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A2 Thursday, Jus* 20, ITS) SENTINEL School Bus Driver 20 Years, Mrs. Miller Is Stepping Down By Robin Dorr Sentinel Reporter “When you’ve driven school buses for over 20 years, raised two children, a stepson, 11 grandchildren, three great grandchildren and 27 foster children, you don’t rightly know how to retire,” according to Louise B. Miller. The 59-year-old Silver Spring grandmother Isn’t likely to give I up her two favorite hobbles— i bus driving and childi-alsing, \ even though 30 other Montgom ery County school bus drivers gave her a farewell luncheon yesterday. She received a charm bracelet from the group, pre sented by Richard Ream, direc tor of the Montgomery County Transportation Division. Twenty years ago she became one of the county’s first two j women school bus drivers. One ( other driver, Katherine Mills, of j Gaithersburg, claims to have been the first. There Is no way , of checking the record, accord- j lng to director Ream, ‘‘and I’m not about to get caught In the middle of an argument between ' two ladies,” he added with a smile. j Married at 16, Mrs. Miller’s first job was with the County , Liquor Control Board as a sec retary 39 years ago. She be came the county's first and ■ only—woman beer truck driver when there was a shortage of men during World War 11. Twenty yeans ago she began driving buses for the county schools. “I figure I’ve taken kids to nearly every school in the oounty," she said, “includ ing Takoma, Montgomery Hills, Gleremont, Kensington Elemen tary and Junior, all the Silver Spring schools and even St. Michael's.” The active mother doesn’t be lieve In vacations. For the past two decades she has also driven county recreation busies during the summer. “I get up at 5:30 every morning just like any- Prugh Again Heads Group On Housing Dr. John Wiley Prugh, newly elected president of the Subur ban Maryland Fair Housing, Inc., told the group recently that, "Hie conquest of outer ■pace Is a hollow victory if Americans cannot conquer the emotional space between human beings.” Dr. Prugh spoke at the first annual meeting of the group that had met to elect officers and directors. There are nearly 400 members of the newly form ed group, working out of more than 20 neighborhoods. The primary purpose of the SMFH, formed six months ago, is to locate homes in heretofore all - white neighborhoods for Negro families to rent or buy. They have collected information showing that neighborhoods elsewhere have not been lower ed in value. In many cases, they say, neighborhood prop erty values have Improved. "We are a pioneering organ isation,” aays Dr. Prugh, “and oar aim Is to collect facts about Integration and make them known to the pubHc.” It was announced at the meet ing that three houses in all white neighborhoods had been sold to Negro families within the last five months. Dr. Prugh, a Rockville resident, said their greatest problem is lack of list ings of homes owned by whites who are willing to sell to Negroes. "Suburbia today.” Dr. Prugh commented, “is pale, bland and homogenized. Our ultimate goal is total blindness to race differences. A minister of St- Andrews United Presbyterian Church In Rockville. Dr. Prugh Is also chairman of Ministerial Relations, Washington Presby tery. Other newly elected officers included Ralph E. Showalter, 6408 W. Halbert Road, Bethesda, vice president: George W. Franklin, 15731 Bradford Road, Silver Spring, secretory; Bruce L. Bowman, 14-Z-31 Laurel HUI Road, Greenbelt, treasurer. Hie following were named as directors: Rev. Thomas