Newspaper Page Text
a 3iE FNDIAKATOLIS DAILY SENTINEL WEDNESDAY MORNING FEBRUARY 18 1885 i BAKAGED GOODS AT THE sill YORK S Sit We had niDe cac cf iroods In th2 Ute sr',. 11 of wh!( a wre In thi water, a id the go '-da rc thoroughly oafccJ and f;erarl fro 3a ir.iid. The ch?.-s contiiuoi r; iizhimi, .-ti de yoTp, EleAChed Masün, 10- Frjvti Muslins, Lidle' and Gent's Pilbrl.:::vi Un-I2rw;r, el2.. : Tis; emiie lot will ba placed (in Sale This 'ionium. Prices at 153 oenater. IS.BASSETT&UO JOS. A. MOORE, fc4 17. LI artet St., Indianapolis, Ind Interest allowed oa deposits, la sum, of S and cp ward. Money to Ixan ca Improved City and Farm I'rrperty in Indiana und Ohio. City, County and Town Bonda, and Purchased Notes, bought and sold. No loins made except such aa are secured I y fcrst mortgage on real estate, with a lare mrm cf fcurity, or by collaterals having a martet va'ue. Foreign Exchange for aa!9 oa all parts of the world. AILROAD 9 L S. AYRSS I SO. Pfec9 on Sale TO - 1DJL1T 0,5SG Yards of B?niitifui Hamburg act! All Over Efabroiderie, iu AVbitG and Color mostly Fine GüOd;. Damaged by Water Iu a Railroad Wreck. Having set tled with the Company, we are able to öfter these good at 40 CEWS 05 THE DOLUS! Come Quick if Vou Wislifo Sscira Tiieia. S. AYEES & CO. EPECIA.L TO THE LADIES: When jou are iu the store look at our Grand Dapiay of Masün Underwear. The Cheapest and Pectin America. Ask to see our 75 ;cent Jerseys and 2b cent White Aprons. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY is. SENTINEL TELEPHONE CALLS. BiiBsiitr once 1C4 Editorial Rooms 1'Jl Til SLNTLNEL AT NEW ORLEANS. To accommodate the throng frora the tforthwest who will desire to raad their !a- or'.ta home paper while attending tbe vrorld'a Exposition," the Sentinel ha been p'acM ca tale !a New Orleans at Georgs P. T.arton & Bro.'a, No. 5 Carondelet street, between Canal and Common atreeta. OLD TAPEKS. vWrcod conditioned old raren far aala at ih!a ofSce at only 40 cents per hundred. CITY IN BRIEF. The man Hitchcock mentioned in the Terre Haute Express last week, is not J. M. Hitchcock of this place, who travels for Alex. Tarart, the cracker man, as he Is not cf the kind that has presentiments, but is strictly busineaj. Union services of St Taul's Cathedral and Christ Church will be held at Christ Church this morning at 10:30. The services will be conducted by Kevs. J. S. Jencks and E A. Bradley, and Bishop Knickerbocker will preach the ttrmoo. Capiain Coibrt and Gargeaat Lowe yester day morning arrested George Paine, who re sides at 5:20 North Alabama street, as aa in rare man. Us had threatened to do a yoan? xuaa named Charlie Heis bodily harm, and bad also greatly alarmed his parents by his wild actions. The Building Committee of the Board of Trade, in their report, will recommend the Purchase of the Eraakiin building and the l rcprty adjoininp it, in the event tbat It an be purchased for $00,000. The Board vili attempt to bay the Coaditt Block, if ths Railroad Oar w m TDK WATER! PET! Vv iiJliuI Franklin baildicg can net te psretawd oa terms tsked. The residence of T. J. Gaynor was dam aged ty fir yesterday, the result of a defec tive fice. Loi, fjOO; insured for ?0X in the German Mutual. THE CHOSEN FRIENDS. Vltih Annual Meeting of That Order lieporte of the GraDd Councilor and Recorder Flection of Officers. The Oand'Lod-j of the Order of Chosen Friends L?ld its fifth annual meeting in the Bates Block yesterday. A lare number of members and all cf the grand ofii'.en were present. Several delegates from the