Newspaper Page Text
FOR FAST RESULTS Legal Advertisement James Henry Murdock Attorney for Noteholder 22 West Jefferson Street Rockville, Md. Trustees’ Sale Of Valuable Improved Real Property located at 11502 Jo seph Mill Road, Silver Spring Maryland By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust from James A. Means and Margaret O. Means, his wife, to David E. Betts and Mil ton F. Clogg, Trustees, dated September 19, 1958, and re corded among the Land Rec ords of Montgomery County, Maryland, on September 24, 1958, in Liber 2507 at Folio 342, default having occurred there in, the undersigned Trustees, named in said Deed of Trust, will, on THURSDAY, DEC. 12, 1963 At 4:00 o'clock P.M. offer for sale at public auction on the premises known as 11502 Joseph Mill Road, Silver Spring, Maryland, the following de scribed improved real estate, as described in said Deed of Trust, to wit: Lot numbered 13, in Block numbered 12, in the subdivi sion known as “Viers Mill Village”, as per plat thereof duly recorded among the Land Records of Montgomery County, Maryland, in Plat Book 33 at Plat 2152. The property is improved by a one-story asbestos shingle dwelling, containing one bath, a full basement, living room, kitchen and two bedrooms, which is modern in every way. This property is being sold subject to a first Deed of Trust, recorded among the Land Rec ords of Montgomery County, Maryland, in Liber 1281 at II ?r h .i p T< ? e,her ,h ! PHRRI^I P j|| urc^or na ?° 9ue ° f ■ OR A FRIEND TO CHURCH, PEACE *B*y COMES THROUGH PRAYER. ljjjj| ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH OF THE METHODIST RIVERSIDI ASSEMBLY OF GOD BRETHREN Fr# . Methodist Chnreh Rev. John M. French Hill P lor Warren H. Ranck 6521 78th St., Cabin John, Maryland Fl*w*r Hill First st . * Grandtn Ave Rockville Phone: EMpire 5-5054 Rev. Robert L. Strickler 'L hon r°' -*-2*27 Schedule of Services: Muncaster Rd. Route 11S c,„w).J n 2.hmi ,n V iS? : . M SUNDAY Gaithersburg. Md. JftSSSZ Sunday School. 10: a.m. W1 8-9200 vLShm M p vt Morning Worship, 11 am. Sunday School 9:45 AM. wJdnMdT^P^vS- P u Evening Worship. 8:00 p.m. Morning Worship 11 A.M. Wednesday Prayer Service—7.4s P.M. WEDNESDAY Youth Meetings .. . ... . Wednesday Praver Meeting. 9:00 a.m. Hugh as Methadist THURSDAY Rev a. Odell Osteen Thursday Mid-Week Service 8:00 p.m. 10700 Georgia Ave. Wheaton _ _ Phone 949-8777 • •me* CATHOLIC Time of Service: BAPTIST Sunday School—9:3o A.M. Shriaa >4 c Juda Morning Worship—9:3o A.M. risrrk af Whastaa " Sunday School—11:00 A.M. Flrif Ghuren or 127 m Viers Mill Rd., Rockville _ Worship-11:00 A.M. Rev B. Ross Morrison Rev. Francis J. Lauriola. Pastor Evening—Youth Meeting!—6:oo P.M. 949-6585 Sunday Massea: 6:30, 7:15. 6:15. 10914 Georgia Av*. 9:30. 10:40. 11:50, 1:00 P.M. Saint Mark's (Twinbrook) „ , Dsily Masses: 8:30, 7:00. 11:30 A.M. Rrv r „ c tr ,_. Morning Service 8:45 * UM* A.M. Saturday Massea: 7 and 9 A.M. r.itiLir. i *n _l . Evening Service 8:00 P.M. Baltimore Road, Rockville Training Union 7:00 P.M. 1 Morning s£vice^“ Metropolitan Baptist Temple CHRISIIAN SCIENCE through Adult°°BlbhTclatiT*” 7 Robert.E. Fleming, pastor 11 Worship Service. Church School 4205 Aspen Hill Rd. Ckelefiaa -■ l— 1,„ (Co-op Nursery thru 3rd Grade! Rockville. Md. wwriiriew ximci atrviCM Junior Church Phone 949-3778 w. Roekvilla Jr. High School Time of Service: 651 t~alls Rd. Phone PO 2-9609 UNITARIAN M Sunday SehoSfetLOoVV*' Wednesday s " Cedar Lana Unitarian Evening Service—7:oo P.M. MOl Cedar Lana. Betheeda. Md. Robert Zocrheide, Miniiter First Baptist al Silvar Sprint CHRISTIAN CHURCH 8 *" lC ” wh. 