B. Allen. Rev. Thomas G. Barring ton, John S. deßeers, Rt. Rev. Msgr. James A. Caulfield, Jo seph Ei a, Karl D. Gregory, Al bert K. Her ling, Sylvesta Rob erts, Margery T. Ware and Rev. Robert L. Zoerheide. Chip Location ' |j yfow Woodside areal fmily Kitchen, formal Dining Room, Urge |§<s , 4 Bodroem., 2'/. Bath., Racroation Room, 6 of Water Baseboard Heat, last than a year '••i good financing. Open Saturday and § IMtingn Wanted t REALTY, INC. 933-1711 call 949-6323 and 949-18S4 body else,” she says, "but, of course, I don’t leave the house untU 7:30.” “I keep my bus right In front of my house,” she says fondly, "I want to keep an eye on It ... like to look at It” Mrs. Miller lives at 11509 IxK-kwood Drive, Silver Spring, just a few doors away from where she was born. Seventeen years ago Louise Miller drove her first grand daughter to school. The child of her daughter, Barbara Neely, 11505 Lockwood Drive, Silver Spring, is now 22-year-old Yleen Blckett. This fall, on the first day of school only, Louise will drive her great granddaughter, Roberta Ann Bickett, and her granddaughter, Patricia Boteler, to the Hillandale School by spe cial permission of the 90hool’s transportation division. Not content with driving 60 youngsters to and from school each day, Mrs. Miller has raised 27 foster children sent to her from the Montgomery County Welfare Board. “I saw this little kid going Into Eastern Junior High one day. She was a foster child. She said she wanted to live with me so I contacted the Welfare department. One thing led to an other and before you know it I had 27 of them.” She had, at one time, eight teen-aged girls, all of whom graduated from Northwood High. Three of “her children” are married and have children of their own. Most of the 27 keep In close touch with their foster mother and, according to Mrs. Miller, “I don’t feel they are any less mine than my own kids.” Her home Is designed for large families. The large, 40-year old five-bedroom structure built on 4 or 5 acres of land, is due to be tom down soon, making way for modem apartments. Mr. and Mrs. Miller will move into their home in North Beach tem porarily. “I want to buy a house closer to the shore,” she says. “Retirement plans ?”, the ac tive mother was asked. "Well, I haven’t made any, she says “There’s lots to do you know. I’m not the type to just sit around.” Her husband, Roy R. Miller, is a master mechanic with the Washigton Suburban Sanitation Commission. When asked about his wife’s plans for the future, Miller laughed and said,” Well, that’s a woman who decides for herself. I know one thing, she never sets still, and retirement or no, she isn’t about to set still in the future.” R. Adams, Farmer, Dies At 72 Roderick Adams, longtime Montgomery County farmer and carpenter, died June 13 after a long illness and was buried Saturday in Woodside Cemetery, Brinklow. He was 72. A native of Howard Oounty, Mr. Adams grew up In Clarks ville and later in Catonsvllle. But as a boy he spent a great deal of time In Montgomery County and moved here as a young man to remain. In 1918 he married Kath arine Janney Hutton, who sur vives him, and the couple lived for 20 years on Brooke Grove Road near Montgomery Gen eral Hospital, moving to the present family home on Bright on Road, near Brighton, about 10 years ago. Mr. Adams had a rare "green thumb” as well as unusual car pentry and woodworking skill. He once developed his own brand of strawberry plant. They had one child, Sarah, who Is now Mrs. Page Dinnel, living in Kensington. Mr. Adams also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Sidney Bradford of Pennsylvania and Mrs. Mary Bentley of Ashton and one brother, Douglas T. Adams of California. 