Newspaper Page Text
FOR FAST RESULTS B6 N -”• 1,11 SENTINEL gjga HELP WANTED 5 HELP WANTED 5 MALE FEMALE SERVICE STATION Shift Mgr. cTfrvrmvAPinmwi Good pay. Hrs. 2-11 p.m. 6-day SIENUGKAFHEKS wk. Must have exper. & ref. Part and Full Time, 5-day week. Apply 84 p.m. Spencer’s Wheat- Dictaphone experience neces on Plaza Shell, 11030 Viers Mill sary. Call Rd., Wheaton. SECRETARIAL ASSOCIATES CAFETERIA GA - 47766 WORKERS “GRANDMOTHER” type wom an, with her own Income, who PART-TIME needs a home, food, and a fam- RothpeHa Md U Y t 0 love in return for “Grand tsetnesaa, ivia. mother” type help with chil li A.M.-4 P.M. dren, housework, and baby sit- Monday through Friday ting in a large, happy home Apply to Cafeteria Manager near Poolesville. Write to P. N I H °- Box 509 - Rockville, Md. Building 31 IBMKEYPUNCH OPERATORS Between 8-11 A.M. or -Experienced. Full or part i nvi time. Call Mrs. Lovelace, 949- w 0500. G. S. I. Secretary-Receptionist An Equal Opportunity For General Contractors Office Fmninvpr at th< ? National Bureau of i —° ’ Standards in Gaithersburg. Hrs. TY7 'T' A 7:30 A.M. to 4 P.M. Salary com-! yi J. mensurates with ability. For appt. call Mr. Wyatt at 948-5800. SENIOR CHURCH SECRETARY—Part- MECHANICAL I time. Apply with references, nnirrrciiiv Liberty Grove Methodist DKAP 1 SMAIM Church, Burtonsville, Md, Minimum 5 years' experience ~ # in preparing and product draw- I ings from geometric layouts by lOUiiMO using MIL-D-70327 and asso- 17 1 * ciated standards. Must be famil- JCjITIIIIOA ITICIII iar with shop practice and have a J a minimum of 2 years’ technical f or schooling beyond high-school 1 vel Washington Saleswomen TECHNOLOGICAL at Woodward & 979 ROLLINS AVE. _ _ ROCKVILLE, MD. Lotlirop An Equal Opportunity Wheaton Plaza Employer —Full time: 5-day. 40-hour week. FEMALE I Part-time: Any three nights and | all day Saturday. INTERESTING career oppor- Immediate discount on pur tunity for young, intelligent chases, girl who has the ability to type, Apply WOODWARD AND meet people and drive. Out- LOTHROP, WHEATON PLAZA standing fringe benefits. Apply during regular store hours in person to manager, travel An equal opportunity consultants, 5 N. Perry St., employer Rockville. Md. COUNTER-HELP-Seamsti ess THE W. T. BAWLEIGH CO. Experienced; for dry-cleaning needs dealers in several Mont- establishment. 5884037. gomery County communities. Easy work and earnings start WAITRESS immediately. 75 year old com- Experienced. Three nights per pany with a full line of fast wee k. BEEF & BREW ROOM, selling home needs. Call 946- 8620 Cameron Street, Silver 3994 for free Catalog and 1964 Spring. Almanac. • SALESWOMEN CLERK-TYPIST LORD & TAYLOR I N/Bethesda. Excellent starting salary with increase after train- Washlngton-Chevy Chase ing period. General office back ground. Accurate 60 wpm elec- INTERESTING trie typewriter. Exceptional SELLING company benefits. POSITIONS Progress Employment 4801 Montgomery Lane CHRISTMAS nri a rir\vr Check our fees SUASUIN GIRL FRIDAY Full-Part Time Li irl , ° f / ice ’, i? teres , tin K work Immediate Discount Privilege VV electronic firm for person able girl with good common APPLY IN PERSON sense. Secretarial and general Daily 9:30-12 and 2-5 administrative duties. 5 days, _ T _ 'North Washington area. Call WESTERN AVE. NR. 1548-8505. WISCONSIN AVE. w, . SECRETARY —BKTHESDA for W I \ builders-developers. Electric typewriter, new air-conditioned QFV’RIT'TA dv offices. 