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■ H Wj jtt < * .* & - 1 — I-1 -Ml TftV-H -ci iJLzrn A group of leading businessmen from Laurel are pictured during an inspection trip through downtown Rockville, during which they looked over the city’s plans for Urban Renewal to obtain information desired as the basis for their consideration of a similar re Hackers Form New Group In County i| / Improved taxi service is the goal of the newly organized Montgomery County Hackers Association, according to its president Edwin Lively, of 4606 Chase Ave., Bethesda. Taxicab owners and drivers Jn the county have organized the association in order to pro vide better service, and to coop ! erate with county officials and | company owners in improving standards of service and work big conditions, he said. - Inquiries or suggestions may be made by calling Edwin Live ly, at OL. 2-2110. Other officers fre William Curtis, vice presi dent; Raymond Darrow, secre tary; Don Ayers, corresponding secretary and Grayson Lutz, treasurer. Deaths Ashley. Joseph F-, 309 Williamsburg Drive. Silver Spring, on June 3. Burial Jn Arlington National Cemetery. Ayers, Le Roy. 628 Sligo Ave., Silver Spring, on May 30. Burial in Colesville Cemetery. Baker, Charles R.. 8609 Barron St.. Takoma Park, on June 1. Burial in Mount Olivet Cemetery. Rolwell, Adelina Russell. White Oak. fcilver Spring, on June 2. Burial private. c ady. Prank C„ 9717 Kingswood Court, Bethesda, on May 29. Burial in Arling ton National Cemetery. Dagneduix. Augustine, 4412 Highland Ave., Bethesda, on June 2. Burial pri vate. Ivekel. Helen T., 7526 Sebago Road, Bethesda, on May 30. Burial In Park jawn Cemetery. Fennell, Myra Cotton, 4740 Bradley Blvd., Chevy Chase, on June 2. Burial in Arlington National Cemetery. (■oldenberg, Lynn K. f 349 Dean Drive, jtoekvillp. on June 5. Burial in Beth fcholom Cemetery. f Green. William, 906 Stonestreet Ave., Jjo< kvnie. on May 30. Burial in Mt. JZion Church Cemetery. Johnson, Alex, 616 Mclntyre Road, on June 7. Burial in Arling ton National Cemetery. Kane, Dr. James Patrick, 230 Univer sity Blvd. East. Silver Spring, on May Bl Burial in Mount Olivet Cemetery. t Kalenrh, William Joseph, 12106 Por tree Drive, Rockville, on May 29. Burial In Gate of Heaven Cemetery . •* Keefer, Mary Neumann, 1311 Noyes ■Drive. Silver Spring, on June 1. Burial <Glenwood Cemetery. Minch an. Robert A., 1610 Tweed St., ,Fo(kville. on June 4. Burial in Park 4awn Cemetery. Mobley, Mamie. Stewart Lane. Silver tfpring. on May 30. Burial in Colesville jL<wd Hope Church Cemetery. * Montague. John William. 902 Bonifant *St., Silver Spring, on June 3. Burial in *Fort Lincoln Cemetery. a Xordlie, Relnaldlne, 1702 Ganford ,Road. Silver Spring, on June 3. Burial Jin West Koshkonana Church Cemetery. I Obney, Lucy V., 3701 Calvert Place. on June 1. Burial in Park *Jawn Cemetery. J, Powlrk, Wllmer C., 4704 Drummond JAve.. Chevy Chase, on June 2. Burial Rinehart, Wilson R., 5104 Wehawken apoad. Glen Echo Heights, on May 31. in Fort Lincoln Cemetery. ! shannon. Ha/el May, 8500 New Hamp- Ishire Ave.. Silver Spring, on June 5. (Burial in Arlington National Cemetery, a Smith, Roger F.ldoras. 7218 13th Ave., • Takortia Park, on June 6. Burial in -Fort Lincoln Cemetery 1 Tabler. Edith W„ 4513 South Chelsea (Lane. Bethesda. on June 4. Burial in sFort5 Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Tcrhune, J. Watson, Congressional -Manor, Bethesda. on June 2. Burial in £ Bound Brook Cemetery. Thome*, Charles McGill, Windy Knoll Farm, Rockville, on June 2. Burial in Parkiawn Cemetery. Tltmwi, < erl Grear, 10208 Hatherleigh Drive. Bethesda. on June 4. Burial in Rockville Cemetery. I Waller, Hon. Freer!* Eugene. 