Newspaper Page Text
8 TUE IKDIAKATOLIS DAILY SENTINEL SATURDAY MORNING- FEBRUARY 11, 1885. II BEW iD tC?TA2XrIOIH31 1C53.I A M lo tie Lais. Our Openinc or Hamburg Em. bro:dcrici wnl ba of ictorost to every lady. Anticipating tio ßroat doci&rd which Is suxo to ba thU eicD, wo placed our ordora eirly, üLd tho gccd3 oro now on sale. Tho itylca arc all cow, and wp thin much cuporior to thoso of former eotifocs. Xiadio3 will plo&sa notice tfcst wo havi ttjlea in dilTorcnt width to rnatch.and also to match All Cver Enbroldary. In ttla connec tion we ask that you tako partfcolar notice of our stock cf ''King's Trim minE," all now thl3 soasan. Theso trimmlrga are very bandsomo and durable, and very much used for j trimming Whito Gcois nnl Under- j clcthin?. Wo invito an inspocuion of our "Embrciderla "and "Klng'a TrlmxniEgp," tho prico cf whiah will be found marked in plain figures on each piece. Very Eespoctfully, PETTIS, BASSETT & CO. JOS. A. MOORE, 81 E. Harkot Bt.f Icdianapolis, Ind Interest allowed on deposits, in sums of 51 and upward. Money to Loan on Improved City and Farm Frcperty lu Indiana and Ohio. City, county and Town bonds, and Purchased Money Note?, bought and roM. So loans n;.de except ach as t re f ecu red by flrvt mortgage on real estate, with a larce ruariu of security, or by collaterals navia? a market Talce. Foreign Exchange for oa all parts rf the world. A lit Mx 11 III "Wo OH 51 Hlvei'.y M GARMEH In Our Stock ivt 10 Per Ct. Less Thaa Cost. Ve haye about 2b handsome, genuine London Dyed ALASKA SEAL S1CQÖES MD D0LMI8S Which are perfect In every detail, beine made by the bestlurriers iu the United states. Yon can fave from SSO to 5100 oyer next winter's prices, llemeniber. For One Wosk Only! Tfce balance of our Cloak stovk is narked at terribly low prices. L S. AYSES & BO. N. B. See onr 75c Jer.eys. See our 253 Aprons. Tnderwcar taje. 4Jp 2vuzn&L SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1$. SENTINEL T KLEF II ONE CALLS. Bicsiaess CSre 1G1 Editorial Rounis THE SENTINEL AT NEW ORLEANS. To accommodate tha throng from the Ncrihweet who will desire to rsad their Lv TOiite heme paper while attending the "World's Exposition," the Sentinel has been placed cn pale In New Orleans at George F. Thaiton 5: Bra's, No. 5 Carondelet street, between Canal and Common streets. OLD TAPERS. Good conditioned old papers for sale at tbij ofiSce at only 40 cents per hundred. CITY IN BRIEF. The Richardson Zouaves will drill to night in their new armory. The Indianapolis Literary Club will eive its annual dinner at the Bates House next Friday evening. The North Vincennes Building, Loan Fund aDd Saving Association ha3 bßen in corporated. Capital stock, 100,000. Persons will be ex amined in this city, un der the civil service act. for department po eitions m Washington, ca February 2S. Beginning with next month, a series of sanitary conventions will be held in Tarlous parts ol the Stat, under the auspices of the State Beard of Health. The Receiver of the Indiana Bankiag Com pany has sold to Jola Landers, for $25 per acre, a tract of land of 745 acres, known a the Ferguson farm, Dear Brooklyn. Joseph Hayes, residing oa South East street, was arrested at an early hour yester day morninjr, by Constable ULake, on a charge cf perjury and obtaining money un i!er fake pretence, He is accused of having swindled Miss Sarah Kernoile oat of a small earn ot money. The Democratic Soldiers' end Sailors' Vet eran Awociation will meet ia regular eemi- rconthly meeting on Wednesday eveninc. February 1;. l&sö, at 7:UO o'clock, at the Assc tsoi's oilice in the Court-house. The decision of the Ma-ion Saperlor Coin in