7758 Wisconsin Ave. aLtKLIAKI A *! t i'® rtl l% D pe o°, nable - G 0 0 d High School education required, steno skills. Salary commen- Business school or college desir surate with experience. Resume able. Must be an accurate typ requlred. OL. 6-jjBB. i ist (50-60 wpm minimum, eiec- SECY. S4OO PLUS tricl, experience in technical ■ terms helpful but not necessary. Wall-to-wall carpet In your own Some shorthand involved. Must office in Bethesda. You would be able to work over time as re be secy, for two men on this 9-5 quired. Private transportation is position. Previous exper. needed, j highly desirable. ! Company offers excellent work- SUBURBAN PERSONNEL ing conditions and benefits in a 8700 Ga. Ave. Sil Spg. JU. 9-6196 nic e suburban location. Call for ■> CLERK-TYPIST an a PP ointn,ent - Age 18-35. Ideal starting place 1 mwnmnfGPlPA1 fpr the beginner. Requirements TECHNOLOGICAL 29-30 wpm. Exceptional com- AQQfiPTATPQ IMP pftny benefits. Opportunity for -fASOUL/lA 1 LS, INL. advancement & lovely offices. 070 nnr T imc a \re start $65.00 per week. y ‘ y MULLINS AVE. Progress Employment ROCKVILLE, MD. 4801 Montgomery Lane An Epual opportunity wAI Employer j —°f A — Salesladies : EXECUTIVE GRANTS SECRETARY 4 ; Aspen Hill store High school education required. 1 Business school or college de- Full time or part time, all com sirable. 60 wpm accurate mini- pany benefits, starting salary mum on 1.8. M. electric type- commensurate with experience, writer. Extensive shorthand re- Inquire at Personnel Office quired. Experience in technical Monday thru Friday terms helpful but not manda- w . on i turn tory. Must be able to work over- .T. GRANT CO. time as required and private transportation highly desirable. ASPEN HILL ROAD This is an excellent position for AT GEORGIA AVE. young woman matured in hei SECRETARY thought with the ability to pro gress in a growing company, chevy Chase. Md. Administra- Excellent working conditions t ive potential only. This is a and benefits in a nice suburban position with ah established location. Call for an appoint- Firm. Requirements: Shorthand. ment - typing and superior business \XT A OUTVrr"T'n\T background. Our client is in- W AoliUMlx lUN terested in a mature woman TECHNOLOGICAL the ? t bilit F to , 'Y? rk *" f A COOPT ATCO T\TO closely knit organization. Sal- AooVtiA 1 LiS, iNL. ary commensurate with back ground. 979 ROLLINS AVE. Progress Employment ROCKVILLE, MD. 4801 Montgomery Lane Bethesda, Md. An Equal Opportunity 656-5847 Employer Check our lees HELP WANTED 5 MALE SUBVICE STATION Shift Mgr. Good pay. Hrs. 2-11 p.m. 6-day wk. Must have exper. & ref. Apply 84 p.m. Spencer’s Wheat on Plaza Shell, 11030 Viers Mill Rd., Wheaton. ■ CAFETERIA WORKERS PART-TIME Bethesda, Md. 11 A.M.-4 P.M. Monday through Friday Apply to Cafeteria Manager N. I. H. Building 31 Between 8-11 A.M. or 1-3 P.M. G. S. I. An Equal Opportunity Employer WTA SENIOR MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN Minimum 5 years’ experience in preparing and product draw ings from geometric layouts by using MIL-D-70327 and asso ciated standards. Must be famil ial’ with shop practice and have a minimum of 2 years’ technical schooling beyond high-school level. WASHINGTON TECHNOLOGICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. 