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SpiiTlH Cl MONTGOMERY ENTI NE L COUNTY. MU. B10 Thursday, April 4, 1963 Potomac GOP Ladies 7rJold Annual Fashion Show By Cissy Finley A sure sign of Spring! Last Thursday the Potomac Repub lican Women’s Club held their annual luncheon - fashion show event, and over 200 ladies turn ed out in their best Spring finery. You could almost count a new Spring hat perched atop every head in Normandy Farm s dining room. Fashions by The Surrey, modelled by the Club members, with commentation by Dotty Knutti of The Surrey staff, was the highlight of the program. Prior to the fashion show, a luncheon of chicken marango, ♦ossed salad, pop overs, and eclairs, was served. Who was there? Just about every lady in Potomac who had a new Spring hat! Something new in the enter tainment line. Lois and Roger Eisinger invited friends in last Sunday for a “shad roe brunch. ’’ The Eisingers. just back from a Florida vacation, gave the inside-outside party because they were able to acquire enough braces of the roe now in season. Guests included in the 1 p.m. brunch were the Bob Jones', Jr., Dutch Trunnells, Art Hydes, Warren Brownings, Bob Furmans, Tom Colemans, Tom Dowds, Jerry Strongs, John "Tree” Adams', and Harry Sent mes, Jr., sans Lutie, who is visit ing her family in N.J. Also bacon, eggs, hot biscuits, sausage and grits adorned the table upon which the guests were encircled for a seated late breakfast. It's a girl for Katy and Bob Beer. She arrived on April 1, 1:20 a.m., at Sibley Hospital, no foolin’. Dr. and Mrs. Harold Holbrook chose March 30 to entertain a group of their Tulip Lane neigh borhood friends. “From 8:30 on,” the invitations read, and 30 responded to the hospitality call. The Holbrooks moved into their new home last November. I’ve heard that, . . . The Potomac Hunt Point-To- Point wall be held this Saturday at the Potomac Polo grounds. The first race will start at 12:30. Patsy and Bill Schnitzler are here from Boston visiting her father, Ted Compton. Taffy Kneipp is a teenager. It happened on March 29. The Carroll Fentress’ visited her brother in N.J. over the weekend. Ronnie and Ed Wagner also visited N. J. for the weekend, to attend the reunion of her gram mar school classmates. Aunt Sally King is starting another one. She was 88 on Sunday, and can out do a teen ager. Alice Morgan now knows what a horse will do when he itches! Regardless if Alice is in the saddle or not, he will roll, and roll he did at the Hunt Meet last Saturday. Alice got off in the nick of time, while her mount cured the itch on his back. “Stretch” Harting has gone to Boston for treatment of a heart ailment. Torcaso Heads Humanist Group Hoy R. Torcaso, 3708 Bright view St., Wheaton, has been elected president of the Na tional Capital Area chapter of the American Humanist Asso ciation, a non-sectarian, non political organization devoted to the scientific and democratic improvement of human culture. Torcaso in 1961 won a Su preme Court case which abro gated the Maryland statute re quiring a statement of belief in God before he could be sworn in as a notary public. A LIMITED NUMBER OF MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE Apply now to the Washingtonian Country Club in time u en °y 8 season of golf on one of the area's finest 18-hole courses. Swimming pool, out-door lounge area, tennis courts and all country club facilities at their best m a beautiful rural setting just minutes from town. Frequent social events have been planned to make this <sq en '°- vable season yet for our members. Call J4B-dtHX) for an appointment or further information. For your convenience, extended payment plan is available. WASHINGTONIAN COUNTRY CLUB Route 240 (Inter State 70) Gaithersburg, Maryland 948-3000 - - , iiPW J m ; , •%, ,m m m r j MmTT W ' fm •igk /,,, wUBEam & Mm . m f Bg |i j v F l I J H 18-, j ir; - - mbl mm WBBKg* - | ■ ' •Sf JF fIK Hv * New Officials of Postal Group These four county postmasters, all holding Maryland flags as they dined last Friday at their annual .Maryland Day banquet held in St, John’s Church, Olney, are the new officers of the Montgomery County Postmasters’ Associa tion. They are from left, Wilton J. Boswell, Brookeville, re Poolesville Policeman Demonstrates Lie Detector By Catlie C. Lintliiciim Diamond 9-3332 Detective Pvt. Jack Kasper sky of the Montgomery County Police Department was guest speaker at the Comus Home makers Club at Monocacy Ele mentary School in Barnesville Wednesday night. He demon strated the use of the Poly graph, better known as the lie detector, and stated the ma chine is used only about one fifth of the time for crime detec tion, the rest being used com mercially such as in pre-em ployment tests by department stores, etc. This is the only machine of its kind in Mont gomery County and the speak er is the only man on the force qualified to use it. Donald Jeffers volunteered as a subject