the ca;e ol Uoaina Kistnsr is. City and Union Railway Company, has been affirmed by the Supreme CourL The plain trfi entere J ruit for ilarracea for the killing cf her bus bar ! on the Union traclta. and lost the case in ti lower cjurt. II . J Milligan and Mils Carrie J. Flshbac will be irarried to-day at coon, at the resi dence of the bride's parentf. This is the anniversary of the marriage cf Mr. and Mrs. Fishbaci. Kev. Myrcn W. Heed, of Denver, mas to have performed the ceremony but was fcDOw bound. Iiis place will be tak-n by r7. Jam 8 McL?oJ, of the Second i'rts bytfrian Church. Fred Lagermann, assistant janitor of the Court-house basement, died at hh residence, 172 Fast Washington street, of ailments con tracted in tie army. lie was fifty cine vt ars Id, unmarried, and has no relate in thia country, lie will b3 buried io mor row afternouu at ü o'clock, b 7 tie German Veteran A''.alion He li3 been connected rith tbe force cf Courthouse janitors for iht 3 ears. J. F. McKindrey, BlnMton; C. C. Wilson, Columbus; Mra.G. 2J. Overs treet and daugh ter, Franklin; Daniel Felly, Pittaboro, and V Buiinjzer, Michigan City, are at the English Hotel. P. H. McCormick, Columbua; W. J. Riley, Lebanon ; Hon. D. P. Baldwin, Logansport; John Kelly, Terre Haute; R. W. Mier?, Rlcorairgton; J. 0. McOatt, Terre Haute; W. K. Enavely, Wabash; W. A. Thompaoa, Danville, are at Hotel. At the Bates Hause: F. W. Munson, Lo pan.port; N. . Smith, Lewiaville; J. C. Robntr, Spencer; S. Stalcut, BloomSeld; I). L. Carney, Shflbyviile; J. Jt. I)uncn,Criv fcrdsvilie; John C. Phillips. S II. Mojn, Kcches:er; C. E. Cowgill. Wabash; S. 1 Ccfley, Brazil: J. II Grav, Noblesville; Geo. S Fowler, Ft. Wayne; Ii. E. Gordon, J. V. Howley, Richmond; A. A. Stubbins, Ko koruo. ASIUSEUENTS. PAN EUI.LY AT E.VULISII S The 'Corner Grocery" was aain played to a very large audience atEcgiish's last night. Mr. Sally, as an Irish comedian, is exceed ingly gcod, and ai "Daddy Nolan" he is be yond a doubt a success. Master Malvery is a natural ' bad boy," and hid tricks are such as at bad boy will play at all times. This afternoon and to-night the last performances of "The Corner Grocery" will ha given. At the matinee this afternoon a handsome Konvenier valentine will be given to every lady and child in attendance. The matinee prices will ba twenty-live and fifty cents. THE WHITE SLAVE" AT THE GRAND. . Another large and thoroughly well pleased audience witnessed the second performance ot Bartley Campbell's popular play, "Th White Slave," at the Grand Opera Houe last night, and it wai sgain recaived with den"oE6tratve applause. It is a very strong melodrama, and the incidents are exciting and absorbing enough to give ample oppor tunity for fine picturesque and mechanical ellects, and these have been taken advantage cf. The piece is most excellently acted M:?3 May Newman was a very gooi "L:?&"' and charmed by the naturAl Et of her style, and the othr leiij-il. characters, particularly the "Nance" of M;ss Emily Hiker and the com edy 3irt of "Mrs Lee," were denemrg of b'gli vrRi?e. Charles D. Herman made au excellent impression as "Clay Britton." aad Gecre C. Charie?, as "Lawyer Stitch," gave a really neat bit of eccentric comedy work. Mr? Frank Foster made good work out nf tbo villainous character "Lacy" and Mr. Charles White, in an "Uncle Tom" sort of part, was very gjed. The other parts wore all satisfactorily portrayed. There will ba a low-priced matinee this afternoon at , and linal performance to-uipht. NOTES. The Zo is nightly entertaining large audi ences with a good bill. Matinee to-day and final performance to night. uTe "Whita Slave" matinea