979 ROLLINS AVE. ROCKVILLE, MD. HA. 7-7550 An Equal Opportunity Employer FEMALE INTERESTING career oppor tunity for young, intelligent girl who has the ability to type, meet people and drive. Out standing fringe benefits. Apply in person to manager, travel consultants, 5 N. Perry St., Rockville. Md. THE W. T. BAWLEIGH CO. needs dealers in several Mont gomery County communities. Easy work and earnings start immediately. 75 year old com pany with a full line of fast selling home needs. Call 946- 3994 for free Catalog and 1964 Almanac. SALESWOMEN LORD & TAYLOR Washington-Chevy Chase INTERESTING SELLING POSITIONS CHRISTMAS SEASON Full-Part Time Immediate Discount Privilege APPLY IN PERSON Daily 9:30-12 and 2-5 WESTERN AVE. NR. WISCONSIN AVE. SECRETARY—BKTHESDA for builders-developers. Electric typewriter, new air-conditioned offices. 7758 Wisconsin Ave. Attractive, personable. Good steno skills. Salary commen surate with experience. Resume required. OL. 6-5588. SlfiC Y. S4OO PLUS j Wall-to-wall carpet in your own office in Bethesda. You would be secy, for two men on this 9-5 position. Previous exper. needed. SUBURBAN PERSONNEL 8700 Ga. Ave. Sil Spg. JU. 9-6196 CLERK-TYPIST Age 18-35. Ideal starting place f<tr the beginner. Requirements 2p-30 wpm. Exceptional com pany benefits. Opportunity for advancement & lovely offices. Start $65.00 per week. Progress Employment 4801 Montgomery Lane Bethesda, Md. 656-5847 Check our fees ] WTA EXECUTIVE SECRETARY High school education required. Business school or college de sirable. 60 wpm accurate mini mum on 1.8. M. electric type writer. Extensive shorthand re quired. Experience in technical tarms helpful but not manda tory. Must be able to work over time as required and private transportation highly desirable. This is an excellent position for a young woman matured in her thought with the ability to pro gress in a growing company. Excellent working conditions and benefits in a nice suburban location. Call for an appoint ment. WASHINGTON TECHNOLOGICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. 979 ROLLINS AVE. ROCKVILLE, MD. An Equal Opportunity Employer Sentinel Want Ads Want Ads Are Santa’s Busiest CHRISTMAS Helpers! HELP WANTED 5“ FEMALE ~~ WOMEN and HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS. Make phone calls from office. No experience. Full or part time. Days 9 to 5. Nights . 5 to 9. Apply Ramsey Adv. Co., I 125 E. Diamond Ave. (Above Gene’s Coin Wash), Gaithers burg. ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER 1 Bethesda. Ideal for the young i beginner or mature woman re- i turning to the working world, i Start $85.00. I Progress Employment 4801 Montgomery Lane - Bethesda. Md. 656-5847 Check our fees t NURSE Pediatrician’s offices 1 5 day week. Hours 9-5, no Satur- ' day. Phone 762-6585. ' CHRISTMAS OPENINGS ] ( SALES ] - I HOUSEWIVES & i COLLEGE STUDENTS j j Part - time employment now/ available. Days or evenings. En-1 1 joy company benefits, including * immediate discount on pur- > chases. Excellent starting sal- 3 ary. Apply Personnel Office, 1 2nd Floor, 10-4, daily. MONTGOMERY WARD Wheaton Plaza < 949-1400 An equal opportunity , employer ; SALESLADIES „ f For one of the largest fabric s stores in the east. Full time, no experience necessary. Apply in ; person. Dannemann’s, Wheaton i Plaza Shopping Center. , INTERIOR DECORATOR i TRAINEE S For inside and outside work, call Mrs. Lancaster at Honey- I cutt’s. PO. 2-5500. t CASHIER ! Full time in a Hardware store. ] Ages 2140. Inquire in person, t 5440 Western Ave., Chevy Chase ‘ or call OL. 