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Quite A Year! 1963 was quite a year for Montgomery County! Be sure to read the news highlights, as reported in The Sentinel over the past 12 months, in this issue. 109th Year - No. 20>—Published Every 1 ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND - DECEMBER 31, 1963 Two Section. GArden 4-7700 |OO a Cop Bulletin An unexpectedly amicable display of unanimity attended this week's election of Dr. Tho mas M. Wilson as the new pres ident of the County Council. Dr. Wilson was nominated by Mrs. Mary A. Hepburn, who had been strongly rumored to fill the post. Mrs. Hepburn was elected council president pro tern, and Miss Kathryn E. Diggs was elected secretary of the council, succeeding Mrs. Hepburn. If precedent Is followed, this will make Miss Diggs Council president during the critical election year of 1966. Said Dr. Wilson after his election: “The Montgomery County Council closed ranks this morning and I trust the Republican party will also close ranks." Siegel Plea For Zoning Is Approved The County Council Tuesday approved by a 6-1 vote a plea of Bernard N. Siegel for re zonlngof 535 acres nearpooles vllle to permit development of a planned community. The one “no” vote was cast by Councilman John Henry His er. Both the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Com mission and Its planning staff recommended disapproval of the application on the grounds that the area should be kept In low density development. Leaders of 10 civic groups also blasted the proposal In a Joint statement last week. | Spectrum | This column scored a clear beat last week when it reported David Hume is getting out of the U. S. Senate race and will throw his support to Joseph D. Tydings. Over last weekend, four days after Spectrum told about the development, Hume released a 290-word statement in which he said that because of his health and the danger of dividing up Democratic strength In the May 19 primary “It Is my Intention to support the candidacy of Mr. Tydings with every ounce of whatever strength I may possess.” So Tydings and State Comptroller Louis L. Gold stein will now square off against each other for the seat held by veteran legislator J. Glenn Beall since 1952. Beall served In the House of Representatives for 10 years before that. He’ll be 70 this coming June. Local GOP State Central Committee chairman Don R. Kendall says the state of the party here at year's end Is “good very good,” and that he has “every reason to be optimistic” about the year ahead. His spirits boosted by a better neighbor-to- neighbor •” GOP fund-raising jobthan last year’s an election year, at that and a switch of three times as many Democrats to Repub lican ranks as vice-versa, he also feels the year has failed to produce “any sollddlvlsion" such as has been persistently reported among the GOP - dom inated County Council. “I didn’t get the Impression there is factionalism,” he says, “not permanent factions, at any rate. Of course, this Council has had divisions of opinion, but I don’t think they have any solid division." Kendall thinks the Council as a whole, despite “a few bumps along the road they've had an awful lot to learn in this first year," has done Its best In a difficult job. He notes they lived up to their “major promise to stop the tax spiral of the past eight years" with a reduction In the tax rate, and that they authorized a thorough review of long-standing assess ment practices and policies. He discounts reports of an insurgency against current party leadership or any split In the party. PLAY COINWORD/ IT’S FUN.' YOU MAY WIN $450 CASH' abatnaicifiltiiita Sentinel Year review ’63 Was Tumultuous One For Montgomery Discord, conflict and rebellion coursed In a cacophonous strain through the year 1963 as they have in few post-election years In county history. Drastic decisions, drastic charges, drastic innovations marked those 12 months as members of the old and new regimes locked horns over the route along which the af fairs of the county were to move for the next four years. Few weeks went by without a headline-making controversy In some area of public Interest, and The Sentinel chronicl ed most of them. The year also had plenty of less Jarring events centering on the county’s people—a medal for a young heroine, a “Mrs. Maryland” title for a local housewife, one of the driest springs and summers on record, the births, marriages and deaths of three generations, and a happy Christmas for 109 old and almost-forgotten Indigent nursinghome patients. It’s all here, as the year 1963 passes In review: January j An all-out assault on Mont- t gomery County's outmoded 11- ] quor laws looms as the Mary- ] land General Assembly con venes In Annapolis. , Circuit Court Judge Ralph G. Shure rules that Henry ' Miller’s novel, “Tropic of Can- ( cer,” Is obscene by contem- ( porary standards here, sup- , ports decision of County Mana- . ger Mason A. Butcher to order book removed from county pub lic library shelves. County Council opposes pro posal of Maryland - National 1 Capital Park and Planning Com- 1 mission to relieve the Council ' of authority to adopt subdlvl- J sion regulations. John F. Briggs, Municipal Government professor at the University of Maryland, Is hired as full-time financial advisor to the Council, at $25,000-a-year contract making him highest paid county employee. Bethesda housewife and county newspaper columnist Caroline Freeland becomes first woman appointed to Mont gomery