at the Grand this afternoon will be played at cheap prices twenty-rive and fifty cents, Fannie Beane and Charles Gilday will play "Collars and CmTa" at English's, commenc ing Monday evening next, for three nights. A handsome valentine will be given to the ladies and children attending the "Corcer Grccery" matinee lit l'os;li3ri'p thi j afternoon Nat C. Goodwin end company in "Those Bells" and "Confusion" will be theatiras tion at the Grand the last half of next week, appearing for the benefit of the Fire Depart ment. The sale of seats for the performance ot "The Beggar Student" by the Maennerchor Society at the Grand Opera House, the iit three nights ot next week, opanei yesterday morning at the theater box-oilke and w very large. The prices range from l" to cents. This, without a doubt, will bs the principal musical event of the season. The attendance at the Dime Museum yes terday afternoon and last nigght was ex traordinarily large, and tha show given pleased everybody. To-day will be "Chil dren's day." Tha attractions for next wee are the best of the season, the principal fea ture being the Rhinehart Opera Company in the operetta of "Red Riding Hood," and the African pygmie3, "Earth men." A Grand Time. The College Avenue Rink was crowded last night, the occasion being a Valentine party, and, judging from the broad gria worn by every one, none were disappointed. The music was excellent, and the grand march was a great sncce? The programme will be repeated this afternoon for the children, and ho doubt it will be well attended. This place is con stant ly growing in favor, and the enlarge rcentof the rink is necessary to accommo date the people. Y. M. C. A. Notes. Sunday-school teachers meeting at 4 o'clock this afternoon, conducted by N. A. Hyde, D. D. Young men's meeting at 7:30 o'clock this evening, led by C. C. Gardner. To-morrow is Railroad Sunday at tne rooms, and Gecrge W. Cobb will ha7e charge of the 4 o'clock gcspel meeting. State Secretary Munhall has just closed a very successful series of evangelistic meet ings at Racine, Wis. LEGISLATIVE NOTES. Tie Drnpgist' Rill Concerning In toxicants Ordered En grossed. The New City Hall Bill Refarrod to tbo Judiciary Committee. Text of Testimony Taken Yester day In the Knightstown Home Investigation. Mr. Llooflj'ö Special Insane Commit tee ELtus Upon Its Proposed Investigation. The Caucus Committee of Thirteen Practically Atrrees Upon Pat ten's Apportionment. Governor Gray haa established executive ieadquarters in BoDra -i of th Court-hcme end will occupy the same during the after noon of each day. The Senate bill, abolishing the offices of City Assessor and Treasurer of Indianapoli, was reported from committee yesterday as a Substitute for one of the same character in troduced by Mr. Tendletoa. Hon. William H. Birnett, ex-member of the House, and Hon. M. It. Slater, ex-Senator, and both of Johnson County, were upon the floor cf the House yesterday, renewing their acquaintance with the members. Mr. Morgan, the ex-employe at the Knightstown Home, who has been accused before the Legislative Investigating Cam- mittee of having so brutally whipped one of the inmates of the Asylum for Feeble Minded as to nearly kill it, Is said to be a r.fplifw cf Enoch Morgan, the New York apolio manufacturer. The Senate notified the House yesterday that it had passed certain House bills, among which were the bill providing for the building a brick birn and making other Im provements at the Reform School for Boys, and the bill proving for the establishment of township libraries and the levying of a special tax for the support of tho same. Mr. Schley's bill amending