6-7307. | SECRETARY ; Mature person for challenging ! position as a secretary to Presi dent of Research firm, steno- , graphy, reception, typing, filing, ; etc. Some college background J preferred. Good salary and bene- ' fits. Call Mr. Riggs, TU. 24028, , 9 to 5 P.M., Mon, thru Fri. REGISTERED NURSE < OR L.P.N. 1 With executive ability to live in ! and supervise 75 bed nursing ! home. Unfurnished 2 bedroom , cottage on grounds, nominal 1 rent, utilities furnished, Olney, ( Md. Call Mrs. Thompson 924- f 4475. * SECRETARY Rockville area. J High caliber, experienced and ‘ capable of assuming responsi- f bility. Duties include busy tele- - phone payroll work plus < girl Friday duties in busy sales ' office. Must be mature, efficient 1 and dependable. 100 wpm short- £ hand or facility with IBM dicta- ! ting equipment. 60 wpm typing. I We need a high type person ■ who we will make happy with I good working conditions, excel- I lent pay, free parking and unus- s ual fringe benefits. Send resume \ to Box 160 T, Montgomery Sent- C inei, Rockville. Md. v Farrington Electronics, Inc. Has Positions Available For R & D Sales Engineers BS or MS preferably in Physics or EE. Require 3 years design of project experience and at least 2 years in techni cal sales. Must have dealt with government agencies. Ex perience should be in one or more of the following fields: EDP, Instrumentation (Electronic, Optical, and Mechan ical), Analog computing. Will make initial contact but extend into preparing and presenting technical proposals and administering bids and contracts. ADMINISTRATIVE ENGINEER Will work directly for the director of engineering and be responsible in accomplishing the following: Organization of ozalid room, and administration of drawing room, pro ject priorities, procedures, cost analyses, coordinate docu mentation program, project schedules, preparation of bids, monitor workload, expenditures, inventory, mater ials,, technical proposals. Degree required. TECHNICAL WRITERS We have openings for Technical Writers that have 3 years experience in the preparation of data processing and programming manuals. If you qualify for any of the above positions please send resume to or contact Oliver Bright, Jr. Supervisor Employment Shirley Industrial Area. Springfield, Va. FL. 4-5000 An equal opportunity employer. CWIC<C<CIC<M<CtCIC<C'CMM4M'CtCiC'C4C<C!C IC>C!< I *>C'C<CtC>C<CIC<C!C'C!CtCIC !(!(!(!<!( !(!C!C!C'<!C>C<C<C'<C Christmas Bazaar FOR HIM RIFLE, J. C. Higgens, 35 cal. lever action, case ammunition, cleaning kit, PO. 2:2669. HELP WANTED 5 FEMALE PART TIME Woman with pleasant telephone voice for evening work in Rock ville office. Apply Mr. McDade, 215 E. Montgomery Ave., Rock ville, Md., 2nd floor. PART TIME WORK For R.N. or L.P.N. in a medi cal center in a suburban area. For information call 9244488. MALE-FEMALE WANTED MEN & WOMEN truck washers, preferably living : in Kensington area. Full time, but no paid holidays. Usual com pany benefits. For appointment 933-1330. An equal opportunity employer. SECY exp. $100; 3 clerk-typists, S6O-S7O; Acc’t.. male, $l5O wk.; Med. sec y., S7O; Bkkpr. exp., fe male, $80; Heating engineer, | $75 wk. ROCKVILLE PER SONNEL, PO 2-9416. CAFETERIA HELP 5 day week County Building Cafeteria, Rockville, Md. WAITRESS OR WAITER Needed full time, day work, also { waiter needed part time week-; ends. Call WA. 6-3555 or WI. ‘ 8-3455. : STEADY INCOME averaging $75 weekly and