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SENTINEL ODUNTY^UX A6 Thursday, January 10, 1963 Potomac 200 ‘Juniors’ Attend Gala Hunt Ball By Cissy Finley The Congressional Country Club took on a special aura of gaiety last Friday evening when the junior members of the Potomac Hunt sponsored their hunt ball. About 200 teenagers re sponded to the black-tie invita tion to attend the nine to 12 party. Prior to the dance, Jun ior Hunt chairman, John Gor don, hosted a dinner party for 70 of the ball goers. He, and his date Judy Kneipp, received guests at the Gordon home on S. Glen Road. Also included in the dinner party were the chaperones selected by the jun ior committee. They included MFH Filliam Carroll and Mrs. Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coleman, Dr. and Mrs. John Kneipp, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dowd and Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Gordon, John’s parents. The entire Junior hunt committee attended the ball. Secretary, “Bobbie” Coleman, was there escorted by an other committee member, Bay Little. Kathy Dowd, treasurer, was squired by David Chilman, a member of the Fairfax (Va.) Junior hunt; Jenny Strong, last year’s chairman, was es corted by Mike Whitehead; Madeline Little and Knight Kipllnger, Robin Hughes dab ing Bob Higgins and another committee member, Becky Bauersfeld, squired by Mike Garrett, handsomely attired in the St. John’s military dress uniform. Six couples represented the Fairfax Hunt Juniors and five couples came from the Lou doun County (Va.) junior hunt, to twist and turn with their Potomac neighbors to the mu sic made by "The Clowns,” a popular junior orchestra. Cokes and hamburgers were served throughout the evening. Among those attending the party were Cindy Bradam and Alan Lord, Greta Smith and Louis Oasner, Ellse Wingfield squired by Trippe Hartlng, Lauralyn and Brad Smith, both dating out-of-town guests; Su san McNeil and polo player, Rick Heald; Candy Cokinos dating Tommy Rhea, Lynn McCracken and Todd Kipiinger, Susan Riggle and Byron Mad dox, Jill Johnson with Jay Munnikhuysen, Susie Snyder and John Brldgeford, Shellie Alexander and Tom Coleman, Susie McAllister with Billy West, Frankie Belle Counsel man squired by Charlie Bots ford, Judy Bryant and Scott Slater, Jane RabMtt and Jerry Tnmnell, Chris Zomlg dating Clark Adams, Cherry Barr with Ed Whitmore, George Smith taking Carolyn Walters, and the list could go on and on, as the dance did. Not to give in early, the group split following the dance, with half going to the home of Bay little for a breakfast prepared by his parents and the others trav eling to the Boms Restaur ant to wind up an evening that has been dubbed one of Dairyman Boosts Milk Production By 500 lbs. a Day! R Dairyman Clifton Simmons of Rocks, Maryland, shown here, noticed a big improvement when he began to give his cows feed made in Southern States’ new Feed Mill at Balti more. “Before we started feeding it, we were shipping about 1400 pounds of milk daily. Now we’re shipping 1900 pounds. We’re very satisfied with the results,” Mr. Sim mons says. ou+hemSfagX Tomorrow! \ \ Fiad Mill K!s 1 !** ™j Southern States’ new VvIQNN JHBR. mi Baltimore Mill J _ Vjjaftlmore Southern) # %/ See Your... Southern States Cooperative Agency NOW Sen. Douglas Talk Sen. Paul Douglas (D-Ill.) will speak at Cedar Lane Uni tarian Church. 