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HISC. FOR SALE 8 2 USED CAR LOT OFFICES, in good condition. Can be seen at 6th St. and Florida Avc., N.E., Washington or phone TU. 2-1580. IDENTIFICATION TAGS for dogs & cats, with dog’s name (if desired), owner's name, address & phone. Made of stain less steel. Tiny & medium sizes are $1.25 plus 4c tax. Large, $1.50 plus 5c tax. Mailed to you. I pay postage. Mail & phone orders welcome. Jane Hoag. Box 297, Kens., Md. Phone 949 0712. MAHOGANY Dining Room Suite for SBO. Excellent condi tion. LI. 3-1345. AMERICANA, primitive iron ware, wooden ware, decoys, other interesting items, reason able. OL. 6-1163. UPRIGHT FREEZER, 1 year old, take over monthly pay ments of S2O. Call CL. 3-2984. BUY A PAIR, new in cartons 63 automatic washers and dry ers. Delivered, installed plus 1 year service for only $259.95. BLAIR’S TV, 5422 Western Ave., N.W. OL. 2-1800. BLACK EBONY BABV GRAND piano, slightly used, $350. Call 933-1748. BOOKCASE BED • solid cherry, double, PO. 2-3928 CHAIN LINK FENCE, 42 inch es, 60c per ft. complete. Install your own and save 40G. We furnish all necessary tools for installation. WA. 7-2697. 6 INCH OAK FENCING BOARDS, seasoned, dried, 8 ft. and 16 ft. long. OL. 4-2365 any day after 4:30 p.m. REFRIGERATORS Used guaranteed, Credit. 3562 14th St., N.W. TU. 2-6141, Sales and Service, Immediate delivery. PIANOS, special purchase, full carload, once a year only. Full 88 note, beautifully designed. Wurlitzer Spinets. 10 year war ranty, a remarkable opportun ity. $495. Also consoles and spinets, other makes. Kitt Music Co. Congressional Plaza, HA. 7- 7420. CARPETS Choose From Over 700 Samples From America's Leading Mills Wool - Acrilan 501 Nylon-Cumuloft And Custom Made Drapes 10% Above Our Cost 36 Months to Pay Our 9tli Year of Honest, Courteous and Dependable Service CALL DE. 2-3071 For Free Estimate FACTORY OUTLET 3017 3019 llth St., N.W. Washington, D.C. ELECTRIC STOVE, Universal excellent condition. SSO. PO. 2- 6437. ANTIQUE ROCKER, $3.00, Sofa with slip cover $lO. Club chair with slip cover $2.50. 1 wicker chair $1.50. Mahogany bedroom suite and misc. items. 949-7054. 8 PIECE LIVING ROOM suite, very good condition, good price. CL. 3-3296. J PIANO. Steinway 6 ft. ebony grar.d, 35 years old, rebuilt and refinished, excellent condition. SI,BOO. 581-5007. GO CART, good condition. SSO. 17 Rosemont Drive, Gaithers- burg. VVI. 8-5451. ; MALE-FEMALE MALE-FEMALE NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFERS CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FOR • CLERK-TYPISTS • BINDERY OPERATORS • PRODUCTION MACHINE OPERATORS Starting salaries will be commensurate with education and experience. NSA employees receive all benefits of Federal employment. U.S. Civil Service certification not required. MAIL FEDERAL APPLICATION FORM SF-57 TO: NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY WASHINGTON 23, D. C. ATTN: M 341 An Equal Opportunity Employer MISC. FOR SALE 8 ELECTROLUX Vacuum Cleaners, New SB.OO PER MONTH Call CL. 3-3231 after 6 P.M. TV. 21 INCH, very good condi tion. SSO. Grundig AM & FM short wave radio. Call OL. 2-8359 PUBIC AUCTION Benefit: Dickerson Methodist Church Parsonage Fund. SATURDAY, MAY 18. 