up possible for MAN or WOMAN. Service Wat kins customers in city of Rock ville. No investment. Full or part time. Write Watkins Pro ducts. Inc., D-80. Winona. Minn. Furniture Sales Person Permanent, part-time position, \ evenings and all day Sat. Some j experience preferred. Call in j person. See Mr. Stern, Sterns Furniture Co., 331 East Mont gomer^Avej^RockvUle^ld^^ CHILD CARE 5C EXPERIENCED MOTHER would like to care for pre-school child for working mother; 7:30 to 5:30 preferred. Phone PO. 2- 2086. WANTED -Children any age cared for in my home, hourly or weekly. Call 762-0533. BABY SITTER Very reliable, exp. woman, Wheaton area pre ferred. Will care for your chil dren while you go on vacation or 3 hr. minimum jobs. Please call Mrs. Widtman. 949-3974. I WOULD like to take care of children in my home. Rockcrest area. Fenced in yard and hot lunches provided. GA. 4-5663. EXPERIENCED mother would like to care for 2 children in her home, Olney area. 774-9175 or 7744654 OLD GEORGETOWN RD., near Wildwood Manor. Licensed, hot lunches, other children. EM 5- 037^| DOMESTIC HELP 5D RELIABLE WOMAN for light housework and laundry, 1 to 6 several days a week. West Rock ville must furnish own trans. Call 762-0848 after 6 p.m. or weekends. FOR HER HOLIDAY SPECIAL Permanent wave, $8.50 and up. Shampoo and set, $2.75; hair cut, $2.00. Your beauty number is PO. 2-6757. Welbies’ Beauty Salon. DOMESTIC HELP 5D BABY SITTER —1 or 2 after noons per week. Must have ref. & own transportation. 929- 1474. GENERAL housework & child care. Mature reliable person 5 days. Air conditioned quarters j with TV. Live in. AX. 9-9508. WOMAN for child care and general house work 2 or 3 days weekly, references. Call 427- I 7549. WOMAN —for general house work, live-in home with 3 chil dren. 1 pre-schoOl age. Call PCK25903 afte^^>AL^^^ ANTIQUES 7 ANTIQUES i ! Special Notice to all my friends formerly from Rockville. Beautiful collection from Estate. Corner Cupboards, Cherry Wood; Slant-top Mahog. Hepple-, white Desk, all orig.; also Glass, ! China, old Guns & Kentucky Rifle, Virginia Musicbox. Many, many things not listed. Open ! Sat. & Sun. For info, phone j Frederick MO 3-5946. Eli Alper Antique Shop NEW MARKET. MD. (Next to Firehouse) MISC. FOR SALE 8 GOOD USED oil heaters $5 and up; also good used State Truck j Bed. Phone WA. 6-9558. FIREPLAci WOOD for Sale. I Delivered. $25 per cord. All oak, Phone EV 4-5024. LOWREY ORGAN SALE New special purchase of Low rey Brentwood Deluxe Organs. Save S3OO on new Lowrey De luxe Organs with Leslie Speak er included. Was $1395, now $1095. Only six left. KITTS MUSIC COMPANY Congressional Plaza Rockville, Md. j HA. 7-7420 1 13 UU. FT. refrigerator w/top ' freezer, 9 cu. ft. refrigerator. PO 2-6757 APT. SIZE stove (1), 30 in stove (1). Both matchless PO 2-6757 FURNITURE, modern blond i formica top end tables (2) $25 each. Coffee table. $35. After 6 p.m. WH 64698. BEDROOM SUITE - Blonde mahogany, double bed w/mat- j tress. Good cond., $175. WI 8- 9237 Saturday only. TV, record player and radio : console, German type, $425. ! _ 5484977 FIREPLACE WOOD, any quan tity, any place, plenty of kind ling. Call WAlnut 5-9228. ROTISSERIE Commercial, 7 spits, electric UN. 4-8673 BEFORE BUYING STORM WINDOWS - Doors or Aluminum Awnings Call for Free Estimate i THOMPSON’S AWNING CO. LO. 5-1252 JHA TERMS OFFICE FURNITURE ! New, Used Other Misc. Items Furniture Refinished Bargain Prices PEAKE FURNITURE CO. 821 N. Washington St PO. 2-3130 ROUND DARK mahogany din ing room table with 5 leafs 6 chairs and buffet. $75. 