the election law was adversely reported npon from com mittee yesterday and the report adopted. Another bill by the same gentleman, to pro tect female employes in mercantile and manufacturing establishments, was ordered engrossed. The bill provides that chairs or stools shall ba provided such employes Ex-Governor Porter was oa the Moor cf the House yesterday. In conversation with a Sentinel representative he said th&t his private business was absorbing his atten tion now and would require the -"ost of his time for the next two months. At ths end of that time he expected to eater npon the work of writing a general history of the State. William Alexander Bismarck Roberts, late attache of the Republican State Central Committee, and manager of the Senatorial campaign of ex-Governor Porter, was uddu the floor of the House yesterday, viewing the wreck of bis hopes. "William is b'essa with the gift of continuance, however, ai l will be heaid from again in the distant fa ture. Alexander Heron, Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture, was on tne fijor of the House yesterday. The State Board is asking an appropriation smncient tn pay the anneal interest oa its bonded indebted ness ($10,000), which annually amount to ?2,4Cu The Board claims that thev can pay the indebtedness provided the state will assume and pay oü the interest. The House Judiciary Committ?a has re commended the repeal of the present pro voke law. Should the measure be taken from the statute books, the pretext for fining men when they have done nothing culpable would no longer exist. The motto cf the IndianapDlis Justice (a misnomer, by the way,) see mi to be: "If you can't think of anything else, file against your adver sary for provoke; that is always a iure shot." Mr. Schmidt's bill authorizing the city of Indianapolis to erect a market house and other public buildings came up yesterday. Mr. Jameson moved that th bill be referred totbeJud;ciary Committee with instructions to inquire into the truth of the a'alement made in the preamble, and whether the c ty would lose the inont-y received from the Tonil In son estate if it bi not used as pro- vidti' for iu the bill. The bill was so re ferreo Mr. Ffisnl'a bill, requiring druggists to keep an tcount of all sales of liquor oa prescription, the time sold, the name of tho party purchasing and the purpoee for which such liquor was to ba cssd, and make sworn monthly statements of the same to the Clerk of the Court, was resorted from ommitte?, with the recommendation that it ba in-dff.n:t-'v postponed. Adiacussion followed ia v nich it was urged that subh a law csu d n ot be enforced and a douot of the power to compel compliance with such a law. Others argued that the druggists were violating the law every day, and that while saloon-keep ers were compelled to pay license fees, dru? gsts sold without any such tax. Bv a vote, 40 to :0, the House refused to concur in the report of the committee. An amendment to compel druggists to take out saloon-keepers' license was laid on the table, as was also an amendment to require saloon-keepers to make monthly reports as required of drug gists in the bill. Several other amendments were disposed of in the same manner, and the bill wa3 finallv engrossed. Hon. Hugh Mc Huden, the talented and popular member from Dearborn, has und2r consideration the expediency of being a can didate for Secretary of 8tate, and there U little doubt but he will announce his candidacy before the Legislature adjourns. Being a lawyer of con siderable experience end recognized standing at the bar, Mr. McMulIen's prefer ences would naturally lead him to aspire to the