northern part of the 8ale who were snow-bound did tot arrive until last niht The annual report of B. F. liters, Grand Ccurclior, was submitted a, the morning sesr.on. Ur. Refers congratulated the orler on the prosperity of tba last year, and the the f avorable oatlcok f-r the future. Th report sUtfd that dipsoia.iou had bien granted to ail Conrsci s to aimit memb?r i oiirtdcced initiation foes when va req abated. TLe anneal retort of O Bradford, Grand Eecoidtr,.s submitted thowingthat at th beginning or the year tbe Order hall,;;) members, to thicn there bad been At)) ac ceisiors, -lis bt-specsiocs, 20 withdrawals and Ifi tenths, Ifavinj; the present memoer ship at IXA'.K The financial exhibit made sKcvfd that tbe balance on hand in the i."nerM fand wa3 $132 07; in the re'ief fand, ii 2!.: :;7 v?bile tbe annual expenditures re spectively were $7,017.72 and $25, ".o5 29, leavti p a balance cn hand of -S4J. E gh teen relief iund payments were made dur incr tb vrar, fixteen for deaths, amounting to 500, mskirg a total of f SI. 412 M in deaih cairns and HQ O') in disability c' l'ms in this State siLce the crginiz.-tion of the Order. The foU-fKins is a list cf the oliieer elected at the afitr.'ioon ecauai: V.G.Cn. V. lij-er. Taiia-iap l a. u. c T. ('. F.;rjTre!, New aioau. f. .. C II. O. i;audmark. To:'. Wayne. Ii. V. C Mis .aran Llder, ira2il. ir. K. C Bradford, city. O. M.-C. A. Caiarbell. ElkliarT. (t. I're'ate Mrs. It J. (Jritn';s, InJIacaoll3. G. vvarden Mrs. Leeds. Ind-anajills. rectrj I. !:. Keed, Fort Wayne. G. Trus'ces A. M. Sims, Indianapolis: IT. K. Owen, hoir.e, and John logger, Indi&uapolts PERSONALS Jacob Schrceler, Esq.. a prominent a;- torney of CircTnnati, O , is in the c'ty. en gaped in the trial of a CiUie in iue J'ei eral Court. At the Occidfntal: 1) W. Bridges, Braz!l: J. Theobald, Terre Haute; R. B. Bollard, H. C. Vincen, Greensburg; L. S. Itodgers, FUpocringtors; S. H. Mitchell, Salem; Sam McFfiden, Loansport; IL S. Ha'tery, C. L. Woil, 15. F. Lanthorn P. o. Fiinn, Sey mour; J. Vi. Hawkins. P. L. Litter, Brazil; (i. V, ilcGee, Ti;tjn; W. James, H. W. Winanr.W. S. Reid. Muncie. James R. Overman, Mitchell; J. G. lie- Nutt, Terre Uaute; Thoraai Hanlan, Nav7 Albany; M. I). Fansier, Logansport; T. VT. O. Bratlctt, John U. Nichcl3on, Richmond; W. O. Moni?, Knis-itstown; James Cjt, Terre Haute; B. V. Hsnna and -wife, Craw foidsville; Gcdlove Orth, Lafayette; O. D Thompaia and wif?, Goshen; fiear A. BnstirJr, Paoli; R. J. Wilson, Sile n; Georg" W- Williams. Knightstown ; J. B Knntr, nantingtiuj James B. Mulkoy,; Dr. VT. F. Sherrod, Jelfersori ville; John W. Buikirk. Blooaiintoi; Janif-s GilrriOr1 and wir. Dinville; U. W. Goodwin. John Kea, N-.w Castle; H. V. Nervei !. Bloomfield; Ju.?ge E D. Pearson, It:dfo: !; Dr. W. I?. XlcGavan, Knihtstown, are rt'.he Grand Hotel, The Roller Rinks. Notwithstanding the disagreeable weather and v ri jus counter attraction?, a yery lare arswiatlage was present at the Wigwam Rink last night, the particular feature of at traction being the " five müe race for the championship of the city and a purse of Z between Walt3r Dean, holder of the cham pionship icrdal, and Chtsler Spain. Tha raio W3s an excitiog one, ths contestants kfeping closely together until near the close, v;ht-u, by an extra burt of speed, Mr. Dean .u'cdfd in gaining a half-lap, which he uicintaised, winning the coutejt in twanty '.wo rjinote.i and thirty-five seconds. In commemoration 6f tbe birthday of tbe "FKther of His Country," the manasamnt of tbn Wigwam Einkproposa, next Mondiy evtninc, to give a graad patriotio R'O. White ard Bice rarty, for which an elegant li?t of prizes is oSered. This will be son:e ibine new and novsl, and should draw a larse croisd. l.