9464436. SACRIFICE —Dress materials; dresses, all sizes; misc. Furni ture; Sewing Machine. Ph. 588- 8853 before 9 a.m. or after 10 p.m. DESK - Early American, stu dent style, solid maple, plastic top. ample drawer space. S4O 439-8932. TABLE-Solid maple, drop-leaf, seats six. $42.50, Call 439-8932. CUSTOM picture framing. Reas" Call George Lang. 13211 Ardens Ave,. Rockville. 424-8023. OAK FIREWOOD Delivered and stacked S2O. Evps and weekends. 9264098. GUITAR New York, Martin, folk and classical. Asking $135. Call 589-0535 after 6:30 p.m, FEMALE FEMALE TELEPHONE SALES PART TIME EMPLOYMENT MONTGOMERY COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS PAPER IS LOOKING FOR PERSONS FOR PART TIME WORK IN THE FAST GROWING WANT AD SECTION OF THE PAPER. GOOD TELEPHONE VOICE AND APPEARANCE. PREVIOUS EXPER IENCE NOT NECESSARY. WE WILL TRAIN YOU, HOURS TO SUIT YOU. CALL MRS. BOWERSOX, 424-7770 FOR APPOINTMENT AND INTERVIEW. FOR THE FAMILY WHITE SEWING MACHINES, brand new portable round bobin, sews forward and re verse. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL —complete, $58.85. Complete line of zig-zags, cabinets for Christmas. Town & Country 1 Appliances, Authorized Dealers, 300 E. Montgomery Ave., Rock , ville. Call PO. 2-3905. Wurlitzer Console Sale We have just received the Wur litzer 40” console pianos used by the National Muisc Camp at Interlochen, Mich. These pianos were made specially for this famous music camp and only used 6 weeks. We are proud to offer them at S2OO off list price while they last, subject to prior sale. If you are looking lor a very fine instrument at a good price, see these pianos, there are only 8. KITTS MUSIC COMPANY Congressional Plaza Rockville, Md. HA. 7-7420 YOUR NAME smartly engraved i on a brass nameplate. 4 inches | long, adhesive back, sticks on , any door. Money back guaran tee, full price, sl. Sorry no C.O.D. Engraving, 3505 North 21st Ave., Arlington 7, Va. MISC. FOR SALE 8 REFRIGERATOR. Frigidaire, 12 cu. ft. De Luxe model, white across top freezer, separate door, like new. $l5O. 949-7840. ANTIQUE spindle bed, refin ished, Magnavox French Prov. cabinet. KI. 8-1889. j ENGLISH racer bike. Boy’s, i large. Good condition. $55 new, ! will sell for sls. Ladies coat, j sls; dress, grey wool $5; Mou- I ton cape stole $lO. PO. 24815. IDENTIFICATION Necklace or bracelet for heart patients, allergies, diabetics, children who get iost, etc. Polished stain less steel. With or without AMA-approved medical symbol. Mailed to you. Phone orders welcome. Jane Hoag. Phone: 949-0712, FREEZER UPRIGHT Torvic, 7 cu. ft., excellent condi tion, reasonable. Call evenings, 949-0888, PARK LAWN sites (2)—“Maple Gardens,” S3OO for both. i WESTINGHOUSE, 30" wall ov en with rotisserie. NEW, never used. Retail value over S2OO. Will sell for $75. EV. 4-6096. I ADDING MACHINE, electric, with subtraction, $65. Also a ! manual for $35. Excel, cond., I 652-0313. I DISHWASHERS Kitchen-Aide, G.E. and Waste King. New and completely in stalled. EM. 2-3187 FIREPLACE WOOD, seasoned hardwoods 16” and 24". S3O per I cord, delivered, smaller quan ! tities and starter wood prices on ' request, reliable delivery. 