1 gm I -Sm iff A M Sj g| SB am 1 y * * - jjß MftJ ImBBI nIH Ejjjjy|B m* W - ■ * BHBBHBBHBBBHBHBIHHBHBBBBHMBBBBMBBIBBBBBBBBHB^i^m^M^,^^BBBB More Rockville Recreation The kids are all ready to go, waiting only for Rockville Mayor Frank Ecker to make It official last Saturday as the city’s new Mon trose Recreation Arena was formally dedi cated. The 5.75-acre center building, com pleted at a cost of $15,000, Is of new design Deaths Adam*. Mart E.. 7214 Tmcott Ave., Takoma Park, on June 7. Burial In Fort Lincoln Cementery. Adams, Roderick D., Brlnklow, on June 13. Burial In Woodilde Cemetery, Brlnklow. Ahern, Isabelle 0., 3330 Sherrill Ave., Chevy Chase, on June 7. Burial In Kan sas City, Mo. e" Butler, Katherine Carmel, 9110 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, on June 9. Burial in Forest Glen Cemetery. Brlgga, Robert M., 2100 Belvedere Blvd., Sliver Spring, on June 11. Burial In Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Bolwell, Adelina Russell. White Oak, Sliver Spring, on June 5. Burial private. Bowman, Harry Gruber Jr., 9628 Dili ton Drive, Silver Spring, on June 9. Burial private. Baker, Charles R.. 8609 Barron St., Takoma Park, on June 1. Burial In Mount Olivet Cemetery. Davis, Elaine, 8317 Grubb Road. Silver Spring, on June 15. Burial In King David Memorial Garden. Davis. Russell 1., Muncaater Mill Road, Rockville, on June 11. Burial In Flower HUI Church, Red land. Denlkos, Mitchell J., 1318 Crest Road, Sliver Spring, on June 13. Burial In Cedar Hill Cemetery. Dillon, Anna Grace, 7905 Glenslde Drive, Takoma Park, on June 12. Burial In Gate of Heaven Cemetery. Elder, John Thompson, 2308 Colston Drive, Silver Spring, on June 14. Burial notice later. Kirin, A tire Wlrgman. 11802 Smoke Tree Road, Rockville, on June 11. Burial In Old David’s Cemetery. Falco. Henry E.. 6303 Halbert Road. Bethesda. on June 15. Burial In Arling ton. National Cemetery. Federllne, Guy Thomas, 10213 Wood moor Circle. Silver Spring, on June 10. Burial In Cedar Hill Cemetery. Feld, Samuel J., 3407 Hayden Drive, Silver Spring, on June 7. Burial In York, Pa. Foster, A lease Virginia, 11508 Elkin St.. Wheaton, on June 10. Burial In Al llngton National Cemetery. Friedrichs, Lula A., 5426 Wisconsin Ave., Chevy Chase, on June 6. Burial In Holy Rood Cemetery. Fuhs, Emil IF., 735 Sligo Ave., Silver Spring, on June 13. Burial In Arlington National Cemetery. Gottlieb, Nellie Chase, 19 Quincy St., Chevy Chase, on June 10. Burial In Glen wood Cemetery. Hobart, Grace, Cedar Haven Rest Home. Takoma Park, on June 7. Burial In Rock Creek Cemetery. Hurst. Motile M., 10215 Connover Drive, Stiver Spring, on June 11. Burial In Na tional Memorial Park. Keefer, Mary Neumann, 1311 Noyes Drive. Silver Spring, on June L Burial In Glen wood Cemetery. Keroan. Minnie A., 8510 Grubb Road, Chevy Chase, on June 7. Burial In St. Mary’s Catholic Cemeterv. Lusk. Robert W„ 712 Maple Ave., Rockville, on June 4. Burial Arlington National Cemetery. Mac Kurland, Julia D„ 4718 Bradley Blvd.. Chevy Chase, on June 8. Burial In National Memorial Cemetery. rrlan, Joe. 4750 Chase Drive, Chevy on June 13. Burial In Denver. Colo. McClure, Jerome D., 4523 Chestnut Drive. Bethesda. on June 6. Burial in Parklawn Cemetery. Maddox, Sidney F.. Otney, Md., on June 14. Burial In Laytonsvllle Cemetery. Matthews, William Bruce 111, 4835 Flanders Ave., Kensington, on June 12. Burial In Arlington National Cemetery. Manners, Elisabeth H.. 11500 Spring Ridge Road. Rockville, on June 7. Burial In Rockville Cemetery. Merrlman. Irvin Eugene - D.D.S.. 1015 MoCeney Ave., Silver Spring, on June 5. Burial in Arlington National Cemetery. Mobley. Mamie, Stewart Lane. Sliver Spring, on May 30. Burial In Good Hope Church Cemetery. Morris. Janies Craig, 10708 Bentley Lane, Kensington, on June 12. Burial in Arlington National Cemetery. Notara Despena. 