&sd t7?nit gtbe College Avenne Eink was crowded to its fullest rapacity with it. eat teekers who had gathered there to w itness the fox chase and enjov sVnJn.r on one of the best r!oor3 in h Wot. The chass was intensely eicitin.: irom the start until tbe fox was made a prisoner. Local Courts. frlTEEIOR COURT. Koon l.-Eon. N. B. Taylor, Jadw. Clara M. Millier ra. Horace F. Miller. Ii- vcrcc granted plain tiif. Boom 2. Hon. I). W. Hoire, Jcde. Robert Rjthelsbarger et al. vs. Anthony Zacca et al. Dismissed. State ex. rel. Francis T. Hord, Attoraey General, V3. ths Board cf Commia- sioEers of Marion County. To reoaver In terest cn the Common School bonds of Ma rion County. Cn trial by jury. John W. Tattle ts William Crosson et To quiet title. Decree for plointiiE Eoom So. 3. lloa. I C. Walker, Judge. Lizzie . Catt vs. John H. Frier. Atach ment. Finding for defendant. George It. Barnliart vs. the I., B. and W. Hallway et al. Damsgsa. Oa trial by jury. The New Police Commissioner. Several days ago the State orScers deter mined to appoint Mr. T. J. Cotterel to the vacant Commissionership of the Police Board find he was 83 notified, bnt his con sent to serve was not obtained until yester day. The new Commisiioner is one of the best known citizens of Indianapolis, a man of irreproachable character, and will make an icient oilicer. He will be commissioned to-day by the Governor. The Mexican Veterans. The Mexican Veterans of tht State will meet this morning at the Sapreme Court room at 11 o'clock, General Manson presid ing. Reports of committees and the regulxr bnsinesj of the association will be attended to. Mayor McMaster will deliver an address of welcome. In tbe evening, at 7 :30 o'clock. Governor Gray, Major Gordon and others will address the association at Room 1. Sa perior Court. The public is invited to attend, LEGISLATIVE NOTES. Tlie House Passes the Rill to Relieve Certain Trustees. Senator Fouke's Civil Srvlc3 Bill Ordered Engrossed Ita Provisions. Judge Lewi Jordan's Estimate of tho Condition of tho Stato Finances. A Dull See'.on Held by the Knights town Home Investigating Com mutee L&et Night. Tfce Six Per Cent. School Fand b 11 wn defeated yr s'eiday. There is ecme t3lk of lively kicking In the party rant3 on the Apportionment bill and tbe names cf i- .erbt prominent Democrats are mentionfd who will not abide by the caucus cctioti. It i'j expected that the committee appoint ed to investigate the matters connected with the new insane hoipltab will report ti day, with a ii.-idlns that the buildicss hsve been put up so far ac:crding to contract, and that they are necessary. Senator Winter's bill, abolishing the ofhees of City Treasurer and Assessor of Indian lp olis, has been passed by the House, nd tbe measure now only needs the Governor's function to blot out these offices whea the term of the present incumbents expire. The House yesterday pa3sed a bill to re lieve the Township Trustees in thii county who lest funds in the defunct Indianapolh hank. Tbre were o.OOO nositors ia Fkt her iV SharpVg bank, and 0'J in Harri sen's, who would like to be relieved by leg islative enactment in the tame way. The Governor signed three bills yesterday, ere appropriating money for the coastrac- ticn cf a nevv brick barn, gas works, and an sedition lo the kitchen at the Plainfield Rs ferm Scheel; one legalizing the