Thursday, Auquit I, 1441 SENTINEL
Gaithersburg’Washington Grove
Baptist Group Attends
Parley in Ocean City
By Ireta Fullerton
The Intermediate Group of
the First Baptist Church of
Gaithersburg and their chaper
ones left last Friday for Ocean
City, Md., to meet with the
Intermediate Group of the Im
manuel Baptist Church of Salis
bury, Md. They camped out
Friday night and, following a
beach party Saturday, they re
turned home Saturday night.
The First Baptist Church is
planning an old fashioned Hymn
Sing on Sunday, Aug. 11, at 7:30
p.m. Be sure to come and enjoy
an evening of fellowship.
Rev. and Mrs. Fred Ames will
be leaving soon for Watsonville,
Pa., where Rev. Ames has been
railed as pastor of the First
Baptist Church of Watsonville.
Rev. Ames, a former resident of
Gaithersburg, was ordained in
June of this year.
Mrs. Milton Austin of Cedar
Avenue in Gaithersburg is hos
pitalized'at Montgomery Gen
eral Hospital.
Sandy Spring
Lions Club
Horse Show
Is Readied
By Jane Day
WA 4-9648
The Sandy Spring Lions Club
is making plans for its annual
Horse Show the second Satur
day In September, the 14th this
year. In addition to classes for
horses and ponies, the show's
unique feature is its exhibition
of magnificent draft horse
teams, which have all but van
ished from this part of the
country. Stanley Stabler and
William Gilpin head the show
St. Peter’s annual summer
dinner will be served Saturday
from 3-8 p.m. The fair opens
tomorrow night at 7 and will be
held again Saturday. The event
also celebrates the 10th anni
versary of St. Peter’s as a par
ish and a huge birthday cake
has been baked for the occasion.
Supper tickets are $1.75 for
adults and 75 cents for children.
The Little Garden Club is con
ducting a Roadside Garden con
test within a five-mile radius of
Sandy Spring. Anyone who
wants to enter his or her late
summer or early fall roadside
garden my do so by sending a
card to the club president, Mrs.
Herbert McLaury, 1110 Hornell
Dr., Ednor Acres. Judges will
view the garden and make
their recommendations. Prizes
will be gift certificates for
The club will meet Aug. 13 at
the home of Mrs. Kenelm Dal
lam in southern Anne Arundel
County. Mrs. Dalam, a past
president of the club, recently
moved to Anne Arundel where
she and her husband are re
storing an early house.
Tickets are being sold for the
Shady Grove performance of
the King and I, Sept. 15 for the
benefit of the Women's Board
of the Montgomery General
Hospital. The board has reserv
ed 1500 seats for the popular
musical which stars J. D. Can
non as the King and Jane Mor
gan as Anna. For tickets call
Mrs. Henry Harlinger at WA
4-9575. Mrs. Iris Beall is co
chairman of the event.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller
will have all their family to
gether this week for the first
time in almost three years. The
Millers three daughters and
their husbands and children all
aro coming from distant sec
tions of the country: Capt. and
Mrs. David Ferrell (SAC) and
their two children will arrive
from Montgomery, Ala., where
Captain Ferrell has been on
special training; Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Pitner and their two
children from Ithaca, N.Y., and
Dr. and Mrs. Lome Garrettaon
from Atlanta, Ga. Also arriving
for the family gathering is Mr.
Miller's sister, Mrs. N. Conant
Webb of Montclair, N..T. Miss
Mary Morre Miller will enter
tain for them on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan F. Thomas
and Mrs. R. Bentley Thomas
will be hosts today to The
Neighbors at their home Rocky
The Association met at the
Community House Aug. 1 with
Miss Dorothy Wetherald and!
Mrs. Wiliam Moore as host
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Chichester
have returned from vacationing
at Rehoboth, Del. Visiting them
were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Keys
and their three children, Chand
ler, Mary Chris and Susan and
Mr. and Mrs. John Brusnighan
and son, Mike.