'mho* AM Wavn* Avenue and renlon stieei Rev. James M Windhem Pastor a , ... Unitarian Church of Rockville JU 5-54d4 wnnrgin *ve. Boekvlll# Md Sunday School 9.30 A M 13501 Georgia Ave., Wheaton 10 li ,’u Morning Worship 11:00 AM. Rev. DaV id L Watterworth avr Training Unton 6:15 P.M. Phono 942-6220 _ Worship Service 10.45 AM. Evening Worsliip 7:30 P.M Services are held In the West Rock- Church Family Night-Wednesday _ . ... Y"* Elementary School. Beall and 6'oo-B'3o P M Rockville Christian Lockett Avenues Including Prayer Meeting 8:00 P.M. Rev . W illlam M. Hule Rrv ' D,vld S’ 1 *- Mlnl,t,r PO 2*9361 First Baptist at Gaitharsburt o-urch School—9:4o am. UNITED PENECOtTAL Rev. B. Frank Foster Worehlp Service-11 :no A.M U.... L 1.. . .TJT West Diamond Ave . Gaithersburg Sunday Youth Meetings 5:30 and 6:30 CHURCH, INC. W'A. 8-0530 The Gospel Light House Time of Servica: Germantown, Md. Morning eunaeu ab aumip* (Near Railroad Bridge* Sunday School—9:4s AM. CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday School 10:00 A M. Morning Worship—ll:oo A.M. Evening Worship 8:00 P.M. Training Union—6:ls P.M. Ch.rch at Christ "nSSS? fnrH Evening Church Service—7:3o P .M. R#ihetd* ph#vv rh** h<h d , ... * . Wednesday Prayer Service 7:30 P.M. P„ lor MjMtaprtN 4301 East West Highway. Bethetda First Baptist Church Phone Damascus CL 3-2032 UNITED PRESBYTERIAN a • l :ii uj Sunday Bible Study 10 AM. •f Rockville, MO. Sunday Worihip 11 AM. Til# Geiievo United Presbyterien Rev. Jacob H. Gamble PO. 2-4924 Mid Week Study Wed. 7:30 P.M. Church 195 Washington St. on Court House Square 11931 Seven Locke Road. Rockville Rockville Rev William A. Gibson Ist Worship Service 8:43 A.M. CHURCH OF GOD Service of Worship 9:30 A 11:00 AM. S u 5 d K S C hOO L Church School for all Ages 10:15 7.30 P.M. pg ttjjJ Of G.d f 4:00 P M. Twinbreok Baptist 1005 Maple Ave. St. Andrews „ . Roekvllle, Marylsnd Rev. John W. Lanev BQ g.anjg _ po 2-4236 Rev. J. Wtley Prugh 1001 Twinbrook Pkwy. of Service 424-3242 GA. 4-6524 Sunday School 9:30 A M Llnthlcum A Farragut Avea., Roekvllle tf no enswer Cell GA. 4-5343 Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Behind Twinbrook Shopping Center Sunday Church School. 9:45 A.M. Youth Fellowship - :30 P.M. _ Worship 9:30 and 11:00 Morning Worship. 11:00 A.M. Evangelistic 7:45 P.M Church School (Grades 4 thru 121 9:30 Youth Fellowship 7:00 P.M. Nursery ithru 3rd Grade) 11:00 U. P. Y.. 5:30 and 7:00 c M a JEWISH PRESBYTERIAN. U.S. Old Grosser.or La m . n „ A Rockvl.le Sunday School-9:45 A M Rabbi—Geoiae Vida „ 215 W. Montgomery Ave. Worship Training Union 6 P.M. Parkland Dr. Rockville Womnlp Service - 9:30. 