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Legal Advertisement Legal Advertisement ~ WASHINGTON' (Exclusve of Anacostia River Flood Control and Navigation Project! BALANCE SHEETS December 31, 1962 General Water Construction Sewer & Storm and Water Refuse Drainage ASSETS Operations Construction UTILITY PLANT AT ORIGINAL COST —NOTE A Water supfly, sewage disposal and transmission lines, and general plant $ 77,431,576 House connections, contributed .... 30,802,224 Water distribution and sewage disposal lines $121,085,944 Storm water drains 14,130.056 TOTAL UTILITY PLANT $108,233,800 $135,216,000 Less accumulated allowances for depreciation 15,611,158 22,169,961 . 1) NET UTILITY PLANT $ 92,622,642 $113,046,039 CURRENT ASSETS Cash $ 658,636 $ 160,694 U. S. Government securities and municipal bonds, at cost 2,717,349 4,971,778 Bonds of the Commission, at cost 1,495,030 j Receivables, less allowances: Utility billings 913,741 Work billed others and mis cellaneous 829,954 Front foot benefit assessments 538,154 Ad valorem tax levies 185,389 , Water rrd sewer revenues, un billed 2,161,237 Materials and supplies, at aver age cost 1,293,894 Due from Anacostia River Flood Control and Navigation Project 212,512 Due from general construction and storm water drainage con struction 2,030,907 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS $ 10,818,230 $ 7,351,045 DEFERRED CHiUIGES S 291,301 $103,732,173 $120,397,084 i LIABILITIES CAPITALIZATION’ Long-term debt Note B: Water supply, ! sewage disposal and incinerator bonds, pay able from respective utility service charges and from un limited taxing powers of the Commission $ 59,004,000 General construction bonds, payable from front foot bene fit charges and from un limited taxing powers of the Commission $ 84,451,000 Storm water drainage bonds, payable from unlimited tax ing powers of the Commis sion 11,167,000 . TOTAL LONG-TERM DEBT $ 59,004,000 $ 95,618,000 Equity of the Commission: Contributions from customers and others $ 34.938,247 S 9,226,851 Long-term debt retired 10,980,000 27,458,100 : Accumulated provision for util ity piant depreciation Note A: Property in service (11,859,320 1 (21,832,220) j Property abandoned (397,422) (857,930) Accumulated net revenues ap plied to working capital 4,861,106 6,329,659 TOTAL EQUITY OF THE COMMISSION $ 38,522,611 $ 20,324,460 TOTAL CAPITALIZATION ... $ 97,526.611 $115,942,460 CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ 3,817,370 $ 932,363 Accrued interest on long-term debt 386,378 749,432 Due to water, sewer and refuse operations 2,030.907 Current maturities on long-term debt Note B TOTAL CURRENT LA BILITIES $ 4,203,748 S 3,712,702 CUSTOMERS ADVANCES FOR CONSTRUCTION $ 1.718,624 S 741,922 DEFERRED CREDITS $ 283,190 $103,732,173 $120,397,084 WASHINGTON SUBURBAN SANITARY COMMISSION (Exclusive of Anacostia River Flood Control and Navigation Project) STATEMENTS OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES AND APPLICATION OF NET REVENUES For the Year Ended December 31, 1962 General Water Construction Sewer A Storm and Water Refuse Drainage Operations Construction REVENUES: Water consumption and service $ 5,386,275 Sewer usage 3,884,054 Refuse collection and disposal .. 1,854,897 Front foot benefit charges $ 5,843,126 Ad valorem taxes 1,536,638 Interest on investments and delinquencies 98,137 154,811 Miscellaneous 347,944 TOTAL REVENUES $ 11,571,307 $ 7,534,575 EXPENSES: Water supply and distribution .. $ 2,565,136 Sewage collection and disposal .. 2,429,027 Refuse collection and disposal .. 2,058,057 Storm water drainage maintenance $ 144,505 Interest on short term debt 57,802 Construction of house connec tions, net 160,363 160,363 $ 7.212,583 $ 362.670 * ■■ - ■ ■ . - NET REVENUES AVAIL ABLE f'OR BOND SERV ICE $ 4,358,724 $ 7,171,905 Legal Advertisement Legal Advertisement DEBT INTEREST: Water supply $ 1,213,083 Sewage disposal 739,696 Incinerator 1,905 General construction $ 2,895,039 Storm water drainage construc tion 296,378 $ 1,954,864 $ 3,191,417 NET REVENUES BEFORE DEPRECIATION $ 2,404,040 $ 3,980,488 DEPRECIATION NOTE A: Water supply and transmission $ 610,613 Sewage transmission and dis posal 371,416 Incinerator 9,511 Water distribution and sewage disposal $ 1,959,928 Storm water drainage 226,323 $ 991,540 $ 2,186,251 NET