Mrs. P. R. Burklow and her
three children from Bistol, Va.,
have been visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Irving Smith
for the past few weeks. They
plan to spend some time at
Ocean City before their return
Calvin McPherson was hos
pitalized at the Washington
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Walker
and daughters, Mandy and
Judy, have returend home from
vacation. They traveled to
Shreveport, La., tot a reunion
of Mr. Walker’s family. They
also visited Mr. Walker’s
parents in Malvern, Ark., and
family in Atlanta, Tex.
Vicki and Pamela Toqulnto
spent a week visiting their
grandfather and other relatives
in Keyser, W. Va.
Mrs. Carroll Keames, Janet
and Billy spent several days
visiting family and friends in
Grafton, W. Va.
Mrs. Lawson King, Mrs. Ruth
. Brandenburg and the Connie
Aschenbach family enjoyed a
week’s vacation at Beverly
We are glad to report that
Noah Meadows is recuperating
| nicely at home after being a re
cent patient at Montgomery
General Hospital.
Rev. and Mrs. Malcolm
Wright have returned home
from Delmar, Md., where they
visited with Rev. Wright’s aunt
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burke
Sr. and son, Kenneth, and Har
old Allen have returned from a
six-weeks vacation trip. They
first traveled to Champagne,
111., where they attended the
graduation ceremony from the
University of Illinois of the
Burke’s daughter, Mrs. Janice
Burke Holmes, who received her
B.S. degree and their son-in-law,
Allen H. Holmes, who received
his Master’s degree in mathe
matics. From Champagne they
traveled on to California where
they visited many interesting
sites. They stopped in Gabbs,
Ncv., as guests of Dr. and Mrs.
William Walsh, formerly of
Rockville. While there, they at
tended a birthday celebration
for Dr. Walsh. Other guests
were Mrs. Dorothy Riggs of
Rockville and Miss Carroll Mor
rell of Santa Monica, Calif.
They also visited in Grand
Forks,, N. D., with son, Lt.
Harry E. Burke and his wife.
Lt. Burke, formerly of Gaithers
burg, is stationed in Grand
Forks with the Strategic Air
Rev. Karl Newell will preach
the morning worship service at
Grace Methodist Church, as
guest minister on Aug. 11. Rev.
Newell was a former minister
at Grace Methodist.
The free outdoor movie at the
Civic Center on Aug. 14 will be
Abbott and Costello in “Meet
the Mummy.” Plan to bring the
Mrs. Ralph Newcomer is now
recuperating at home following
surgery at Suburban Hospital.
On July 27, Miss Alice Lager
son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Linwood Lagerson, became the
bride of Mr. Herbert M. Cullis
of the Eastern Shore. They
were married at the Epworth
Methodist Church.
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. William Youden on the
birth of their daughter, Jill, on
July 22 at Sibley Hospital.
Our sympathy is extended to
Mrs. James Toquinto upon the
passing of her grandmother,
Mrs. Susan Harmon. Mrs. Har
mon was 102 years old.
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Morris
spent the weekend visiting in
Silver Spring with Mr. and
Mrs. James T. Murphy.
Alfred Benna is a patient at
Johns Hopkins Hospital in Bal
timore where he has undergone
Mr. and Mrs. William Irvin
have returned from a trip to
Rankin, 111., where they took
Mrs. Louella Eells, Mrs. Irvin’s
mother, to spend the summer.
Visiting the Irvins now are their
daughter, Mrs. Leona Price and
sons, Douglas and John.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mannlx
announce the birth of their
seventh daughter, Joan Ix>uise,
on July 20, at Holy Cross Hos
Jeffrey Toquinto Is recuperat
ing satisfactorily at home after
being hospitalized at Montgom
ery General Hospital.
