equipped w/aluminum horse van body 3 horse cap. I hereby give notice that I will sell all the right, title 1 claim, interest and estate both at law and in equity of the said William S. Brown, of. in, to and about the above described prop erty to the highest bidders for cash at Reed Brothers, Inc., 600 E. Montgomery Ave., Rockville, Maryland, on MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 1963 AT 10:30 A.M. Terms of Sale: CASH RALPH W. OFFUTT Sheriff Montgomery County, Md. 2t-4193-l/17 ZONING AMENDMENT DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTION AND LICENSES MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD. Rockville, Md. A public hearing on the fol lowing application for Zoning Amendment will be held in the Auditorium of the County Of fice Building, Rockville, Mary land, on THURSDAY, FEB. 14. 1968 AT 8:00 O’CLOCK P.M., or as soon thereafter as It can be heard. NUMBER C-921: Joseph A. Lynott, Jr., Attorney for C. M. i Whalen, Applicant, for the re classification from the R-90 j Zone to the 1-1 Zone of lots 8 and 10, "Montrose” located at Randolph Road, Rockville, con sisting of 24,970 square feet in the 4th Ejection District as more particularly described in the application on file for pub lic inspection In the Office of the Director, Department of In spection and Licenses. E. W. BUCKLIN, Director Department of Inspection and Licenses lt-4199-1-10 ZONING AMENDMENT DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTION AND LICENSES MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD. Rockville, Md. A public hearing on the fol lowing application for Zoning Amendment will be held in the Auditorium of the County Of fice Building, Rockville, Mary land, on MONDAY, FEB. 18, 1968 AT 8:00 O’CLOCK P.M., or as soon thereafter as It can be heard. NUMBER C-918: Jack Gold man, Applicant, for the re classification from the R-60 Zone to the C-O Zone of part of Parcel “C” in Block C, Whea ton Knolls, located at Fern Street, between Reedle Drive and University Boulevard, Wheaton, consisting of 18,509 square feet, in the 13th Election District, as more particularly described In the application on file for public Inspection in the Office of the Director, Depart ment of Inspection and Li censes. E. W. BUCKLIN, Director Department of Inspection and Licenses lt-4200-1-10 ZONING AMENDMENT DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTION AND LICENSES MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD. Rockville, Md. A public hearing on the fol lowing application for Zoning Amendment will be held In the Auditorium of the County Of fice Building, Rockville, Mary land, on MONDAY, FEB. 11. 1968 AT 8:00 O’CLOCK P.M. or as soon thereafter as It can be heard. NUMBER C-920: Joseph A. Lynott, Attorney for William K. Pace, et ux, Applicant, for the reclassification from the R-R Zone to the 1-1 Zone of proper ty located at Oakmont Avenue, Gaithersburg, consisting of 1.987 acres in the 9th Election Dis trict, as more particularly de scribed In the application on file for public inspection in the Office of the Director, Depart ment of Inspection and Li censes. E. W. BUCKLIN Director Department of Inspection and Licenses lt-4201-1-16 I Legal Advertisement ! Robert E. Bullard, f Solicitor 215 E. Montgomery Ave. Rockville, Md. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY I COUNTY, MARYLAND i SITTING AS A COURT OF EQUITY MARY LOUISE WYRICK 112 James Street Gaithersburg, Maryland Complainant Vs. , JACKIE HOLMES WYRICK Address Unknown Defendant Equity: 26279 Order of Publication This is to give notice that on the second day of January, 1963, a Bill of Complaint was filed in the Circuit Court for Montgom ery County, Maryland, Sitting as a Court of Equity, by the Complainant against the Defend ant, whose address is unknown. The petition alleges in sub stance that the Complainant and Defendant were lawfully mar ried in 1954; that two children were bom to the parties; that jin June, 1961, without just cause or reason, the Defendant deserted the Complainant; that the Defendant has