Newspaper Page Text
Damascus School P TA Pays Tribute To Teachers By Elizabeth C. Kile VVA. 6-1454 The P-TA of the Damascus Elementary School and the Woodfield Elementary School met for a joint meeting on Mon day evening at the Woodfield School. It was Teacher Recog nition Month and the schools honored Miss Eleanor Darby, who has taught the second grade in the Damascus School for the past 23 years. Miss Dar by, who has taught over 40 years with most of her service in the Montgomery County schools, will retire in June. She started teaching in a one-room school. Miss Darby, a native of the county, was born near Darnestown. After retiring she will live in Washington with her sister. After having taught 30 years she received her B.A. at George Washington University. Sam Gladhill, one of her first pupils in Damascus, who is now president of the Damascus High School Alumni Association, and 19 pupils from her present class presented her with a bouquet of 23 roses, one for each year of service in Damascus. The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer will celebrate the Sac rament of Holy Communion this evening, Maundy Thursday, at 7:30. Tomorrow, Good Fri day, they will conduct the serv ice of Tenebrae at 7:30 p.m. The Festival of the Resurrection will be celebrated Easter Sun day at the 11 a.m. service. All of these services will be in the Damascus Elementary School. The Sunday Church School meet each Sunday at 9:45 a.m. with classes for all ages, begin ning at 3 years old. All women of the congregation will meet next Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Community Room of the Citi zens Savings and Loan Building for the purpose of creating a new women’s auixiliary of the church. The building fund cam paign will begin intensively next Wednesday with the arrival of William Knell who will be the resident director of the Luther an Laymen's Movement for Stewardship. The Cedar Grove P-TA met April 1 with Dr. Homer Els road. Deputy Superintendent of Schools for Montgomery County, as the speaker. The fifth grade, taught by Mrs. Genevieve Griffith, visited Ra dio Station WHMC in Gaithers burg on Wednesday. This was a field trip to help improve their knowledge of communication which is the subject they are at present studying. The school will close this afternoon for the Easted holiday and will resume on April 22. The Montgomery Democratic Women’s Club met Tuesday at the Brooke Manor Country Club for their luncheon meeting. Hon. John Moore was the i ROCKVILLE if i DRIVE-IN 1 I THEATRE | Rockville. Md. POplar 2-6186 Got* opens 6:30 P.M. Shew Starts at DUSK Thurs. thru Men. April 11-12-13-14-15 Loaded with * • FRED .IWMACMURRAV NANCY KEENAN fiW OLSON WYNN 1/ JUI!tUAOIMH6ViJT*OirIfWT'O"CO.It D Jt IN2NM.TOISNrrfNOOUCT)ON| Plus Guy Williams "DAMON AND PYTHIAS" Tue. I Wed.. April 16-17 Gregory Peck 6 Audrey Hepburn "ROMAN HOLIDAY" end Deen Mertin & Shirley MecLeine "ALL IN A NIGHTS WORK" COMING NEXT WEEK Elvis Presley "BLUE HAWAII" i' ' < 4 ■ ' *Sj|- ' wjfck;- '4'S. Mirror , Mirror On the Wall . • . Winner of ilie "Sweetheart of Fire Pre vention” contest sponsored by the fire pre vention bureau of the Kensington Volunteer Fire Department was Lucella Reininga. Wheaton, standing with hand to face. Other contestants in the event held at Newport Mill speaker. The following from the Da mascus area attended the 10th annual Soil Conservation ban quet at the Agricultural Center on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lindy Beall, Mr. and Mrs. Rudell Beall, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Beall, Leslie Beall, Mr. and Mrs. John Beall and Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Gladhill. Charles Remsburg, chairman of the Catoctin Conservation District and past president of the Asso ciation of Soil Conservation Dis tricts was the speaker. Mrs. Beda Burdette celebrated her 90th birthday on Sunday with an