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THE INDIANAPOLIS DAILY SENTINEL, TUESDAY MORNING. J A NU A II Y '20 1885. 1 v 4 (TTrlttea for the ladUnayolU Saatiaei. J nZYk VTOODKL'F. Mr Mr. Addis lltrh frank. CK.M'TEC XVI. It waa now the miiJIe of February, bat many woüld be g'ad if it ai the list day of this dreary, cold month. Mr. Woodruf was able to ait up a few ironists at a time, anJ Madam I'.eek neter lift his Bide. Arthur bad been to New Yotfc several times since Met had disappeared, bat. at .yet, tad not found the faintest c!ae ai to her whereaboata. Most of hia time was spent iu the sicfc chamber at Woodrnf Hali. Mr. Wocdrn! bad notbeen allowed to hear any I iiing concerning M eta's disappearance, aid ten Ls aäLed H&dam Keek about her she would alwaya assure him that ehe was in the t of health and never ceased to lore hirn. "Yea rsraicil tne aomuch of iny daughter, ifMadani Keek," he eaid one day, a she leaned ver him and smoothed the hau which had fallen on h3 forehead. -I am plad oi that, tlr, as it may add ti e.ur peace cf mind." am rcrry tbatunpit.vitnt circatcatancaa I revent her being with rue." 'i bare to d trabt, sir, bnt that aha would like to Le with tou. It is Tory sad that two, 2oTin esch other aa you two do, axe com pelled to hz eeparated."- " You may depend upon it, Madam Reek, that aa soon ji I aca able to trayel I intend .voin5 to her rnyself. It eeems so strange ihat one to robust and hearty as I have always bten siould be ill so lonr, and with wzh eminent physicians tu I have h&d wait irg upon me." It was while they were falsing upon this ubjct that the door opened aud Lina cme into tho room, followed by a youn?pentie i.;an whoru we at once recognize as Eiir-rae Hy. As Le entered the room. Ma Jam JWti, 77110 7133 in the act of handing Mr. Yüci'.rnl a p;! ass of wire, let it fall t? tbe rccr, shitierias the pltsrj into a thotmni p'ecf s. "Never raiad. Madam, It was an accident. Pray do net be so agitated," said Mr. AVoodful kindly. "I aai aorry. but I am very nervous t ii9V." the replied in a low voice, "I am very plad to see joa, Eugene. Würn iM you return?" "The. f rt of the month, and having hird of yor.r illnc?3and misfortune " g"Vl,at misfortune have you reference "" tj." Mr. Woodrnf asked xcitedly. "He rrear your illnt s?, of course;" inter rupted Lina. But ih-3 did not sfttisfv him; he muü know the truth. Why did not someone nra Eocene against speaking cf Me'a ' Woodruff "No. I do not believe that is all. What is the matter with ray darling child; is she iirad? Yoa mu3t tell me nothing but the truth." 'Since Lc msst know, you may tell him lhe rtfet, Mr. Hay," eatd Lina. "lieliere. me," MrB. Wood t of, I was not ,uwaie that bo knew nothing of this, or I hoald have kept silent. While yet in Kuro e I heard that she had disappeared very mjr-.teronsly, and upon making in- -lairiea abcut her. after my return. I found teat bhr hfd never ben heArd of." VOh Gel, iay darling child!" exclaimed jt,4'Ee calru.Mr. Woodrnf, I will do all in my power to hnd her for you." "Why did tbey Dot tell me of this before? Madam'Eeek, it waa only a few momenta co tbat yea told me she was well." "Dear C.ive.tlo not blame her for what she Faid, as she waa told to keep tbe truth from ou until you was well again," interrupted Lira. Eacere, the is or wa to hare been yours tfraetlas'. Kind her and Iwillciveher to S r l -1 "Ah. sir, we can never be mare to each vVherth&uwe are now. In a few short eeka I am to be married to my const o." What is the roattei, Madam Keek, are jcu Mi" "I think I am cot well, Mrs. Woodrnf, and if you will allow me I will go Into the next icom and rti-t, while joa are with yoar hns band." "Go by all means, and rest as lon ai you I ke. I will remain here." As Madam Keek arcfe to go sli8 tottered and would have fallen had not Eugene come to her asäiitance. "Allow ne to assist' yon, madam," he said. "No. no; I am right now. J can go alone." She trembl'd from head to foot a3 if she were chill. 6be was evidently reatlv a'armed and excited about something. 