11:00 A.M. Wed. Prayer Meeting 8P M. m N)fht - 6:30 PM. VuuUl Grou * ~ 00 * 7:00 PM ' _, . „ , . Sat Youth Group - 9:(k) AM. Faith Baptist Church Sat. Worship 93OA M. Gaithersburg „ ...... Frederick Ave. or Rockville Pike Connecticut Ave. Meeting In the Senior High School Wheaton. Md I IITUCDAkJ Rev Norris Fellows—92o-'69 Phone 649-14.16 LUTHERAN Praver Phone 926-4480 Bible School 9:45 Church School 9:45 Morning Worship 11:00 Crusader Lutheran Church Worship Service 11:00 Youth Time 5:30 wruswar Evening Service 7:00 Rev. J. Edward Schmidt UNITED CMUBCH In Fellowship with General Aasoeia- Veins Mill Road end Broad wood urtvs ... tion of Regular Baptist Churehes Roekvllle OF CHRIST Sunday School and Church Tier* Millt * :3O - * :45 * nd U:00 A M Bethesda Ceagreaatienal Church Pastor Cecil C. Anderson Chnmh at tk. Crass Tt '*" aor ' Jr.. 12221 Viers Mill Road Lutheran CMreh ef tha Crate Minister Phone WH. 2-7377 Mi.soun synkl Iwl'’ Femwood Rd. Time of Service: Rev Ralph C Kruger t Democracy Blvd. Morning—Family Worship—B:3o A.M. 624 Great Falla Road . - . , Bible School—9:4s A.M. RockvtUe, Maryland 10:30 Worship, Church School. Morning Worship—ll:oo A M. Sunday School 9:45 am. Nursery Evening—Training Union—6:oo P.M. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. 7:15 P.M. Senior High Pilgrim Evening Worship—7:oo P.M. (with nursery) Fellowship Legal Advertisement | Folio 101, in the original amount of $8,950.00, which cur- i rent balance due thereunder ' will be announced at the time 1 of sale. TERMS OF SALE A cash deposit of $500.00 will be required at the time of sale. ! The balance in cash payable ! within FIVE (5) DAYS after | ! final ratification of sale. Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by the pur chaser. Title examination, con veyancing, State and Federal revenue stamps, and all other costs incident to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Compliance with terms of | sale shall be made within FIVE | (5) DAYS after final ratifica tion of sale or deposit shall be forfeited and the property re sold at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser. DAVID E. BETTS MILTON F. CLOGG Trustees 4M272-12/12 Notice of Public Hearing The Board of Zoning Appeals of the Town of Gaithersburg will hold a Public Hearing at the Civic Center, Gaithersburg, Maryland on the 12th of DECEMBER, 1963 AT 8:00 P.M. Petition of the Potomac Enter prises, Inc., for a special excep tion to permit the erection of multiple Family Dwelling on 42.21 acres of land, more or less, fronting on Maryland Route 124 in Gaithersburg. Additional in formation available at the Town Office during regular business hours. MARY ADELMAN Town Clerk 3U264-12-5 Sentinel Want Ads M Club Meeting The University of Maryland annual M Club awards banquet will be held Saturday night, Dec. 7, at the Statler Hilton Hotel. Current nominees to the Maryland Hall of Fame will be inducted at the banquet. These include Bill Werber, Bobby Pool, Dutch Lentz and William Schuerholz. SENTINEL WANT ADS Deadline Tuesday, 4.00 P.M. TO PLACE WANT ADS Call GA. 4-7744 9 e.m. • 9 p.m. INDEX Classification Number AUCTION 8 .................. 