open house in her honor. Rev. and Mrs. Roger Ber hauser. interim pastor of the First Baptist Church of Damas cus, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth How ser. Gilcin Meadors and a class mate from Brown University, Providence, R. 1., spent the spring vacation with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Gilcin Meadors. Tom White and Frank Rice, both students at Hastings Col lege, Hastings, Neb., were home for their spring vacations last week. The Montgomery General Hospital Guild will hold their 12th annual summer style show at Jelleff’s in Silver Spring on April 24. Hold this date open. Wilbur Watkins and Alvin Moxley were patients in Mont gomery General Hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Sims and children are visiting Mrs. Sims' mother, Mrs. Pont in Miami. Fla. They will be gone about two weeks. At Easter Sunrise Service, sponsored by the Damascus Methodist Youth Fellowship, will be held at 6 a.m. Easter Sunday on the Damascus Meth odist Church lawn. This is meant for the entire commu nity and everyone is urged to come. The speaker will be the Rev. Everett Woodcock, a mis sionary to the Congo. On March 31 the following were received into the membership of the church, Mrs. Leonard King; Mrs. Norman Walter and her sons, John, David and Robert; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mullinix and their son, Larry; Mrs. Rob ert McDaniel; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tregoning; Mrs. Jalmar Anderson and her sons, Eric and Lexford, and Mrs. Jack Raines. Tonight there will be the service of Holy Communion at 8 p.m. and tomorrow, Good Friday, the service of the Cross at 8 p.m. The Young Adult Circle will meet on April 18 at Enjoy Your Easter Sunday Dinner at... Phone JU. 8-1688 Each YUit Secerned A A/e*toty Junior High were, from left, Cheryl Cook, Wheaton; Sonja Nichols, Rockville, and seated, from left, Patty Page and Helen Mc- Allister, both of Silver Spring. —Sentinel Photo by Ed Mervla Northuvood High Girl Wins Firemen’s Beauty Contest Lucella Mae Reininga, named Miss Sweetheart of Fire Pre vention last week by judges of the contest sponsored by the Kensington Fire Department's Fire Prevention Bureau, is a triple crown winner in this area. In December 1961 Lucella Mae was winner of the Miss Junior Majorette of Maryland contest held at the Silver Spring Boys’ Club; she is Miss Whea ton of 1962; and will reign this year as Fire Prevention Sweet heart in the county. Judges lor the contest which was held at Newport Mill Jun ior High School last Friday night were Leslie Thompson, president of the State Firemen's Association; Paul Lochary, chairman of the Maryland State Fire Prevention Bureau; Char lotte Martz, president of the Wheaton Chamber of Comerce; Ray Thompson, Chief of the Kensington Volunteer Fire De partment; Frank Petralik of the the home of Mrs. Jack Poole with Mrs. Kay Whitman and Mrs. Betty Chamblee as co hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Gladhill and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Thomp son attended the banquet of the Cabin John Fire Department held on Saturday at the Presi dential Arms in Washington. The Damascus Rotary Club met for their regular dinner meeting at the firehouse on Thursday evening. The guest speaker was Murray Andrews, librarian at the Damascus High School. Tlie Rotarians each present a book or the equiva lent in cash to the library on their birthdays. Mr. Andrews reported on the books received and purchased and explained why certain types of books and bindings are most desirable. Sherwood Youth At Symposium Miller Hudson of Sherwood High School has just returned from a three-day trip to West Point, N. Y., where he took part in the National Junior Science and Humanities Symposium. Hudson was among students from throughout the United States to attend the symposium on the basis of their own sci