'ou?d it have been the sadden appearance tf Eajrere Hay in the sick room? Surely xot; for wLf.t had he to do with Madam Jieek? As tLe weary, trembling nurse lay down in I.ic3 Wocdrcfs cozy sittlc-room, tie great tess rolled down her cheeks and she thanked God that the wa3 aloae. Sao T5n ov?dthce csly socles for a few moments t dry ber ejesaad we saw how beautiful her ace wa?, even though it wai cron-d with wealth cf wavy pray hair. She listf ned v-ry at?ntlvely to what the occupants of tbe sick ionm were 6ayiDg. ' That, then, is the cause of your not writ jug to her ." Mr. Woodrnf continued. "I ee fLe has deceived you as well as me." "How dare ycu speak so of her to me? My child is all that is innocent and par, and "would net c'oceive anyone " VThen now co you account for her disap- "There ia come grtat mystery connected with it. She has been betrayed, stolen. Oh, cd! why did Yon allow this great mis lortune t. fell npon me?'' "Mr Woodrnf, I did not tell yoa an un truth whm I said that your daaghter was weil. She has deceived no one, but Is hid ing from thp6e who have proven themselves so treacherous aud unkind to her; from thae Wio would rather see her dead than living LApplly with hfr father. She is safe; no harm rsn befall her, and whenever you ji aka thinrs mere pleasant at heme she will l r orly to glad to return to you." As Mr. Woodrnf. Lin and florae tarne 1 ii vhere the sound of that familiar voice rma rrcm. tney saw äladam Keek standing !la tie door, with 'aca white as marb'.e, bat a firm, steady voice. 'How do yoa know thii?:' asked Mr. "Wcdrnf. "ler secret is mine until she gives ms par -.mii-ioa to reveal it. lie calm, sir; and tra?t Ler.for be loves yoa as he does her lifo V.rT,ill trait her. and as saou as I am able "Uli Cr.d her and bring her horue, never to a'lov ber to Jeave tn asaln. As for her octiirgycu, Eupene Hay, it Is false, aid Unl- you retract this bs accusation, vou ndl can never be frieDds." Mr. Woolrnt fd ucre excited than his physical strength i"iud permit of, and he eank back ia his chai exhausted. "ir. 7oodruf, I nav ba wrons: in think. Lng 1 1 do, God irrant that I am, for X Ijr.'i your dacghter with my wbVe heart. I mast go. but I hep joa will allow metocli upon joa cin." "If vou hud any D'esur m ciilin? nooa the father of Meta Woo!r&f, and can dj ai believing jou have doue her no wrong, yoa n.ay coa.e. Cut I am under th ifuprsiion tfcat you had hetter tiy away from Wool ruf Had, as I intend bringing my danghUr home, and I frei cordident that she would rather not m-et ycu again," Mr. Woodraf answered coldly. "I will r.ot intrude upon either of yoa, if my treenct? ill cau" the least disturbsnce or UT)pleintnss. Good-by, tit; I wish you health ami happiness.' Euirene If ft the rro;ii, and Madam ItMk took hr peat oain by Mr. Wood ruf a caiir. When Lina H!ked ber why she did not rßst longer she emiled and said that she felt so mnch better thst he woald stay with Mr. Wocdrnf while Lina at- her sapper. Arthur was in the library bnsily encaged in writing lettera. aud when Lina nttral the room be did not hear ber. He w crfaily nrpried when eh p'aced her arm aronnd his neck and kis?ed him. "How on earth did yoa get here, Tni? Ycu are as slyasaf jx; one never knows what mischief you are up to." "Thank you for the compliment. Oae ki3?. Arthur, the first in several wesks." "Not one more until I hve the right, which I hope may never be. Tnank God, your husband will soon be well aain." 