420 Burnt MlUi Ave., SAVE ON DAVIS TIRES and WIZARD BATTERIES AT YOUR FRIENDLY CL 3-2284 MT. AIRY 22 Damascus, Md. • ADDITIONS • REMODELING • INTERIOR DESIGN • KITCHENS UKf • COLOR COORDINATING • SIDING • INSULATION • GUTTERS • DOWNSPOUTS M/’t ft \ • ROOFING REPAIRS -OLDA- JT CONTRACTORS, INC. "A Company You’ll Be Proud to Recommend” Phone 4215 HOWARD AVE., KENSINGTON 933-1435 Directions: From Bethesda—Out Conn. Ave. to Kensington. Turn left at the Gulf station on the corner of Howard Ave. Just beyond State Road Com mission, turn right to Olda Contractors, Inc. and city officials say they’re “highly pleased” with it. A similar shelter Is near ing completion in the Twinbrook Recreation Area. The new Montrose center is the IStli In the city. —Sentinel Photo by Ed Mervls Solomon Gets Nod Doris Solomon, Wheaton, was chosen as nominee of the Young Democrats of Western Maryland for the post of na tional oommitteewoman that will be voted on at the statewide group’s convention Sept 13-14 at the Motel Washingtonian. Silver Spring, on June 11. Burial In Fort Lincoln, Cemetery. Ohney. Lucy V., 3701 Calvert Place, Kensington, on June 1. Burial in Park lawn Cemetery. Oil vert, Paul F„ 1015 Falrview Ave., Takoma Park, on June 14. Burial in Con gressional Cemetery. O’Hulllvan, Albert J.. 4505 Cheltenham Drive, Bethesda. on June 6. Burial in Parklawn Cemetery. Parker. Frank K., I>DB. No. 1 Noyes Court., Silver Spring, on June 12. Burial in Gate of Heaven Cemetery. Reed. Agnes. West more Road. Rockville, on June 19. Burial in St. Mary’s Ceme tery. Rosenberg. Miriam G., 6720 Western Ave., Chevy Chase, on June 10. Burial in Adas Israel Cemetery. Sehledel, Simon, 9911 Merwood Lane, Silver Spring, on June 7. Burial in Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Smith, Roger Eldoras, 7218 Takoma Ave., Takoma Park, on June 5. Burial in Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Stephens, John Sherman Rr„ 13512 Glenoble Drive, Rockville, on June 7. Burial in Cedar Hill Cemetery-. Stoller, Morton <f. t 6212 Bannockburn Drive. Bethesda. on June 13. Burial private. Sullivan, Helen Elizabeth. 8365 16th St.. Silver Spring, on June 10. Burial in Ivy Hill Cemetery. Traltns, Philip, Kensington, on June 6. Burial in King David Memorial Ceme tery. f Tllman. Cart Grear, 10206 Hatherleigh Drive, Bethesda. cm June 4. Burial in Rockville Cemetery. Thomas, Charles McGill, Windy Knoll Farm, Rockville, on June 2. Burial in Parklawn Cemetery. Tftrhunp, i. WUon, 1604 Carey Lane. Silver Spring, on June 2. Burial in Bound Brook Cemetery. Maryland Suburban Yellow Pages ..Vfgj Let the walking fingers point more business your way If you wish to make any changes or addi tions in your advertisements, call your local Telephone Business Office. the E3 H TELEPHONE COMPANY OF MARYLAND MCJC Fete Is Scheduled For June 27 The Montgomery County Jew ish Community, Inc., celebrates the 15th anniversary of the State of Israel with a dinner and evening of entertainment, June 27, 6:30 p.m. at the Cen ter. Joey Adams, recently return ed from a world tour under the auspices of the State Depart ment, will provide the enter tainment. The comedian holds a Doctor of Comedy degree from the College of the City of New