entific research. The Sherwood High School senior's investiga tion had been into the psychol ogy of mice. Kensington Lions Club; Chief James F. Dorsey of the Chillum- Adelphi Fire Department; Mil dred Harman, newspaper colum nist; and Walter Belt, vice president of the Kensington Fire Department. Music was furnished by the Hammond Organ Company in Wheaton, Lucella Mae competed with eight other area girls. First runner-up was Patty Page and second was Helen McAllister. The 16-year old winner and sophomore at Northwood High School will attend all parades in which the Kensington Depart ment takes part, including pa rades during the Firemen’s Con vention to be held in Ocean City in June. The first annual Sweetheart of Fire Prevention contest, sponsored by the Fire Preven tion Bureau of the Kensington Department, was based on beau ty, talent, and personality. It was not a “bathing beauty” type of contest, but one in which the natural charm and talents of contestants were displayed in dressy gowns. Lucella wore a white semi-formal gown, with three tiers of ruffles highlight ed with blue. She won a SSO bond from the Fire Department, a badminton set from the Sports Center, a dress and blouse from Mont gomery Ward, an all expense trip to Ocean City at Convention time for herself and chaperone, a tiara of rhinestones, and a bouquet of red roses. She re ceived a small trophy to keep, and has a “travelling” trophy lor one year. Lucella is the daughter of Lucella Marie and the late Harry Reininga of Orebaugh Avenue in Wheaton. This is a real “chins up" family. Mr. [Reininga died, a victim of ean • cer, two years ago. Lucella Marie, who is a youthful 40 years old, manages her house j hold with equanimity and aplomb. In adition to Lucella who is the oldest child, there are Gail, 13; Garreld, almost 12; Wayne, 10; Veronica, six; and Diane, four years old. Happily Ever After . . . Make Them a Gift of Suporb Wording Portraits - the most appreciated gift of ell! The happiest occasion of her young life —her wedding day! Make those precious moments everlasting with fine profes sional portraiture. Ask about our Wedding Day Grouptnq including e Wedding Album at $49.95. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 652-2252 TRI METRO STUDIOS PMHMi Norfolk A\.I P^SU!!7 S , ' j fUtheAda, Md. Family Record Plan Member Studio Lay tonsville-Woodfield Troop 1323 Is Granted Its Charter Elizabeth C. Kile WA. 6-1454 Boy Scout Troop No. 1323, sponsored by St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church received their Charter on Monday, April 1. Edward Smith, Institutional Representative, received it on behalf of the Church. Grant Shaw is the Scoutmaster. The Cub Pack also sponsored by St. Bartholomew's, held their Pack meeting last Friday. The theme was “The United States.” Den 3 was responsible for the Flag ceremony and Tommy Bennett, Carter Atkinson, John Lovey and Peter Chance took part in it. Dens 1 and 3 had exhibits of Litter Bags, Scrap books of the States, Maps of the U.S. and bird feeders they had made. A Pinewood Derby Race was held with Peter Kolstad the winner. The best carved car was made by Gary Ground and the best decorated by Chip Jaf furs. The following awards were made: Wolf Badge, Jackie Bradbury; Silver Arrow Point and Asst. Denner, Gary Ground; Bear Badge, Peter Kolstad: Gold Arrow and Wolf Badge, Tommy Troxler; Gold Arrow and Wolf Badge, Robbie Stiles; Wolf Badge, Ulysses Griffith, sth; Bear Badge and Gold Arrow, Robert and Richard Lord. St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church will hold their Easter Service at 11 a.m. The Laytonsville P.T.A. met at the school on April 2. The school Librarian, Mrs. Ruth Dungan was the speaker. The following new members were received into the Church at Wesley Grove Methodist on Sunday: James Timothy Sleeth, Dennis Douglas Duvall and Debra Lynn McMillion who have been attending the Pre