1 NOTICES S ANNOUNCEMENTS 3 COMING EVENTS 30 SERVICES 4 HELP WANTED .... • CHILD CASE *C DOMESTIC HELP ID INSTRUCTIONS 4 ANTIQUES 1 MISC. FOB SALE S MARKET BASKET SB MIBC. WANTED • LET’S SWAP ..... IS BARGAIN SPOT ....11 GARDEN A FARM 13 FRANKLY FEMALE 13 MORTGAGE A LOANS 14 INSURANCE ......IS LIVESTOCK. SALE ....14 PETS KENNELS IT REAL ESTATE. SALE ...............18 BEACH PROPERTY 188 REAL ESTATE, RENT 14 BOATS 19 AUTOMOBILES 91 FOREIGN CARS 12 TRUCKS A TRAILERS ...33 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 24 MOTORCYCLES AUTO PARTS .........J4 Situations Wantad, Child Cara and ads placad by paopla who ara moving must bu paid in advanco. CLAIMS FOR ERRORS Errors must bo reported Immedi ately. Sentinel cannot moke al lowances aftor first publication. For Best Classified Results Phone GA. 4-7744 NOTICES 2 I WILL NOT BE RESPON SIBLE for any debts other than those incurred by me. Carroll Bond, 3130 Spencerville Rd., Burtonsvllle, Md. ANNOUNCEMENTS 3 REVIVAL at the Gospel Light House United Pentacoatal Church, Inc., Germantown, Md. Services in progress thru Dec. 1 beginning at 7:30 p.m. Elder N. G. Mattheis, Evangelist. Spe cial In congregational singing. Special divine healing service on Saturday nights. Soul stir ring messages from God’s Holy Words. Everyone welcome. Edgar Allen Hungerford, Pas tor. COMING EVENTS 3C NOV. 28 Thurs. Annual Turkey dinner sponsored by W.S.C.S. Wesley Grove Hall, Woodfield, Md. Starts 1 p.m. Adults $1.50, children 75c. UNION THANKSGIVING Serv ice. 7th day Adventist Church, Sponcerville, Md. Thurs., Nov. 28, 1963, 10:30 p.m. Message: Dr. J. Deotis Roberts, Howard University—School of Religion. Interdenominational. Interra cial, Interfaith. ANNUAL SAUSAGE * PAN CAKE SUPPER All you can eat for SI.OO. Place: Sandy Spring Fire Department. Time: 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Date: No vember 30, 1963. Fresh coun try sausage will be on sale. 3 shotguns will be raffled off at 9 p.m. Sponsored by the Sandy Spring Vol. Fire Department. DEC. 4TH, Luncheon at the Epworth Methodist Church, served from 11 to 2 P.M. for the benefit of the Churches Kitchen Fund. Menu; Creamed turkey, homemade biscuits, suc cotash, cole slaw, spiced apples, etc. Price, sl. Pie 15c extra. Come One Come All. CHRISTMAS Bazaar, Cedar Grove Methodist Church, Fri day. December 6 from 3 to 9 and Saturday December 7 from 9 to 3. Everything is homemade, Christmas decorations, fruit cakes, cakes, cookies, candies, and a fancy table, also a plate lunch will be served. DEC. 6 Annual Bazaar & Bake Sale, beginning at 6 P.M. I until 10 P.M. in the Fellowship Hall of the Washington Grove Methodist Church, sponsored by the WSCS, CONTINUED. DEC. 7 At 10 A.M. with LUNCHEON served from 11 A.M. until 2 P.M. Adults sl. Children 50c. DEC. 7 Turkey, ham and oyster supper, on Saturday, Dec. 7. from 2:30 on at Calvary Methodist Church. Mt. Airy, Md. Served family style. Hot vegetables and homemade rolls. Bake table gift table. Adults $1.50, Children 75c. ST. JOHN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH TURKEY DINNER & CHRISTMAS BAZAAR FAMILY STYLE AT THE PARISH HALL OLNEY, MD. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14 3 to 8 P.M. CAKE TABLE CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS DOOR PRIZE SERVICES 4 DOES YOUR FIREPLACE SMOKE? It can be fixed imme diately by calling Stuart W. Miller. 