but it was learned that conditions were not ideal at the school because of laugh ter and other distractions in the room. The sensitive Poly graph is used in a 9x12 sound proof, carpeted room in Bethes da devoid of pictures or any thing that might distract the at tention. The April 24 meeting will be held at the home of the president, Mrs. Mark Jeffers, Barnesville. rMs. Edward H. Baum, Der wood, Mrs. James D. King, Dawsonville, and Mrs. Ward A. Fulton and Mrs. G. Best Linthi cum, Beallsville, attended the annual hooked rug exhibit at the Arlington Recreation Center on Sunday. The beautiful rugs were made by students of the class program and members of the Hooking Bee. The instruc tor for many of the rugs was Mrs. Henry (Lorene) Loy, Arlington. There were rugs of many designs, including geo metric, crewel, scroll, floral, an under-the-sea scene, oriental, Chinese and others. Several of the rugs were done by men. Attending a recent meeting of the Monocacy Lions Club at the Beallsville Fire House were District Governor Sandy Burn er; Department District Gover nor, Woody Taylor; Cabinet Sec retary, Joe Moore, and Zone Chairman, Andy Craigie. Guests SAVE ON DAVIS TIRES and WIZARD BATTERIES AT YOUR FRIENDLY CL 3-2286 MT. AIRY 22 Damascus, Md. were Paul Ibos and Lewis All nutt. The District Governor in ducted new members Bobby Dayhoof and Donald Jeffers. He also gave the talk for the evening and emphasized the im portance of the Blood Bank and the great need for blood at this time. The Poolesville Memorial Methodist Church has set the dates for its Vacation Bible School from June 24-July 3. At the morning session of a recent meeting of the Monoc acy Homemakers Club at the Beallsville Fire House one of the members, Mrs. Frank Kadie, gave a talk and step by step information on chairs seats— cane, rush and splint. She spoke of the types and styles of chairs lending themselves to these seats such as Early Amer ican and Hitchcock. She listed the tools and materials neces sary and explained the various products used in the seats— Hong Kong sea grass, fibre, craft paper, etc. Her demonstra tion was made more interesting by a number of chairs display ing the various seats which illustrated her demonstration. The first in a series of work shops followed with many chairs being reseated. Approximately 40 members and guests attended the day long program. At luncheon a green table theme was carried out by the hostesses, Mrs. Ar thur Stull and Mrs. Nathan Hildebrand, Dickerson, Mrs. T. B. Dorsett, Beallsville, and Mrs. Stephen W. Lange, Sellman. With everyone wig-conscious, the afternoon program was de voted to the showing of wigs by Mrs. Gloria Hofman of the Gittings Ha Ha Estate in Brookeville. Mrs. Hofman talk ed and demonstrated full-fash ioned transformations of human hair imported from Europe. The hair can be teased, dampen ed with water, set in different styles and put up in curlers. It is styled for the individual hair. When a beautiful red vision was held up, one graying mem ber exclaimed, “Oh, this is the color my husband likes!” Only the most timorous resisted modeling the wigs. There was no business meeting! ! S' w!3 ■x ■ on my last carl How? Through my State Farm Mutual agent. He helped me get financing through a local cooperat ing bank. And that low cost bank financing really saves you moneylThen I insured the carwith State Farm too, and with their low rates I saved even on the insurance! Guess a lot of car owners save like this with State Farm. Say... why don’t you call your State Farm agent? r CHESTER WILLIAMS t 1 1436 Schuykill Road, RockvilU, Md. WH. 2-8564 > STATE FARM pj^T • W Mutual Automobile Insurance Company cRS> B A Home Office: Bloomington, Illinois l'**"’!’!’-. tiring president and new public relations officer; Maurice Spaulding, Gaithersburg, reelected vice president; Charles Elkins, Poolesville, new president, and Lee Hocker, Rock ville, elected secretary-treasurer. —Photo by J. Alan Bowman, Silver Spring But Remain ‘Firm!’ Ban Tests , End Hostility 9 Dr. Spock Pleads In Talk Nuclear testing which is probably causing bone cancer and leukemia in children throughout the world should be banned. Dr. Benjamin Spock, famed pediatrician, told a Washington area audience this week. Addressing a fund raising banquet honoring former United Nations Ambassador and dis armament negotiator James J. Wadsworth, sponsored by the Washington Committee for a SANE Nuclear Policy, Dr. Spock declared: “On the basis of tests on mice, it is safe to assume Strontium 90 in nuclear fallout is causing leukemia and bone cancer in children. Also, he declared, between one quarter and one-half of Amer ica’s children expect atomic attack. “Young ones,” he said, “are most worried about being poisoned by fallout, about being separated from their parents in a disaster, about the maiming or death of their families and themselves. • “Adolescents speak with some bitterness about the