OCR Interpretation

Montgomery County sentinel. [volume] (Rockville, Md.) 1855-1974, November 27, 1963, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016209/1963-11-27/ed-1/seq-6/

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Airs. Brewster of Olney Inn.
Has a Way With. Flowers
By Jane Day
Women’s Editor
As the gourmet owner of
Olney Inn, Mrs. Gertrude Alli
son Brewster might be said to
have her finger in the pie.
But she has a green thumb
In her garden where she raises
the show variety chrysanthe
mums which decorate the tables
at the Inn.
Mrs. Brewster's interest in
flowers and chrysanthemums in
particular led her to design a
special bed for her prize quills
and spider mums which can be
completely enclosed with a re
movable canvas.
This special covering mounted
on a lead pipe framework can
be zipped shut over the top and
around the sides. This allows
Mrs. Brewster to regulate the
amount of sunlight her prize
specimens get and thus prolong
their blooming period.
A peitite 5 feet 4 inches, Mrs.
Brewster has grown some va
rieties as tall as she. She does
her own staking, mulching,
pinching and for some varieties,
makes her own cuttings.
"1 treat them like children,”
she says smiling, "visit them
every day.”
When the flowers are picked,
Mrs. Brewster prolongs their
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the tables of Olney Inn, In the background,
by the Inn’s owner, Mrs. Gertrude Allison
Wedding Announcements
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Mrs. Melvin W. Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Lam
bert of Germantown announce
the engagement of their daugh
ter, Patricia Ellen, to Melvin
William Zimmerman, son of Mr.
Martz E. Zimmerman of Ger
mantown, and the late Mrs.
The ceremony took place at
Trinity Methodist ChvlTch in
Germantown, the Rev. Lome W.
Burton officiating.
Given in marriage by her fa
ther, the bride wore a white
organza and lace gown with
bouffant veil.
The bride’s sister, Rebecca,
was maid of honor. Other at
tendants were Mrs. Shirley Nor
ris, an aunt of the bride, Bealls
ville, and Mrs. Margaret Staley
of Boyds.
George Zimmerman was ills
brother’s best man. Ushers were
James and Donald Lambert,
brothers of the bride; Raymond
Walker of Gaithersburg and
Oscar Eader of Germantown.
Q For Appointments nj
0 When You Want Them! 3
Call PO. 2-4844
jj JUDY and 3
Beauty |
jj r i Den $
9 VIA Eatfi Montgomery Ave. 3
Rockville, Maryland
freshness in the cool wine cellar
of the Inn. She loves flower ■
arrangement and is a member i
of the Little Garden Club of
Sandy Spring. She does all the
big arrangements during chry
santhemum time in the Inn as
well as designing the individual
table arrangements.
Next to chrysanthemum grow
ing, she says, traveling is her
great hobby. But she keeps her
1 flowers in mind and returns
from travels abroad with vases
or attractive objects which can
be used as containers for her
On these travels she also i
collects antiques for the Barn
Shopt a the Inn. Mrs. Brewster
opened her attractive antique
shop several years ago primari
! ly because she “wanted to make
use of the old barn."
Her travels have taken her to
Europe a number of times.'
around the world last year and
this winter—the season she pre
fers to travel—she plans to go
to Australia and New Zealand.
Chic, sandy-haired and blue
eyed, Mrs. Brwester appears to
be a fore more likely artist at
flower arrangement than an ex
perienced gourmet witli an
appetite for good food.
Now in her 10th year at the
Inn, which is her home, she
professes to find it pretty hard
at times to maintain her trim
Brewster, who tends to her show varieties
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Mrs. Howard M. Kline Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Biles of
Gaithersburg announce the mar
raige of their daughter, Karen
Elizabeth, to Howard M. Kline
Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. Kline
of Silver Spring. The ceremony
was performed Sept. 29 at St.
Paul Methodist Church in Lay
Sarra • Cullen
The marriage of Miss Linda
Lee Callen to Douglas B. Sarra,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin A.
Sarra of Silver Spring has been
announced. The bride is the
daughter of Mrs. Estelle Callen
and William Callen, both of
Wheaton. The couple is living j
in Killeen, Tex., where Mr. I
Sarra is stationed in the Army. |
Carpet Special
2mS: -plwhNrtag I draperiesl 100% DUPONT
bedspreads I cornices I Contit iuoue Filament
Ihfk?L slip covers i| shade, | NYLON CARPET
949-9333 | CUSHION
See our new Carpet Dept.l y j
I figure tempted daily by so much
good, rich food.
A member of several national
! hotel and dietetic organizations,
she also is a director of the Na
tional Restaurant Association,
■ and is listed in the new edition
|of Who's Who of American
A graduate of Carson-New
man College with a M.S. degree
from Columbia University, Mrs.
Brewster has attended cooking
schools including Cordon Bleu
in France.
She plans all the menus at the
Inn, many of which have built
up a years' long tradition and is
constantly on the lookout for
new foods. On trips to foreign
countries, she particularly likes
to try native dishes with an eye
to possible use occasionally at
the Inn.