The Jobs Daughters Mothers
Club will hold a family picnic
and swim party on Aug. 10 at 3
p.m. at the home of Mrs. Mary
Gartner. All Jobies and their
families are urged to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Hill from
Berwick, Pa., are visiting their
son, Carl E. Hill, who Is assist
ant pastor of Epworth Meth
odist Church. Also accompany
ing them on the visit are Mrs.
Edith Dawson and Mrs. Flor
ence Hill of Sayre, Pa.
Mrs. Walter Schreffler and
Janice have returned from a
visit with relatives in North
Mrs. Lewis Mechling of Pitts
burgh is visiting her daughter
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Youden.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Short and
daughter, Sue, moved last week
into their beautiful new Clarks
burg home. They formerly lived
on Dogwood Drive.
Laytonsville-W ood field
Family Is
By Elizabeth C. Kile
WA. 6-1454
Mrs. Roland Green entertain
ed at dinner 45 members of the
Linthicum family on July 31 at
her home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hines
have returned from an eight
week trip to the South Pacific.
They sailed from San Francisco
and visited many places includ
ing Hawaii, New Zealand and
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Burdette
were in Ohio recently.
Mr. and Mrs. William Gough
and their daughter, Barbara,
have returned from a vacation
at Ocean City. Mrs. Gough’s
father, Mr. McConnell of Geor
gia, is now visiting them.
Keep in mind the auction,
bake sale and lunch to be held
by Mt. Tabor Methodist Church,
Aug. 10 in the church yard.
There will be bric-a-brac, fur
niture, cars, etc. auctioned.
Kathy Steers, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Steers, is attend
ing 4-H Club week at Maryland
The response to the Blood
mobile visit to the area was less
than anticipated with only 55
donors offering blood. Three
pints were assigned to Gaithers
burg and 49 to Laytonsville Dis
trict. Six who offered were re
Mark your calendar ahead for
Sept. 23 when the laytonsville
Lions Club and the Laytonsville
District Volunteer Fire Depart
ment will sponsor jointly the
Miller Brothers Circus which
will perform at the Fair
Grounds in Gaithersburg.
The Laytonsville Lions Club
has announced that 91 children
were enrolled in the Red Cross
swimming instruction program
sponsored by them this summer.
The club leased a bus which
carried 59 daily to the pool, the
other 32 were transported in
groups by the mothers. The
course ended Aug. 2.
Mrs. Harrison King enter
tained the executive officers of
the Laytonsville Homemakers,
the county chairmen and Mrs.
Russell Pope, president of the
County Council of Homemakers,
for luncheon, followed by a
meeting at her home on
Wednesday. Those present were
Mrs. Harold Mitchell, Mrs. Basil
Waters, Mrs. Clagett Warfield,
Mrs. Sally Fredericks, Mrs.
Kathleen Rew, Mrs. Janet Irey
and Mrs. Charlie King.
Mrs. Henry Griffith and Miss
Vashti Bartlett entertained 40
guests at luncheon and bridge
on Thursday at Comus Inn.
The prizes were won by Mrs.
John Young of Baltimore, Mrs.
Warren Tydlngs. Mrs. William
Sherman, Mrs. Harry Bartlett
of Chevy Chase, Mrs. Frank
Willson of Layhill and Miss
Mary C. Warfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Moses Scheib
have returned from a visit in
Ocean City.
Mr. and Mrs. Claggett War
field entertained at dinner on
Monday in honor of Miss Geor
gianna Glassock of Summit
Point, W. Va., who is their
house guest. The guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Griffith and
family, Mrs. Green Griffith, Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Warfield and Miss
Mary C. Warfield.
Mrs. Harold Mitchell was
given a surprise birthday party
by the WSCS of St. Paul Meth
odist Church in the church hall
last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Mills
have moved into their new
home on Griffith Road.
