OCR Interpretation

Montgomery County sentinel. [volume] (Rockville, Md.) 1855-1974, November 27, 1963, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016209/1963-11-27/ed-1/seq-1/

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School News !
High school students, and
niany parents, will want to read
a new feature in this week's
Sentinel —“High School Higl
lights.” Keep up weekly wit
high school news through Th
lO9HI Ye<,f • Ewrv <x®° 4 ROCKVILLI. MARYLAND - NOVEMIER 27. lU3 Two Sectiesi GArdes 4-7700 |Q# • Copy
Thd*Pj¥sident In A Happier Day
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Hands Reach Toward Him During Visit Hert
Sentinel Photo by Ed Mervis
J Voters
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He Gives An Autograph to County Secretary
Sentinel Photo by Hugh Gillespie
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Established 1855
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He Meets County Building Cafeteria Worker
Sentinel Photo by Hugh Gillespie
County Joins U.S.
In Mourning Loss
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John F. Kennedy
President’s Casket
Brought Here Briefly
The national tragedy swirled into Montgomery
County briefly Friday night, touching the county di
rectly when the President’s body was transported to
Bethesda Naval Medical Center from Andrews Air
Force Base.
The attention of motorists passing the hospital
was attracted by signs of activity at the heliport,
located only a few feet away from heavily-traveled
Wisconsin Avenue.
Motorists stopped, sensing something was afoot.
Hundreds apparently had heard an announcement that
the body was to be taken to the hospital for prepara
tion by morticians and they converged on the grounds.
Most of those present apparently thought the
casket would be arriving by helicopter. The throng
surged toward the heliport as first one, then another
helicopter arrived.
At first, police tried to prevent the crowd from
entering the grounds. But many were soon jumping
the fence, hurrying across the golf course, to join the
somber throng by the heliport. Soon people were
coming from all directions.
One helicopter landed and when it was quickly
surrounded it took off again without opening its doors.
A second approached and disgorged military personnel.
Unseen by the thousands was an ambulance which
drove slowly behind them bearing the casket from
Andrews. It approached the front door of the hospital
and paused briefly with the dead President, his griev
ing widow and his brother, Robert, inside before the
crowd learned of its arrival.
(See President’s Casket Brought Here on A4)
Floyd Denies
Discussing Case
With Sam Eig
County Council President
John A. Floyd yesterday firmly
denied that he had ever dis
cussed with county entrepreneur
Sam Eig zoning of property ad
joining Eig’s Motel Washing
tonian near Gaithersburg.
The attorney for owners of
the adjoining property has
charged in a suit that Eig at
tempted to influence Floyd and
other Council members to re
verse themselves in their deci
sion to approve residential and
apartment zoning for the land.
Floyd said yesterday his only
conversation with Eig on the
day he is alleged to have dis
cussed the zoning with him cen
tered on ‘‘some facetious re
mark" about buildings Eig plans
to put up on his nearby acre
In other business, the Coun
cil voted to seek an early meet
ing with Gov. J. Millard Tawes
to protest the State Roads Com
mission’s deletion of three ma
jor County highway requests
from its proposed five-year
building program. SRC pro
poses to program only 27 mil
lion of some 135 million in
roads asked by the County, the
Council learned yesterday.
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Body Is Taken to Naval Hospital
The grieving widow, Jacqueline Kennedy,
and the late President's brother, the attorney
general, are In this ambulance with the

All Work Stops, Churches
Overflow After Tragedy
Montgomery County joined the rest of the nation
in mourning the assassination of President Kennedy
last Friday.
County activity government, business and
social ground to a halt when the almost unbelievable
word spread here early Friday afternoon.
A woman in a Rockville office almost fainted,
reaching for a nearby desk to steady herself when she
heard the news.
A teacher at Walter Johnson High School
reportedly sat stunned for 50 minutes, an entire class
period, on Friday afternoon after the news was
announced over the public address system.
Her students sat quietly with her unmoving
for the entire period.
Traffic slowed noticeably and then thinned,
leaving the streets almost deserted Friday afternoon
and night as the enormity of what had happened began
to sink in.
Motorists were observed winding down their
windows to tell other motorists waiting at red lights
after hearing the stunning announcement on their
People l>egan drifting away from their jobs,
unable to perform their duties. Groups of employes
clustered to dinettes the development in shocked, sub
dued tones. Then they went home, dazed.
Some eyes were moist. A few persons wept openly,
unashamedly. \
Hundreds of scheduled events were postponed or
cancelled with thosdmaking the decision not bothering
to notify anyone. They knew no one would attend,
anyway. \
On Friday night the body of the President was
brought briefly to tie National Naval Medical Cen
ter, Bethesda, for preparation by morticians.
Thousands of county residents flocked to the
grounds of the skyscraper structure to pay homage as
the body arrived from Andrews Air Force Base where
it was flown from pall®.
Accompanying thelasket, in tfje Navy ambulance,
was the grieving widow-i-her clothes still bloodstained
from the President’s fatal bullet wound and the
President’s brother, Attorney General Robert
Kennedy. \
Mrs. Kennedy stayea at the hospital until the
morticians completed the*- work, then accompanied
her husband’s body to tha White House in the early
hours of Saturday morning Where it was to lie in state.
Churches on Friday nikht were opened for pray
ers for the dead President and his family and all were
well attended. All weekend long and on Monday
church doors were open with many turning to prayer
for consolation.
Sunday services were better
attended than almost any previ
ous occasion, ministers reported.
On Monday, a beautiful, clear
day, stores did not open, schools
and offices remained closed, and
thousands of Montgomery Coun
tians went into the District to
observe the funeral procession,
or watch it on TV.
An estimated throng of 250,-
000 that viewed the flag-draped
casket as it lay in the Capitol
rotunda included many county
On Friday when the news
coffin as it arrives at Betliesda Naval Hos
pital Friday night.
—ttontluel Photo by Ed Atervis
Boys Wanted !
Boys who want to learn re
sponsibility and earn money one
day a week after school with
their own newspaper routes are
needed by The Sentinel. Call Mr.
McDade at GArden 4-7700.
brake, a radio newsman with a
tape recorder getting reaction
float shoppers In the Hecht Co.
waa having trouble getting It.
Most had not heard the news
and Wouldn’t believe the radio
In Supermarkets and grocery
storesl on Friday, word of Pres
ident Kennedy’s shooting elec
trified khoppers. Store managers
said sotie stood stunned.
Somei managers piped news
broadcaiis into their public
(See County Joins on A4)

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