924-3764. TOP SOIL, any quantity, deliv-1 ered. wholesale and retail. Wade Landscaping Co. 301-DI 9-5244 or 301-WA 6-0384. GENERAL LANDSCAPING, i trees transplanted large or small, free estimates. Wade Landscaping Co., 301-DI 9-5244 or 301-WA 6-0384. STRUCTURAL STEEL—Beams, pipe, angles, plates, small mo tors, odds and ends of metal for machinists and tool makers. Visit our yard in Rockville on the new 240-by-pass. Montgom ery Iron and Metal Works. PO. 2-3924. tf-2630 CHRISTMAS CARDS Addressed —Hand written or typewritten, pick up and delivery service, Rockville, Wheaton, Bethesda areas. PO. 2-5797. FLAGSTONE WORK, PATIOS, Steps, Walks, all kinds of Ce ment work: retaining walls, water proofing cellar floors and walls; terracotta pipes; drain age from downspouts from all the house and lawn. F. Mar cuccio. PO 2-3588. PAPER HANGING, PAINTING, Sanitas, smaller jobs preferred, prompt service, 20 yrs exp. Thomas W. Smith. PO 2-2597. CARTERS Upholstering Co, Upholstering A Slip Covers. Free estimates. Pick Up A De livery; Cushions refilled; Tuft ing a Specialty. PO. 2-5747. PAPER HANGING, or painting, inside or out. Free estimates, book furnished. Call W. O. BEALL k SONS Derwood, Maryland. WA 6-2537. SERVICES 4 SECRETARIAL, in my home, 30 years experience. Evelyn Smith, 9244942, dictation over phone, or pick up and deliver. Notary Public. PAINTING A PAPERHANG ING —Quality work, reasonable prices. Small or large, interior or exterior. Thomas Gardner, 562-2349. CELLARS DUG Under your house Incl. walls, floor, waterproofing. Since 1921. EDGAR KEEFER, RA. 6-4298 KITCHEN REMODELING by experts. Free Plans, perspective gift with each home estimate. Original Kitchens, 609 Kennedy St., N.W. Call TA. 9-6363 any hour. LANDSCAPING, specializing in lawns, trimming, planting shrub, bery and grading. Also have good manure for sale. Call Troy Cox at 301-WA. 6-2676 after 6 p.m. Anytime Sat. or Sun. STORM WINDOWS & DOORS At special factory prices. In , permanent color, insulated slid ing doors, aluminum siding, porch lnclosures. All manufac tured by largest of them all. Season-All. Expertly installed. Many jobs In Montgomery County area. 24 hr. recorder. Harry McLaughlin, Sales Rep resentative, DU. 7-3109. Free estimates. LIGHT HAULING And moving, reasonable rates. 299-9203. WE WANT WINTER WORK If you have a project requir ing labor, trucks, a tractor, or our supervision. If it is the kind of job a landscape crew can do, and it can wait ’till winter, we ought to get to gether. GARDEN GATE NURSERY, INC. ROCKVILLE, MARYI-AND PO. 2-2266 RE glueing, and repair on all types of furniture. Antiques restored, chair caning. W. H. Van Zile. 762-1830. PAINTING, Interior, exterior, Wallpaper removal expertly done, general repair. 949-9489. ALTERATION A REMODEL ING SERVICES —Tailoring Weaving; for men & women, on all clothing, expertly done at reasonable prices. Tuxedo rent als. Central Charge Service, BE THESDA CUSTOM TAILORS, 7836 Wisconsin Ave„ OL. 6-2077. WINTER IS~COMING Have Your Roof Checked Now I Let us repair your roof or in stall a new one. Also roof paint i ing. Have those gutters and i downspouts cleaned and repair -led or replaced. Let us install wire to keep out the leaves and keep them running free; also new slag roof and repairs, resi dential & commercial. EMERGENCY ROOF REPAIR Mearson’s Roofing Co. 424-5092 762-2775 LICENSED A INSURED AUCTIONS 1 AUCTIONS ][ BALL'S FORD FURNITURE COMPANY ANTIQU^^AUCTION FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29TH, 1963—10:00 A..M. AN TW| U KS REPRODUCTIONS MARBLE TOP DRESSERS CAPTAIN'S CHAIRS . 