announced that his intention to live with the Complainant no longer, is deliberate and final and there is no hope, possibility or expec tation of reconciliation: and, prays that the Complainant be divorced a vineluo matrimonii of the Defendant; that the Com-' piainant be awarded the custody of the infant children of the par j ties: and for such other and j further relief as the nature of the cause may require, WHEREUPON, it is, by the Circuit Court for Montgomery, County, Maryland, Sitting as a Court of Equity, this 2nd day of January, 1963, ORDERED, that the Com plainant cause a copy of this Order to be inserted in a news paper published In Montgomery | County, once a week in each of four successive weeks, before the 4th day of February. 1963, j giving notice to the said Defend- j : ant of the object and substance of the Bill of Complaint and j warning him to file his initial ! pleading, and show cause, if any there may be, on or before the Bth day of March, 1963, why ; a decree should not be passed as prayed. True Copy Test! CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk 4t-4192-l/31 Notice To All Owners of Tangible Personal Property Within Montgomery County As provided by Section 7, Article 81, Public General Laws, it is required that all persons or companies (excluding corpo rations, public utilities, banks and railroads) owning tangible personal property make return on same to the Supervisor o< Assessments, County Office Building, Rockville, Maryland. In accordance with the law, a sever# penalty will be Imposed on any person who shall fail or refuse to file such return no later than April 15,1963. EXCEPTED Ja household furniture held for the use of the owner or members of his family and not held or employed for purposes of profit, or in connec tion with any business, profes sion or occupation. Blanks for this return may be obtained in Room 411, County Office Building, Rock ville; County Buildings at Silver Spring and Bethesda; or, at any of the following banks: Damascus, Gaithersburg, Ger mantown, Poolesville, Sandy Spring, Takoma Park, Wheaton, Kensington. By: GARNER W. DUVALL Supervisor of Assessments For Montgomery Cbunty 3t-4195-l/25 betts. rr.noo * Mi snom Jfftmon Building; Rockville. Md. ORDER NISI IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY As a Court of Equity . No. 26258 Equity ' In the Matter of the Deed of Trust from WINMAR BUILDERS, INC. to DAVID E. BETTS and LEWIS R. ROBERTS Trustee* ORDERED, this Bth day of January. A.D., 1963. by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, as a Court of Equity, that the aale made by David E. Betts and Lewis R. Roberts. Trustee* to Thomas H. Pritchard and Stanley B. Froah, Joint tenant* and reported In tht above entitled cause, b* ratified and con firmed. unleaa cause to th* contrary thereof be shown on or before the 4th ®*y of February next: provided a oopy of this order he Inserted In aome new*, paper published In said Montgomery County, once a week for throe auccetalv* weeks before the said 4th day of Fab , niary, 1*63. TTte report states the amount of th* tale to be 829.000. CLAYTON K. WATKINS Cork of the Circuit Court For Montgomery County , True Copy—Teat: CLAYTON K. WATKINS . Clerk St-4191-1-34 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that tha Orphans' Court for Montgomery County . has Issued totters of Administration to Lucille B. Ellington the Estate of KENNETH TERRELI. ELLINGTON , late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claima against the de- I ceased are hereby warned to present tha tame on or before the 10th day of Feb ‘ ruary next; they may otherwise by law b* . excluded from all benefit of aald Estate. All persons Indebted to said Estate era requested to make Immediate payment. Given under my hand thla Bth day of January, 1963. LUCILLE BOYD ELLINGTON 1600 Oody Drive J Silver Spring. Md. ' Petitioner lt-iUT-1-16 Legal Advertisement Trustee’s Sale Of Beal Estate By virtue of a Decree of the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County, Maryland, in the estates of John H. Dove and Martha E. Dove, deceased, Administrations No. 13,570, the undersigned Trustee will sell by public auc tion at the Court House Door, East Montgomery Avenue, Rock ville, Maryland, on THURSDAY, FEB. 7. 