Mrs. Brewster explains that
of the 13 basic items on the
Olney Inn—those which never
change are two perennial
favorites, crab imperial and
sweet potato souffle with wal
j nuts. Every dessert list also in
cludes one deep dish fruit pie.
Managing one of the country
side’s most popular eating
places, catering in summer to
Olney Theatre patrons before
the 8:30 curtain time, and
handling a staff of 60 at peak
seasons makes for a full-time
schedule year round.
i wr ' > ■
Mrs. Reuben Rudd
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tessitor
of Taipei, Taiwan, announce the
marriage of their daughter,
Judith Ann, to Reuben Rudd,
son of Mrs. Charles A. Rudd
and the late Mr. Rudd of Rock
The ceremony took place In
November at Christ Episcopal
Church, Rockville, the Rev. Ray
mond B. Black officiating.
Given in marriage by her fa
i ther, the bride wore a peau de
soie and lace gown fashioned
in Hong Kong, and an illusion
Miss Mollie Lake of Washing
ton was maid of honor. Other
attendants were Miss Cynthia
Calabria of Dayton, Ohio, and
Mrs. Robert J. Hall, sister of
| the groom, from Rockville. The
bride’s 13-year-old sister, Joyce,
I was junior bridesmaid.
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are the work of Mrs. Brewster, the owner,
here arranging a Potomac chrysanthemum,
Date Book
The Junior Woman’s Club of
Rockville its planning its third
annual Candlelight Ball to be
held Dec. 20 at the Civic Center.
A planning session was held
this week at the home of Mrs.
Stuart Dorset. Mrs. John Car
ney Jr. heads the committee,
assisted by Mrs. Robert Adams,
Mrs. Roger Henning, Mrs. Hen
ry Hoppe, Mrs. Daniel Honig,
Mrs. William Jensen, and Mrs.
Thomas Lescallet Jr. The ball
will be climaxed by a midnight
buffet. Proceeds go to the club’s
welfare fund and charitable ac
The immediate past president
of the Woman’s Democratic
Club of Montgomery County,
Mrs. Ruth Fleming, has been
elected state chairman of the
United Democratic Women’s
Clubs of Maryland. Mrs. Edna
Cook of Silver Spring was
named Western Maryland chair
man of the state group, and
Mrs. Marion Clark, also of Sil
ver Spring, publicity chairman.
The dessert bridge section of
the Woman’s Club of Bethesda
meets Dec. 3 at noon at the
Club House. The drama sec
tion, meets Dec. 4 at 1:30 p.m.
at the Club House.
Tri-Delta Sorority for the
metropolitan area observed its
75th Founder’s Day last week
at the Kenwood Country Club.
The Col. Tench Tilghman
Chapter of the DAR was ad
dressed at its November meet
ing by Mr. F. Malcolm White,
president of the Montgomery
County Historical Society. He
told the chapter the Valley
Forge Park monument to Col
onel Tilghman has been erected
on the spot where Maryland
troops camped at Valley Forge
during the Revolutionary War.
Mrs. F. L. Waters and Mrs.
Paul Conway were hostesses.
Guests were Mrs. Robert Geiger,
Mrs. John C. Marsh. Mrs. Smith
Allnutt and Mrs. H. L. Miller.
The Chevy Chase Chapter of
the DAR met last week at the
home of Mrs. Harold E. Burton.
Guest speaker was Mrs. Frank
Shramek of Baltimore, vice
president general of Maryland
and Maryland state chairman of
national defense who discussed
Communistic activity in the
The Erasmus Perry Chapter
of the DAR held a conservation
Peter R. Emirie of Chevy
Chase was best man. Ushers
were Douglas Tessitor from San
Diego, Harry Dawson of Chevy
Chase and Paul Almario of
The bride attended American
University, Miami University of
Ohio and the Washington
School for Secretaries.
The groom attended Mont
gomery Junior College. The
couple will live in Wheaton.
one of the varieties she grows in her garden
at the Inn.
Sentinel photos by Ed Mervis
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wife of the late senator from Maryland converses with
Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Anthony J.
Celebrezze at the dinner last week of the Woman’s Democratic
Club of Montgomery County at which the Secretary was guest
speaker. About 250 local and state Democratic political figures
attended in an atmosphere which presaged the coming year's
election campaign activity. A now poignant memento of the
occasion was given as a door prize—a copy of the White
House Guide Book autographed by Mrs. John F. Kennedy.
Sentinel photo by Ed Mervis
Mussers. Wed 50 Years
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M.
Musser of Gaithersburg ob
served their 50th wedding anni
versary Sunday with a recep
tion planned by their 12 children
and their families.
The celebration held at the
Agriculture Center Hall was at
tended by 49 grandchildren and
approximately 150 relatives and
Mrs. Musser, the former Mary
Elizabeth Gartner, and Mr.
Musser were married Nov. 20,
1913, at the rectory of St. Rose
Catholic Church at Cloppers by
the Rev. George B. Harrington.