oüzce of Attorney General, bat his friends are urging that he make the canvass for Secretary of State. Hia friends urge, and with every show of reason, that th? Southern part of the State is now represented in the Attorney General' office, and that by right that position ehoula go elsewhere in the next nominating convention: For a like reason the Secretaryship of State will likely go south of the capital county, and the frieDds of Mr. McMullen declare with one voice that he. of all men, is the most de servicg, and would make an invincible can didate for the party and a" ctl!:er that would reflect credit upon the State. THE Ari'OF.TIONM ENT. The Committee of Thirteen appointei by the Democratic caucus on Thursday night to report an Apportionment bill, met yester day evening and made out a bill which is practically the same ai that presented oy M'. Patten. The result of the committee's w is as follows: 1 irst District Gib-on. Posey, VaaSerbur. W rick. Tike, rencer And Perry. hfeoed LMstrict Knor, Clre-ne, Davies, Martin, Dubois, Lawrence, (ranean l Crawford. Third District Harrison, Washington, Jcckson, Jenn'.ngp, Clark, Scott ana Floji. Fourth Dlstiict Jeirer'on, Kipley, IVcfl'-ir. Rush, Union, ir&nktin, Dearborn, Onio hid S trland. y.i'th District owen. Putnam. Hen Jr;-k. Mjr gaa, .Momoe, Krown, Johaon and iHrt noione'.v. sixth District Delaware. i'.iLtl j'.pa. Vayne, Fyetto nri Grunt. Seventh District -Marlon, Fncoeif ßcd Shelby, Datrlct Saliivan. io. Clay, Dirke. Vermillion. Fountaine and Montgomery. Mutu District Jioone, '1 iprcaaoo, Clinton, Tipton. H&rniHcn and Mndivon. Tenth D strict Warren. LVnton, Carroll. Ciss. White. Fu!askt. Newton, Japprr. Uke Dd Portt-r. Lleventn District Howard, Miami, Wabash, Huntington. Wells, i Cams, J:v and l; ac' ford Twelfth IKftrkl-Aih-n. Wfcitley, Noble, De Kalb. Lfl?ren?o and Steuben. Tn-.:;icntri District s'irkt?, La port i, Joseph, Mar.'iiHll, hTk hart and Koscicko. Tne foregoing is t&timated to Democratic majorities in eight districts, Ilepnblictti :isa jirltifs in two districts, while tho Sjventb, NIneth and Thirteenth are close and doubt fQL The Senatorial bill agreed upon will plve tbe Democrats thirty-three Benatora end the Kspublicans seventeen. Oa this estimate th Senate two years hence will tdand thirty si Democrats and fourteen Republicans. The !l?pre?entative bill ajreul upon gives etxty-one Democrats, twenty-nine Depubii cans and ten doubtful, making a joint bal lot, trTO years hence, ninety -seven I)3mo crats. THE K.NKIlimOU'N INVESTIGATION. The special committee appointed to inves tigate the affairs of the Knghtstown Home met yesterday morning ;tnd continued th; taking of testimony. "William P. Wilson, County Superintend ent ef Henry Conuty, jstified that he held county examinations the la:t Saturday cf each month. ioar brocght a young lady for examination tue last Saturday in July, I think, of last year. He went away and then came back. He said be was in tiouble, snd that her name would net be given on hi3 papers, but a lie tili u? neme would be given. The girl a?ked if he could skip one subiect. I told her no. The name on trie manntcript was LeGrand Bat-l-r. She went oil" on the :; o'clock train. Shp was dressed in white a::d had on a broad hat, and she would wei 120 pound?, well developed, s-eventeea years old or more. Did not say where her honi3 was. Goar' reputation for morality is much talked about in New Castle. When the G. A. K. investigation was hel l he caue to me and wanted me to ttll what I kuer of the girl coming there. Dr. Elias Hubbard Am sixty yeaM old ard live at New Castle. I aai in the am budding with Goar and Hedges. June 2 