incorpora tion of the town of Ambia. Benton count v. and a third amending the charter of the ton cf Vernon. The Militia bill was ordered engrossed yes terday alter the adoption of twoamjndmentj appropriating $10,000 each, the one to par chase uniforms and the other to equip te companies with arms, etc. In this connec tion it is interesting to note what other Stateb are doing for their militia. Tne fal lowing are ecme of the States making 8ppr j rriatiors: Habe, $16,000; Nev Hampshire, rJS.COO; Massachusetts, $150,000; Rnoe Liana. ?:3 000; Connecticut, $60X00; New York, $350 CO); Pennsylvania. 220,000; Lou isiana, $27.500; Kentucky, "$10,000; Ohio, f;0,00Q; Illinois, $150,000; M:ch California, $07,000. gan, "n.UO'.t; Senator Foulke's Civil Service bill cane up in the Senate yesterday, and an ani mated dijecssion followed. Several of the Democrats vcted with the Republicans, and the bill was ordered engrossed. The b'll provides for the appointment of three Civil rervicfr Commissioners, who ehall employ a Chief Examiner, ;ind shall examine co n pt:tively when there is more than one ap plic&Lt, acd generally when there is only ere all aspirants to appjlntive otlices. Th3 bili voulfj reach appointed clerks of tbe San Ate ar.d House, employes of all tha reform i tcry and benevolent institutions, ali ttn appointee3 of the Governor, or appointHM nf Jinxes of the Supreme Court, and all clerks of State cdiicers. Elective otlicers tre no; :'!. cludtd. Judge Lewis Jordonhas addreaaei a letter to Mr. Gordon of the Ways and Means Com mittee concerning the proposed temporary loan. He estimates that the d2öcit at ths clcscjof the year will be $107,3MS 77, and addi (Lat "the anio unt will be Increased by just ach epecial appropriations as ar9 male bf tbe Legi8'ature. D. loois very much a if ihcrnls now in eirht a deficiency of 17;,- ;S.7 and a there is no law authorizing tne Slate cilicer3 to make o tempurary Jaan, the necets ty cf meking one i3 very apparent. Of course you will notice that in my esti mate I have included the whole of th j $) - 000 appropriation for the additional asy lums, upon the suppoaition tbat the wlule balance will bs calieJ lor before the cloe of the present fiscal year." IHK KNKiHTSTOWN HOME INVESTIGATION. The Knightstown H?ius Investigating Committee was occupied all day yesterday in the examination of witnesses. The fol lowing is a synopjis of the important evi dence: Ei. Cahn I kriov Goar, and know Le driial.c sometimes badly. The ramjrs are rgiit' hint. I think he drink tor) mach. It. M. Xi-ton Gosr's repatatiou for morals is seed, L.'t for sobriety ia bad. Gtorge RJi;23an Lived iu New Castle for thirteen years. Gou's repatatioa, so far m 1 know, is good. He demandjd an invesu- ;Eticn before tha G. A. R and inide hii arrangement to meet it, bnt the nigbt ap pointed there was no quorum, and the nut ter dreppfd there. Goar complained he am not tbn9 treated fairly. Iiis reputation for ccbriety i not good. yu f . ? Live at Knghts'.own. Have fioitiaa. Newcastle !or Goar iastJane and July. 1 was there on the 2-Hh of June, at tha time of this scandal. I saw the girl in Gear's cfllce. fhe was dressed in white, and had on a straw hat. They were there between 0 and 10 o'clock in the morn Inpr. Tbe lounee stood in the center of theeast end of the room. Mrs. Goar told me it wa3 the same lady who has been named befora this committee by Hedges. She was about seventeen years of age. There was some stranger talking to her when she told m that T. B. Ecehr Have known Goar for seven or eight