7317 (Maple Ave.. Chevy Chase, on May 31. Burial in Arlington National Cemetery. I j AT CAMP YOUR ; Child Deserves ! the protection of ! | THIS^SEAL ' APPROVED CAMP of the American Camping Association TOWN & COUNTRY DAY CAMP July l-Aug. 23. Co-.d Ago 3-15 Fr.. Tr.n.port.tion & Lunch } 11400 Vi.r. Mill Rd., Silv.r Spring 949-2345 They, Too, Might Renew Marriage Licenses Dale Le Rue Taylor. Elmira, N. Y.; Jacqueline W. Young. Bethesda. James Schuyler Reidinger and Jacquel lynn Viens, both of Silver Spring. W. Francis Norcott and Julie Marie Wright, both of Silver Spring. Donald Gordon and Judith Lee Coker, both of Silver Spring. Harry Kimball, Haverhill, Mass.; Doris Samahow, Chevy Chase. George Keith Vestal, Hyattsville; Peg gy Joyce Hardee. Takoma Park. John Allen Bennett, Alexandria; Jeri lyn Sue Dean, Wheaton. Edward Rushworth Hopkins Jr.. Suit land; Mary Elizabeth Giutiano, Bethesda. David Wesley Gooch 11, Takoma Park; Kathleen Patricia Farrell, Langley Park. William B. Hall Jr., Takoma Park; Margaret Sue Shartzen, Wheaton. Mark D. Schrlmpf and Phyllis Anne Kirchner, both of Kensington. Bruce J. Howes, Sidney Center, N. Y.; Kathryne Lee Sadler. Kensington. David H. Vert and Nancy A. Maloy, both of Bethesda. John Zubritsky Jr., Baltimore; Pa tricia Ann Cahoon. Bethesda. Richard H. King, Bethesda; Loretta Powell, Kenvls. Ky. Raymond Colburn German Jr., Silver Spring: Olgfc Pena. Washington. Charles Leslie Brewer. Washington; Olga Louise La Chapelle. Gaithersburg. David Shaheen and Ellen Olinger. both of Silver Spring. John Fellows Marshall. Chevy Chase; Cornelia McCoy Haines, N. Y. Gerald Joe Stiles. Oklahoma City. Okla.: Bonnie Elizabeth Hardesty, Sil ver Spring. James Hall Semmes and Eva Alexan der. both of Takoma Park. William John Kite, Rockville; Bar bara Jean Dixon, Arlington. Daniel S. Knowles. Chevy Chase; Diane C. Bean, Silver Spring. William Karras, Washington; Linda Poling. Silver Spring. Robert P. Parker. Kensington; Elaine Ronnie Halpern, Chevy Chase. Sandler H. Dickson and Barbara B. Levy, both of Silver Spring. Walter Hoefner, St. Petersburg. Fla.; Ottie Delores Banks Tuchei. Bethesda. Robert L. Payne, Washington; Lorie May Kinna, Silver Spring. Leanord A. Dent. Washington Grove; Carole Lee Jones. Kensington. Robin Ruzicka, Towsen, Md.; Sandra Horn, Silver Spring. John Louis Ford. Rockville; Peggy Ann Rochester, Takoma Park. Michael Stephen McCormack and Jean Elese McMullen, both of Rockville. Gary L. Gold. Bethpage, N. Y.; Mari lyn J. Belkov, Silver Spring. William B. Ford and Joan C. Horton, both of Bethesda. Robert Kenneth Peters, Takoma Park; Lynde Lou Peters. Silver Spring. Laurence Lee Logan. Sliver Spring; Nancy Lou Finchain, Burtonsville, Md. June is the month for brides, bonds, and grooms. The bride groom should consider adding his wife as co-owner or bene ficiary on his Savings Bonds. Such an act could strengthen those wedding bonds. Get MAXIMUM PROTECTION at a MINIMUM COST on • Fire and Lightning Insurance • Extended Coverage • Homeowners Policies • Special Multi-Peril Policies A mutual insurance company is dedicated to providing the best possible protection at the least possible cost to all its policyholder members. There are no stockholders, so the savings and dividends are passed on to you. The Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Montgomery County has had continuous experience since 1848, and the policy holder surplus is now more than $4 million. Contact any of the following agents for further information. BetHesde Seedy Spring Workington, D. C. £'* ud * fe ,y 4 l ;7f 9,neV Mutual In.. Ag.ncy 8-6*90 SPrmg£3B7l NAtion.l 8-6690 a h *7e C n"**- I Hu'Titt ln."Ag.ney E - D * vi * Co. 5? yd *-, D ;**- JUnip.r 5-8900 NAtion.l 8-0352 NAtion.l 8-0352 u . H.nry A. Kroll C. M. 80t.1.r, Jr. DamoKut NAtion.l 8-6690 EM.rson 2-2296 C. W. D.y & Son Morri. W. W.ll. 3-2450 NAtion.l 8-6*90 Pooleivllle Rockville John A. Jono. 8 Son / H.nry W. Dl.mend ,-5294 P ° Pl * f I ‘ i “ t Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Montgomery County, Md. Sandy Spring, Maryland WAlker 4-4731 SPring 4-2271 1 building program. At extreme right is Rich i ard Cooperman, an executive director of the i Rockville Chamber of Commerce, who serv i ed as a guide for the tour, and pointing is i Rockville City Councilman Ross Roberts. C FKITI NFI MONTGOMERY JC IN I IIN C L COUNTY, MD. A11 before the postman comes by again I <■'+' J be sure to have this coupon ready RENEW your subscription to The Sentinel today! □ Renew my subscription 1 yr. □ $4.50 □ Payment enclosed 2 yrs. □ $7.50 Name