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HR II L p) :■ : (3) 3 J Ittrr j) i / s < 7 >/ l| sIIW ’ \s I O°)Y H::|\ || I (14) I mF —*|| VILLE CAPITOL RESEARCH ASSOCIATES ' Land Economists and Planners — 22 Million Vets H (Today, 45 years after the (Close of World War I, approxi mately 18 years after World War II and eight years after the " Korean conflict there are 22,- 127,000 veterans in the United Rates, according to the most ggScent estimate by the Veterans Administration. * • DON'T BE A DISHWASHER THIS CHRISTMAS ... GIVE ONE ° i|H| ' ' IKV/ \ L— - IBM * - - - 1,...-^MlllllllSlll — MisjSgaljK i 'h > ■ Holiday festivities are even more festive when an Electric dishwasher takes over clean-up chores. Every day’s a holiday from dishwashing when Electricity does the work. matchlsss aaetvice# PEPCD GIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY roroaiAciuctsic nmu coaar CMI Sentinel B1 Rte./uS Is Becoming County’s ‘Main Street ’ By John B. Saunders Sentinel Reporter Commercial, residential and industrial development along Route 70S from Clarksburg south through Rockville and including the Rockville Pike south to Be thesda is growing so rapidly that the corridor may well become “Main Street,” Mont gomery County. The two areas shown in the accompanying maps are the sub jects of two Montgomery Coun ty Chamber of Commerce busi ness information reports, the southern portion to be published by the Chamber within a week. The county’s growing Science Industry Corridor along' Inter state 70S now has companies and government agencies whose completed facilities will house more than 13,000 employes. This growth of basic indus trial employment is generating large-scale residential, commer cial and service Industry devel opment in the 12'/j-mile stretch between Rockville and Gaithers burg. Basic Industries and govern ment in this area now employ over 4500 people. The largest existing employer is the Atomic Energy Commission, which just recently leased additional space in Bethesda because the facility in Germantown is already crowded. Under construction, scheduled or completed are such facilities as the Bureau of Standards, 1.8. M. and Fairchild Stratos, which will bring employment to 13,000 before 1970. In addition, other research facilities are seeking locations along the same strip of highway in order to be near the Bureau and A.E.C. Opportunities for new residen tial and commercial develop ment in the area on the order 6f more than 18,000 units are being opened up along new sewer and water lines being ex tended to serve these major em ployment centers. Some large new apartment projects and subdivisions now exist in Rockville and Gaithers burg and many more are being planned. Residential development has already reached Germantown where apartments are proposed, and even beyond in Clarksburg, where lively subdivision activity is under way. Development of commercial facilities to serve the new population being brought into the area is also underway at several points. The principal site is at the Brown’s Station Interchange in Gaithersburg. On the basis that each job in basic service industry generates one job in a service type indus try, service and basic industry m Clarksburg— Germantown j (|R^°' thers ' :>ur9 WRockville Bethesda I District \ / of \ / Columbia \ employment in this area will exceed 26,000 before 1970. The area south of Rockville to Bethesda shows even faster industrial and commercial devel opment. Industrial and governmental employment oriented directly to Rockville Pike already totals some 12,000 with the National Institutes of Health and the Be thesda Naval Hospital as the core. Employment, due to the rapid development of this area, is growing so fast that it is virtu ally impossible to keep current employment figures. Rockville Pike, besides its industrial and government growth, is becoming the number one commercial highway in the county. Already the home of the Con gressional Plaza Shopping Cen ter, GEM Inc., the Super Giant Discount Shopping Center, as well as innumerable free stand ing retail facilities and small shopping strips, many more retail facilities are now under construction and many more the planning stages. Among commercial develop ment under construction are the Pike Shopping Centre, imme diately north of the Super Giant; the E. J. Korvette at the HOLIDAY m SAVE 30% on Art Supplies and raint Raady-to-finish BOSTON ROCKERS *9.95 A ft. Aluminum