14 MIRRORS LADDER RACK CHAIRS END TABLES DEACON'S BENCHES 25 CHAIRS END TAILES DEACON'S BENCH SPICE RACKS WASHSTANDS MIRRORS GLASS AND IRONSTONI BOOKCASES 4 BEDS COLORED GLASS LAMPS BRASS, PEWTER, TIN, IRON The nbnvn pieces and many mere have bean used as Some ef the above items have samples in our thawreem been repaired and reflnithed but still carry the by our export craftsmen. lall's Ford lifetime guarantee. • Auction conducted ieside by H. Layton Laws Auction Ca., rain or thine. Items may be inspected November 2Bth. Lunch will be available. Terms: Cash. BALL'S FORD FURNITURE COMPANY Rt. 3, Box 40-H Mmimum, Virginia 22110 Phone anytime 703-36 A-6434 t kpen seven days a week. We will make any piece of fumituro ' ' you desire from any waad. We also do refinithing and repairing. All work by lall'e Ford craftsmen with aver 21 years experience. SERVICES 4 CRUSHED STONE Repair those drives, lanes and parkins areas now; all sizes of crushed stone delivered ; estimates cheerfully given. Call Rockville Crushed Stone, Inc. PO. 2-9307. BRICK. CEMENT, and stone work. Driveways, patios, and retaining walls. .All types of brick and cement work. Mr. Archer, OL 24322. "PROMPT SERVICE FOR - Air Conditioning, Refrigeration Work Guaranteed Call CL. 3-3231 after 3:30 P.M. all day, Saturday and Sunday VETERANS SHEET METAL CO.—Oil and gas hot air fur naces. Roofing, new and re pair. Guttering and spouting; roof painting. Humidifier?- for hot air furnaces. Additional heat lines. Free estimates. Call PO. 2-2896 or PO. 2-3917. ADDITIONS —Carports, Porch es, Rec. Rooms, Kitchens & Home Repairs. Licensed con tractor approved for F.H.A. fi nancing. Call WH. 6-0582, Wil liam C. Howarth Co. BEAHM’S AUTO WRECKERS Parts and suppliat far all milccs and modals. We buy usad and wrackad cars. 24 hr. tawing. CALL CLAYTON IEAHM at 948-31*0 Middlebrook Hill Rt. #l3 Gaithersburg, Md. tf-8139 HAVE THOSE GIFT photo graphs hand-colored in oil by professional artist; Bxlo, only $5. WH. 2-9210, eves. & wkends. HOME MAINTENANCE And Repairs. Call Eddie Tolbert, 111 Charles St., Rockville, PO. 24220. BUTT BROS. SHEET META 1,, guttering, roofing, heating, old or new work. Free estimates. WA. 6-1439. BOIIKER & MOXLEY BACKHOE SERVICE I 404 Balto. Rd., Rockville, Md. : Days, 762-3577, Eves. WA. 6-0198 CARPENTRY? painting, paper removing, patios, roofing and guttering, chimneys cleaned and bird proofed. Small or large jobs. WH. 6-6124 or WH. 6-0506. PLASTERING, scraping and painting; no job too large or small. Frankie Holland, 462-8434. Call any time. / MOVING AND HAULING - Reasonable rates; exper. movers JU. 9-5264 UNITED AMERICAN BUILD ERS, INC. New construction, or remodeling, roofs, garages, homes, etc. 762-6777 Nights, WH. 24112. PAINTING, plastering and pa pering. Free estimates. Also re nailing. 584-0740. HOME IMPROVEMENTS GENERAL CONTRACTING Remodeling, additions, rec. rms, ; concrete work. Free estimates. Call anytime. 