uneertainty of their futures, about the possi bility of their giving birth to deformed babies, about the futility of studying too hard.” The physician-psychiatrist also decried the spirit of hostility that marks United States and Russia negotiations. “Hostility always produces hostility,” he said. The solution, Dr. Spock said, DIET PANTRY IF you have a food problem—and who doesn’t —discover the art of eat ing again! Selected foods from se lected farms . . . sold and served. Midmorning brunches, lunch eons. afternoon teas, Carry OUT Service. CUSTOM GROWN FOODS, Inc. 4709 Bethesda Av.,, Bethesda, Md. Phona: 652-7553 is to work toward disarmament, strengthening of the United Nations, more “enlightened assistance to underdeveloped countries, and increased con tacts between East and West. “It is necessary to explain to people that this does not mean appeasement, or unilateral dis armament. There is a profound difference between firmness and hostility. “If one submits to a bully, this makes him more unreasorv able. The real job consists in offering him friendship, recog nizing his legitimate human needs and helping him to satisfy them.” More than 400 Washington area residents, including many from Montgomery County, attended the dinner held in the Sheraton Park Hotel. At the affair, Wadsworth was awarded the Eleanor Roosevelt Peace Award. Several senators and congressmen attended the event whose master of cere monies was Actor Robert Ryan. The "Cold” Test Southern States Double-Treated Southern States V % Hybrids are double-tested for germination. It f", \ il t Hybrids are chemically treated to fight \ VWvl In addition to the regular germination test, u| 1 1 U|| not just one but both enemies of your W\ they get the severe Cold Test. It’s extra as- r * J s}] seedlings—disease plus soil insects, surance that you’ll get a top stand. f Double-Guaranteed when you All Varieties Certified ( \ Uff a rca d t * irou ß^ l both of Southern States’ \' ? 11 g uara ntees, you’ll agree they give you '[y —■ 1 • Jr fjl unmatched protection. Field Tested Right Here in this state, not a ‘ thousand miles away. Southern States Hybrids will maka big yields and maximum profits on your farm. Order yours now from your Southern States Cooperative Agency League Gets Strong Ally On Petitions The county chapter of the League o,| Women Voters has already picked up its first sup porters in its campaign to stymie the State legislature’s second attempt in two years to redistrict Maryland. The Maryland County Federa tion of Republican Women has lent its weight to the drive to bring the matter to referendum in 1964. A board meeting of the 1200 woman-strong federation unanimously passed a resolu tion calling for a petition to referendum Monday morning. Opponents of the bill, enacted Science Fair Sr. Division Due April 6-8 Montgomery County has had to divide its Bth annual science fair in half again. This is the third year that interest in the fair has been so great that it had to be split into senior and junior divisions. The senior division will be Held April 6-8, and the junior division on May 18-19. Both will be held in the Educational Serv ices Auditorium in Rockville. Two grand prize winners will be selected from the six divi sional winners in the senior fair to represent the county at the National Science Fair in Albu querque, N. M. j^OHMICA KITCHENS 7 ft. GENUINE Formica Kitchen—including Formica top and stainless steel sink. $336.60 Exactly as shown in showroom. American Standard Disposal at very special price of $35.00 extra. saMctmS> Warehouse - Showroom Subsidiary of OLDA Contractors, Inc. 4215 Howard Ave., Kensington in Annapolis last week, say It is | ] too similar to the IS6I rod's-1 1 I rioting bill they brought to ! referendum and defeated last November. The league chapter plans al' month of organization and plan- j ning, followed by a quick signa- I ture campaign the first two weeks of May. Under new refer-' endum rules passed last year, petitions will have to carry the ; signatures' of three per cent of i those voting for governor in the 1 ] jll 1 1-U For a rainy day or these golden years, For the "extras" that give life a glow — Put a regular amount in a Savings Account And watch how your “nest egg" will growl Savings deposited by April loth will earn 3'/j% Interest from April Ist. mJum OF MARYLAND Member Federal Deposit Ins, Corp. FARMERS BANK OFFICE... „...8 E. Montgomery Awe., Rockville GA. 4-6600 TWINBROOK OFFICE 2206 Viers Mill Rd„ Rockville GA. 4 6600 KENSINGTON BANK OFFICE 10420 Montgomery Ave., Kensington 949-2525 POOLESVILLE BANK OFFICE Poolesville, Md Dl. 9-2281 GAITHERSBURG BANK OFFICE 215 N. Frederick Ave., Gaithersburg WA. 6 0700 The ONE bank best lor ALL your needs last general election or a total of 23,080 signatures around the state. Completed petitions must be presented to Gov J. Millard Tavves before June 1. Csftem Home Budding J. E. Higgins c, Md. • 948-5181