Race for Class AA Championship
Quickly Develops Into Photo Finish
Spartans Spring
Into First Place
Walter Johnson’s Spartans
swept into a tie for first place
in the Montgomery County
Class AA title race with North
wood last weekend, by defeat
ing the Wheaton Knights, 65-
57, as the Indians lost to B-CC.
After a close first half that
culminated in the Spartans
leading by a one point margin
at the half, 25-24, the WJ quin
tet got moving and widened the
gap as the game wore on in the
last two quarters.
Ted Wilson and Joe Fair
banks connected in the second
half on the majority of their
shots and wound up as top
scorers for the victors with 17
and 15 points, respectively.
Boswell was the top man in
the point department for the
losers with 15.
It was the eagle eye shooting
of the Spartans at the foul line
that won the contest for them,
as WJ picked up 21 of its 65
points on charity tosses. Whea
ton outscored the victors in the
field goal department, connect
ing for 25 FGs as compared to
22 for WJ.
Walter Johnson Is now faced
with the task of taking on the
Northwood Indians tomorrow
Poolesville Wins
Poolesville defeated Damas
cus last Friday night, 63-53, in
a contest at Damascus. Ed
Sewell and Gene Hamilton set
the pace for the Indians with 17
and 15 points In that order.
'^iß^BA 'Ww&EwL'
,j*. m i'
* -> *^B
M J • - ~- ' ' 'fr^^CrßMHjjl
P*vrn* : * ••- -
On the left. Barclay Dorman of B-OC and
Soot MkDouibl (right) of North wood vie
for the hall under the Barons’ basket. On
the right, three Barons (In center, left to
right), Tom Walsh, Ronnie Loewenthal (35)
and Bryant Agnew (11) grab one of their
Peary Loses 1 cdcc
Bob Westwood sparked Ein- HU—/ l'*dw
stein to a 49-34 victory over .jfcr- —. - * •>
Peary last weekend with 16 s | ||f Pf D
points, while teammates Tom ' ’— '—■ - I MI I lfl
Hopkins and Dick Richards fCMA DDADI r"||J| a j
scored 12 and 10 points in that rllV/PLIIIVI GBt 3
order for the victors. m l|Mp
Peary’s scoring was led by with lovely
Terry Kilpatrick with 11 mark- j" ftfa nn..,,
ers. 3 J j 8 j rtOSe
thatt kept the Peary quintet Suburban I—|1 —| | ! Romance”
from beneath the basket moot _ ■ i; ~-J Phstham
of the evening, Dynaire wnatnafli ,
Qam Clothes Dryer Blanket
ROCKMONT nnlu tl7q * 11095 Stmso,
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night, as league competition
swings into the next to last
week of play. The winner of
the meeting tomorrow night
will be the odds-on favorite for
the county championship un
less an unexpected upset
occurs in next week’s play.
Fairbanks 4 7 15
Barnes 4 0 8
Beebe 32 8
; Spruill 5t 2 12
| Wilson 6 5 17
Bloomquist 0 2 2
Weher 0 4 4
Totals 22 21 65 1
Boswell 71 15
| Norland 4 2 10
i Taylor 3 0 6
Woods 5 3 13
Thompson 5 1 11
Robinson 10 2
Totals 25 7 57
Rockville Men's
Basketball Standing
Fabulous Five 6 0
Wootton’s 6 0
Summit Apartments 5 l
RMHS Alumns 5 1
Gaylords 3 3
Broome 3 3
Hydronautics 2 4
Owls Club Five 2 4
Market Center 2 4
Lary Alan 2 4
Country Squire 0 6
Haynes Lithograph 0 6
-; >. -•%^': : jXm* < *'"&
own rebounds from John Bowers (44) of
North wood. Also seen are Scot MacDougal
(34) and Dave Crarrasoo (SO) of North wood.
The Barons defeated the Indians, 66-57,
throwing North wood Into a first place tie
with Walter Johnson.
Photos by Stu ('rump, Jr.
inttmqCiiiigSrM Sports
Wrestling Tournament
Scheduled Feb. 22-23
Eight teams will gather aat
Springbrook a week from to
morrow to compete in the first
Montgomery County Inter
scholastic Wrestling Tourna
ment, set for Feb. 22-23. Spring
brook Coach Jack Delastatious
is the host for the tourney.