'Of which fact you are most wonderfully glad, as it will enable yon to escape tbe life which Beamed awaiting you, that of having tospend it with me aa your wife. A terrible calamity. Arthur. Do joa not thick jo? ' "You limit know, as yon have expre3ed yourself so. As for myself, in CiS3 your hus band bad died I shoula have kept my pram ise," Arthur said, avoiding the question she had put to him. "Yoa may be called upon to do to yet, so do cot be cocgratulating yourself upon your narrow e?cape so soon. By the way, I have forgotten to tell you tbat an old acquaint ance tf yours called upon Clive to day." "Wbo'do von have reference to?' "Eugene Hay." "I waa not aware of Iiis return to America; in fact, I am not a little surprised at his re turning so soon, as it wa h's intention to remain abroad a conple of years " "His father's health improved so rapidly that they did not find it necessary to remain away lengrr." "I am very sorry I did not bavo th.3 pleas ure cf seeü 2 him " "He is gipatly changed, not much like the jolly fellow of old. He teems to feel tin wrong Met did him very much." "What wrong do you moan?" "Ji?fore he went away s ie promised to b his wife when he returned home. 15 at lon before he thought of returning eh proved false to her promise. Their cngas-ement h broken, and Eugene has tbe same opinion of bei that I have that she Is false in e?ery mrect." ' Can it be penible for a man ( to t'-dnk thus of a woman he once loved ami askei to be his wife?' "Would you expect him to think other wise alter she had treated ti im so cruelly? ' "Yon are riht, Lioa. Kemeniber and I ear in mind that to retain that which if ! dearest to us all we man te tree irom nil deception and honorable in all our ac'.io&a. Do you think that Meta loved Eaene?" he ask d. Of course not; she only eoazei herself to him for the little fan she muht oMain by being in men a novel position," her face ilaahirig crimson. Little did Arthur Dramen think that ehe was tellingLim an untruth. Had heknowu it he would have left her forever, for in spite of his many wrong actions in the past he was now trying to live a life iu which no blemish could be found to defame his nane or char acter. Every honr in the clay b thonzht of tbe advice given him oy Meta Wooirnf, the girl he loved end believed to be innocent of committing any wrong. "Say what you will egainst her, Lina, and everjene die may do the sau:e, bat I w'dl trust her es I would niyslf. Aye, even more," he said, enthusiastically. "I am g'adshehas such an ardent advocate as you, Arthur, and only hope she will prove worthy of the trust you place in her; that j on may never find her wanting in advice to pour out to the noble protector of her honor." "A woman's honor is not to be trifled with. One word against them and their reputation is mined. Why are women always so ready, yes, I m:ght say, so anxious, to harm one of their own tex " "We are no worse than onr opposite sex. There are thoee among us who have enecnict. whom we hate, loathe and despise; yet all tbt wrong vre do them is with our tongaea. While a man seeks to destroy, to kill bis en emy, not stopping to consider the punish ment to follow; but commits his crime and seeks to hide It." "As I have often said before, I won Id rather die than live the degraded life attend ing a degraded character " He was right. How many innocent per Fors have, by one thoughtless word, or a crd said intentionally by an enemy Xor the purpose of xuininc them, been ignored by ecod society, and have sunk to the lowest depths cf degradation in their despair. We have only a short time to remain herein Gcd s beautiful world; why not try to do light by everyone, whether tüey be friend or foe? By doing so we will not only bs more happy ourselves, but reap a rich harvest in Htaven as well aa mafcing those happy a round us. Lina E-aid nothing to "Arthur of that which he bad heard Madam llek tay concerning the safety of Meta. She did not want to be the cno to lift the cloud of suspicion which for evera! weeks had been hanging over her stepdaacbter. Sae saw that she must lose Arthur's love entirely if Meta Woodrnf was ever allowed to return to WooJrnf Hall; that in spite of all her threats to leave hioi, Clive Wccdruf meant to have his daughter with him :taln. Somethirg must be done to prevent it and Lina Wcodruf felt equal to the emergency. After tea was over, Arthur went to the s ck tamber, leaving Lina to attend her hoas Lold duties. Oae of the servants noticed her enter the linen room, and following her en tip-toe, taw ber take some very fine linen bed cUttdng and handkerchiefs, those which had always been kept