STEP LADDERS *9.95 Vinyl Latex *2.25 per gal. PAINT CENTER —V 142 Hatpin* Cww] Canter 427-3*40 Wednesday, November 27, 1963 southwest Corner of Rockville Pike and Montrose Road, and many other retail stores, some in smaller shopping clusters and many others in the ground level of high rise office buildings. The accompanying two maps locate major industrial, govern mental and commercial facilities along the 70S-Rockville Pike corridor. Key to Map I—Clarkbrook Estates; a large residential subdivision and recreational area located along Route 355 at Clarksburg, near the Clarksburg Interchange of 70S. 2. —A 100-acre tract that has recently been zoned for indus trial use along 70S north of Ger mantown. 3. —Fairchild Stratos Cor portaion: this large tract of land at the northwest corner of the Germantown Interchange will be Fairchild Stratos' new home. The large industrial or ganization will start within two years, employing about 33 per sons, and will expand its em ployment to about 3,000 before 1970. 4 Meadowbrook Estates; a subdivision comprising single family homes, is located at the northwest corner of the Ger mantown interchange. A large scale apartment project has been proposed for a portion of this tract. 5 Country Club: a large tract of land for this purpose has been proposed at the south east corner of the Germantown Interchange. 6 The Atomic Energy Com mission: located at the south west comer of the Germantown Interchange on 70S, this facility employs approximately 2600 persons. 7 Fox Chapel subdivision: construction here is well under way with single family homes at Mlddlebrook. 8— Metropolitan Grove Indus trial Park: this is the home of Weinschel Engineering Corp. with 175 employes. Portions of this large tract will be leased to new industries., 9 IBM: this large firm will start construction soon of a new facility at Gaithersburg to house their Federal Systems Division. Employment is expected to be about 3000. 10— Diamond Tract: a large piece of land which will be de veloped by the Danac Corpora tion, a real estate investment corporation formed by a group of Montgomery County business and professional men. 11— Danac Corp: another hold ing of this corporation which will be developed as a regional shopping center at Gaithers burg. 12— Residential developments: several large developments are completed, under construction or planned here in Gaithersburg and its surrounding areas. Among these are a 53-acre site recently zoned for apartments, located 70S opposite the Bureau of Standards. 13— National Bureau of Stand ards: this complex to be occu pied in 1964 will house 3000 em ployes. Several departments of this facility will move here this year. 14— -Shady Grove Industrial Park: the home of Bechtal Engi neering Co., Columbia Specialty and Thompson Dairy, which will move here soon. Present employment here is about 300. 15— Washingtonian Motel and Shady Grove Country Club: a well-known landmark on 70S it has become a meeting place for county businessmen. The owner has a large high-rise apartment project planned for part of this development. 18—National Research Park: houses the Fairchild Stratos Corp., Rabinpw Engineering, Microwave, Inc., and the Emer tron Division of Litton Indus- Our SITE It vmm I'JHfll’lH Devoted to Your A SIGHT We Offer a Complete Optical Service • Confect Lenses . • Prescription, Filled Earl W. Engleman, Inc. • ftS. 0 "*"* OPTICIAN Member: Maryland Association Opthabnic Dispensers SILVIR SPRING—SI7-0757 1105 SPRING ST.—FREE PARKING IN PRIVATE COURT_ GAITHIRSSURG— H 7-0757 211 FREDERICK AYE—OPEN MON. & WEO. 7 P.M..TP.M. SAT. 4 P.M. • 4 P.M. CITY 'w- 4/1 poh+i Y& -£7,, S® Tf£| °F W l ' *%/ 'Jq f ROCKVILLE I ■ "Jft/ ’ (22) | X ef t A i ji.A (27) \ *>3 (28) .i cDf/STrt*^' WOODMONT jLA (31) ’ COUNTRY j CLUB S I . • • i\ • 5 : #i (35) > , im.i - B ; limits \, v ■' Mlpr It; 1 ' ill ir ’ GEORGETOWN GARRETT PARK I /L ESTATES £ PREPARATORY //>&,, In II // HOLY CROSS\ v | I ACADEMY \ II .. ycif&f&fc . kSfc' YOGI'S HILL 5 xravv' INT£RCHANO£ I' k j® m (63) - ■ ElCapifol Retcarch Atfociatet_ | LIHI KMWMItI, ,Hf M KEY RETAIL • SMALL OFFICE BUILDINGS +■ SEE TEXT ”) I MAJOR RETAIL OFFICE BUILDINGS & GOVERNMENT FACILITIES -yf INDUSTRIAL i OFFICE PARKS-fflhffl ITTITttI MAJOR FEDBIAL FACILITIES— ★ I APTS, i MAJOR MOTELS A tries. Total employment at this indutsrial park exceeds 1000. 