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A2 SENTINEL COu2ty."S Y Tuesday, December 31. 1963 Damascus Area Congregation Awaits Bishop’s Visit Bishop William Creighton of the Diocese of Washington will visit St Bartholomews Episco pal Church, Laytonsvllle for a service of confirmation on Jan. 5 at 11 a.m. Those to be con firmed are: William Davis, 3rd, Mrs. Charles White, Steven O'- Neil, James Tessler and Miss Judy O’Neil. Mr. and Mrs. John Young of Baltimore were Christmas guests of the Ulysses Griffith family. Dr. McKendree Boyer, rep resenting the State Medical So ciety, was on TV recently when an 18 hour program to raise money for Cerebral Palsy was shown. Over $130,000 for use In the Baltimore area was raised. Dr. and Mrs. Boyer attended the Governor’s luncheon held re cently at the Sheraton-Bel vedere Hotel In Baltimore. Dr. Boyer Introduced the recipient of the Governor’s award for outstanding work In the reha bilitation of the physically hand icapped. Ground has been broken at the intersection of Routes 108 and 124 for the new Boyer Clinic and the build ing will Include a home for the Boyer family. Steven Gilbert Ayton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ayton was baptized at the morning service at St. Paul Methodist Church on Dec. 22. The same morning at Mt. Tabor Methodist Church Steven Michael Hood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hood; Robert Charles Goad, Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ht*********************- • CHOPPED PORK • BARBECUE RAMTKRN N. ( AROI.IXA XTVI.R \o tomato sAixr. Aonri) OLD FASHIONED BRUNSWICK STEW HOME STYLE 8y lowl, ft., Qt. or Pel, EAT HERE or TO GOI • ED MURRAY'S •_ 1742 Howard Avo. Kensington *49.2118 11 to * Daily • Closed Sunday EXPERT, RELIABLE I • Full line of PARTS & ACCESSORIES! FOR THE FINEST SERVICE ON IMPORTED I W A AMERICAN CARS, SEE . . . ■ f WALLY'S IMPORT MOTORS M 102 ENGLAND TERRACE (Corner Stonestroot Ave.) ■ ROCKVILLE • 762-1120 J CHILDREN S THEATRE PRESENTS . . . Spring Festival Classes * CREATIVE DRAMATICS (or bo,. and girls. Saturday mornings at the Civic Cantor Auditorium. Jan. 11 11:30 a.m. students 7-9 years 12:30 p.m. students 10-12 years * STUDIO THEATRE Jan <>• spm -6 p.m. * STAR TIME (or 3-5 year olds. Jan. 6: 9:30-11:00, 11:00-12:30 ln(ormation GA. 4-8000 Recreation Dept. GA. 4-6956 THEATRE CLUB AN EXCITING PROGRAM. I (Minimum Age 16 Years) For ln(ormation Call Mrs. Allen GA. 4-6956 ‘lndividual tuition (or all ages. SAVE A YEAR in the 1964 \ SPRING-SUMMER DAY CLASS ME) IN ACCOUNTANCY \J/ OPENING FEBRUARY 3rd BEGINNING EVENING CLASSES ALSO FORMING: Sac. I f Opens Monday, February 3, 6:00 p.m. Meets Monday and Wednesday Sat. 12 Opens Tuesday, February 11, 6:00 p.m. Meets Tuesday and Thursday These classes start at the beginning of the course, and students entering at midyear have all advantages of those starting in the (all. Courses lead to A.BusA and B.C.S. degrees. Send For bulletin BENJAMIN FRANKLIN UNIVERSITY—SCHOOL OF Accountancy and Financial Administration 1100 Sixteenth Street, N.W, at L REpublic 7-2262 i By Elizabeth C. Kile WA 6/1454.... Charles Goad; and William Ray Algeo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Algeo were baptized. The Rev. Glenn Black, the minister of these congregations, offici ated. The parents of Charles Mc- Donald, who live In Florida are spending the Christmas holi days with the McDonald family in Laytonsvllle. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Lo saw are the happy parents of a baby girl, JoLynn, born at the Washington Sanitarium, Dec. 23. Mrs. William L. Losaw of Northford, Conn, and Mr. and Mrs. Weldon R. Knox of New Milford, Conn, the grandparents of little JoLynn are visiting the Losaw family at their home on Burnham Road. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cain entertained at their home, the choir members of St. Anne’s Episcopal Church and their hus bands and wives after the serv ice of Holy Communion for the Feast Day of St. John the Evan gelist, on Friday night. The Harrison King family en tertained In honor of the birth day of Mrs. Charlie King on Sunday for dinner, the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Ward, Miss Laßue Ward, Mrs. Nettle Boyer, Mrs. Lottie Ames, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cissel. Mr. and Mrs. William Ward, William Miles, Miss Dorothy Miles, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ward and children, Stevie, Judy and Kathy, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wayne and their chil dren, Donna and Cindy. The Woodfleld Junior-Senior 4-H Girls Club held their Christmas Party at the home of Susan Williams on Saturday evening. Expert Barbers in a friendly, modern shop waiting for Youl WH. 6-9725 BILLS BARBER SHOP Randolph Hill* Shopping Center - -J I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haw kins entertained at an Open House on Dec. 29. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Forbes and their three children who have come to the area from Nebraska are now at home in their new house on the Goshen School Road. Mr. Forbes Is with 1.8. M. Miss Carrie Price of near Etchlson Is In Montgomery Gen eral Hospital. The 1963 Graduating Class of the Damascus High School held their first reunion at the School on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Sla cum and family spent the Christmas season with Mrs. Slacum’s parents in Orange, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Leber and Edwin D. Fry held an Open House for many of their friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Green entertained about 45 guests at a holiday dinner on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Donald War field entertained Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Warfield and Mrs. Os car Baker and her family on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bur dette entertained their chil dren and grandchildren for Christmas dinner. Mr. and Mrs. David Moseley now of Arlington, formerly of Texas, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Purvis of Dallas, Texas were .guests of the Sherwood Hackett family on Sunday. Raymond Kemp and Ralph Howard spent Thursday hunting on the Eastern Shore. James Ward a student at Gettysburg College spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lath rop entertained at an "Open House” In honor of Mr. Lath rop’s mother Mrs. Vivian Cle mets at their home on Bethes da Church Road, on Sunday. Albert Scott, Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Gladhlll, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gladhlll and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beall and fam ily and Maurice Gladhlll were dinner guests on Christmas day of Mr. and Mrs. George Har mon at their home In Dicker son. The Junior-Senior MYF of | Wesley Grove Methodist Church I held a Hay ride followed by re ' freshments at the Church Hall on Friday evening. The WSCS will meet on January 8. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Root and family are spending the holiday season with Mrs. Root’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. Harold Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Howes and Mrs. Galen Miller were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Howes on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Plum mer spent Christmas with Mrs. Plummer’s son and his family at their home near Frederick. Mr. and Mrs. Remus Riggs entertained their children and grandchildren for Christmas dinner. Mrs. Donald Fraley spent the Christmas holidays with her daughter and family at their home In Spottsylvania, Va. The Lutheraii Church of the Redeemer will hold The Service of Holy Communion at the Da mascus Elementary School on January 5 at 11 a.m. Their An nual Congregational Meeting starting with a Covered Dish Supper will be held January 19 at 5 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Ste vens of West Gouldsboro, Maine, the parents of Mrs. Ralph Posey, and Miss Carolyn Freeman, a student at Emory and Henry College. Emory, Va. are spending the holiday sea son with Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Posey at the Wesley Grove Methodist Parsonage. Lion Venn Brake of the Da mascus Lions Club built the new Christmas Booth for the Lions Club, replete with win dows and electric heater to protect the volunteers that man ned the project this winter. The Community Door Decorating Contest was judged on Friday evening and the winners names are to be announced at the Jan. 7 meeting of the Lions Club. SKI-SKI-SKI REMINGTON’S "Where Camping end Skiing Reign" Complete SKI OUTFITTERS | Finest Rental Equipment | IMI i. Montgomery Am., Rockville. 