1963 Beginning: 11:00 A.M. on the! church lawn. Antiques and oth er miscellaneous items for sale. Lunch and baked goods for sale. AIR CONDITIONER, Mont gomery Ward. 1 ton, used approx. 3 months. SIOO. 762-3083. MISC. WANTED ~~9 ROWBOAT, electric trolling mo tor, operating condition. Mr. Ro sen, eve. after 7 p.m. WH. 2-1 5472, HAVE GUNS WILL SELL! We buy sell and trade New and Used Guns. Will buy one; gun or complete collections, incl. antiques for CASH. Rock ville Trading Post, 117 N. Washington st.. PO. 2-3946. BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS in Damascus Area. Do vou need | a place to empty vour fill dirt? Call GA. 4-7700. Mrs. Folk. RENTALS CHAIN SAWS—Skill saws, til lers, mixers, aerators, post dig-! gers, concrete grinders, elec, hammers, sanders, pumps, gen-1 erators, steamers, bulldozers, j loaders, etc. Rental Tool & Equipment Co., JU. 5-5040 or, UN. 4-5100. ! LET’S SWAP 10 EXCHANGE DeLuxe ironer or! Trim form reducing table for automatic washer in good condi tion. PO. 2-6826 or HA. 7-7831, ext. 5135. BARGAIN SPOT 11 For Items S4O Or Under ONE-OF-A-KIND ITEMS PRICE MUST APPEAR IN AD 2 Line Ads—2 Insertions $2.00 FENCE, 125 ft. 36 inch lawn fence and 8 steel posts. sls. PO. 2-4167, I LEATHER-TOP coffee table. sl2. Two matching mahogany end-tables, $lO. PO. 2-4815. PROM DRESS, size 11, cost $75. j sell $25. PO. 2-1213, GARDEN & FARM 12 MANURE well rotted—very reasonable. PO. 2-2892 _ TOP SOIL, rich and clean, 6 cu. yds. load $lB delivered. J. Man gles. HE. 4-7649 or TU. 2-3428. AZALEAS Home grown, many sizes & colors, heavily budded and blooming. WA. 7-7925, Mr. Dove. SOD-Dissolving golf course in Montgomery County, Md. 40 acres of Fairway grass avail able on contract bid. Contact Mr. Rothwell. week days 3-5 p.m. FE. 3-6790. _ WANTED SELLER OF FRESH FARM PRODUCE FOR PLANNED ! FARMERS MARKET TO BE LOCATED AT AEC SITE, ■ I il GERMANTOWN, MD. NO INDOOR FACILITIES. ! SALES WILL HAVE TO BE ; FROM TRUCK OR OTHER Ji CONVEYANCE. IF INTER ESTED WRITE TO: T. E. KARLSON, PO. BOX 242, ■ GAITHERSBURG, MD. GARDEN i FARM 12 LAWN & GRASS SEED, Fertil izer, Crab Grass Killers. Wm. J. Hines & Son, 384-9200. ROTTED COW MANURE sls ton (30 bushels), 5 tons, SSO. Dial 301-VVA. 6-3034 or EV. 4-1665. TOPSOIL Rich clean topsoil for lawn and flowers delivered. WE 54987. TOMATOES, Big Boy, Rutgers, Golden Jubilee, potted $1.50, vegetable and annual flowers. Winmarlyn Farm. 2 miles north i of Clarksburg on Rt. 355. top Soil First quality, Wilbar Landscap ing. Call 384-9509, TOP SOIL, very rich, for lawns and greenhouses. Very reason able. Call RE. 5-1199 or RE. 6-7976. CHRYSANTHEMUMS, 10 plants $1.00; Rhubarb, 1 plant 50c, creeping Phlox, Iris, all colors and many perennials. Burdoft Nursery, Colesville, Md. 1318 New Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring. Md. EV. 4-1946. FARM TRACTOR, Allis Chal mers, W D with mower. Con- I tact Anderson Supply, Boyd, j Md. DI. 9-4392. FRANKLY FEMALE 13 MAY SPECIALS ' Budget waves $7.99 complete. , Better protein waves start at , $12.50 up, complete. PO. 2-3347 HOUSE OF MILO Twinbrook Shopping Center 616 Viers Mill Rd. LIVESTOCK, SALE 16 WANTED TO BUY WANTED, 5 small whiteface ! i ! steers. Call evenings, PO 2-2702 PETS i KENNELS ""17 CATS KITTENS, FREE 1 6 weeks old, paper trained 946-6175 SIAMESE kittens. Purebred. Male or female. Housebroken. sls. GA. 4-8532. SIAMESE kittens, real beau-1 ties; papers: sealpoint; house broken: m., $25; f., S2O. Boyds, i Md., 948-9421, DOGS SPECIAL ATTENTION . 