York. The event, celebrating the birthday of the Montgomery County Jewish Community, Inc., is in behalf of State of Israel Bonds. Admission is $3.75 CORRECTION Due to a typographical error, the June 13 issue of the Mont gomery County Sentinel failed to Include the full name of the Bethesda Women Republican’s Club in a story about that group. The Sentinel regrets the omission. Marriage Licenses John Fellow, Marshall, Chevy Chase; Cornelia McCoy Haines, New York. Harry Edward Cleave,, Wheaton; Ju dith Armatrons Hanlon, Silver Spring. William H. Norris Jr., and Mary Ellen Edwards, both of Sliver Spring. David Raymond Van Voont, Western Springs, 111.; Brenda Darien* Taylor. Takoma Park. Joseph Leo Henley, Wheaton; Elizabeth Merrit, Mt. Rainier. Alan Joseph Le Peter. Washington; Kay Mardelle Collin,. Bethesda. Brace N. Rodenhiser and Janet Greeley, both of Bethesda. John Raed Newton and Edna Virginia Green, both of Kensington. Daniel E. Fielding, Kensington: Jacque line Anne Jones, Silver Spring. Laurence Leroy Ragsdale, Silver Spring; Shirley Ann Rabbltt, SpencervtUe, Md. James Leonard Queen. Rockville; Peggy Jean Moriaon, Ashton. Md. Larry Allen Holstein, Silver Spring; Linda Leigha Layton. Takoma Park. Thomas Gary Pocock. Silver Spring; Betsy B. Steelts, Washington. Gary A. Patterson. Kensington; Judy Ann Watson, Rockville. Sidney Wilaon Brake and Jackie B. Herbert, both of Rockville. Norman L. Sarver, Bethesda; Margaret Crampton, Washington. L. Edward Wilt, Cumberland; Bettle Ann Umstead, Olney. Sam Baker, Kensington: Loretta Mae Fletcher, Middletown. Vs. Robert Michael Morrison. Washington; Jacqueline lee Porter, Silver Spring. Clark K. Smith and Barbara Persion, both of Silver Spring. Robert P. Doerschner. Haddonfield, N. J.; Joan M. Waters. Bethesda. Robert F. Duvall and Mary L. Phil lips. both of Sliver Spring. Phil Longneeker, Wheaton; Patricia Ann Gerhold, Silver Spring. James Floyd Beckham and Julie Mac Craner, both of Silver Spring. Timothy Maurice Biddle, Washington; Florence Elizabeth Hickey, Kensington. James Harry Haupt. Middletown, Md.; Lola Virginia King, Damascus. William J. Morahouse. Silver Spring; Barbara M. Seymour, Houston, Tex. Clyde William Britt 111 and Sharon Lee Thurston, both of Silver Spring. James Frances Burrus, Hyattsville; Judith Marjorie Anders, Takoma Park. Walter John Geyer, Bethesda; Ann Meredith Neabltt, Chevy Chase. John Snyder. Gaithersburg; Dorothy Jean Whalen. Derwood, Md. William Fowler. Barneavllle; Mary Louise Wyrlck. Gaithersburg. Roger Harold Siam. Takoma Park; Susan Bade. Silver Spring. Gregg Hinton Morland. Staunton. Va.; Bonnie Merle Stephenson. Bethesda. Francis P. Murto, Washington; Linda K. Stuart, Bethesda. Jan F. Van Houten, Chevy Chase; Jeannine C. E. Lecluse. Arlington. Robert Dale Johnson and Hazel Marie King, both of Rockville. Robert Lee Sier Jr., Damascua; Jane Marie Crown, Gaithersburg. Donald R. Willey, Takoma Park; Evelyn Diane Paraly. Langley Park. Larner Wright Kelpy Jr., Wheaton; Nancy Marguerite Heath, Kenalngton. Charles Albert Price. Mt. Holly. N. J.; Ann Margaret White, Chevy Chase. James F. Dalton and Mary Reynolds, both of Silver Spring. Lenwood William Holdren, Washington; Janice Arlene Brady, Takoma Park. Paul C. Gill, Takoma Park; Maureen A. Finned, Fall* Church. Maatlno L. Sami, Silver Spring; Con stance R. Marchettl. Washington. Lynwood Earle Smith. Fenton. Wash ington; Bonnie Gad Bryan, Takoma Park. Richard F. Healey and Donna L. Schultz, both of Bethesda. Seymour Weinstein and Francoise Ben oit, both of Silver Spring. Timothy Kahlen Wright, Bethesda; Frieda