424-64V0 Jm It’s All Over ’Til Next Year Earl Stark, a mall handler at the Silver Spring Post Of fice, sorts mall during a visit of Frederick C. Belen, right, assistant postmaster general, to Inspect the operation during the Christmas rush. Postmas ter William E. Bowman, cen Poolesville Browns Cruise Florida Coast For Holidays By Cathe C. Linthicum Dl y / 3332 Mr. and Mrs. R. Edwin Brown and children, Phyllis, Malcolm, Herbert and Neal, Dickerson, and Mr. Brown's mother, Mrs. Herbert Brown, Poolesvllle, departed from their usual tra ditional Christmas customs. The family boat, the *‘No komis,” was moved In No vember from Its moorings In Annapolis via the Inland Water way to Daytona Beach, Fla., where It was tied up at the Hali fax River Yacht Club. On Saturday the family left for Florida with Tuck, the chi huahua. The holidays are being spent cruising on the Nokomls to Miami. In deference to ten year old Phyllis who wants to maintain the Yuletlde tradi tions, a tree and trimmings were taken from home and set up on the boat. The Browns will return In time for the young people to resume their studies at school, with Malcolm and Herbert returning to Randolph- Macon. Mrs. Frank Titus, Pooles vllle, was 86 years old on Dec. 18. She was showered with cards from friends in the community. On Sunday she accompanied her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. James (k*Vltus and daughter, Jane, to visit another grand daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Carroll and children, Colleen and Melanie, In Chester, Va. William D. Pyles, Barnes ville, attended the annual con vention of the National Milk Producers Federation In Mi ami, Fla., recently, making the trip by plane. S/A Larry Richard Wisner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Wisner Sr., Beallsvllle, completed his eight weeks’ training and Is being transfer red from the Naval Training Center In San Diego, Calif.,to NTC, Bainbrldge, for Fire Con trol Technician School. Through his high ratings during that time he earned a two-year scholarship from Harvard Uni versity. Larry spent his leave with the family and left Satur day to report to Bainbrldge where he will begin his studies on Jan. 20. A Christmas Eve dinner was served to members of the fam ily by Mr. and Mrs. William E. Thompson, Schley Avenue, Frederick. Attending from here were their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Llnwood Thomp son and children, Comus. The junior Thompson’s daughter, Helen Virginia, was home for the holidays from Bal timore. Her youngest sister, Beckle, missed school last week on account of Illness. Mrs. Llnwood Thompson’s mother, Mrs. Mildred Horman, Clarksburg, had Christmas din ner for her seven children and their families, now numbering 19 grandchildren and one great - I grandchild. The Hyattstown Christian Church had Its Christmas pro jgram on Dec. 15, presenting [Christmas music. Solos were rendered by Billy Thompson and his sister, Bertie. The young children "said their pieces” at a special program on Dec. 22. Ann Thompson, Barnesville, ter, reported that the mall volume in Silver Spring In creased seven per cent over the previous year. He added that the movement of mail this year had been expedited by the cooperation of the public In using ZIP code numbers. was hostess to 25 members of the Poolesvllle 4-H Club on Thursday night at which time an election of officers was held. The new president Is Betty Moore, Sellman. Kay Thomp son, Barnesville, Is vice pres ident; Carolyn Moore, Sellman, secretary; Jimmy Martin, Comus, treasurer; Danny Painter, Poolesvllle, reporter; Linda Poole, Poolesvllle, par liamentarian; Larry Burgess, Poolesvllle, head of social ac tivities. Chairman of the nomi nating committee was Kay Thompson. Leaders present were Roscoe N. Whipp, Associate Agricul tural Agent; Mrs. J. A. Hart