1 All dog owners. Spring and i Summer brings fleas, ticks and other pests to your dogs. It is j only humane to protect your i animal and your home against these invaders. Do not have your dog shaved. This method 1 I is unsightly, unnatural and un-} II comfortable. Spaniels, Terriers,! ■ Collies, Shepherds and other 1 | long haired ones, even the so-! called ‘mutts” deserve proper grooming. I would like to ad j vise you and give your pet the proper treatment and care, “not , medical of course.” I offer dis •l tinctively different boarding care, grooming and training 1 from puppy troubles to advanr ’i ed obedience. Call week days ' I only 8 a m. to 5 p.m. Betty Clancy Canine Kindergarden i MA. 2-0300 ) COLLIE MALE, 6 months, • housebroken, all shots, AKC, beautiful sable white. SIOO. > Call 773-8671 PEKINGESE PUPPIES AKC Male & female, 7 weeks old, sss_- _s6s._ 439-6631. POOD L E PUP S, miniature ! black, 9 weeks, AKC, registered, shots and wormed. Call 299-6486. GROOMING POODLES GROOMED IN MY HOME PHONE WH. 2-0172 REAL ESTATE, SALE 18 HOUSES LAYTONSVILLE —New Homes 3 & 4 bedrooms, Ramblers & Split Levels, Warfield & Dorsey ; | Rd. Built & for sale bv WEST- j MORELAND CONSTRUCTION j i CO, Phone CL. 3-271 R. | 1 BLOCK OFF Bradley Boulevard Kenwood Park j 5 bedrooms, 3 1 a baths, family i room with fireplace. Beautifully landscaped yard. Central Airconditioning $47,500 ROGER H. SPENCER CO. INC. GA. 4-5151 ga. **’•* ir>i amp. i• FEMALE FEMALE i CLERKS TYPISTS Permanent positions available for clerks starting at S6B and for typists starting at $72. Must be high school graduates, age to 40. Liberal annual and sick leave, retirement, life insur ance, employee cafeteria. 5-day, 40-hour week, 8:30- 5:00, Monday-Friday. Bus transportation to door: From Wheaton take express bus RT. S-7; from Four Corners take RT. S-9; from Glenmont take RT. Q-9; transfer at 13th & G Streets, N.W., to #B2 busline direct to our Eck ington Office. National Geographic Society 3rd and R Streets, N.E. "How does it work? I have no mind for mechanical things.” REAL ESTATE, SALE 18 HOUSES TWINBROOK Cape Cod, 4 bedrooms, fireplace, completely fenced landscaped lot, near school, park, pool and shopping. $15,250. GA. 4-9408. HOLIDAY PARK, prize winning garden, will give silver cup to ; purchaser. Lighted patio off ! kitchen, makes you want to have a Bar-B-Que, every night. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, split, $19,750. Behmus Braid & Lang don, Inc. 949-0900. WHY PAY RENT ~~ When you can own a 3-bedroom home for as little as $9,990 and we build it on your lot. BEST BUILDERS, INC. Rockville, Md. HA. 7-7300 SILVER SPRING, ’4 mile from Hecht Co. All brick Colonial, 3 bedrooms, sep. dining room, fireplace, den, full basement, rec. room and washer. $17,250 F.H.A. or V.A. MONTGOMERY REALTY JU. 5-8000 Eve. AD. 4-5890 ; FOUR CORNERS —3 bedrooms, 2 bath, cottage, large living room with fireplace, full base ment, garage. $15,250. Call Ash- i ton Realty Co. EV. 4-1743 or WAlker 4-9811. “JERRY COOK INC. REALTOR” “We live with our sales” Outstanding Value $27,500 “Creek in