readv ia case of dath in the family. What did she intend doing wilhthemV Mr. Wocdruf was a great deal better, as much to that be expecd to be down stairs soon, and Madam Kek was going away in a few days as her service would be needed no longer. Arthur was alsogoirg away, not to return tor 6eml months, acd Etna and her husband would be alone more. "Yon ousht to Lavo coa:e in sooner, Ar thur, as yo'i would have met E jgeae Hv," said Mr. Woodrnf as Arthur entered the room. . "Lina was tellirg me oT his visit here. A!s arrival home wai a great surprise to me." To me a'so. Did Una also tell you of the gocd news about my daughter?' "She did not. Btit, sir, is it possible that you are in poeation of the secret we guard ed ro c osely V" "Yes.I know all. Madam Ryek has cleared the myetery connected wita Meta'a disap pearance." "And where is sbe? Tell me quick." "Tbat Madam E?ek has refused, to tell, but assures ne of her safety and good health." "Tell me, Madam Kick, that I may brtaj her back to those who love her so devot edly." There are few beside her fther at Wood rut Hall who care what becjns of the wretched cirl." answered Madam Keek in a low, but firm voice. She teMoui spoke in any other tone. "You are rong, Madan Kek; I will not der.y eveu to jou that 1 love her with all my heart. Even though she ha reused many persons to t pes k against her and to b'heve her untrue and d:t.honor.tble, God knows I have never bad any bat lbs purest thoughts of her. I have tried in every way I knew of to lind ber, but it was of no avail. Even ber aunt knows noth rg of her, or, if she does, ehe re fcees o tell me " "Arthur, I do net know how to thank you for the brotbeily interest you have taken in ber welfsre." "lly givirg me tb right to woo and win her for my sife, if I can. I know I m a great many ytur3 her senior, but I can mace her htippy." "You have znv con-ent, Arthur, to win her if you cn, fr I know none other who is more wortv of her than you. But I am afraid you will not meet with snccass in yo-ir wooing, m she once loved another, and I be lieve she loves him yet, too mnch to marry any ene else. My darling is noble and true, although there are thoie who think the re verse."' "I know whom yoa have reference to. He is to be married to his cousin soon. 1 do n d believe that she is one who will waste her life in grieving over that which might have been. Madam Reek, you know her so well, tell me if I am not right." "I think yoa are, in regard to her not wasting her life in the way you speak of ; bat I know her secret and know that she will pever marry one man while loving another." ''You do not give me tauch encourage ment; jet, I mean to try, and if 1 fail 1 will love her none the less." Arthur Kraden loved Meta with a pure, unsellish love, bat he was destined to meet with disappointment in this, as he had been in loving. Lina Uaon. There are some penons in this great world of ours whose whole lives are fall of disap pointment, who with every turn meet with it, and this constant disappointment and blighting of their dearest hopes and wishes has been the cause ot wrecking many a life which otherwise won Id have been so joyoiu, bo fall of fame and glory. As this tall, well-built man stood before his host, ho smoothed his hair back from his forehead with his delicate white hind; his face was Hushed, and there came mining through his mind the thought of too wrong be bad done the father oi the fid lovtd. "Mr. YTcodraf, forgive any wrong I hive doc yu in the pit, and in the future I will strive to live a life which I tbink worthy of yonr friendship." 