REVENUES $ 1,412,500 $ 1,794,237 CURRENT PROVISION FOR RE TIREMENT OF LONGTERM DEBT $ 1,495.000 $ 3,466,000 LESS CURRENT PROVISION FOR DEPRECIATION OF UTILITY PLANT 991,540 2,186,251 $ 503,460 $ 1,279,749 CURRENT YEAR’S ADDI TION TO (REDUCTION OF) WORKING CAPITAL $ 909,040 $ 514,488 ACCUMULATED NET REVENUES APPLIED TO WORKING CAP PITAL AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 3,794,066 5,815,171 ADJUSTMENTS TO PRIOR YEARS’ REVENUES 158,000 ACCUMULATED NET REV ENUES APPLIED TO WORKING CAPITAL AT END OF YEAR $ 4,861,106 6,329,659 ANACOSTIA RIVER FLOOD CONTROL PROJECT BALANCE SHEETS December 31, 1962 ASSETS v Construction Maintenance Fund Fund UTILITLY PLANT AT ORIGINAL COST Note A $ 3,950,715 CURRENT ASSETS Cash $ 74,529 U.S. Government securities, at cost 99,771 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS .. $ 174,300 $ 4,125,015 LIABILITIES CAPITALIZATION Long-term debt, payable from unlimited taxing powers of the Commission in Prince George's County Note B $ 1,250,000 Equity of the Commission: Grants from county and munic ipal agencies $ 2,500,000 Contributions from customers and others 28,994 Long-term debt retired 250,000 Accumulated net revenues ap plied to working oapital 24,454 $ (166,767) TOTAL EQUITY OF THE COMMISSION $ 2,803,448 $ (166,767) TOTAL CAPITALIZATION $ 4,053,448 $ (166,767) CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ 10,808 $ 560 Accrued interest on long-term debt 14,455 Due to water, sewer and refuse operations 46,304 166,207 TOTAL CURRENT LIABIL ITIES S 71,567 $ 166,767 $ 4,125,015 $ -0- STATEMENTS OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES AND APPLICATION OF NET REVENUES For the Year Ended December 31, 1962 Construction Maintenance Fund Fund REVENUES: Ad valorem taxes $ 96,1(M I 96,101 Rent, interest and miscellaneous .. 2,840 4,790 TOTAL REVENUES $ 98,941 $ 100,891 EXPENSES 106,914 NET REVENUES AVAIL ABLE FOR BOND SERV ICE $ 98,941 NET REVENUES AVAIL ABLE FOR OPERATIONS $ <6,023) DEBT INTEREST $ 42,607 NET REVENUES $ 56,334 $ <6,023) CURRENT PROVISION FOR RE TIREMENT OF LONG-TERM DEBT $ 50,000 CURRENT YEAR'S ADDI TION TO < REDUCTION OF) WORKING CAPITAL .. $ 6,334 $ (6.0231 ACCUMULATED NET REVENUES APPLIED TO WORKING CAP ITAL AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 18,120 < 160,744) ! ACCUMULATED NET REV ENUES APPLIED TO WORKING CAPITAL AT END OF YEAR $ 24,454 $ (166,767) Accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. # Legal Advertisement Oliver C. Sard Attorney-at-Law 4314 Hamilton Street Hyattsville, Md. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND Equity No. 26738 EUNICE M. ALEXANDER 14714 Colesville Road Silver Spring, Md. Plain tiff vs. EUGENE M. ALEXANDER Address Unknown Defendant Order of Publication The object of this suit is to obtain an absolute divorce by the Plaintiff, Eunice M. Alex ander, from the Defendant, Eu gene M. Alexander, and the BUI of Complaint states as follows: The plaintiff and defendant are adult citizens of the United States and plaintiff has been a resident of Montgomery Coun ty, Maryland, for more than one year prior to the filing of said BUI of Complaint: that the last known address of the defend ant, six years ago, was Mont gomery County, Maryland, and his present address is unknown. That on April 18, 1955, plain tiff and defendant were married ! in Montgomery County, Mary land, by a duly ordained minis ter, and no children have been bom from the said marriage; that on September 17, 1957, while the said parties were liv ing together in Montgomery County, Maryland, defendant, without any cause or justifica tion therefor, abandoned and deserted the plaintiff; that the said abandonment and deser tion has continued uninter ruptedly for more than 18 months, is deliberate and final, and the separation of the said parties beyond any reasonable hope or expectation of recon ciliation. That the said abandon ment and desertion has not been condoned by the plaintiff. That on or about the 17th day of September, 1957, plaintiff and defendant voluntarily and by mutual consent, agreed to separate and live apart; that pursuant to said agreement , they separated on said day, and the separation, without cohabi tation, has continued for more than 18 consecutive months prior to the filing of the said Bill of Complaint, and