front of property” 71 Acres • 45 tillable — Taxes slßo.oo House amazing & de lightful Large kitchen (lower level), formal living room, pan eled dining room, library, I’a balh first floor, 3 bedrooms, one bath second floor, enclosed jal ousied porch. Oil baseboard heat and a brick home. Large barn. This top value farm located 20, miles west of Frederick, Mary land. Near Damascus “Dairy Farm” 142 A ores $85,000 Aluminum siding home, 6 bed rooms, 1 % baths and rough in bath second floor, oil heat, two oil burners, 3 silos 18x50. 12x40, 14x25, loafing barn 52x105, bank barn 60x50. stream through property, 2000 feet road front age, view of mountains. “Spring Values In heart of Damascus” Four BEDROOM HOME $26,750 Just move in, no fixing to do, spend your time relaxing on a 81x454 lot. Living room, dining room, den, bath first floor, 4 bedrooms and bath second floor, attached garage, all brick and landscaped. “7 Acres and colonial brick j home.” Swim in your own pond, keep ponies in the bam. Four bedroom home $32,500 Delightful living room, large dining room, large modern kit- j i c-hen, laundry room off kitchen j and bath first floor. 4 bedrooms . and full bath second floor. I Cook-Watkins Building Next to Acme, Damascus, Md. CL. 3-2311 No toll charge 948-3481 j CLARKEBROOK ESTATES, 'i to 1y 2 acre lots within 5 min utes of A.E.C., large recreation area stocked fishing lakes, trails for riding, full subordina tion to builders. For informa tion call Lary Heller, DI. 9-3652. COUNTRY BARGAIN, near Da mascus, 3 bedrooms, Brick 1 Rambler, stove fireplace, ceram ic bath, walk out bsisement, tree shaded, fenced, Vi acre. Reason able. 253-3591. REAL ESTATE. SALE 18! HOUSES i SUBURBAN S BEST ; ROCKVILLE summer j warmth on this covered patio j surrounded by large shade trees i or cool evenings by the fire place. Spacious four bedroom home in tip-top condition. Priced 1 to sell. Only $450 down FHA or 1 no money down VA. ROCKVILLE This newly listed home won’t last. Only SSOO total cash outlay. No quali- , fying. Payments less than rent. Features three bedrooms; living room with fireplace; family style kitchen. Heavily treed pri vate rear yard. $14,500. 762-3101 SUBURBAN PROPERTIES MANAGEMENT GAITHERSBURG: Split Level, 4 bedrooms on one level, 2 ; baths, living room, dining room, modern large kitchen, hot water heat, rec. room, 2 car attached garage. $25,750. COLONIAL: 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, city sewer and water, walk to elementary school. $21,500. RAMBLER: Brick, 3 bedrooms, hot water heat, fireplace, beauti- : ful H acre, trees, fenced, only $22,000. KAY BOWLING REAL ESTATE WI. 8-9250 WI. 8-9488 WA. 6-2500 DAMASCUS, BRICK CAPE COD. 3 bedrooms, bath, living : room, dining room, kitchen, full : basement, hot water baseboard heat, 't acre corner lot, macad am driveway, good financing. \ Owner, $16,200. CL. 3-2498. KENSINGTON, Rock Creek ! Hills area, prestige area without j the price tag as such. Modem j ] 5 bedrooms, 2L baths with 4 large bedrooms on first floor. < Centrally air conditioned, other features. $29,950. Behmus Braid 6 Langdon, Inc. 949-0900. OLD HAND HEWN log cabin, 4 rooms, near Harper’s Ferry and Potomac River in Maryland, 4 acres, spring, in a restful mountain setting, asking $3,500. Dial owner Hagerstown 301-RE. 3-3566 after 7 p.m. LOTS & ACREAGE Vi ACRE LOTS Water and Gas. Ready to go. $4,000 and up. Terms to respon sible parties. Roger H. Spencer Co. Inc. GA. 4-5151 tf CEMETERY IX)T FOR SALE i New section of Rockville Union Cemetery. 