1963 AT 11:00 A.M. all that piece of ground consist ing of two parcels containing 2.07 acres in the Barnesville Election District, Montgomery ! County, Maryland, and situate on Big Woods Road between J Barnesville and Dickerson, and fully described in a deed dated , March 17, 1927, from William D. | Knott to John H. Dove and re corded among the Land Rec ords of Montgomery County, Maryland, in Liber PBR 422. Folio 185. This property is improved with a small frame two room dwelling and is suitable for de velopment of building lots. TERMS OF SALE: CASH. All costs of transfer, State and Fed eral Revenue Stamps, transfer tax, title examination and settle ment costs to be borne by pur j chaser. Taxes to be adjusted to date of sale. Sale subject to ratification by the Orphans’ ' Court for Montgomery County, | Maryland, and, in the event of ; defaultant purchaser, property will be re-sold at defaultant pur chaser's risk. Plat available for inspection in Trustee's office. GLENN J. GOLDBURN, Trustee 24 South Peiry St.. Rockville, Maryland POplar 2-6551 4t-4180-l 31 ZONING AMENDMENT DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTION AND LICENSES MONTGOMERY' COUNTY, MD. ! Rockville, Md. A public heal ing on the fol lowing application for Zoning Amendment will be held in the Auditorium of the County Of fice Building, Rockville, Mary j land, on THURSDAY, FEB. 14, 1963 AT 8:00 O’CLOCK P.M., or as soon thereafter as it can ; be heard. NUMBER C-922: Wheeler, Moore and Korpeck, attorneys for Earl Foreman. Contract Purchaser, Applicant, for the reclassification from the R-R, Zone to the R-20 Zone of part of the Parklawn Cemetery Site, located north of Randolph Road and East of Rockville Pike, con sisting of 19.6267 acres in the 4th Election District, as more particularly described in the application on file for public inspection in the Office of the Director, Department of In spection and Licenses, E. W. BUCKLIN, Director Department of Inspection and Licenses lt-4196-1-10 I. JOHN RfTTERPUSCH. ESq] 11153 Vim Mill Road Silver Spring, Md. ORDER NISI IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY As * Court of Equity No. 20375 Equity In th# Matter of BLISS HINDS I Incompetent ORDERED, this Bth day of January, A D 1963. by the Circuit Court for ; Montgomery County, as a Court of Equity, that the Auditor's Fifth Report ; filed In the above entitled cause, be . ratified and confirmed, unless causa to the eontrarv thereof be shown on or ' before the 4th day of February next: ' provided a copy of thla order be inserted 1 In some newspaper published In aald Montgomery County, once a week for i three successive weeks before the said 4th day of February. 1963. the last pub lication to be at least one week prior to the day on or before which objections may be filed. CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk of the Circuit Court For Montgomery Countv True Copy—Test: CLAYTON K. WATKINS Qcrk St-4189-1-24 EDWARD A. PALAMAR4, ESQ. 33 South Perry' Street Rockville, Md. ORDER NISI IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY As a Court of Equity i WILLIAM M 7B Eqi " ty Petitioner ve. LETITIA BROGDEN. et al Defendants | ORDERED, thla Bth day of January. A.D.. 1963. by the Circuit Court for 1 Montgomery Count}-, as a Court of i Equity, that the Auditor's Report filed to the above entitled cause, be ratified , and confirmed, unless cause to the con trary thereof be shown on or before the 1 4th day of February next: provided a copy of thla order be inserted In tome 1 newspaper published in aald Montgomery l County, once a week for three tucceaalv# , weeks before the said 4th day of Feb- 1 ruary. 