547-3865. ROOFING —Flat roofs patched, caulked and sealed. Very reas. Guaranteed. Call 667-7494. LOCKSMITH - Call Eddie Tolbert, 111 Charles 1 St.. Rockville. PO. 24220. DEADLINE TUESDAY 4 P.M. ; SENTINEL S“ D Y W.d..d.y ( Nov. 27. .961 SERVICES 4 HOME IMPROVEMENTS MEARSON’S Remodeling Service Modernize now. We specialize in small and odd jobs. New kitchens, porches, rec. rooms. New and old ceramic tile, bath rooms and repairs. Air Condi tioner installation. Painting, in terior and exterior. New roofs installed. Gutter A downspout repair. Emergency Roof Re pairs. You name it, we can do it. Licensed 424-5092 Insured REMODELING Rec. Rooms, Additions, Porches, Patios, Storm Windows, Jalousies, Car pentry work Licensed A insured. DURBIN BUILDER—CONTRACTOR PO. 2-5808 AFTER 6 P.M. CERAMIC Tile work, Repairs, Remodeling and new work. Bathrooms, Kitchens, etc. Free Estimates. Call after 6 p.m. HE. 9-2709. LANDSCAPING, Tractor and Truck Work, also Tree Work. Very reasonable and free esti mates. 924-9418. KING FLOOR SERVICE Sanding • Finishing • Covering. Damascus, CL. 3-2107, Frederick 6634108. tf-8014 ; ———— — —— - - ■ i FOR RE-ROOFS and roof re- Eairs, call Edgar, your neigh orhood roofer; 17 years exper ience; financing available. JU. 5-0437. i CARPENTRY Recreation 1 Rooms, cedar closets, minor re pairs; Montgomery County on ly. No contractors. Call for esti matc anytime. 585-6324. NURSING HOMES LOVING HOME CARE For elderly people in beautiful estate 11 miles east of D. C. 262-2556, references. PAY NURSERIES i PROFESSIONAL CHILDREN’S NURSE opening new Hillan dale Day Nursery within two months. Close to N.O.L. In- ] fant to pre-school. UN 4-2919. , HELP WANTED 5 1 MALE | BOYS I Age 12 to 15 for work after j school. High earnings, pleasant i work. Apply Mr. Leonard, 215 . E. Montgomery Ave., Rockville, : Md. BOYS for all day work Satur- 1 day. Good pay. Call 949-1709 . between 7 and 9 p.m. ADDITIONAL help needed to ' supply demand for Rawtelgh ' Products in Montgomery Coun- 1 ty. I will supply list of custom- • ers. Full or part-time. Dial WAverly 6-3078 or write M. D. Sell. RFD #l, Box 140A, Gaith- 1 ersburg, Md. 20760. ] ACCOUNTANT Age 30-36, permanent position ! with progressive Biological com- , pany. Rockville area. Attractive , benefits, degree required, mini- ( mum of 5 years experience with < 1-2 years experence C P F F contracts. Salary open. Contact Mr. Walker at 427-3900. ENGINEERS ~ PART-TIME Contacting professional person- j: nel from our office. No sales in volved. Tech, degree plus ex perience in electronics or com puter fields. Call W. Mergen thal, 654-9393, from 12 noon to 10 p.m. CONSTRUCTION LABORERS, steady workers, plenty of year round work. Report to jobs at Wilson Boulevard and Leesburg 1 Drive, Bethesda. Md. “operators” Water filtration plant. Experl- j i ence not necessary. High school , graduate. Age 2040. Start $3,614 1 per year. $3,874 after Jan. 1, 19(4. Location of work. Laurel, j Md. Shift work. Apply Patux- ] 1 ent Filtraiton Plant, 2 miles; < west of Laurel on Rte. 198, be-1 tween the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., weekdays. Vacation, sick 1 leave and retirement benefits. | Phone PArkway 5-0760. SAVE ON YOUR SENTINEL WANT ADS I 5 LINE WANT AD FOR 1 ISSUE $2.50 2 ISSUES $4.00 MAIL IT TO >ll I. MONTGOMERY AVI., ROCKVILLI. INCLOSI CHICK, CASH OR MONIY ORDIR. | I i Pleei* Iniert tk* Fallowing Wnf Ad in Tk* MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL Tk* Akev* Ad Will Am**' Under Cloiiiflcotion • (Pleei* remember to *nel*i* ckeck *r c*tk in order t* take i advent*?