County Planning Board, this county’s arm of the Mary land-National Capital Park and Planning Commission. County chapter of Maryland Municipal League goes on rec ord against planning commis sion legislative proposal that would deprive six Independent municipalities here of their right to plan and zone In newly annexed areas. Business leaders forsee year of active trade and sales to out do 1962. County Manager pre dicts increased research role for county. Two-man Democratic ml | norlty on County Council blasts John Briggs for making fls ' cal recommendations directly i to Council rather than channel ing through County Manager. Also rebukes Republican ma jority for secret “closed ses sions." Eleven - year -old school crossing guard, Linda LaFond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Char les D. LaFond of Silver Spring, Is cited for heroic rescue of' a kindergarten student In re- j celvlng American Automobile : Association’s meritorious service medal. New School Board president ? Charles W. Bell says he favors appointment rather than elec-; tlon of board members because i “politics should play no part Inj education.” Postponement of Immediate construction start on Rockville, campus of the Montgomery Jun- : lor College voted by new four-' man school board majority, pending re-evaluatlon of future 1 ; needs. Display of Leonardo da- Vincl’s famed “Mona Lisa” at National Gallery of Art In Wash- : lngton prompts widespread dls- j play of life-size copies and' student versions In county | schools. Longtime Democratic liberal, leader Ray V. Murphy dies at : 145 of heart ailment. He was ' In his second term as a mem ber of the Democratic State Central Committee, which he had also served as treasurer. Rockville’s ambitious mid city urban renewal plan wins plaudits from National Capital Regional Planning Council and high federal urban renewal of ficials. City Council of Rockville hits School Board plan to delay con struction of second junior col ege campus on site within city limits. Republican County Council nembers, considering with- Irawal of area-wide Metropol tan Washington Council of jovernments, sharply question -OG representatives asto value to be received from county’s 123,400 membership contribu tion. Negro physician Clive Jack son takes Issue with county grand jury’s dismissal of :harges of police brutality igainst county Negroes, says police force here Is “terror organization” to non-whites. Future of county’s public ac commodations ordinance; be comes unclear as County Coun cilman John Henry Hlser pre pares to move for repeal, Hum an Relations Commission call for deletion of the provision ex empting public places deriving more than half their revenues (Continued to Page B-3) $380,000 Granted To MC Schools Rep. Carlton R. Sickles, (D- Md.), has announced that the Office of Education, under the Federally Impacted Areas Pro gram has granted $380,000 to the Montgomery County Board of Education. Sickles noted that the money will be used to secure school furniture equip ment and library books for the schools. | j Mr k Oh, Woe Is Me! Four-year-old Philip Waters of Rockville hangs his head in prospect of a series of rabies shots which might be necessary unless County officials can locate the dog that bit him or his doctor decides otherwise. Philip, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack V. Waters, was bitten on the back while playing in the front yard of his home at 12095 Larkin Place in the Wheaton Woods subdivision. Neighbors described the animal as a small, short-haired, mixed brown and block terrier without a collar. Anyone having information concerning the dog if asked to contact County police.--Sentinel Photo by Ed Mervis. Possible Vote Switch Perils Aubinoe Zoning •* *-*• ' ' . **W. *. , i •i —t _< • .jp-ft ' : * • - ,:. , W * ' <„ \ * '•^wjlS' * " * . . e * Jb lp * ' “* '*• ** * An Abstract Study In Snow? Premier Khrushchev upon viewing a modern art exhibition in Moscow told those assembled, including the artists, that it looked as if an ass had painted the pictures with its tail. He’d probably say the same about the above and he’d be almost right, except a herd of cows were the artists and they per Suspect Is Held Recluse Shot In Brain By Bandit By Ellie Bradley Sentinel Reporter It had been snowing heavily all morning. The world outside was white, but Inside Snyder’s General Store on the corner there at Quince Orchard Road and Rte. 28 It was as dark and cluttered as ever, at about noon on Monday. EsWSktd 1855 The proprietor came out of the back room to ask the fellow who’d just driven up - through all that snowl what he want ed. Donald Leon Snyder at 67 was a unique oldtlmer. He’d seen a lot of folks come Into his place for things as different as a loaf of bread and a load of an tiques. formed the masterpiece with their hoofs. Their reward? A water hole in the lower right hand corner of the picture. If you wont tv see the original it’s on exhibit on Rte. 688 between Derwood and Redland. Sentinel Photo By Ed Mervis They drove up miles from the city and down miles from the next state to haggle over his historic wares, and he dicker ed with them cheerily but vigor ously every time, regardless of who they were. But this “customer,"lnfrom the blinding snow outside, was on another mission. By the time he’d accomplished it, the old man lay sprawled on the floor near the cash register, a criti cal bullet wound In his head, money clutched In his hand and more lying scattered about him. Above