years. He drinks at times, bat 1 never eaw him intoxicated. Omer Jetlries Have known Gaar for som time, but I don't know of his drinking. I beard Iiis reputati3n far sobriety is bad. Henry A. Buchtel (formerly book keeper at the Knightatown Home) Visited there once a month. Have known White for nine years, three years at Knightstown. I regard him as a gentleman. If the whipping at the in stitution is as bad as represented by the hypothetical question pet by the committee he is not the proper person to act as Super intendent. Ella M. Hubbard Been employed at the Home for a year, and formerly for four years. My relations with Dr. White have always been pleasant. I think be is entirelv competent for the position of Superintend ent. Robert Clugg'sh Lived In New Castle for thirty-five years. Have known Goar for seven years. His reputation for sobriety is good, tent have heard that he drinks. Jchn H. Kaiser Am a saloon-keeper at New Castle and have lived there twenty-one years, 1 ordered my son not to sell Goar liquor, because his wife ttstlßeü 'tcalnit me in my application for license. 1 have sold him lienor, but never saw him drunk. Cbarlts S. Hubbard Been acquainted with tbe Home since it organization and have bad considerable to do there. I was four years Trustee and was author.of the bill fcr the establishment of the injtituttoa for the feeble minded. Am acquainted with its arrangement, and it is all right as far as I knew. If the testimony here is true tbe whippipg was beyond re&snn. VThite's rep utation for morahtv end sobriety is good ai far as I know, but I know nothing of Goar'a leru'ntion. Mrs. David Shipman I live at Knighü to" l!. Was employed a? governess of th f i t t an girls foreleven months from Ja'y l, i;2 1 had fifty-three giria under myejn t cl at cue time. Have tnown White eince 1C S2 His general moral character and fjr ecbriety is good. I lived f)rmerly at Lin coin, III., where I was Surv sor in the Home for Feeb'e minded. Was also em p cyd thirteen months in the Glenwood kttitution for Feeble-minded. Tue msia cause of the trouble at the Knightstowu Ecme ia that the Superintendent has not tb; powr to hire and discharge employes. If he had this power ha would ba tbe mn ft.r the pltce. Mrs. Moore, who hss been be fore tV's corLmittce. was regarded as a dis turb:! g t-ltment at the institution where she s.nplojed in Iowa. She was not iited through the house. White's ciaiQct is geed and kind, bnt t;o lenient. Saäie Ey Wilson' conduct was formerly good, but in the lest year the l as opposed the rale iu vogue. Mary T. Wilson's CDnduot has al ways been good. Mr. Moore and Sasia Ray Wilson s treatment ot Dr. White has not been kind and courteous. Mrs. Moore ws dto. dient in many ways, but I oin f'z i.o instances. We were not oa pood t- rrr.?. I quit the second time at Knights t'.wn to get married. Djn't knor of Mrs. Moore going to White and ask him to stop cruel treatment of the children, or to enforce the rules. Don't know anything of the raw-hide whipping testified to here, but heard of it- Dr. White nevar gave anv lni ortctic&ble orders, tnd I never knew of him bnrg lecked up with the teachers in h:s room. I i.ever heard it ruttiorei. Think White ii a compt2nt person for Superin tendent. Don't tnink it ex ;es:ive punish ment to n ake pirls stand on a bench f )? an hour blind-folüf d and with a c!"t.n tied ovr their mcuth. I d;Mi't k'io-v G:iar, bd' bis reputation is bad. We don't tnink a bread fcr.d wa'er diet a severe punishment. Dr. White i niployed, and I think he employed Mrs. Mi. ore. David Shipman I live in Knightstown, and have been there for thirty-hvo yeirs. Wliite'a character foi morality, cbatitv and virtue, and for sobriety, is good. Gjir's reputation for eobriety is bnd. The feeling at the institution amcng th employee to ward Dr. White is not good, but i don't know the cause. W. D. McGovran Lived at Kn'ghtstwn for twenty yean, a a physician. 