Miss Judy Ann Whipp and
Mrs. Hyter Webb were patients
in Montgomery General Hospi
al last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry King
spent the weekend in LaVale,
Md., with Mrs. King's father
who is ill. Their daughter Lorie
spent the weekend with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
O. King. Also as guests of the
Kings were their daughter and
family, the James Boyette's of
Middletown. Another grand
child, Wade Clark, who is stay
ing with the Boyettes accom
panied them. Wade’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, are
vacationing in Florida and his
sister, Patricia, is visiting the
Gene Brown’s in Rich Square,
N. C.
The Wesley Grove WSCS met
at the hall last Wednesday with
Mrs. George Kemp and Mrs.
Raymond Kemp as hostesses.
The Methodist Men went on a
fishing trip to the Bay last Sat
Miss Jane Ann Griffith,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ulysses Griffith, spent the week
with Mr. and Mrs. John Young
at their home in Baltimore.
Jake B. McElyea was enter
tained at a dinner party given
by his family in honor of his
Mr. and Mrs. Graver Oland
have returned from a trip to
North Carolina where they
visited relatives.
Eagle Scout
Rank Is Won
By Richards
By Elizabeth C. Kile
WA. 6-1454
Troop No. 445 Boy Scouts of
America held a Court of Honor,
July 25 at the home of Roscoe
Purdum on Comor Drive. The
following awards of rank were
given: Eagle Scout, David Rich
ards; First Class, Kurt Mod
linger; Second Class, Wayne
Shaw; Tenderfoot, Rodney Du
vall, Clinton Hammond, Dennis
Hurley, Duncan Jones and Paul
Kellogg. Merit Badges were re
ceived by the following: David
Richards, David Slaton, Kurt
Modlinger, Preston Holley and
Gordon Hanson.
Miss Eve Rutland, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Don Rutland,
and Rev. Mr. Gerald Joseph
Wilson, pastor of the First
Methodist Church of Malone,
Fla., will be united in marriage
at the Damascus Methodist
Church tonight at 8 p.m. by the
Rev. Mr. John Carmichael of
Dothan, Ala., and the Rev. Mr.
Frank Depro. The couple will
live in Malone, Fla., but spend
three days a week in Atlanta,
Ga., where Mr. Wilson is a stu
dent at the Candler School of
Theology. The following out of
town guests are expected for
[ the wedding: Mr. and Mrs. Leon
Rutland and Mrs. O. N. Hance
of Commerce, Tex.; Mrs. Vera
Wilson and Bill Barry, Pensa
cola, Fla.; Mrs. Carmichael,
Miss Kay Creech, Port St. Joe,
Fla.; Miss Sharon Brown, Cor
bin, Ky„ and Rev. and Mrs.
Jack Taylor of Florala, Ala.
Dr. Lloyd M. Keller will be
the preacher at the service of
the Lutheran Church of the
Redeemer to be held on Sunday
at 11 a.m. in the Damascus
Elementary School.
William Trent has been in
Florida on business.
The King-Burdette family re
union will be held at Wesley
Grove Methodist Church Aug.
10, starting with a service in
the church at 11 am. Anyone
who claims to belong to this
group or believes they are
eligible is invited to bring a
picnic lunch and enjoy the day
with them. A family tree and
history will be available to help
you trace your family and show
whether you are a member of
the family. For further infor
mation contact J. L. King at PO.
Thomas Milton Darby, well
known retired farmer of the
Damascus area, died at the
home of his daughter in Rock
ville July 29. The funeral was
held at the Francis Barber Fu
neral Home on Thursday with
interment in the Damascus
The Montgomery County
Chamber of Commerce elected
new officers recently and Jerry
Cook was chosen to be head of
the Public Relations Committee.
B. D. Gladhill is a director.
The Damascus International
Holiness Camp meetings will be
held at the camp ground about
two miles north of Damascus
from Aug. 8 through 18. The
Evangelists will be Rev. Harry
Wood and Rev. Paul Stewart
and “The Singing Shepherds”
will provide the special music.