Mat teams from Springbrook,
Blair, B-CC, Northwood, Gaith
ersburg, Peary, Wheaton and
Walter Johnson have entered
teams in the tournament.
The tournament will consist
of three sessions, with the first
listed for Feb. 22 at 7 p.m. The
second round takes place at 1
p.m. on the 23rd and the finals
will be held that night at 7:30
Wrestlers will compete In
12 weight divisions for 39
ttournament trophies. Thirty
six of the trophies will go to
the first, second and third
place winners in their respec
tive weight divisions. The
other three Include a team
trophy, a runner-up team
award and a trophy for the
outstanding wrestler of the
While the first, second and
third place winners in the 95-
pound competition will receive
trophies, their scores will not
count toward their team’s ag
gregate total.
Admission to the first two
sessions will be 75c for students
and $1 for adults. The admis
sion charge to the finals is $1
for students and $1.50 for
Delastatious says 1350 fans
can be accommodated at the
first two sessions and there will
be room for between 1500 and
1600 at the finals.
Eighteen officials, including
timers and scorers, will officate
at the matches.
Tenpin Trail
By Paul O. Mnhn
College Park-Dolgner, who
rose from 10th place to top
rung in the MWBPA Men’s AA
League on a two-month string
of wins, met their come-up
pance when they met a fired-up
Congressional Plaza Brown
team at Town Center.
Big guns for the winners
were Ed Brown and Bill Baker
with games of 254 and 255 and
Charlie Tetlow with a set of
610. Les Wyer seemed well on
his way to a 700 as he led Con
gressional-Powell to win over
Capital Plaza, but he tightened
up in his third game.
Winners will soon be an
nounced for this year’s BVL
tournament Entries totaled
6,683, an increase of 4,000 1
over last year’s record turn. 1
I out Most entries came from
Rosslyn where Jack Labonte,
vice chairman of the tourney,
collected 700. Congressional
Plaza and Sliver Hill had the
next largest group with 629
and 623 respectively.
In the Wheaton Plaza Men’s |
Commercial, Marty Fagan led
Acme Printing to four wins
over Wah- Que Restaurant.
Glick’s Opticians maintained
their three-game lead In first
as both they and Discount j
Drugs won three points.
Standings shifted In the Con
gressional Classic this week.
Good ’n Ruff Crab House saw
their lead shrink to half game
when Tyson Wheeler Funeral
Home, next to last in the
league, took 1% points. Sports
Rosin broke their second-place
tie with Blue Ridge Sports by
taking all three points from
Blue Ridge. Silver Spring
Sports won three points from
FAFOO Contractors to become
the new third-place team.
NOW! State Farm insures
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yours No. 7,000,001? You'll en
joy the Famous Low Rates and
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pany! Call today!
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WA. 6-3700
Thursday, February 14, 1953
CHAIRMAN for the County
Wrestling Tournament set for
next weekend at Springbrook
is Coach Jack Delastatious, a
graduate of Montgomery Blair
and Penn State University.
Delastatious is the Spring
brook wrestling coach.
Victory Keeps
B!a*r in Pace
For AA Title
Montgomery Blair’s Blazers
held onto a tie for place honors
in the Montgomery County
Class AA League last weekend
by thrashing Richard Montgom
-1 cry’s Rockets, 6146, at R-M.
I Blair showed the dazzling
brand of basketball that en
abled them to capture the
county championship last
year, as the Blazers moved
out fast and held a 31-15 half
time advantage.
The fast-moving Blair, now
with a 4-3 record and tied for
second place in the league with
B-CC, outplayed and outscored
the Rockets in every depart
The Blazers, paced by the
seoring of Bay Ruhling with
15 points and Ned Blackwell
with 13 markers, hit 21 field
goals and 19 charity tosses as
oempared to 18 FGs and 10
free throws for the Rocket*.
Top man In the scoring de
partment for the Rockets was
Richard Prugh,. who scored 21
points and was high man for
the game.
Ten Blair cagers saw action
in the lop-sided contest, while
the Rockets put eight players
Into the game.
Tomorrow night the Blazers
Crucial Game Listed
For This Weekend
The next two weeks are vital
in Montgomery County basket
ball competition, with two
teams tied for first place sched
uled to meet this weekend and
only three tilts left in the race
for the Class AA championship.