man, Dickerson; Miss Nona Brown, Barnesville and Mr. Clifton O. Martin, Comus. Congratulations are being re ceived by Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jarels, Poolesvllle, on the birth of their son on Tuesday, Dec. 10, at Frederick Memorial Hospital. Richard Keith weigh ed seven pounds,three ounces. Aubinoe (Continued from Page A-l) ter plan for the community and create traffic problems. A key Issue In the GOP-dom lnated Council’s considera tion of the case has been public concern that both Mrs. Aubinoe and attorney Hal Lackey, repre senting the applicants, are members of the powerful Re publican State Central Commit tee. Lone majority member of the Council to vote against the re zoning two weeks ago was Dr. Thomas M. Wilson. His opposi tion to the high-rise apartment project and other stands he has taken over the against the position of his Republican colleagues were considered to have seriously affected his chances of succeeding John A. Floyd In the Council presiden cy. As Council president pro tern, precedent dictates Wilson’s succession. Disfavor of other GOP Council members with his Independence, however, prompted a move early In De cember to by-pass him which, In turn, caused large segments of the local Republican leader ship to rally to his support. Meantime, Council members are reportedly considering the alternative of re-electing Floyd to the presidency, lacking agreement on the successor. Clark Namad Robert G. Clark, a veteran of 10 years In Industrial sales, customer and community re lations, marketing, and a form er U. S. Air Force pilot, has been named an assistant to the senior vice president-com munity relations of Allegheny Airlines. A resident of Rockville,Clark will work throughout the air lines’ system In the New Eng land and the Middle Atlantic [ states, West Virginia, Ohio and j Michigan. For a real taste treat, try our delicious pastries, hearty breads, tempting cookies and other spe cialties. Surprise the family and yourself with our fresft-baked goods. MEI The CAKE BOX 122 Commerce Lane Now Under Next to Ville Theatre New Management none 424-575$ BAKERY er 456-8614 CATERING Business Roundup Recreational Spot Planned For White’s Ferry Tract By John B. Saunders Business Editor Keeping In mind the strict preservation of the charm and beauty of the Potomac area around White’s Ferry, a pair of county businessman are plan ning a major upper Potomac riverfront recreational facili ty there. The 85-acre tract lies be tween the Potomac River and the historic C & O Canal, with more than one mile of river frontage. Samuel M. Lemer, presi dent of the firm known as the White’s Ferry Recreation Cor poration, and Matt Whittensteln, whose firm, Capitol Research Associates is doing the re search and development work, will apply for a special zoning ; exception for the acreage now I zoned for rural agricultural. Engineering studies are now underway for the tract and plans are being formulated to develop It for its manifest recreational use. Among the facilities contem plated are those required for the fresh water fisherman, boating enthusiasts and other aquatic sportsmen. Camping fa cilities will also be provided, and the canal towpath will pro vide a natural trail for hikers and cyclists. An already existing road makes the area accessible. The corporation sees this type of development as not only a great attraction for the tour ist dollar, but also as a pos sible answer to the great de mands on the part of county residents for the preservation of open spaces. Goldwater Invited The Eastern Association of Insurance Agents is awaiting word from Sen. Barry Gold water In answer to an Invita tion to speak at their confer ence meeting In Baltimore next April. Speakers already con firmed are National Associa tion President Fred H. John son and C. Harvey Kelley,'di rector of research and develop ment for NAIA. Contest Winners Mrs. Wilfred GIU and Mrs. George Eddy, both of Bethes da, are co-winners of the Land scape Improvement Contest sponsored by Bennett Associ ates, builder-developer of Carderock Springs. They will divide the S6OO combined first and second prize of furniture and accessories of their