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18th Century Country House- Mrs. Thomas
C. Kelley strolls across the lawn of her 200-
year oM Pleasant Hills home near Dames
town with her English Bull, Mac's Barnacle
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Matched fyv<w<*U* Empire loveseats flank- broken pair, the small armless loveseats
ing the living room fireplace, at Pleasant once allowed for the spread of early 19th
Hills are Kelley family heirlooms. An un- century skirts.
Country Club Date Book
Rockville Woman'll Club
The club is planning a iun- i
eheon fashion show for May 16
—the annual fund-raining event
for the club's welfare projects.
The show will be held at the
Westwood Inn with fashions
by Jelleff's. Tickets may be ob
tained from Mrs. Freeman, PO.
Kensington Woman’s Club
Dr. Verne Chatallne, profes
sor of history at the University
of Maryland will discuss Mary
land antiquities at the April 5
meeting at the home of Miss
Mary Clum. Honor guests will
be Mrs. Robert A. Bier, presi
dent of the Kllver Spring ]
Woman’s Club and Mrs. WII- .
Ham O. Cooley dr. president of I
the Suburban Woman’s Club.
Chevy Chase Woman’s Club
Judge E. Barrett Prettyman,
former chief of circuit Judge, i
U. S. Court of Appeals, will dis- .
cuss the problems of narcotic '
and drug abuse at the club's i
public affairs program tomor- I
row morning at 10:30 o’clock, i
The meeting will open with cof- |
fee at 10 a m.
BctheedaChevy Chase AAUW
Dr. Gordon W. Prange, pro- i
Jacqueline Lee j
To Wed In July
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Lee of 1
Rockville announce the engage
ment of their daughter, Jacque
line, to William Stottlemyer,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Stot- i
tlemyer of Kensington.
Miss Lee is a graduate of
Richard Montgomery High
School and Is employed at the
Atomic Energy Commission.
Mr. Stottlemyer Is a graduate >
of Walter Johnson High School ;
and Montgomery Junior Col
A July wedding Is planned.
Ne, but wa traat tfcam right and l
Bookvlll. Pike Slot* Only
Sew and Save Centers ,
11431 Iturktill* |’lk
Midway b*t. Mrttirda * Murks III* (
i[ AM All HnwMt bMk f
il See a Bug... |
ij Pest Control j
:i 10562 METROPOLITAN AVI. Q4Q 11 Q‘4 *
5 Remington, Maryland I,JU *
iti*i***t*t*A**RftA******************A**n**** 1
Bill. House and grounds will be open April
28-29 lor the Potomac Country House Tour.
—Sentinel photos by Ed Mervls
fessor of history at the Univer
sity of Maryland and a World
War II authority, will discuss <
"The Japanese Viewpoint on -
Pear! Harbor” at the April 8
meeting of the American Assoc
iation of University Women at
the Ayrlawn School at 8:45 p.m.
Beth Tikva
The Sisterhood of Beth Tikva
met last night at the Wheaton!
Woods School to present noml-!
nations for the new slate of i
officers. I
Town and Country
The Town and Country Wom
an’s Club of Rockville meets i
tonight at 8:1ft at the home of
Mrs. Ronald Carpenter for the '
election of officers and a talk <
by the home Interior decorator i
for P. J. Nee. j i
Rock Creek Women’s GOP i
Three members of the county I
council, Mrs. Mary A. Hepburn, I
John Henry Hlser, and Dr. I
Thomas M. Wilson, were guests 1
at a luncheon last Thursday at <
the Kenwood Country Club by
the Rock Creek Women’s Re
publican Club. i
Gamma Phi Beta
Gamma Phi Beta, inter- i
national Panhellenlc sorority i
Miss Jacqueline la*e
Miss Ault Sets
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund B. i
Ault of Wheaton announce the j
engagement of their daughter,
Mary Barbara, to John Peter
Boone, son of Dr. and Mrs. Bert ‘
R. Boone of Morristown, Pa.
Miss Ault is a graduate of
Montgomery Junior College.
Her fiance, also a Montgom
ery Junior College graduate, Is
held Its spring Fashion Festival
at the Chevy Chase Woman’s
Club Thursday for the benefit
of Camp Echo Lake and scholar
ship funds for training teachers
to work with gifted children.