1963. the last publication to b* I at least on* week prior to the day on < ■ or before which objertioni may be filed. I CLAYTON K. WATKINS 1 Clerk of the Circuit Court > For Montgomery County True Copy—Teat: I CLAYTON K. WATKINS ' Clerk Bt-4188-l-24 i t —1 i BETTS. CI.OGG 8 MURDOCK Jefferson Building Rockville. Md - ORDER NISI I IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY Aa a Court of Equity , No. 25828 Equity In tha Matter of Foreclosure of th# Mortgage from JOHN L. HARDEN and JACQUELINE L. HARDEN, hta wife to HYATTSVILLK BUILDING , ASSOCIATION 1 dated the 10th of March, 1961 - and recorded in Liber 2830, at folio 434 1 ORDERED, this Bth day of January, i A.D.. 1963, by th* Circuit Court for • Montgomery County, as a Court of 1 Equity, that the Auditor’* Report filed ’ to the above entitled cause, be ratified - and confirmed, unless cause to the con trary thereof be ahown on or before the 1 4th day of February next: provided a ] • copy of this order be inserted in some • newspaper published in said Montgomery ■ County, once a week for three successive ■ weeks before the said 4th dav of Feb- ■ • ruary. 1963, the last publication to be ■ ' at leaat one week prior to the dav on or before which objections msy be filed f CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk of the Circuit Court For Montgomery County True Copy—Teat: I CLAYTON K. WATKINS 1 OR* Bt-4190-1-24 Legal Advertisement CHARLES W. WOODWARD, JR. Fire Department Building Rockville, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the | Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County ! has issued Letters of Administration to i : Elizabeth M. Ritter in the Estate of BENJAMIN E. HARRIS late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claima against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 11th day of July next: they may otherwise by law be ex cluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 2nd dav of January, 1963. ELIZABETH M. RITTER 7511 Hawthorne Street Kenttand, Md. Administratrix 6t-4183-2-14 JUnKiut. WANT ADS I SENTINEL WANT ADS I Daadlina Tuesday. 3:30 P.M. TO PLACE WANT ADS Call GA. 4-7700 9 a.m. to 9 p m. INDEX ClMNttication Number AUCTIONS 1 NOTICES t ANNOUNCEMENTS 3 SERVICES 4 HELP WANTED ft INSTRUCTIONS ft ANTIQUE* 1 j MI SC. FOR SALE ft MIST. WANTED ft LET’S SWAP .. lft BARGAIN SPOT II GARDEN A FARM 12 FRANKLY FEMALE 13 MORTGAGE A LOANS 14 INSURANCE iff j LIVESTOCK, SALE lb PETS KENNELS 17 j REAL ESTATE, SALE 18 I REAL ESTATE, RENT Ift BOATS ftft AUTOMOBILES 21 FOREIGN CARS .....2* | TRUCKS A TRAILERS 23 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 34 MOTORCYCLES 25 I AUTO PARTS 26 • COMING EVENTS 27 I I Situation* Wantad, Child Care and ads placed by people who are moving must be paid in advance. CLAIMS FOR ERRORS Errors must be reported immedi ately. Sentinel cannot make al lowances after first publication. NOTICES 2 HOMESTEAD NURSING HOME Kind, Professional Care. Licen sed by County and State of Maryland. 24 Hour Nursing Care. Vacancy Available. One of Rockville’s Leading Nursing Homes. MBS. G. M. HALSTEAD Registered Nurse Director CALL ANY TIME—PO. 2-6533 tf-3356 LOST— in Glen Hills. Brown male tiger cat, long hind legs. Weight. 10 lbs. REWARD. PO. 2-6178 after 6 p.m. lt-1/10 MUSIC FOR YOUR ENJOY MENT JAMES HOPKINS AND HIS ORCHESTRA. Phone 4744625. 4t-l/17 WHAT IS DIVINE SERVICE? Informal meeting led by Bea trice Dodge. Meeting Room, OO OP store, 215 N. Wash. St., Tuesday, Jan. 15, 7:30 p.m. SERVICES 4 ALTERATION A REMODEL ING SERVICES —Tailoring Weaving; for men & women, on all clothing, expertly done at reasonable prices. Tuxedo rent als. Central Charge Service, BE THESDA CUSTOM TAILORS, 7836 Wisconsin Ave., OL. 6-2077. LEATHER & SUEDE CLEANING LEATHER CARE 8213 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring 585-0398 All work done on premises Pickup Delivery tf-8030 SUBURBAN WATERPROOF ING COMPANY SILVER SPRING, MD. We can solve your wet base ment problems. Specializing in waterproofing below and above grade. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. Financing if de sired. 