1 was Su perintendent oi' the Home in ls77, WS and pirt of 17'J. I think tha Homy is in as good condition ss I ever saw it, aud es stjoJ as un der the reign of Dr. Wisbard. Wliite'a char acter fcrmorality, dustily and virtue, and txbriety is good. Gear's reputation for mo rality is very bad, also for sobriety. I knew Nellie Layton. She was one of the nicest girls in the Home, as was also Unttie Robinscn The Superintendent should nut have arbitrary bat largely discretionary power to employ and discharge employes ia cases cf insubordination. George W. William? Lived at Knightf tov;n fcr thirteen years. White's reputa tion is gecd. Goar'a reputation is bad, ss for es I understand it, bat I don't kuoA as I ranEtate the general opinion. White is a cccd purchasing agent, 'fh prespnt trouble dates back six months, whea Mis3 Clark was discharged. A. O. Morris Have lived at Knightstown all my life. White's reputation is good. Gear's reputation i3 bad for sobriety. Sa bin in a carriage &t Knight town with Kii H. Straini wiitn l thought him drunk. The committee adjourned before mid night, ar.d will meet again this mornin, aid fon:etin.e during the week wili go to Knir htiton uain. An unpleasantness arc3 iu the early part of tho evening sfigvion between tbe Chair man ot the committer and Mr. By fiVld, Ibe attorney for Mr. Gear, over tbe introduction of certain te3ti ucny. The reeult was the withdrawal of Mr Bytie'd from the room for the oyenin?, ai.'d otclir:ii:g to remain, saying h$ caaid rot da any more for his client uader the cir cunifanee?. Cnairm&a Loyd re?rrettetl tbat Mr. F.yficld bad withdrawn, and the com mittee felt tha: it wa3 unplt-asint t have a scene of that character; bat it is bsliaved that tha matter will bi amoab!y settled to day. court-ilocm: locals. A $10,000 udraage Suit Against the City Record of the Courts. Bailiff Nickerson, of Roam 3, is sick. Judge Taylor jesterday granted a divarce to Clara M. from Horace F. Miller, the proof beiug tbat defendant was sent to the S:ate I'rLson for two years last Antust. In the suit of Lizzie A. Catt vs. John H. PiUr the jury yesterday returned a verlici givinf; vlfclDtifl' 217.b'), Jesph A. Garner ?:.0, and for Pri r npon the attachment. Martha K. Smith has eued Gere W. Smith fcr divorce. They wers married in August, W - at Irvington. She alleges drunk?mie?., Tilinre to provide and cruel treatmer t for cause. Tfce suit of Attorney General Hord vs. tha Bcaid of Commis&iDners of Marion County is on trial in Room 2. This is the old suit to collect about ?:;,5C0 alleged to belong to the State on the common school boaas of the county. Samuf 1 Adams has sued th-a city for $10,000 damages. His complaint charges that in November last he was in the employ of tbe city a3 a common laborer in a certain lo cality where heavy stone was used. One of the stones fell on him and broke his hip bones, rendering him a cripple for life. Albert Baker, as trustee for Mary Mor rison and her creditors, reported the sale to Frederick Rand, receiver of the Indiana Eanking Company, of Mrs. Mnrrissn'a real estate. The sale was confirmed by the court. Theobjert is to reduce the number