There will be preaching each
day at 11 a.m., 2:30 p.m. and
7:30 p.m. There will be a spe
cial youth activities each day
with a children’s service at 1:30
p.m. Mrs. Parker Watkins will
be in charge of the children’s
Mrs. Nona Watkins of Ridge
Road was the winner of the
Chevrolet Biscayne offered as
an award of the Mt. Airy Fire
men’s Carnival.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Adrian
of Haney Avenue have adopted
a young son, Gregory Keith.
Miss Margaret Lentz spent
last week at the beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Dana Jordan are
the happy parents of a baby
girl, Bonita Faye, born July 20
at Montgomery General Hospi
tal. Mrs. Jordan is the former
June Woodfield.
Upper Montgomery County
residents and families living in
and near Damascus are invited
to visit the site of the Damas
cus Recreation Association
swimming pool. The pool, lo
cated on a 10-acre tract on the
Woodfield Road, is nearing
completion. Construction of
bath house, concrete decking
and fencing will commence
soon. There will be swimming
this year into September. In
terested persons are urged to
contact J. Keith Davy, CL. 3-
3131, or Harvey Mueller, CL. 3-
2073, during the current mem
bership drive.
Tuesday evening 33 members
of the Young Adult S. S. Class
and the 2 x 2 Club of the Da
mascus Methodist Church at
tended Shady Grove Music Fair
in a group.
Miss Mamie Duvall died at
the Montgomery General Hos
pital. Funeral services were
held July 28 with interment in
the Damascus Cemetery.
The Damascus American
Legion Post and Col. E. Brooke
Lee were hosts on July 28 to the
survivors of Co. K of the 150th
Regiment of the 29th Division
of World War L Thera were
- \* '< .' •'• n r." fc—
* ’ ' / \ #&■
Bob Schoenke
New Consultant
Joins Advisory
Travel Agency
Lottie Neuhaus, a native of
Switzerland who has served for
six years as a travel advisor
both in Europe and in the
United States, has joined the
staff of Travel Consultants
Inc. at 5 N. Perry St. in Rock
Miss Neuhaus came to Mont-
gomery Coun
ty from New
where she was
employed first
as an interna
tional air
agent with a
travel agency
near Boston
and later with
a similar firm
in Chest nut
Lottie Neuhaus
Hill, Mass. She
engaged in a variety of advis
ory activities for area residents
who planned visits not only to
the nearby New England and
New York sections, but to her
native Europe.
Before coming to the United
| States. Miss Neuhaus worked
j for four years in the overseas
department of Kundig Travel
Service in Zurich. She not only
engaged as an advisor to those
planning to travel, but made
many trips herself as a tour
escort with customers going to
other European sites, as well
as to Israel.
Miss Neuhaus attended the
school of commerce at the
Technical Institute of the Can
ton Zurich before entering the
travel agency business, and is
capable of speaking German,
French and Italian along with
English and her native Swiss.
Bottle Club
Is Arrested
ROCKVILLE The operator
and three employes of a bottle
club here have been charged
with illegal sales of liquor,
police reported.
David H. Radford, 59, 805 W.
Montgomery Ave., described by
police as the operator of the
club, was charged with selling
alcohol without a license as
were: Barbara E. Mitchell, 22,
605 Blandford St., a waitress;
Thomas Clinton Nichols, 32,
Commerce Lane and Hunger
ford Drive, a bartender, and
William G. Franey, 20, 3722 As
toria Road, Kensington, door
All four were released under
SSOO bond each pending trial In
Rockville People’s Court Aug.
The club was until recently
known as The City Club and is
now under new management. It
is one of several "bottle clubs”
that have sprung up in Mont
gomery County since it was dis
covered that as a result of a
loophole in county liquor laws.
Police said they made the
arrests after undercover men—
following an investigation—
bought liquor at the establish
ment at 308 E. Montgomery
Ave., at about 1:15 a.m. last
48 veterans and their families
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sharrer
Jr. are the parents of a baby
daughter, Ruth Marie, born July
15 at Montgomery General Hos
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beall have
returned after a visit with Mr.