15 years experience. We also do cement work and yard grading, drain tile. Ask for Mr. | Bryan or Mrs. Eader. JU. 7-7695 JU. 7-5340 CRUSHED STONE Repair those drives, lanes and parking areas now; all sizes of crushed stone delivered; estimates cheerfully given. Call Rockville Crushed Stone, Inc. PO. 2-9307. HAVE THOSE GIFT photo graphs hand-colored in oil by professional artist; Bxlo, only $5. WH. 2-9210, eves. & wkends. CHARLES SCHWAB ELECTRICIAN Licensed and Bonded Wiring, Repairs, Service Calls No Job Too Small 946-6489 946-6438 tf-8346 VETERANS SHEET METAL CO.—Oil and gas hot air fur nace# Roofing, new and re ! pair. Guttering and spouting; roof painting. Humidirierr for hot air furnaces. Additional heat lines. Free estimate# Call PO. 2-2896 or PO. 2-3917 MIMEOGRAPHING, typl n g, stenorette rental, transcription of dietabelts. Public Stenograph er. Notary Public. GA. 4-7766. i SECRETARIAL ASSOCIATES.! 3 No. Perry St„ Rockville. 4t-l/81 1 Legal Advertisement i BARNARD T. WELSH 22 W. Jefferson Street Rockville, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the ; Orphans’ Court few Montgomery County j i has issued Letters of Administration to j ' Anne H. Christmas in the Estate of I FRANK DUVALL CHRISTMAS late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 11th day of July next; they may otherwise by law be ex cluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 3rd day of January, 1963. ANNE H. CHRISTMAS Sugarland Road Poolesville, Md. Administratrix 6t-4185-2-14 SERVICES 4 CARTERS Upholstering Co. Upholstering & Slip Covers. Free estimates. Pick Up & De livery; Cushions refilled: Tuft ing a Specialty. PO. 2-5747. BEAHM’S AUTO WRECKERS Parts and suppliaa for all malt*, and modals. W# buy uaed and wracked cart. 24 hr. towing. CALL CLAYTON BEAHM at 948-3180 Middlebrook Hill Rt. #l3 Gaithersburg, Md. HATE CLEANING - Typewrit ers, adding machines, calcula-! tors, check writers? We’ll do it j now in our store. Also, complete repairs and overhaul on your , machine by factory < 7 years I trained mechanic. All makes and models. Dependable and ! guaranteed workmanship. Pick j up and delivery. N. FRANK & SON, 7825 Old Georgetown Road. Bethesda, OL 6-0967. I lt-1/10 PAPER HANGING, or painting, inside or out. Free estimates, book furnished. Call W. O. Beall & Sons, Derwood, Mary land. WA 6-2537. 4t-l-/31 j I STRUCTURAL STEEL—Beams, pipe, angles, plates, small mo j tors, odds and ends of metal tor j j machinists and tool makers. Visit our yard in Rockville on the new 240-by-pass. Montgom- I ery Iron and Metal Works. PO. 2-3924. j tf-2630 FURNITURE REPAIRING REFINISHED ANTIQUES RESTORED PEAKE FURNITURE 1 CO. 821 N. WASHINGTON ST. PO. 2-3130 I • tf-3132 ; TOWN AND COUNTRY Win j dow Cleaning service. Also i floors, tile and hardwood, rain gutters cleaned and walls I | washed. JU. 7-6852. tf-2586 : ROOF & GUTTER REPAIRS. | New gutters, downspouting, roofing, gutters cleaned. No job t too small. PRINCIPLE ENTER , PRISES, INC. OL 64989. 1 HEAVY DUTY MAINTENANCE SERVICE ; A BEAUTIFUL HOUSE Clean -1 ing job. Floors cleaned, waxed, i j Walls, windows, blinds, wood work, rugs, stoves, etc. Very! reasonable. I furnish best of: ’ everything, go anywhere, have ■ top references and 20 years ex perience. Rugs shampooed. , J Please clip ’til ready. LA. 6-5735 I tf-5375 • REFINISHING , Furniture repairing & cabinet making, i 926-4477 ■ 4M/31 I INCOME TAX ti • TAX RETURNS PREPARED - By experienced accountant. Be , sure to take advantage of all . allowable Tax Deductions. Tax ■ Returns may be prepared over telephone or personal interview at your convenience. Also year round Bookkeeping & Account . ing Services available. Reason able Rates. Call SAM KAIZEN WH 6-2583 , 13x 4/4 ALL LEGITIMATE TAX SAV INGS worked out for you. Of fice in Bethesda. Home calls ar ; ranged. Phone OL 6-3360 any time for appointment. Leo F. J Williams. 13t-4/4 j , TAX SERVICE, 20 years experi ence. 1 day delivery. Federal j $4.00. Federal with State, $7.50. | i 5 North Perry Street, Mon. Wed. i Fri. Mon. evening and Sat. by appointment. GA 4-5335. ! 13x 4/4 i HAVE YOUR INCOME TAX 1 i prepared by an experienced ac countant, Federal and State,; Reasonable rates, fast service. Call 301 WA. 6-0426 INDIVIDUAL TAX RETURNS: Prepared by Experienced Accountant 589-9148. 