Address ftoancti Cetmtis nttQtl 215 E. Montgomery Ave. Rockville, Md. Thursday, June 13, 1963 Father , ‘Sick at Heart/ Urges Tighter Bicycle Control Laws ROCKVILLE —A closer look at local laws governing youth ful bicyclists has been urged by a Twinbrook resident in a letter suggesting that at least one life might have been saved had he raised the issue earlier. “I have been meaning to write this letter for at least a year,” said Leighton W. Dudley, of 702 Fletcher Place, in his appeal to the Mayor and City Council. ‘Through my negligence a life may have been lost.” Dudley referred to the tragic mishap June 4 in which Robert A. Minehan Jr., 6, of 1610 Tweed St., was fatally injured when he rode his bicycle past a stop sign and into the auto of Sarah Ruth Cooling, of Silver Spring, on Twinbrook Parkway at Mar shall Street. Dudley’s letter to city officials was written the following day. His request for an extensive study of existing laws with a view to tightening the city safety regulations will be sub mitted to the City Council next Monday night. The gov erning body did not meet this week because of a Municipal League meeting being held In Ocean City. Dudley said he first became interested in the problem thxee years ago when his own auto AT TlikVlCl^V^^NT! Don’t Delay... Bring or Mail this Ad to your Albeeman Today! OPEN SUNDAY 1-9 P.M. • SATURDAY 9 A.M.-6 P.M. • DAILY 9 A.M.-9 P.M. J 1 = 1 FOLLOW THIS MAP TO HAPPY HOME OWNERSHIP! ! MAtL TO, J ALBEE CREST HOMES J \ ' —J ! 907 B.ltimor. Ntl. Rile. A I DEC HST\ * 'AIUMO.. j Ellicott City, M.ry.nd ALDCE iV'X V' -* J GENTLEMEN: Pl#*# iond m# moro inform*- [ _ / [ tion about ALBEE 5 "Eoiy Homo Ownouhip i gREST CUICOTT CfTY J Noma i HOMES CATONSVILU ! Addroti J | j City St 907 Baltimore Ntl. Pike ' ph o no ' Ellicott City, Maryland __^— i□ Wo hovo o lot □W* now own o homo. J was struck by a boy who ran through the same stop sign. “Luckily,” he said, the boy was not critically injured, although he was thrown over the hood of the car, breaking several ribs and the auto windshield. “My only concern was for the boy and, fortunately, that turn ed out all right,” he said. “Since then I have been a one-man po lice force on kids running stop signs in our entire area. I have stopped and counseled many.” Just recently, Dudley told the city officials, he “honked mad ly" at a boy about 10 who ran through a stop sign in front of his car, only to have the young ster thumb his nose in return. After turning around, he added, he spent about 15 minutes look ing for the boy without success. “I have been concerned that we do so little to regulate, In doctrinate or enforce where bi cycles are concerned,” Dudley declared. He said his own four children have not been allowed to have bicycles or ride before their seventh birthdays, “and even this is pretty young to turn a child loose in traffic.” Punishment is a “very small factor” in solving the problem, he said, although younger violators should be taken to their parents and older children “probably cited” for Juvenile Court ap pearance. “To start with, I believe both the city and county police should be requested to give special at tention to children running stop signs, cautioning those running them slowly and taking the ac tion mentioned above for flag rant violators,” Dudley suggest ed. "In addition, I believe the city should study this entire problem with a view toward a well de fined regulatory ordinance, pos sibly to include registration, in doctrination, withholding of reg istration privileges for viola /TTt\ HICKMAN'S PROMPT COURTEOUS DEPENDABLE SERVICE Phones: PO. 2-2424 PO. 2-2700 tlons and a more vigorous safe ty program for continuous in doctrination of children through parents, the schools, Cubs and Brownie Scouts, etc., he added. WE FEATURE DELICIOUS FOOD I TWINBROOK DELICATESSEN IN TWINBROOK SHOPPING CENTER X NpL Phone GA. 4-9766 #0;.■ Jj HOURS 8 A.M. to 11 P.M. Dolly * Sunday SUBMARINE SANDWICHES LARGE COLD BEER TO GO hot & WINES SANDWICHES "Please let’s move on this,” - the writeT appealed in his clos t ing paragraph. "I am ’sick at I heart’ that I have not done . something sooner.”