the sepa ration of the said parties be yond any reasonable hope or expectation of reconciliation. The plaintiff prays that she be divorced a vinculo matri monii from the defendant, and Notes to Financial Statements NOTE A— The utility plant of the Commission was con structed with funds obtained from the sale of bonds, from customer contributions and from grants from participating governmental agencies. Debt service on the bonds issued for construction of the assets serving the various functions is, by statute, payable as follows: Water supply, sewage disposal and transmission lines j bonds Payable from service charges of the respective utilities and | from unlimited taxing power of the Commission. Such service ! charges are computed at rates which will provide generally for maintaining, repairing and operating the water supply and . j sewage disposal properties, including overhead expense and , | proper depreciation allowance. i General construction bonds (issued for construction or acquisition of water and sewer distribution mains and for related ; necessary facilities) I j Payable from front foot benefit annual charges and from ad valorem taxes levied under unlimited taxing power of the Com mission. Storm water drainage bonds Payable from ad valorem taxes levied by the Commission under unlimited taxing power. j Anacostia River flood control bonds Payable only from ad valorem taxes levied by the Commission in Prince George's County under unlimited taxing ! power of the Commission. The Commission follows the policy of charging rates and i causes the levying of taxes, which in the aggregate will be j ; sufficient, after deducting operating expenses, to provide for payment of annual debt service, including payment of bonds as they mature (for sinking fund bonds as they become callable). , NOTE B LONG TERM DEBT Frinrlp*! Amount __ lnt#r#*t Balance Balance I>ll# Jan. I. 1882 Addition* Retirement* Doe. 31, 1883 l>u# In 188.1 Rat# Due In 1883 Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Bonds: Water Supply Bonds, due serially 1963-97 $35,045,000 $ 3,000,000 $1,041,000 $37,004,000 $1,146,000 Van to 5% $1,194,370 Sewage Disposal Bonds, due serially 1963-97 18,358,000 4,(XJ0,000 436,000 21,922,000 481,000 Var. to 5% 717,582 Incinerator Bonds, (also payable from water service charges) due serially 1963-69 96,000 .0- 18,000 78,000 18,000 l'A to 3.1% 1,560 i 5,499,000 $ 7,000,000 $1,495,000 $59,(X)47000 $1,645,000 $1,943,512 General Construction Bonds: Sinking Fund 1983-88 )callable 1963-68) $ 4,500,000 $ -0- $ 350,000 $ 4,150,000 $ 42,571 (•) 3% to 5% $ -0-(*) Du# serially 1963-91 75,159,000 8,000,000 2,858,000 80.301,000 3,215,000 Var. to 5% 2,852,987 $79,659,000 $ 8,000,000 $372087000 $84,451,000 $3,257,57F $2^52^7 Storm Water Drainage Bonds, due serially 1963-97 $ 7,425,000 $ 4,000,000 $ 258,000 $11,167,000 $ 381,000 Var. to 5% $ 373,767 $87,084,000 $12,000,000 $374667)00 $95,618,000 $.3,638.57 f $3,226,754 i l a... ~ - 1 - ■ ■ ■— ■ ,i jj.i, -■■.'■i,. r, .a Anacostia River Flood Control Bonds, 2' j % due serially 1963-84 $ 1,300,000 $ -0- $ 50,000 $ 1,250,000 $ 50,000 to 5% $ 40,578 (•) Sinking Fund requirement, as computed by Commission; includes principal and interest To the Commissioners, I Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, Hyattsville, Maryland We have examined the financial statements of Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission for the year ended December 31, 1962. Our examination was made in accordance with gen erally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included | such tests of the accounting records and such other procedures : as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the accompanying balance sheets and state ment* of revenues and expenses and application of net reve nues present fairly the financial position of Washington Sub urban Sanitary Commission (exclusive of Anacostia River Flood Control and Navigation Project) and of Anacostia River Flood Control and Navigation Project at December 31, 1962, and the results of their respective operations for the year- then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting prin Legal Advertisement for such other and further re lief as to the Court shall seem right and proper. It is thereupon, this 29th day of