* *1 this convenient levlngi.) I l • J NAME ! ! NAME ! ! ADDRESS ! ! TELEPHONE NUMIER ! HELP WANTED 5 MALI CARPENTERS Experienced, mostly all winter work. Phone WI 8-9019. EARNING OPPORTUNITY SBOOO or more per year Full time, SI2OO or more per year part-time. Car is an advantage, however, there is no out of town traveling involved. Highly rated national corporation, establish ed locally over 30 years. Our employees know of this ad. Write Box 130 E, Montgomery County Sentinel, Rockville, Md. All replies will be acknowledged. FOOD STORE CLERK Good salary and working condi tions, including complete insur ance coverage. Established 1934, Write or apply Olney Foods, Box 51. Olney. Md. # SURVEYING Experienced or Inexperienced rod and chain man. Call Mr. Dye. 949-2011. CARPENTERS Ist Class mechanic for remod eling in Bethesda, Chevy Chase, N.W., Potomac areas, top wages. 299-9087, 365-1438, or 365-0733 PART TIME ONLY Can you spare 5 hours a week to make an extra $5,000 com mission a year? If you qualify this multi-million dollar organi zation will train you. Call 654- 9084 between 10 and 4 p.m. Ask for Mr. Harris. CARPENTERS Report to Seven Locks and Greentree Roads. Deerfield Sub divisions. Smith Dev. Corp. Ask for Chuck. NEW k USEDCAR CLEAN UP MAN Must have drivers license, all company benefits. Apply Reed Brothers, Inc., 608 E. Montgom ery Ave., Rockville, Md. DRIVER For small truck and to do gen eral shop work. Call Mr. Glover. PO. 2-6142. LABORERS For cemetery work, steady Job, paid vacation, fringe benefits, 48 hour per week. Age 20 to 35 years. Call HAzelwood 7-7171 8:30 A.M. to 4 P.M. MEN WANTED Clerks to work full time In toy store; no experience necessary. Vacation, hospitalization, bonus, profit sharing plan. Apply in person, Children's Supermart, 1540 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Md. 1250 MULTILITH OPERATOR AND bindery assistant, own transportation necessary, fringe benefits. 656-2900, ext. 223. COUNTERMAN Experienced, reliable. Day work. No Sundays. BEEF * BREW ROOM, 8620 Cameron Street, Silver Spring. JANITOR Small electronic manufacturing plant, Rockville area, general plant custodian duties; sober, responsible and experienced per sonnel only need apply. Steady and secure position for right man. Must have own transporta tion. Reasonable wages; hours, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Apply 1010 Westmore Ave., Rockville. Md. PORTER A DRIVER. Good salary. Excellent working con ditions. Apply In person DIA MOND DRUG, 226 E. Diamond Ave., Gaithersburg, Md. MEN~- HIGH SCHOOL BOYS with cars. For light delivery. Must be neat & clean. Full or part time. Excellent pay. Apply Ramsey Advertising Co., 125 E. Diamond Ave (Above Gene's Coin Wash), Gaithersburg. “"brick layers Experienced, phone WA. 6-1066 or WI. 8-9019 after 5:30. Call or phone PO. 2-3478. MACHINIST MUST BE thoroughly experi enced In set up and operation of lathes, milling machine, drills, and other shop equip ment to close tolerances. Ex cellent working conditions and company benefits. WEINSCHEL ENGINEERING Clopper Rd., Gaithersburg, Md, Phone 948-3434 B5