The upset of Northwood
last weekend by B-CC and
Walter Johnson’s victory
over Wheaton turned the race
for the county title into a
photo finish affair.
Northwood and Walter John
son play at Northwood tomor
row night in what is easily
classed the game of the week,
if not the season.
The same evening the two
quintets tied for second place,
B-CC and Blair, meet at Blair.
Coach Paul Bolyard says
that It has now reached that
point where his Northwood
Indians can’t afford any mis
takes if they are going to live
up to pre-season predictions
and win the county basketball
championship. And, Bolyard
says, “Anything can happen.”
The other coaches are in
agreement with Bolyard, par
ticularly underdog Walter John
son. The WJ Spartans have
been out of the limelight most
of the season and now bask in
the glory of sitting on top of
the league for at least a week.
WJ Coach James Gilmore
Sherwood Beats
Sherwood, leaders of the
Montgomery County Class A
League, won their first contest
on the Gaithersburg court in 22
years last weekend, 52-45.
The Warriors led 22-18 at the
The Sherwood quintet also
set another record In games
this season by grabbing 95 re
bounds during the contest,
with Ken Johnson account
ing for 28 of them.
Clark Thomas led the Sher
wood attack with 20 points and
also grabbed 20 of the rebounds
for his team.
will meet B-CC and the loser of
that one can forget about any j
title aspirations, as slim as they
already appear to be.
B-CC. fresh from an upset
victory over the league-leading
Northwood Indians, Is favored
in tomorrow night’s encounter
at Blair.
Hands offfl
Snee Electric duhwashem mads their welcome as mudi as 46 extra 8-hour days a mrhml
entry into the modem kitchen, women have been with your children, relax withruee^devZ^
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has said ail along this this
season was going to be load
ed with surprises and his
quintet has made good the
coach’s prediction. Whether
the Spartans can pull off a
victory over Northwood to
morrow night and become the
odds-on favorites for the AA
crown is yet to be seen, but
the Spartans Intend to make
a contest out of It.
Northwood still has to take
Agnew Leads Attack
Against Northwood
Bethesda-Chevy Chase pulled
the upset of the season last
weekend by defeating the
Northwood Indians, 66-57, and
throwing the losers into a first
place tie in the Montgomery
County Class AA League with
Walter Johnson.
The contest was played at
Bryant Agnew proved to be
the spoiler, as the B-CC scoring
ace hit the nets for 27 points
against Northwood. Agnew,
who has pulled the fat out of
the fire for B-CC several times
this season—twice in the final
Montgomery County
Class AA Standings
Won Lost
Northwood 5 2
Walter Johnson 5 2
B-CC 4 3
Blair 4 3
Richard Montgomery 2 4
Wheaton l 5
Basketball Schedule
JV Varsity
Feb. 15- B-CC at Blair 6:30 8:00,
Howard County at Damascus 6:30 8:00
Gaithearsburg at Einstein 7:30
WJ at Northwood 6:30 8:00
Richard Montgomery at Wheaton 6:30 8:00
Peary at Walt Whitman 6:30 8:00
Sherwood at Springbrook 6:30 8:00
Feb. 16- - Walt Whitman at Poolesville 6:30 8:00
Wheaton at Sherwood 6:30 8:00
Feb. 20 Wheaton at B-CC 6:30 8:00
Northwood at Blair 6:30 8:00
Damascus at Poolesville 6:30 8:00
Einstein at Walt Whitman 8:00
Springbrook at Gaithersburg 6:30 8:00
WJ at Richard Montgomery 6:30 8:00
Sherwoood at Peary 6:30 8:00
on Blair, the 1962 champs, and
Richard Montgomery before th#
league play ends Feb. 22. While
a few weeks back the schedule
wouldn’t have seemed overly
tough for the Indians, things
have changed.
Richard Montgomery has
pulled a startling upset over
B-CC, and Champion Blair is
viewed as a spoiler outfit Both
are sure to be out to sink the
seconds—was unerringly accu
rate in his one-handed jump
shot in the contest with the In
dians, hitting approximately 90
per cent of his attempts.
Walsh also hit double figures
to contribute to B-CC victory,
gamering seven field goals.
Bowers was high man for
Northwood with 18 markers.
The victory kept alive the
aspirations of B-CC to win the
Class AA title this season,
upset over Northwood suddenly
put four teams In the race, but
that is sure to change this