3 burial site lot. j Beautiful location, only three ; lots from the driveway. Com plete price $265.00. Phone: OLiv i er 2-1605. GOSHEN ESTATES Beautiful country estate sites. Suitable for pony or horse in hunt club area. IV6 to 5 acre lots still available. Priced from $4,680. Clear & wooded. Excel lent terms. Convenient to Route I 70S four miles north of Gaith ersburg. OLNEY—LAYTONSVILLE Estate sites ll plus acres SI,BOO per acre: 2 acre sites $7,000 per acre: 16.8 acre sites $1,350 per acre: 14.5 acres SI,OOO per acre. MAYNE REALTY CO. 924-2831 Olney, Md. 924-4000 ' TWO ACRES, Poolesville area. Septic test. 300 foot road front age. Just over Frederick County line, l'/a acres 4 bedroom, 2 bath house. Baseboard heat 2 miles from interchange of new Route 240. $17,000. Good terms. Romer & Co., 430 N. Fr ederick Ave., Gaithersburg, Md. WI. 8-9092 or WA. 6-223.3. 150 ACRES located 15 miles! west Winchester, Va. Off dual! highway. 100 acres cleared, 50 acres in timber, possibilities for cattle, fruit or recreation area.! Excellent location for air strip) and lake site. SIOO per acre. In form. Write Box 168, Gore, Va. j Phone: UL. 6-2545, Caponj Bridge, W. Va. j BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TAVERN BUSINESS and Licenses for Sale In Mont gomery County Building. Lease can be arranged. Business now: operating. WA. 6-0757. I REAL ESTATE, SALE 18 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I WAREHOUSE l SPACE LOCATED REAR OF 215 E. ! MONTGOMERY AVE., 1 ROCKVILLE 1 Approximately 3,700 sq. ft. with 1 loading platform and basement. \ Driveway to loading platform - from Jefferson St. For informs. tion call 424-7700. RETAIL FURNITURE , STORE ■ Excellent location on Main I street of progressive town In Shenandoah Valley. 100 miles from D. C. Business established over 20 years. 2 i story building with 7 room apartment and 60 ft. ware- 1 house on 2nd floor. Building ! 118 ft. deep with 58 ft. lot ■ In the rear. Must sell due to - health. $25,000. Phone 703- HObart 5-5712. OUT OF STATE LOTS OR COTTAGES, lakeside, ] riverside or In the mountains. - A master planned, restricted i development. Recreation? Oh! i Yes! Pools, riding, boating, fish- < ing, archery, etc. Call 385-7344 ‘ or RI. 3-6132. Write Box 101, - Luray, Va. 1 INDIAN LAKEESTATES, Flor- \ ida—Choice Vi -acre commercial * lot. Make offer. Call 567-2582. J BEACH PROPERTY 188 j CLUBHOUSE, overlooking Po tomac River near Antietam ( Battlefield, 4 rooms, large < screened porch, partially fur- - nished, asking $4,400. Dial • owner 301—RE 3-3566 after 8 , &m. or write P.O. Box 751, 1 agerstown, Md. ] EASTERN SHORE : OF MARYLAND J “Land of Relaxed Living” Waterfront homes, lots, etc. on beautiful Kent Island eastern ' terminus of the Chesapeake Bay , Bridge —office open daily ( including Saturday and Sunday , turn left first traffic light j after crossing Bay Bridge J. | Ramsay Barry & Co., Inc., , Realtor, Stevensville, Md. - MI. 3-5486 evenings MI. 3-5496. REAL ESTATE. RENT 19 HOUSES, UNFURNISHED SILVER SPRING area, 