of suits in these business complications. Rand as suming lo pay the $30,000 indebtedness on tbe property and save the balance for the oenefit cf the creditors of the Indiana Bank ing Company. The tuit of George R. Barnhart vs. the I., B.and W. Road, the Wabash, the White River Railway Company, the Kingan A: Co. Railway, and Kingan & Co., limited, for 515.000 damages, is on trial in Rxm 3 by jury. Tfce plaintiff was a Big Four en gineer, and on April 12, 1SS3. he was en gaged in switching cars at the Kingan switch. The Wabssh Road was also switch ing at that time in the same place. Tbe I., B. and W. Road had been maintaining frog crossings at this point, they being for the n?e of the I., D. and S. Road, now leased by tbe I., R. and W. The Wabash en gine was making a run at a rate oi speed gi eater than four miles an hour. In 0 making the run the cars jumped the tra:k at the frog, which was in an imperfect state. The cars ran against Rarcbart's engine with such violence tbat he was greatly and per manently injured. His complaint sets out a part'al paralysis, tbe result of Injuries to the spine, defective hearing and eyesight, and tbe ultimate end cf his life by paralysis pre dicted by his physician. He has never since been able to follow his profession as engi n er. The trial will probably occupy tne balance of the week. The Supreme Court. The following case3 were decided in the Supreme Court yesterday: 11 Col. William H Levering, Trustee, vs. Sophia E. Snockley tt al. Tippecanoe C. C. Motion to amend assignment of errors granted. 11,51 S. John Co'lins et al. vs. Anna X. Col lies. Delaware C. C. AüirmeJ. Howk, J. 11 ;C3. Ephraim Catterlin vs. Isaac 1). Armstrong. Clinton C. C. Affirmed. Mitchell, J. U ,vod, Civ of Kotomo et al. vs. Oliver P. Mahan. Howard C. C. Reversed. Elliott, J. I1.S.V2 Julia A. Smith vs Eyron T. Lane. Lake C. C. Ci.-e reinstated. VV1o1h1 Slaughter Of L',el Hardware, Damaged by tae Fire! Sale every day for ten days. Euy while you can bay cheap. Mecban!cs' Tools end Euildert' Hardware. VAJEN L NE'V. (4 East WashJneton Street, 1?J Ä We Lave some cnolce bargain! in Sccond-IIan l Tiano?. Anions thern are two Steinways, one Decker Pros.' Tarlor Grand, (been usad but four teen months) Guild and others. All of which we ofTer at very low figures. Call and see or write for fall description. Theo Pfivmin &Oo. Krribo, Everett Piancs. Ltcry & Clerk and Mason & Ham lin O'gars. OUR STOCK Of Watches, Clock?, Chains, Opera Glesses, Silverware, Fancy Gools, Fine Jewelry, Diamonds and all articles to be found ia the way of Jewelry, ia the Finest and Most Complete ever offered to the public of this c'ty. liil & ILL JEWELERS 12 East Washington Sireat. T.T TTT TTTTA HIT Ct i. l&L. VV JL JLl JLI J. IX ÜJL ÜJ 302 S. Illinois St., Opi. IN'o.-t ICii;iiio House. TOe per 6oz. for Corn. ; to per do., for Pu-o's?h. 5( c per doz. Jor Lima BeLS. f Cc I'd doz. for Pees. 4iC 1 er lb. lor Btst Cncolored lapan Tea. "Cc perln. fcr Ctoice (iuLdowder lea. i't'c per lb. fcr CJocd Tea. W for 8 lbs. Dried Suear Corn. itc for 5 lbs. New Turkish Prunes. JZc lor 5 lbs. N'ew Knrlisb Currants. JH fcr tl ltp. Atron Oatmeal. 2lc fcr 3 Iba!n;. If c for 1 lb. Eaki'jg I'ovdtr. ifc for 6 its. Dried Apples 'Jc for 1" Ears German --oap. 25c for 9 lbs Fiel'F Htarcb. ::M for 10 lb. Kit of No. : New Crop Mackerel. 20c for 1 sal. Golden Syrup. 15 Its. Orsnnlated Susr, II. 18 ILh White lixira C tngar, SI. 19 lbs. Lxtra O Hiear Si. 7,c rcr D. for Ctioic Lard. 4 bbl. of New Crop Kridüv White Fish, 75c. n . POSTAL OKDKRS DELIVERED. August Erbrich, SOLE AGENT FOK AÜEOEA UGEK BEER. 20 22? 