Bealls sister, Julia, in Ken
Mrs. B. T. Hilton, the mother
of Mrs. Gilcin Meadors, died at
her home in Jackson, Miss.,
July 29.
The Damascus Auxiliary to
the Women’s Board of Mont
gomery General Hospital wishes
to thank all who had a part in
making their baked goods
booth at the hospital supper a
success. Over SIOSO was realized
from the goods at their booth.
Mrs. Madgeburger also wishes
to thank the ladies who helped
with the supper in her absence.
The Rev. John R. Cummins,
new pastor of the First Baptist
Church, arrived in the commu
nity on Thursday and spent the
night with Mr. and Mrs. Sher
wood Hackett while awaiting
the arrival of the van with their
furniture. They will live in the
Gue property on Main Street.
John B. Mayer was injured
painfully in an accident at a
filling station in Gaithersburg
on July 28.
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Now Ready for Occupancy
A major new building for Rockville, a *250.-
000 new office structure at 27 West Jefferson
St., is now completed and the 22 new offices
in the aircondltioned building of colonial de
School Heads Surprised By Court Action
Court action by the
County Council to block
transferring of surplus funds
by the School Board took
the school heads by complete
surprise this week.
Informed of the action by re
porters, they were almost
unanimous in expressing dis
appointment that they had not
been consulted or notified about
the action before copies were
distributed to the press.
“I think as a matter of pro
tocol, or courtesy, the persons
involved should be informed
before the press is,” majority
Board member Everett H. Wood
ward declared.
The two requested injunctions
would, if granted, restrain the
School Board from transferring
unallocated capital funds to
school construction not ap
proved by the council.
The controversy over author
ity to spend accumulated funds
held to the School Board, has
troubled County Council and
Board of Education attorneys
for several years, according to
Charles W. Bell, School Board
Four County
Are Decided
Wheaton Regional Park was
very busy Monday night as
three county championships
were decided with nearly 4000
fans looking on.
Tw inbrook Taproom used
strong early inning pitching by
Del Purden to defeat Moyer
Building, 10-2; John Parker con
tinued his hot hitting in leading
Wheaton Sports and Cycles over
Wehaton Lions, 15-1, winning
the MCBBA junior title; Lyons
Nursery jumped out to an 8-0
lead and won the county midget
title, 8-4.
Elsewhere, Woodley Gardens
easily upended Pepsi Cola, 9-3,
for a two-game sweep of the
Rockville Junior League play
Purden allowed a first inning
home run to Floyd Spong but
was flawless from that point
until giving way to Bernie
Spahn in the fourth. Spahn
didn't allow a run and his
mates were busilly garnering 10
as Twinbrook won its second
consecutive county champion
The Twinbrook outfield. Bob
Wood, Eddie Wrathen and Art
Finerton, collected six hits and
Dick Harris bombed a homer to
pace the victors’ attack.
Parker was three-for-four and
raised his playoff record to an
amazing 9-for-15, Including three
doubles and a homer. John Pell
cano, Sports and Cycle mound
ace, reeled off a perfect game
for three innings, struck out 17
Lions, and allowed only two
hits. His mound arch rival, Rick
Eisenacher, at third base for the
start of the game, relieved in
the third but was bothered with
a sore arm and was ineffective.
sign are now being rented. In foreground is
Robert Bullard, owner of the building.
—Sentinel Photo by Lee Russell
e i Minority Board member Dr.
s | Clifford K. Beck viewed the sur
s prise development as, "indica
tive of the fact that the council
{ is not really on a working rela
s tionship with the School Board.
"I am personally satisfied
• that this problem of authority
f is going to be resolved,” Dr.
• Beck continued, "since there is
f obviously a lack of clarity in
1 the present understanding be
• tween the council and the
School Board with respect to
• authority.”
| John A. Floyd, council presi
dent, told the Sentinel there was
' no animosity or hard feelings on
the council’s part. He said the
two suits should clarify the
| legal position of the two boards.