762- j 2266. SALE 8 ft. meat box. Her shey Store, Washington Grove. WA. 6-9889 REFRIGERATOR, G. E.. 2 door, S9O. Jewel gas range, S6O. Chair and ottoman. $lO. Bowling ball and case, sls. Mink dyed musk rat coat, size 14, tall S3O. EM. 5-2429. WASH machine, Kenmore, 1962, dial for fabric or water tem perature, S9O. WH. 2-0443 after 6:30. DINETTE SET, w/6 chairs, 35x 49-inch table w/one leaf opens to 60 inches; gray and black; SSO. WH. 2-0443 after 6:30. CIRCULAR sofa, 95 inches in circumference, slate blue, $75. Call WH. 2-0443 after 6:30. WURLITZER upright piano, very good condition, reasonably priced. 924-4806. STEREO FM Radio, vox. cherry provincial, space separated. 667-3329. OAK FIREPLACE WOOD Well seasoned, S2B per cord. Free bundle of kindling. Call MISC. WANTED 9 RENTALS CHAIN SAWS— Skill saws, til lers, mixers, aerators, post dig gers, concrete grinders, elec, hammers, sanders, pumps, gen erators, steamers, bulldozers, loaders, etc. Renta] Tool & Equipment Co., JU. 5-5040 or UN. 4-5100. : Call GA. 4-7744 DEADLINE TUESDAY 4:00 P.M. MISC. WANTED 9 BUILDERS A CONTRACTORS in Damascus Area. Do you need a place to empty vour fill dirt? CajL_GA 4-7700 Mrs Folk # BARGAIN SPOT 11 i For Items S4O Or Under ONE-OF-A-KIND ITEMS • PRICE MUST APPEAR IN AD 2 Line Ads—2 Insertions . 82.00 r GARDEN & FARM 12 . LAWN & GRASS SEED. Fertil - lzer, Crab Grass Killers. Wm J. Hines & Son. 384-9200. TOP SOIL, very rich, for lawns and greenhouses. Very reason ; able. Call RE. 5-1199 or RE. | 6-7970 s Farmall & International 5 Tractors, Snow Plows and Load -11 ers Parts, Sales and Service. Norman & Staiger Inc. Route 355, 3 miles North of , i Gaithersburg, 948-5200. I CHAIN length fence, 110 ft, 4 ! ft. high, rails, posts, extension rags, SSO, OL, 4-5501. FRANKLY FEMALE 13 ! NOV. SPECIAL i | Body wave for tinted or 5 bleached hair, $12.50 1 PO. 2-3347 ; HOUSE OF MILO . Twinbrook Shopping Center 2016 Viers Mill Road ; LIVESTOCK 16 ■ | COWS, 5 fresh Holstein Heifers, . ] 20 close-springers, tested & vac ! cinated. ACC herd. WE. 8-2427. ? BOARDING • BOARDING HORSES, excellent . facilities, reasonable rates. One of areas newest and best devel oped farms, Call Mr. Brady, 301- PETS-KENNELS 17 . DOGS ’ COCKER PUPS AKC, 6 wks. blond and blacks, t I Call 773-3676 after 4 p.m. ! ENGLISH BULirANirPUG 3 Stud service, both champion sired and proven. Pug puppies. ' 628-0896. GERMAN SHEPHERDNFCOL. LIE PUPS, 3 females, reason ’, able, 291-8026. ’ ENGLISH COCKERS Beau ;! tiful puppies from champ, par ents. Will hold ’til Christmas. DU 5-6245. ’ GERMAN SHEPHERD pups— . I AKC reg.; cham. stock; barg. , | 772-6147 I BASSETS AKC, pups that will be 6 wks. & 8 wks. Christ | mas. Also young dogs & stud service. Mr. La Plata. 743-3587. BASSET AKC pups, small type $65. Guaranteed healthy. 301-ST. 2-5322. ; COMPLETE LISTING -I ALL AKC BREEDS. !! RECOMMENDED . I SOURCES FOR QUAL ij ITY. LET US FIND YOUR DOG LOCALLY. STUDS all breeds PUPPIES all breeds AREA DOG REGISTRY 544-4891 BOARDING BOARDING-GROOMING ■ New modern heated kennel, ! • ] pick up and delivery service. ‘hone 301—257-2721. ; REAL ESTATE-SALE 18 BUSINESS PROPERTY WAREHOUSE SPACE LOCATED REAR OF 215 E. MONTGOMERY AVE., ROCKVILLE Approximately 3,700 sq. ft. with , loading platform and basement. Driveway to loading platform . from Jefferson St. For informa tion call 424-7700. MALE-FEMALE MALE-FEMALE I SUPER GIANT I | At Rockville Pike 2 a Full & Part-time | CHRISTMAS OPENINGS! Men & Women A I Immediate openings for sales personnel. Exper- jc ienced or inexperienced in the departments & Carpets Ladies Better Dresses Major