9601 Cedar Lane, Bethesda, Sunday at 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. The public is wel come. the most successful of the holiday season. New Year’s Eve at the Rich ard Danzi’s home is becoming the place to go. Marie and Dick Danzi have obviously be come routinely responsible for the entertainment of over 100 of their friends each year. And each year, it is said, was better than the last. The Danzis Burbank Drive neighbors, plus about 15 town couples and numerous other Potomac friends made up the party list The time involved resembles regular office hours, i.e., 9 to 5, but on an irregular schedule, as it was almost dawn when the last of the guests left the fun. A mid night supper was served, along with champagne, noisemakers, confetti, and all the trimmings that make for a successful New Year’s eve celebration. Excluding neighbors and town friends the party list Included the Ed Wendlers, Mac Woodwards, Dutch Trunnells, Bill Ragans, Char lie Pooles, Bill Brawners, Joe Rafferty*, Noel Brides, Bill Malones, Cliff Littles, Gus Kramms, Ray Kepplere, Bob Joneses, Bud Gosnells, Bill Greenhalghs, Roger El sing ers. George DeFranceauxs, Bill Copenhavers, Bill Car rolls and Sam Bogleya. Judge R. Granville Curry is recovering from major surgery performed Dec. 17 at the Wash ington Hospitalr Center. He returned to his Beall Mt. top home on Christmas Eve and has been continuously improv ing in the mountain air. F. G. "Stretch” Hartlng Is home from Suburban Hospital where he underwent major surgery. Brererton "Rip” Poole Is at Doctor’s Hospital for spinal surgery. He was operated on Jan. 7. Ray Maurer was hospitalized last week with a heart condi tion. Mrs. Robert Tupper hostessed a "coffee” on Jan. 4 to intro duce the new owner of the Tup per house. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Lusk have purchased the Tup per’s Butbank Drive home and will move In on Mar. 1. The Tuppers are moving to the Ash ton (Md.) area Jan. 15. Also Mrs. Jennifer Nelson at tended the morning "coffee” to meet new Potomac neighbors. The Nelsons have recently mov ed Into the Potomac Falls area. The Ed Liftman family de parted from the Potomac area to make their home In Munich, Germany. Before they left Katy and Bob Beer entertained in their honor as did the George Huddlestons. Electrical Wiring & Repairing Residential & Commercial Dryer Outlets Installed 24 Hour— 7 Day Service American Electric Co. Phone 522-9520 Gaithersburg-Washington Grove Cub Scout Candy Drive Is Aided by Kiwanians By Ellen Bitely WA. 6-2025 The Cub Scout candy stands at Diamond Drugs and the Safe way Store are part of the effort by the Kiwanis Club of Gaith ersburg to support the Cub Scouts. The Cubs who under took the candy sale as a fund raising project found themselves with more candy than they had figured on; Kiwanis Club mem bers arranged for the stands. We hope that by the time this is printed, the good citizens of Gaithersburg will have bought out the young businessmen! The Young Woman’s Club of Gaithersburg and Washington Grove met on Jan. 3 at the Civic Center in Gaithersburg. The subject of the program was the American Field Service. Shiro Ozaki, foreign exchange student at Gaithersburg High School, was the guest speaker. Shiro spoke on life In Japan and answered questions, the pro gram was very informal but very informative and interest ing. St. Martin’s Guild of St. Mar tin’s Church will meet on Jan. 17 at 8:15 p.m. Hostesses will be Mrs. Margaret Knoebel, Mrs. May Sheridan, and Mrs. Agnes Schneider. The WSCS of the Washington Grove Methodist Church will meet tonite at 8 p.m. at the church. Hostesses are Mrs. Ruby Morris and Mrs. Hilda Watkins. Rev. Andrew Gunn of Grace Methodist Church was guest speaker at Woodside Metho dist Church in Silver Spring on Jan. 8. Rev. Gunn spoke on "Our Children In Tomor row's World.” College students who partici pated in the service on Student Recognition Sunday at Grace Methodist Church were Mar garet Bourdeaux, Lycoming; Ann Gruver, Allegheny; Gamer Duvall, Worchester Tech.; Mari on Helz, Ripon; Barbara Duvall, Dickenson; Bruce Deppa, Mary land; Christopher Smith, Earl em College. Rev. and Mrs. Gunn and Mrs. Gladys Swope entertained the visiting college students at the church on Dec. 30. Suburban Trust Company 1962 was a year of achievement and progress for Suburban Trust. Five new offices bear our name bringing the total to thirty-four. Resources have grown to be in excess of 250 million dollars. It is a privilege and an honor to share in the growth and develop ment of Prince Georges and Montgomery counties... the areas we serve. CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CONDITION cTT,. Jn x 3/, 7962 J Dec. 37, ,96f St Bank, * 7 ' ,,wa Maturing within one year 32,289,664.00 32,167 39641 Maturing over one year ’ 27,551,933.29 U. S. Government Agencies, Etc 10,931,624.65 10,000 341 90 State, County and Municipal Bonds CTax Exempt).