'Wt;ttdoyou ineaa?' euked Mr. Wood rnf. Do not a$k rre that question, for I dare not answer it. Only for" Here Ait. nur wai interrupted by the en trance of Lii-a Sbe hid evidently been listening to bat Arthur had been saying, as she locked very angry. Tne color in her face was heightened by the crimson wrapper she wore, other vUe her faca would hive btrn cray s ss'jes. "Ah! Arthur, yon seem to have a very contrite heart, at ttiis moment at least. You nffd not allow my presence to disturb you "Idna,'mv dear, is it not better for him to acknowledge he has doue wrjng, bat in tends to do better, than to i;ooa with his wickedness?" Mr. Wood ruf asked hi Wife. "Of conrjo, Clive. This is really inisrejt icp to me, something new aud novel lifce, to hear one man asking forgiveness ot an other. Anäwer him; do you forgive him?" "Here is my hind. Arthur: if yoa are ever in need of a friend come to G ive Woodrnf, ' f aid the wronad man, extending bis emanated hand. ' Thank yoa, and rniy God restore my fritDd to perfect health." rOSTISCED TO MOEr.OW Potato omelet Iot tea is an areeabla duh ard tbe Cavor mv be varied fo that it will teem like a new dish even if it appears on the table frf quently. To a large cupful of rc ashed potatoes allow three es:; you may add four or hve, but thre will do nicely; the yelka and whites should be beaten serarately, as they will be so much lighter in that case; a teacpoon even full of Fait, half a teacupfol of milk and a very little sifted Hour not more than a bcapiDg teaspconful complete the ingre dients, with the exception of the flavoring. I'arsley chopped very tine may be used, or lemon juice, with a littlo black popper, and an audacious cook may add a "trace," as the chemists say, of nutmeß. Heat and grcasa a larke eancepan and pour the mixture into it. Bron it lightly and serve hot. An excellent dih for plain home dinner 13 marie by stewing soae veal until it is tender, thicken the gravy with Hour and Eea'on wiih repper and fait, and put in enruph butter to flavor it; then make a n'f c.rnit.lir oiscnit dou;h; have it when baked an inch and a half thick. Pat the veal and pjravy into an earthen pudding dish and cover the dish with the crust. Bake and terye hot. A Household Friend. Thtre is hardly a family In which acci dents of seme kind are not occurring daily. In order to be prepared for sacli emergen cies, every household should have i'jnd'a Extract at hand. Jly its' use immediate and eure relief is obtained. Its wonderful heal ing powerfor all kindsof ccbi, bruise3, swell ings, Bprains, eoreness. pain?, aches, etc., has teen satisfactorily attested by thousands of testimonials received during the last tifty years. Co to your drujrgist and a?k for Pond's Extract. Tak no substitute, bnt Lave the genuine article. Thoee who make a specialty of Iambi en deavor to bring them in early, and also to push them in growth as rapidly as possible. Ewes with twins are sometimes unable to nonrish them, and the ewes that lose their Wmb3iny be induced to8dopt one of the twics. In this manner a larger proportion of lambs are raistd. bnt unless grain i3 sup plied the quantity of milk will be insuf ficient. "Liberty or death" waa the impassioned utterance of the brave young Virginia pa triot, Patrick Henry. There is no cje, hor ever, of the people dving of dyspesia or of liver complaint, kidney or urinary troubles bo lonp as there exists that s.-verdj;n cure fcr all inch complaints. Mishler's Herb Bitter. It never fails when proparlv used, and Wm. H. Peed, a drngdst cf Monticello, III., writes: "It always gives satisfaction, acd I don't hesitate to recommend it as the bst in the market." Tbe attempt on the part of breeders of Jerseys to bring them forward as possessing desirable beef producing qualities will result in more injury than advantage. The Jer3eys have attained a hi-h reputation as butter producers, and any system practiced that tends to make them desircble for beef will detract freni them as producers of butter. llornford's Arid l'hoaphate UN EQUALED. Tr. R. M. Alexander. Fannettsburg, Pa., fays: "I think Horsfcrd'a Acid Phosphate l not eqn!ei in any other preparation of j hepharua," J-j. lij. ir&, Rad. way's Relief ! The Cheapest and Itest Medicine FOB FAMP.Y BSE 12 THE WORLD CUKES XSl) PKEVEü TS Coughs, Colds, Sora Throat Hoarseness, inflammation, Rheumatism, Neuralgia Headachy Toothache, Diphtheria, Influsnza, Difficult Breathing It was the Srst anils the only VA.UX lilfiM2XY That Instantly steps the nrwt excruciating