Kappa Delta Alumnae
The Kappa Delta Alumnae
Association will have a benefit
luncheon and fashion show at
Holiday Inn, College Park, Sat
urday at 1 p.m. For reservations
call, Mrs. William Hulbert, OL
The county VWCA Is holding
a play school for children 3 and
4 years <dd at the Sliver Spring
VW Cottage at Jesup Blair Park
each Monday and Wednesday
morning, 012 noon. The children
will he taught music, dancing
and art. Other classes are of
fered for older boys and girls
In physical activities. Registra
tions may he made this week at
4700 Norwood Drive, Chevy
Wheaton Woman’s Club
The board of directors will
meet for dinner at O'Donnells in
Bethesda, April 8 at 7 p.m. An
nual reports will be given and
new officers elected.
Miss Mary Barbara Ault
; June Date
a student at Temple University
In Philadelphia.
The wedding will take place
on June 13.
Beautiful Custom Drapes Cost Only Pennies More
rA than Feady-mo de at .. .
fabric & design
Xr /n\wr\ H#Mr ' : *• ,:,0: Th “"- rll ’
I' ■ IL/ 3700 decatur eve., kensington
feeing univ. blvd. above krogers 1
Potomac House Tour Features
Historic Kelley Family Home
By Jane Day
Sentinel Woman's Editor
Looking out across the high
open fields of northwest Mont
gomery with the blue outline of
the Virginia hills on one side
and the familiar hump of Sugar
loaf on the other, stands Pleas
ant Hills, the 200-year old home
of Mrs. Thomas C. Kelley.
The colonial brick structure
built about 1762 has been in the
Kelley family for 100 years.
The fifth generation of Kelleys
—grandchildren of Mrs. Kelley
and the late Judge Kelley—now
is growing up there.
Located a short distance
above Damestown, Pleasant
Hills also is a productive 540-
acre farm. Mrs. Kelley's son,
John Thomas Kelley 111, who
lives in a smaller house on the
place with his wife and children,
crops the land and grazes Here
ford cattle.
The stately, three-story center
portion of the house with white
portico and massive end chim
neys form the original part.
Wings were added later with
brick from the old slave quar
ters on the farm. Mrs. Kelley
says that when she came to
the house as a bride 35 years
ago the foundations of these
old quarters were still visible.
The front door opens into a
small entrance hall with a
charming stairway which goes
up three flights. The hallway
is furnished with a grand |
father's clock and a Virginia
sofa. On the right it leads to an}
office and to the left a small;
sitting room and dining room,
each with corner fireplaces. A
formal living room stretches
across the back.
Here, before the fireplace are
Troth of Judy Van Pelt
To J. Satterfield Is Told
Mr. and Mr*. George T. Van
Pelt Jr., of Ashton, announce
the marriage of their daughter,
Judy Frances, to John Franklin \
Satterfield, son of Mrs. Virginia j
Bennix of Falls Church, Va.
Given In marriage by her fa- <
ther, the bride wore a white j
lace gown with scalloped neck
line and tiered skirt falling into ;
a train. Her white fingertip veil I
was attached to a pearl crown
headpiece. She carried a cas
cade of white roses.
The bride's sister, Mrs. Dewey
E. Cannady of Brookeville was
matron of honor.
Larry Cooling of Wheaton'
Best-Matlick Nuptials
Held In Rockville
Mr. and Mrs. William O. Best
of Rockville announce the mar
riage of their daughter, Pamela,
to Thomas L. Matllck, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Matlick
of Cumberland.
The ceremony was performed
March 2 at the Rockville Metho
dist Church, the Rev. G. Custer
Cromwell officiating.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a full
length peau-de-soie gown with
obie sash falling into a chapel
train. Her silk Illusion veil was
attached to a matching pillbox.
She carried a crescent bouquet
of white roses on magnolia
The maid of honor was Caro
lyn Matzek of Silver Spring.
Bridesmaids were the Misses:
Margaret Ann Bethards, Salis
bury, Md.; Patricia Ann Kent,
Frederick; Susan Tribbett, An
nandale, Va.; all sorority sisters
of the bride; Karen Matlick, sis
ter of the groom and Mrs.
George Smith, Hyattsville.