him a century-old oil lamp swung lazily as the front door closed behind his assail ant. It had been there since the shop was a crossroad post of fice over a hundred years ago. Nearby, water boiled In an old kettle he liked to keep bubbling on the pot-bellied coal stove that had warmed the room since people could remember. Snyder’s store, for all Its hopeless disorder and jumble of collector’s Items, maybe not Teachers ’ Unit Buys Building The Montgomery County Education Association, which represents 3925 county teach ers, acquired new headquarters this week with the purchase of the Rockville Christian Church at 101 West Jefferson SL The MCEA, whose offices have been housed In a five room suite In the nearby Jef ferson Building for three years, said the church quarters will provide twice as much space as their present overcrowded of fices. The organization has five full-time staff members. Renovation of the two-story building Is expected to delay MCEA’s move for several months. Although the building contains meeting rooms, offl. clals stressed total MCEA membership meetings will con too much different from hun dreds of other antique shops’ off the beaten path by those who seek them out. But Snyder, who died at Sub urban Hospital Monday seven days after he was shot In the brain, was unusual even for an antique dealer. Descended from a landed county family, whose War home still stands near Long Draft Road, he and a brother today own land In undeveloped areas here estimated to be worth $1 million. These Include a 120-acre farm between Rockville and Gaithersburg, another 65 acres adjoining the luxurious Motel Washingtonian and Shady Grove Country Club, two more large farms at Buck Lodge at which he held his well-attended semi-an nual antique sales, and the 10 acres at the corner of Quince Orchard Road and Rte. 28 on which his ramshackle store and living quarters stand. (Continued to Page A-3) tlnue to be held In county public schools. Sale of the facility was con summated through settlement with members of the church board of trustees. Through a lease arrangement, the church will continue to conduct regular services lri the sanctuary until construction of a new facility on a 10-acre site at Route 28 and U S Route 240 next fall. In a joint statement, S. Fred Steppe, board chairman, and Dr. William G. Hall, chairman of the church trustees, express ed regret at leaving a loca tion “that has provided a re ligious service to this commun ity for 147 years and now stands as one of the oldest churches In the area." Groundbreaking for the new church Is planned In March. Coin word! Have you tried your word skill at Ceirwrord yet? You’ll find that it’s fun. The cash prise waiting for you this week Is $450. Earlier 4-3 Decision Is Doubtful At least one, and possibly two County Council members were reported ready to change their votes this week In the cru cial final vote on a request of Alvin L. and Dorothy N. Au binoe for high-rise zoning of 23 acres they own In the Wild wood Manor section of North Bethesda. A rumor had been mounting for two weeks that Councilman John Henry Hlser, who repre sents the Bethesda election dis trict In which homeowners pro testing the rezoning live, was giving serious thought to re versing his Initial approval of the application. Observers note Hlser may now consider his vote In the case as a matter of political survival. His switch could swing the Council’s Initial 4-3 favoring vote of two weeks ago to a position of denial. Asked to comment on the recurring rumor he may sub mit to political expediency, Hls er said, “I’m thinking It over - thinking It over a lot.” He de clined, however, to elaborate. A second critical vote, fall ing Riser’s, was considered that of Councilwoman Mary A. Hepburn, who was not avail able as the Sentinel went to press Monday to comment on how well-founded were reports that she might reconsider her Initial approval. The Council’s close vote of Dec. 17 issuing Instructions to the County Attorney to draft a resolution approving the Au binoe request brought a storm of protest from hundreds of area property owners who had created a standing-room-only audience at the Council’s pub lic hearing on the case this fall. Having filled the official hearing record with their let ters of opposition, citizens rep resented by nine area civic associates proceeded to flood the Council, GOP officials and county newspapers with more salvos. Both the technical staff and Montgomery County Planning Board of the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Com mission recommended Council denial of the request on the grounds that granting It would conflict with the adopted mas (Contlnued to Page A-2) Coyle to Head Suburban Trust PR Operations William E. Co vie of Silver Spring, investment counselor and new president of the Mont gomery County Board of Educa tion, has accepted a position as director of public relations and business development for the Suburban Trust Co. Coyle, who Is a member of the economic development com mittee of the Metropolitan Washington Board of Trade and chairman of Its federal esta blishments subcommittee, also belongs to the ex-presldents councll of the Metropolitan Washington Advertising Club. Formerly a radio-TV news and sports commentator, Coyle has been promotion director of the Washington Star and director of sales, promotion and public relations for NBC’s ; Washington TV station. He lives with his wife and r six children at 10605 Meadow hill Rd., Silver Spring.