3 bed rooms, 1( 2 baths. Rent from May thru Aug. Unfinished base ment. $125 mo. Call 587-5097. ROCKVILLE, 2 bedroom, $l2O I per month, call after 5 p.m. PO. 2-69.31 1 ROCKVILLE, GAITHERS i BURG area, 2 bedroom house, 1 i couple, no children, possible op- j tion to buy, WA. 6-2685. ; Convenient, NIH and AEC I Unfurnished, charming English style house in picturesque I wooded community, 2 bed- 1 rooms, IV2 baths, study, fire- 1 place in living room, tennis, ! lake swimming. $l3B per mo. Available July 1. Call 301-WA. j 6-0496. ' APTS., UNFURNISHED 1 SUMMIT < ROCKVILLE’S ADDRESS OF DISTINCTION 1 The most beautiful wooded set- , ting of true garden apartments j in Montgomery County. Patios or balconies, spacious modern kitchens with over-sized refrig- 1 erators. All air conditioned. Extra large closets. Playground and swimming pool on site. Free Courtesy Shopping Bus 1 Bedroom SIIO.OO &up ( 2 Bedroom $125.00 &up ' (Incl. Utils, except Electric) ; Directions: Come into Rockville on East Montgomery to Mon roe Street, turn South 3 blocks to apartments. Open daily, 10- 4; open Saturdays, Sundays, 12-6. ROGER H. SPENCER CO., INC., AGENTS 100 E. Montgomery Avenue Rockville, Maryland GA 4 5151 2 BEDROOM apt. for rent. 1m- \ mediately, WI 8-9019, after 5:30 p.m. WA. 6-3189 Demory Enter prises, 431 N. Frederick Ave., Gaithersburg. Md. DKKR PARK GARDENS New apt's for rent, 2 bedrooms, I air conditioned, Immediate occu-! pancy. $122.50 per month, in cludes all utilities except elec-1 tricity. WI. 8-9019, after 5:301 p.m. WA. 6-3189. Resident man ager, 531 S. Frederick Ave., | 1 Gaithersburg, Apt. 201, APTS., FURNISHED ROCKVILLE AREA. 1 bedroom or efficiency apt. for single cm | ployed lady. After 6 p.m. 762-! 4747. FURNISHED APARTMENT 2nd floor, private home. Phone ) | PO. 2-2348 after 6 p in. WANTED TO RENT SINGLE FEMALE desires fur nished room or apartment near | N.I.H. on or before May 6th. j Write Box 122 S.. Montgomery; I County Sentinel, Rockville, Md. SENTINEL ■ REAL ESTATE, RENT 19 OFFICES NEW BUILDING— Office space available on second floor, with elevator. Air conditioned. Heat furnished. Various size rooms— Nine offices available. Call MRS. SAPERO, 589-6555. Evenings or week-ends. 588-9724. tf-5756 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 2,200 square feet, available after June 1, light, heat & air condi tioning included. Phone Stern’s Furniture Co. PO. 2-6164. BOATS ~20 1956 TROJAN, 23 ft. Cabin Cruiser, 185 hp Interceptor, like new. $3850 firm. REpublic 7- 2145 weekdays or Annapolis 301-268-5403. 80’ BAY BUILT CRUISER 90 h.p. Chris Craft, fully equipped. Perfect condition. $3,000 301-CO. 3-2790 18-FT. PLYWOOD RUNABOUT —Evinrude motor, windshield, motor controls, running lights, seat cushions, trailer w/winch & roller; $475 or make offer. 424-5644. KEEPPER master folding boat, completely equipped, 15 ft. mast sails, accessories and 1.7 h.p. outboard motor. All in excellent condition. Original cost SBOO. Sell for S4OO. 923-1474. I)U CRAFT BOAT, 17 ft. with 40hp Mercury motor and heavy duty Cox trailer, exc. cond. SBOO. GA. 4-5878 after 5. 14 FT. CEDAR STRIP RUN ABOUT, 25 Mark (Mercury i mo tor, Champ Trailer, Extras, ready to go. All for $295. PO. 2-9453 after 5 p.m. 20’ CENTURY RUNABOUT New engine, fully equipped. Reasonable. HA 2-7972. AUTOMOBILES ~ DODGE— 'SB convertible, Super D 500, radio, heater, power brakes, steering, new top, good cond. make offer. 