- 10,342,029.16 9 323 803 22 Business and Personal Loans ’ 79,086,137.42 65057 592 11 Conventional Mortgages ”” 45,824,134.84 29719 176 02 Partially or Fully insured Mortgages 21,620,008.05 19071 Banking Houses ..." 2,521,930.23 1,944 m*! Furniture, Fixtures and E<juipment____ 870,692.13 gyy jj Other Resources 792,031.72 666 415 31 TOTAL RESOURCES 1""”" $258,943,108.91 52T4,984A69.63 Liabilities CAPITAL FUNDS: Capital Stock $7,940,000.00 $3,700,000.00 Surplus 5,400,000.00 7,000,000.00 Undivided Profits "- ””1.. 2,909,194.85 3,815,039.53 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS ” $16,249,194.85 $14,515,039.53 Reserve for Losses on Loans $1,873,683.00 $1,431,245.62 Reserve for Taxes, etc 2,337,873.11 1,300,651.91 Interest Collected, Not Earned 1,883,928.63 1,556,437.23 DEPOSITS 236,598,429.32 | 196,181,095.34 TOTAL LIABILITIES $258,943,108.91 | $214,984,469.63 Suburban Trust Company Administration Building: 6495 New Hampshire Ave., Hyattsville, Md. 34 FRIENDLY COMMUNITY BANKING OFFICES IN PRINCE GEORGES AND MONTGOMERY COUNTIES. PHONE 588-5000 MMMR NMRM MEOW MUR4NCI COVOUnOM Services of Baptism were con ducted at Grace Methodist Church for Sandra Lynn Vader, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Vader, and Mary Kristina Wigle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gor don Wigle of Norfolk. Rev. B. Frank Foster of the First Baptist Church of Gaith ersburg announces a change in the dates for the January Bible Study. The new dates will be Jan. 21 to 25. There will be classes for all age groups. Teachers will be Miss Grace Woodfield, Mrs. Ruth Bridges, Mrs. Wanda McLeod, Mrs. Ruth Worley and Mrs. Louise Ander son. The Kiwanis Club of Gaithers burg held their Annual New Year’s Eve Dance at the Ag Center. Dave Platt and his or chestra furnished the music. The affair was well attended and everyone had a good time. The Young Woman’s Club of Gaithersburg and Washing ton Grove reminds area resi dents that a second concert will be presented by the Na tional Symphony Orchestra at Richard Montgomery High School on Jan. 31. General admission is $2.75 per person, tickets may be had by calling Mrs. Tom O’Toole at 9264)112. Services of Baptism were con ducted on Jan. 8 at Epworth Methodist Church by Rev. Mal colm Wright for Mark Daniel Windsor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Windsor. Master Dicky Fanner of Washington Grove Is at George town University Hospital for tests and observation. For those who would like to drop him a card, his room No. is 5025, sth floor. Members of the Young Worn- SAVE ON DAVIS TIRES and WIZARD BATTERIES AT YOUR FRIENDLY CL 3-2286 MT. AIRY 22 Damascus, Md. an's Club and their husbands enjoyed a New Year’s Eve party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Niles of Rosemont The Gaithersburg Homemak ers met at Epworth Methodist Church on Jan. 9. Mrs. Ruddell Beall demonstrated the art of making lampshades for the group. Rev. and Mrs. Malcolm Wright of Gaithersburg had dinner on New Year’s Day in Baltimore with Rev. Wright’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. William F. Wright. Get-well wishes are extended to Mrs. Ethel Mills at home and to Mr. Albert Emler who is a patient at Montgomery County General Hospital. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Teunis and children returned recently from a trip to Fort Myer and Miami, Fla. The Teunis’ spent Christmas in Fort Myer with Mr. Teunis’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph 'reunls. Mrs. Dana Enns and daugh ter Kim of Shatter, Calif., visit ed at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Reed. The Reeds and Mrs. Enns and Kim spent Christmas Day in Baltimore where Kim repre sented the fifth generation of the Reed family at a family din ner. Dr. and Mrs. Ted Noffsinger of Gaithersburg visited recent ly In Stony Creek, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Owen of Stony Creek, Va., announce the birth of a daughter on Dec. 28. Mrs. Owen is the former Kay Hoffsinger who attended school in Gaithersburg. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas of Gaith ersburg are Miss Amalia Costa Lima of Recise, Brazil and Dr. • FORDS • THUNDERBIRDS • FALCONS • TRUCKS Hill & Sanders WHEATON, INC. 11250 Vein Mill Rood 949-4040 Since 1916 One of America s Oldest and Largest Ford Dealers The Beat Place to Buy "CREAM OF WHEATON" USED CARS Lerch New Clerk To Judge Moorman Henry W. Lerch, Kensington, is the new law clerk for recent ly-elected Circuit Court Judge Walter H. Moorman. Lerch, for the past year, has served as law clerk to Judge Edward A. Tamm, federal judge of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. He has an AB degree from Wes leyan University, Middletown, Conn., and won his law degree at George Washington Univer sity. While attending law school he worked In the federal courts as a deputy law clerk. He is married and the father of three children. and Mrs. Marcelo Costa Lima of Brasilia, Brazil. Mrs. Don Sikes of Walkers ville, Md., visited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Dale Reed. Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tipton of 15 Water St., Gaithersburg, who are moving to Albuquerque, N. Mex. They will be missed by their many friends in Gaithersburg. ilf someone j i you know i j is moving... j • • • A friendly call by tha • J Welcome Wagon Hostess • • will help them feel at • • home. • • Join in carrying on our • • community’s traditional • • spirit of hospitality. Tell ! • Welcome Wagon the • • name and address of • • families you know who J • are moving. • EX. 3-7556 I ?___ • Prices Effective We reserve Thurs., Fri., Sot., . the right Jan. 10, 11, 12 to limit THE CHAIN STORE WHERE THE OWNER IS YOUR NEIGHBOR rniiUlllft IlFliWil# Isggggggii Sirloin Steak USDA it 90 c CHOICE ,b O # T-Bone or Club Steak (b . 98° Boneless Pot Roast . 69* Select Beef Liver , b . 39* Jamestown Sliced Bacon tb . 49* D.G.S. Butter %'t*. , b 69* Blue Ribbon Margarine 2 lbfc 49* KRAFT DELUXE Cheese Slices Boxpt(q . 33 c KRAFT CRACKER BARREL Sharp Cheese 43' Pillsbury Rolls & Butter Fish Frssh, Largs It>. 29* Rock Fish Pan Si . 29* Standard Oysters i2o, c.a99* Green Cabbage 3 29* Carrots 2 23* Tomatoes pk ,. oM 19* Red Delicious Apples 2 , bfc 25* Farm House Pies 59* DEERFIELD Cut or French Green Beans 4 79* SOUTHLAND Greens Jrz,!?: 2/31 e 4/59' Booths Fillets 49' Chun King Shrimp Egg Roll ... 2/89' PEFPERIDGE FARMS Parfaitc Chocolate Devils Food, COc I 01 lull) Pineepple or Strawberry 9 ox. pkg. 97 Elmdale Chum Salmon 1# 55* Soft Weve Toilet Tissue 2 roll , 25* Scottowels 2/39* Libby's Golden Cream Corn 303 2/29* Libby's Whole Kernel Golden Corn 3 0 3 2/29* SHURFINE Yellow Cling Peach Halves ... 303 2/39* SHURFINE Yellow Cling Peach Slices 2/39' BERKELEY MANOR Fancy Tomato Juice „„ 2/49' HEINZ STRAINED VEGETABLES . 10' HEINZ STRAINED FRUITS 10' HEINZ JUNIOR VEGETABLES !" 7W 14' HEINZ JUNIOR FRUITS 14' CHASE & SANBORN COFFEE 41' HEINZ KETCHUP ~ m 2/43' WHITE STAR SOLID PACK LIGHT HEAT TUNA , 2/77' WALDORF TISSUE 4/31' CUT-RITE WAX PAPER 2/47' V29* RINSO BLUE ,Z~Z 47' I POTOMA C I WHEATON CENTER MKT. I SUPER MKT. I SUPER MKT 220 Diamond Ave. I 10123 River Rd. I 11443 Ge. Ave. Gaithersburg, Md. | Potomee, Md. | Wheaton, Md. OLNET FOODS I 1 POOLESVILLE SUPER MKT. I IVPP I SUPER MKT. Ge.Avo.Ext. I lll]\ I Selby. Brother, Olney.Md. I | p oo |. I¥ i||,, Md.