They had 13 children. The 12
living, are:
Mrs. George Jacobs. Arling
ton, Va.; Mrs. Stuart Kelly,
Birmingham, Mich.; Mrs. Fred
meeting at the home of Mrs.
Elon G. Salisbury with Mrs.
Arthur W. Ruark as co-hostess.
Miss Elizabeth Mason, director
of women's activities for the
U. S. Forest Service, was guest
Hi PAUL Hair Styles, IncTp
7310 Carroll Ave.
Tekomo Pork, Md. JOCSMp^dv
V' : \ 587-9608 tfmyk^Jj
iv 'vv Vfc 3500 Connecticut Ave., N.W.
<©■ JV Washington, 0. C. K
BP liw Free Perking In Reor '%* ~w
of Our Building T
Mnot end soe Mr. Poul, wizard with the i f ,
shears, creating haircuts of tha day for boou- rA
tiful highstylo fantasias. =!
0 Opening Special
(limited time only)
• Mother’s and Daughtar's $4 AA
Haircuts will ba only I •VU each £
with shampoo and sat or Highityling. A
* fnlnr Tin! *"v R
wWIUI 1111 l sirod includes shampoo
/> and sat or Highityling, $r A A
S Ooly 3.UU
Soft Body Permanents *lO * u ; d c
Open Men. thru Sot., 9 to 6 P.M. Li
Hiser, Silver Spring; Henry and
Thomas Musser of Gaithers
burg; Robert Musser, Washing
ton; Mrs. Robert Linthicum,
Middleburg; Ernest Musser,
Poolesville; Mrs. Bill Collins,
Clarksburg; Miss Janet Musser,
Silver Spring; Charles and Law
rence Musser, Rockville.
Featuring Distinctive
Feminine Fashions
Coats £
* Suits
y Sportswear £
* Lingerie
Corset Bar
£ Boutiques %
v 2007 Viers Mill Rd.
Rockville, Md. n
GA. 4-7704 $
5 Where the Fashion-wise J
! Economise 2
NEWS OF tt/ '
SENTINEL ■SSSg’SS: n... n, ms
Yule Tour Planned
At Potomac Homes
The Little Farms Club of Potomac will present a
Christmas Greens Show and Tea, Dec. 6 at three homes
in the area.
The contemporary home of
Mr. and Mrs. James Woodward
on Persimmon Tree Road fea
tures as its Christmas theme,
“Partrirdge in a Pear Tree.”
“A Child’s Christmas” sets
the Yuletide decor at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Steele at
9001 Congressional Parkway.
Here Santa Claus by the pool
will accept letters from young
The home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Lingo, 9490 River Road,
will display an “Olde Williams
burg” Christmas. This will fea
ture a staircase decorated in
true colonial fashion and a tea
table for guests.
GOP Women
Three Montgomery County
Republican women were elected
to office in the Federation of
Republican Women of Maryland
recently during the group’s 42nd
annual convention in Baltimore.
Mrs. A. B. Hermann of Be
thesda was named vice-presi
dent; Mrs. Janice M. Lewis,
Silver Spring, assistant treas
urer and Mrs. Don Dendall,
Chevy Chase, chairman of the
Sixth Congressional District.
Retiring president, Mrs. Wil
liam A. Hepburn, was presented
with a silver champagne bucket.
Aids Hospital
The Helen Berger Chapter of
the Institute for Cancer Re
search presented a check for
$4,587 to Children's Hospital for
the purchase of an ultraviolet
your CHILD will
•n QUALITY shoes
Cllßl'lt’VY' 32
is com m 3
To Be Sure
Christmas Dreams
Come Trut
Wont Ads
To Work For You
Look around your home today.
Make a list of all the worth
/JJ while things you find that aren't I
i _ , being used or enjoyed. Some
other family wants these thing*
and will pay you cash for them
and all you have to do to quickly be in touch with
buyers is dial GA. 4-7744 for a friendly Ad Writer.
Classified Ads are inexpensive too.
D1AL...1 GA. 4-7744
PHONE 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. SBSy
(Saturdays 9 A.M. to 12 noonl
The tour will be open from
11-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. on Dec. 6.
Advance admission is $1.25 or
$1.50 at the door. Proceeds will
go toward the building fund of
the National Capital Garden
Club League. Snow date, Dec. 7.
In spite of all the preoccupation
with hair styles and tints these
days, many girls express disap
pointment with their coiffure re
sults. A little sleuthing leads to
... that often you
Hi have been
slipshod about
the basic care
the hair.
'Hp In the very

■ga that you can't
.■ expect e good
figure without
eating e bal
anced diet, you can't look for
ward to beautiful hair unless yeu
nurture it through message end
brushing on a daily basis.
When your heir really becomes
your "crowning glory," it's time
to think seriously about the style
and color that give you the most
flattery. Joyce's Studio of Beauty,
314 Hungerford Drive, Rockville.
PO. 2-2434.

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