773-7879. NEW AND USED CARS FORD FALCON THUNDERBIRD Roger L. Howrigan Representing STEUART MOTOR CO. 6th & New York Ave. N.W. NA. 8-3000 After 6 P.M. GA. 4-6613 tf-6613 1962 CHEVROLET II Nova 400 excellent condition, SIBSO. Phone 948-5097. BUICKS-1959 Le Sabre, auto matic, radio, heater. $1175. 1954 Special, standard, radio, heater. S2OO. 949-4590. 1952 DE SOTO, good condition, body excellent, whLte, VB, auto matic transmission. SIOO. Call WH. 6-0005 after 6 p.m. 1961 FORD Tudor, cruise-o-mat ic drive, radio, heater, etc. low mileage, private owner. 949-9069 after 6 p.m. ’57 PLYMOUTH V-8, 9 passen ger station wagon, auto, trans., good running condition, original owner. $250. 622-2797. 1957 ELDORADO CADILLAC 2-dr., H/T, air cond., orig. cost S9IOO, must sell SI6OO. Ralph Kehne, Oak Dr., Damascus, Md. CL. 3-3353. '6O RAMBLER American, Sta. Wagon Deluxe, stand, shift, lug gage rack, R & H, excellent condition, 1 owner, sacrifice $875. Call after 6 p.m. 301-439- 6938. 1960 OEDSMOBILE convertible, fully equipped, exc. condition. $1,700 or reasonable offer. PO. 2-4348. ’54 RAMBLER 6-cyl. very good mechanical condition, up to 30 mpg; '55 RAMBLER 6 station wagon, very good all around car, like new tires. 349-5293. CHEVROLET ’6O, Impala, 2 door 8 cyl., auto, transmission, radio, heater, white wall tires plus snow tires, power steering. Call WH. 6-6425 after 6 p.m. 1961 THUNDERBIRD hardtop, cruiseomatic, power steering, power brakes, white sidewall tires, beautiful desert sand fin ish, exceptionally clean. $2,595. 1961 FALCONS sedans and wagons, several to choose from, from $1,095. 1961 FORDS sedans, hardtops, convertibles, 7 to choose from, from $1,295. CAVE FORI) Cor. of Arlington Rd. & Elm St. OL. 6-8262 1959 FORD Galaxie, white, ! radio, heater, cruisomatic, one owner. Make offer, Call i 942-7882. I 1961 OEDSMOBILE Convertible, power steeling, powpr brakes, I radio, heater, automatic, tinted glass, air-conditioned; a metlcu lous car; beautiful blue finish I with white nylon top, white wall I tires, low mileage; fully guaran teed; an exceptional buy at $2595. MILLER BUICK USED CAR LOT, 2 blocks north of Congressional Plaza, 1543 Rock- I vllle Pike; PO. 2-6207, open 9 to i 9, except Sat. 1961 MERC URY Colony Park ! Station Wagon. Power brakes and power steering, one owner, j JU. 9-8314 or JU, 5-7527. 1960 FORD FALCON, wagon, 2 ! door, radio, heater, low mileage; : a meticulous car in a light 'cream finish; $1195. MILLER BUICK USED CAR LOT, 2 blocks north of Congressional Plaza, 1543 Rockville Pike; PO. 2-6207. open 9 to 9, except Sat. I AUTOMOBILES 21 ’54 DODGE, 2 door, good tires, dependable, good trmisporta , tion, very reasonable. 9464440. ‘ 1960 BUICK, 4 door, 1 owner, c immaculate beige finish, white wall tires, radio, heater, auto , matlc, low mileage; 12 month . G. W. warranty; $1795. MILLER ’ BUICK USED CAR LOT, 2 blocks north of Congressional Plaza, 1543 Rockville Pike; PO. 2-6207, open 9 to 9, except Sat 1960 PLYMOUTH, 9 passenger Sports Suburban, full power, 1 loaded with extras. $1,395. PO. 2-4595. I 1959 OEDSMOBILE, 4 door ' hardtop, automatic, power steer i ing, power brakes, radio, heat i er, white wall tires, 2 tone black . and white; protected by 12 . month G. W. warranty, $1095. ; MILLER BUICK USED CAR LOT, 2 blocks north of Congres sional Plaza, 1543 Rockville Pike. PO. 2-6207, open 9 to 9; except Sat. ’55 CHEVROLET, ’57 COIL VETTE engine, a * cam. 3x2’s, 3 speed, Hurst Rolled and Pleated. , S6OO. EM. 2-7191. 