paratory Class, and Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell by Trans- j fer from Mt. Carmel, Sunshine, | and Mrs. Pauline Howard by transfer from the First Baptist of Rockville. The service was followed by a coffee hour. The Women's Society of Christian Service met on Wednesday and ! elected the following officers who will be installed on Moth ers Day. President, Mrs. Ells worth King; Vice Pres. Mrs. James Hawkins; Secretary, Mrs. Woodrow Ward; Treasurer,! Mrs. Harrison King; Secty. of Promotion, Mrs. Russell Bur dette; Secty. of Missionary Edu cation and Service, Mrs. Larry Mason; Secty. Christian Social Relations and Local Church Activities, and Representative to the Sibley Guild and Deacon ess Home, Mrs. E. C. Madge burger; Secty. Student and Youth Work, Mrs. Donald War field; Secty. Children’s Work, j Mrs. Donald Wayne; Secty. j Spiritual Life, Mrs. Eli Lie-j shear; Secty. Literature and Publications, Miss Lucille Priest; Secretary of Supply Work, Mrs. Raymond Kemp; and Chairman of Week of Prayer, Mrs. William Duvall. The Laytonsville Homemak ers met at the home of Mrs. Trebla Rollins, with Co-host esses, Mrs. Helen Judkins, and Mrs. Carol Roer. A demonstra-; tion by Mrs. Frank DeHaan, Clothing Chairman of “Pouff" hats, was the program for the evening. Mrs. Charles DeHaan assisted her. The Club plans to go by bus to the Dupont Estate in Wilmington, Delaware on - Montgomery Count n’t Moat Beautiful Theatre VILLA | Rockvilla, Md. PO. 2-9371 Whara friend, meet and enjoy the fine.t in movie entertainment in a peaceful and comfortable atmoi phara. NOW SHOWING THRU TUESDAY Loaded with Js! FUNQgg ByffijgSjp I Y^macmurray NANCI KEENAN to OLSON WYNN 1/ ac. D df enu mai w*> mocuctkm THEATRE Thun. Continuou. from 3:00 P.M. Fri.-Sot. - Mon.-Tuei. Oentinueu. from 11 A.M. Sun. from 1 P.M. ; May 15. This will be an all day trip. If you would care to go call Mrs. Basil Waters Jr. for further information. WA 6- 3723. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison King entertained at a surprise "Open House” for Mrs. King’s father, Walter Allnutt on his 75th birthday March 31. About 125 friends came to wish him a happy birthday and enjoy re freshments from a beautifully decorated table in green and yellow with a centerpiece of yellow roses and green candles and a four tiered birthday cake. Mr. Allnut's family presented him with a brown leather reclln ing chair. He received many other fine gifts. Tonight there will be a Maundy Thursday Communion Service at the Mt. Tabor Meth odist Church, at 8 p.m. The Good Friday Service will be at St. Paul’s Methodist Church at 8 P.M. The Women’s Society of Christian Service Study Class will meet April 17 at 1 P.M. at the St. Paul Church and the book “Who Cares,” dealing with mentally and physically handi capped will be the program. Mrs. Robert Duley is in charge of the study. Mrs. Frank Ben nett will care for the children of those who attend. On Palm Sun day the Children’s Choir took part in the service under the direction of Mrs. Daniel Abbott. The Mt. Tabor Church gave a baby shower on Thursday eve ning for Mrs. Robert Goad. Rev. and Mrs. Frank Depro of Damascus, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Weberand, their son Dale, Mrs. Phyllis Weiss and her daughter, Lynn, Mrs. Ruth Mil ler and Ross Gilliam of Balti more, Mrs. Virginia Bowman, Mrs. Herbert Hyatt Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Schwab and their daughter Joy Lynn, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Green and their family for din ner on Sunday. Tom Bailey went to Lexing ton, Va. to attend a dinner in honor of O. C. Davis who is retiring from the Atlantic Sea board Corp. The dinner was held at the Robert E. Lee Hotel &&£& ¥o J 111 l ous fßp Easter Dine at Water. Ci*rE Inn. On-the-Potomec—*t F N.W. "Famous for Hot Popovers" Open Deily 11:30 e.m. to 10 p.m. Reservations Advisable Dl. 7-9256 • Select Beautiful Eester Presents from Our Sift House STW&BBIIDS Little League barbell ~1 Qj|p $ 4 95 OFFICIAL BASEBALL TRACK $0.99 siq.99 55 c SHOES O IO 2 (or <i Tennis TACKLE K 1 Ji ■1 -M7TJII Vi I *ll3 p* .. box lUn.itflsf;i Fishing s ii oo y iVi ! 