Garcia. New York. Joseph Robert Downey Jr., Bethesda: ,Making heme. loans to fit your particular needs is our specialty! Try one of our “fittings” before you finance elsewhere. There is no obligation* Tell your friends about our service. We doubt if our terms can be beat, either! HrstHidebal felflftm jßfr**y* <mdSßoan 'tfMctiafot* \Q/ OF WASHINGTON *lO is* STREET, • DI 74370 >*■*■ OK WniMh Am • OL (Ml Ommrti h m ~gr M *• Mvri Cmmmrn, Group Announces Nat’l Appointment The Easter Seal Treatment Center, 1000 Twinbrook Pkwy., Rockville, announces the ap pointment of Sumner G. Whit tier as executive director of the National Society for Crippled Children and Adults. Mary Patricia Ainsworth. Kensington. Stephen Tyler Webster. New London, Conn.; Kathleen K. Driscoll Schmidt, Kensington. Paul Edward Ewald, Tonapah, Nev.; Barbara Ann Standifer. Bethesda. Thomas J. Perkins Jr.. Washington; Joan Eileen Wenger, Chevy Chase. Myron H. Hitchcock, Arlington; Linda Lee Lochte, Wheaton. John Thomas Driver, Seneca; Ethel Lucinda Talley, Rockville. Lawrence Robert Sullivan, Arlington; Louise Learmouth, Rockville. Verne G. Corey. Chevy Chase; Lydia Phillips Vrooman. Carthage. N.Y. William Davenport Platt 111 and Mar garet Arnett Ferriday, both of Chevy Chase. .. „ Douglas R. Poole, Ithaca, N. Y.; Son dra L. Axline, Kensington. Cecil Eldridge Long. Alexandria; Helen i Romans Jones. Sliver Spring. Ralph Franklin Mobley, Rockville; Cathleen Lapp, Bethesda. Joseph Francis Zegowltz Jr., Bethesda; j Dianne Theresa Marino, Washington. Frederick A. Kister. Takoma Park; Jeanne L. Cowell, Silver Spring. John Allen Mcßane, Takoma Park; Nancy Ellen Edwards, Falls Church. Robert Lawson Eactham Jr., and Caro line Anne Zinkler. Crevy Chase. John Allan Coffey, Rockville; Mary Ellen Carlson, Washington. Robert B. Ritter, Chicago; Alice Rhoades Foster. Silver Spring. Jan Emil Dizard, Duluth; Dibaral R. Hull. Kensington. John Oliver Plugge and Christine M. Fitzgerald, both of Chevy Chase. Chattham Towers Nottingham Jr., and Teresa Elizabeth Kelley, both of Silver Spring. J; You NEVER Have to ’ ; | Wait at | Williams j; Barber Shop <; !; 224 E. MONTGOMERY AVE. < I l Rockvillo POplar 2-9P90 !; | > Open 8:00 s.m. to 4:00 p.m. < J ’ . Friday until 7:00 p.m. | 1 Dine in the beautiful Potomac countryside NORMANDY FARM fjp\ Potomac, Maryland / w Fashion Show every Thursday. 1 LIE Open every day Noon 'tU Midnight OL. 2-9421 c,.. C 0... PO. 2-39(4 HAVE YOU VISITED—Our New Louiiqu? Our Ntw KltcHuu? lam m ■ i mmmm ■ Mrs. Jane Elliott To Attend Workshop Jane C. Elliott, of Rockville, a home demonstration agent for Montgomery County, will at tend a workshop on human de velopment and human relations at the National 4-H Center in Bethesda July 17-26. Participating in the program will be some 50 extension work ers from 30 states and the Dis trict of Columbia who have been awarded scholarships by the Sears-Roebuck Foundation. pura-oip i# iM ■nar ■■■■u DIAPER DIP . . . Something n new mother should bo without. It handles th* first stag* of diaptr washing without soiling or avan watting tha hands. Evan whan dressed for an evaning out, you can disposa of this problam with out fuss or muss, leaving baby changed and comfortable whan tha sitter arrives. (I) Grip dia per, 12) shake out and flush, (3) hang over seat and soak. You will appreciate its clean handi ness and modern, mother-saving convenience. Buy one for each bathroom plus on# for traveling. Allow time for shipment fram factory lO day money back guarantee SI.OO PPD. Sorry no c Tf. czarniak Dopt. S 5715 Crawford Driva Rockville, M aryl and