pain allays luCarmn&tioa aud aire Coimotlon. whether of the Lungs, Stomach, Bowois or a tin glands or organs, by one apFllcatton, In From One to Twenty Minute. Ko matter bow violent or ercmcitin? the pla tho Kücumatlc, Uc-J-rlvMcn, Infirm, Crippled Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with diue raa' suffer. BADWAY'S READY EELIEJ WILL AFFORD KASÄ lacamroation of tie Kidneys. Ian&mnA'.ica a the Bhidder, In datamation of the Uowels, Oonga tion of the Lung, Palpitation of the lleurt, Hr terlcs. Croup, L:rhthcxia, Catarrh, IsSuerum Nervonne.1, Sleeplessness, Eheunatlio, Hciatl PauiB la the Chct. Lacx or Limbs, Braise Brriins, Cold OL Ills aud Agno Chills. The application of theUKAXiY UEL1KF u the part or part wh.o the difficulty or pla . ists will afford and comfort. ibirty to elxty drops in hall a tumbler of wt wld ta a lew minutes euro Cranps, rpA-ns, .oa ivoraach, Heartburn, Slct Headache. DUrrL. Dyemrry, Colic, Wiud la the iioweia. aad alt iu tcmal y air.s. Travticrs should alrsys carry a bottle oi KaG wf 's Koaiy I'-e'.it: with them. A few drojy Ii watet will r '-cvciit ticlne. or raitiS from chUir of water. Is H letter tian French L.-aadr or Hii tc.-E as & Uncui:i, 1$ ! J iyj n L. sr r. t la Its Various Form, 7T?.f and till FY5B r.C A C I r?.."-d for 80 i-o.ilr. T a t i net a rcr-eiiAl B?'.r.t in äv worlt xriAi w!U tar. lvir e ' At:e nndflloihs, y&'.arlus EiUcu erar'.et, und other I-ecr (Jtülhy BJLü'.VaY' I'LLLi) to qr.lf.ily u BADW WS KEA1IV IlHLIKs, Wirtr Clitt Fr 1tV.e, Sold ty H lni DÜ. HAUVVAY'o SarsapariHiafl ili. Fureblrcl ni)i4-nni C jßh, ßcr.q tone- ma a clear slai. If 70 J vTrl have your tith txzc yo'.ir lo:;es ficur.i, Kl:.'-.out caries, ana your con pl."!ion f?lr. use KAI-WAY'S ÜAÜoAFA H1LL1 A) KUiOLVUtT, tt Great Blood Puriller. b'ALSE ÄND TRUE. Wctatractfrom Dr. Kadway s Tr-htlse 01 Lu esK ar.d in Cure," t.a fallovra: L'1 uf dis cn:edbjLK. EADWArs SABBAFABILLIAXf ESSOLVEni Chronic sXlu cltsotcs, carles of thcboDe, henor of the blood, scrofulous diaccses, syrhllitlc cots r'alnts, fever fores, chronic or oid ulcers, Ml rhenra, rkktt?, wblte swelling, scald head, caul ers, RlandnlPr swclllnss, nodt, wtlnx and de cay of the body, yiraptes and biotche1!, toraon djFrer-sia, kiaeyand biedaer d:v.-aes, chroli xfceumatja aia Kua consumption, gravel auti calcuIo'Jb dvpoklt, Rad Tf.rietlea of the abovi complAiruS, to which ecaetimes aro ctven spec lous r.incs. In were the pytton has bee: salivated, erd nnrtfry ba exnmuls.tcd and be come deros-iltd la the bonce, lohn?, etc. causuii ! caries of the bones, rkäets, spiral curvatures, con tortlons, white sweuines, verlcosa veins, etc, Uu FfirsaT-ßrllllft w.ll reolvo away those dcpoeltiant exterminate the virus of tbe ölcj fron tb' system. A GREAT COSMITDTIOSAL m 8kln dtpewoe, tumors uic-er3 and sorc olal kinds, part:culKtly chronic dLscAfea of tbe tkln are cured with jrreat certlnty by a coarse 0! Dr UADWAYS HAKSAPARILLlAN. WemeanoDaÜ nate cacs that have res'eUd all other trcatiseat SCROFULA Whether transmitted rrom paroua or acq aired, fc within the curaUve nuigo of te SAKSAPAKILL1AN RES0LTE3T. It po?seppe8 the sntio wonderful power in curlT4 the worst foms cf istrumon ana eruptive dl chargec, syphllcld ulcers, ores ol the eye, cars. vc w, mouth, throat, glf nd, exterrciuatlnj? thi virus cf these Chronic forms of disr-a? from thi blocd. bones, Joluts, and ia everv p?.rt of the bu man body where there exists discesed de-pdhIu n'ceratinrs, tunors, hard lunps or ecrofnlous in fliKiuatloa, thl prcs.t uu3 powerful reiaedywlL extCTDinato rapidly and Prziar;or.tly. One bottle contains morq of tic active pried rleB o! mediciue than any other treparatloa laxen In ttaspouil dore, while ethers requln flveorttx tlKM a ranch. ONE IOLLAR rr fpiTLE. B.