19- Residential project: Com munity Builders plans to build the project on a tract just west of the 70S Interchange and Route 28 at Rdckville. Also lo cated In this area is the Wood ley Garden development which is well underway with construc tion of single family homes and town houses. Apartments are planned as part of this project. Just east of Woodley Gardens, James Cafritz is developing a large subdivision. Key to Map of Rockville Pike 20—S outhi aw n Industrial Area: a complex of industrial parks with present employment about 525 persons. Companies Auxiliary Pledge The Woman's Auxiliary of Suburban Hospital has pledged $75,000 toward the building of State 111 of the hospital, and $20,000 of this amount has been paid. include, Research Center of the National Association of Home Builders; Sulzer Laboratories, American Research and Manu facturing Co., Space Aero Dyna mics, Campbell Printing Com pany, Hitt’s Electrical Service, Ideal Industries, Taylor Lumber and Supply, Devling Lumber and Supply, Maryland Cast Stone, Pneumo-Dynamics, Mont gomery Vault, Sprague Elec tronics (Dynacor), Communica tions Electronics. In addition two warehouses have recently been completed and are expect ed to be leased soon. A portion of this large tract has been set aside for development of 400 units of public housing. 21— Montgomery County Board of Education: the, new home of the Board will share the area with a new campus site of the Montgomery County Junior College. 22 Rockville Branch of U. S. Post Office: located at the inter section of South Washington and West Montgomery In Rock ville. 23 Rockville City Hall on South Perry Street. 24 Montgomery County Of fice Building on South Perry Street. 24 Montgomery County Of fice Building on South Perry Street. 25 Rockville Urban Renewal Area: comprises some 150 acres to be redeveloped in the center of Rockville. 26 Rich a r d Montgomery High School. 27 Tenley Office Building; this six-story building is nearing completion on Rockville Pike at Edmonston Drive. 28— Court House Garden Apartments: comprises some 414 units. 29 Village Green Apart ments: comprise 44 units. 30— Construction is underway here on a two-level structure with stores on the ground level and offices above. 31— Six-story office building: construction is underway here with an automobile dealership and adjoining stores. Located directly opposite the Court House Square Apartments. 32 A retail complex with a Children's Supermarket as the key store. 33 Grand Union Supermar ket: located at northeast comer of Rockville Pike and Halpine Road. 34 Congressional Towers—a recently completed high rise apartment development with 305 units, looated near the Con gressional Plaza Shopping Cen ter. 35 Rollins Park Garden Apartments: 540 units located at East Jefferson and Halpine Road to the rear of Congres sional Plaza. 36 Congressional Plaza Shop ping Center—the largest shop ping center in Rockville. It con tains 35 stores, among them are J. C. Penney, G. C. Murphy Va riety Stores, Peoples Drug store, Giant Food and Amer ican National Bank of Silver Spring. 37 P. J. Nee Furniture When Buick builds a LeSabre - - Buick builds a high-priced car, and puts a low price on it. ... ML.. Lots of cars are in LeSabre’s price class, but that’s where the resemblance ends. For instance: Does anybody else in LeSabre’s class treat you to that gentle Buick ride or impressive Buick performance and new gas economy? No. And who else gives you 15- inch wheels, finned aluminum front brakes, extra cushioning for middle-scat travelers, and separate heat ducts and controls for the rear seat? Right again: Nobody in LeSabre’s field but LeSabre. If all this makes you think a LeSabre would look awfully nice in your garage, you should see how nicely it fits a budget. You know who to see about it, of course: your Buick dealer. Who else? Above all, it’s a Buick Stt YOU* LOCAL AUTHORIZED BUICK OEALER. AUTHORIZED BUICK DEALERS IN THIS AREA: MILLER BUICK, INC. 300 N. Washington St., Rockville, Md. Stt Hit ISM Buitk, offltlll car of Mtcy’i Think,(lvin, Da/ Piradt On NBC TV, 1011 30 l.m , E.S.T. Thank,i*in, Diy Store: located on Rockville Pike at Halpine Road. 38— Halpine Industrial Park: employs approximately 750 per sons at such facilities as Wash ington Technological Associates, Bowen Instrument, Harman Electronics, Radiological Health Center and Photo Color Process. 