Gear and a lady came up and went to h3 otlice. HedgC3 then called to me to come up. I went up and he told me to lo:k an I eee what is going on. I went and taw a lady on the lounge in Goar's otfi:e. I started to go out. Hedges had put some chairs by the door to look over the transom. The girl came down with Goa" in about fifieen ininuteB. She was dresied in white, and had on a broad-brim rued hat. squarely built, and dark auburn hair, and was fourteen to sixteen years old. John Milliner asked ma oa the occasion absve re ferred to who went up into Hedces olfiie. William Gross Live at New Castle and practice law. Know John M. Goar. His moral character is nctf-ocd. Have seen him intoeicated some fev times. Know Dr. White, but doa t know his moral cbatacter. Daniel Harney Live in New Castle and ara Marshal of the city. John M. Goar'a moral character at home is ba.J, 13 is al o bis reputation for sobriety. Put him in jail at s o'clock one morning before the election and kept him till " o'clock. He entered a plea of guilty to drunkenness. John M. Mowrer Live in New Cast'e aud am Peace Justice. I am a Democrat. Gear's character for sobriety is bad.' I hve beard people talk cf his morals, but don't know anything my pelf. Know nothing, except by hearsay, of thescandnl of June 'Jt Phitip Wright, recalled, testiEtd to bavins a conversation with Morrer. in which he said he had no trouble with White. Mowrer, recalled, jaid Wright had snoken ia a complimentary manner of Dr. White. Said he thonpi t Goar was a bed man, and he wanted r cut what tha people ol New 0fc thuught about him. Tr e committee will meet again Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock to resume the taking of testimony in the cass. It is also probable that another visit will be made during the week to tho Home. THi: NEW lNSANK H0! ITAL IN VFSTIS ATION. The committee, appointed to investigate tbe affairs of the new insane hospitals held its first meeting yesterday morning, at which time the contracts and bands of the several contractors weie submitted and filed. Frank Biecklidge, Clerk of the Boird of Commissioners- vas called and brietly ex amined, 1 .t his testimony was not cf an important character. Judge Robinson, a member of the board, appeared for examination, and, in order that he might return to his duties at Spencer, where he is now holding a term of court, a special meet ing of the committee W33 held yesterday afternoon immediately npon the adjourn ment cf the House. The witness made a full statement regard ing the contracts, the bonds for the same and the progress of the work, a full account of which has already appeared in the Sentinel. He regarded the thiee asylums as necessary to accommo date the insane, and believed that the cen sus of 180, which placed the number of in sane in the State at :J,5"0. was net, in proportion to population, tha number is much smaller thaa that of ether States, where more attention has been given to the care of the insane. He instanced the fact that Massachnf ett3 had more than .",,000 per sons in her asylums, and since the census of lSdO Illinois had provided additional room for 1.5C0 more than was reported at that time. When asked by the committee why the contracts did not appear on file in the Sec retary of State's office, as required by law. he t aid that the matter had never been called to the attention of the board aad it was merely by inadvertence that copies were not made and the originals filed. He said that there had been, since the contracts were made, almost daily references to them; that the fact that they were in the Gover nor's office and open to inspection by any body, at