Gregory Caswell of Cumber-
YWCA Tour Set
Registrations are still open
for the county YWCA tours at
special group rates both In this
country and abroad. Included
are tours to Winterthur, Del.,
May 9; Williamsburg, Va.,
May 30-June 1; Bermuda, June
29-July 6; Europe July 8-Aug. 1;
Mexico, July 13-27; and Hawaii,
Aug. 3-17.
For Information call Miss Mc-
Dowell at 656-3366.
I a matched pair of Empire love
seats. They have been in the
Kelley family for generations
; and Mrs. Kelley points out they
are somewhat unusual in that
there are no arms—“to accom
modate the ladies' full skirts.”
Interior walls are all bride
and nearly two feet thick. Old
random-width floors, chairrails
and the solid panel inside shut
ters or "blinds” at every win
dow are among the distinctive
early features of the house.
The wing to the west, built in
1918, contains a living room and
upstairs bedroom.
The east wing is the kitchen,
added about 1900. Mrs. Kelley
says the original kitchen was a
separate building Just far
enough apart from the main
house for a team of horses to
drive between the two.
Over the kitchen is a small
apartment consisting of bed
room, sitting room and kitchen
Mrs. Kelley plans to open her
house to the public for two'days
—April 28 and 29—for the Poto
mac Country House Tour being
held to benefit St Francis Epis
copal Church at Potomac.
The tour will include six
houses and the church in the
Potomac area from Persimmon
Tree Drive up the River Road
area as far as the Kelleys.
Lunch will be served both
days at the church parish house
—Sunday from 12 noon to 4 p.m.
and Monday, 11:30-3 p.m. A
country kitchen bake sale will
be held at the church both days.
One of the unexpected de
lights of Pleasant Hills, geo
graphically the last stop on the
tour, will be the snack bar
set up at an authentic tum-of-
was best man. Ushers were Mi
chael Flynn, David Williams,
Frederick Ellis and Lee Bam
A reception followed the Jan.
20 ceremony at the Olney Oak
dale Methodist Church.
Both the bride and the groom
are graduates of Sherwood
High School. The bride attend
ed Frostburg State Teachers
College and is employed by the
Vitro Corporation.
The groom is employed by
Communications Electronics,
Inc. in Bethesda.
The couple is living In Ger
land was best man. Ushers were
Robert Bounds of Reisterstown;
L. D. Young, Philadelphia; John
McWilliams, Indian Head, Md.;
all fraternity brothers of the
groom. Also Charles Smith, Riv
erdale, Md., cousin of the bride,
and George Smith of Hyatts
A reception immediately fol
lowed the ceremony at the
Woman's Club of Bethesda.
The bride was graduated from
Richard Montgomery High
School and attended the Univer
sity of Maryland where she was
a member of Kappa Alpha The
ta and Phi Chi Theta. She is em
ployed at the National Institutes
of Health.
The groom attended Texas A.
and M. and was graduated from
the University of Maryland
where he was a member of Phi
Sigma Kappa. •He is now an
electrical engineer at Ft. George
G. Meade.
Following a New York wed
ding trip, the couple will live in
West Hyattsville.
Hiv* you bought that now Spring
bonnet? If not, don't do it. That
it until your coil hat boon ar
ranged to go with tha currant hat
fathiom. This ii most important.
- Consider the
M v * iu * of • naw
permanent o
JUll|p'‘ k • • p it man
-, 1 ■gd agaabl. and
l wall groomed
Don't overlook
the value ot
heir colorinq.
More and mnre
, women are re
■■ alizing juit
how aff*ctiv* it can be.
May w* arrange that attractive
naw hairdo to put under your hat?
It will be tha "juit right" com
plement for your naw fashions.
Joyce's Studio of Beauty, 314
Hungerford Drive, Rockville. PO.
the-ceittury drug store counter.
The old marble counter, com
plete with original blown soda
glasses, may look familiar to
long-time Montgomery County
residents. It came from the old
drug store in the center of Rock
ville which belonged to Dr. Wil
liam Vinson.
The Kelleys bought the equip
ment when the store was sold
out and set it up as a bar in
their “pool house," a converted
chicken house beside the swim
ming pool. Sandwiches, desserts
and beverages will be served
here during the tour.
Pleasant Hills is the oldest
house on the Potomac Tour.