Appliances Sportswear A Housewares Shoes A Toys Jewelry A Full time—4o hour, five day week. Part time—Hours can be arranged for A day or evening. Call 427-7606 for appointment jj ! REAL ESTATE-SALE 18 ' HOUSES DAMASCUS AREA white brick stone front, fireplace in ’ panel wall, lg. liv. room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, garage and , basement. Walking distance to stores, school. Owner, CL. 3- 2393. DAMASCUS area, main road, nr. new school, fine location; sturdy older 2 story house on large Vt acre; needs modern izing; OWNER, $7,700. CL 3- 2535. [ PARKWOOD 3 bedroom • Rambler, lVt baths, fireplace, 1 screened porch, ground level, ■ access to finished basement, ■ centrally connected air condi . tioning, fenced back yard, with i nice trees. Priced below F.H.A. ■ WH 6-7006. WHEATON Reduced SI,OOO. 3 bedroom red brick Colonial sparkles with charm! Nestled on huge wooded lot with large patio. This home is CLEAN and PRICED RIGHT ] at only $17,990. DUANE REAL ESTATE INC. 1 Realtor 942-6300 ; | WASHINGTON GROVE i Owner sacrifice, 3 bedrooms, i large wooded lot, separate din ing room, IVi baths, large kitchen, porch;-ready for imme diate occupancy; $16,000. FHA appraised. RADCLIFF REAL ESTATE CO. 8225 Ga. Ave., S. S„ JU. 8-7744 GLENMONT HILLS First Offering, beautiful one -1 owner home, loaded with extras, , 3 bedrooms, jalousied porch and , alumnium siding, patio and fencing. $16,500. EXCLUSIVE WITH HOWLEY REAL ESTATE 949-2251 GAITHERSBURG 2-bedroom semi-detached house; less than rent; no down payment. R. H. Best. HA. 7-7300 or WH. 2-7790. Charles H. Jamison I 1 1.31 ACRES, 7-room country t residence, living room 15x32, dining room, large modem , kitchen, first floor bedroom, bath, 3 other bedrooms, laun dry room, full basement. O.H.W.H. An older home com pletely modernized on outskirts of a small up county unincor porated town. $16,500. Terms quarter cash. 1.5 ACRE FARMETTE, 8 rooms, white frame house, liv ing room fireplace, dining room fireplace; large, well-lighted, full-equipped kitchen; 4 bed rooms, bath, front and side porches, grand shade trees, near house, family garden, pony pas ture. Town of Poolesville. $21,- 500. Terms. 16 ACRES, Horseman or Gentle man farmer’s retreat. 8 rooms, center hall white frame house, living room fireplace, dining room, large semi-modem kitch en, enclosed sun porch, 4 bed rooms, bath, stoker fire furnace, full attic, part basement, 40x80 hores or cattle bam, equipment building, clean spring fed stream; lake rights; large, well kept tree-shaded lawn; hard road frontage; near Hyattstown interchange. $29,750. Terms, SSOOO cash. 250 ACRES, high scenic plateau, supporting 100 head cattle. 10- room main house, central heat and bath, two 6-room tenant houses, large red bam, 30 stall dairy farm , silo, implement shed, mile road frontage, lush meadows, 3 streams included Monocacy River, foothills of Sugarloaf mountain. S4OO per acre. Terms. 320 ACRES, 7-room brick manor house, hot water heat, 2 baths, new hardwood flooring, slate roof large red barn for cattle and horses, new 60 stall dairy barn. 2 silos, private macadam drive to main house and barns, 2 mile road frontage on 2 roads, excellent location, lower Fred erick County, 40 miles to D. C. $450 per acre, terms quarter cash. 3 TO 5 ACRES, building sites in Perry Heights, near Route 70S, Hyattstown-Urbana area. SISOO per acre. Terms. Charles H. Jamison INC. Poolesville, Md. 948-9223 349-3262