-.1J by drnsiist. DR. JttADWAa'ö REGULATING PILLS Tli Crcat Liver and Stock lirnifüj. Perfectly J tMtcic, elegantly coated; r-arza regnlato, purify, clean? and itrcnsheu Ur. Kadway't lUls, for the care ol U dl ordcra ol tiia Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kldneyt Eladdc?, Uervons Disease, Lcs of Appetite Headache, Constipation, Costivenew, Indi;rctloa, PyFpepsia, BiUouEnesK, Fever, Inaamraation d the l3oweis, Hies, and all derangements of the In t?rral vlfoera, Purely vegetable, conUlnlc? n xuercarji taJuerals, or deletertoua driy. Price 25 Conti Far Box. gold by all drucgtoi. DYSPEPSIA Itadwyn SftrasparlUlan, aided by Kadwayi Pills, I-, a curs for this complaint It rostorei strength to the rtomach, and ma tea It perform its fnncUona The tymptoms of dyepepta disappear, and with ttera tbe liability cf the lystcn to oon tract disease. Take the medicine according U the directions, and obwrfe what we aay la " and True" mpecting diet. "Road Falsa and Truo." Bend a letter ttarsp to KADWAYA CO., Bo. tl Warren street. New York. Laiarxaaca wort thousand will be acut to you. TO THE PUBLIC. BTIü iure anl aax tor Badway'a, anl um Uta liciKiy mrri 'lAL.i COPY OF öTATJEMKNT OF TIIIC CONDITION -of American Central On the 31st Day Lctated at Ncrthwe: EtU T atnoant ot its Capital In. Ilio Aiuoiu.1 if it Capital iald uj t. THE ASSETS OF THE COMPANY ARE AS FO I.LO'.Vji: C'psh on l:and. find lu tho bauds of Acents or other LMida owned L the Ccxnpuy, bciirin iu:citt fi I'owk, cjikct TBh.c: I i.ited State ixui otM-r Euii la and StocU? i-el-ts otnem ist nt-urcd 1 bi :ur frttr H.Eis. Ali olht r stturitit? Total Ass- LIABILITIES. Jc?S' 5 r.d:'.:st-:i'i ard not due. iMtc utij'.d.'isicd Lo-ks in t-ut.;t:.;e waitiu for further pro.--f All ci.iics eaiuit tue C'orupany Arrouut neecary to reinsure outsuadlaj risks Total L'acuit'.t"... STATE or INDIANA, Office of Arrrxoa or ?tate. 1. tbe uudersi'icl, Auditor of state of tho fs'aw f IndHra, herehy certify that the ah07c is a cosit-ct coj-y of tho 6:atc-mtat of the condili ju of the Above ncnthr.:M C-r-Aay, ou t.v Slit dy of DectiuKT. 11, as thown by theorisluai stütccieut, anl thit tha sail criminal bteicut is now oa le ia this office. Ia testimony whereof, I hereauto butciibo my cam o ftnd :r.y o3ür!il j-ch! thfs 151k fu t.l day of January, . JAM L H. illcE. Auditor of Maio. OFFICIAL. I copy of ;tatic3LIi:nt o it 'itil ic: or I'lmemx Insurance Company, if liarlf'irO, Conn., On the 31st day of December, 1S84. Lncfclcd ft No. Ct rt:rl Street, Ilartford. Cnn, Ji f Ar.ioniit of it Cnpital i-. .',o; ,(wio 0. Tho An. . nit of it-Capital iaid uj i - - ;,, j.oui 01 THE ASSETS 07 THE COiJI-'AN'Y ARE A5.F0L.I.0 .V : C'nfb on I Ri d. in lr.k Mil with Kfr.ts. - - 5 r,,-VV?i '' I V iU t-ltitt H:tJ Ms; It; C.O'.kS Klifl i;-U'ii - Iii. l-'l 4 t hrtJtid roJK Vinn ' .U t'i Mi:-C .'.hl coU Mof i 'rt a W t'c rp. i in t i 't' n:,d II 'Iroa l Stocks aud I ; ti 1 1 s M l,Ni.' . -O toi.itj t;i!v aad Water ton l, .'.'7.7 ) 0 hfll-M.-'i1'. -z' l Leal r o?! C( 1 sn ri 1' :.- M M:.t 1 sinie I HV ... IVJ3 tt A 1 1 LH) ulu! t ' ! ia!l It'."', ai. U It ille JJ.OÜ 'u ( fib As'Cts - 4.SIÜ.07 Vt LIAIÜLITIFA I cst p Hd.'.n'C'd di:c Lrf.- uil '-.jfutM iu it i:ot UUC - 1 -5 'iT CJi 7 Leva's i:Lajj".:oä . " ' Lt mcm!i Mirn-Lie Hwaitiug for lurtlier proof J Aiidiut ucCw&'y to reinbura outataading risks j I,-v ,"d " Total L'.abllüle? - - S 1.51 I f '; Tbt tn-Htcst xr.oiu:t ia any one risk, sptcla! cafes .'.-. J vJ STATE OP INDIANA, O.-riCKOP aupitor o? stat?. 1. tbcumicririitd, Auditor of Slate of th ? 6un-i of Indlani, horehy certify that the abaro i a cor m t coDv of tbe statemeat of the coa lition ot the above raea tioi.e t Company, ou tbe "Ut d-y of nrccr.-tbir. lv-l. us thowa by tho orisinal etateaeat &ud that tho eaid crls' e latotaent n ii iffuu filo in ttm olit c. iu M Jn tctimoav whereof. T hereunto sal-.crlbe ray n ma and a.r my o.T,t!f al. t'us day of January, lSj. JA4E!5 U. ttlCE, Auditor ol state. lOFFICIAUf COPY CF STATE3IEKT OF THE CONDITION -OF Newark Fire Insurance Comp'y, On the 31st Day of December, 1834. Located at No?. 711 and : 43 Eroad S'.rtct, r-evrtrk, N J. Tho Amount of its U t 0 oi Iii Auuiniit or its Capital paid tip in -.J.u.mj u t TI3E ASSET a Or THE COMPANY AHE Ad FOLLO VS: Ccsh on hand and in the hands ol Agents or ether Iual tttfttc uulücumttered 01: d owned by the Coxapauv beariiig iutcresi iollows. rcarket value: United States (egMcred) 3 per coat., 4 ccr.t., Morris and ls-icx Railroad Ojupany B'.ot'i Natioanl Newark baakia Ooptuy ftocl:. ie;vark City National Lank stocfc National State lit.ut Rictk Kast Or&n23 linprorcraer.t bonds Call leers l.ojnson Bonds at;d itortzaes of estate, won aaie is uortiiaet', atia free Irom aay prior I'ebts otherwi-o secured.... Lebte for premiaics All ether securities Total Aüctt......... - LlALiUUhd. La.