During the Civil War, when it
was then 100 years old, Union
troops were quartered in the
house and camped on the
grounds. The Kelley family ac
quired the property at the close
of the war.
Mrs. Kelley lives there with
one of her two sons and a
grandson. She has a daughter
living in Philadelphia.
Other stops on the tour in
clude: Hundred Aker Wood, the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wade
Dworshak on Persimmon Tree
Road: Marker Oaks, owned by
Mr. and Mrs. John Ecker; Fox
Meadow, home of Mr. and Mrs.
Adolph G. Keyser; Marwood,
palatial French style residence
of CoL and Mrs. Gladys Gore,
overlooking the Potomac River;
and Riggs Wood, contemporary
home of Vice Adm. and Mrs.
Ralph S. Riggs.
Tickets are $3 or $2.50 by
writing in advance to Women
of St Francis Church, 10033
River Road, Potomac. For fur
ther information call: EM. 5-
2433 or AX. 9-9286.
ijm Wm
> 'm 6 ™
■ • t ' ?'■ vi ■'
Mrs. John Franklin Satterfield
fir '*■
J* I?
Mrs, Thomas L. Matilck
*I.OO (
fOpen Daily 8 to I
Closed Mondays
PO. 2-5777
At Door Parking
13 Dawson Ave.
AdulU SI .31 Rockville
- - I
f\ j .
A lightweight shoe... for a chubßy-WUht baby
: "IW-FOR.THIIR.AGF' rabies SiSJ 1 "'
* ■ * m ‘ tes,r,efin ! % height shit
y W7 Your little husky needs the extra features of
* ' \ ,tam!na and unrestricted freedom found in
.. ,heS * special| y desi 9 n ® d Chubees by Buntees.
For "big for their age" babies, these sturdy
hand lasted moccasins offer . . .
Xt&XrTr' •••** 5 (vs funfact
mUbUAoino 7022 WISCONSIN ave., chevy chase, md.
- OL. 2-9607
and for Women
— * >ll * l *' - - j
Thurdsy. April 4, .963 SENT IN E L
* f ' • 111 1
An Antique Vase—Mrs. Kelley examines one of her favorite
objects d'art an early Wedgwood vase, one of a pair which
belonged to her mother. The raised white grape motif is on a
blue background. She stands before a tiny window through
which servants passed food when the original kitchen was
detached from the main house.
Two County Women Vie
For Mrs. Maryland Title
Mrs. Fred Mueller of Rock
|ville and Mrs. Leo Hof man of
Brookeville are competing in
the semi-finals for the Mrs.
Maryland contest at the Bth An
mual Baltimore Home, Flower
! and Garden Show.
The winner will be chosen
April 6 and will serve as official
hostess for the final day of the
show going on this week at the
Fifth Regiment Armory.
Mrs. Mary land will then rep
resent the state at the Mrs.
American contest next month
at Miami Beach, Fla.
Mrs. Hofman lives at Gittings
To Show Fashions
The annual fashion show of
St. John the Evangelist Church,
Silver Spring, will be held April
25 at the school auditorium on
Woodland Drive beginning at
8:15 p.m. Donation will be $1.50
with proceeds going to the build
ing fund of the new church,
convent and rectory.
2 Countians Win
Promotions at FAA
Contract specialists from Sil
ver Spring and Bethesda have
been named to head four new
branches of the Federal Avia
tion Agency’s installation and
material service, procurement
Harold N. Austin of Silver
Spring will head the communi
cations and weather contracts
branch, and Frederick G. Bre
mer of Bethesda the facilities
and services contracts branch.
Fashion Show
Every Thursday at
Beginning March 28 p
Opon Every Day 12 Noon 'til 12 Midnight "?b*edli
OL 2-9421 c,,di * PO. 2-3964
Ha Ha. one of the county’s early
| homes, and is the mother of
seven children fsix boys) rang
| ing in age from 2 to 13.
Mrs. Mueller has three chil
dren. Both women have become
well acquainted during the con
; test preliminaries and have dis
covered they have the same
birthday. Regardles of the con
test outcome, they plan to cele
brate it together.
in-a-dor beds
iu tbs —1
Comfortable & Convenient
ONLY *92 50
does not Include price of mattreee
Warehouse • Showroom
Subsidiary of OLDA
Contractors, Inc.
421 S Howard Avt., Kensington