any time, probably led the com mittee not to look strictly into the law requiring them to be kept on file in the Secretary's orhce. In converfation with a reporter Judge Robinson (aid that he was very glad that the Legislature bad determined to look into the matter, and be felt confident that the needs of the additional aiyluras would be made moreapparent by the investigation. It was whispered yesterday that some in barrjcony exMed among the members of the Investigating CommUtee, and that a disposition was not manifest to push the matter to a speed7 conclusion. In conver sati6n with Mr. Brownlee he denied the soft impeachment, and said that action upon the part of the committee had been delayed by circumstances over which its members had no control. Some delay had been occasioned in getting a detailed statement of the expenditures, that given by the board in its report being only in prois. He looked forward to an early com pletion of the work, and did not think that it was purposely retarded by the chairman or members of the committee. ltyan, The Hatter, 21 find 23 South Illino:s street, Sells Winter Goods Way Down. Ryan, The Hatter, 21 and 23 South Illinois street. bOll CD AM) WORN CARPETS Krnrwed-An Iuvt-ntion Tlt Honiekeep crs Will He Delighted With. Tte Acme Carpet Clfaner is the name of a wcndenul invention that has proved a very valuable article for thoroughly cleansing carpels without removing them from the tloor. While it cl-anses the carpit it also mtores the orismal color without injury to the material. No dilTerenca how dirty tne carpet i?, it is auide equal to new. At the State Library. Frank Bird's transfer office or the United states District Court-room car pets can be teen that have undergone thi3 prcceEB. With the renovator plushes, vel vets or upholstery of any kind can be cleaned and the colors restored to their former brichtne?fl. The State agents are Messick A: Child, 20 Kentucky avenue. A New Kuterjtrtse. The Jcsepb Schlitz. Brewing Company, of Milwaukee. Wis.. ha3 established an agency at 238 and 210 South Meridian straet, with Watt Miller as managers. Mr. Miller, who has long been so fivorably knojvn wrh the Milwaukee Bottling Company, has cfcarge 0: this busiccjs, and no doubt he will have a prcat infiut-rce oa the trade in Lis own be half, as the Schütz Beer is tho tea the world aiTerds, and success will surely crown the etlorts of the new enterprise A ncrion At 40 Vp3t Washington Btreet, to-night, of a large and select etock of Pictures and Frames, to be Fold at public auction. Sale commences at 7 o'clock. llmmlng AH lilgfe-t. The trains of the Monon route are now running through to Chicago; also Michigan City, on regular time. R-r. DEKT E.MMETT, District Passenger Agent. Wholesale Slaughter Of Damage! Hardware, Damaged by tho Fire! gale every day for ten days. Buy wiiiie you tan tuy cheap. Mechanics' Tools and Builders' Hardware. VAJEN Ä NEW. Cl East Washington Street, A genuine American Waltham Watch, Silver Ca-c, Stem Winder and Setter, warranted for one year, for 10, AT in k mm JEWELERS, 12 East Wasftir.QtQn street. M. M. WILLIAMS, 302 S. Jllirois St., Oii. IVo. -I 2Sn jxii&o IIoiie. roc per doz. fcr Cora. deeper doz. for Succotash. 50c per doz. for Lima Ecaus. tc per doz. for Pew. 4i.c rer lb. for Best Uncolored Japan Tea. öCc per lb. for Choice (JuLdowder Tea. iOc rer lb. fcr (Joed Tea. Kc for 8 lbs. Dried Susrar Corn. 2fc for 5 IbP. New Turkish Frun??. '2lc tor 5 lbp. New Enclisn Currant.?. vK for 11 lbs. Akron Oatraeal. 2ic for Its Iiaisins. 15c fcr 1 lb. P. ik leg Powder. 2clor 6 Its. Dried Apples 2c for " Bars Geraan oap. 25c for 9 lbs I'iel'f. Starch. rc for 10 lb. Kit ol No. a New Crop Macierel. 