39 Pepsi Cola Bottling Plant: part of the Halpine Industrial Park, the plant fronts on Rock ville Pike next to P. J. Nee. 40— Pike Shopping Center: now nearing completion, this center will have as tenants, the Market Tire Company, and a branch of the County Federal Savings and Loan Association, in addition to others. A movie theater is also planned here. 41— Super Giant Discount Shopping Center: located just south of the Pike Shopping Cen ter at intersection of Rockville Pike and Randolph Road. 42 The Washington - Rock ville Industrial Park: this large industrial area, located to the rear of the Super Giant Shop ping Center, has over 500 em ployes. The principal area com prises the following facilities, existing or under construction, Photogrammerty, Inc., Telluro meter, Inc., Eastern Sm *'ly Cor poration, Market Co., Thomas W. Yoder, V nse Electronics, National Tlk u ment Laboratories, Arne® n Type Culture Collection, GrAih ley and Walsh Contractors, Harvey W. Hottel, Inc., Kesling Tile Co., S. S. Lee Associates and A. Morton Thomas Asso ciates. Plans are underway to develop a one million dollar office building and several ware houses here. 43 The Washington Science Center: the center is being de veloped on a large tract at Old Georgetown and Montrose Roads, near the Rockville Pike intersection. This is an office building complex for profession al and scientific offices and light industrial facilities. One 10-story office building with 106,000 square feet of space is nearing completion and two more buildings with 7500 square feet each will follow. In addi tion, 69 acres of land here will be developed with buildings to suit tenants. Seven acres of this has been donated to house the Montgomery County Arts Cen ter. 44 E. J. Korvette Discount Department Store: currently under construction at the south west corner of Rockville Pike and Montrose Road. 45 Large tracts of land are zoned for industrial use here on Randolph Road opposite the HIGH RATE A/wFmNfA /&/ a* *ou#>r \ likl AVIHOV \o\ Plus Safety PAID QUARTERLY Savings received by 20th EARN FROM Ist Metropolitan! FEDERAL. SAVINGS and Loan Association 7712 Wiscomin Ave. Bethesda 14, Maryland OLiver 6-8100 Silver Spring Resident Named Top Scientist Dr. Thomas Brannock Day, an associate professor of phys ics at the University of Mary land and a resident of Silver Spring, was named “Outstand ing Young Scientist of 1963” last week by the Maryland Academy of Sciences. Dr. Day was cited for his "brilliant research in high energy physics and his signifi cant contributions to the theory of elementary particles.” Washington-Rockville Industrial Park. 46 W orth’s Department Store: an apparel store for men and women. 47 Kinney’s Shoe Store: lo cated on the west side of Rock ville Pike at Wall Lane. 48— Robert Hall Store: lo cated directly opposite Kinney’s near the intersection of Rock ville Pike and Nicholson Lane. 49 Westinghouse Corpora tion office building: planned to adjoin Robert Hall on northeast corner of Rockville Pike and Nicholson Lane. 50— North Bethesda Office Center: Southwest corner of Rockville Pike and Wall Lane, the center comprises three of fice buildings with tenants in cluding, National Institute of (Continued on Page B 3) l^umLfin^A ... In our olflco recently a cliant was telling me of soma plans ha had for fuiure building along tha lines of whaf he called the lof cabin of tha Pilgrims. had news for him. In his^dß recognised au. ®jjF) thority on the MIJ subject, defi- qM estab- M there were amid the hous- Ba!ph Duane ing efforts of the Pilgrims of the middle end southern New England Colonies. The "Log Cabin,” as we think of it. was apparently introduced about 1638 by the Swedes who settled in Delaware. The Ger mans end Seotch-lrish, who en tered the country via tha Data ware Valley, did most to estab lish it as a symbol of tha Ameri can Pioneer, as they penetrated the frontiers of hdaine and New Hampshire and pushed westward across tha Alleghenies and south ward into Virginia end the Caro lines. Tha myth grow out of tha 1840 firasidential campaign whan Wil iam Henry Harrison was pre sented at tha kind of a man who would be proud to live in a "log I cabin. Tha log cabin became a symbol of courage, simplicity, and plain democratic homely Americanism. It soared in popu larity and even reliable historians accepted and developed it until pageants and legends depicted Puritans and Pilgrims—garbed in sober black and white, which they never wore—praying and fighting Indians before tha deers of reconstructed log cabins, which they never lived in. DUANE REAL ESTATE INC. REALTOR WH. 2-6300