, “If this will define the Juris
Trimm Joins Linowes
James R. Trim of Rockville,
i assistant county attorney since
i January, 1961, has joined the
1 law firm of R. Robert Linowes.
i Trimm, formerly business man
> ager for the Washington branch
I of Mineapolis-Honeywell Reg
ulator Co., received a Bachelor
of Laws degree from the Uni
versity of Virgina in 1956, hav
ing graduated from Washington
and Lee University two years
before. His wife is the former
Lucille E. Elias.
Legal Advertisement
Notice of Hearing
) Notice is hereby given that
the Mayor and Council of j
I Rockville will conduct a Public
, Hearing in the office of the
. Mayor and Council, City Hall,
. 11l S. Perry St., Rockville, Md.,
, on
MONDAY, SEPT. 16. 1963
At 9:45 P.M.
i or as soon thereafter as it may |
l be heard, on a resolution intro- j
: duced upon the initiative of at
least 25% of the registered |
i voters residing thereon and the
, owners of 25% of the assessed
‘ valuation of real property lo
• cated north of the present cor
porate boundaries, being known
as parts of tracts of land called
“Two Brothers”, "Valentine's
Garden Enlarged”, etc. and al
so known as the Polinger
| Tract, lying north of the Mont
-1 gomery County Junior College
1 Site and west of Rt. 355, con
taining 333.18 acres of land,
more or less. Said resolution
proposes to extend the boun
daries of the City of Rockville j
to include the aforesaid area. I
as prayed in the petition, and
that said area and the persons
residing therein shall become
subject to all the laws, ordi
nances and regulations of said
city. A more detailed descrip
tion of the said area is avail
able in the files of the Clerk to
the Mayor and Council, Rock
ville City Hall, 111 S. Perry St.,
Rockville, Md.
By: Frank A. Ecker
Mayor 4t-0975-8/29
diction of the County Council
and the School Board In fiscal
matters, it will be very helpful,"
Floyd explained.
Charles W. Prettyman, School
Board attorney, told the Sen
tinel late Tuesady night that he
“could not make any comment
since I have not yet seen a copy
of the injunction, nor have I
been officially notified.”
Dr. C. Taylor Whittier, county
school superintendent, echoed
Prettyman s reaction and said,
“As of now (late Tuesday
night), I have not officially
been notified. We saw photo
static copies of the suits given
to the Sentinel reporter, but as
yet we have no word directed
to us specifically.”
Legal Advertisement
to wit:
By virtue of an Order of
Court issued by the Circuit
Court for Montgomery County,
and to me as Sheriff of said
County directed at the suits of
Alfred W. Spates vs. Walter
Norris and J. Walter Harding
vs. Walter Norris I have this
19th day of June, 1963,
seized and taken into execution
all the right and title, claim,
interest and estate both at law
and in equity of the said Walter
Norris of, in, to and about the
following described property, to
One-half Interest in fifty
acres, of growing corn.
1 John Deere Tractor & Cul
1 John Deere Plow
1 International Ensilage Har
1 Case Manure Spreader
1 Sunset Bulk Milk Tank &
1 Two compartment Washer
1 Lot Brushes & Cleaner
1 Lot utensils and Equip
1 Le Laval Milker pump, four
units and Wagner Motor
1 O & S Boiler
2 Wheelbarrows
1 Springtooth Harrow
Approximately 400 Bales of
1 Ayrshire Cow
8 Holstein Calves
{ 25 Holstein Milk Cows
I hereby give notice that I
will sell all the right, title,
claim, interest and estate both
at law and in equity of the said
Walter Norris of, in, to and
about the above described prop
erty to the highest bidders fqy
cash at the J. Walter Harding
Farm on Black Rock Road off
Route #llß about three miles
from Germantown on
Tuesday, August 20, 1963,
at 10:30 A.M.
Terms of Sale: CASH.
Ralph W. Offutt, Sheriff
Montgomery County,