'sl PLYMOUTH, needs repair! • $75. Call after 5 p.m. LO. 5-8748 PACKARD, excellent motor, tires, radio, but no transmission, . $75. Call after 6 p.m. PO. 2-9406. 1954 PONTIAC - - 2-dr. sedan, auto., power brakes, good trans portation. $125 or best offer. OL. 2-7026, FOREIGN CARS 22 VOLKSWAGEN 1959 sedan, Sun Roof, new brakes, muffler, book value or best offer. 923- . 1433. AUTO REPAIRS Volkswagen Specialist > Body work and factory paint ing. 4124 Howard Ave., Kensing ton, Md. Teirms arranged; 949473L^^^^^^^^^ TRUCKS, TRAILERS 23 1952 FORD, 1% tons. 12 ft. bed, good condition. WA. 6-1028. 108 Meem Ave., Gaithersburg. 1950 CHEVROLET % ton truck, 425 N. Frederick St., Gaither*- burg, Md. WA. 64)525. COMING EVENTS 27 MAY 4 Beg. 4 p.m. Fried Chicken & Country Ham Sup per, Hyattstown Fire Hall. Benefit Hyattstown Methodist 1 WSCS. , MAY 4 —BINGO—at the~Ken sington Fire House, by the Ken sington Ladles of the Kenslngy ton Vol. Fire Dept, at 8 p.m. . Connecticut & Plyers Mill Kds. j Admission SI.OO. • MAY 4-4-8 P. M. Fried Chicken or Ham Dinner. Oak Chapel Methodist Church, Layhlll A ' Argyle Club Rds., Layhlll, Md. Adults $1.50, Children 75c. MAY 4—2-8 p.m. Fried Chicken & Country Ham Supper, family style, Dessert Incl. at New Mar ket Fire Hall. Benefit United Church of Christ. Adults $1.50, children 75c. MAY 4—Annual Fried Chicken & Country Ham Supper, begin ning 2 p.m. St. Paul Methodist Church Hall, Laytonsville, Md , Benefit Laytonsville District ! Vol. Fire Dept. 1 MAV 10-11 —RUMMAGE RALE ■ —Household Articles & Cloth ing at Grace Methodist Church, Gaithersburg, Md. Frl. 10:30 ' a.m. to 8 p.m., Sat., 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. ' MAY llth— Fried Chicken A Ham Dinner to be served at the . Hunting Hill Methodist Church, ■ Fellowship Hall. 3 to 8 p.m. Adults $1.50, Children under 12 —7sc. j MAY 11 Sat. Fried Chlckeh , & Country Ham with hot vege- v , tables, served family style 4 tp*-- > i 8 p.m. Boyds Presbyterian Church, Boyds, Md. Adults $1.50, | Children 75c. Ice cream, cake j for sale. White Elephant Sale will be held outside weather I permitting. ' MAY ll Fried Chicken & Hath I Supper, Montgomery Methodist Church, Claggetsville, Md. Bog. ’ 2 p.m. Served family style. Ad* i ults $1.50, Children 75c. MAY 18 2:30 p.m. on, Fried Chicken & Country Ham Sup- I per at Mt. Tabor Methodist , Church, Etchlson. Md. Rt. 108. Adults $1.50, Children 75c. , MAY 18 Fried Chicken & Ham , ! Dinner. Germantown Elomen ; tary School 2-8 p.m. Adults i $1.50, Children 75c. Benefit I P.T.A. • MAY 25 - Annual May Festival, St. John's Episcopal Church, Ol ney, Md. Fried Chicken & Ham Dinner, served family style ; from 3-8 p.m. Also: Flower j Mart. Bazaar, Cake Table. MAY 30 Memorial Dav Dinner Ham & Chicken Salads. ’ Strawberry Cake Incl. Beg. 2 > p.m. Darnestown Presbyterian 1 Church. Adults $1.75, Children ‘, 75c. Bazaar & Fancy Table. i ; FOR SENTINEL : WANT ADS j CALL i GA 4-7744 Hi B9