-fes p'ljusted ajd duo Losns dd Misled e.l:d l!Oi tttie...... Lossen In tupecse, wa:;i:'c; for fnrtber proof - All otberc iaians r-mnt the i'cv.. riy Aruoar.t neccRssry to reinsure oautaadaiy ritks Totsl LlabilKIes. Tbe creEtent atnount la any or:e ri-k The prettiest r.nouat allowed by the ruie of the town or viliire The prtatest amount allowed to be insured ia STATE OF INDIANA. Office or ArnrroR of Ptatz. i, tbe undt-reifrned. Auditor of State of tti 6:.-ii of l-iiina, i 'roy c--??f v t'v.t t'.- t ;(-.. . -rert covy of tbe e'atement of the cuvliti ). oi tv.' u-re tnn I (-:n;.ia' !itl.- :'. -st ;.iy -tl fU'C. 1 , &ii shown by the crigmul sttcratat, wt taut tie Mid t rib'-i: f'.aiaiet a uw.v ID tbhs elbce. In testimony whenof. I hereunto sai day of Jaaury. ISa j. 1UFFK COPY OF STATK3IKXT The Farnisrs' Fira Insurance Company, On the 31st Day of December, 18S4. Locate 1 at No. 23 Fast lUrkct s.:rett Yor'i. Ia. THE ASSETS OF TUE COMPANY ARE A3 FOLLOW?- Ca.h on aanu, and ia the haa ls of Agents or o'.bc: persoas.- Kcal FUt3 uniacamberecK . Bonds and Stucks owned by the Com; any, ltATine mierctt at the rate ot per ceat., ft-cured as follow, raartet ralue: Yort. IV, Dorouch Beads Ncrttcra Ceatrai and I'eona It. IL Eon'is - .. Philadelphia aad Erie and fShamostn an l su-ibary ,nd Lw J' urg K. j;. bond I'hiladclphia, WtiEinetoa end Lallimcre R. K. t: .i'.es .. U. F. rgifctered boacij. is and - - Fhit National Laati. .ors National bank and Farmers' Nation ti bnck etotW, of Yort. I'. Leanson Bonds aad Mortcascs of Ee?.l Estate, wonh double the amount forwaua iLe raa:e Is raortaagrcd, aad free froai aay prior in jmbrai,e .......... Debt"? othtrwifc st-care-J. saIvso for loss already t-;id - Debts for premium!. Agents balances - All other t-exuritks.. .. - - TOtfiJL r&0 L5. .. UABILITIES. losses a-.ljustcd and due noa pcipetual Cre r:ss, .5 percent Lo- Bvljnstcd aDd nut due... .......... lx)scs aaadjasted......M....M..MM.. .....m. .................. ......m. LotKs in fcupensc and waitia? lor larther troc! - All other elalras aiainst tne Lora nan y. laxes and tiok account liabilities Araouat aetes&axy to reinsure oateiaadicz cash-rate r.s'is iotf.1 idatilltlee The fcrciiteht amount ia aay one rWi........ STATE OF INDI AKA. Ornrx of Arnrrop. o? Ft'ate. I. the ua.'ersijrr.ed. Auditor of State of tbe ptat-3 of Inl'ana, hereby certify that tbe above ia a corrccteoty of thesuitementof thee oaditioa of th above meatioaod Ootajiay, oa tle Cist lay ot December 15vl, as shown by the ori;iail ftateaeat, aad that the 6fii-l orlj:ail sUi'.cneat Is cow oa file in this o.-co. . La tentlr-.or! whereof. T hereaato tab-crite my nartf r.d Rflx ttt olär'sl fl this ltti li, einyol J'anauy, Itäx JAME5 d. Ki'Ji, Aud::.-t ct tuirj, nit- Insurance Company. of December, 1884. u! Lynzl Streets, St Louh. 21o. ... r.ort.riO( 00 per r;v.. .. hi tao rate of - - ie etat., tjcca rod ; " o m 6 !."! 1 ' ili 4 1,1 7 ...: j 4 X:' ,r0 v,5 .; 1 t :?VH-t ' r, t'.; OXDIT tO W ths THE- person j - a the rate oi 4 per ex-tit., rtcr.rj l . .'.; per ceat. bonds .. - . .. i double the a:nouu; f jr which tlie t: .. n ;u l, I IJ t -..-.: s 1 -J i . tM (' 1,1- i ) incumbrance V. It iJ 3 - ; l I ... 1 5 7 I I - li i ..; i) d".r.;May to '.. in-urtl in y a oV.y. - i' -'.d - . rc aay oi.e bi'n. .'a ri!e ray nam' and h.ük rr.r r!'. ; -a! JAMu-S li. KICK, Audit-: '. IAL.J O IT Tit IC CO.V'JITfO.V lt. rn ' '. 2 1 'i f : ) 'J' 1 1VI ol i V . ') t1.7ii 73 i.:p 't l?. TAI ' 4..;- i4 4C3.17J VJ 4.TT f8 4. '.'31 i:; ri.O' n ?..: ! o 215.3 "6 .7 2;i.2-i