11 IPI tll =1 J Licenses i: ' V J V ALL TYPES HssH BIG DISCOUNTS Llcim.* 1 I “ST* ON FISHING TACKLE! | j WF i: CASTING ii HAVE \ // SPIN CAST SFfCIAL In; 55e Doz - OUTFITS I i AJHo***** -.4 .r TRADING VAST ' 117 N. Washington St. (in Hi* ROCKVILLE CENTER PO. 2-3946 |on Friday March 29. Mr. Davis worked in Rockville with Mr. Bailey for some years. J. T. Weaver was a patient in | University Hospital, Baltimore, i Walter T, Loevy and Ernest Hawkins were In Montgomery | General and Paul Oland in Holy Cross Hospital last week. The Woodfield Jr.-Sr. Girls ! 4-H Club met at Rosemary Bur-, dettes March 30 to complete their plans for the trip to Wash ington by train on April 17. Girls are asked to notify their local leader if the girls and their mothers plan to go. On April 3 James Sleeth who works for the Naval Ordnance Laboratory came to the Wood field School and showed a film about the development of “Alice.” Alice is an underwater mine that was designed to be dropped from an airplane. The development began in 1957. To be successful it had to have characteristics of flying and swimming. It had to have good air stability and be waterproof. They tested it constantly and It proved to be very successful. The 4th, sth and 6th grades thoroughly enjoyed the film. Mr. Sleeth has three children in the Woodfield School, Matthew, Ist grade; Naomi, 4th grade and Timothy, 6th grade. Mrs. Thomas Grimes enter tained at a party for her son Sammy on his 10th birthday, March 30. The guests were his Cub Scout Den, his Sunday School Class and his cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kemp, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Griffith and Mr. and Mrs. George Lechlider from this area attended the Soil Conservation Banquet at the Agricultural Center on Wednes-; day. The Laytonsville Girls 4-H Club met at the school on Tues day. Susan Rollins demon strated “Tuna Fish Salad”; Kristie Hargraves, “Cracker Spreads”, Jane Ann Griffith “Coffee Cake” and Barbara Hawkins and Frances Troxler gave a joint demonstration of “Oatmeal Dropped Cookies.” Mr. and Mrs. Vestus Willcox have returned to their home after spending the winter in Florida. Mrs. William Black of Greens burg, Pa., is visiting her son and AZALEAS roedy to bloom s 2 Oon.0 n. Order Your latter Plants, Corsages. A Cut Flowers New. So You Won’t Be Disappointed. COMPLETE LINE OF FERTILIZER, SEEDS t BEDDING PLANTS I Afel fair I New Route 29, Burtontville, Md. SENTINEL sssrss: Thursday, April 11, 1963 Becomes Eagle Bill Thorn, 17, son of Mr. and . Mrs. W. R. Thorn of Silver Spring recently received his 'Eagle Scout award. Bill, a sen ior at Montgomery Blair High School, is a member of Sea Ex plorer Ship 1074, which meets at Naval Ordinance Laboratory, daughter-in-law Rev. and Mrs. Glenn Black. The Montgomery General Hospital Guild will have their 12th Annual Fashion Show at Jelleffs in Silver Spring on April 24. Keep this date open. The Laytonsville Fire Depart ment had four calls on Thurs day; a field fire on the Millison place at Mt. Zion; Lee Barn hard, a shed which caught from sparks flying from the still smoldering barn, and a field fire in Granby woods. The Donald Howards of the Willow Lane Apartments are the happy parents of a baby girl, born April 5 at Montgom ery General Hospital. AH HA! ROY will serve DINNERS each TUESDAY STARTING APRIL 16th Featuring a— Specialty of the Week —APRIL 16th— Sauerbraten (Wine Marinated Beef I with German Side Dishes A Selection of Other Fine Foods Available JOHNNY THOMSON AT THE PIANO I ROY'S I PLACE "A TAVERN" . . . Sa Where Bltet 247 >. Montgomery Ave. Rockville PARKING PO. 2-9184 IN REAR 424-9703 A5