'r.rh ntwtro SIMON BTTNTS; Wholesale Liquor Dealer 84 IT. lTaihiiufcn St.. Indianapolis. ' "SAFE BRILLIANT!" PEilFECTieK a "Iscioicst." 9rt I (f Im Uli W W M. GÜNN, G-A.S FITTBB No. 7 Virginia Avenue. FILST-CLASS WORK AT EOTT01I PEICE3. .Telerhoneo. 439. D .A. BOHLEN & SON, ARCHITECTS, 96 Z&si VVatlEgtcn St., U nrrrn tit KD. Telephone 741. AMUSEMENTS. MATINEE TO - DAY ! 2SC to All Parts cfthe Iknc! L.nt I'fifoiniauc To-Nlht! Fannie Beane autt Gbas. GMay In tbf ir Laugh.ine Comedy. COLLARS AN O GUFFS Thursday, Friday. Saturday and Halfcee. Ftlru- grr 1. 2C and 21. Zj i zs as i o 5VC . y XJ 1 xxx o i , in h-r New i.ratn. "IDYJD'S C3rinL," Suppcrred by utO. BONIFACE and a itronj Company. fDIGKSON'SCf ENTHUSIASTICALLY RlXl.IVED ! A5ixi To-INTicilat! MUNNEHCaOU SOOIE1Y, Presenting the Entire Sjore of Mi. locker's Topular 'THE UGCSUAK ST1)ET., Original Libretto by A. Schmlth, witl tn Orig inal Orchestration y V. V. Fnrst. and a (Jr.ind Chorus of Eighty Voit-es! rrric'?f, 2, n e.nd Zbc. No extra nare for reare J fcCi.-. ThursJev, Friday and Saturday fin! s'&rn'-cly Matinee, fab. nd zi, tbe ropularCoreediau, MR NAT. fi(i tJ IN, in his Lte.-t SJuCS'e, TUOSK ItKLI.!- AND 'CONFÜ-IO i " tk-,B'rfcut iLdi.juapolis Fire lCD.irt:.v--nt. Fjp -u'ar prices. Sale oi seats now going on ni xn-i box oriioe. WfaWAM RISK. Monday, February 23i, Ctlclraiion of WasMBStoß's Birltda? Wim A RED, WniTE AND ELUE PASTV. P"See rri.09. CÖLLEüE AVENUc RINK Corner Seventh and College Avenue, Attraction For Friday Ifight, Feb mary 20, Game of Foot Bail Tetween Two College Avenue Teams. Cominencliitf To-ItiyI THE ADMISSION TO THE H5BIDUH ROLLER SKATING SINK Dcritj the Morniai and Afteraooa Session, will be xo cout: Including Skate, or outface, ihe ednJlssiou to tne Evemns ssiou will bo 10 inin. Skates or Suiface 10 Cents extra, except nights when there are attractions, when tne admission v.. II be -3 cents, including States or Surface cnect Kooai free at all times. Gentlemanly Inf-trui tors will be in constant attendance upon the fl or uurin z the Morning and Afternoon Sessions to a ist beK in nere. Comodiou Wailin? Rooms xor ladi?s and pentlemcn. Uest Rinfe Music inthe ity. Meri dian Rink or-cn frjm 10 to 12. 2 to 7: SO to 10. GILfäGRE'S fVfaiZif.V&- rrmri r Ji.iJ.WU wl W t; t'l AND DOCrLS IX n. O 3 IN XX O O XD Every Evening and P.cuular Matinees. TIE3IIE ndiana Law Magazine -AND- Corporation Reporter, The only periodical which report, nnfler con venicnt Inder, all tu.o opinions cf the Supreme Conrt, et ence, and In a form available for imme diate reference. Indorsed by the Judxes ol the Supreme Court, and cited In their opluion. Accurate and Eoliiblo. A150 the only periodical which give a cencs filzest cf all public and private corporation case decided by tr.e Kuprerne Court of the United States, anu tte Supreme Courta of the lereral States. This d1?et is of rerrcanent value, belnc o pg-ed slb U) a J mit of binding ia St.pri6 volumes. Fubllihed pronrtly at tho close of each ten daya scs&iou of tha Indiana Supreme Court. TeTwt, 95 Ter Annum, Adfircs! THE SERTISH. COM ! 1.1 irl'ii i" 1 iyl 5 From One-eighth Horse Power Up. PMkrnM.. m)a fS! a. i n In Ml ft Pumping Engine. OAS STOVES Of All DescrJp::ocs on Exhibition and for Eale at cost at the o&lce of the INDIANAPOLIS GAS-LIGHT & COKE CO. Xo. 49 South Peimsjlrania Street. We sell to caih customers only. C. F. SCHMIDT, Brewor and Eottlcr of LAG-SR BEER. South Scd cf ilatana St i f.n m hs L-Lii VI-" w' i Av cwn are