April, 1963, by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland, sitting as a Court of Equity, ORDERED that the plaintiff, by causing a copy of this Older to be inserted in some newspaper published in Montgomery County, Maryland, once a week in each of four successive weeks before the 27th day of May, 1963, give notice to the nonresident defen dant of the object and sub stance of this Bill, and warn him to file his initial pleading therein on or before the 28th day of June, 1963, or, in the alternative, by causing a copy of this Order to be personally served on said nonresident de. fendant one month before the last named date. CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk of the Circuit Court For Montgomery County Maryland True Copy—Test: CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk 4t-0292-5-23 JOHN R. HALL Trustee Poolesvtlle, Md. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD. Holding an Equity Court Equity No. 92$.*> In the Matter of the Estate of WILLIAM C. DUDROW Who la of Unsound Mind ORDER NISI Upon the petition for order authorizing the ratification of the contract of sale for certain property of the incompetent herein by the trustee, said property known as Lots 1 and 2, Block 74. Sec tion 3. •'Rlverdale Park,” Prince Geor ge’ ■ County, Maryland, and same hav ing been read and considered, It is, this 2ftth day of April, 1963 ORDERED, hv the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland. In Equity, that the contract of sale report ed herein between William E Koler dated January 11th. 1963. be ratified and con firmed unless cause to the contrary be shown on or before the 27th day of May, 1963, provided a copy of this order be inserted in some newspaper published In said County once in each of three successive weeks before the 27th day of May, 1963. The contract states the amount of the sale to be $22,000.00 THOMAS M. ANDERSON Judge True Copy-Test: CLAYTON M. WATKINS Clerk St-0294-5-16 EMMA B. WALDROP 8700 Georgia Avenue silver Spring, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters Testamentary to Sub urban Trust In the Estate of ROBERT A. 1F,111.F late of Montgomery County deceased. All l persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 3rd day of No . vember next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons Indebted to said • Estate are requested to make Immediate payment. Given under its hand this 24th day of , April, 1963. SUBURBAN TRUST COMPANY 8252 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, Md. Executor 81-0287-6-6 < | Legal Advertisement | Notice of Hearing 1 NOTICE is hereby given | that the Mayor and Council of Rockville will conduct a Public ■ Hearing on MAY 20, 1963 At 9:30 P.M. , or as soon thereafter as It may ' be heard, at the Rockville City ! Hall, 111 S. Perry St., Rockville, Maryland, in connection with 1 Zoning Reclassification Appli , cation M-102-63. Said applica , tion, submitted by James H. & . Ethel V. Taylor, c/o Albert E. . Brault, Esq., 22 W. Jefferson i St„ Rockville, Md„ requests ; that 1.24 acres of land, more or i less, located at 1801 E. Mont ) gomery Ave„ be rezoned from ■ the R-S Suburban Residential ■ Zone to the C-2 General Com . mercial Zone. More detailed information pertaining to the above appli cation may be found on file in the office of the City Clerk, Rockville City Hall, Rockville, Maryland. MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF ROCKVILLE By: Jean R. Homeck, City Clerk lt-0285-5-2 Sealed Bids The Board of Education of Montgomery County will re ceive sealed bids for furnishing the below listed items until the dates and times shown. The bids will be publicly opened in the Office of the Director of Procurement at the Board of Education, 850 N. Washington Street, Rockville. Maryland. Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Director of Procurement. Bid #35-63, Collator, May 14, 1963, until 3:00 P.M., EDST. THOMAS M. ANI>ERSnX, JR., r.q. Jaffanon nullrlltif Rwk villa, Md. ORDER NISI TN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY A a Court of Equity No. o-j 2B Equity No. 2.1611 Equity ' Cnnaolldated) BESSIE T.OMAX. at aj Complainant va. WILSON LOMAX, at al Defendant ORDERED, thin 26th day of April. A.D., 196.1, by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, as a Court of Equity, that the Auditor'! Report filed In the above entitled cause, he ratified and confirmed, urleaa cause to the con trary thereof be shown on or before the 27th day of May next: provided a copy of this order he Inserted tn some news paper published In said Montgomery County, once a week for three successive weeks before the said 27th day of May, , 1961, the last publication to be at least one week prior to the day on or before which objections may be filed. CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk of the Circuit Court For Montgomery County True Copy—Test: CLAYTON K, WATKINS 1 Clerk St-0390-5-16 Operating expenses include depreciation on water meters, automotive and other equipment, but not depredation on property constructed from proceeds of bond issues, which Is set out separately in the finandal statements. Annual debt service on bonds is substantially greater than the provision for depreciation over the expected service lives of the' property constructed from bond proceeds. The finandal statements include depredation provisions and accumulated allowances, for properties other than the Anaeostla River Flood Control and Navigation Project (serviced solely from ad valorem taxes). An amount equivalent to depreciation on house connections contributed Is Included in the accumulated allowances for depredation through transfers from equity of the Commission. During 1962 the Commission reviewed Its depredation policy relating to utility plant and made certain changes In annual rates and in the accumulated allowances and provisions for depredation to date. Amounts previously reported for 1961 are Increased (reduced *) as follows: General Water Construction Sewer A Storm and Water Refuse Drainage Operations Construction Net utility plant and equity of the ( Commission $ 1,300,016 % 376,923 1961 net revenues $ 7,711* $ 221,095 rlples applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. ERNST A ERNST Accountants, Auditors 1701 K Street, N.W. Washington 6, D. C. Washington, D. C. March 7, 1963 Published by authority of the WASHINGTON SUBURBAN SANITARY COMMISSION Blair H. Smith, Chairman Willard A. Morris, Vice Chairman Commissioners: William C. Austin, James B. Bland, Morris V. Spied, William B Wheeler John T. Bonilant, Secretary True Copy—Test: James J, Lynch, Treasurer lt-0258-52 I.• ,1 (SENTINEL Thursday, My 2, 1963 Notice of Hearing NOTICE is hereby given that the Mayor and Council of Rockville will conduct a Public Hearing on MAY 20. 1963 At 10:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, at the Rockville City Hall, 111 S. Perry St„ Rockville, Maryland, in connection with Zoning Reclassification Appli cation M-104-63. Said applica tion, submitted by Fafco Con tractors, Inc., 537 Anderson Ave„ Rockville, Md., requests that 1.4 acres of land, more or less, located on North St„ being part of the lands known as the Estate of the late Addison Jackson subdivision and also part of the lands of Gertrude P. McKnight, be rezoned from the R-60 Single Family Residen tial Zone to the R-40 One Fam ily Semi-Detached Residential Zone. More detailed information on the above application may be found on file in the office of the City Clerk, Rockville City Hail, Rockville, Maryland. MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF ROCKVILLE By: Jean R. Horneck, City Clerk lt-0283-5-2 Notice of Hearing NOTICE Is hereby given that the Mayor and Council of Rockville will conduct a con tinuation of Public Hearings (originated on January 21, 1963) on MAY 20, 1963 At 9:15 P.M. or as soon thereafter as they may be heard at the Rockville City Hall, 111 S. Perry St„ Rockville, Maryland, in connec tion with the proposed annexa tion and zoning of 41.26 acres of land, more or less, located southwest of the present cor porate boundaries and known as parts of a tract of land called "Wheel of Fortune” be ing Lots or parts of Lota 11, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, Section D and parts of Lota 45, 46 and 47 Block C, of said tract. More detailed information pertaining to the above annexa tion and zoning may be found on file In the office of the City Clerk, Rockville City Hall. Rockville, Maryland. MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF ROCKVILLE By: Jean R. Homeck, City Clerk lt-0281-5-J B5