choice from Modern De sign of Chevy Chase. Judging was based on the quality of improvement and good landscaping techniques made on the particular lot with which the Individual was working. Graph-Check Graph-Check, Inc., developer of the Graph-Check Sequence Camera, has been purchased by Photogrammetry, Inc., of Rockville. Although it will continue to operate under Its present name as a wholly-owned subsldary, Graph-Check’s executive and sales offices will be moved from St. Petersburg, Florida to Rockville, according to Gomer T. McNeil, present of the par ent company. Photogrammetry, Inc.,a re search and development firm speclaUzlng in photo Instru mentation for more than a dec ade, designed the camera and has been prime contractor In its manufacture. The camera Is used primarily by the nation’s teaching golf professional, and Is proving Its value to the coaching staffs qf several large universities and also by various governmental agencies. Financing Given Market Tire Company of Maryland, Inc., a Rockville firm, has received $400,000 of financing from the Massachu setts Mutual Life Insurance Company, according to Chester R. Jones, a general agent for the Insurance firm. The Massachusetts Mutual purchased $400,000 of six per cent notes due In 1975. Earnings Noted Consolidated net earnings for ACF Industries, Inc. for the first half of fiscal year 1964 ending Oct. 31 were $5,491,- 000, according to Board Chair man William T. Taylor. This represents a dividend of SI.BB per share of common stock. 0c i Oar Salesmen Live Up To These il ||] I|| j||f Quality Selling Standards: || 1 Help customers to more fully Su Jia.© tsUj © !• enjoy their trensportetion nrn . In rarPllll purchases through continuing in- *1 ' Kir DIK NPII |AI I terest, responsibility, service end |1 l * lrHlll JrLSeIWL. counsel to them after the sole. §|l ■i,e , l,r “*** { Sell es I would like to be llh aar ll ” * stilth TW* \ *• irs-sr— \ Let One of Our Fill SHO?) Quality Salesmen () Hi mice On"’' 1 " . 'CONGRESSIONAL T.V. 110 N. Washington St., Rockville ■ u . GA 4-5900 I 1534 c. Montgomery Ave. Open Eve. 'til *—Sat. 'til 5 I ON ROCKVILLE PIKE ~~i ' r i It A/ A k ITri\ NEWSPAPERS, CAST IRON. MM AIM IH I* RAGS ’ COPPER. BRASS, V V rill I LI/. ALUMINUM. ETC. I OPEN 7:30 TO 5:00 EVERY DAY | AND UNTIL 2:00 ON SATURDAYS MONTGOMERY IRON & METAL CO. 300 HUNGERFORD DR., ROCKVILLE, MD. PO. 2-3924 WATER HEATERS om w3lh£Bß&m Hi •A. o. SMITH . IISERVm PERMAGLAS* I ■ REPAIR AND REMODELING For QUICK ACTION in an EMERGENCY 762 - 4272 <iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin R. E. TULL & SONS, Inc. 636 LOFSTRAND LANK. ROCKVILLI W extended suburban service ... w convenient new location I ■ I AIRPORT LIMOUSINE I 1 SERVICE f I OUR NEW WHEATON I 1 HOT SHOPPES TERMINAL I SERVING NATIONAL AIRPORT AND 1 f DULLES INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 1 I J NATIONAL AIRPORT • EX 3-3060 m DULLES AIRPORT . ST 3-S34S M SL aik*o*t transport me. B IT TAKES MORE THAN A TO SELL YOUR HOM^T^ Whethpr your home cosh SIO,OOO or SIOO,OOO chances ere it'* the biggest investment you have evar made—for many it represents life savings. Think about this whan you plan to sell! Doesn't it make sense to have one of the oldest and largast realtors handl# all the details for you? GET TOTAL MARKET COVERAGE In Kensington. Rockville, Silver Spring er Wbeotee CALL 949-2300 [Shannon • &TOcljg] Reeltor* Since I*o4 Meaner Multiple Gating 24M University lenlevord (opposite Suburban Trestl The consolidated sales, ren tals and services net earnings, jumped $1,712,000, or $.56 per share, compared to the same period last-year. Gross Income for this year’s period was $130,887,000. 678 Membership With the addition of three new signatures, the Bethesda- Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce has announced a record total membershlpof 678. New members are Mrs. Mol ly Fell of progess Employment Agency, Thomas J. Walsh, In surance, and Ashby Chamberlin of the Kenwood Golf and Coun try Club. Kati to Rotiro Capt. Menasha E. Katz, who has completed 40 years of serv ice with the Maryland State Police, retires on Dec. 31, ac cording to a statement by CoL Carey Jarman, superintendent.