4t-l/311’ MALE MALE W T A CLERK-TYPIST must be accurate at 45 wpm. Neat In appearance, dependable and able to work overtime as required. The above position i 8 in a suburban location and your own transportation is desirable. Excellent working conditions and com pstn y benefits are included. Call for Appointment WASHINGTON TECHNOLOGICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. 979 ROLLING AVE. ROCKVILLE, MD. HA. 7-7550 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ] Legal Advertisement ROBKRT S. RAINS 928 Wayne Avenue Silver Spring, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the j Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County ; has issued Letters Testamentary to I Mary Jane Miehos in the Estate of NICK PETER MICHOS late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 11th day of July next: they may otheiwlse by law* be ex clued from all benefit of said Estate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment. Given under my hand this 3rd day of January, 1963. MARY JANE MICHOS 6751 Fairfax Road Bethesda. Md. Executrix 61-4184-2-14 SERVICES 4 INCOME TAX . TAX CONSULTANT Assist ance in preparing all types of Federal or State Income Tax returns. Reasonable rates. MR. HARRIS, GA. 4-5161. 13t-4/4 INCOME TAX RETURNS Prepared by graduate account ant. Both, Individual & Business. Will Pick up & deliver. E T. Beck. 3316 Floral St., Wheaton, Md. JU. 5-2151. 13t4/4 HOME IMPROVEMENTS KITCHEN REMODELING Porches, carports, garages, con verted to extra room. Rec. room ; & basements finished. Licensed, I Insured. Mr. Story, WH. 6-2244. ! 4t-l/31 FOR CARPENTRY WORK—Re pairs & Home Improvements of all types, incl. Dormers, Addi tions, Attics & Rec. Rms., Drive . ways, Patios, Porches, Garages, Fireplcs, int. & ext. Painting, Plastering & Wallpapering, Wall & Floor Tiling, Brick Work, Alum. Siding & Roofing. Spe cialty, “Fallout Shelters.’’ Free Estimates. Call ALL - STAR CONSTRUCTION CO., WH 2- I 9032 or PO. 2-3090. tf 6398 BUILDING A REMODELING— I New homes, additions, porches, garages & repairs. Free esti | mates - reasonable prices and prompt service. Will assist in se curing F.H.A. loans. Call COL LINS BROS.. WI. 8-9219. tf 219 REMODELING, additions, cabi net work, recreation rooms. Free estimates. Work guaran teed. 25 years experience. DOYLE CONSTRUCTION CO. Call 652-2118; after 6 p.m. CR. 3- tf-7361-12/5/63 ADDITIONS Carports, Porches, Rec. Rooms, Kitchens & Home Repairs. 5 year pay plan. Licensed FHA approved Contractor. Call WH. 6-0582. HELP WANTED 5 FEMALE GAITHERSBURG DAY NURSERY Children of all ages. Supervised 1 care in pleasant surroundings. Convenient to public and pa rochial schools. Call WI. 8-3039. MALE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE. typing necessary. Experience with operation graphotype and addressograph. Salary open. Reply BOX 101 C, MONTGOM ERY COUNTY SENTINEL, ROCKVILLE, MD. 2t-l-10-63 EXPERIENCED ARCHITEC TURAL DRAFTSMAN for work in Suburban N.W., Washington, half a mile from Route 240. Well known firm doing variety of modem work. Phone 365-7200. YOUNG MAN, Rockville area, to learn appliance parts busi ness. Contact Mr. Koontz at 140 Halpine Road, or call 427-3822. _ lx 1/10 HARDWARE CLERK Wanted full time employment, reliable man with experience preferred. Age 2545. 011 6-7307. Draftsman Mechanical Experienced in tooling desirable. Must be able to prepare neces sary lay-outs and detail work ing drawings from simple work ing sketches. Company small, progressive, located in Bethes da. Maryland, offers permanent ; future with excellent benefits ! and profit sharing plan. Salary ; open. Call Mr. Geist, OL 4-6900 j between 8:30 a.m. • 5 p.m. Mon day thru Friday. lt-1/10 WANTED BOYS in the Rock crest Twinbrook area of Rock ville to carry papers. Call GA. 4- before 5 p.m. tf MALE Able to drive fai-m tractor, steady work delivering material. White Oak Area. Ph. Mr. Gue, 622-3220. lt-1/10 BOYS (white) for all day work Saturday. Good pay. Call 949- 1709 bet. 7 & 9 p.m. tf