20c for 1 Fal. ioI3en Syrup 15 lbs. Granulated Sugar, 51. 18 lbs White Kxira C sugar, ft. 19 Its. Extra C upar. Si. 7,'4c ptr lb. for Choice Lard. J., bbl. cf New Crop Family "'bite rVu, Tic. nr.. POSTAL OKDKIi-s I ' ' . VE-.tD. VALENTINES, Fancy and Comic. LARGE ASSORTMENT, AT CHARLES MAYES ft CO.'S, S3 ana 81 W. 'W&shlnBton EV BROWNING & SLOAN, DKUGGI8T8, AKD DZALKES IN Fine Perten n& Teilet Articles, Lutein's, Colgate's, Lundborg's and Rlcksecker's Fine Extract, Genuine Imported Tarlna and German Cologne, Florida and Lavender Waters, Fine Toilet Soape and Sponzee. Tooth, Uafr. Cloth and Nail Brushes, and cdl article wanted for the toilet at the LOWEST FIGURES August Erbrich, SOLE AGZXT FOB AUEOEA LAGEB BEER, Xxa. Hosn And IZlottloa. 220 and 222 ßCUth DclaTtro BU AMÜ8EUENT5. CO7- lrel at la I res C'lrH. 00? ITU IN iu"l- LAUGllTKU, Last I'crrormacca TO-NIGHT! TD eiizi. 7 Sully's I'nrre Act Comply Nonr. VALENTINE MATINEE TO-DAY AT 2. Thr Co nor Grocery, The Comedy Sno-f f the Srnou. Thi Afternoon A VALENTINE MATINEE wilt beciveu. tvrv ledy aul cMM atteij 11 m c will revives IlANDiOMS SüCVüNlß VALü.N IN 2, llitlu - e I rlcts-23aad LCc. O o 1 1 n x s ancl Cn IT I latroJiiCtns l-atiute ! au ud Lbtts. 'jUviHjr. Monday. Tr.oidy. We and Matinee. LT0U60 Packed to tho Doors 2 GRAND .MAHNTE TO I LAST PIRIFORM NC& DAY AT J. TONIGHT AT Si Pr:ce. Ij anl ;.c c.-tts. Fries. 15. 2d, 50. 75c. fi. THE WfllTE ME! iTTbe Nw York stir (V.t. Entire New and! Masnifiet-ut c-uery. titlir.i Mcchin'! Eöee;p, and the omterlal Kiln tonn -( K- al wter. Monday. Tuviay &A values Jay, Feb. It, 17 u-J IS, th- m K Ii KnCrtOll SOCIETY, l'refeatltig the Ti.tire ore of Mi.Iocer's i'or'i'Hc ()r"?ra, 4 TJ IK HKNGaK st r n EN T. t; v. .Prices. 33, 2" 50 and lie bale of teats nov? in p-ort rs at the box office. w unv&zi SUNK;1 Tuesday, February 17, Chate Championship Rae? Between Walter l);an anl Caestcr ptin. GRAND PBIZS M&SiEB&DE CARNIVAL AT THE Meridian hkating Binfe9 TUESDAY EVEUTNG, rolornary 17tli, lOOS, Admlsnion Jj o.nts. See list of prites. Ü?JLLü AVUUbKIlC Corner Sc-ventn aLd College Avcncc. Attraction For This Woel:. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1H. VA-IIC 'XIIVIG PARTY, Saturday, February 14, Children's Vclentino Mitlnce. Tuesday, Fcbrnary 17, 3T1 O ZSC O XZI A S E , Pri.e The Fox. GILf.lGRt'S rneatro AND lOCfii-? (?;nrl n F JOSEPH A. riURGEBS Great Comedy, Fntitled A B&KKER'S LTJCK,' And r BijOIio Pcrrormsnce. J' ndiana Lew Magazine AND- Corporation Heporisr, The only periodical which rcp-orts, ender ccn venlent Index, 11 the opinions of tne 8uprerxc Court. at once, and In a form available lor lantx diate reference. Indorfed by tne Judges ol tho Bapreme Court, and ciicd In their opinions. Accur&td and Kclliblo. AIo the cnlj rertoil which glre a crrtnt flltest ot all rubile and pmato corporation cr-sc-a öect'led by the Surrerae Court of the Cnlte'l et&tee, and thj Enpree Courta of tbe Ecreral State. This diRCJt ig ot permanent valuo, te'ccj so pp.ped us to a?t;it ot binding in fceparate volumes. Pablishel procptly at De clcse cf each ten days' ecEfici of the Indiens Snrreme Court. Terms, 5 Per Annum. "He SEüTÜIfL CGMP1HT. !ndiir.SDci!3i !nd LUMBER For IHilo. Dry Lumber of 11 Kinds Ami of All Thicknesses. ALEXANDER PRUITT, Edicljsr?. JoIilsoh Const?, Ind. C. F. SCHMIDT. Brewer aadTJottlor of LAGER BEER South End cflh&snsSiM Typ e -Writers. FULLY WARRANTED. jd C?iVJ j j It' minton" ms y retarn C C. 9. 7f ; - - 4 yAlg mthm Udars II unAii?iacwTy .a. : 1 IflUVIllllWi - carbon. Type-Writer Vnjr, ptrt-. ff., "n hBr.d. SOLE AGEHTS 1 17 Sooth Meridian Et ett Condit Block